Surgimorphs Chapter Twelve: When you Mess With A Fox (3/3)

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#13 of Surgimorphs

So something new comes to light in this chapter. Hope you enjoy.


Well the last person I expected to see when dumped into an interrogation room was Aruna. From the look on her face however this wasn't a social visit. "Well hello my dear, It's nice to see you again." I said politely to her. My voice unfortunately was still stuck with the British accent at this moment.

I guess she hoped to shock me into speaking but she ought to know as well as I did that every word we spoke was being monitored and this room was modified to be one giant lie detector."Who is Silverfang!" she demanded to me and while I knew the name of course I said in response. "Silverfang? I'm afraid I don't know that name. However it doesn't seem to be a topic of polite conversation."


I was beside myself with seething fury at what was going on. He wasn't giving me any answers and to boot he was being too polite and reserved. _Maybe he knows something about this room I'm not considering _ I thought to myself before I pressed on. "But your Sukura you lead the Lunar Dividers!"

Sukura raised a slight eyebrow at that his gaze however was quite level and it felt as if I was being peiced by the intensity of it as he said "I'm sorry but is that a phase of the moon? I admit it's been sometime since I took basic earth science though. Maybe it's a new scientific discovery? Or perhaps it's something that was found in an old box somewhere and should stay buried."

His tone was measured. His features completely smooth and from where I sat I could hear that his heart was beating evenly and he did not smell nervous at all. His reactions took me back to training that I had received on how to trick a lie detector test by remaining calm and measured. _He must meditate and while he is obviously lying based on what he is telling me this side of him honestly does not know what I am talking about. He may use the name Sukura but this is the real Kyle. Still that let's me know where the intellect comes from. _

I thought to myself as my manner changed and I began to take my own deep measured breaths to calm myself unconsciously mirroring the fox across from me.

"Now I won't deny that I am Sukura. That is the name I took when I became a Furry. However the Sukura you want and the Sukura I am seem to be two different people. I certainly have no knowledge of the Lunar Dividers or this Silverfang person.Whoever your seeking it is not me though I do wish you success Kat Girl." He said the last part with a partial grin and I laughed in spite of myself.

"Thanks. Good luck to you as well Flower Boy." I rose and made my way out or would have had a human not blocked the door. "What's going on?" I asked pointedly. "You called him Flower Boy, Are you sure your not the Black Rose?" I made to answer however Sukura cut in from behind me and the edge was back in his voice as he did so. "The Black Rose is Human. So stand down and let her pass."

"Why should I take your word for that?" he said testily while I stood there a silent watcher. "Check your lie detector data. My heart rate and such has remained constant during this whole round of questioning and even now as I stopped you from detaining Aruna there was not one hitch in the recorded data. However unlike me you cannot detain Aruna without just cause and quite frankly I don't see that you have one, at least one that will hold up in court should you try to pursue it."

I couldn't help but feel by coming here today I had crossed into the beginnings of a friendship with the fox and considering how carefully he chose his friends I considered it to be an honor. The human said something so low I couldn't hear it but he did move out of the way and let me pass. I collected my weapons as I left the police station and began to head back home to the club.


As infuriating as it was the fox was correct so I did let her pass. However I wasn't done with him just yet. I signaled behind me and the doctor stepped into the room with his gear. Now I'm not a bad person and no matter what the other's may have told you I am not malicious in any shape or form. Just ask Reyes or Austin. However I do take my job seriously after almost being eaten alive by one of these furs that got a taste for human blood.

The doctor had with him a most curious machine but guessing from the way the fox's eyes danced with amusement he knew it's use. "Going to probe my thoughts huh? Well I do enjoy mind games Doc.Let's see who's thoughts win in the end." His tone had changed again. This time a bit darker with a slight edge to it. He was confident in his ability to trick the machine it seemed.

Now I'll admit that I do not understand how a thought probe works. However the transmission is only supposed to go one way so far as I knew. So it would be interesting to see how this plays out. The fox didn't resist as he was hooked up and even stuck in some of the parts himself as if he knew where they went. I personally didn't like this but I did not step in. Later I was going to wish I would have.

(Kyle the Human )

Thought probes were nothing new to me. When I was human though they were coming from a different source than a machine. Even though I'm supposedly psychotic by this point and a murdering rampaging lunatic I knew how to handle a thought probe. It was quite simple for me after all as an alleged psychic how would I not know how to protect my mind? It comes with the territory. Dear Yolesquo was able to mail such a machine to me and together me and another friend of a like mind used it until we could effortlessly block and redirect each other's probes.

The machine somehow survived this and it's AI adapted but it did no harm to us. Simply studied us and added new challenges for us to overcome. The more time the two of us put in the more difficult the process became. But it was well worth the challange as we came to learn that if one's will and cunning was stronger than the person on the other end of the machine loopholes and such were created and could be exploited for one's own fun and pleasure.

Maybe the process fractured my mind a little or maybe Sukura took on a life of his own by this point but I found myself stepping back mentally and letting my cunning personality step into the spot where I usually resided mentally. Oh stop it you. I'm as sane as you are but I find it quite useful to play other cards at certain times and I'm a psychologists worse night mare which doesn't bode well for our dear doctor now does it? You see back when I was known as Kyle Sukura was a main character in one of my stories that I used to write and either he took a life of his own or I am truly psychotic as the more I wrote the more to life he came to be.

He became a thought form otherwise known as a tupla and as I step back he steps forward. What I cannot do Sukura can. However that does not mean that I kyle am weak. Sukura and I are the sides of the same coin. The barrier between each side is very thin. So thin in fact that certian aspects of them mingle. One cannot tell where I begin and Sukura ends.

We are the same person, the same being but of two different minds. Each of us can hold our own quite well and it was I that killed those people not Sukura even though I hold his name. However now that someone was attacking me it was Sukura who stepped into the driver's seat and I watched munching mental popcorn. To make it easy for you let's say that I Kyle am the human half and Sukura is the fox and British.

(Sukura The Fox)

So Kyle finally spilled the beans huh? Took him long enough to do it. However this fox was quite cunning and willing to go to any lengths to protect the human side. So a mind probe from a doctor that likely knew nothing about it? Child's play. The doctor switched on the machine and seemed to be steeling himself. I however needed no such preparation. I already had a plan in action.

A dark void stretched out into the nothingness of my mind and in this field I stood floating serenely my tails waving idly behind me in unseen wind and my breath frosted. As the doctor's mental projection became visible I smiled. He was just in his simple lab coat. I spoke and my voice held a double tone as Kyle lent his to the mix. "Welcome Doctor to my playground. Let's see how long it takes you to break."

The doctor's first move was to send a sharp thought my way and visually it appeared as flaming arrow. However before it got even remotely close the flowers slammed down in front of me interlocking together into a defensive wall. I admit my plan was less flashy than this and I had not known that the flowers could do this. However Kyle stepped beside me with a soft smile. "I knew they would do that." he said before adding. "It's like it always is Sukura. I'm defensive and healing and your attacking and offensive. Go on have some fun."

Kyle in his mental projection was human but I had seen him close his eyes and have fur magically start growing onto him. He didn't usually take the fox form unless he had too though. "Will they listen to me?" I asked him nodding to the flowers. "Of course they will. For better or worse your apart of me Sukura. They'll listen." he replied and I stretched out my hand towards them clearly visualizing what I wanted.

The flower petals seeming melted into thin air and I had a bunch of green tendrils to command. "Now dear doctor it's our turn to attack. Try and block this!" I said and shot them forward. On the table by this point I imagine the soft blue light of the device was turning orange. The device itself must have had a feedback loop as some defenses materialized to protect the doctor.

Kyle and I spoke once more in unison. "Amateur." before I used my knowledge of such things to start slipping past it. The AI at this point must have been shitting it's digital pants.More defenses sprang up though these of an offensive nature shooting straight at me. I didn't spare it a second thought. I didn't need too with Kyle by my side.

He stepped forward as if a cannonball was not shooting straight for him. He said something but I couldn't make it out. In front of him the blossoms materialized once more and though he was pushed back a bit by the force and impact he managed to slingshot the cannonball back and formed the flowers into a cannon themselves. He seemed to be focousing as pink energy began to materialize in the barrel of the makeshift cannon.

I didn't pay to much more attention after that as I had to focus on navigating the defenses in place. Another salvo of thoughts from the doc fired towards us but they weren't effective as Kyle's cannon fired at the same instance and obliterated them. The doctor looked to be getting quite upset and I smiled lightly.

Our little skirmish continued as Kyle formed a sniper rifle from the flowers and the bullet was the same pink energy from before. He sighted down the scope and waited on me. I honestly began to pity the doctor but our mind was our one last safe place. No one would ever get into our mind unless we willing showed it to them.

Whatever AI this mind probe came standard with is beginning to get on my nerves.So I shifted my angle of attack and as AI algorithms shuffled to counteract I moved into a different angle. So on and so forth until I had the AI spread thin trying to protect the useless doctor.

"Take aim." I said to Kyle who put his eye to the scope and slid the chambered round home He slipped his finger in readiness over the trigger as he waited for my words. A thin crack began to appear in the wall that represented the AI defense as I continued to press my attack patterns. Finally the wall began to crack more consistently and then outright shattered in the middle.

I didn't have to say the word. Kyle already fired and the sharp report echoed through the mindscape as the doctor fell over blood dripping through his nose and a hole in the head of his mental projection. Everything in the mindscape faded from existence as the machine commenced emergency shutdown and slammed the doctor's consciousness and mine back into our bodies.

The doctor when I regained my senses was slumped over on the table apparently out cold. "Well doctor we should play these mind games again sometime. They were quite entertaining." I reached up and began to disconnect the gear from my person a bit tired from the fight.

I didn't say anything as I was taken back to my cell. I phased through the bars to join Pengu without thinking and grabbed Pengu before passing out beside him.


I was currently crawling through the ventilation ducts of the police department. It hadn't taken long for the mysterious Victor to locate me and there was only one person on this earth that I called Flower Boy. Of course for a human these air ducts were quite roomy.

When I dropped down into his cell however he didn't stir once but his namesake flowers did. They moved right towards me before stopping and seemingly watching me. Well as interesting as that was I didn't bother to approach further instead I looked around noting the cameras and probably figuring I had a minuet before the guards came running.

I walked towards Sukura and dropped a card then jumped back up to the vent. The flowers sensing my intent or smart enough to figure it out boosted me up and then returned to normal as the cell door was rattled open and I watched from the grating as the guards came running into the cell and attempted to rouse the pair sleeping in the cocoon. The flowers moved towards the guards threateningly and one of them was stupid enough to pull out their gun and open fire sending the bullets pinging dangerously off and around the cell.

"If your going to shoot me at least give me breakfast first." came a highly pissed off voice from the cocoon. "Or just give me an excuse to make this cell red." he added a bit more menacingly. "If this is your idea of a wake up call Max i'm severely disappointed.

"There was someone else in here with you just now." said one of the guards while one of them attempted to taze the flowers with an electric stick which did work and made Sukura hiss in pain. "I was asleep as you damn well know thanks to your body scanners all over this cell. But if I were you I would hope you left the security cameras and audio feeds on."

Now the Sukura I knew was many things. But never had I heard him speak with such malice. It made my spine tingle and that was saying something. I'd been with him through some pretty serious stuff. Not once had he ever seemed as dangerous as he did now.

One of the flowers seemed to bring the card to his attention as it was seemingly read to him. "Well Sayomi is showing tommorrow and then I'll be getting out of here with Pengu. Leave a Kyubbi to sleep would ya?" there was a shifting from the bed as he seemingly rolled back over. "Also if your going to shoot me go right ahead. Eventually you'll kill yourself. And I ain't gonna be the one burying ya."

I made my exit as the guards did and I slipped outside settling on the roof to camp out for the night. The stars and moon were beautiful tonight and the pale light of the moon slipped it's arms around me as I closed my eyes to rest. Come morning I was awoken by bird song and without further thought I made my way down from the roof and landed with a flip in front of the entrance.

However my dramatic entrance was ruined when the doors burst open and more cops showed up. Now don't get me wrong I respect cops but in my line of work they just get in the way. "I'm here to see Sukura and Pengu. I'm their lawyer and they are being unlawfully detained."


Well based on the security footage from last night I was going to have a major headache as the day wore on. He had literally walked through iron bars like they were nothing and he was apparently bulletproof. Electricity did seem to hurt him but he seemed more pissed off than anything else.

And now the flashy lawyer chick showed up this Sayomi person whoever she was that Sukura had gone to great lengths to protect her identity. Someone was in the cell last night for less than a minuet according to the data but as to who that was I don't know. Still I'd bet my badge it was Sayomi.

Still it was nice to see another human in the police force since it seems we are a dying breed. At any rate the evidence against the pair was slim. We had mass murder with hardly any evidence and A giant silver net that came from who knows where. A fox that was freaky as all hell, a seemingly scared wolf, a human lawyer and a basically brain dead doctor. I was sick of dealing with it all honestly.

So when Sayomi was shown to my office I grabbed the keys off the rack and went to the cells. I unlocked the door and said "Get out. Just get the fuck out and don't come back. Your such a headache you damn fox. All charges are dropped. Now get out of here and stay out!"

The fox didn't need to be prompted twice he jerked his wrists and the cuffs snapped off. He did the same for the wolf who was just waking up and then carried him out walking carefully as he did so. "Thank you Sayomi." he said to the black haired Young Lady. "You owe me some of your tea." she told him and he nodded. "I suppose I do. Care to tag along?" she nodded and grabbed a tail. Sukura didn't seem to mind and the three of them walked out like nothing in the world was wrong.


It was a relief to be out of that cell. It was even better to have a friend with me that I knew would have my back through thick and thin. Time hadn't changed Sayomi that much. She still resembled how I remembered her and while I was slightly worried about Pengu and I's relationship at the moment being around my friend and holding the wolf was relaxing me.

My flowers finally retreated back inside me a great cloud of black impurities falling from them as they did so. I imagine they needed a break like I did. The past few days had been hard on us all especially them. As for my tea well Sayomi always did enjoy having a cup with me and I was in the mood to indulge myself.