Breeding the Next Generation: Alexia's Story

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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#2 of Digimon: Erotic Digital Adventures

This is Chapter 2 in the Digimon Series I am writing. These will be a bit small, but more often. I do hope you enjoy, as they were commissioned by Cornel.

Well, I am sure by now, you have read about my sister's side of the story and how we got started in this adult version of the digital world. Now, it is my turn to tell you about how I experienced this great new world. I am not as conservative as my sister when it comes to pleasures of the flesh. I am not a slut or whore by any means, but I do enjoy the sexual pleasure you can find with another.

Well, as we first arrived in the digital world, I felt quite the tingle along my body as I felt the wind blowing slightly against my skin. Grinning to myself, I turned to look at my sister, and damn, she was HOT! I never thought of my sister that way, but at the same time, I could not help but admire such a wonderful form. Her breasts, while not much more than an A cup before, were now easily D, if not DD.

Sliding my glance down slowly, her body had what most would classify as the 'hourglass' figure, but not an extreme. Just enough curves to bring the eyes down to her wide hips, and perfectly bare sex, which made me lick my lips. Of course, I had to look around as well, before she caught me looking.

As our digimon introduced themselves, I could, for some reason, smell what my mind registered as MALE and it made my legs weaken slightly. Moving to my own Garurumon, I thought a bit and asked if he had a name, as calling out Garurumon would not be easy with so many out there.

"My name is Garurumon, as is all of us. However, if you wish to name me, that would not be a bad idea." Leaning in, he chuckled some and spoke softly. "I also am not just male, but both genders." That did it, and I gave a soft whimper before falling to my knees. I just scored the jackpot!

Back home, I had my fair share of partners, both male and female, and found I enjoyed both genders equally, and would LOVE a partner who was both. I mean, there is nothing compared to the feel of a nice shaft running in or against me, but there is something said to the taste of a nice slit now and then too. Besides, breasts make a wonderful pillow.

"Well, how about the name, Melissa?" I wasn't too good at giving names, but Melissa was the name of my best friend back home. She and I got into sooo much trouble, and ALWAYS found a way out. Shi agreed to the name, and I smiled, giving hir a hug and a kiss to the cheek. "Well then, Melissa, we are going to get along great, I just know it." Giving a soft growl, I gave Melissa's neck a slight nibble and whispered I want to explore some tonight.

We had awhile to go to the next city, and it would be faster riding on them. I stuck my tongue out and rubbed hir stomach gently before climbing upon hir back. The fur was like silk and plush. Running my hands through it was amazing and soft. Sitting on hir back, I had to wiggle some, causing some lances of pleasure to shoot up my spine from the fibres running against my slit and clit. I shivered some and let out a whine while we began moving.

The pace was leisurely, and we got to see many other digimon, though most were in the midst of ecstasy. I did, however, have to laugh at Leomon and Ogremon. Seems their 'power' struggle was not about who was better, but who was on top. Mmmmm, just the thought of those two massive lengths drilling me into the floor was getting me wet, something Melissa could tell as shi would arch hir back down, then lift it up, teasing me beyond belief, and causing more than one orgasm to run through me.

The trees were a nice color, and even though they seemed to change color, it was to keep those inside warm, or so we were told. Giggling, I would lean against Melissa's back and scritch just above hir shoulder as shi walked, causing hir tail to sway in a wag behind hir. The sun was setting, and as both me and Abby would yawn, though we tried to hold back to enjoy the world we were in a little longer.

However, our digimon knew better, as they helped us make up a simple camp in a clearing. Thankfully there some large branches we could use as blankets, and a small fire was going shortly. This was what helped me sleep, although it could have also been the multiple orgasms from the ride. I apologized profusely to hir, but shi just shrugged and said shi would grab a bath in the nearby river.

I had been asleep for what had been a few hours, though it only felt like a few minutes, and I was alone in the clearing. Sitting up and looking around, I called out for any of them.

"Abby! Melissa! Garurumon! Where are you?" A few seconds later, I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me, to which I turned and faced in an attempt to be brave. Of course, had anyone really wanted to hurt me, they would have had no challenge. Of course, a familiar furry face popped out of the bushes, to which I sighed and fell to my knees. "Melissa! You scared the bejeebers out of me. Why were you gone so long..." I took a sniff of the air, and caught an enticing scent. "And why do you smell like you've had your fun?"

"Oh... I was just washing up, and my brother happened upon me. One thing lead to another, and he mounted me... twice." The blush on hir normally blue and white face was cute. Standing up and approaching hir, I gave a hug and chuckled some.

"So, with all that, and you've not been finished yourself?" Shi swallowed audibly and shook hir head, to which I grinned and began rubbing along hir flank, one hand rubbing hir stomach as I did so. "Well, so you know, I've wondered what it's like to have a wolf mount me. I'd seen many videos, but never experienced the real thing."

"Well, I won't stop you, but know that I won't be able to hold back once we get started." Shi let out a gasp as I stroked hir sheath slowly. Shi was HUGE! And here I was wondering what it would feel like inside me, filling me with hir pups.... where did THAT thought come from? Oh well, as I continued to stroke hir, the tip of hir shaft slowly slid out. Focusing both my hands, I move under hir and licked the tip, getting a shiver from the digimon above me. Giggling, I slowly stroked what of hir member slid out, each inch that came out seemed to take forever, though it WAS a typical canine shape: tapered at the tip for easier penetration, and then grew bigger to stimulate all the wonderful places inside, as I would end up finding out later.

For now, neither of us said anything, only pants and growls coming from hir and soft moans from me as I held what had to be easily 14 inches long and thick as my forearm. Damn I was going to be bruised by the end of the night.... and I would LOVE that. Leaning forward some, I took the tip into my mouth and suckled like a newborn on their mother's teat. Shi was dripping with pre from the tip, and I drank it down as more disappeared down my throat. Bobbing my head slowly, I closed my eyes, just focusing on taking hir as deep as I could. Now, I'm no slouch when it came to blowjobs, and could deep throat most guys I know, but Melissa was something else. Not only was shi long, but shi was THICK, and I could feel it as I got more down my throat. Funny thing is, The more that I pushed down, the more I wanted to take.

Soon I felt hir knot against my lips, and I gently tongued it while swallowing around hir godly cock, I was wondering how I was still able to breathe, but only momentarily as I felt hir twitch within my mouth and throat. Pulling back, I placed my hands on hir back legs, giving hir tip a flick of the tip before sucking the tip in and bobbing my head. Shi took the hint and began thrusting that pillar of meat into my mouth, and I took it as the slut I was. Years of hiding my own sexual wants for fear of being ignored, or used for the wrong reasons, yet here I was submitting to my basic desires in pleasing this monster of hermflesh.

Each thrust moved more in and out of my mouth, the tip sliding down my throat and all I would do was sit there and take it. More pre was dripping from hir, soon flowing in a slow trickle before shi began picking up hir pace. The taste was interesting, like pineapple mixed with salt, but not unpleasant. I was taking hir cock like a pro, and loving every second of it. I wondered somewhat what my sister and her Garurumon were getting up to, but I didn't think she'd be willing to go as far as I was. Oh, how wrong I was.

Gulping down hir pre along with hir cock was awakening something in me, my sex was getting wet, and I hadn't even touched myself. Blushing as I realized what was going on, I gave a muffled whimper and squeezed the knot as it began swelling. Wrong move apparently as shi gave a strong thrust that would have knocked me down had I not been holding on, and let out a loud howl. That was all the warning I got before my mouth and throat were filled with hir cum, some of it overflowing and dripping down my front when I pulled back to taste. Swallowing to try to keep up, I knew I'd waste more, and just shoved myself forward, letting hir cum down my throat directly into my stomach.

This, combined with the thought of how full I would be when shi fucked me raw, made my thighs quiver and fail me in orgasm, causing me to fall back. This in turn made me receive a body painting from hir, and all I could do as I rode out my orgasm, was rub it into my skin. I had no idea what this would do to me, though now that I know, I would not change it for the world. I'm MUCH better off now.

As I lay there panting, Melissa stopped and looked down with a blush and a loud sigh of release. "Heh, sorry about that. It has been a loong time since I got off." Shi watched me rubbing it in and gave a soft growl. "Now, lets see, we need to find something to make it easier for you to take me..." Shi took a look around and motioned to some nearby logs. I got up, shakily, and leant against hir to move to the log. It was nice and smooth to the touch, and if I lay along it, I was at the proper height. However, I rolled onto my back so I could watch as hir cock would force it's way into me.

"Alright, I'm ready." Licking my lips as shi took hir place over me, my body shaking some in anticipation. Reaching down to grasp the still dripping cock in my hands, I guided hir towards my own sex, which was so wet I was sure the log would stain. As soon as the tip touched, we both let out a gasps before shi began pushing into me. I had to let go and grabbed hir chest for stability as shi placed one paw above my shoulder, holding me from moving.

As each inch disappeared inside me, I could not hold back from clenching about hir. Once shi was about halfway in, shi began pulling back and lowering hir head to lick my forehead. Sighing some and giving a nod, I held on as shi began thrusting, hir cock driving into me up to my cervix, which felt amazing! Hir speed was increasing with each thrust, and judging by the growls, shi was only getting started. Wrapping my legs around hir as well as I could, I tried to work my body against hir, moans and squeals coming from me as shi tried to push deeper.

I had never had anything so big in me, and I KNEW shi wasn't going to stop until shi was balls deep inside me. I was thankful shi didn't start with my ass, or i'd be torn COMPLETELY and it would not be fun. However, I could not keep my mind quiet, and I blurted out the first thought in my head.

"Fuck me like a slut and give me your pups!!!" I don't know if I said something that hit home with hir, but hir pace increased, as well as hir leaning down to bite my neck. Shi was gentle at first, but then shi got more forceful, trying to puncture my womb with the throbbing shaft within me. The log and grass were soaked with our juices, and I wondered if they'd go to the fire place. That though only lasted a second before shi gave a muffled howl and thrust in hard, hir pillar of flesh spearing deep enough to hit the back of my womb, to which I expected pain, not the orgasm that followed. Hir knot was still outside as I wriggled, but shi growled at me to stay still and take my breeding like a good bitch.

That turned me on as I guess shi was playing a role. Hir thrusts were POUNDING into me, knot pushing me further open bit by bit. After a few minutes, a loud POP was heard as hir knot was lodged within me, a third orgasm spilling from me while shi shifted gears. Hir long thrusts were replaced with the quick, short thrusts I'd seen in the videos I watched before, and now I was experiencing firsthand JUST how the knot would stimulate a bitch's insides. However, this newfound pleasure did not last long, for shortly after, shi moved hir paw against my shoulder down as shi thrust up, and, unbeknownst to me, fired the first shot of seed directly into one of my tubes, all but guaranteeing I was pregnant.

Howling to the sky as shi came, hir body writhed in pleasure, cock moving around and getting my other tube, claiming my womb as hirs, now and forever. My Mistress, as I call hir now, had caught the subtle scent of my arousal turning in to a full blown heat, but shi was content to just fuck me casually, at least until I spoke about breeding. Something clicked in hir head and shi took advantage of it, not that I minded at all. Of course, as we both came down from our pleasure, I began to wiggle, hir cock still filling me and making me look pregnant. Thankfully not as full as I expected, but judging from the way shi moved, I wasn't out of the woods yet. Shifting and groaning, I rolled over so I could rest on the log, my arms and legs wrapped around the sides.

I guess the pleasure had turned hir on, as shi placed hir front paws on either side of my waist and began moving, thrusting in and out, causing the cum already inside me to slosh around, adding an extra feeling to the thick cock pounding into me again. I could do nothing this time, except take it, and I gave up, letting hir take me as shi wanted. The panting and growling, as well as hir cock jabbing the depths of my body, told me we'd be at this most of the night. However, what scared me, and made me cum a fourth time, was when shi bit my neck, HARD, and I felt a bit of blood dripping from the bite. Reaching up, I was glad shi missed the main arteries, and the fact it was only a little bit, but I still looked up to hir in disbelief.

"You are my bitch now. Mine to fuck whenever I want. The mating bite I gave you is to let others know that your womb is for my eggs only, try as they might." I was going to object, or something, but my reply was drawn out as shi gripped my waist and increased hir speed, apparently not needing much time to replenish, though I hoped a third would be it for now, as I was starting to get sore. I could only nod my agreeance and moan in pleasure, glad to have hir thick cock drilling into me, and I was soon filled with a second load and this time, shi relented and let me rest. Of course, it was at this time my sister came back, and I looked her position, laughing some. She took "Riding the wolf" a little bit differently, as she was much in the same predicament as me. Granted, in the morning, we'd have a lot more to talk about, but that could wait as I fell asleep on the log.