Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 4

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#5 of CYOA-UFC

Crash! Brr, it's cold here! We've landed in the ice, and our ship seems to be in one piece, at least. But we know hardly anything about the area in which we've landed, and the ship is starting to lose power. We're going to need to change this situation quick before things get bad.

Sex is very likely next time - sorry for the long buildup. I just hope it will be worth it, and will try hard to make it so.

Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Entry 4

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A (water) - 6

B (underground) - 0

C (ice) - 7

D (canopy) - 0

E (plains) - 3

F (city) - 3

G (ruins) - 1

H (volcano) - 1

I (desert) - 0

J (swamp) - 0

Additional Requests/Votes


Kaa - 2

Lt. M'Ress - 2

Cheshire Cat (Rule 63'd) - 1

Flamedramon - 1


Villains Scene - 6/10

Mythological Encounter - 1

Author Notes

Incidentally, there's no need to vote "no" to having a villain scene; I'm just keeping a running tally, and when the tally reaches 10, then we'll have one, and then the tally resets. If you don't want a villain scene to happen, just don't vote for it. I'm thinking of increasing the tally requirement by 5 or something like that, though, to make sure villain scenes don't happen too often.

Oh, and please don't vote for the villain scene more than once per final tally - that just keeps everything honest. Once 10 total people vote for a villain scene, then you can vote again.

UFC Entry 4

"Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into."

Elh had a lightly teasing look on her face, and hadn't really meant the comment seriously. However, once again she'd forgotten that caninu often didn't have the same level of subtlety in their expressions as felineko (or at least Red didn't), and she immediately regretted saying anything at all when poor Red's face fell.

"We tried really hard to land right," said the somewhat crestfallen caninu teen. "I did my best to direct us, and Chocolat steered the ship just right..."

"I wasn't being serious, Red," Elh said with a sigh, rolling her eyes and then stepping forward, giving the handsome, ruddy-furred dog a hug. "It could have been a lot worse, if you and Chocolat hadn't gotten us out of there like you did."

Just moments after she'd hugged Red, however, Elh's feline ears cocked to the side as she heard a barely-muffled "aww." Somebody was watching her show her true feelings! Immediately she disentangled herself from Red, and did her best to put on a proper aloof felineko demeanor, even as she glanced around.

Oh: it was those _other_two felines. Not felineko, though. These two were lions. It was the young lioness, the princess Kiara, that had been the one to coo over Elh hugging Red.

"It's not like I like him or anything," she pouted, folding her arms as she felt a rush of heat go straight to her face.

Red grinned broadly as he looked over at Kiara and Kovu, standing near one of the loading ramps of the ship, bundled up in some of the thickest, warmest clothes they'd been able to find. Actually, seeing lions dressed in heavy coats was kind of funny in itself, Red realized, before he chuckled, then stepped between Elh and the two lionteens, giving the felineko a chance to quietly slip back into the background.

"What exactly happened, captain?" asked Kiara, concern on her face. "We heard about the pirates, and everyone got buckled into the emergency crash harnesses. Then there was this sickening rush, and I felt like I was going to pop right out of my harness! And then everything went all quiet, before the asari came in and told us we could come out."

"Looks like we landed on an alien world," Red answered, turning to look around at the bleak, snow-tossed landscape. "I can't see very far right now, thanks to all this snow picked up by the wind, but I think there's some mountains a little bit off in that direction," he motioned with one hand. "The other way is supposed to have water, according to what Chocolat could see on her scanners before we hit, and there's a volcano over in that direction, too, right before everything starts getting warmer."

"If there were warmer spots, why did we pick this one?" grumbled Kovu irritably. "Maybe you like it here, but my fur's too short for this sort of weather."

"We just went for the closest place that was flat," the caninu captain replied, shrugging. "We were coming down pretty hard, hot, and fast after those shots we took from the pirates, so we didn't really get a whole lot of choice. It was either here or in the drink, so we figured it'd be better if we had something solid to stand on."

As Red spoke, a large, powerful paw came down on his shoulder. Surprisingly, the touch of that paw was actually quite gentle. Turning, Red blinked as he looked into a pair of beautiful amber-gold eyes in a deep golden background.

"I spoke with the asari and your chief engineer," said Master Tigress, her voice calm, collected, but with an underlying power Red could actually feel in his bones. "You did well."

With that, the lean, tightly-muscled tigress took a step back, placed her fist in her palm, and bowed to Red. After completing this solemn ritual, she turned, and walked back into the ship.

"Um," said Red, blinking repeatedly. "Oh."

Actually, if Elh wasn't right there, Red would have had a_really_ hard time not staring at Master Tigress' stripy tail. Man, those buns of hers were toned! Actually, Red bet that with a body like hers, so lean and so muscular, she could probably...


"Stop being a pervert!"

Sigh. Looks like Chocolat had left the ship. Turning his head, Red couldn't help but arch an eyebrow, as he noticed both Chocolat and Elh had been looking in exactly the same direction he'd been looking. Knowing them, they'd probably had the same thoughts he'd had, and decided that, while theirs was the pure and sweet love of girls for other girls, his lustful boy-thoughts were simply not acceptable.


"So," Kovu cleared his throat, glancing at Kiara, who just shrugged - lions didn't have these sorts of issues, after all - "what should we do next?"

Well, wasn't that the million-credit question? Turning to look into the snow (and very much away from any distracting females, especially the kimono-clad princess Amaterasu as she walked down the gangway with the grace of a true goddess), Red worked to center his thoughts. Sure he was in charge, he guessed, but he just didn't have the experience to handle everything that was coming his way all at once. Whenever he'd been on missions for himself, he could always just beat his way through his problems with the Dahak. While his big mecha-suit was onboard the ship, somehow Red knew he'd need a lot more than just the Dahak to get not just himself, but everyone on the ship safely through this mess.

Wait. Sure, he might not have that much experience, but he wasn't the only one here, now was he?

"C'mon," he said, motioning to his sister and his friend, and then to Kovu and Kiara. "Let's get back in the ship, and then gather everyone on the bridge. Then we can lay out everything we know, everything we need, and figure out what we need to do to get ourselves back into space and on our way to that diplomatic meeting."

Well, when he said it like that, everything sounded so simple.


"There just isn't a simple way out of this mess," said the twin-tailed fox sitting across from Red at the big visuals-equipped roundtable that had lifted out of the floor when everyone arrived. "I've talked it over with Boss, and we've gone through everything, and we just can't take off for more than a few hundred klicks - atmospheric only - without crashing again. The hyperdrive took a hit, and bad, and so did the ramjets." Tails finally stopped a moment, noticing the blank looks he was getting from a good number of the others around the table, and cleared his throat before frowning slightly, figuring out how to say what he meant more clearly. "I mean, those pirates wanted us to be stuck in space, so they shot out the engines that let us move in space, and the ones that let us move from a planet out into space. Fortunately they didn't finish the job on the hyperdrive before Miss Chocolat got us out of there, or we'd have been sitting ducks for sure."

"So what do you need to fix the problem?" Red asked, leaning back in his chair and looping his hands behind his head.

"Mostly time," answered Tails immediately, even though "Boss," as he called the charr lady who was ostensibly chief engineer on the vessel, was sitting right next to him. "We've got the majority of the parts already. We could use a few items if we wanted to make it easy on ourselves, and take less time too, but if me and Boss had to, we could jury rig something to get us off the planet. I'd say we'd need..." he glanced at Boss, who nodded, her face stoic and impassive, "about two weeks."

"Two weeks!" exclaimed Kiara, standing up in her heat of emotion. "But the diplomatic meeting is in only a month! We were supposed to be there early to make all the delicate arrangements for our stay, and establish ties with our political allies before the official meeting even began. Without those two weeks, I'll be crippled when dealing with the other delegates."

Quietly, Okami reached over, as she was seated on the side of Kiara opposite Kovu, and gently placed a hand on the teen lioness' hand. Kiara looked at Okami, upset at first, anger and frustration in her eyes. But after only a short while looking into those eyes, black as eternity, she calmed, then sat back down.

"I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time when we get there," said Krystal, only a short distance from Red around the table (though safely sequestered away from him by Elh on her side, and Chocolat on the other, ensuring that the very attractive vixen, Detective Fox, wasn't too close either). "From what you've described, Tails, it sounds as though we could use a trip to civilization, is that right?" When Tails nodded, the two-tailed teen blushing furiously as he did his best not to look at her barely-clothed blue-furred body, Krystal smiled, then turned to Red. "My homeworld, Cerinia, has a very simple way of life. We've avoided too much technology so as not to cause too much damage to our planet. Since we're on a strange new world, we'll need to fill the following necessities if we're to survive here for two weeks, in order of importance: shelter; protection; water; food."

A few moments passed while Krystal's words sank in. Then the young roe deer, Bambi, spoke up.

"There's plenty of water around us, isn't there?" he asked shyly, his large, sweet eyes almost immediately melting the heart of everyone there. Well, except for Samus Aran, of course, but only because it was impossible to tell what he was thinking through the visor (if he wasn't an android, naturally), and the werewolf Jonathan Talbain, who seemed to be eyeing the slender, beautiful little male with an almost predatory air. "Can't we just melt the snow?"

"The filters on the ship can get potable water...I mean, water we can drink," Tails amended, doing his best to avoid big words, "out of seawater, or what we use for going to the bathroom. So water's not a problem, as long as we have the filters. We've got portable filters, too, so if we need to move, that won't be a problem." Then Tails traded another look with Boss, and turned back to the group, looking grim. "What will be a problem is shelter: we can't stay here for much longer. When the engines are working fine, heat's never a problem. Actually, we've usually got too much heat, and have to figure out how to get rid of it. But with the ramjets and the hyperdrive damaged, all the ship's backup power has to go to keeping the engines from going critical. Hyperdrives work on an unstable reaction, and they either need constant power to keep them from exploding, or they need to be dumped into space. Our ship can get all the power it needs just from the sun and wind around here, and the containment fields weren't damaged, so our engines aren't in any danger of exploding. But there's no spare power for anything else, after the emergency generators are depleted."

"So we need to get out and scout around for a safe place to set up a base while you two fix the ship," Red concluded, then looked around the table. "How're we doing for food?"

"As long as nothing else happens," answered the yellow-furred person, whom Red recalled was named Renamon, a digimon, or a solid digital entity - a living computer program, in other words, "we should be all right. Times will be a little lean, and we'll have to ration, but I think we can make it with the stores we have."

"I'll feel more comfortable with more food," Red said, looking concerned. "I don't like going hungry if I don't have to. So we've got water, but we need to get shelter, it would be nice if we got some more food, and it would be nice if we got some replacement parts for the ship."

"If we have new parts," Tails chimed in, "we might be able to get off this planet in a week instead of two."

"A good investment," Red admitted with an approving nod at the teen cadet. "Okay, I guess that means we should divide into teams. We'll start by picking team leaders, and go from there."

"There's one more thing," came another voice, one Red didn't expect - in fact, nobody did; it was the voice of the cowled girl standing off to the side of the room: Raven. "I've sensed something strange about this planet. Something dangerous and powerful. There are supernatural emanations on all sides. We need to be prepared."

"As Krystal said," Samus chimed in, the only one who dared to break the momentary silence that followed the words of the eerie young witch, "we need to set up a protective perimeter, first around the ship, and then around whatever shelter we find."

"Then I guess we'd better get started," Red replied, taking control once more, and grateful that all of these vastly more experienced people allowed him to be their leader. Apparently, they recognized the need for somebody in charge, and it seemed that Red was it.


First, it helps to know the lay of the land, as far as we are aware of it. To the north of us, when we catch glimpses through the blowing snow, there seems to be a long, wide range of craggy mountain peaks. These are within a few hours' walking distance, and quickly turn into hilly country. To the south is a bay, and on the other side of that bay is a volcano. Beyond the volcano, there are signs of habitation and vegetation, though what forms these may take is unknown, since we didn't get a good look at them while passing over to our landing spot.

Now we need team leaders for the different expeditions. Here are the following team jobs that need to be filled, with the possibilities for filling those teams following - just pick a leader for each job group, and then who you think would fit each job best (or who you'd like to see sent off on their own for a while):

Jobs to Fill:

Find food as primary mission

Find shelter as primary mission (northwest semicircle)

Find shelter as primary mission (northeast semicircle)

Sail across the south bay to reach civilization (if possible)

Defense (will remain at ship for present time)

Available Team Members (and relevant skills and possible limitations):

* Angela (unarmed and armed combatant; flight; requires stone sleep to heal; less experienced)

* Bambi (survival skills, forest specialty; charisma; unarmed combatant)

* Brooklyn (unarmed and armed combatant; flight; requires stone sleep to heal)

* Carmelita Montoya Fox (firearms; acrobatics; urban survival and savoir faire)

* Chocolat Gelato (ship pilot, star or water; untrained combatant)

* Elh Melizee (guns, small arms; unarmed fighting; pilot of mechsuit or ship; terrified of bugs)

* Jonathan Talbain (unarmed and armed combatant; superior senses; seems to know something about this planet, but isn't talking)

* Kiara (wilderness survival, savannah specialty; diplomacy; poor cold weather endurance)

* Kim Possible (unarmed combatant; acrobatics; numerous gadgets)

* Kovu (wilderness survival, warm-weather specialty; unarmed combatant; poor cold weather endurance)

* Krystal (diplomacy; staff fighting; magic/psi; basic survival skill; requires staff for powers)

* Master Tigress (Unarmed and armed combatant; acrobatics; superior senses)

* Okami Amaterasu (magic; various fighting skills; unknown degree of competence)

* Raven (magic; shadow form; creeps out others)

* Red Savarin (mechsuit pilot; swords)

* Renamon (computer memory; unarmed combatant)

* Samus Aran (power armor with weapon systems; armed and unarmed combatant; starship pilot)

Tails, Boss, and the asari will remain with the ship to maintain basic functions while it is still our default base, and work on repairs.