LBFG Chapter 4: Fire and Ice

Story by Cronicdragon on SoFurry

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#4 of Lose Bitches, Fuck Guardians

The latest installment of the LBFG series (gonna start adding proper titles to them too now as you can see) and I have lots of people to thank for this one so bear with me.

As always thank you to SADesian for pre-reading and helping me as always and also to Saebira for pre-reading too and being the one to actually kick me into gear on writing this! And thank you to my watchers, seeing as this is the story you guys voted for. All the kinks you chose are in this story so I hope you find it to your liking.

We pick up where we left off; Flame and Cyril alone in Cyril's room~

(I do not own these characters~)

"Y-Yes master! G-Gladly!" Flame replied, portraying an unnatural level of enthusiasm for how nervous he felt. He had already learned from previous 'encounters' with the Ice Guardian that obedience was the fastest way to earn what he wanted. Surely enthusiastic obedience would be even better, right?

"Gladly?" Cyril asked, casting an investigative eye over his pet; an eye that suggested that maybe the enthusiasm was a bit much. That was a thought that unsettled Flame. The last thing he needed was to start the session off by annoying his master. After a moment though Cyril removed the cold, unsettling edge from his stare and snorted off whatever insult he thought that fake enthusiasm had held. "That had better not be sarcasm, pet."

"O-Of course not, sir... I'm always glad to serve you, my master." Flame suffered the usual cheek burning that came with addressing someone in such a manner even though he had done it a few times before. He still couldn't say it while meeting Cyril's stare, something that the older male occasionally pulled him up on but mostly he was allowed that luxury, at least while he still got used to his role.

Cyril gave another derisive snort. He wasn't sure why but the young dragon was decidedly more vocal than he had been before in these types of meetings. He was still unsure whether it was some way of sassing him although the longer he thought about it, the more he doubted it. Flame had fallen into place without too much trouble under his care. He still showed signs of being bratty but mainly that was due to the other Guardians who didn't command the respect that he did and let Flame run about unchecked. As always, it was up to him to smooth those rough edges when he got the chance. Luckily, his little red pet had grown quite fond of this so he posed no resistance to spending a night being trained now and then.

Making his way over towards his bed, Cyril watched his toy closely. He was always careful about his movements when he was the 'master' mindset. Everything he did had to be commanding. He couldn't look weak or anything less than his absolute strongest without risking a loss in control. This meant that his steps were slower, more meticulous, and he added a cold grin to show that he oozed confidence. He would occasionally keep his eyes pinned on Flame for a length of time as though he was scrutinising him but he would never lower his head during these moments, instead choosing to look down his nose in an attempt to keep himself as far above his prey as possible. Even once he reached the bed, he took his time before he lay down on his side there, his hind paws closer to the small male than his head. The extensive use of time was all to make Flame sweat. He wanted the little dragon to work himself up waiting for a response. He wanted to see whether Flame would break a rule and speak before spoken to. Luckily though, he held his tongue.

"Extra obedient today, are we?" He asked with a grin, seeing his pet squirm a little under his examination. Just the use of his taunting voice melted that poorly constructed facade of confidence that Flame would try to collect during those moments of silence. He revelled in it briefly before shuffling himself about to get more comfortable, speaking again whilst he did. "Hoping to score some extra points with a little flattery, is that your aim? Do you really think that will get you anywhere?"

Flame found himself struggling for words. He was sat rather close to Cyril's crotch and that half-escaped member hung semi-hard a few inches to the side of his muzzle, just at the edge of his peripheral vision. The young male couldn't stop himself from taking a small look at that pink cock while his master was getting comfortable. Now wasn't the time though; Cyril was teasing him with the prize but he had to earn it first. He had learned that the hard way the first time they had spent the night together. There would be clear instructions when he could start.

"N-No, that's not it. I'm just trying to, you know, b-be honest and tell you how much I... enjoy being your pet... a-and enjoy serving you. T-Thought you might like it. That's all, m-master. Honest." Flame stumbled. He knew that it wasn't the most eloquent speech and it was delivered through chattering teeth but it was at least true. Meeting Cyril's eyes briefly, he could see a small hint of excitement though he couldn't tell if he was pleased by the answer or whether he was pleased because he had grounds to set a punishment. You could never tell with Cyril. He got the same enjoyment out of one as he did the other.

"Oh I see now. You did that for me. You were going the extra mile just for my satisfaction. Aren't you so thoughtful and kind, my dear little pet?" Came the sarcastic reply from the reclined dragon. Once his eyes had stopped rolling, his smirk returned although somewhat hardened and even less friendly now. "If you wish to do some arse-kissing, pet, then I prefer you do it literally rather than tiring your jaws out with talking. In here, that's all your muzzle is for."

To emphasize that point, Cyril shifted his tail and one of his hind legs slightly to give Flame a very teasing presentation of his tailhole. That pink star was a stark contrast to his royal purple underbelly and the sight of it alone was enough to make Flame close his hind legs a little tighter. It took a few long seconds before he managed to pull his eyes from it and bring them back to his master's face. That seemed to rattle the older male.

"Don't make me say it again, pet. You know I don't like to repeat myself."

The voice was saturated with threat and it was only then that Flame realised it hadn't been a tease but was rather a thinly-veiled instruction. He turned his eyes once more to his master's undertail. He had always had a weak spot for rimming; giving and receiving; a weak spot that had taken only minutes for Cyril to figure out during their first night together and he had held it over his head ever since. Flame fought the bubbling urge to make a noise; a moan, a gasp, anything really to drain some of his sudden energy. Instead the outburst came in the form of an excitedly flicking tailtip and a vigorous nod before the young male shuffled closer to his master's rear. Leaning his muzzle forward, he shut his eyes, waiting for his nose and lips to make contact.

Now there's a curious misconception with Ice dragons; the idea that their flesh is cold. The truth is, as Flame had learned, that there was no difference in their body temperatures when compared with any other dragon. Cyril had always prefered cold weather to hot; he rarely felt cold and was always the first to complain on a warm day, but apart from that he was just like any other dragon physically. This meant that when Flame's muzzle finally bumped against that tight pink ring, he didn't shiver because of a chill. No, he shivered from pure ecstasy.

The air he breathed was so thick with heady musk that he panted just to get enough oxygen into his lungs and that in turn flooded his senses with more of Cyril's richly dominant scent. There was a dull ache in Flame's fully hardened shaft each time he inhaled that familiar tailhole smell which had almost always been at the center of his fantasies. For a second, he lost his reservations and rubbed the front of his muzzle against his master's tailhole, dragging his nose and soft lips over it before ending it with one, soft kiss right in the center of that muscled star.

This was one activity that Flame had never quite figured out with Cyril. He knew that the larger male enjoyed being rimmed; he had said so himself in an earlier training session along with something about how it displayed his power over his little pet, though Flame had been far too focused on the act to really listen at the time. Cyril was also well aware that Flame himself loved rimming and so the little dragon had always been left wondering whether it was supposed to be a punishment to put him in his place or a reward by giving him a chance to do what he most wanted. Perhaps the cold-hearted dragon did have a soft side for his pet. Flame liked to think so anyway.

After a brief second of kissing, Flame felt Cyril's tailhole clench and he broke the kiss. Even with the larger dragon grinning down at him sadistically, Flame didn't hide that his tongue sneaked out onto his lips to taste them. He craved that taste more than the air he breathed.

"Mmm, you're always so eager to get your muzzle under my tail, young Flame. Perhaps I ought to have a word with the others and see if I can't tempt them to do likewise..." Cyril offered teasingly. He could see by the way that Flame's eyes lit up that he had worked his little pet's pressure point effectively. He was well aware from the stories the others had told him of their nights with Flame that they hadn't gone 'there' particularly much.

"...P-Please..." Flame managed to force himself to say while offering a nervous nod. Normally he would have ignored those sorts of comments or would have given a small nod just to acknowledge that he had been listening to his master's taunting but to have his fantasy dangled out in front of him was too much to ignore. If Cyril let them know of his desire then he wouldn't have to and that meant three less embarrassing conversations to have. As if to try and convince Cyril of his eagerness, he placed another kiss on that pucker without hesitation.

"I definitely have struck a chord, haven't I, my naughty little pet? It's all down to you though. The better you do, the better I will remember this night. When I tell the others of our night, and I will tell them, then they'll hear all about your tailhole-lust. If the night is not memorable though... well... certain details might be forgotten."

Flame wasted no time at all, returning to his work as soon as Cyril's mouth stopped moving. He had to make this night memorable. Slowly, so as not to rush his tasting, he dragged his tongue over that pink flesh. His tongue was just wide enough to completely cover the width of that ring and one slow, long, firm lick right up the middle burned that taste into his tastebuds. He savored it, knowing that from now on the taste would only get weaker and weaker as he greedily lapped it all up, but that first lick was so strong, so electrifying that it was like a drug to him. It sent a wave of pleasure through him so striking that he lost all track of what he was doing and a tingling sensation spread through his paws and tail. By the time he regained awareness of his actions, his tongue was already hard at work running around the inside edges of Cyril's rim and collecting more of that incredibly addictive taste without him even consciously controlling it. His body simply knew what to do.

A sneaky sideways glance confirmed to Flame that Cyril's pink shaft had now hardened fully; no doubt from the power trip of having his young pet lapping at his undertail. That thick, glistening pole twitched softly now and then and, from where he was working, Flame could see the tip bulge whenever it moved, producing another small drop of pre-cum that would cling to that member for a few moments before the next drop formed and knocked it onto the floor. Already there were marks on the floor where a few drops had struck.

Flame knew that Cyril was not a submissive dragon; anyone who had met Cyril had probably guessed the same thing. It was unlikely that he'd lifted his tail for anyone in the last few months, years, or perhaps even longer and that made him a very tight dragon indeed. No doubt that to a dragon of his own size, Cyril would be almost painfully tight and very difficult to rim properly but luckily size was on Flame's side. Being nearly half the size of the Ice Guardian, Flame's smaller tongue could worm its way past that powerful ring of muscles and stroke those sensitive walls inside.

Even though the older dragon wasn't particularly keen to have another male's cock underneath his tail, the situation was entirely different when it was a tongue. He forced himself to suppress a groan as he felt his pet's tongue starting to rub against the smooth walls of his bowels, tickling parts of him that rarely received attention. He even curled his tail around to press against the back of the young dragon's head, sealing those lips to his rear. Flame was all too aware of what this meant his master was after and so he thrust his tongue slowly deeper until he couldn't stretch any further. With the entirety of his tongue surrounded by those tasty, clean, rippling muscles, he started to twist it and jab with the tip in the hopes of catching the Ice dragon off guard.

It was a tall order; He was not an easy dragon to catch off guard but Flame did manage to draw a sudden gasp from the Guardian's mouth and he felt that powerful body shudder against his lips; even finding that tailpipe gripping his tongue for a moment, tugging on it to try and find an extra inch or so to drag inside before he finally relaxed again. The damage had been done though; the sensation had been felt. With the entirety of that tunnel pressing against his tongue at once, the taste had been incredibly overwhelming. Not a single tastebud had been left without contact to those clean but flavorsome bowels. His mind was overcome with a sudden rush of pleasure; the heavy hit of endorphins blurring his vision for a few moments and causing his tongue to tense and push back against its captor. Once it wriggled free, he started to pump his tongue in and out of his master's rear, feeling the muscles twitch and contract around his invasive tongue but now there was too much saliva inside; his tongue was far too slippery to be caught again.

Both of them were hard and leaking as Flame continued his eager oral exploits. He was so lost in the search for new flavor-rich pools that it took a small bat on the back of the head with his tail for Cyril to grab his attention again.

"Work that tongue a little higher, pet." He rumbled, not even opening his eyes when he gave the command.

The red dragon's heart sunk for a moment as he withdrew from his master's tailhole but as he dragged his tongue up that purple taint, his spirits lifted. His nose was the first thing to make contact with those orbs and he carefully took their weight onto his muzzle and lifted them as he began licking underneath. The smell there was so overwhelmingly strong, perhaps more so than the tailhole he had just come from although it was hard to tell with the scents being so different from one another. The only thing he could say for certain was that he was addicted to this one too. He found himself delightfully impressed with the weight of those balls resting on his nose; they were practically full to the bursting with his master's cum; cum that was no doubt going to be his by the end of the evening. He had no idea where it would be ending up tonight but he didn't really care as long as he got his sticky prize before morning.

Every breath he took was sucked in through his nostrils, leaving him drunk off of Cyril's masculine pheromones. Focused like a monomaniac, he licked incessantly over those heavy balls to cover every millimeter in a glistening coat of his warm saliva. Even then he failed to resist nuzzling his face between those hanging ovoids to simply enjoy the warmth and the stimulating thoughts that he was snuggled up between the Ice Guardian's fat nuts. It might not have pushed Cyril much closer to his orgasm but the older male revelled in the sight of his pet showing his true colours and beginning to worship him like a good pet should. He could tell that Flame was losing his inhibitions fast.

"You do love my balls, don't you, my little pet?" Cyril teased playfully. "Why don't you use that newfound enthusiasm to talk so much and tell me just how much you love them?"

Flame's lips never left that hanging sack all the while he answered. "I-I really love them, master... S-So big... S-So heavy... So m-musky and full of c-cum..." His answer was stuttered by his determination to plant a few kisses on each one of those cum-ladden eggs to show his true appreciation. His cheeks remained warm and flushed but he was now far less reluctant to actually obey and even go beyond that to satisfy his own little desires.

Cyril's eyes lit up at his pet's reply and he used his tail to push Flame's face into his crotch before grinding his face against his saliva-coated balls much to the smaller dragon's delight. "And we both know how much you love cum, don't we, pet?"

This wasn't a question to be answered and Flame knew it. Besides he was far too preoccupied with the joy of having his face smeared with the older male's scent. It was such a lewd and invigorating act and it made his own cock burn with lust. It didn't last long though as Cyril's tail began to push him higher and higher still until his cheek began to grind against the much warmer, pink flesh at the base of Cyril's impressive length. Although probably nothing out of the ordinary for a dragon of his size, Cyril's cock was plenty large for the eager student and it had proved a difficult challenge for him on every occasion; he still couldn't take the whole of it and he doubted he would for a while yet. However that never stopped him from having fun and Cyril had never complained either. After all, it gave them a goal to aim for.

Dutifully, he began to slather that needy member with his thick tongue. With no command at all, he sought to trial the tastes of his master's cock; a flavor that he was becoming more and more familiar with as the weeks passed. Even Cyril struggled to retain control of his enjoyment at this point, letting out a series of groans and gasps as Flame's efforts struck pleasure points all along his needy cock. It was a struggle for him to resist rutting his pet's mouth then and there but that wasn't his plan for this evening. The rimming and willing obedience of his pet had taken it's toll on the older male though and now he was very worked up. The pre puddle on the floor had grown into a much larger pool and Cyril couldn't resist grabbing his pet by the back of the head and pressing his snout down into it. For good measure, he ground the younger male's cheek in the slippery juice before finally pushing his lips back to his cock, this time lining him up at the tip.

Flame's entire body shook as he felt that cool pre dribbling down his cheek and dropping off of his chin, feeling totally degraded by his faceful of pre-cum but absolutely loving it at the same time. His maw opened and he accepted his master's tip into his mouth, popping his lips tightly shut just behind the flared head of that cock. He sucked and ran his tongue firmly over those swollen glans to feel them throb and grow temporarily whenever he caught his master unaware. Each time he did it brought another glob of pre that he could eagerly swipe from that piss-slit and toy with in his mouth, savoring that salty, slimy lube before he finally gulped it down.

Gradually he accepted another inch into his mouth and then a second and then a third, carefully lowering his head to ensure that he had fully slathered each inch in his saliva before he dropped a little lower. He had no idea how far he would get down that cock but he had hoped that by taking his time, he would get further than he ever had before. He nursed that pink shaft slowly, making sure not to go too fast and risk ending the night early. It was always better to tease and edge his partner slowly closer to orgasm and sometimes even hold them there before finally letting them cum after they can't take any more of his teasing. That was when he had free reign though and was with someone like Volteer. With Cyril though, things could very quickly change. Flame didn't even know what his master had planned for tonight but he knew that Cyril's will was law inside these walls.

At the exact moment that thought entered his head, he felt Cyril grab him and turn his body so that they were head to tail with each other, Flame's lips popping momentarily free of his cock tip. Before he could get back to work though, he felt two of Cyril's thick forepaw digits pressing up against his lips and forcing their way inside. He didn't even need his master to instruct him on what to do; he had been told a number of times that his muzzle and tongue were there to work and he figured that fingers were not outside of what he should be working on. Worming his thick, dextrous tongue around and between those digits, he used the mix of spit and pre that had built up in his mouth to completely drench Cyril's fingers. Even when his master began to lewdly pump them in and out of his mouth in an attempt to embarrass him, he refused to stop treating them as anything less than a cock for his maw to please. The pleased rumble from the dragon beside him told him that his actions were enjoyed and, he hoped, perhaps reward-worthy.

However it was not to last. As quickly as those fingers had found their way into his maw, they pulled free and, with nothing else blocking his way, he returned his tongue to that giant pink shaft. As he did, he felt his tail being nudged aside and so he lifted it like he knew a good boy should. His cheeks burned when he caught himself acting like a 'good boy'. He sometimes thought he made it way too easy for Cyril but then again, he couldn't help being a little slutty whenever the demanding Ice Dragon got involved. It was just something about his demeanor that made him want to drop his chest and lift his tail high or open his mouth and accept whatever his master put into it.

His pink tailstar was proudly on display for Cyril to admire and he enjoyed it all the more knowing that he owned it. He could even watch Flame's yellow balls swing in time with his head bobbing. It was a magnificent sight. A sight that he was about to make even better. Reaching over to that pink ring, he stroked and circled it with his dripping wet digits, feeling it twitch and tighten as Flame's mind subconsciously tried to protect his rump from intrusion. Quickly though, the red dragon subverted his own instincts and loosened up as the battle against his nervousness was defeated by sheer lust. It only took a few gentle prods before a firmer one began to pry him open.

Deeper and deeper that finger worked until, halfway in, Cyril paused. His pet had fought back his groans well and had only given out the slightest of gasps, but the Ice Guardian still knew it was better to give him a few moments to relax once more before continuing. As harsh as his words could be, Cyril knew Flame was not experienced at taking dragons of his size, or of any size for that matter, and the last thing he wanted was to injure his little pet. With a few seconds to relax again, Flame's clenching vent loosened once more and his tongue restarted it's energetic strokes.

That was the signal to start up once again, that finger withdrawing a fraction of the way out before driving slowly forwards until he felt his knuckle press up against that heated pink ring. He twisted and turned that digit, occasionally hooking his finger and prodding where he knew certain pleasure points to be in a test of his pet's control. He could feel those walls quiver and suddenly clamp down whenever he caught one and he felt that tongue leave his cock, only for a pleasing set of vibrations to pass through Flame's lips as the younger male moaned. It unleashed another satisfying sense of power inside the Guardian's mind; that he could reduce this cocky, young drake to a shaking, hormone-flooded semblance of himself with just a few tastes of his body and a few prods of his finger.

This is where all of Cyril's spirit came from. Less so from the actual act of topping; any fool could dominate a dragon half their size. No, his ultimate desire, his taboo lust came from breaking someone down into an eager servant for him. He wanted them to want it. He wanted to find that submissive streak that many had and tease it until they were so aroused and so hungry for it that they would serve him out of their own wishes; derive pleasure from his own pleasure, and truly enjoy what they're doing. That was what Cyril truly loved and he had found a very rich vein of submissiveness in the young red dragon; one that he found himself keen to exploit at every available chance.

Drawing his finger back out, he could feel Flame's tailpipe clenching to try and keep it from leaving; a totally subconscious act that betrayed his true feelings. Cyril chuckled. He might have been a domineering, and sometimes harsh, master but he wasn't quite so cruel as to leave such a needy rump empty for long. His second finger lined up with the first remaining just inside holding the door open for its companion which, with a small amount of force, began to slide up alongside the other inside their tight tailpipe cocoon.

Flame was trying his best not to twitch or shift or lose focus on his muzzle's work but it was so difficult when Cyril began to cram his fingers inside of him. One digit had been difficult enough to withstand but two stretched him to the point of going weak at the knees and Cyril was moving them so painfully slow too! The whole situation drew out long strings of pleasure which made his entire body clench. Even between those long moments of pleasure, he had little chance to do a proper job with the cock in his mouth as he was desperately trying to catch his breath and recover before the next bolt of pleasure froze his lungs and made him stiffen once again.

This little routine of gently thrusting fingers from tip to knuckle repeated a few times to ensure that his pet was well lubricated. As they sat deep inside, Cyril would stretch the digits apart and work his little pet's vent loose to make sure that he would be as prepared as possible for when he finally mounted him. There was no rushing this part of their fun and the older male did his best to tease and please while he loosened his pet's rear but ultimately it was to ensure the least amount of pain and the lowest risk of injury for later. Luckily, Flame was evidently quite sensitive and even these slow probings were enough to have him drooling thick strands of pre all over Cyril's floor. Admittedly his progress down Cyril's pink length had almost entirely stopped for he was far too distracted by pleasures down the other end of his body. Finally though, Cyril slid his fingers free.

"Think you're ready to be bred, my little pet?" The Ice Guardian rumbled, his eyes still locked to that shapely rump where the pink tailstar now hung slightly open.

"Y-Yes sir... P-Please..." Flame begged, his loins burning far too much to care about what exactly he was begging for.

Cyril smiled. He knew that the cloud of hormones filling his pet's mind would help keep him relaxed. Everything seemed to be set. With nothing left to do, the Ice Guardian lifted himself up from his side and turned himself so that he stepped over his red-scaled partner, his thick, wet shaft slapping down onto his lower back as he lowered his weight onto Flame's back. Staring down into the eyes of his pet, he could see the shy, submissive, lustful gaze that always signalled the approaching end of their fun. It was at this point that Cyril got his final, largest dose of dominant pleasure as he saw the total uninhibited acceptance of position in the eyes of his partner. He knew that at that moment Flame would have done anything for him without question or rebuttal. Flame was his.

Flame found himself gazing back up at Cyril's satisfied face, melting as he saw that grin of pleasure and enjoyment spreading across his lips. He had done a good job. He had made the night memorable. He had been a good pet. All that was left was to finish his master off and that would be a simple task with Cyril taking control. All he had to do was let his teacher use him. This wasn't an emotionless use though. Instead it was a perfectly blended mix of their opposing, yet complimentary, lusts. It was a different kind of mating; one that he didn't get from the other Guardians. He struggled to define it inside his own mind but he knew exactly what it was whenever he experienced it. Some sort of consensual submission, giving his body up to please his master and getting a thrill from being controlled and commanded in what to do. In these kinds of evenings with Cyril, he didn't have to worry about who he was, what he liked, what he had to do, it was all told to him. He simply had to obey and then, if he did well, he would be rewarded with things he loved most of all. It was a simpler existence and he never felt as internally satisfied as when he made Cyril cum. It was a sign he had performed well. Even the aches the next morning were satisfying because he knew they came from a job well done. This is what he craved when he was in these kinds of moods. He loved being Cyril's pet and, in proof of this, his tail lifted right over his back as he waited to fulfill his duties.

It took only a moment for Cyril to line himself up and then prod his tip slightly inside. He knew that his pet would be slowly growing more and more tight as the minutes passed and so he wasted no time in introducing his engorged head inside. With only the slightest bit of effort it popped past that ring, Flame's pucker clenching down just behind it and holding it safely locked in place. The older drake could feel his pet shake and he could see his claws scraping the tiles underfoot. He knew that it was never easy for him to take a dragon of Guardian size but they both knew what pleasures awaited them when the momentary pain passed.

Flame's eyes stayed tightly shut and he did his best to avoid any noises that might give away that he was hurting. He knew it would pass in a few seconds, it always did, but for now he didn't want to ruin the mood or perhaps make Cyril think that he wasn't ready for this. Luckily Cyril was not an unclever dragon, he held his position until he was satisfied that his pet was once again comfortable which was a few seconds after Flame gave him a nod to continue. As much as he trusted Flame, he knew that he would most likely give a premature nod for fear of boring him but Cyril knew better and so would wait a little longer to be safe.

Slowly, very slowly indeed to start, Cyril began to lean his weight forwards and move his hips closer to his pet's. His eyes remained locked on Flame's face at first though to look for any traces that he wasn't yet adjusted to his size but Flame's face was now only contorted with pleasure and his muzzle began to produce the grunts and gasps of a needy dragon being stuffed and enjoying it too. Satisfied that everything was safe, Cyril lifted his head once more and began to focus more on his form.

"Mmm, every time we do this I swear you're in heat, my little bitch. You do so love to be mounted." Cyril called down to his pet as he began to rock back and forth shallowly into the smaller dragon's exceptionally tight rear.

Despite having almost no inhibitions left, Flame still felt his cheeks burn when Cyril called him 'bitch'. It was such a crude term but it always made his cock twitch thanks to Cyril's training techniques. It was a term that he almost exclusively used when he was as worked up as he was now so he had learned to associate it with pleasure. He knew when Cyril called him a bitch, the Ice Guardian had some very lewd intentions and it would send him almost instantly into the 'pet' mindset.

Right now though, he was feeling his bowels spreading as Cyril's cock nudged its way gradually deeper so that every new millimeter of depth explored revealed a whole new patch of insides that were forced to open up. With Cyril's thrusts being so slow right now, it meant that he was constantly feeling previously closed parts of his tailpipe being forced apart to accommodate the invading pink spire. It didn't help that the heat that came off of it was tickling his sensitive walls and, before long, tickling his prostate. Cyril's much larger body size meant that he was crushing up against that prostate before hardly any of his length had slipped inside and when he finally made contact with it, Flame's air of control broke and he let out an excited moan.

"There we go." Cyril crooned when he heard the moan, doing his best to remain suave and collected despite the fact that Flame's tight vent was really testing his stamina. "Moaning for it like a good little pet... Don't be afraid to do it... No one will hear you in here... No one except me, your master..."

Gradually his thrusts ventured deeper, still maintaining a slow speed but growing longer instead. His hips began to roll in a very fluid motion that gave consistent, regulated measures of pleasure to both of them. Flame was glad for it because it gave him at least a little chance to hold his unsteady stance as he fought back wave after wave of weakness that came from his prostate being squashed and rubbed with every thrust. It also gave Cyril a little extra time to recover somewhat from the sheer tightness of his pet's rump, something that was threatening to end their fun very shortly indeed. He knew it wouldn't be long before he gave up though. His own arousal was starting to get the better of him and he found himself wanting to pin Flame's chest to the ground and hilt his cock just to feel his sheath bump against Flame's delicate looking rear. He had a lot more restraint than that though.

There was now an audible 'slick' with each thrust in and out as the copious mix of pre, saliva and Flame's own lubricating juices made for a very wet mixture inside of his rump. The young red-scaled male lifted his head and pressed it firmly into Cyril's chest in an attempt to burn a bit of his arousal-fueled energy and distract his mind from the pent up horniness that he now so desperately wanted to sate. His moans came with almost every thrust now and even Cyril was beginning to grunt as he ground his cock into the walls of Flame's delectable tailpipe. Both of them were nearing the end it seemed.

"Ngh... Good pet... Such a tight tailhole... I hope you're ready for a big mess..."

Around half of Cyril's length was working in and out of Flame's rump by now, those smooth, well-lubricated walls gripping and milking him every time he bumped the younger male's prostate and then trying to clench around him again when he pulled back and left his partner briefly empty. Even Cyril, a dragon well known for his insistence on control, was starting to lose it. He could feel his balls tightening and he could feel that his inhibition was slipping away fast. He needed to act before it was too late. Lowering his head, he pressed his muzzle against Flame's own, growling in his ear.

"Beg for it, pet. Beg for my cum."

Flame's cheeks didn't blush nearly as much as they would have in any other setting, his need to cum was far too great that he would have happily done it in front of an audience if it had meant that he could release. With his eyes tightly shut, he did his best to speak.

"P-P-Please...master... I-I want your cum... I n-need it... Please, m-master Cyril..." His managed to say in a strained voice between his panted, pleasure-laden breaths.

Cyril needed no more than that, not that he had time to ask for a do-over anyway with his rapidly approaching orgasm not far away. Much to Flame's surprise though, he felt that cock suddenly slip from his rump and then a firm paw rolled him onto his back. Before he could question what was going on or even feel bad that his rear was now so empty, Cyril had lowered his large frame over the top of him and press their crotches firmly against one another. Flame's twitching length was pinned against his belly with Cyril's pre-soaked member grinding against it over and over again. With no risk of damaging his pet's insides, Cyril thrusted much faster, squeezing Flame's shaft against his own underbelly.

Cyril's heated member felt so incredible against Flame's own, smaller cock which was already as sensitive as it could be this side of orgasm. His whole body was tensed as he awaited the inevitable, huge release from his own cock though at the back of his mind he knew that his master's would be the more impressive of the two. Right now though, he was far too concerned with his own pleasure to even consider his master's orgasm as he sat right on the edge of his own.

After all of the treatment he had been subjected to that day and the fact that he had been feeling pent up for days meant that Flame offered no resistance to his impending orgasm. The gentle friction created by the lubricated thrusts were far too pleasurable and far too enjoyable to watch in his current state for him to hold out any longer. His eyes clenched tight and he drew in a big breath of air before holding it; a moment later long jets of white seed began to fire from his tip, landing on his chest and stomach and painting those yellow scales an off-white. Cyril's thrusts never stopped throughout his whole orgasm, making sure that he completely drained himself every last drop of cum that he had stored and his soaked scales were a testament to just how much that was. The relief was unimaginable. He had already been horny at the start of the night and by the end he had been so aroused and desperate that it was almost painful. To finally be able to release all of that was as ecstatic as he had ever felt before.

Part of him knew that Cyril had switched their positions just to make sure that he got to cum too although Flame knew that he would never admit to it. No doubt he would mention more the idea of soaking his pet was what he had hoped to achieve but deep down it was another sign that the ice-cold dragon held at least some levels of compassion.

As his orgasm petered out and his mind slowly switched back to being aware of his surroundings, he realised that Cyril was still thrusting against his soft scales and, by the way he was panting, his orgasm was only seconds behind. Sure enough, a few moments later Cyril let out a long relieved moan as his balls raised visibly and his cock jumped to release an unbelievably large load. Knowing how much Cyril could produce and wanting to thank him for their session, Flame curled his tail around that flared, pink member and stroked him through his orgasm, making sure that he worked out every extra drop that he could. His entire underbelly was doused in that thick, hot seed along with stray shots hitting his face so that he ended up laying in a puddle of rich Guardian cum with almost every yellow scale on his body (along with many of the red ones) being hidden under a cloak of pearly white. He shivered as he felt some of that hot goo slowly drool down his sides and his cheeks towards the ground.

As Cyril caught his breath, Flame couldn't resist sneaking a few licks at that fresh, warm cum that he had been gifted. The salty, alkaline taste of it was one of his worldly favourites and the way it stuck to the inside of his muzzle meant that he would be tasting it for a while yet. There was so much that he could simply lay there and feast if he so desired to. His cheeks were sore from all his blushing, his body ached from the sheer exertion of their session and he was now embarrassed about laying in a pool of his master's cum, but honestly this was the happiest Flame had felt in days and, as embarrassed as he was, he would gladly lick up every single speck of cum while Cyril watched if he asked him to.

"Good boy... You did well, my pet. I think the others will be hearing a very detailed description of tonight's events including your 'undertail desires'." Cyril smiled as he rolled himself onto his side and landed on top of his bed. Although he wasn't one to bury someone in praise, he was very proud with his pet. He had done exceptionally well tonight.

"T-Thank you master." Flame replied before giving one of his messy paws a long lick to clean it. He didn't even care if Cyril saw. He loved that cum and he wanted him to watch. The chuckle Cyril gave showed that he had.

"Don't go eating it all now. I want your scales marked for when you join us for breakfast tomorrow morning. That way you can be present when I tell them all the details of what what we did here tonight." Cyril grinned sadistically once again. He couldn't wait to march the little dragon out in front of them with his scent and a few dried white streaks all over him. He wondered what they would say, how embarrassed Flame would be, but he knew that Flame would do it willingly and that he would get a thrill out of it just like the Ice dragon would himself. Tomorrow would be another very fun day indeed.