Population Control 9 - Educational Voucher

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Population Control

In our continuing saga of the Population Control series, a rubber fur teacher stumbles upon a college and finds prime educational opportunities within.

Commission for gotommax

As the sun rose over the horizon the first rays of light hit the wrecked remains of what had once been a human settlement, its inhabitants gone and the only movement from the huge machines that appeared to scoop up and process the materials. On one end of the town though a black SUV rumbled through the cracked roads, the entire frame shook and shuddered on the uneven concrete until finally the vehicle left the city limits and reached the outer roads. As the car cruised down the country road a golden furred elbow hung out the open window on the driver's side of it. Inside a large lion put on his shades as he drove through the farmlands, his back and side driver seat filled with supplies as well as various textbooks that had been published by the PCI in order to help educate on the proper means of being a good citizen of the city.

He had always loved being a teacher; even in the haze of his past life he remembered that he had bestowed the gift of learning to his students. When the city changed he did as well, not only did he become well-versed in the new subjects that were given to him but was quite eager to teach them as well. He had become a sexual education teacher and made sure that the other citizens of the city knew how to use the toys, straps, and other kinky devices that would help ensure that the PCI would take hold. It was only recently that he had decided to take a sabbatical and struck out for the new frontier presented to them.

Titus hummed happily to himself as he drove. Unlike most of the city's citizens that preferred to stay within their comfort zone the latex lion had planned to investigate the outskirts the second he found out the quarantine shield had been dropped. Even though the PCI process burned out his memories he knew in his heart that he was the curious sort and may have been a teacher in his past life. Even though he wouldn't change himself back for the world he was slightly dismayed when the only place he could expand the gift of learning was within the city limits. A lot of the citizens didn't seem to care, they either tended to the things that made them happy in their past or they resorted to fornication over learning. Though as he felt his thick member throb in his bare lap he smiled as he thought to himself that he wouldn't mind mixing a bit of pleasure with his work.

After a few minutes of aimless driving a building came over the horizon that caused him to slam on his breaks and look out the windshield. It was like a dream come true; he found a series of buildings that had once been a community college. With it set way out in the sticks it was probably a relic of the pre-megacity age, but nevertheless it was an institution of learning. He slowly pulled into the parking lot of the nearest building and was slightly surprised to find that there were several vehicles parked there. Even though they were older models they were still modern, which meant there were possibly people here at one point. Titus grabbed his backpack and headed up the cracked concrete and pushed open the still intact glass door.

Inside was a mess; much like what Titus had predicted when he drove up the building appeared to be in complete disarray. The lion pulled out a flashlight and began to move forward, the only sounds he heard was the soft drip of water from the ancient exposed pipes that hung above him as he walked down the hallway. As he continued to search he began to see more clues that confirmed his suspicion that the building was inhabited. In one of the larger classrooms he found a rather developed campsite complete with a propane stove that was still warm as he walked over and hovered his hand over the burner. The most prominent clue however came when he heard the loud click of a gun behind him which prompted him to put his hands in the air.

"Turn around, slowly." A voice behind him said, Titus doing what the mystery person said and turning around. Behind him a group of four humans all had their guns aimed at them, each one of them appeared to between their early to late twenties. Even as he stood there he saw several more poke their heads out from behind the doorframes, though as he tried to look at those humans for a count another gun cocking caused him to look back to the armed males. "You're one of those rubber creature freaks that came in and infected everyone in our town before it was destroyed, aren't you?"

"Well no, I was not part of that group involved with that." Titus said truthfully, though he could tell the human charge didn't believe it. "Perhaps introductions should be made, my name is Professor Titus Lyon and I was just driving down the street when I saw the campus and decided to take a look. I used to be a teacher at a college before everything happened and I wanted to roam the halls... perhaps to relive the old days."

"Huh, you were right, they do seem sentient." The same male, who seemed to be the leader of the group since the others continued to look at him. "Alright, tie him up, we're going to keep him here to see what he really knows about what happened to the others. And you..." he pointed the rifle right at Titus's head which caused him to take a step back. "You resist us and I'll put a bullet in your head and we can figure out what happened ourselves, got it?"

"It looks like I have little choice." Titus replied with a shrug of his shoulders. The latex lion tried not to smile when he watched two of the non-armed humans, also males like the four in front of him, came out with zip-ties and began to cautiously approach him. They argued for several minutes on whether or not he was contagious and whether or not it was safe to touch him, and after the leader of the group finally yelled at them to hurry up they quickly darted forward and told him to put his hands behind his back. With as little contact as possible they placed the zip-ties around his wrists and had him sit in a nearby chair to do his ankles as well. When they were sure that they had done their job properly they went back to their respective hallways and disappeared once more.

Titus resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he listened to the others squabble over what they were going to do with their captive. What the humans didn't know was that Titus could not only snap the flimsy plastic zip ties with a flick of his wrist but the huge lion's latex skin was highly resistant to bullets and other types of damage. Whether it was intentionally part of the PCI that made him like that or a happy side-effect the only reason he was still there in the chair was because of his curiosity. The longer he quietly sat there the more he learned; like that the group he was being held by had come from the now-destroyed town and the only reason they hadn't been converted with the rest of them was because they had made this place their official hangout spot. The lionman could only imagine what it must have been like for them to spend a day feeling fine, only to come home and find it was no longer there.

A sudden kick to his shin caused Titus to snap out his thoughts and looked up to see a very angry human look down at him. "Eyes up 'professor'." The guy nearly snarled at him while he pointed a pistol at his face. "Alright, here's the deal, we're going to keep you as our prisoner until we've decided how you're going to help us get the rest of our people back. After that, depending on how well you cooperate, we'll let you go so you can go back to that city of freaks. If you try to escape or turn us into one of you then we'll put you down for good. Got it?"

"Again, it appears that I have little choice." Titus replied. For the next several hours they continued to mill back and forth in the room, divided by arguments of what they should do now that they captured him. Some of them seemed content just to watch him and the latex lion made sure he didn't do anything that would make him seem like a threat. As the last rays of the sun's light disappeared and the moon began to rise Titus was now more bored than anything else as they continued to bicker amongst one another. He had half a mind to just snap the restraints and escape but his sheer curiosity prompted him to try and move the group along a little further in their plans. "So am I to just sit here then or do you have more permanent accommodations to hold me captive?"

"Oh don't worry, we have a place where you're going." The oldest of the young men said as he waved his gun at him. "Boys, move him into the equipment locker, but keep him strapped to the chair as well."

Titus sighed inwardly as the others hesitantly moved towards him once more before they started to wheel him out the room and down the hallway. At one point they almost lost him on a decline but managed to catch him before he crashed into the wall, the youngest of the group had held onto his chest tightly just before impact and pulled him back. When they regained control they came up to the room and the lion frowned slightly at his room, which was more or less an area recessed several feet back in the wall with a chain-link fence as one of the walls. Once they opened the door they wheeled him in and closed it shut with a loud clang before they re-secured the padlock on the outside.

"Hey, do you think we should get him some food or something?" One of them, the one that had saved him from hitting the wall, said. "He has been tied up all day with no food or water."

The other guys scoffed and pushed the smaller male around a little. "Don't be stupid Marlin, look at him." One of them said. "They're not even real creatures, some sort of freak experiment gone wrong. They probably need to eat rubber or something."

"I bet you got something rubber in your room he'd enjoy eating." Another of the males chimed in, which caused the others to laugh before they began to walk back up to the main building. Titus watched as the one that had wanted to feed him lagged behind a bit, looking back at him before he caught up with the rest. Once they were out of sight Titus allowed a small smile to form on his muzzle, a plan forming in his mind as he waited patiently for what he figured would happen next.


As darkness swept over the campus continued to sit and wait in the cage. He decided to lower his head and feign sleep in order to try and produce some sort of result, and sure enough after a few minutes he heard the sound of metal rattling and the heavy breathing of one of the humans. Titus curiously opened one eye and looked through his latex mane to see the human the others had called Marlin there with a sandwich and juice box, standing and looking at him intently. The lion male brought his head up and it caused the young man to jump back slightly which caused him to chuckle slightly despite himself.

"Shhhh, you can't be loud." The human warned as he slid the sandwich and juice box under the wires. "If the others knew what I was doing they'd probably throw me in there with you."

"The horror." Titus replied in mock scorn, which caused the human to blush slightly. "In any case you have my thanks for the sustenance. I believe the others called you Marlin?"

The young man simply nodded and Titus continued on as he looked down at the provisions. "While your heart may be in the right place I don't believe that you have thought this plan through." He said as he swiveled around and wiggled his bound hands. "So unless you wish to come in here and help or try to feed me bite-sized pieces through these small holes I think we may have a problem. You're a smart boy though, I think you'll figure it out."

Titus fought back the urge to smile as he saw the human blush, then told him to come up to the fence where a small hole had been cut out of it. There was just enough room for Marlin to stick his arms through as he reached in and unbound the latex lion's hands. Unbeknownst to him the rubber creature had slathered himself up with a special cum cream before he had left the city and the smell of it had filled the small enclosure the entire time he sat there. For good measure he managed to smear a tiny amount on the young man's wrists before he pulled away and got up from the chair. Even though he didn't need to he stretched for good measure, then turned back and faced the boy as he picked up the food set before him.

As Titus began to bit into the rations, a rather unnecessary act since his biology allowed him to go days without even needing to consider eating, he watched as Marlin had begun to shift uncomfortably in front of him. He could tell that the stimulation of the cream that absorbed into his skin and the heavy musk in the air had already started to affect him, even if the human didn't realize it. "So, how did a fine group of young men such as yourselves come to be holed up here?" The lionman asked, hoping to keep the human's attention away from the tent in his pants.

"We were on a class field trip for our college courses." Marlin replied as he sat down, trying to adjust the crotch of his pants as the pressure there increased. "The town had been trying to restore life to normal as much as possible before the cities fell, including education. By the time we had come back the town was gone, all that was left were machines and a few of those freaky rubber-" Marlin's face grew red as he looked up at the placid face of the rubber lion. "Sorry."

"Do not be sorry, you are merely uneducated in our ways." Titus replied. "So many people feared being ravaged by the virus that swept the world that they fled without fulling understanding what was happening. Thanks to the PCI we can all live happy lives in wonderful new bodies, ones free from the confines and rules of the previous hierarchy. We are free to be whatever and with whomever we wanted."

The lion could see the thoughts roll around in the human's head, which were no doubt tinged with an increased lust. "What is the PCI? And..." Marlin hesitated for a moment before he finally managed to ask. "Is it true everyone in the cities are horny gay male rubber monsters?"

"Well, those are two very good questions." Titus exclaimed with a chuckle, which caused Marlin to blush even more. "Let's start with the latter. While the term 'monster' is a little derogatory everyone who was touched by the city has been transformed into a rubber anthro, the form seems to differ from person to person based on several factors, but we believe that whatever was in the virus seems to sense the form that makes us most happy. As for the male part I discussed this with several other former scientists and they came to the conclusion that whatever the virus was created for didn't seem to have a female template, not that it matters too much to the citizens. Horny and gay... well, the PCI has taught us not to be ashamed of our sexual nature and that being gay is not only good clean fun for young men such as yourself but also helps prevent our once exploding population from reaching a crisis point."

Titus tried to hide his smile and growing erection as best he could as he could see the human had become completely enraptured by his lecture. He always had the ability to hold a student's attention, the fact that said student now sported a full hard-on that throbbed through the thin fabric of his pants only made it sweeter. "That brings us to PCI, or Population Control Initiative." Titus continued on. "PCI was created for the population crisis, and we have found that being gay not only controls the number of people on earth but calms aggressive tendencies that humans have. No longer do you have to conform to societal norms with the PCI, you and a friend could do anything from merely cuddling and enjoying one's company to full release and that will break the cycle of self-destruction that the chase for hetero-sexuality seems to bring."

"I see... the way you say it the world would be perfect if everyone was gay." Marlin replied absent-mindedly, not even seeming to realize what he was saying.

"Exactly, and who could say no to a body like this?" Titus chuckled as he stood up and flexed for the young man, letting his half-hard rubber cock be exposed as he did. By now he saw that the human hadn't even looked at it in surprise, instead his gaze seemed to be focused on his powerful pectoral's and eight pack covered in a light later of latex fur. "Do you want to give it a feel? I don't mind and it'll help sate that curiosity of yours, plus think of the information you can bring back to the others."

Marlin seemed to hear him enough to manage a half-nod before his fingers dipped into his pockets. A few seconds later the door was open and he was only a few inches away from the lion's fur, the heady musk even more potent as he slowly brought his hands up to the thickly-muscled chest. When his hesitation proved too long Titus gently took his hands and pressed them against his chest, allowing the human to feel the latex fur for the first time. Marlin let out a small gasp despite himself as his hands were lost in the surprisingly thick pelt, his fingertips pressed against the rubber flesh underneath while he slowly moved him back and forth.

"That's it boy, you're a natural." Titus said after a tiny moan of his own. The careful petting of the human had caused the lion's maleness to jump up and nearly hit the human in the stomach, as he carefully backed his hips away he slowly began to show Marlin the proper way to rub his muscles. Within no time every bump and ridge was caressed to its fullest, particularly his heavy, pierced nipples that caused the lion to shudder every time he touched them. "See how relaxing that is, can you imagine never getting this and being angry and aggressive all the time like your friends?"

Marlin's thoughts, guided by the warm and pleasant words of the bigger male, turned to his friends while he continued to massage the large chest in front of him. They were stressed and angry all the time, even when they used the small stash of porn and went off into another section of the campus to relieve themselves. He had done it several times himself, though as he thought about the naked women inside the pages he found his raging erection had begun to soften at their image. When he went back to focusing on the meaty pecs and hard nipples of the male in front of him his tent returned, harder than ever as he took a step closer.

"I don't think I ever want to end up like that." Marlin finally said as he massaged deeply. "Do you think you could help me avoid such a thing?"

"I certainly can." Titus reassured. "Go to my car and get a bag from the backseat of it, I have some things that I know can help." The lion morph chuckled as his newest student ran down the hall, not even thinking of locking him up again. He sat back down in the chair and waited idly, his fingers played with the short, rubbery barbs on his erect cock to keep himself stimulated before the human returned with his black bag.

Titus took the bag and set it aside before reached down to the young man's pants, his fingers expertly undoing the buttons before he let them slide to the ground. He hesitated for a second but when the human began to rub once more on his chest then his disrobement the lion continued on and used a claw to cut away the briefs he wore as well. To his slight surprise he heard the other male giggle as he put his large paw against his groin and began to need it, the hard cock and its owner already responding well to his ministrations.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a nipple with your mouth." Titus instructed as he guided the half-naked male onto his lap and took off his shirt. "Feel the freedom that being gay naturally brings. Males were not meant to just lay with one female, we're sexual creatures that have to sow our wild oats, succumb to our lusts before we are driven mad by them. What better way to do that then to be with someone that knows exactly how that feels?"

Marlin just nodded, letting the lion's words soak into his brain as his eyes were fixated on the large, pierced nipple in front of him. He felt the huge paw of the lion against the back of his head guide him forward and soon his lips were on the rubber nub. The second he pushed forward and let the sensitive latex flesh into his mouth his mind seemed to explode. It was though everything the lion had said seemed to rush back to him all at once, cementing them as truth in his brain as he began to swirl his tongue around it and caused the lion to groan. As he did so the paw that had begun to stroke his cock suddenly disappeared, then reappeared between his legs as something cool was pressed against his anus. The tight ring of muscle quickly relaxed under the chemicals of the cum cream before he felt a finger push inside, the human's body jumping slightly from the sudden intrusion before he melted a bit from the internal stimulation and happily spread his legs to give the rubber anthro better access to change his inner rectum as well as the rest of his groin.

As Marlin continued to suck on the lion's nipples Titus set to work slathering a special cumcream over the younger male's body. The human was so distracted by the lion's nipple and finger inside him he failed to notice as black and red hairs began to sprout over his body where the cream was applied. The underdeveloped muscle underneath his slickened paw began to twitch and stretch as it became lean and taut, not huge like his own were but the perfect lithe build for the twink he was becoming.

When the rubber lion's nipples seemed to get further away from his face but he was still able to suck on him was when Marlin first realized something was amiss. As he looked down at himself, nub still firmly between his rubbery lips, he saw that his entire body had become furred with black and red rubber in a pattern he recognized as a doberman. It was almost comical that his stronger chest, six-pack, and bright red rubber cock was above rather weak and pale-skinned legs, but with a happy grin he knew that would be taken care of as he felt another dollap of cumcream hit the exposed flesh and his body seemed to happily respond with fur and muscle growth. When the wave of assimilating rubber reached his backside he was slightly surprised to find his rear had already been changed and as he wagged his new stubby tail the lion stood him up and began to roam his paws all over his transforming body.

"Wow, so this is what being gay feels like." Marlin said with a happy yip, his knees nearly buckling when he feels Titus' paws rub his inner thighs. "Could you please change me to be completely gay, just like you?"

"Now why would you ask a thing like that?" Leon asked, his smile growing larger when he hears his newest protégé say he wanted to be a good and peaceful being. "Well I think you might already be on your way, you're such a good student. Tell me, how are you feeling right now about the female sex?"

"I can hardly remember what a girl is like, much less be aroused by one." The dobie replied with a proud grin. "But... how do I know for sure? I mean, are you completely gay or do you want to be with girls sometimes?"

"Here, let me show you how I know for sure, my sweet puppy." Titus replied as he positioned himself and slid his erection between the new rubber doberman's legs so that the canine's sack rested on his shaft. "For instance, human females have soft, supple breasts and delicate curves, smooth groins where their feminine sex hides between their legs." As Titus continued to talk Marlin felt the thick cock between his legs began to soften, and before long it rested limply against the back of his thighs instead of the throbbing latex rod that had pressed against him.

"Of course then you have males, particularly rubbery males, with their hard chests, thick cords of muscle, and throbbing cocks between their legs." Marlin nearly jumped when the lion's member suddenly pushed back between his thighs again, spurting a jet of precum on his short brown and black latex fur. "I love being... homo." Marlin could feel the lion behind him shudder, the barbs of the cock underneath him flared slightly and his cock twitched before he saw a large jet of cum spray out onto the nearby wall. When he asked the lion if he would be able to do that Titus responded when he was fully gay like nature intended he'd be able to do that himself.

As the night continued on Titus continued to teach Marlin more about males and how to act around them, the younger male all too eager to listen as the teacher groped and caressed every inch of his canine body. When touching was no longer enough the lion began to lick along the dobie's body, his passion for cuddle sex something he wanted to impart onto him. He began to call Marlin 'puppy' more and more, and was delighted when he heard the rubber canine began to whisper 'kitty' back to him as Titus licked everywhere his dexterous tongue could reach.

By the time the light of dawn broke the two had groped, cuddled, kissed and fondled each other into several orgasms. The rubber dog had become near expert with his new body and Titus whispered the word 'homo' into his ear every time he came. Now all Marlin could think about was the hot, sexy body of his teacher, and then his boyfriend once Titus asked him, and the other rubber males that he would soon meet.

"So, how does it feel to be completely, totally gay puppy?" Titus asked as he sat up from the cuddle position they had found themselves in most of the night.

"It feels so... FUCKING... good to be queer kitty." Marlin replied, his speech and mannerisms drastically different from the shy boy he was only hours before thanks to the rubber lion's tutelage.

"Are you sure though?" Titus goaded with a smirk. "You sure you're a big, flaming homo?" At the last word both males shuddered and came, then Titus grinned and wrapped his arm around the rubber dobie and planted a tender kiss on his thick lips.

"I'm so glad that you came into my life kitty." Marlin said. "Now I can be a normal, healthy queer boy and a good citizen." Titus was both amazed and proud at the progress of his student, not only had he embraced what he taught but has also become such an extreme gay lover like him that he didn't even seem to understand the concept of females anymore.

"I'm so glad that you kept an open mind about such things." Titus purred as he ran a finger down the dobie boy's latex furred chest, which caused the other male to shudder from the sheer sensitivity. "It's too bad that the others couldn't have been involved in this, I think they would love to be good citizens just like you."

The rubber canine shot up so quickly that Titus nearly jumped backwards before his puppy had his muzzle mere centimeters from his own. "You could show them kitty!" Marlin exclaimed excitedly as his butt and stubby tail wagged furiously, Titus attempted not to chuckle at the scene of his excited boi as the suggestion he had made take hold in the Doberman's mind. "You're a teacher, you can help me show them our ways so they can be great homos!" Both males shuddered as Marlin said the magic word, their thick latex cum once more shot on each other's bodies as the orgasm passed.

"I would love to help you open their minds." Titus replied with a grin as they rubbed their cocks against one another, their lusts rising once more as they fell back to the ground. "But first your reward." Marlin let out a happy bark as he felt his lover behind him, his tail raised proudly in the air as he felt that thick maleness push against his teased hole for the first time that night. Even though they tried to keep it slightly quiet their pants and the slapping of their rubber fur could be heard as the lion rode the puppy hard, who eagerly pushed his own body back to get it inside him as deeply as possible while they mated fervently.


The leader of the group yawned loudly as he walked into the old lecture hall, seeing most of the other guys there as well, a plate of food in front of each of them and one empty spot in the front of the hall. "What the hell was so important that we had to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to hear?" He blurted out as he sat down in the empty chair, his stomach growling as the smell of the breakfast wafted into his nostrils. "And who made breakfast?"

"Marlin did, he left us all a note that said he found out some things last night that he needed to share with us right away." Another guy said between bites of food. "He was the one that cooked breakfast for us all too apparently, the note said that it would be better to hear this on a full stomach."

The leader shrugged and looked down at the pile of eggs, sausage, and other meats on the plate. Most of the time their group just stuck to the rations that they had brought along and though they found a kitchen they had yet to get it to work. Either way he was too hungry to care and after the first delicious bite found himself shoveling the food into his mouth like the rest of them. None of them had tasted the 'extra ingredient' that had been added, though as time continued on their mouths and tongues began to tingle slightly and their thoughts had started to become disoriented and sluggish.

After about ten minutes most of the young men had finished their breakfast and had begun to stand up to leave when the lights suddenly went dark, the room thrown into blackness save for a square of light projected on an old, slightly ripped projector screen. "Hello gentlemen." They heard a friendly voice say as a rubber fox walked into the picture and began to speak with them. "My name is Xavier, and if you're watching this then congratulations on your potential entry into the city. I'm here to explain to you how the PCI works and what being a good citizen means to our continued population control."

It took the leader of the group nearly a minute for his brain to register the warning bells that had gone off in his mind, but by the time he sluggish mind had woken up enough to the situation the drugged food and anodized latex in the projector that the lion had brought in from his car had already taken its toll. Even though he wanted to leave his entire body felt like lead weight, all he could do was sit and stare as Xavier began to talk about the wonders of being gay. "Wha... what the fuck." He managed to mutter as a second latex creature entered the picture, this time a shiny panther that wrapped his arms around the fox's stomach as his erect cock disappeared under Xavier's tail before the scene changed to a panoramic view of the megacity.

"Here is our city, the pinnacle of innovation that is ruled by order and law thanks to the PCI system." They could hear between muffled grunts of the off-screen furs fucking. "Let us take you on a tour and show you all the benefits that such a miracle program has wrought." Almost immediately the video flashed to people on the streets; at first it was innocent enough, even though it was all males they were relatively clothed and did little more than kiss and hold hands as they walked down the streets. As the acts got more and more lewd they could hear both fox and panther in the background explaining the various amenities of the city.

Even though he knew he wasn't gay the words still rang in his mind like a bell, things like why they would restrain themselves from sex when they had each other and how fun it would be to play and dominate your friends with no chance of pregnancy began to make more and more sense to him as his arousal grew. He began to wonder if the PCI would mean that he and the rest of his friends would allow them to do such things as he licked his lips, his mind starting to wonder as more and more rubber anthros were shown having some type of sex.

As the subject matter became more and more interesting to him the leader was able to turn his head slightly and see if any of the others had gotten away before the video started. All of their group was still seated there and in the colored light of the presentation he could see that they also stared at the front of the lecture hall in rapt attention. Sometimes he could see their bodies shudder as the skin on their face and arms began to grow shiny and swell, every so often the distinct sound of fabric ripping could be heard over the alluring voice of the rubber lion. Seated closest to him was his friend who seemed to be leaning forward, only to realize that his face had begun to push out into a thick, reptilian muzzle as the other male's clawed hands ripped through his pants to free the throbbing erection it held. By that time the rubber crocodilian male glanced over at him with yellowed eyes, his olive rubber-scaled lips pulled back in a lustful grin as he revealed a row of sharp teeth. He knew the sight should have been strange to him, but those thoughts began to pull away like water draining from a sink as he continued to stare at the other male's thick, lengthening rubber cock...

"Remember boys, part of being a good citizen-" the group suddenly heard two grunts from the shadows of the room, though none of them really cared "-is to keep constant vigilance. You may see certain things from time to time but with proper training from the PCI you can avoid such things as this." Suddenly the image of a naked human appeared on the screen and the former leader watched as his fellow males booed at the screen while their erect, mutated erections softened considerably, including his own.

After a few minutes the scene returned to the two original rubber males they were still in the deep throes of their rut, though the fox seemed to have enough semblance of self while he was being pounded from behind to look up at the camera. "So remember the lessons we taught you and you will be well on your way to being a happy, productive member of this city!" Xavier said. "Have fun and stay gay!"

As the lights turned back on any trace that humans had once been in the room were gone, instead was a small crowd of latex furs that stood up and began to clap as Professor Lyon walked to the front of the room. Titus felt a swell of pride as his gaze looked out over the freshly minted gay rubber creatures, all of them with their own erections pointed straight at him as he gestures for them all to sit down. "I think you'll all be happy to hear that I've called the city and they're going to help us renovate this space to a proper school." He paused for the swell of cheers, which he allowed to go on for a while until he settled them down once again. "But until then I want to give you all a few lessons, after all such lovely gay bois as yourselves need to have some skills if they're going to want to properly enjoy themselves in the big city."

Once the group had calmed down Titus had the others break up into groups for some class work time, he and Marlin stood in front and the lion continued to talk about blow job technique while the Doberman demonstrated on his erect member. The others were more than happy to work on their new homework, some of them in groups of two to sixty-nine each other while others were in groups of three and four taking turns sucking each other off. After several hours everyone and many orgasms Titus and the others walked out into the courtyard where a bus waited for them that had driven all the way up from the city for their 'field trip'.

Titus could hear his new students in the back talking to one another, hearing the others boast about how many cocks they were going to take when they got to the city. They had become the perfect citizens for the other rubber furs in the city, and he couldn't wait to show them off. He grinned when he heard some of them declare that they already had boyfriends and wouldn't dare have a cock between them... at least not more than two. As they got into the bus the rubber lion took note of one couple in particular, swatting the butt of both the sabertooth tiger and the crocodile that held hands as they walked in.

"Hold on there." Titus said as the Doberman passed by him, grabbing him by the waist as they got into the back of the bus. "I want you to be only hot for my cock, you got that?"

"I'll always be your teacher's pet." Marlin replied as the bus started to get moving, the other students cheering on as the lion's cock pushed into his own boyfriend.