Lesson Plan Chapter 5

Story by Courtney Strangewolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 5: The Next Day Ahead

My brain just thought of something the class would like, when the alarm rung this morning. sporting my wolfy grin, as i did my usual morning routine got my stuff and left my building. two blocks from my home, was this store called Elis' Passion. which is a huge art supply store in the area. once inside i browse the aisles and a shelf filled with spray paint cans a lot of colors also metalic, i grabbed about a dozen paint cans before proceeding to the counter at checkout. the clerk a siamese cat.

"that sure is a lot of spray paint, i don't suppose you're going to be tagging up some spots around here" she said giving a suspicious look.

"no no...of course not"

"i detect some stammering in your speech"

" promise i won't deface any public property of any kind, besides i'm an art teacher. these are just part of an assignment for my students. look i can prove it". pulling out a pocket version of my teaching certificate and a photo ID to show her.

"oooh well then you sure convinced me, sorry i about that. dont want to be an accompence to aaaaannyyy crime"

the clerk starts to ring me up

"me neither, have to remind myself to make a mental note to count the spray cans after each class."

"sounds like a good idea, $27.98."

After paying for the spray paint, it was time to go to school, not as a student of course but as an educator. walking up two flight of stairs trying to beat some of the students whom i knew to class to set up shop. lining up my spray cans on the desk, was getting some confused looks along with some whispers, even the infamous greg connors chimed in.

"sweet Mr. Kani were tagging now, i got Rowan's office"

"not if you want to get kicked out of school'

"nevermind I'm good"

once everyone got in their seats it was showtime

"good everyone, i'm going to show you something interesting today. you ever go into one of those museums or wherever and see one of those paintings that almost look like someone draped gold or silver over it. well how about we make those" a few head roll back and others look as confused as the day before. i picked up a white canvas board and propped it in front of everyone,next a piece of a thick construction paper and fold four times. then a pair of scissors to cut a unique design. finally open the paper up, and shake up a can of red metallic spray paint, place the paper on the canvas board and spray away.everyone looked bewildered at the designed that looked like a tribal style mural.

"Mr Kani i'm getting that tattooed on my arm" said the ram in the back

"oh thanks but you never know what you can make, you definitely can do better then me" trying to motivate the ram and everyone else.

"well then let's get started"

before the class is in full effect, the windows needed to be up, it would be hard to explain how the whole class got high off spray paint. the canvas boards are passed around, and creative minds started cutting way, letting their imaginations flourish.

"Mr Kani i'm having trouble" said the tigress student

as i walked to her desk, noticing the cap piece that flew off the can was on the floor past her chair under the tip of her tail.

"oh here it is i found it" bending over as my tail tip was at the end of her table.

"hmmm maybe it will still work if i do this...."


i felt something wet on my tail tip, making me jump up. a few students gasp at my tail, having fear in their eyes like when you shatter a pricey vase, and your mother is towering over you. bringing my tail in front of me with the tip dipped in pink spray paint.

"oh my god, oh my god oh my gooooood, i'm sorry, i'm sorry" she cried out

looking at my tip i can only laughed which comforted her a little

"don't worry yourself things happen i can wash it out."


"hey Mr Kani i had a dessert like that at a restaurant, chocolate pastry topped with strawberry ice cream" said Greg

that comment got a few chuckles from some students, even from a grin from the tiger that sprayed me. after that class resumed with everyone completing their assignments, then the bell rang.

"ok great job guys, tonight i want you guys to write a two paragraph paper on how art inspires you and give some examples."

"oh man is it because Leilani sprayed your tail" said Greg in which after he said that, it explains why the cubs eyes kept lingering on my tail.

"no sometimes you get homework, sometimes you don't. i gave you all a pass yesterday"

"you win this battle Mr Kani" greg said slyly.

the classroom was empty, and rushed to a restroom, snatched some towels and wet them as i tried to clean pink paint off my tail. never a dull moment at school i guess. shampoo and a good scrubbing would get it out.

"Damn it i gotta get to class" abandoning the cleaning of my tail, a minute shy before the bell rang. running into the class fulled of eleventh graders, they all glared at my tail with the 'what the hell happened to you look',a few snickers and grunts came my way.

"your tail is making me hungry for some reason" said Amir

"well the student i had before sprayed my tail by accident"

The cubs looked confused as i then explain the project we plan to do for class today. after the instructions given we continued on, but getting the feeling everyone is a bit distracted, staring at the strawberry dipped tail i aquired a couple hours ago. Overall the class went well. After class i went to the teachers lounge and relax for a bit before i had to see bentley to finalize some more paperwork. luckily for me his office was on this floor so i can hurry without anybody noticing my tail. cutting through the corner i spotted a lioness as i heard her laughing after she passed me.

"Mr. Kani...please come in and sit......woah what happened to your tail?" bentley tries to hold in his laugh.

"well this tigress sprayed me by accident when i was bent over"

"bent over.....doing what?

"no ...not like that the spray cap flew off when she got a claw stuck under the lid"

"ohhh ...well she should kept them retracted"

"it was just an honest mistake, could happen to anyone"

" aww you're so modest, anyway i just wanted to confirmed the contract you sign with us for the this school year, and when the year comes to a close we can you issue you another contract for the following term"

"sounds good to me."

"alright, just a thing were trying to reinstate, a former policy of giving educators an option of a yearly contract, instead of signing a five, ten years or so contract. you can do yearly." the ferret explained trying to keep his eyes off my tail.

"is it so incase for example i wanted to teach for devonshire academy for....let's say three years and then move elsewhere"

"yes exactly"


The contract was checked for any voids or errors, then signed some additional paperwork and that was it.

" think you should get that tail washed out"

"yes....i'm already causing distractions"

On the way out i saw the tiger principal chatting it up with Ms Gallagher, as the two caught sight of my tail. zipping by as fast as possible, almost running i only put together four words.

"hi guys....bye guys"

turning my head slightly back , catching the grin of the principle and some chuckles.

No stops today, straight home to wash my tail out. it was so highly visible especially when your fur is black. it felt like ages for the bus to arrive, luckily i took the express bus. only a handful a cubs take the express, the rest are local. standing there i notice a polar bear and her cub was no older than five. the little male cub gawking at my tail, hearing the conversation the two had was even more nerve racking.

"mommy look he has a pink at the end of his tail, did his tail stepped in gum"

the mother bear met my eyes, looking more in sympathy for me.

"uhm i'm not sure"

"just a spray painting mishap" i replied with a smile.

"was you trying to look pwetty, my sister colors her fur too." said the cub

the mother bear tries to hold her laugh.

"heh no i was teaching a class and a student sprayed me by accident"

"oohhh. i got in trouble for sticking a stink bomb in the heater" the cub says with a grin

By that time the bus came and allowed the mother and her cub to go first. i paid my fare and sat down got a few more stares but then i ignored them, and tucked my tail hidden from public eyes.

once i got off the bus and hurried a couple blocks to my apartment, getting a few lewd remarks from by passers.

" hey sweet thing i got something pink to dip into you too, and i'm not talking about tails" said a buff male hyena

" no thank you" i replied hurrying to my building.

struggling to get my keys out as if someone was behind me chasing me, inside i threw my belongings, including my bags of spray paint to the floor. stripped naked and jumped into the shower which took thirty minutes, with addition of scrubbing the pink paint of my tail. clean and refreshed with my hair still matted, i walked to the window to take in the sights. this was one crazy day, and i don't even know how to explain to Rowan about my little mishap today. i know how to handle it though.

Next chapter coming soon!