Lesson Plan Chapter 10

Story by Courtney Strangewolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 10: Dissension

My phone buzzed and it was from Raymond. I hope it's note that urgent. "hey Alister, how are you"

"Good is everything ok"

"yeah I wanted to give you a quick heads up about, this Stetson guy, that keep harassing you"

"Really, what's going on with him"

"I searched his name in the database, you know after you told me species and all that other good stuff and apparently, he's been in trouble with the law before. Charged with assualt twice about a year ago and one while he was under the influence of alcohol, might be a real hot head".

"that explains alot"

"it does and be careful, try to avoid him if you can"

"Ill try my best, but I won't let him walk over me either"

"Love you"

"Love you too"

Now after that conversation or warning about my abuser, I'm fully awake from the couch to the smell of bagels sandwiched between fried eggs and turkey is a bit uplifting.

"hope you didn't mind i raided your kitchen and figured i'd cooked something to show appreciation for letting me crash here".

"you're my sis, make yourself at home".

"as much as i would i gotta get ready to go in a few, plus i already washed up so eat up".

After we were done, Mimi put her cloths on and used my mirror in my room to decorate her muzzle, while i was in the shower. she left shortly after and so did I. Arriving at the academy about 30 minutes early, a ferret came charging my way, looking a bit too nervous.

"Hey hey um Mr. Rowan said he wanted to see you" the ferret's twitchy and it's making me twitchy, he's got that addictive personality, once he does it then you will follow.

"calm down bentley, did he say what it was about or..."

"no he just told me if I see you, send him his way". why is he fidgeting is my first thought

"alright...ok I'm going now"

What would he want with me, it's probably nothing but the way Bentley was moving said otherwise, unless he must have overheard something. Am I in trouble is my initial thought, probably not, Still I can't get that asshole hyena out my damn head. Once inside i proceeded through the waiting room and then to his office. I knocked with caution and heard his booming voice.

"Come in please....have a seat Mr. Kani"

I remained quiet as he continues to speak, his eyes focused on me, it looks like looks of concern then anger.

"I'm just going to get down to it, a member of the faculty told me of your relations with a student's parent, is that true?".

Tail bristled out, can't keep my paws still, feels like i'm stuck in a sandstorm where i don't know where I'm going and getting hit from all sides. Just take a breathe and be honest.

"Yes...yes I am.,, does this... mean I'm gonna....get fired"

The tiger's eyes got really big as if their gonna shoot out at me. "Alister, no your doing so well and a lot of the cubs love your class. We are all consenting adults here. it's not your like you're dating one of the cubs, then you'd been in a pile of shit"

"what if the cub's parent was a guy"

"Who am I to judge wolf, i don't care what you do behind close doors, as much as you don't care what i do after school hours. don't let assholes out there stop you from being you, even if the asshole is that hyena, Coach Stetson"

His approval is more than heartwarming "That means a lot Mr.Rowan"

"For future references though i would prefer to keep the affection of school grounds, don't want to get word from anyone saying it's not appropriate, and all that other bigoted mess also avoid the coach if necessary".

The rest of the day went by rather smoothly for the past few days, projects, essays for homework in which some of the students protested. In which i offered to swap out for pop quizzes on famous artists, they declined quickly and dealt with their homework assignments instead. It amazed me how fast the week has speed up it was already, it's already thursday, i even tried hiding from the coach thought i should be pissed for him telling on me, in between classes i had to run to the restroom, and saw the hyena standing at the urinal, Damn it i seriously hate when shit like this happens, i want to avoid him forever. but that won't stop me from taking a leak, I went over to the urinal and pretend he was invisible. Im guessing he saw me from looking from his peripheral vision because he started growling.

"you better keep your eyes in front of you homo"

"i'm sorry were you talking to me or were your growling because you lack the necessary endowment of a full grown male" I snapped back, walking from the urinal to the sink I felt paws on my shoulders being shoved to the wall chest pressed against the wall. Losing my breathe as the big brute pressed me pretty hard.

"I bet this is how you like it huh, being taken advantage of like this, no control of your movements. You talk big homo, but can you back it up", he has my paw twist around my back and putting pressure on my neck making my legs shudder as I try to resist.

"what back my ass up" he squeezed tighter at the snide remark. feeling his claws pierce my skin under my fur.

"you'd like that don't you, or is that what you do for your Leopard buddy a weeks ago".

I kick my foot back nailing him in the shin, a yelp came out of him, and he returned a shot to the kidney.

"You have anger issues......why are you doing this to me"

"Many reasons and you better not tell anyone, unless you want me to finish this session"

The coach finally lets go and almost lost my balance, he gave me a glare as he left the restroom , he left a mark on my neck and my side still stings. Seriously thought the bullying days were over for me, but even adults can be assholes. I don't know how long Stetson was here, but I'm new here and can't afford to get into any trouble. I look between my shoulder and neck where he gripped me and saw a few speckles of blood. cleaning it up as quickly as I can before someone shows up.

Later back at home, I kinda half expected Mimi to be back but she's always on the go, but what I didn't expect was a knock on my door, opened to find a six foot well toned Leopard holding a bottle of wine and a huge bag which smelled pretty good to find out later to be some Latin Cuisine, arroz, pollo and plantain lasagna .

"Hey wolfy I just couldn't wait til friday to see you again"

"your full of surprises aren't you"

"which means you'll never get bored"

He is always there to brighten my mood, he places the food and wine on the table and gives me a hug, followed by a kiss in which after, he smelled blood and saw a puncture wound in my neck. Raymond clinched me and scoped out my neck

"Poor puppy what happened to you"

"nothing, nothing don't worry about it" my ears began to flinch and my tail started to lash out

" I know when you're lying"

We only been together for about a month and it's amazing so much we picked up from each other. He sat me on my coach, eyes begging me to tell him my situation

"I don't want you to worry yourself"

"Tell me" snapped the Leopard

"Ok I may have gotten into a little scuffle at the academy today"

"by who....dont tell those little snot nose cubs tried to beat you up"

"no it....it was with another teach.... uhm I meant coach"

The Leopard shot up like fireworks "Alister that's assault and battery give me his name I will charge the shit out of him".

"no..no please this isn't necessary"

"Alister you're too nice and can't be having people walk over you, this needs to stop".

Standing up to place a paw on the Leopard to hopefully give him some reassurance because the last thing I need is for my boyfriend to arrest the coach, like my knight and shining armor. Though the idea is pretty charming but it would just show that I can't defend myself.

"Tell you what, let me hash it out with him ok.......please"

"Alister, if he lay his paws on you again, i will press charges if you don't".

"I don't want to get him jailed or anything"

"he put his paws on you"

"yeah but..."

"but nothing, tell you what either straighten things out with him, or I'll step in deal"

"Deal, let's just ....enjoy the night" i said with a little smile of encouragement

"I'm not mad, with you. just that nobody should lay a finger on you"

"I understand, I'll take care of it"

The night went pretty good with video gaming and snuggling up together to watch movies and partly buzzed from the wine he bought, so much so I wobbled a few times getting up to use the bathroom. Around nine in the evening we kinda dozed off, the thought of the hyena having his paws on me, I felt dirty and had to get him out of my mind. I went to my room and grab a pair of lounge pants and t-shirt, then straight to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I close my eyes and think of how the warm waters felt great on my fur.

Thinking and more thinking, what should I do avoid him for the rest of my life, If I don't put my paw down it's going to keep happening. My ears are playing tricks on me, keep hearing movement in the living room, he's probably about to get ready to go. Closing my eyes again ready for him to knock on the door. A minute has passed and when I open my eyes, I gasped seeing a golden figure through the shower curtains which are see through. Ray pulled the curtains to reveal his naked bulk and then stepping inside. Luckily my shower is big enough for two occupants so space was really the issue. Backing up until I hit the tile wall, The Leopard leaned his body on me. Towering over me, his warm breath inhaled through my nose, he's all wet and it's making me hard.

"I figured you need something to distract you for a while" he say while reaching down to my cock and started to stroke me and nibble and suck on my neck.

"this is one damn good distraction". I whispered

He licked my lips and then kissed me, turning me around and fingering me as he continued to stroke me off. Moments later my chest was pressed to the wall as he invaded inside me, giving gentle thrusts, he hit my spot, then started to pump harder as I demanded him, I moaned his name as we both climaxed then kissed again under the warm waters.


The next day after, Ray was nice to drop me off at the school so I wouldn't have to take the bus, we talked mostly about me standing up for myself and having wolf pride about being strong and fearless. After I was done with my first class I was on the way outside, over by the teachers parking lot, smoking never appealed to me so it was nice to feel the cool breeze in my fur. As I leaned against the wall watching passing cars and trucks. I reached down to the door handle and the door pushed forward knocking me in the nose, and me planting the ground flat on my ass. Glimpse up to see the menace of the day, Stetson.

"what's the matter puppy looking for your boyfriend to get you from behind"

my nose is bleeding. "F...Fuck you stetson I had enough of you, you make slurs behind my back and assaut me..." rising to me my feet and walking up to the hyena " what gives you the right to treat me this way you arrogant bigoted narrow minded piece of shit"

"once again you talk big and bad but can you back it up" he says shoving my chest so hard falling back on the hood of someone's car.

"I'll do more than just back up"

"Do something wolf" he snapped back

I spring to my feet and charged at him, swinging a left hook on his muzzle, he turned his muzzle to spit out blood. Stetson gives me a flash jab to my eye leaving me staggering against the a car, leaping forward

I take another swing and he dodges it catching me in a half nelson hold, the hyena gains his opportunity to deliver some shots to my ribs, but as he lifted me up I was facing the wall and was able to kick my feet on the wall throwing us off balance and hitting the floor. Me back pressed on his chest, I began to elbow him in the ribs, the hyena grabbed my neck and rolled me on my stomach, I raised my head upward nailing him in the nose, hoping to do damage and while he was on his knees holding his nose I got to my paws and knees, extended my left leg and swung it to the coach's face like a capoeira style sweep kick. The hyena recovered fast and got up to charge at me.

I look at the window and saw a orange and black striped figure losing my concentration for a second the hyena tackled me knocking the wind out of my chest.

"you got balls wolf, but I always come out on top" he says as he cocks his fist looking to strike me once more

Everything looked a bit hazy staring up at the coach, then two figures appeared behind the coach, a male ram and a ferret pulling the hyena off me.

A third person helps to restrain Stetson in which looks like the principal, once he grabbed the hostile hyena yelling at him saying 'are you crazy, you trying to kill him'. The ferret helps me off the ground, leaning me against the car.

"Bentley take him to get cleaned up, take him the nurse" said Rowan

"you got it"

My ribs hurt and my eyes is starting to swell and my muzzle is covered in blood. My arm draped over the ferret's shoulder.

"What the hell happened alister?"

"it started when I was on the way back inside and that asshole open the door and slammed the door on my muzzle...then the rest is history"

"shit I don't really know what Rowan is thinking but.....It can't be good"

We got to the nrse and is shocked to see me smashed up like that, she tells me my ribs aren't broken but I have an Ice pack over my eye, It was only ten minutes later that I saw the big tiger again and guessing that the conversation with the coach didn't last too long. He shifts his muzzle to the ferret and the nurse heads to the inventory room in the back.

"Bentley can we have the room please" says Rowan looking glaring at my one eye that's not blocked by an ice pack. He's not furious or disgusted it's more firm with a sense of sincerity probably because of my wounds.

"I'm sorry" i whispered breaking the silence "I was tired of him assaulting me"

"He did this more than once"

I just nodded remained silent

"Alister you should have came to me in the first place"

"I know and I should have came to you in the first place.....wasn't thinking it through"

"you know fighting on school grounds is a ...it cannot be tolerated here, were suppose to lead by example, not the other way around"

His eyes are surveying me now checking out all my wounds, I can't help it but I want to know whether my contract here is now shredded because of my actions.

"Does this mean, I'm fired"

His posture has a strong meaning and eyes are still glued to mine, also his tension eases. "I don't show favoritism but no your not, your suspended and Stetson has been put on administrative leave for a month and have assigned him to anger management courses, I'm not a big fan of publicity at this school it's not a good image. Stetson won't be a problem, I threatened to fire him and to be charged with assault. He took the first option quickly"

"he did started it though"

"yes you're lucky one of the students were running late for class and saw the two of you scrapping in the parking lot, said he pushed you into the hood of a car".

"Thanks sir"

"for what exactly"

"not firing me"