A Stable Job Pt.1

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#8 of Transformation: Gender shifting

So this is a short little story I conjured up ^^ Was in the mood for a weight gain transformation story for a while and thought it'd be nice to share this. I got another big story that's done its first draft and needs a lot of editing still, so I submitted this first part in the meantime

Our protaganist Ben is desperate for work, he almost gives up hope finding one when he suddenly spots a farm he never saw before. When he goes to meet the boss of the house, she's all too happy to give him a job, one he wasn't expecting! On the bright side though, he'll never have to worry about finding a job again.

Ben huffed to himself, why was it so hard to find a job?! The human had been searching for a few months for a new job after his old one closed its doors and laid off its workers. The welfare group was breathing down his neck and the man was feeling the pressure. He needed work now. Hoping to find work in the countryside, the man borrowed his friend's motorbike and drove out of the city into the wild open country side. The man's gaze surveyed any farm he came across, he was looking for any that had a position open and so far... he was out of luck. No one was hiring for the winter season just yet. Hours went by and Ben was growing increasingly hopeless! That is, until one farm caught his eye in particular.

'MooMoo Dairy farm'

Ben never seen this farm before in his rides through the country side. Though it was a dairy farm, Ben didn't see cows out to pasture. They must be inside for inspection' the man thought. It was worth a try, right? The man turned his bike and drove to the front door. Turning off the bike, Ben removed his helmet and climbed up the large wooden porch to knock on the door. A middle aged woman's called out.

"Coming! One second dearie"

"I'm here to ask for work!"

"Oh! Just in time, I'll be out in a moment."

Ben waited, it was a few moments before he heard loud stepping noises approach the door. The door opened and the man was stunned, a huge plump dairy cow woman had answered the door! The man was speechless at the incredible sight before him, A bovine wearing an apron and was several feet taller then him! But no matter how long he looked, the cow didn't disappear. He tried to speak but words failed him.

"Wha-, oh I um, erm."

"Oh my, a human! You're a rarity among here."

The man looked at her with a confused face, he had never heard of a bovine race yet here was a living example before him! He was starting to get worried and thought something was wrong with him. He made an excuse to leave but the heifer stopped him."Oh wait, didn't you say you were looking for work? I believe I got a slot I can fill another worker on."

Ben forgot about that at the bizarre sight of a cow woman. As strange as she was, he needed work; he couldn't afford to be picky. It didn't take long for him to nod. The bovine clapped her huge hands together in happiness. "Good! Now just follow me!" The cow made her way past him, her hooves clopped against the wood with each movement. Ben followed close her, embarrassment flushing his cheeks as he realized she was *only* wearing an apron, her huge ass was out on display and swayed back and forth with each step. The bovine baffled him, she seemed spry and acted fit despite her huge weight and put up a considerably faster pace then the human was used to. He almost had to jog to keep up with her.

"So! What's your name honey? Mine's Marybelle" She looked behind her to her guest.Ben muttered his name was Ben."Ben? A nice name, I'm sure you'll fit in well with the guys here." She said in a upbeat attitude. She seemed rather happy to have a new worker on deck.

The two entered the barn and the sounds of mooing filled the air. Ben wondered how he could have missed the loud sounds when he drove by earlier, he could barely hear himself think! He followed Marybelle past the pens full of anthro cows like Marybelle busy chewing hay. What was this place?' He thought to himself, looking at some of the cows who moo'd at the sight of him, their gaze following the two of them further into the barn.

"Oh don't worry Ben, they're just not used to seeing humans is all. Give it time and they'll get used to you"

"About that... what do you mean humans aren't common? Your neighbor just across the road is human!"

Marybelle laughed and it caused her great body to wobble. "Ol farmer joe? That horse would never get mistaken for a human, trust me."

Ben was confused, where was he? How could he get home? It's as if he walked into another world! If that was true, he certainly needed the money now more then ever. Marybelle turned around and faced the human, Ben had to look up to meet her gaze. A set of work gear and a shovel laid next to a open pen.

"Right, your first job will be to clean this here pen out. Don't overexert yourself too much." She smiled down at him and patted his shoulder with one large soft hand before making her way back to the exit. The human huffed to himself before slipping on the work gear and gloves. Unfortunately it was rather ill-fitting, it seemed like it was designed for someone of Marybelle's size and girth! But it was better then getting his own clothes dirty. Ben started the dirty work of the pen and busied himself in the mindless work.

Ben relaxed and forgot about his troubles, it was good to finally get some work down after months of inactivity! The man broke a familiar sweat as he cleaned up the large stable pen of its mess, an hour or so went by as Ben continued to work. He was engaged with labour, something he's been missing in his time and enjoyed the activity once more even if it was shoveling out a pen. He was nearly done now.

The busy human didn't notice, however, two pairs of hooves softly pushing against the hay strewed across the ground. Lost in his work, he didn't notice two bovines creeping up on the human until it was too late. A pair of huge arms wrapped around the man and pinned him against a huge warm wall, Ben screamed out and struggled to break free from his captor. His shovel was useless and was quickly knocked to the ground, Ben was powerless against his captor! He kicked and struggled but nothing seemed to loosen the grip on him. Ben saw a rag wrapped around his eyes, blindfolding him while something was lodged in his mouth, leaving a powerful scent and salty taste that the human was revolted by. He tried to spit out the foreign object but the gag stayed firmly in. His arms and legs were firmly tied together with rope until the human was ready to be transported. One of his captors held him in a headlock while the other grabbed his bound legs, the two carrying him off to who knows where. Ben screamed into his gag and struggled for someone to come help him.

Ben was carried out of the barn and into the cold outdoors. The man was scared, who was his captors?! They didn't say anything to each other as they carried him out to another building. He felt them shift his body around before he landed with a thud on a rather soft surface, it felt like some sort of couch! Ben wasn't able to get up, no matter how much he struggled and that seemed to satisfy his captors. He felt one large hand dig into the fabric and take off his blind fold, the human looked up at the face of two powerful looking bulls in overalls, their immense cocks were evident in the frighteningly large bulge the two sported. Ben screamed into his gag and shook his head as he looked fearfully up at the two. The bull on the right smirked, his hand coming down to stroke the human's cheek.

"oh yes, you'll make a sexy cow breeder, Marybelle was right."

Ben screamed into his gag at the sound of that, what the hell did he mean by that?!

"Oh yes, you heard me right. Every one of Marybelle's cows used to human like you. We got the lucky straw when we were turned. Too bad for you Marybelle needs a new dairy cow. Guess you should have asked what the job was first. Hope you liked Mary's figure, you'll soon get one just like hers..."

Ben stared at the bull in disbelief, he had to be lying, he just had to! The thought of those cows used to be humans and the thought he'll soon join them... it left him horrified and scared for what was going to happen to him. The man tried hard to struggle free, he screamed into his gag and shook his head. The two bulls laughed down at him and looked at each other.

"Who gets the honor of giving the new bitch her load?"

"I should, you did the last two! No need to hog all the fun."

"Heh, fine. Knock yourself out."

The bull that spoke to Ben backed away and crossed his arms while the second one, a brown and black spotted bovine with shaggy matted hair, pushed his huge bovine cock in front of the human's face. Ben screamed into his gag at the sight of the massive tool, far far bigger then his own between his legs! The bull smirked and pulled out the pre covered gag from the human's mouth with a pop before pushing his musky cock into the human's mouth. Ben nearly gagged at the intense taste of bull cock, the huge semi tip rested on his tongue while the bull pushed more of his meat into the human's throat. The man's eyes were nearly watering, his mouth was opened wide to take in that immense girth. Anger filled him and tried to bite, only to find the bull's cock's skin was too thick for his teeth to pierce. The bull laughed above him, he had felt what the man tried to do. "Oh no, You're getting a nice big wad of bull spunk, you might as well enjoy guzzling my cum, it'll soon be all you want in life... Now lick!" He ordered the human. With a mouthful of cock and the bull refusing to move, Ben had no choice as the cock remained firmly in place. Hesitantly, his tongue ran on the under-shaft of the immense black shaft, the bull's tip leaked pre to show his approval. The salty substance leaked onto the human's tongue and he shuddered at the intense flavour of bull. It was horrible, he never wanted to suck off a male, let along a bull!

The bull's cock hardened by the moment until the huge member stood fully erect before Ben's mouth. He whimpered at the size of it before him, his view filled with the sight of the bull's shaft and his fur. In a sudden move, the monster pushed his cock down the human's mouth and forced him to deep-throat the huge shaft. Ben screamed a muffled scream, his mouth stretched impossibly wide around that throbbing cock while the male above him sighed in pleasure. "Mmmm, fuck. You'll make a great fuck soon" He muttered to himself loud enough for Ben to hear before pushing his cock in and out of the man's unwilling mouth. With each thrust, he went faster and deeper, two muscular hands came down to hold onto ben's face while the bovine treated it as a hole to plow. The man was in a nightmare, his mouth was stretched farther then he thought possible and he was 'treated' to the strong smell of bull cock. There was no way for him to hide to himself what was fucking him, he was tied down for the ride to cow-dom.

The bull snorted, the nose ring moved in the hot air. He was getting into a rhythm, sliding in and out of that unwilling mouth at a steady pace. His pre leaked into that throat, further lubricating it to slide more bull dick in. Ben was stuck, he felt that vile cock slide more and more down his throat, his struggles were meaningless as the bull had his fun. Pre coated his mouth, coating it in the salty taste of bovine and the bull was nearing his end. His cock throbbed until he slammed his cock down the human's throat to the hilt and came hard. Ben's eyes widened as he felt a huge load slam down the rest of his throat into his stomach, his cheeks flushed with warmth at the intense heat as liters and liters of bull spunk bloated his belly until he was full of it. The bull sighed in enjoyment while Ben felt violated and foul. The bull didn't care though, he pulled out his cock, making sure to wipe the rest of the mess inside and outside the human's face, coating him in the sticky substance.

Already, a tingling warmth was spreading through his body. Ben didn't like the feeling, he knew what was happening and that only made it worse! The warmth spread like wildfire through the human's body until it grew overwhelming. Ben writhed as the warmth spread, the bull reached down and cut his restraints free so the human fell down on the ground onto his arms and thighs. Ben trembled as his belly wobbled, expanding quickly with each wobble as the pounds packed themselves onto the skinny human. Fur sprouted form his stomach and rapidly spread outwards, coating the human in a soft white fur. His clothes strained with the extra weight, a loose shirt became unbearably tight while the human started to grow into the incredibly loose overalls. The fur reached his cock and Ben groaned as it grew softer and more pink by the moment. It grew quickly like a big plump balloon, four teats appeared on his deforming cock, the thing becoming a fleshy pink and large udder straining inside his jeans. Two of his teats pushed laid outside his jeans while his hips expanded outwards. Bones shifted quickly as Ben's hips grew into curvy and very wide hips, perfect for birthing the huge calfs he'd soon bear. His rapidly changing lower body quickly destroyed his jeans, his udder shot through the jeans and through an unnoticed flap in the overalls. He would remain gender-less for only a few moments, soon a hole split underneath his udder, the changing human groaned as the hole widened, a pussy forming and tunneling deeper into his body. His body's organs adjusted, making room for the new fertile vagina and ovaries while his thighs significantly increased in size. Any leftover space from his new hips were rapidly filled, his thighs growing into luscious feminine legs that speedily filled up with the new weight needed for a plump dairy cow. Down and down the changes went, his legs turning more and more feminine and furred until it reached his feet. His feet stood no chance, they grew numb, thicker and tougher into hooves able to hold up the new cow's body.

His chest, already soft and pushed out with moobs from his quick fattening, were left male no longer. Ben cried out, his voice changing in pitch as his chest grew and grew with each warm pulse through his body. His new bust was heavy and huge, the two growing lumps on his chest expanded far beyond any human female endowment he's seen. They grew into huge milk jugs, pushing snugly into the almost fitting overalls and giving the bull a fantastic view of her new cleavage. The bull smirked and slapped one of her hefty tits, the immense weight bounced into the other one and caused the changing human to gasp at the feeling. That didn't stop the bull though, he grabbed both of the new female's tits and groped them with impunity, his dark eyes staring into the fearful human's own as the changes rocked through his body. Her arms grew very plump but muscular, her body surging with the power it needed to lift and move itself. Ben surged with far more strength then before, but it was nothing compared to her two captors. Her last remains of humanity were quickly disappearing, a human face was all that was left of the ex-human and even that was changing shortly! Ben watched in horror as her muzzle filled out, her teeth quickly changing to suit a herbivore and her tongue flattened out into a long thick cow tongue. The bull forced himself onto her, Ben screamed a muffled yell as the bull ran his tongue all over her mouth, his tongue exploring her new changed mouth. The cow's arms tried to push him away to no avail, the bull was stronger and he was showing her who was in charge.

Ben tried to fight him off, the last of her humanity vanished. Her ears turned into the long bovine ears that fitted the rest of her body, the short brown hair adorning her head turned into shoulder length blonde feminine hair, complimenting her new body. Ben now looked like every other cow on the farm, the tattered remains of her clothing was the only sign left that she used to be a human! The bull pulled her up, the cow unable to resist as the bull pulled down her overalls and let the cool air wash over her plump and sensitive body.

The second male joined in the fun, Ben felt his large erect cock rubbing against the back of her huge and wide backdoor. The new bull snorted on the back of her neck and reached around to fondle her chubby tummy

"Damn Fink, you did a good job with her. I think I'll let you have the first batch."

Fink stared at his friend with a smug grin.

"It wasn't like you were going to stop me, I'm going to plow some nice big pack of calfs into her. Try to think of a name, Shink." Ben looked up at the bull in terror. She tried to fight her way out of his grip but with two bulls sandwiching her, she wasn't going anywhere! Fink reached down, his powerful hands lifted her new udder out of the way for his erect and cum coated cock to push against her folds. Ben squirmed at the alien feeling, she most certainly didn't want to feel her pussy fucked! But Fink was determined, Ben felt that huge thick meat rub against her entrance, teasing her with it. Ben didn't realize, but her new body's hormones were taking effect, she was becoming aroused by the cock! Her folds opened, her body was flushed with arousal even as the ex human tried to comprehend her new orientation. Fink didn't give her much time, the bull pushed his cock back and pushed it into her, pushing as much of the huge cock into her wet pussy as he could. Ben screamed out, her pussy was throbbing in pleasure and pain, Ben was powerless to stop Fink as he started to ram into her again and again.

Her fat body bounced, it wobbled back and forth with each powerful thrust into the cow's wet pussy and much to Ben's horror, she felt Shink's cock pushing against her rear, each slam into her nearly causing Shink to penetrate...Shink fondled her tits, roughly groping them to the elicit gasps of Ben while he thought of a name. Two fingers teased her nipples while he thought.

"Mmm, how about Bertha?"

Fink grunted as he kept plowing Ben, the female was unable to speak coherently to protest. "Mmf, no dummy. We already got Bertha covered." He continued to push his throbbing cock into her tight pussy undisturbed.

"Mary? Sue?" Both were reject.

"How about... Sow? We don't have a Sow yet."

Fink smirked at Ben's scared face. "Yes... she does seem to be a Sow. That will be her name then, how does that sound Sow?"

Ben looked at Fink, she didn't want that name! She shook her head at that, but the two didn't seem to care.

"Sow it is, now Shink you can join in the fun..."

Shink didn't need any more encouragement. With a particularly forceful and rough thrust into Sow, Shink joined. Sow cried out as that immense cock plunged into her virgin asshole, stretching it to accommodate. Sow was breathing heavily now, her lower body was awash with pain and pleasure as the two studs of bulls humped her without mercy. The cow trembled, her plump legs shook at the intense fucking she was getting. The intense smell of cow sex filled the room, the two bulls fondled their fuck toy as they used her, Sow was in a state of agonizing pleasure. Her wet pussy lubricated Fink's cock while Shink spurted pre into her tight ass, her holes growing raw from the intense fucking. The males snorted to each other, Sow was proving to be an excellent fuck indeed and Fink was ready to explode into her waiting womb with his fertile spunk. The bull yelled out before slamming into her pussy and shooting his creamy load into Sow's womb, the cow cried out as she felt vile. Her womb bloated out, filled with load after load of Fink's potent and hot cum. O,oh god, was she actually able to have calves?' Sow thought to herself in a panic ' No, that can't be possible, I'm a guy, not a cow girl! This can't be happening!' But no matter what Sow mental state was, she was now physically and hormonally a cow, just in time for breeding season.

Shink grunted to himself and still plowed her tight ass, his thrusts growing faster while his plows rubbed more of Fink's cum into her pussy. It wouldn't take long for him to cum into her tight ass, Spink grunting to himself before he hilted his cock into Sow's huge and tight rear and filled it with his own load, filling her insides full of his seed. Sow was breathing heavily, she never thought she'd engage in sex with a male, let alone get raped by two! Her fearful eyes went down to her bloated belly, the cow was scared of what she knew it meant. How long would she have before she... no, she couldn't think of that. The two bulls huffed to themselves, enjoying the afterglow. There was nothing like breaking in a new cow for the herd.

Fink pulled out and looked at Sow with a deviant grin. He gestured to Spink to pull out before bending down and picking up her overalls, dressing her in the blue fabric. The cow squirmed at the feeling of the overalls pushing against her wet rear and pussy, her udder slipping through the flaps once again. The two examined the new cow, Fink proud at how she came out. She'll make an excellent one for sure...

"Come on now Sow, it's time to join your fellow herd-mates."

The two Bulls grabbed the cow's chubby arms and carried her off to the stables. Sow struggled, she squirmed and tried to break free to no avail. The bulls dragged her plump body with ease, she had to walk at a brisk pace just to keep up with them. It was after all, time for Sow to join her herd....

To be Continued....