Dial-A-Ghost 2

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#21 of Royalty

Author's Note: Thanks to my mate, my friends, my watchers, and my viewers. You guys are awesome! This story will be from James' POV.

Dial-A-Ghost 2

Why does all the weird shit happen to me?! Ghosts who don't approve of their sons' choices in partners, me transforming into a wolf, what the hell?! Today was yet another one of those weird days, though it started off pretty normal. I was just looking over some boring ass laws when I got a call from Max.

"Hello", I said.

"Hi James. Guess what Lucius and I are doing", Max said, in a happy tone of voice.

"Having sex in the shower with Kuhlman", I said jokingly. I knew about their little arrangement with Kuhlman.

"Very funny James", Max said sarcastically before returning to his happy tone, "Lucius and I are planning our wedding."

"Oh okay. Cool", I said.

"Hey James. Wanna be my best man", Lucius said.

"Sure", I replied.

"Thanks dude", he said.

"You're welcome dude", I said.

"Alright now we got the best man question answered. We still have a lot of stuff to go over. Talk to you later. Bye", Max said, hanging up on me. I think I heard Lucius trying to stop him, but I guess he wasn't fast enough to stop Max from hanging up. Max and I got along, but we weren't best friends, so I wasn't insulted when he hung up on me so quickly.

I went back to my work and by 4 PM I finally finished. Georgia would be coming over soon and I was excited for that. She went out traveling around the area taking pictures and writing stuff for her next novel. She came back at 4:05 and ran up to me and gave me a hug and kiss, which lead to a little make out session, which was interrupted when the damn Dial-a-Ghost rang.

"I'll answer it", I said to Georgia.

I picked up the ghost phone and said, "Hello. Who is it?"

"Hey James, it's me Lucius' dad", Lucius IV said.

"So how are you", I said. Honestly, I wasn't really sure what to say. I'm still weirded out by talking to ghosts.

"I'm good. How are you doing?", Lucius IV said.

"I'm okay. I got turned into a wolf since we last talked", I said.

"Wow! How did that happen?", he asked.

"Georgia and I visited a Jerk Island witch and she gave us these potions, which caused us to turn into a fox and wolf respectively", I said.

"Wow. I wish I could see what you like", Lucius IV said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I know", I replied

"What fur color are you and Georgia?", he asked.

"We both have white fur", I said.

"Cool", he said, "you always wanted to be a wolf anyway."

"Yes because I was closer to you and your son than to my own father", I said.

"That's true. Speaking of my son, how's he doing? Is he still dating Max?", he asked.

"Yep", I said. I didn't want to tell him about the wedding.

"Ugh. That sucks. At least they're not getting married, right?", he said.

Crap! He just had to ask. I couldn't lie to the fur who was more of a father to me than my actual father was. So I decided to tell him.

"They are getting married and I'm the best man", I said.

"What?!", he shouted.

"It's true", I said.

"Fuck! This is terrible news! James, can you please stop this wedding from happening? Do it for me, please", he said.

"Look, I think the fact they are a couple is weird too, but I'm not going to sabotage their wedding. Max makes him happy", I said.

"That's ridiculous! This pairing is so wrong!", he exclaimed.

"Why?", I asked.

"Because foxes should only marry foxes and wolves should only marry wolves!", he said.

"Well that's some ignorant thinking you got there", I said.

"Well it's what I believe", he said.

"Well I don't agree", I said.

Lucius IV then hung up on me.

"Well, that was weird", Georgia said, "What the fuck is his problem?"

"The wolf royal family traditionally doesn't like the idea of foxes and wolves dating, marrying, or having sex with each other. Lucius V is the only one in his family who has gone against this prejudice. He'll be the first wolf in his family to marry a fox", I said.

"Guess he wouldn't approve of us either", Georgia said.

"We don't need anyone's approval", I replied. I pulled her in for a kiss and we made out again for a little bit.

"So what do you wanna do now?", Georgia asked.

"Wanna smoke some Jerk Island Red and play some Zombie Slayer 2", I asked.

"Sure", she said. I was about to start up the game on my laptop and plug in the controllers when the stupid ghost phone rang again. So I answered it.

"Hello", I said.

"Hey James, it's Max's dad", Max II said.

"I guess you've come to speak you're disapproval too", I said.

"I think the pairing is weird, but I'm not here to disapprove. I'm calling to say thank you for standing up to Lucius IV", Max II said.

"You're welcome", I said.

"I wish I could be there at the wedding", Max II said, with sadness in his voice. It sounded like he was crying too. Wait a minute, ghosts can cry? To tell you the truth my eyes were watering as I thought about how he won't be able to see his son get married. Max III and his dad were always really close, so I know how badly he would love to see his dad attend his wedding.

"I know, but I think your son would be really happy if he knew you were okay with the wedding", I said.

"You think so", Max II said.

"Yes I do", I said.

"Well thanks James", Max II said.

"You're welcome your majesty", I said.

He then hung up and I looked at Georgia, who was teary eyed.

"Sucks that he can't be there", she said.

"I know", I said.

We just sat there in silence for awhile before I said, "after all this heavy emotional stuff I think I need a drink and a smoke. You?"

"Same here", she said.

I poured us some margaritas and passed her a Jerk Island Red cigarette and gave myself one too. We smoked and drank for a little while, trying to unwind after these phone calls. After our cigs burned out we cuddled together on the couch for awhile before falling asleep. I wonder if her and I will ever get married?