The Real Boss of the House

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Another commission for solerum! This is a length record!

"All right, class! Let's start with today's lesson!" The woman at the front of the room gave a small clap of her hands, gently yanking the attention of the room back to where she stood so they would pay attention to her gentle, but firm voice. Eyes swiveled forward from facing backwards towards their friends or jerked up from swimming over their phones' bright screens. Instead of friends and Facebook, they turned up to the trim woman at the front of the classroom. With a thick, wool woven dress of green tweed that buttoned up high to her throat with trimmed sleeves and a flared skirt and gloves in a deeper green hue riding above her elbows, their professor, Ms. Trillia Winter looked like a cross between a classic college lecturer and a fifties house wife- which fit her Home Economics class perfectly.

With a sudden scuttle, feet scrambled overtop of the cheap linoleum flooring till they tucked beneath their desks. Phones, sending out one more message, clicked off to black screens. Then, stilling and quieting, Trilia knew she had their attention. Once she saw 21 pairs of eyes locked onto where she stood centered in front of the whiteboard, she hefted the stack of papers and bundles of fabric she held against her chest. "Now, I'm going to hand you your materials for the day. Once you have your paper and fabric, I'll need you to be quiet so I can explain the project."

Then, with a little bounce in each of her barrel curls, she strolled down the rows of desks, dropping off a page of instructions and a set of fabrics to each of the pairs at each desk with the gentle click of her heels signaling the arrival of each package along the way. Jake felt a sudden nudge at his shoulder once she'd started walking, paired with a titter of excitement. Looking over, the beaming grin of Annabel- his new girlfriend- glittered back at him. For a second, the teenager let his eyes slip down her chest, eyeing along the curve of the lace decor of the little dress she'd worn today. It had long sleeves of lace, tight fitting down her slender arms and up to her neck with a cutout of her chest like a frame to show off the pale, pink crease of her cleavage within. Then, it hugged down her tight body before cutting off short on her thighs and leaving her long, toned legs bare down to chunky heels that rocked with eagerness against the floor.

"Hey now!" she playfully smacked at his arm, seeing where his eyes hovered on her torso. His attention yanked back up, looking to her dark eyes with thick, midnight black lashes rimmed around them and where painted pink lips curled up into a pout.

"What? You're making me take this class with you, shouldn't I get somethin' out of it?" he teased, smirking at her while at the same time thinking to himself that home economics rated a lower pain rating than what his ex would drag him off to. For a second, he could see her in his mind's eye with both hands on her hips and lips trying to pout, but snarling instead: "I don't ask THAT much of you! Can't you just do this for me? Just this one thing? Is it that hard? I mean, if you love me it shouldn't be that hard, should it?" His head gave a little shake, clearing away the memory with an optimistic light cast over the current class! In fact, this was an easy credit! "Now if only we didn't talk so much about 'family' and cooking..." he mumbled to himself. Just then, a sudden thunk of their paper and materials landing onto the desk pulled his attention up to see Ms. Winter strode past them to the front of the class once again with an efficient click of her shoes marking the time of each step.

"Today we will discuss the basics of fabrics, stitching, and sewing small, household items. The instructions I've given you have step-by-step guides including templates and exact measurements. If you go slowly, carefully and follow the directions, everyone can do it."

Beside him, Annabel dove into the basket of fabrics. Her fingers seemed to navigate through the coils of strings and cuts of material expertly before one nail scanned down the module while she laid out the patterns and fabric out. Within the first few minutes, her scissors were slicing cleanly, evenly through the cotton in the perfectly mimicry of the patterns. Jake, on the other hand, had a tangle of ribbon and fabric on his desk and had accidentally sliced into the center of his pattern while crookedly cutting the fabric. He shot a glare towards Annabel, who only beamed with pride while picking a single piece of lint from her otherwise perfect piece.

Jake grumbled, bending over his desk with a new splotch of fabric, this time cutting slow to stay in the pattern's guidance before suddenly his head bounced forward from the impact of a swat against the back. "What in heaven's name are you doing? You are ruining the entire piece! Always cut from the edge, remember?"

He looked up, seeing Ms. Trilia Winters standing behind him with both hands crossed in front of her sternly. "Seriously. Didn't your mother teach you anything?" Her head gave a small shake as she tsked under her breath. "It's something we shall have to discuss next time I come over." Instantly, Jake cringed and ducked his chin towards his desk at the reminder that not only did this teacher live on the same street as him, had his entire life, but she frequented his parent's business often. He'd grown up seeing her strolling down the street when he walked home with friends only to have her wave, call him out by name. "Oh hello, Sir Jacob! Tell your mother that I have a jar of peach jam in the making for her!" He bristled at the memory of a younger Jake, shamed into hours of teasing for being the teacher's pet for a teacher he didn't even have a class with! To make it worse, since she shopped from his parents, they demanded he be nice so they didn't lose a loyal, repeat customer: "Ms. Winters mentioned she waved at you yesterday, but you didn't notice! You have to be nice! Wave! Moreso, say hello! Go ask her how her day was! Here, how about you take her this extra loaf of bread, I made it fresh today- be sure to tell her it's fresh." His skin crawled at the memory, constantly sulking down to her house just to put on a friendly display so he wouldn't be skinned alive back home for driving away business. With a disgruntled look, he glared back down at his fabric, shifting his scissors to cut it correctly now.

The woman gave another disappointed shake of her head at the sight of his feeble efforts before stepping around him to where Annabel sat, picking up her piece with a smile curling up her subtly wrinkled cheeks so they so they creased with smile lines. "Now, this is how it's supposed to look! Well done, Anna!"

Instantly, the girl's back straightened and she perked up to full height. A bright smile, glittering, curling up her lips while her cheek bones shone with a blushy shine. Her chest inflated, puffing out proudly so that the lace of her dress pressed tight to her pale skin. "Thank you, Ms. Winter!" she chirped back, voice high-pitched and excited.

Trilia smiled warmly, setting the girl's piece carefully back in front of her. "It's odd you know, Jake's parents design and create the most fabulous and exquisite fur clothing and accessories, yet there is not a single shred of that talent to be found within him!" Jake ducked his head at her statement, murmuring almost to himself with the stiff embarrassment that comes with having one's parents applauded whilst simultaneously having oneself cut down a step. It was an occurrence far too often encountered through the kid's life, from when he stood at knee-height: "Look at you! How's it feel to have such successful parents? Someday you'll be a little fur animal raiser yourself! Won't you? Yes, you willlll-"

It happened through grade school, from teachers: "Good job on that spelling test, Jake! I gave you an extra sticker because of those boots your mom sold me last week! They are just so soft and lush! They make the best furs in the state!"

Even when he thought he could escape it, out on his own adventures with his friends, his parent's legacy in the family business followed him wherever he went: "Here's your burger, I gave you extra pickles. Think you can sneak me some furs in return?" The waitress at the diner would flirt, dropping references to the luxuries his parents produced from animal to coat. They ran a successful family business of raising their own fur animals and hand-crafting high-end luxuries for the customers locally and across a wide-range of shipping spaces, especially with the range of products they made from custom fitted coats down through lush fur boxers (especially popular around Valentine's Day). Even with the money, he'd never shared their interest, not like his younger brother, who thirsted more for the fur business than most youths wanted candy.

Trilia lingered another second, almost sighing beneath her breath at the teenager who lacked his parent's skills before she just gave a final nod, "Well, keep trying." Then, she strode past the stiffly smiling Annabel and onto the next pair: "Oh my! Look at how you've managed to strip the fabric of it's edges! That's no good. No good at all!-"

Jake grumbled once more, glancing at his fabric with a grunt. "Why do I have to do this," he thought. "This isn't a practical life skill. Why don't they teach me how to do taxes in home economics? Doesn't that make more sense? Or how to budget? That's probably be just as boring..." His fingers tugged at a knot in his string before he rolled his neck back, working out a kink, "'Least I got a hot girl to look-" His head swiveled, a smile half-curling his lips at the expectation of seeing Annabel bent over the desk at work on her project with her cleavage spilling forward-

Instead, huge, wide eyes stared straight into his. "What?"

"What what?" he countered, flustered for a beat and cowering back from the intensity of her stare.

"Your parents? Fur raising? What? You never told me any of that!?" Annabel, growing pinker by the second, only grew more agitated and flustered with Jake's lack of interest in her confrontation. He just shrugged, a silent, "No big deal."

"Don't act like this is nothing! This is a big deal! Don't you ever think about what could be happening? Don't you know what those people do to animals? It's just... it's wrong! It's unethical!"

"Those people? Being my parents?" Jake's voice barely even above a mutter didn't break into her spiel, so she continued unheeded.

"Animals have rights, too! Humans have no right to take their furs! None! How would you like to be skinned alive!-"

"Alive? What?" Again, it was like he was talking to himself.

"Humans don't get to just decide that they get to decide when animals live or die so that they can have fashionable clothes! It's sick! I can't believe you never told me about this! It makes me sick to imagine those poor animals! Being stripped of their skin! Being raised just to die! My Facebook friends told me all about this stuff! And they are all experts on the matter, so this is legit. This is scary. Do you even know how they treat those animals in China? I saw a video-"

"That's China. There's no way my family would risk the PR to do that here, trying to save, what, twenty dollars on a coat that's worth thousands of dollars-"

Annabel bit her lip, eyes tucking down for a second as though hurt, "Oh... I see. You're siding with them now." She paused, looking up with that glint in her eyes once again, "Aren't you?"

"No, I said-"

"You know, maybe I was wrong about you! I thought you were a nice, friendly guy who cared about the world and its living things, so I agreed to date you, but-"

"I AM nice and friendly. I said in total expenses, it's just a marginal difference, there's no reason-"

"Oh, so you'll agree to help me stop it then. Great! I already have a plan." Annabel's entire body perked up again. A smile rolled her lips up and spread them across her face like an inviting red carpet. Jake stared, dumbstruck at the shift as the bell rang loud above their heads, releasing from their classes for the day. Annabel grabbed onto Jake's arm, leading him out eagerly, with a newfound pep in her step while he scrambled to grab onto his bag in time, "What? I-I- Um. Sure?"

Through his next class and out into the fading end of the day, just a jumble of half-assed homework assignments and a dull family dinner, Jake still didn't know what he'd signed up for. Instead, he knew that the inside of Annabel's dress felt rough against the back of his knuckles while her lips felt soft on his, which for him, is all that mattered about that encounter. That is until, the next day in the final lecture before the bell would send them streaming back home like cattle to pasture, when Annabel nudged into his arm. His vision spun, catching as one thick set of lashes bowed in a wink as she leaned down in front of him.

His eyes swam at the view. "Oh, man! What a show!" He thought to himself, catching sight of her soft, pale breasts spilling slightly forward into the grasp of the soft cotton t-shirt dress she wore while her long hair tumbled down over one shoulder. "What did-" He started to speak, before he caught her big grin and her purse lugging forward.

"Oh- She's just showing me something in her purse." His lips sealed back shut, a flustered blush rising beneath his flesh as her bag yawned open to show an oversized brown package, the edges scuffed from being in the bag and the paper crumpled slightly. His eyebrow tweaked up, confusion fogging his mind.

"I discussed it with Stacey and she sent me this book which is sure to help us!" Annabel perked back up, flashing him that wide glittery smile once again as Jake's lip curled up slightly and his nose creased in a grimace. "Eh." He sighed, relaxing his face before she could see his distaste. "Help us how? Who is Stacey? Back up here."

Anna sighed once, exhaling an extra long breath before she gave a small shake of her head. "Help us do good, Silly! Stacey Elestar, one of my Facebook group friends, knows how to handle these things!" She showed that big smile again, pink painted lips curled up around her sparkly white teeth. "The only thing you need to do is to take me back to your house-"

Jake started to grin, liking where this was going with the smile on her lips and the excited wriggle he saw hinting in her hips.

"-And help me get a part time job with your family! In the business!"

Both of the boy's brown eyes popped open, showing the golden flecks inside them as they jumped out wide. At the same time, his forehead creased deep through the skin with worry, "Are-Are they even hiring?"

Before Annabel responded, the buzzer above all their heads gave it's shriek: "Riiiiinnnnnngggggg." Feet slammed onto the ground all around the room, like a disgruntled orchestra all setting their own beats before the rustle of backpacks filling rushed around in waves. "See you next class!" The professor shouted over the din, to deaf ears. Anna clutched onto Jake's arm, tugging him out of the room in a hurry so that he had just enough time to scoop up his books and bags and think to himself, "This better not become a habit of hers!"

As they strode down the familiar, quiet roads to his family's home in the edges of a cozy residential sprouting, Annabel leaned into his side with a gush of the same excited mutterings about her plan. "I was so distressed last night, just trying to think of a plan! I knew you would help me! I knew it!" Her fingers griped him tighter, seemingly affectionately though her nails pinched. "But I didn't know what to do! Then, Stacey popped online! She's such a doll! She's a hottie too! Her picture just shows her giving this cow- she lives on a farm, I think- a big cheeky kiss and leaving a big smoochie on her cheek! It's the cutest! I bet that cow is blessed to have Stacey as an owner. But, anyways, she came online so we started chatting! At first, like, I just explained it all in a big dump, but she totally understood me! We're like... soul sisters! I was kinda jealous at first because she seems to have it all figured out! But she laid out this whole plan perfectly! Oh, I'm just so excited- Wait, is that your mom?"

Jake jerked out of his state of semi-attention at the sudden shift in her monologue only to see his mom rushing out of the front door, holding it flung open for his father to follow along behind. "Oh God..." He groaned, seeing his mother's trim house dress fluttering with how fast she leapt forward and, better yet, the lush slippers she wore around her feet. "Here we go again!" He thought, looking up in a desperate prayer. His dad, even better, wore a t-shirt with the company logo: a plump, fluffy otter leaping forward in one side of a circle and then a pair of gloves and a coat spinning out of the bottom of the circle, the cycle of handmade transformation, he always said! Within the circle, it read: "Handmade furs" but "furs" had been slashed through and in a pencil-like font text read over top: "with love."

"Is this the lovely girlfriend we've been hearing so much about!?" His mother called, reaching the end of the driveway and meeting them on the sidewalk with her arms flung open. "Oh we've heard so much!"

Jake clenched his teeth, smothering the commentary that he'd said nothing about having a girlfriend at all! Instead, he forced his lips into a tight smile and watched with horror as Annabel was sucked into a bear hug on one side by his mother and the other his father! "Jeez, guys! Give her some space!" He cried, looking horrified as the petite girl waved a single hand out of the embrace, muffled, but audibly calling: "No, it's okay!"

"Oh darling! It's so good to finally meet you! What's your name, Annabel, right?" His mother pulled back just to arm's length, still holding onto Anna's small shoulders with her fingers kneading affectionately. "How are you getting along in school? How's the semester treating you? You're taking a class with Trilia, sorry, Ms Winter! Haha! You have her home economics class right? Are you learning a lot? Do you like it? Isn't she just a dear?" His mother fired questions off like a well-trained sniper honed into kills, blasting off one each second with a single-minded goal and unwavering confidence in her ability. Jake's eyes just widened to the size of quarters and froze, wondering how he'd ever save Anna from this swarming double-teaming as his dad joined in with a friendly pat on the girl's back: "Do you play any sports? You look pretty trim there, haha!"

Jake grimaced, skimming his eyes down Anna's from to try and decide whether his dad was just being awkward or if he'd really just hit on his girlfriend in front of not just him, but his mom too.

"I mean, most girls play sports nowadays. It wasn't always like that. My lovely wife here had to fight to get a woman's volleyball team up, but you know what? She did! And they went to the championships. You ever played volleyball?"

"Good God. Please. Please. Stop." Jake muttered, quiet enough that no one could hear, though Anna was seeming to fend off the questions moderately well, crooning about Ms. Winters and her passion for spices, "The right choice is spices can make an entire dish perfect or nasty!" before bouncing over to her summer at a volleyball camp, "Sure was good for my calves!"

Jake almost sighed out his relief, but then, their attacks didn't lessen! Instead, a new wave followed the first! With re-enforced weirdness, their questions only zoomed on even more into Annabel's personal life, future plans, and other random topics.

"So, volleyball was good. Thinking of pursuing that in college? You thinking of college? Where are you thinking? Got a major picked out?"

"Really when you pick a major, you have to know what job you're looking at. What career path are you thinking you'll take?"

Jake's eyes popped even wider, his jaws slackening a bit. "Is this happening?" He thought, glancing around as if for a tv crew to come film his parents in a sort of "What would you do?" social experiment.

"If you're not thinking a job or college, that's fine too. There's still a place for stay-at-home mothers-"

"Gotta have breeders!" His dad laughed, smacking on his knee at his own jest and Jake thrust himself forward into the conversation.

"Jezus! Guys! Relax! We just got home!" He gently grabbed Annabel's arm, guiding her away from the hovering pair of information vultures before he curled himself around her slightly, as though to shield the poor girl. "How did you even know she was coming?"

Right on cue, the front door creaked back open as a shorter version of Jake himself stepped out. Though lankier with a loosen slop of bangs over his forehead, the two boys had the same soft creamy skin, sharp noses and jaw structure, and a dappling of freckles. Often times, when younger, they'd been mistaken as twins though now puberty was adding some differences as they matured in different directions. In one hand, the sibling held a remote while a small droid hovered above his head, buzzing faintly.

Instantly, Jake grumbled with a shake of his head, slowly, from side to side with no surprise but only a begrudging realization. "Good job, Nick. You just had to spread the news, didn't you?"

The boy just grinned, flashing a dimpled smile. "Hey, hey! Don't blame me! I am very concerned about my brother's well-being, you see. I just wanted the best welcome for you-" He paused a moment to glance passingly at Annabel. "And of course, your lovely lady friend." He paused once more, this time with a sly grin, "Of course, if you had paid the protection money-" The sudden rrrt of the droid lowering to a powered-off position in Nick's hand signaled the end of the exchange and a silent sign of his statement. If Jake had paid up, the drone wouldn't have been running about to leak out his homecoming to his parents, which in turn, wouldn't have supplied them with ample time to milk Nick for information about the girl either.

With some careful ushering, Jake urged his family calmly inside where Annabel found herself welcomed graciously. Instantly, his mother led her into the living room, where the separate seating allowed her some space as they snuck in bursts of interrogation through the safer topics of school and hobbies before Annabel casually said, "Yeah! The one thing is I wish I could find a job! I've been looking, but I just can't seem to find anything! It's so hard! I've got good references, one is even from Ms. Winter, but everyone seems full already!" She gave a sad little pout before perking up into aw shucks kind of smile. "Someday, right?"

"Well! Today is someday! Why don't you come work for us! We've been talking about getting a new counter associate, since someone here doesn't want to put in as many hours as we'd like him too! It'd start you off easy and eventually we could move you up to be in design, since I'm guessing you'd have a natural talent at it!" His mom perked up, waving her hands through the air with increasing speed as her excitement mounted in the offer.

"Really? Oh my goodness! That'd be amazing!" Annabel exclaimed! Jumping up and throwing her arms loosely around Jake's mother, to which his eyes widened into saucers.

"Holy cow, are they getting along?" He asked himself, silently as the discussion amongst his parents and girlfriend softened to a din in the background of his thoughts while they chattered through the struggle of a finding a first job, but the importance of them nonetheless! He'd pictured a passive aggressive struggle as Anna pushed her animal rights beliefs onto his parents throughout the night and they interrogated her, but instead they seemed to be getting along merrily. "I'm not sure I understand what is happening right now... or where this is all leading, but I'm happy no one is killing each other!"

"Well, why don't we show you around our set-up? Get you all acquainted with everything?" His mom proposed, standing up and lending a hand to the younger woman before she directed them out of the living room and down the hall to the back door. Through there led over to a guest house set up, a relic of the house's old history, that had been transformed into their store's location, giving it a quaint, homemade quality. Behind that building they had added an addition with more housing and supply rooms to hold the expanding business. "First off, I'll just show you the desk front."

Holding the door open for her husband and new employee, Jake's mother released the screen just as he tagged along behind- as though forgetting him there. "Oops! Sorry, dear! Didn't think you'd have any interest getting a tour." She said with a casual giggle, though Jake felt the jab hidden within: "Your girlfriend wants to work for us more than you do."

They stepped through the door together, spreading out into the small, but comfortable space. Through the length of the room ran a large front counter, with a small liftable portion to allow someone to step behind it. At the side of the door sat a coat rack, bare right now in the cool, enjoyable fall weather. The walls were a warm caramel color with a few framed awards and popular newspaper reviews for the shop framed in matching wood tones. Then, on the front counter sat an aging cash register. On the far side of the register, sitting against the seam of the wall where two matching binders. "Those are filled with references of past works, different colors fur comes in, different styles we've done, excetera excetera." His mother explained, hands rolling forward. "That's great for a customer who's very specific but doesn't know what they want yet. Some will leave the decisions up to us. Stepping behind the counter, the woman waved Annabel with. "Down here-" She pointed to shelving in the backside of the counter. "We have order forms. This allows us to put customers and their orders into the system later since we haven't installed a counter computer." She continued down, pointing and explaining. "There's cleaning supplies here. We do the windows every few days or if some kids come in and smudge them up. There's furniture shine for the counter, to do occasionally. There's disinfectant to be done each day, usually in the morning. Then, there's dusting pads." She took a deep breath, giggling at how long she'd been talking.

"Sorry! I'm such a rambler! You're a smart girl! I'm sure you know all this stuff! Basically, clean as needed or if you get antsy back here!" She chuckled once more before shuffling down. "There's a box of fur samples here, this is for customers wanting to feel the differences when talking about products. They are labeled." She shook a little decorative box full of scraps. "Then, for any walk-ins, which there will be for those guys who got in trouble at home, tourists, and anyone who forgot a birthday in the town we do have a 'show room' back here but we don't allow customers back just to ensure that whole customized vibe. Basically, we put anything that had order cancellation, returns, or just general stock that we keep filled in this room. You'll talk a customer through what they are thinking, let them sample the furs, look at reference materials, then if they have an idea, head back and pull at most four samples for them to choose between."

"Ah! I have been rambling!" His mother laughed, but Annabel just smiled. "No, no! This all seems important!"

"That's a good attitude to have! Okay! I'll just show you the rest quick then we'll head back!" She walked back down the hall that extended back from the front room, pointing to doors as they passed them. "That's the show room. Then that's extra supplies and animal feed, medicine- Then, here is a work shop. We will make the items here. Then the last rooms are animal housing." She gestured at the three remaining doors before smiling. "You won't have to deal with those much at first. How about we go relax with some tea and cookies after all that information! Oofta!"

The group trudged back into the house, settling back into the living room with snacks and gently steaming mugs. After a few minutes all resting together, Jake nodded down the hall. "Wanna head back to my room for a bit?"

Annabel nodded, thanking his parents again before they slipped back down to his bedroom. Once out of earshot, Jake leaned into his girlfriend's side, "Woah! I'm so glad you like my parents so much!"

"Yeah! They are such nice people! That's why they deserve to have a much better job!" She bent down, hefting out the package from her backpack. The paper crinkled beneath her fingertips before she plopped it out onto the bed and began to unwrap the folds swathed around it. As the paper fell away, it revealed a thick leather cover with elaborate initials S.E engraved over the into the front within a frame of overlapping designs in a frame. "I'm going to use this book to turn you into a raccoon dog! Then, I'll just place you with the other animals in the back. And all you'll have to do is act like a sad, sad animal while I set up- emptying the water and food and... setting the mood!" Her hand waved up in the air, excited now on the edge of discovery. "I'll turn down the lights to set the correct atmosphere, one of tragedy and suffering... Then, I'll just snap some pictures, turn you back, and viola! I'll have everything I need for my perfect campaign!"

For a second, Jake's mind began churning along with her. "Dramatic mood lighting, I get it, maybe have one lamp on in the far corner so there's a darkening towards the subject. Definitely want to maybe give a small film to the water, just enough that it doesn't look hokey. Wait a second-" Jake's eyes both popped open wide and his head jerked backwards. "You're going to turn me into a raccoon dog!? I'm not so sure about this! I've never even heard about such a book, let alone-"

But, before Jake could finish, Annabel had already begun chanting in a far away voice. Her eyes trailed down along the page, reading out the strange words with uncertainty at first, though by the second phrase she seemed to have mystically learned the rhythm and accents of each sound so it all rolled naturally off of her tongue. "Annabel, wait! We gotta talk about this!"

But, Jake suddenly couldn't talk about anything! When his mouth opened to speak, only a tight squeak escaped! His throat tightened, trying to force out a familiar sound, but his voice was gone! Once her voice had begun to wind around the magical bindings of the spell, his transformation had already begun. First went his voice and any ability he had to stop her. Instead, he felt his throat clamp down tight and suddenly dry with nerves. "Annabel! What do you think you're doing!?" he tried to shout, but what came out instead was a morph of a feline's cry and a canine's howl, a sniveling little moan.

A hot flush ran up his bare skin, coloring it red from his jaw to his temple in a streak as bright as the imprint of a smack. "What is she doing?" he thought, starting to panic as his heart raced within the cavity of his chest. He could feel it pounding, slamming into the walls as though it felt the magic seeping down through him. It raced against itself, pumping the magic through his veins, letting it reach all ends of his body without his consent. Whether she noticed his fright or not, Annabel didn't stutter. Her eyes were far away, focused not even on the text but something beyond inside the paper and her voice came in a melodic drone, murmuring the strands of the spell so they continued unendingly to pulse the magicks through the room.

Then, at the speed of his pulsing heart, his skin began to beat with the soft, steady pace of his heart. He felt something tapping beneath the skin, miniscule pulsating beneath the top layer of flesh before the first sprouting of fur burst through on his shoulder. His hand jerked, swatting at the tuft as though it were a bug landed on him. The fur tickled with an uncomfortable pinch, not unlike the intrusion of a mosquito out for blood. Instead of squashing an invader, though, his fingertips smoothed over a the fuzz of the new tuft of a dirty earthy brown fur. Then, just as he turned to inspect the strange sensation visually, more tufts began to follow. Over the space of his shoulder, the fur began to rapidly push through until a layer of the flurry, brownish-gray fur rippled down the length of one arm and melded onto his chest. He felt the slight pinch of it growing on the back of his neck, pushing in to join the small hairs already there.

Then, the wave of growth cascaded down onto his opposite shoulder, before his eyes growing the same coat of deep brown from his bicep down to the very tip of his fingers. Suddenly, with both eyes widening with horror, Jake watched as his fingernails began to grow. They grew and grew until they jutted off in squared chunks from his fingers, but then they began to curl and roll into a tight coil that formed into the subtle curvature of a claw before melding perfectly into a pointed tip and darkening to the familiar black of canine claws.

His breath hitched in his chest, stunned at this continuing change. Even while he watched his hands with a shocked, unwavering focus, the fur coated his entire body. His torso is the same, matching shade of a earthen brown that faded to a grayer hue at the edges where stripes of a dirty tan crossed through the body. Down his form, a a dark stripe went down the back, broadening the shoulders and forming a cross shape in it's marking. Then, around his mouth faded to white, with each fur lengthening as it neared his eyes and darkened it's a sort of mask to connect into the dark shade of his torso.

His body striped between the two shades before a sudden bump protrudes out from his spine! Starting as small as a swollen concussion bump, the nub began to swell and stretch out from the base of his lower back. Jake felt it, twisting out from his skin, with a yelp (much to animalistic for comfort!). When he looked, the appendage grew just seconds faster than the fur spread, showing him the two steps of the tail growing out from his body before it finished with a faint poof as the fur all settled into place at the tip in the darkest shade yet.

With a swirling sensation of confusion and overwhelming stimulation building inside of him, Jake couldn't take in what was happening! This couldn't be possible! She just picked up some book from some Facebook friend and now he's growing fur!? A tail!? Claws!? With a sudden crackling, Jake felt a stiffness lock up his knees. His body wobbled once where he stood before he felt himself pitching forward. Both palms smacked into the carpeting of his bedroom, cheek even grazing down into the rug where he smelled the lingering scent of sweaty feet. As he felt, his bones were shrinking and shifting. His head felt a sudden throb, as though a migraine had blossomed right then, but really his skull had re-sized itself and begun to reshape into the smaller, tapering shape of the raccoon dog's almost fox-like structure.

As he tried to stand back up, his arms flailed to push beneath him as instead of fingers, he found paws had taken over. His palms shrunk down in size, fingers melding back into the skin like play-doh had made the familiar shape until just the claws jutted out with elegant little curls of black. At the same time, his limbs adjusted. They shrunk down to the smaller stature of a raccoon dog while his head suddenly itched and throbbed as ears grew up out of the fluffy halo that had already sprouted. Until, within minutes of the entire transformation beginning despite it feeling like too much had happened for such a short period of time, Jake had entirely disappeared.

Instead of the lanky teenaged boy, with brown hair that sometimes swept into his face, a gradually deepening voice in the onslaught of puberty, and oversized feet unproportioned to his growing there sat a raccoon dog. He sat short to the ground, body longer than it was tall with a thick coating of lush, long fur from is head- where it stood high above him almost like a headdress of fluff- down to his short, girthy tail of fur.

Jake's head swiveled, trying to look over at Annabel only to see himself arching his head way back to be able to see her! "I've shrunk!" he cried, hearing a hoarse mewl from his actual muzzle, a thin structure protruding out from his face with the short, whiskery hairs of white ticking down its length. "Good God! I'm changed!" he thought, writhing his body back around to look into the body chunk of the floor length mirror propped on his wall. His eyes found the reflection, the perfect image of this creature, but it didn't connect.

"That's not me. There's no way." But, when his nose itched suddenly and he tried to scratch it, lifting one leg like an arm and trying to curl his fingers towards the mark, he found the stubby leg just twitched up once and stopped- confused by the impulse in his brain. "No... no... no!" His eyes swam up to Anna, watching as she set down the heavy tome and squatted down to him.

"She's gonna be freaked! She's gotta be freaked!" he thought to himself, shivering with building fright, but instead she smiled at him! "What the hell!?"

"Jake! This is so perfect! It worked! It actually worked! Oh, that felt so cool! I could, like, feel the magic inside of me! Oh, it was amazing!" She sighed heavily, voice quivering with excitement. Beneath her, Jake almost couldn't believe what was happening. Here, he'd been transformed into a coon dog while she doesn't even seem to care! In fact, she was happy!

"Don't worry, Jakey! This will be quick! I promise!" She bent down lower, letting her shirt push forward so he could see the crease of her cleavage. "Plus, I'll have a biiiig thank you for all your suffering." While Jake's eyes swam over his girlfriend's cleavage, other eyes joined him, secretly from the other room.

"Wow!" Nick exclaimed, pulling back from the screen where he'd leaned in to get a detailed glimpse of the bribery being offered. On the screen, where before Jake had been standing, there was now a fluffy, frightened raccoon dog! "Like we'd use in the shop for long- fur pieces..." Nick mumbled, eyes still huge as saucers.

His mind replayed through Annabel's slander campaign plan, which he'd captured entirely on the mini-cam hidden in the corner of his brother's bedroom, painted to fade into the wall itself. The fact that Annabel had snuck into a job here in order to work against the fur business didn't surprise him, in fact, it really explained her patience with their parents, but the transformation- that he wouldn't have believed if it wasn't right there on the screen.

His finger flicked a button, running the playback behind a few minutes before he watched the transformation again in triple speed, seeing the fur coat his brother, his bones shrink into place, before suddenly just the raccoon dog sat there. "Wow..."

His eyes sunk closed, processing through this sudden turn in events. Then, thinking, he proposed: How can I use this to my advantage? His eyes peeked open, narrowing into a glare at the raccoon dog, now being scooped up into Annabel's arms.

"Daaaadddd..." He suddenly called, letting his head swivel back to release his call into the house. "I have something you should see."

At the same time, Jake found himself carried back out to the animal space where he found himself plopped into a propped open cage in the back. He felt the hay and cotton mixed bedding crunch beneath his small paws while Annabel swirled through the space. She emptied out his water dish, leaving a faint smear of water in the bottom as though it'd been emptied for a long time. Then, she attacked the food, dumping it back into the feed container before she took a single pellet and crunched it into a sad dust in the bottom of the dish.

Standing on the table to fiddle with the lighting, she looked down at the creature she'd turned her boyfriend into. "Now, practice your sad face! Sad, sad! Think of that "Arms of the Angels" commercial. Embrace your pouty animal. Picture that this is the worst minute of your life!"

"Like I need practice for that!" Jake thought, bitterly scrunching up his muzzle in place of a grimace. He tried to scowl, but found instead his nose would just twitch there at the end of his snout. "I can't believe she did this" he grumbled, though a part of him didn't have trouble believing it. Annabel had always been a bit pushy and undeniably strong minded: "What do you mean we're not allowed to say that here? You're saying my freedom of speech is lost even in the parking lot here of the school? How about if I take that one step onto the sidewalk? Is that far enough away I get my rights back?" He could still see her, eyes blazing as she puffed up to three times her size and shot back, voice steady and sharp as a blade, her questions to the nagging science teacher who called kids out for anything they said while leaving the school. He could see her in a multitude of situations exploding into a well-oiled machine of rebellion and passion until she succeeded, he just never saw himself as the target.

Until now. Until now when he found himself transferred onto the cold concrete flooring of the room while she angled the camera at him. The bright flash of her practice shot sent a jolt through him with its brightness, blazing into his head. "She's just gone too far..." he thought, but as she leaned in for a real shot, he imagined it ending soon once she'd gotten her shots.

"It'll be over in no time. I'll get back. I'll use this to guilt her into whatever I want for months." He almost felt himself smile at the thought.

"That's it! Smile for me!" Annabel cried, bending with the camera to catch different angles of his drooping fur, careful to catch the empty dishes in the background. As Jake posed and Annabel shifted to different spots, the camera flashed with steady pulses of pictures going off in sudden flashes. When the bright lights suddenly faded, Jake looked right up at Annabel. "Okay! I think we have enough!" She bent over, packing the camera carefully back into her bag.

Jake breathed out a long sigh, relief flooding him. "That's it! It's all done now! I'll turn back! We'll go get dinner! I'll get some because she'll be so thankful..." Just as he started to grin, puffing his chest up with building excitement, the door gave a faint click as it opened.

"Oh, hello." Jake's eyes went wide, darting over to the sight of his dad pushing into the room. His gaze fixed right onto the raccoon dog as though he saw the plot behind just this one creature sitting out. "What's going on?"

Anna froze at the sound of his voice, but his question sent an instant chill straight down her spine. She straightened up, quickly stepping forward with an unsure wave of her hands. "Um, I, I- I found this raccoon dog out of his cage!" The light flickered back to life, illuminating the older gentleman's unsure expression from where he stood at the switch. "You did now?" He asked smoothly, using the sweetest voice while he strolled towards the 'coon dog, squatting down in front of Jake in his transformed state.

His eyes swam up and down Jake's entire frame, inspecting him until the skin crawled beneath his fur. "Oh, yes. This does look like one of ours." He leaned up, scooping Jake into his arms. Once hand scooped beneath the creature's butt, briefly squashing the tail down to cover his rump, to which Jake squirmed with intense discomfort. He felt his dad's hands swimming over him, finding a good hold to keep him secure as he moved to an empty cage. Setting the 'coon dog, he turned back to the sheepish girl with a warm smile, 'Thank you, Anna."

Then, the cage locked with a click. Jake suddenly became aware of the other animals, one in each of the cages on all sides of him. He could hear their paws scuttling against the cages' floors and smell the thick, earthy aroma of them all around. His eyes rounded, realizing with a sinking feeling that this put everything into jeopardy. "What's this mean? What's going to happen to me?" He felt a churning in his stomach, a sudden butterfly flitting through him with an explosion of questioning. "What now?"

Part of him still ached with a hopeful belief that Anna would rush back and change him, no matter the consequences. "She doesn't really care about this job, she just needed an in. She's got her stuff, so even if it's a bit rough, she'll come get me back!" Though, another part of him, deeper underneath his optimism, something told him that Annabel wouldn't stop fighting against this system. He could hear her again, arguing for her points and the way she wouldn't quit. That part of him knew, deep down, that he was in trouble.

Then, with a sudden look right at the 'coon dog, Jake's dad spoke again: "My wife usually checks the animals once a week before they are put back into the free range coupe outside. I'm sure she'll get to it right after dinner." Then, his lips curled up in a rounded smile right at Jake's small eyes. That smile, comforting at first glance, had the smallest sharp edge that Jake caught himself on. It tripped him up, triggering some little naggling worry. It didn't occur to him what his father held behind that smile, but it set a deep nagging sensation into his gut. "What does mom do? How does she check the animals? What's going to happen? God! Why didn't I learn more about what the hell we do?!"

As his attention centered back onto the young woman, his father boiled on the inside, behind that smile. "This little brat... He wants to ruin me! Not even just me! My culture! My tradition! All these years, everything we've passed down through the years! He would really help to slander his own family's company! Our livelihood! I knew he'd never step up and be a businessman for us, but the gall! How could he?!" At his side, his fingers tightened into a fist, but he kept his composure. Instead of letting any sign of his knowledge show or slipping out any of this burbling rage, he forced a tight smile. "Anna, I wanted you to know how to operate the cash register in the store before you start. Nick is going to explain everything about the credit and debit card transfer." He widened his smile slightly, putting a gentle, guiding hand onto her arm before nodding to the hall. "Shall we?"

With a burst of panic, Anna turned her head back slightly, just enough to flash Jake a wide-eyed stare, trying to communicate a "I'll be back!" Jake stiffened at the sight of her, slipping out of the threshold of the room. He wanted her to excuse herself, imagined her crying "Oh, I forgot my bag!" and rushing back to change him back. For a minute, his mind entertained him with these flashing, dramatic rescues, from simply racing back in and spewing out the return spell to sneaking back in and whispering out the chants, before it sunk in. "She left..."

His eye widened, now only seeing the repeating cycle of her feet crossing over the door's frame. He saw her back, growing smaller out of the angled view through the doorway. Then, with a small shift, he stared through the space between his cage's bars to see the glossy, well-kept rabbits, foxes, and minks all down the line beside him. "Oh... Fuck."


Ching! The cash register opened with a loud clang before the receipt printed out from a piece on top, unraveling a smooth, white sheet typed neatly with tight, black numbers. With a smooth motion, Nick drew out the card and tugged free the receipt with a little ssht! as the paper ripped free. "Annnnd that is how you scam yourself an extra 10% tip for excellent customer service." Nick grinned, flashing a bright white grin.

"Hmm. Jake was supposed to help in the shop! You'd think having his girlfriend here would be enough to get him to show up! Any idea where he is?" His eyebrows lifted into a smooth, curious arc before he turned, looking to Anna attentively.

Anna stiffened slightly, giving a little shrug. "Oh, shopping..." She murmured, leaning to inspect the receipt that had printed. Her hair fell forward, hiding her tight-lipped expression and the faint flustered pink in her cheeks.

Nick just spread his grin wider, plastering the glinting smirk over his cheeks before he slide his mobile phone out from a pocket, flicking the screen to start a video. Anna, at first, squinted to see the details before it fell into place when she saw herself above a fluffy raccoon dog. She froze, looking into the younger boy's face with eyes wide with shock. He wrinkled his nose slightly, "Really though? Shopping?"

Anna opened her mouth, trying to come up with a response, but then couldn't and simply shut it again like a fish floundering. She looked down, picking her nails nervously before Nick gave a small pat on her shoulder. "Now, now. Don't worry about it! You have nothing to worry about. In fact, I wanna help you!"

She blinked, raising her eyes to look right at him with disbelief. She stared at him, wide-eyed with just one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Really! I think my parents do horrible things-" His voice lowered and he leaned into her. "If only they would understand life is not ours to give and take." He took a deep breath. "Anything you need. I'll do anything I can to help you. I can probably dig up some sensitive documents..." His voice trailed off for a long beat before he raised his hand up, rubbing a finger to his thumb. "It might take a little something though... You know... to oil the wheels."

Anna sighed, grabbing onto the boy's wrists! "Oh, I am so relieved!" She lit up, grinning at him slightly. "I can totally use your help!"

Nick grinned, popping his thumb up in front of him. "I'll help! You can place your trust in me!" His smirk, spread wide, glittered under the store's bright lights while his thumb jogged up in the air.


From inside his cage, Jake watched the door suddenly swing open to reveal his mom, Mona with Nick following behind her strolling through the door. She lit up at the sight of the animals, "Hello, my lovelies! Ready to go to the play pen again?" she greeted, practically humming cheerfully as she strolled by the first row animals, angled far enough away that Jake could barely see what she did before loading them each onto a cart. The entire time, she hummed and cooed. He could hear the sound of her fingers sliding through their fur. "Check! Check! Check! Oh!" She halted in front of Jack's cage, her eyes swimming in a stare through the bars. "Hello!"

"Now who is this? I haven't seen you before!" she exclaimed, swinging open the door of his cage with a little giggle. She scooped her hands beneath him, her fingers grating through beneath his body as she pulled him up into her arms. Jake's mind went wide at the sight of his mother's face swimming above him. "You are just so soft! I just wanna hug you!" She laughed softly, hefting him up so that his nose dragged over her shoulder before she pressed him into her bosom! Jake could feel the squish of her hefty breasts up against his stomach, using them practically as a shelf as she hugged him up to her. He squeaked, discomfort spreading through him at the sight of Nick off to the corner watching smugly.

"Why is he smirking like that?" Jake thought, feeling a sudden heat spread up his cheeks beneath the layer of fur while his mother started to knead down his back, drawing tracks through his thick fur and working down to the flesh level so he felt the tickle of her nails.

"Oh yes, you're such a soft, little baby! Such a cuddler! Oh yes you are! Yes, you are!" She cooed at him, slipping into a high-pitched 'baby' voice that made Jake's skin crawl at it. Yet, at the same time, part of him felt a sudden relaxation of his muscles when her massaging, gentle fingers worked down over his body. She knew exactly where to scratch, deep in the fur behind his ear, to get one leg to twitch slightly. "Oooh! Do we have a spot here!? Oh, I think we dooooo!" She scratched harder, tipping him over slightly so his leg would flail madly in the air.

"Oh, this is humiliating! Come on- Oohhhh..." One second, Jake tried to complain, but suddenly he found his mind exploding with a warm, easing sensation of comfort and pleasure as her hands faded to his sides. He couldn't deny the joy of it, but that only made it worse, especially when a little cough came from Nick, asserting his presence.

"He must have just been newly delivered this week." Nick pointed out, smiling once as Mona looked up.

"Well, we'd better get through a check up on him. A full inspection, just to be sure he's good." She plopped Jake down onto the examination table in the center of the room, the surface of which sent an instant chill up his spine. Both eyes went wide, darting to get a lay of the land before suddenly Mona's fingers started to slide over his fur again.

She brushed down the length of his entire spine, leaving no inch untouched even when Jake started to writhe and squirm with discomfort when her fingertips curled down the lower drop of his butt. He felt her nails down to the very edge of the nub of his tail. "Oh wow!" Mona suddenly sighed, leaning down to Jake until he could see her eyes hovering over him. "Your fur is so smooth! And the texture! Ah! It's silken, but thick and has such body!" She paused for a second, falling silent as her hands simply sunk deep to the thickest layer of his fur, right at the root and sat still there.

He could feel the slightest pulse of her heartbeat pressed to his stomach and the heat of her skin on his. "This fur is so thick! It'd be the best lining for... well..." She paused, thinking. "Anything!" She gestured with her free hand for Nick before she slid her fingers out from deep in Jake's layered fluff. "Press your hand in there, Nick. Feel how it just sits around you. Feel how much heat it traps."

Jake stiffened at the mere mention of his brother's grubby fingers touching him! He writhed down against the table, only to feel his mother's firm press down onto his shoulder blades, holding him still. "He must know what's coming after this!" She laughed, rubbing his ears so that Jake felt his brain melting again.

"Mmmm.... Wait, what? What does she mean what's coming after this? What comes after this? What?" His eyes popped open, just in time to see Nick flash him a huge grin before his hand slid down into the fur. He felt the younger boy's fingertips grind down into his flesh, groping down his hide before he still. Just pressing his hand down into the 'coon dog's fur, Nick could feel the heat of the all the fur around him, hugging. "Woah! It already feels like a glove! Or a coat!"

"Exactly! This fur is prime real estate so to say! He has such great potential!" She shook her head with excited disbelief before she started to finger comb back through the fur. "Everything is even. Everything is silky soft. Everything is thick and lush. There's no patching. There's no uneven growth. There's not even split ends! I don't know if I've ever seen a better candidate for fur!" Mona stared down at Nick's back, hard enough he could feel her gaze burning against his body which he now realized felt naked without clothing, despite the layer of fur over him.

Suddenly, hearing his mother raving over his fur, Jake remembered where he truly was. He realized it fully, not in just the half-real sense of one who expects they'd be leaving soon, like parking in a short-term parking spot to just pop into a store so you don't notice if it's a fifteen minutes, half hour, or a full hour spot.

Metaphorically, he'd just been caught in a line and that detail mattered again. He was in a fur shop. A chill shot down his spine, picturing the few animals he'd interacted closely with: bratty minks with their silky fur and fluffy rabbits who liked to run away. Then, he saw his mother's winter hat, her favorite scarf. He gulped. "That wouldn't happen to me though. Annabel is going to change me back..."

"I bet we'll get all sorts of bidding on this fur opportunity among repeat customers!" Nick offered up, pointing into the air as though he was gesturing to the lightbulb above his head. "I give him a whole... two days before he's snatched up!"

Mona chuckled. "You are certainly right!"

Jake froze. "What!? Two days! That's no time at all! No- no. Annabel will change me back by nightfall! She can sneak into here tonight at the latest! It could never happen! B-but what if they lock the door? What if she can't? What if she forgets? What if she wants more pictures?" His heart started to race pounding within the cavity of his chest.

"But that's too fast-" Mona clarified, pausing long enough for Jake to such in a calming breath. "We'd want to fatten him up and try to get even another inch out of this much quality!"

Jake's eyes went right back open, bigger than before! "What!? No!"

"Ah! I should make sure that he doesn't have any ticks! Gotta take care of this lush perfection!" She exclaimed, suddenly cradling her hands behind his neck and back before she flipped him onto his back. Still panicking, Jake felt a wave of nausea hit him at the sudden motion, eyes staring up horrified and uncertain as Mona's face leaned in over top of him. "Ticks? I don't have any ticks!" He complained pitifully, only little yips escaping his muzzle.

"Silly creature. Calm down. It's just for your benefit!" Mona soothed, holding him steady.

"Creature? I'm your son!" he thought, realizing his own mother couldn't even recognize him like this! His legs flailed, pitifully kicking into the air while Mona's grip held him still. He thrashed against the hold, trying to escape as the cool air lapped against his exposed stomach and crotch.

"Come on! Come on!" Jake cried internally, though it only translated into squeals of panic. His frustration mounted, robbed of his ability to communicate. His voice grew more shrill, trying to make different sounds and even control what left his mouth, but it only made him sound more insane. With his sounds, Mona only griped tighter, showing just how strong her fingers were! Jake couldn't believe it! "I'm being held down by my mom! My mom with two hands! Barely!" He felt his ego deflating at the concept of her being able to incapacitate him so simply.

Forced onto his back, Jake's entire front lay exposed on the table, including his sheath and balls that felt chilled left in this open air. Jake flushed beneath his fur, feeling his mother's fingers starting high on his stomach and spreading through the fur to glimpse down to the roots in search of an infestation. However, the raccoon dog, Jake, felt the itching of having eyes on him lower... lower than where his mother's fingers pinched around the little creases of his stomach. Tipping his head, he caught Nick standing at the end of the table with both eyes blatantly inspecting the package in front of him. Stiffening, Jake tried to squeeze his legs together, only to find that the raccoon dog's form didn't bend that way. He grunted with disgust, unable to cover himself. Instead, he could only watch as his younger, weasel of a brother eyed him openly, eyebrows even tweaking up and his head tilting with obvious interest.

Little did Jake know, Nick was comparing the sight of his brother's junk now, shrunken and hidden within the furry pouch of his sheath. His eyes drunk up the sight of him to hold it side by side with the memory of what Jake looked like in the foggy image from the spy cam hidden in the frame of the bathroom art. The framed piece, some painted bubbles, sat mounted above the toilet with its range showing the entire space of the bathroom rug where one stood naked and dripping. Jake felt his skin scrawling uncomfortably from the sensation of someone's eyes inspecting him without hesitation. Nick didn't try to hide his gaze, he didn't flinch away, nor did he even blush. "It's like he does this a lot..." Jake thought, finding the mere notion had a shiver running down his spine.

"No ticks up top," Mona announced while her fingers began to weave down. Jake felt the slightest pinches as her nails worked down until she came into the crotch zone. A sudden heat filled Jake's face, spreading from his cheeks down his entire neck as his mother started to pick through the thin, short furs of his crotch! Jake felt her fingers on the edges of his crotch, easing closer and closer to his sheath before she brushed beside it and her nails skimmed through the fur for ticks. Instantly, a zip of pleasure raced through his system alongside a dart of panic! "No! No! No! This cannot be happening!"

"He's pretty small for a raccoon dog..." Mona said, dismissively, but Nick instantly started to giggle, looking surprised. "Mom!"

"What? I see a lot of animal junk! I'm sorry if I notice things!" She shot back, chuckling once at her youngest son before her fingers returned to Jake's sheath, starting to rub along its side to feel for any ticks hiding in the creases or fur where she couldn't see, but for Jake he couldn't concentrate on what was worse! His mom was groping him, feeling him up, yet she said he was small! His insides seemed to recoil from the situation, pride throbbing with an ache in his gut while his neck nearly crawled with the blush that burned along its surface.

"Small? Of course I'm small, I'm a little dog!" Jake thought, justifications ringing loud, though a quieter, deeper voice couldn't help but think... "If I'm small as a raccoon dog, is that because I was small before and the trait transferred..."

As his mother shifted down, fingers cupping beneath his balls, hefting them up with gentle squeezes that must have been miscalculated as Jake grit his teeth even with that slight hug of her finger tips. As she worked, Mona glanced over at Nick, nodding thoughtfully. "It's a good thing he ended up here, at the fur shop, instead of having fun breeding raccoon dog bitches!" She noted with a grin. "It's sad enough that those raccoon girls are enclosed all their life, they deserve to at least feel something while being bred and how it is to be taken by a real stud..." She trailed off, chuckling and shaking her head at the same time, as though with true pity for their hypothetical raccoons.

Nick chuckled right back, thinking of how small the little sheath was now transformed compared to Jake's size in the feedback from his spycam. His laugh morphed, forming into a giggle at the memory of Jake's hand engulfing his entire shaft when he'd sneakily jack off in the shower, often barely visible from the frustrating angle of the curtain hiding him from view, but the times Nick caught him he knew that the trait may have transferred from its source. "I wonder if Anna knows about that..." He thought, covering his mouth with one hand to smother his random giggling at the idea of his brother's girlfriend being sadly mistaken at his brother's package! "Especially now! Hah!"

"What is he laughing at!?" Jake thought, suddenly feeling a fresh stab of shame from the two of them casually mocking his size! "There's no way that's my fault! That's just, just a transformation issue! Not my fault!" He felt a sudden blossom of heat spreading down his neck as his blush deepened onto his chest, hidden thankfully by his fur, but that didn't hide the clenching of his stomach with building embarrassment.

Mona, sliding her fingertips down further in Jake's private most spot, gave his balls a small inch between two fingers before she started to roll them between the pads of the two digits, instantly sending a jolt of sensation up the 'coon dog's spine. "Ya know, I think he might have just what it takes to pleasure one of our rabbits or minks!"

Nick laughed out a bark of a laugh, "That's just because rabbits are sluts!"

"Now Nick-" His mother scolded, but she cracked a smile nonetheless. "Look on the bright side! I suppose that is what makes his fur so extra soft, shiny, and feminine! If he had any real balls, it would have been much more coarse and rough! So, lucky us! We should be thanking our lucky stars for his feminine essence!"

Suddenly, Mona's eyes seemed far-off even while her fingers continued to idly rub along the furry shape of Jake's sheath. Her nails tickled through the short fur, sending odd zips along his spine while he couldn't help but squirm with the touch of his mother someplace disturbing, sadly not getting any less uncomfortable as her touch lingered longer and longer. "You know... This reminds me of you and Jake..." Mona murmured, glancing to Nick shortly, suddenly pulling him back from mentally comparing what he imagined the penis hidden inside the sheath looked like, "Aren't they pointier?" he thought to himself.


"Oh you know, balls? Babies? It reminds me of having you two!" Mona explained, suddenly giving a little pump of Jake's shaft that hugged around it and slid the little holder along the sensitive skin hidden inside. "You two were so small and delicate!" Her eyes rolled down to look right at Jake, suddenly leaning down to pretend blowing raspberries on his tummy. "Lookit youuuu... You could be a chubby, little baby right now, couldn't you? You're just a little, hairy baby!"

Her fingers nudged up, rubbing along the length of his stomach where the fur was downy and thicker. "Oh yes! Coochie! Coochie Cooooo!" She giggled, eyes sweeping lower. "You even have a little baby peen! Lookit that cute little thingy!" Her fingertip tickled along his sheath, even teasing out the slightest tip of his shaft from within. "I remember when Jake was a little baby! He was my first, ya know..." She glanced over at Nick. "He was such a chubby baby!" She laughed, rubbing and squishing his stomach. her fingers kneaded down into the squish of his stomach's folds.

"Oh, look at this squishy, squishy tummy! You have such a booda belly! Oh yes you dooo!" Her palm pressed into him, squeezing his stomach tightly. Jake writhed, squirming on the table in an attempt to escape her hands. Her voice, sickly sweet and squeaky as she baby talked, rang in his ears.

"Jake had the chubbiest tummy too! I remember everyone wanted to rub it- like a big Buddha belly!" She jiggled Jake's stomach, making the little chub there ripple. "I remember Ms. Trilia even came by to watch him a few times and she loved to bounce him because his bubbly tummy would bounce!" Jake blanched, picturing his teacher tickling and kneading his stomach like Mona did now. Suddenly, his mind filled with the image of that circulating through the school. He could just picture his friends finding out. "Trilia the tickler!" They'd laughed, pointing to his stomach, maybe even flashing it with a tug of his shirt to show off his stomach.

"Buddha tummy! Buddha tummy! Jiggling little giggly tummy!" Imaginary chants swirled through his mind, lining up with the little jostling wiggles of Mona's hands on his stomach.

Then, her attention lowered again to the little furred pouch of his sheath, now with the faintest tip of his shaft showing from it's opening. "But look at this adorable little thing! This, this reminds me of babies because everything is little and small with babies!" Her finger tip flicked against them, rubbing along the little length.

"Speaking of which, maybe... maybe even with the equipment issues we could get some from this little guy..." She chewed on her lip thoughtfully, before suddenly she gasped!

"Ow! This is bad!" Mona chirped, voice suddenly cheerful even as she grabbed onto Jake's ear with an obvious mixture of concern on her voice. Nick glanced up too, inspecting it with a little tug, as though forgetting someone was attached to the ear.

"Ooch!" Nick shook his head and clicked his tongue. "No ID tag... So, no record of vaccines or ailments." For a second, Jake didn't register what they meant, he'd fallen into the repetitive chant of blocking out whatever they said in hopes of avoiding any more commentary on his size or this weird form he'd been transformed into as an attempt to soothe the anxiety burbling within his chest. But then it hit him, no vaccines, nor illness history, they'd have to treat him preumptively as though he had any disease and had never been vaccinated, it was procedure to ensure disease-free housing for the fur industries's animals and clean furs later on.

His eyes zeroed in on his mother, catching as she cringed. "I hate administration! He looks healthy... I can just look away, Can't I?" She bit her lip, anxiously shuffling her feet before she met Jake's eyes, "I'm sure you wouldn't mind to miss a few stings, would you?" She murmured, sending hope darting through his system. He bobbed his head madly, holding her gaze.

But, Nick interjected, gently putting a hand onto his mother's shoulder. "No. You need to stay professional, mom." He paused, just long enough for his words to sink in, hefted up with this dramatic beath and to send Jake plummeting back to the depths of dread. "What if an outbreak would occur? Dad and you would be out of a job." His voice lowered, now soothing and gentle, but still firm. He was a practiced manipulator. "Could you face dad?"

"Tsk, buzzkill." She muttered, glaring at Nick briefly before stepping away and tossing a package of pills back towards him. "You do the preparation while I prepare the shots." then, she trotted to the counter and hefted out her supplies with a deafening thud that reverberated down through Jake's entire body. "You just had to intervene, Nick. You just had to..." Jake thought, feeling his stomach drop to a sickening level.

"Tsk, buzzkill" as she glared at Nick and threw him a package of pills. "You do the preparation while I prepare the shots" as she walked to the counter.

Jake's eyes followed his mother's motions, tracking her arms while she lugged down a container that rattled with the syringes inside. Then, with increasing horror, she took out one, two, three needles... "What the hell?!" Jake whimpered, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck prickling upwards. With each of the soft clicks of a new needle setting down onto the tabletop, Jake's anxiety notched up again.

"Awww! You look so scared!" A sudden voice interjected, Nick's face swimming into view behind it. "Don't worry... It'll all be over soon." Then, he leaned in close so that his lips practically brushed to Jake's furry ear. "But not too soon-" Then, he giggled just once before he sat back up with a shake of the pill bottle. "Shall we start?"

Nick's fingers start to trek down the length of Jake's body until he reached the furred little sheath. His finger tickled over the short furs of Jake sack and sheath while the pills jangled together in the bottle. "W-what's happening? No!" Jake thought, feeling a sharp spike of anxiety down his spine. The rattling of the pills slowed as the lid popped off, a single pill slipping down into Nick's palm. His brother's fingertips rubbed through his sensitive fur, making the skin prick and tickle over his sheath. Jake's eyes searched for his brother's anticipation holding them open fearfully wide. Then, he suddenly felt a light pressure up against the sensitive pucker of his asshole.

His entire body jumped, flinching away from the sudden push of the bulky pill. At the same time though, Nick's fingers gently flicked up to the ring of muscle, rubbing around the sides of the pill. Jake clenched his rump righter, trying to avoid the pill slipping into that clenched hole. The muscles clamped around the first bit of the pill, trying to keep it out even as Nick forced the pill painstakingly slow.

Jake's eyes narrowed, both frightened and glaring at his younger brother who hovered over top of him, the height of him overtop of the little 'coon dog only making Jake feel smaller as he writhed on the tabletop. Nick just smiled, "Oh come on! You had these before..." His voice lowered. "When we were little and went to Aunt Daffodil's remember?"

Jake's eyes suddenly sharpened. "That fucker knows!" he barked, a squawk of noise escaping his lips.

Nick's voice continued to hiss out in a whisper. "Your little girlfriend wanted me to say she'll come back for the next opportunity, but-" He paused with a broad smirk. "But she might as well get some more evidence and pictures in the meantime." Nick wiggled one eyebrow, laughing before he gave the bottle another shake.

Jake couldn't believe his luck. Of course his brother had snaked his way into this mess! "How did he even find out!?" A sudden string of doubt hit him, "Did Anna just tell him? She wouldn't be stupid enough to trust this piece of shit would she?" But, even as he asked himself the question, a part of him knew that Nick's smooth, charming exterior had convinced many a victim to trust him, but Anna wasn't really the victim in this case. He was.

"Ready for another one?" Nick asked with a wink, plucking out another pill even while the one he'd just inserted shifted inside of the clenching tunnel of Jake's bum. He clamped on it, trying to work it back out, but his muscles just pulled it in tighter.

Suddenly, another pill was rubbing up to his opening. The smooth surface of the pill circled and rubbed around the little ring of muscle, working in through the clamping of Jake's shocked body. Nick's smile swam in front of Jake's eyes, practically mocking him with the intensity of his eye contact while the pill shoved up inside him. Then, his free hand started to rub and tickle along his cock and balls once again, squeezing his small balls between two fingers. "Hmm.." His finger pads worked along the length of Jake's shaft. "We should make sure you are extra clean, ya know... For your benefit..."

As the second pill forced its way into his clenching star, Jake felt his brother's hand returning to his sheath and balls. The light, wandering touch tickled through the short furs, sending unwanted tingles up his length until the little tip poked out. A heat spread up through his groin, only sending Jake's stomach into a greater turmoil of butterflies flitting about. Nick's grinning face swam into view, teeth twinkling while he bounced Jake's balls with a fingertip. "It seems you are still... well-endowed down here..."

Jake flinched, suddenly feeling all the teasing about his size with even more conviction with the knowledge that Nick knew it was him all along. "I'm never living this down," he thought already projecting into the future, when he was optimistically turned back into his human self, but with Nick knowing then this would never, could never become a distant memory. Instead, it'd be a point of control and blackmail for the rest of his life...

"Jake, why don't you drive me to the mall? I got places to be."

"How about not, you little shit?"

"Well, that's your choice I guess, but I might have to tell dad something pretty interesting to convince him to take me instead..."

Jake could just see Nick's smug grin, flashing at him whenever he brought it up: "Oh shoot! I forgot my wallet again! Think you can cover for me, furball?"

Nick's friend, a mere victim of his brother's plots. "Furball?"

"Oh just an inside joke! Hah! I'd love to tell you allll about it though- Oh! How nice! Jake's going to pay afterall!"

Not just the blackmail though, it'd be pure fun for Nick to revel in it. He'd bring it up to make his brother squirm, he knew he would. This would be the all-time best mockery he'd even given. "Remember that time you were a helpless little animal and I fondled you?!"

Then, suddenly, Nick's words echoed through his head again: "It seems you are still well-endowed down there..."

"Still? What does that even mean? Still? How would he know? Did he talk to Anna? No... She wouldn't talk about stuff like that. How does he know?" The image of Nick's buzzing camera drone came into view and a very, bubbling ill churning worked through the boy's gut. "No." He thought about all the times Nick had known things he had no way of knowing, giving little subtle digs at breakfast. "That was some beat down last night wasn't it? You know, on the TV?" Nick jostled his elbow against him as they ate the day after Jack had accidentally made a mess of his television the night before. His mother, oblivious and cheery had only murmured, "Remember, I don't like you watching those AMZ-Whatever fighters. That's just too violent!"

"No way... That's crazy. That's too weird." Jake looked up, uncovering the pointy little fangs before he let out a long, drawn out hiss towards the boy casually shaking the pill bottle as though he was considering another.

"Careful now," Nick said with a spreading smile. "You know Mom's policy on the stock that ever dares to bite..."

Jake gulped, feeling a sudden clog in his throat at the mere mention of it and the realization that he'd have no way to explain himself, protect himself. He knew his mother ran a strict anti-aggression policy. They never took chances with animals even slightly aggressive since his mother had been bitten years ago and gotten so ill she'd been hospitalized for weeks. He knew exactly what would happen if he bit Nick... or even if his mother caught him hissing more than once. By the smug smirk on Nick's face, he knew the fucker was enjoying watching Jake's realization and Jake had to smother the urge to growl again.

"Now if you're not all calmed back down!" Nick ruffled the raccoon dog's fur, wiggling his ears around before giggling softly. "I think I feel an ouchie coming up!" Jake clamped his muzzle tight, submitting though his eyes still blazed with anger for the younger boy, whether he could see it through his transformed veil or not.

"Oh! Come on! Don't look so sad! Look happy! Thanks to you I'm sure I'll get Dad's old car!" Nick gloated, his chest even puffing up proudly as he daydreamed. "I mean, since I told dad about your and your girlfriend's little scheme, he likes me a lot! I might even get that new Xbox I want for Christmas. Hell, I might just get it for saving our business that you tried to destroy!"

Jake's eyes twitched, "Wait. Dad knows too?"

Nick, continuing on, beamed. "Oh yeah! You really, really pissed him off!" His fingers returned to Jake's shaft, this time purposefully. His eyes flicked to his mother once, but she'd shifted to the opposite side of the room, carefully measuring out doses of medicine into their syringes and logging everything methodically, Nick had time and privacy. His smile widened to practically kiss his ears. The fingerstips wrapped around his brother's little shaft started to pump along him, steadily pushing the sheath down to reveal the slick red of the skin beneath. Jake felt his body flush with heat at the touch, involuntary twitching with pleasure at the touch even as his mind rebelled, his brain felt disgusted, but his hips squirmed with delight.

"He said he's already given up on you! He said that if they don't find a customer, he will just turn you into a pair of sexy boxers briefs for a romantic night with mom." Nick waggled his eyebrows, pausing long enough that Jake had a chance to procure his own image of what Nick was suggesting. He saw a glimpse of his gruff father, suddenly shivering at the faintest outline of the picture, but Nick didn't let it slip away.

"Would you like that? Being cradled around his junk?" He paused a second, his silence letting a foggy image of Jake's glimpses of his father through the years, the unavoidable glimpses through a half-closed bedroom door that are partially obscured by the tuft of bushy pubic hair and a falling towel. "You soft, lush fur keeping his package warm and cradled... used to turn on mom?" Nick's fingers, on his free hand, grated down through the thick fur. He pushed a finger through the fur, miming what else Jake could find cradled in the soft furs. "Can't you just picture yourself as a snug pair of briefs for him? Hugged tight around dad's scrotum? His big, heavy balls pushing against you. It'd probably even strain the material. Stretch you out to fit around his entire groin. The leather and fur would just hug around the mold of his cock, showing its shape through. You'd be like a little display case for his chunk! You'd hold around it so, so tight you'd showcase how big he is! How much meat he has!"

"Little, escaping pubic hairs would get stuck to the fur, tangling into it even. Black flecks in your brown fur, but you wouldn't be able to pick them out yourself! They'd just stay there, building up."

"The leather would get all soft, fragrant with sweat, especially aroused, horny sweat. Hmmm... just think of that! It's get it all soft, supple and shiny! The innards of the briefs, where there's just smooth leather would be slick with sweat and rich with that earthy smell of musk. It'd soak into you, softening that leather. That's why it'd be so soft, because you'd be worn away, broken down by that sweat constantly soaking into the coat."

"Can you picture doing that Jake? Can you imagine holding around his ball sack and cock? Can you imagine what it'd feel like when he started to get hard? Straining against your leather?"

"Just picture Mom's hand working over the fur, rubbing him off through the fabric. That'd just rub all the sweat in even more! It'd massage you over his cock, using you like a tool to tickle that soft fur against dad's throbbing cock. Her nails would press into the leather, working your fur down around him tighter so he feels the warmth of it hugging all around. You'd be like a fuzzy vagina! The precum would leak out. It'd smear on the leather, soak into the fur. Oh the smell! The smell would never come out. You'd permanently smell like musky man balls. Dad's no less!" He grinned broadly, though his fingers gave a little bump of his brother's balls, "It might not seem like a huge task, lugging around someone balls if you're thinking of yours, but dad's are big and heavy. They're hairy-" He giggled softly. "Imagine having all those little lost hairs stuck in your fur."

At the same time, Nick continued to jog his fingers along the raccoon dog's length, sending increasing pulses of pleasure of the male's spine. Then, a smooth glass surface rubbed up to the male's rump, dragging a trail through the fur before the thermometer nudged up to the tight hole, already a bit stretched from the pills.

"Don't get too hot at the thought, Jakey. I've got to make sure you temperature is regular!" He grinned, rolling the glass tube over the little hole before he began to slide that in too. "Maybe if you get big enough, they'll be enough skins for a second pair for me! Would you like that better?"

Jake felt a flush rush up his throat and a blush building along his cheeks. He'd caught glimpses of his brother's cock; it'd been impossible to avoid when living in the same house, going to the same gym, sharing cramped spaces on vacation... He grit his teeth together. The pictured himself suddenly transformed into the briefs his brother mentioned. "Would I just be decoration for his junk... or to attract a girlfriend?"

"Mmm... Yes. I think I'd like a pair. I want the fur all around my cock. Your fur would just hug, keeping me all toasty warm! Would I be better than dad? Would you prefer if it was my sweat soaking down into your leather? Would it be better if it was mypubes tangling down into your fur, little markings? Would it be better if it was my smell permanently rubbed into your coat, stained with sweat and precum and just the scent of my groin where'd it'd be all the time?"

"You know it wouldn't be the same as dad. I wouldn't be as manly and thick as Dad's, not for a few years yet. It'll come eventually, but for now it's smoother. But don't worry! I'll make up for it! I'll wear you during the warmest days, to get extra sweat pumping into the leather. I'll wear you at the gym too! Oh! I'll make you my lucky underwear! I'll wear you for all the football games! Underneath my tight gym pants, hugging you flush right up against my skin and never washing you! I can't wash the luck out!" His hands spread out through Jake's soft fur, rubbing him almost sensuously while his voice rolled over Jake's ear, painting a picture so vivid he couldn't erase it from his mind.

He could just see his future rolling out in front of them. He could see himself, stained and splotchy with thick, soaked in spots of sweat in the leather. He could see the fur stringy and clumped from all the sweat that soaked in and dried, making it spikey like a porcupine over top of Nick's crotch. The image of Nick's shaft, in his brief glimpses, swam in front of his eyes all fleshy and pink rubbing to the inside of the leather, smearing the musky scent of teenaged boy into the material. And the smell! Jake's nose crinkled at the mere thought of how strong the briefs would be, soaked through with layers of sweat, different ages of sweat from each logged game where his "luck" was needed. "God, he wouldn't really do that..." Jake scoffed, trying to force away the image in his mind. Yet, at the same time, the little voice in the back of his head seemed to say, "Yes he would. He would do it, and he would love it."

"Mmm..." Nick's voice oozed out in a happy coo. "You'll make such an excellent alone time tool too... All that soft... supple fur hugging around me.... Oh yes..." He practically moaned, hugging his hand snugger around the raccoon dog's cock. "Plus, with the added bonus of a cum rag built in!" Jake's eye twitched up wider, the one sign of his shock at the comment, but Nick caught it no matter how short. "Oh yeah! Your fur would sop it alllll up! You'd soak it into your fur, drying and getting crusty at the tips, crunching when I rubbed you back into place over my finished cock, still leaky into the leather..."

Jake felt a clump in his throat, picturing the leaky cum stuck into the fur. "U-ugh!"he gulped, practically smelling the musk of an unwashed cum rag even from the imagery alone!

"It'll be wonderful to have such a close relationship with each other, won't it?" Nick crooned, giving Jake's butt a sudden squeeze, gripping the base of his tale for a playful tug. "We'll be closer than ever! Literally even!"

Suddenly, Nick's fingers suddenly felt tighter around his throbbing shaft. The thermometer shifted inside him, pressing up to the sensitive walls of his butt before his shaft suddenly twitched madly. Jake's eyes widened, feeling a familiar twang in his groin.

"No! No! Not after all this! How can you even-? After that-? After all that... nastiness?" He cried at himself, horrified at the juxtaposition of the images Nick had planted into his mind: his dad's hairy balls hefted up inside the sweaty, tangled mass of fur and pubic hair and his brother's semen, soaking through the already sloppy, dried with sweat points of the lush coat against a sudden, swelling orgasm.

He tried to control himself, summoning images of his grandmother or a sad puppy too add with the one's swimming in his head, but he couldn't shake the heat in his loins or the image of his brother's cock swaddled in rich furs. Then, his cock gave a mad twitch, spurting out a stream of white cum that squirted right into his brother's fingers.

Nick grinned, shifting the cum over his fingers for a second before he hefted it up to Jake's muzzle where the rich scent of the salty spunk hit his nose. "Clean it." Nick demanded, a smug grin slathered over his face.

Jake hesitated, his nose wrinkling back in disgust.

Nick just lifted a brow, "Did you just scratch me?" Jake's ears perked up, suddenly frightened. His tongue darted out in fright, scooping up a glob of the cum that rolled over his brother's fingers. That first lick swirled the earthy, salty flavor through his mouth. For a second, his lip crinkled with faint disgust, but Nick's expectant expression had him repeating the motion. While his tongue lapped out though, Nick shifted his hand so the cum would drip and spread, forcing the raccoon dog to lap over the entire surface and race his tongue up to the escaping drips of cum. His muzzle stretched open, catching the cum in his teeth and rolling over his tongue.

The taste filled his mouth, even making his nose twitch with the strength of the scent. Then, once it rolled around in his mouth, he had to swallow, feeling the clump of the ooey gooey glob roll down his throat.

Suddenly, Mona's voice broke in from behind. "Everything alright?" Jake felt a new rush of shame through his body, turning his face hot as his tongue lapped back into his mouth.

"Yes, very healthy! He's just a bit hungry!" Nick' eyes swam over the raccoon dog's body. "Dad said he had high hopes for this one, so he should be put on the good stuff."

Mona's eyes tweaked up. "Oh my! Did he find a customer yet?" Mona's fingertips pet over Jake's stomach. She kneaded down into someone's stomach.

Nick shook his head, "No, but he might use it for himself!"

Mona knocked the syringe against her hand. The little needle pressed to the scruff of his neck before she administered one by one. Each pinching slightly though Jake's mind was so filled with other distress that the physical pain even registered. "Really though!" she commented as she gripped on to the scruff. "Look at this fur!"

She groped her hands down through his fur. Jake felt her sliding her fingers deep down into the fur, sliding it up through the long strands of lush coat, but his mind wasn't stuck in this moment. No, Jake's mind wandered back to Nick's torment mere minutes before. His mind returned to one part, replaying it over the live stream of his mother rubbing through his fur adoringly.

"Just picture Mom's hand working over the fur, rubbing him off through the fabric. That'd just rub all the sweat in even more! It'd massage you over his cock, using you like a tool to tickle that soft fur against dad's throbbing cock. Her nails would press into the leather, working your fur down around him tighter so he feels the warmth of it hugging all around. You'd be like a fuzzy vagina!"

His jaw clenched, a lump forming in the back of his throat at the idea of his mom's hand right now trying to work off his father, rubbing deep into the fur to hit the thinnest amount of resistance between her hand and his cock beneath. He couldn't clear the image of her hand rubbing on him just to get to the mess of cum that Nick had described so clearly.

"This fur clearly belongs in the possession of a highly refined lady! Your father has no idea of good taste." She ruffled her fingers down through the fur. "I can just imagine lingerie made from this fur..."

"So soft... so supple..." She gave a long, deep sigh. "I bet, with good feeding, we could even get matching fur slippers out of here." She started kneading at him harder, groping along the squishiness of his stomach and rubbing up through his shoulders. "They'd be so, so nice! The hug around my feet. The warmth." For a moment, her eyes went glossy, imagining how Jake's fur would feel around her toes, keeping them toasty warm between the gaps of her toes. Her feet curled in her own shoes, miming how she'd snuggle her feet down into the comfort of downy, thick fuzz on all of her exposed skin.

"Anyway!" she segwayed, pulling her own attention back to the focus. "The more the better, right?!" Her voice softened, rolling out in quiet mumbles while she shifted across the table and stepping towards the storage mounted on the walls. "So your father wanted to use the good stuff, we'll use the good stuff." She opened the small cabinet on the wall before plucking down a petite bottle.

Jake's eyes widened, tracking Mona's step across the floor to where she began to fiddle with these new instruments. "W-what's happening?" His nails scraped against the table, suddenly scrabbling nervously. "What's the good stuff?" He demanded of his own memory, cursing himself for not being more involved in the fur-raising part of his family's life and his own memory for forgetting even the fragments that he'd picked up through the years. It left him stuck here, shrunk down into a part of this business he'd lived beside his whole life, constantly rejecting it, only to find that any knowledge of what happened would better prepare him now.

"How ironic..." He thought bitterly, a chill racing down his spine before he hefted up and tried to move further down the table to get away from Mona's returning steps, but before he could, Nick's hand clamped down over his back. Jake writhed beneath, but his little brother had no trouble holding him down so his stomach went flush to the cold surface of the table. His jaw even grazed the top of the table, seeming to nudge into his chilled cover.

"Hey! Stop!" Jake whined, but only a simple whimper escaped before his mouth suddenly spread out wide as a bottle shoved into his mouth. His eyes, straining up wide with a flare of sudden confusion, caught a glimpse of Mona looming above him. She'd shoved the bottle into his mouth, the knob on the end filling up the raccoon dog's mouth in a second. With a squeeze, the first glob of the thick, paste-y feed sludged down Jake's throat, forcing him to swallow so it didn't lodge there in the back of his throat.

The taste of the hyped up feed stung the animal's taste buds, making his nose crinkle with disgust at the mixture of medicinal flavors of the herbs throughout and the goopy lard-like consistency of the contents. Above him, to the side, Nick's face was curled into a huge smile. The whites of his teeth glittered in the lights of the examination table. Jake felt something inside of him tighten at the sight of his younger brother.

"Make sure he gets it all, mom!" Nick urged, smothering a soft giggling before he leaned in even closer to get another view of Jake's lips forced out around the huge mouth of the bottle, guzzling down the creamy feed.

"This will make him all the more lustrous! It'll make sure we get even more fur from him!" Nick commented, smirking down at Jake. Jake's chest heated with a rich red that spread up his neck to his cheeks, hiding underneath his fur. The heat of the shame at the idea of his brother, his younger brother, watching him being shoved full of feed. For what? To be fattened up! To be made into a pair of panties for his mother to where while seducing his father? Soft enough to tempt a groping hands over the mound of her sex, where she'd leak her juices into the leather? And even a matching set of slippers to hold her feet. Or a pair of boxers for his father? To be soaked full of cum? Or worse, for his brother now who just watched on at the preparation of this?

Jake's head spun. A nagging sensation of distress building in his gut, ache at the humiliation he was suffering at the hands of his own mother, while she acted oblivious to his identity but Nick knew, Nick knew and catalogued every moment.

But, suddenly, something started to go faint in his mind. The room tipped crookedly as Jake felt a sudden dizziness courtesy of his overfilled stomach. Then, with a loud zip of pain, his mind focused in.

"There! He didn't even notice a thing!" Nick muttered, grinning from the corner of his mouth. Then, with a soft plunk, a weight tugged Jake's ear right down so that he could see the tag that'd been attached. Both of his eyes widened up wide at the sight of the clip added there, officially cataloguing him.

"W-what is that?! Tagged?" Jake suddenly realized that seeing a tag meant something more than all these inspections. Having a tag meant he'd been entered into the system. He was marked as an animal.

Pop! The bottle yanked back out from his mouth with a wet slap of both lips clapping back together. Jake felt a slight whoosh as the wooziness rolled through him again, though he couldn't pinpoint whether it was nerves or overfeeding that had his head spinning slightly.

"There! It has been a long day for him. His body needs a lot of sleep to grow nice and big for our shop (and my slippers!). Please take him outside with the rest, will you?"

Jake felt his eyelids getting heavier, sinking down to close and thrusting his world into a dim darkness as Nick scooped him up and hugged him to his chest. Jake tried to open his eyes, catch a glimpse of Nick's expression, but sleep dragged him down into his depths and all he caught was the final sound of a click from a camera.

As Jake woke, the world seemed to crinkle at the edges Slowly, with his eyes still closed, he heard the world seeming to settle into focus around him until the distant noise of cars on the highway balanced against the birds tweeting up in the backyard's trees. Then, he felt the pressure of something rustling through his fur, no, brushing through it. His eyes popped open, flicking back to catch a close glimpse of the bristles running through his fur before a voice spoke from above, raising up his sight.

"Good morning, sleepy head." His eyes widened at the words, eyeing into where the voice had come into frame of his sight. As everything focused, he saw he sat outside of the pen on the sun-toasted grass splayed over top of Anna's lap while she ran a brush through his soft fur. His head nestled on her thigh, stomach and back spread over the rest of her lap.

Nick's voice, breaking in as he jaunted over from feeding the other animals, visible from the tools still casually sitting in his palm and the faintest dusting of oats and powder on the front of his shirt from mixing the feed. "You're spoiling him too much. The others might get jealous," he scolded softly, but the faintest smirk showed on his lips.

As Jake came to a full awareness after waking, he suddenly jerked his face up to Anna. "Anna! Anna!" He demanded, using the twitches of his facial muscles instead of the verbal shouting he wanted to try to get some attention from the girl. "Change me back! Change me back now!" He growled, feeling the faintest grumbling in his throat as he tried to communicate with her.

"Change me back immediately. No more waiting!" He thought, eyes huge and locked onto the girl as he tried to send her the message psychopathically. For a minute, she just watched the brush gliding through his fur, parting the thick folds of fluff before she met his gaze and both eyebrows raised knowingly.

"Yes! Yes! Change me! Change me back, baby! This will all be over!" Jake cheered, his heart fluttered excitedly until Anna chirped back, "I know the brush feels good! Doesn't it? Oh yes it does! I knew you'd love a good brushing!"

"Noo! That's not what I want? Are you nuts?" Jake thought, realizing again bitterly that he had no way to communicate. He bared his teeth briefly before fixing a wide-eyed, intense stare at the girl until she suddenly bobbed her head. "Oh, Jakey..."

She leaned in, muffling her voice so close that her lips brushed against Jake's ear. "Don't worry, babe. I just need a tad more evidence before I... change you." She gave him a reassuring smile, but just as she did, Jake noticed something.

Around her neck, Anna had a thick, silken fur scarf warming her throat. The fur, a luscious amber shade of brown, glistened in the sun and highlighted the girl's warm hair. Instantly, Jake's eyes sharpened into a clear message, "hypocrite!"

Anna glanced down and brushed the scarf with her fingertips. "Oh..." Her voice lowered to a soft whimper. "That." Her voice blurred into a mumble. "Well, I got it yesterday as a gift from your mom... and-and it's really pretty... And... I mean, I can't blow my cover yet." Her fingers are still stroking along the scarf, petting the soft fur instead of petting Jake at all until he fidgets sharply, forcing her attention back to Jake who glared at her until a sudden flash from behind Jake's shoulder.

Nick smirked, tipping to show himself clutching onto a camera. He chuckled, grinning over at Anna. "Nick, he's helping me too!" Anna explained, giving a warm wave to the boy.

"I'm sorry I can't change you back yet. I looked for my book yesterday evening, but it wasn't in my bag. I just... must have left it in your room somewhere."

Nick shifted, grinning at Jake. "Oh, that's too bad! My brother's room is like a garbage dump and a warzone combined! You might need some serious luck to find it again..." Then, with the slightest twitch of his eye, he winked.

Jake's face went slack. Both eyes rose up into huge pendants. He felt a sudden churning in his stomach at the idea that Nick had something to do with it. If Nick had the book... "God, I'm never going to see it again unless he gets everything he's ever wanted..." He pictured all of Nick's schemes over the years. The ideas he'd had. The demands he'd had. Now, he finally had the control to get any of those happen. Jake didn't have a life if he didn't give in. He had no choices... He had no escape. His gut clenched, tightening sharply. "Oh god... Oh god... What is Nick going to do?" And Anna, she was still smiling dumbly at the boy, blinded by his charm.

But, before his worries could develop further, Mona walked outside with a sharp wave at Nick to return the racoon dog to the pen, "Customer!"

Nick scooped up Jake, holding him up to his chest tight enough that the small 'coon dog can feel the faint beating of the boy's heartbeat. Nick's fingers dug down into the thick fur, rubbing into the softest downy under layers while he carried him. Jake shifted his weight, trying to shift the fingers away from his sensitive skin. However, Nick just held him tighter until they crossed the threshold and something much, much worse revealed itself because in the doorway, hanging up her light jacket, stood the prim stature of Ms. Winter herself.

Her hair had been coiffed into soft, interlocked curls that lifted up from her forehead and then fell to the side of her face. Her eyes were carefully outlined in kohl so that her lashes were thickened into curled, perfectly darkened. A soft, brown shadow swept over both lids, carefully accenting the shades in her hair before a warm, reddened peach covered her pouted lips. A fitted dress fell just past her knees, accented with a powerful necklace to match to the shade of her lips perfectly and livening up the pale gray of her simple dress. She held her head up tall with her back perfectly straightened as she beamed at the sight of Nick. "Oh! Hello! Mona!" Ms. Winter stepped forward with a flourish of her fingers towards the other woman before they hugged gingerly. "How have you been? It's been too long!" She cooed, gently touching the woman's shoulder before she stepped back with a broad, welcoming smile before she noticed Nick coming in from the back. "And the young Nick! How are you, darling? I'm looking forward to teaching you someday!" she crooned to him while he hugged Jake closer to his chest, but shifted just enough that Jake could see Ms. Winter stepping closer to him.

Jake stiffened. He tried to avert his eyes and avoid the gaze of his teacher, but it couldn't be helped as they all reached the center of the room and Mona stepped up to the focal point. "So, Trilia, besides being a pleasure, what brings you in today?"

"Well! It's the midterm season... I've survived a good chunk of the school year, so I think it's about time to spoil myself with a new piece." She flashes them all a coiffed smile before nodding to Mona.

Mona lit up. "Oh! This is perfect timing! I have the ideal fur for you!" She glanced at Nick with a sharp look, gesturing for Jake to move to the table. Nick scurried up, plopping Jake down before flipping him over. The raccoon dog stiffened at this move. The cool air of the room suddenly lapped up to his stomach, reminding him of how exposed he was, his most private and soft place was opened up to these people without hesitation. Jake could see their faces, swimming over them. Mona, looking eager and excited at the prospect of her son, whom she didn't know was the poor raccoon dog, being turned into a mere treat for Trilia to celebrate her teaching progress mark; Ms. Trilia Winter herself looking intrigued and dubious at the quality of this animal, as she always looked before she'd approved of something; and Nick looking purely delighted at Jake's position and gloating with his chest proudly puffed and both eyes glittering deviously.

"God. Stop staring at me!" Jake thought, trying to writhe his feet back under himself so he could turn, but his Mother stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder and pushed them down to the table and locking him still, exposed. "This is the worst," he thought to himself, nose even crinkling faintly with the humiliation of having himself spread out onto the table, helplessly displayed for his mother, his brother, and now his teacher! "What could be worse than this?" he cried, feeling his sheath distinctively in the cool air of the room, with his belly turned up where the chill reached every inch now.

"Go ahead! Feel the fur! Feel that silken quality, but the softness in the second layer? Feel that!" Mona urged, sending a dart down Jake's spine: "What? No! No! No, no, no, no!" He realized something worse than everyone staring at him, having Trilia touch him!

Her fingers stretched out, diving right into the soft squish of his abdominal region without hesitation. Her nails dug down through the thick layer of fur to the downiest pieces, even poking into his skin in her first passing strokes. Her hands just pet down his front, forcing her fingers to glide on the silken upper layer and feel the fur tickling over her skin gently. Then, she'd press her fingers in deeper to simply feel how much fur there was, how ample and warm it felt slide up over the length of her digits. Finally, her fingers would curl and rub her knuckles into the top layer and she'd feel the softest downy fluff that sat closest to the skin.

"Do you feel the layers there? The thickness? The complexity in the texture? It's turning out to be a lovely coat all on its own." Mona probed, holding Jake's shoulder tighter in anticipation of Trilia's response.

"Oh yes. This fur is so natural. I can feel that this hasn't been enhanced even with serums or anything, it's simply a birthright of this creature to have lush fur, perhaps." She gave a soft sigh, a moment of appreciation, but Jake found himself stuck on her words.

"A birthright? That's not possible. I wasn't born for this. Psh!" He scoffed and pushed the idea away, but it hitched there in the back of his mind. Like a squatter, the idea hide within and refused to entirely leave Jake alone. Instead, doubt started to swirl: "Maybe you were meant to just be an article of clothing. Dad's never shown any interest in your taking the business... What were you going to do with you life anyways, hm? You didn't have any real plans! Because you were never meant to! This is your calling! Your birthright! To be a big fluffy piece of clothing for someone! That's all! No stress now, huh? Life just got easier knowing you were just raised for this moment? Your birthright, Jake. Birth-right."

Trilia started to grope down into his flesh now, tugging up on the skin to see the stretch it'd lend to the leather. Her fingers pinched through, searching for any imperfections in the quality of the lush coat of fur Jake had. Sliding from his shoulders, Mona's hands joined so that both of the women were groping and squeezing over Jake's chubby 'coon dog stomach.

His chest and neck flushed with heat at the sensation of their hands crawling over him, inspecting him.

"I have been having some cold feet lately... Could use some nice, warm house slippers..." Her hand spread flat like a foot pressing down into his gut. Jake writhed beneath the pressure of her, wriggling her fingers like toes pushing down into the thick furs. He flashed for a minute, to life as a pair of slippers. He imagined Trilia at home, wearing a dressing gown and sliding her feet down into his fur where the skin would rub right into the supple fur until he felt the heat of her, the sweat prickling on her skin and rubbing right into him.

Mona perked up though, seeing her in for a sale and sparking her interest immediately. "Oh! Even better! This quality is for even more delicate things! Like your lovely hands! Gloves would be a much better choice! Just feel how how tight and elastic the skin is... that'd hug around every single finger perfectly, with this fur lining around." Her fingers grabbed and tugged at the skin, showing it's give and it's snap back into place. Jake's body had him feeling as though he wasn't even a living creature, let alone anything like his former self, as they tugged and squeezed and pulled and stretched without hesitation or realization that everything was still, for now, attached to his body!

"God! Stop!" he cried in his head, considering pleading them at this point to stop the endless groping and pinches, but even if he did he couldn't. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't defend himself. He couldn't do anything to help himself.

Just as he mulled over his lack of free will, Trilia leaned in close to him. Her fingertips tickled down his belly, no longer tugging, but still touching and teasing constantly. Her eyes found his, something that for the briefest moments sent him back to the classroom, slumped over and bored, willful teenager: "Jacob, why don't you look at me when I explain the recipe? Then perhaps you'll be able to correctly complete it, hmm?" Now, he wished to be back in the school house as long as he was himself again, long as he could speak and stand on his own two legs.

"What do you think, little chubster, would you prefer it on my feet or around my hands?" Trilia murmured, chuckling at the end of the statement to dismiss her little joke, but what she didn't know is Jake truly couldn't help but consider her question- and all it implied.

"Would I rather be on her feet or her hands? A moment of choice, free will, only to choose my own manner of no longer being! And I couldn't even really choose! I couldn't speak! I have no way of responding! But, would I rather be on her feet? Feet sweat. I'd be hugged around, soaking up her sweat constantly, feeling her toes wiggling around in the fur. Perhaps she'd sit by her fireplace, kick her feet up without noticing that the flames are a touch to close, heating and scorching the tips of my coat, making it blisteringly hot on the outside of the slippers, though her feet feel just perfect during it..."

"Or would I rather gloves? Gloves go on her fingers, innocent enough, until you realize how often gloves are touching... With gloves, I'd come along every time she went to button up her jacket, grazing between her breasts for the buttons. With gloves, I'd be there every time she scratched herself, grazing over her body, Ms. Winter's body constantly..." He internally grimaced at the thought alone of touching the aging teacher. The idea of it suddenly revolted him to the point he circled back, feeling the stinging sensation of his controlled fate.

"I'm totally at their whim and will..." Jake thought bitterly, just as his mother stood above him to launch into a fresh campaign to advertise Jake's possibility at yielding a wonderful pair of the warmest, softest most bendable pair of gloves yet!

"Oh, I don't know... I'm leaning towards slippers still. My feet do just get so cold, plus my doggie has a penchant for chewing my slippers! So I really do need a new pair of them before winter come in full force, it is coming, you know." She smiled trimly, leaning closer to Mona to discuss, leaving Jake with this new possibility.

"A dog? Chew me up? Just imagine what it'd feel like, the teeth at first just chewing, grinding over the skin. The slobber would soak all over the fur though, tangling it, making it all sticky and globby over the skin. But eventually, his teeth would break through... leaving a hole... leaving him tugging and ripping at the skin..." A hollow sort of horrification settled through Jake's mind at the idea of a dog tearing him apart, slowly over time. There'd be bursts where Trilia stepped in, yelled, and stopped the beast short of any real damage, leaving him to return again later for another burst before getting caught. Over and over he'd inch towards being destroyed, shredded apart. Then what? Tossed into a trashcan? Given over as a toy?

"It could all just unravel like that... everything laid out. What can I do? Nothing. I'm helpless..." Jake thought, bitterly just as Mona perked up with a fresh idea.

"You know, no promises yet, but I might have an idea..." Mona stepped over, tugging out a stack of stencils from a drawer and spreading them out on the counter before plucking out the shapes for two hands and the basic outlining for a slipper's construction.

"Let's just take a peek on the logistics of what we are working with here." Mona mused, sliding the broad base of the slipper template onto Jake's thigh, situating it to align with the edge of his flesh there. Then, she mirrored the same shape onto the other side. Mona's finger traced the shape of one of the guides, leaning towards Trilia. "There. Thats' where your feet will rest." She paused long enough for that idea to sink in while she continued to traced that shape around and around until Jake could have sworn that she'd already sliced through the fur and separated the shape.

"Just imagine... the slipper would be warm, but never too hot to where it'd become clammy because all the sweat, all the moisture... it all soaks directly into the fur!" Mona advertised, rubbing her fingers into the fur as if to demonstrate to oils of her hand already soaking down into the fur right then.

Trilia, with a thoughtful hmm, pressed her fingertips into the spot, starting to rub and press as though it was her foot that rubbed and pushed into the soft flesh and fur to test if it was soft and supple enough for her tender feet. As she did so Jake started envisioning it wasn't her hand..but her wrinkled foot moving up and down against his back, at first it was just her foot there, rubbing on him like her hand did them. He could feel the faint patterns the wrinkles of her sole tickled into his skin. He could feel her toenails, catching on some of the furs with little tugs, and he could feel the damp heat of her feet. His nose wrinkled, drawing up with distaste at the idea of her feet touching him and nestling down into the fur of his back.

But then, the image in his mind began to morph and take on more details. he could feel her walking in him. He felt the pressure of each foot step, the hard force of her weight balanced down on him. He could feel her feet, the sole of which got damper with every step so that the sweat was soaking down into the fur. Jake whimpered at the idea of her climbing the stairs in his, feet sweating all the way up while she squished him down into the hardwood of each step. Even worse, he pictured her reading in bed with the slippers still on. Her toes would squirm, rubbing own into the fur. Maybe she'd even put on lotion and then slip her feet back inside, rubbing that sliminess against him, tangling the inside fluff. The thought made him grimace his muzzle twisting into a pained grin at the idea of this tense life.

"Oh look!" Trilia gasped at the sight of his expression. "I think he's smiling!" But then, she hesitated and squinted at him till she say the small bit of sadness tinged through his expression and her face fell. Both of her eyes widened into rounded pools while her lips pouted together with disappointment. "Oh... Oh dear... I feel a bit rubbish now. I don't think we should use this 'coon." She mumbled sadly, tipping her head down towards Jake further while he saw a glimmer of hope.

"Yes! Play it up, you asshole! Save yourself!" he cried out, willing himself to droop his eyes further, give her a puppy dog look. "This is my chance! I'll be able to get back to the real me! My real life-"

At the same time, Mona saw a sale slipping away, which was never allowed! She perked up, leaning right over the table to gently rub beneath Jake's chin so that his head lifted up. "Oh nooo! Look at him! He's practically begging to be used as a slipper!" She crooned down, soothingly glancing over to Trilia.

"What! No! No! No I am not! Never! That's not right at all!"

"This is what you were born to do, right little guy?"

It brought it all rushing back to him. His moment, where it hit him so hard to hear his birthright attributed to being a piece of clothing. It all echoed again... worsening... "Maybe you were meant to just be an article of clothing. You were meant to be slippers. Just fluffy house slippers! You don't need any responsibilities as a pair of slippers! Oh wait, nevermind. Of course you have responsibilities! You have to keep her wrinkled old prune feet warm. You have to soak up all the sweat. You have to be the padding underneath every, single step she takes..."

Mona was continuing at the same time, only tightening the trap that clutched Jake. "He was bred for this. He was born for this. He was raised, with all the love I had in my heart, to becoming a pair of love-filled slippers for you!"

"Dad's never shown any interest in my taking the business because he knew! All along! Mom was just raising me for slippers! She raised me with all the love she had just so I could become a piece of clothing! All that stuff before! All the promises... that I'd grow up to be a firefighter, a professor... all not true. I wasn't born for that. I wasn't born for myself. I wasn't born for school. I was born for slippers. I wasn't born to get a girlfriend. I was born for a pair of gloves. I wasn't born to have my own kids, to find success! I was born for-for what? To be the warmth that a cold foot slides into?"

A sudden image, picture-perfectly clear filled his mind of Ms. Winters stepping out from the shower with a harsh shiver, snow falls outside through the small window. She hopped out of the shower and there Jake waited as her foot stuck down into him, instantly warming her chilled, icicled toes within the embrace of his soft fur, letting it soak up the water from her shower, the few spare strands of shaved off pubic hairs catching in his fur and the residue of her soap, clinging to her ankles still just rubbing into his leather.

Jake gulped. He suddenly saw his life in bursts, from the blurry memories as a kid of funerals and birthday parties, crying grandpas and screaming babies up through the tight uncomfortable sensation at the onslaught of puberty when his mother sat him down, to have "The Talk."

"Son, honestly. I know that half this stuff you won't ever need to know..." she said, right at the end of all her lecturing. She'd smiled a little, and then added, as if she'd slipped up. "Because you're such a good boy!"

"Was I really just born for this? Does she know? Is this... the plan? Is this really my birthright? Is mom giving me away for-for slippers?" A sick, clenching sensation took control of his stomach as a hoarse sigh left his muzzle once before his mind rang out, "Is it truly my purpose to comfort an old lady's sole with warmth? Is that it? How can I be sure that it's all I was meant for?"

"I am 100% Sure!" Mona, interjecting in the midst of her sale, spoke up with a sudden gesture to the air.

Jake stared at her blankly, though his mind no longer took control of all his focus as Mona added cheerfully, "I'll give a ten year guarantee on his leather not ripping! I know my furs!"

Jake, stunned into silence barely noticed as they continued then with the fitting process. The upper parts of the slippers fit down either side of his stomach, but then they had to try to fit in the variety of shapes needed for a glove form.

"Let's see here... If we fit a few of the finger forms up here, round his neck, we can get a nice downy inside..." Mona mused, almost to herself as she pressed the shapes down to Jake's back.

Jake trembled beneath the hard paperboard shapes. For some reason, feeling these forms, only cemented their discussion. Especially with Mona mumbling her ideas to herself, musing how she could "trim a bit of the fluff from his ears to fill the patchiness that'd come from using this thinner spot".

"His stomach is plenty big enough to cover the palm dimensions of each glove piece, but then the fingers would have to be taken from other areas... gaps in between the other forms..." Mona mused, now interesting Nick and Trilia over to try and fit together the puzzle of fitting all the forms shapes in various organizations around Jake's form, using him as a living board to press the shapes into until they could fit all of them.

"Wow! This might really be the fattest one yet! I've never seen so many patterns fit on before!"

"With some extra plumping, it should all fit flawlessly!" Mona concluded, slightly fidgeting with the tighter lines between a few of the templates. "It'd be a stretch to do it now, but with just a little bit more wiggle room and some careful stitches..." She trailed off, stretching some of the skin once again, testing which areas would be best for the stretchier needs of a pair of gloves versus the wider cut of slippers. She rearranged the pieces slightly, stepped back and nodded appreciatively. "Yes... yes..."

"Based on that, with our feed mixture... and all the love and nourishment of course! He just might get big enough that you don't even have to decide, we could do slippers to hug around your feet at night, shuffling around the house when the chill drops in, and also slippers to keep your pretty hands all snug on the way into the school, perhaps!" She flourished her hands above her before diving them back against Jake's soft coat, idly groping under his arms where the skin got hot and cozy.

Mona lowered her voice to a joking, conspiratorial whisper, "We'll just need some time to... fatten him up." Still Trilia showed some hesitation, she just needed another push for this sale, Mona knew it!

"You see, my husband really wanted to use this one for himself... He's daydreaming about lusciously furred boxers, haha! I'd much, much rather this quality go to a refined lady such as yourself. So... if you'd like, I'll give you two items for the price of one! We'll plump him up and get you those slippers that you need and the gloves as a treat!"

"Oh my! That just sounds so lovely!" Ms. Winter lit up at the idea, it was the perfect compromise so that now she didn't have to try and decide! She clapped her hands together slightly, "Oh just su-perb..."

Nick, sidled over from where he'd been waiting at the edge of the room. The sudden tickle of his breath over Jake's neck made him twist to see the boy's smug grin. "You know, it's such a shame that you won't become a boxer for me..." He sighed dramatically, filling Jake's ear with the sudden wisping of his breath. "I was so excited to just know that you were always there... around me... hugging me... keeping my junk all safe and support inside you." His grin widened, glinting lewdly down at the little racoon dog.

"I'm sure you're upset too. I mean, you definitely seemed to like me enough earlier..." His finger tip suddenly smudged against the animal's nose, rubbing the lingering scent of his own cum against the black nub. Jake's nose wrinkled, trying to escape the bitter scent, but Nick just continuing to rub and squish at his nose, paying no attention to the 'coon dog's obvious discomfort.

"He's such a pompous little brat!" Jake thought, stomach boiling with anger at how his younger brother kept trying to humiliate him, reminding him of when he'd succeeded... Over and over and over! "Enough! I've had enough!" He cried out, but then, the little voice he tried to ignore spoke up, clear even in its quiet tone from the back of his mind: "What? What are you going to do? What can you possibly do? He's won. He's reduced you into nothing but a dumb animal! You're nothing but an accessory to your own mother! What could you do. You're powerless. You're hopeless. You're weak. Just a sniveling, complaining baby. You can't do shit to Nick and you know it and he knows it. This is just your life now."

Jake's mind fell silent, just echoing back his own thoughts on a loop, inescapably. "This is your life now. This is your life now. This is your life now..." He saw everything that happened so far again, every moment of Nick's tormenting when he dug into him with his evil plans of making him soaked in cum, his father's or his brother's... He thought of the struggle of sitting on Anna, unable to say a word and her sheer indifference to him... He thought of the pinching, the pulling, the tugging, the groping, the squeezing, the feeding, the stuffing, the shots, the pills- "No! I can't do this! I can't take it." He cried out, almost to himself, begging that clear voice of reason, untouched by ego, to just stop.

That voice bristled for a second then Jake saw clearly what had been happened for hours. They were planning how to skin him. To make him into gloves, to slippers. Soon, there'd be nothing for him to do. Understanding this with a melancholy acceptance, his voice just muttered, "Well, that's good."

"But... alack! Business must come first with it's harsh, harsh demands of our time and our previous fluff piles!" He smirked, tugging his hand away before he gave one of Mona's preferred pinch locations a sudden tug, making the sensitive skin flash with heat. "I think it fits you rather well actually... perfect that it'll be Ms. Winter, so she can take you back... over and over to before the happened, the very day this happened. I think Anna told me that she convinced you in Ms. Winter's class, didn't she? Oh yes... It'll be good for you to have a constant reminder, to go back to what started it all... Just to see just how much you've lost..." Nick giggled once, harshly to himself before he patted Jake's rump and stepped back just as Mona slammed a hefty bowl onto the work table.

Jake twisted just enough to see Mona popping open the top on a blender. She bent to a small fridge beneath the counter, pouring out a creamy base... though in the soft yellowed hue of the liquid Jake's spotted flecks of gray and sickly yellow throughout it, followed by the final ounces which came out an oozing shade of amber.

"Mom, what is that?" Nick pestered, eyes wide with disgust.

"It's a mixture of all the leftover kitchen liquids. So there's some milk that's gone just a tad off, the butter and lard left in the pan from fish tacos the other night, there's a bit of the yogurt no one liked, there's the grease from bacon on Saturday and then steaks later. There's some stir fry juices... Basically anything that has some nutritional value, but we don't want to eat we pour into this to act as a feeding base, it's the perfect way to recycle. Of course, I chop up some extra lard like always as well, and then as it blends that melt out through the mixture, gives a nice marbling of the fats so I just that enough is going into a our little creature!"

"I can't believe they are going to have me drink that. I'm not going to drink that! No way!" Jake cried, thinking to himself, but then, Mona didn't stop there. From inside the fridge she yanked out six different containers and then a large tub of powder from the shelf.

As the first popped open, the stark dank of old fish filled the room. The pungent aroma wafted out in front of the actual appearance of the fishes spare parts as they dumped out into the mixture, hitting the top of the liquid with a heavy splat! Jake recoiled, watching as the sound of the slick fish hitting the top send Nick and Mona flinching back from the mixer. But, she didn't stop there. Next came a squatter container, the lid popping off to reveal a mass of overlapping red strands of fatty meat or the leftover chunks after dinner. For a second, Jake actually recognized the cuts from where they'd sat on the serving plate, cut off and left there after diner days before. It struck him to realize that just days before he'd been eating the choice meat from this cut and now he watched as the fatty, rejected remnants were added to his food.

As if reading his mind, Nick piped up, "Oh my gosh! Remember that dinner, mom? That porkchop was so good!"

"Except for this bit your father overcooked. So I chopped it up and we'll put it in here. Maybe all the fats will softened it up even!" She chuckled once before tipping the container out over the blender and moving to the next, another bowl of meat though this one appeared to be fresh. "Some blended animal feed meat, made of the lower grade stuff but barely cooked to preserve the highest level of natural nutrition!" She explained as the flash of red meat blinked once before it disappeared into the yellowy-white mix.

Then, one by one, she dumped in a scoop of each of the three powders they had on the shelf, following each one with a dash of 2% milk. Once the blender reached it's maximum fill line and the final sprinkling of the protein and vitamin powder fluttered down into the liquid, she popped the lid over top. Then, with a whirr, the blender came to life and the blades began to struggle with the thick mixture of products inside.

The sound of the liquids sloshing within the glass container mixed with the harsh tearing noises as the blades worked through the meats and swirled them into the fatty concentrated liquid mix. For minutes, the blender continued to whirr with the chunky, clunking sound of the solids starting to break down, but over time the liquid began to soak into the dry meats and the powders and the mix thickened into a roughly blended paste.

What was left had a coarse blending that had layers worked through the mixture where the fat and the meat couldn't break into the liquid entirely, but left streaks of red and yellow and dark, burned brown through the off-color base.

Then, popping the lid, Mona released the aromatic throw of the mixture with its fishy undertones and the scent of grease wafting out from the spout before she began to spoon it into an oversized bottle. Spoonful by spoonful she began to fill the bottle, each addition dropping into the container with a hearty splat! that left Jake's stomach turning inside out with dread.

"There aren't really going to have me eat that. That's not safe. That's so disgusting. I mean! There's like r-raw fish in there! That's not okay!" He cried, but soon Mona was tightening the nozzle on the container and stepping back to the table. Her hand smoothed down Jake's neck, tickling behind an ear. "I bet you're a hungry, hungry boy!" She crooned, lining up the nozzle to Jake's mouth just before freezing.

Confused, but hopeful, Jake swung his gaze to the side with half an expectation that it'd be Anna, come to finally change him back before something worse happened to him! But, all he saw was Trilia, looking curiously down at the feeding bottle.

Mona's smiled widely, gesturing over to the woman. "Would you like to try it?" She ushered the older woman over, helping her to steady the oversized bottle before the nipple-shaped end piece nudged into Jake's mouth, forcing its way in until Jake's lips were stretched out around it.

"There! Eat up, boy!" Mona encouraged, giving Jake's throat a little rub so that he had to start sucking down the mixture. The thick texture of it globbed onto his tongue, oozing down the back of his throat and leaving a snail trail of lard, slick in his mouth as it went while the rough texture of the blended meat scraped against his throat as it went. The rich, nasty scent of it filled his mouth and had his taste buds wanting to recoil back into his tongue to avoid the flavor of the mixed fats and proteins.

Obvious to the suffering he experienced as the mixture began to fill him, Trilia leaned over to Mona with a perplexed expression. "You know, I still cannot understand why Jake wouldn't want to follow in your steps, take on the profession of his parents..."

Nick snickered, waving his hand to grab the two gossiping ladies attention before he grinned. "You might underestimate my older brother's talent..." He introduced, stroking a hand down the length of Jake's body, massaging at his stomach slightly as though to work the mixture down into his gut further. "I assure you that he is working on his next big project as we speak."

Jake wanted to gag at his younger brother's terrible joking, but something was already doing the job for him as the flavors of the mixture hit his tongue. The distinct notes of the fish, an oily and slimy flavor that seemed to slither over his taste buds; the chops, a dry, cardboard flavor that scraped down his throat with every swallow; and the aged yogurt, a bitter, rotting flavor that triggered something to bob, rejecting it in the back of his throat.

"I know he is just full of inspiration for this business."

"God! Nick!' Jake thought to himself, finding the desire to be ill swelling in his stomach as a piece of something gooey burst against the side of his swollen cheeks. "W-what could that even have been?" He cried, feeling the ooze of the bursted, curdling yogurt drip into the steady gliding down his throat. The sensation of the mixed textures sent chills of disgust racing over his skin, prickling down his spine when another rough grate of the dried strands of torn meat slipped through his lips.

"He's bursting with potential!"

Nick laughed once, softly to himself before his puns petered off and he just rubbed along Jake's side. The raccoon dog could only muster a mere glare of hate with his mouth still stretched over the feeding nuzzle, glopping that mix down his throat, endlessly until suddenly Trilia leaned over a bit. "Ooh. That really does look a bit disgusting. He doesn't look like he likes it very much either. "

Mona chuckled once before she smiled. "Well, you see, it's just like most children. He doesn't know what's good for him. But this is it! This will make him and fat and his fur will be so silky, shiny smooth and soft!" She started to rub along his stomach, working the food down along with his throat muscles as she tried to create more space before she sat back again. "Plus, we are also helping the environment by recycling all of that! Otherwise those things would have just been wasted trash!"

"Trash! I'm eating trash!" Jake though with a cry, suddenly stiffening up as another one of the burst curdles of yogurt exploded over his tongue and sent a rippling wince through his features. "That's it. That's enough of this shit." With a little huff, he puffed his stomach up till it stretched the skin into a dome, making him appear suddenly full.

Trilia, with a little gasp, pulled back the nozzle. "Oh. I think that's it!"

Mona leaned over, blinking twice before she pursed her lips together. "Mmm, are you sure?" She stepped up beside the elder women, wrapping her fingers tight around Jake's mid-section which had swelled with the feeding. She clamped her grip around him, squishing the balloon that was his stomach. Her fingertips started to knead and press down into him, squashing the thick paste that seemed to soak up everything in his gut and absorb it into the paste. Jake felt her squeezing pressing down the length of his stomach, making him seem to swell uncomfortably before his muzzle popped open with a short burp and the air fizzled right out from his gut, leaving it considerably less full!'

"Oh! I see! We have got a faker!" Mona cried! Her eyes went to Nick once, eyeing him. "Now we have to question whether he's getting all the nourishment! Here, Trilia, let me if you don't mind." Mona dismissed as she took up the bottle. With a grip still on the animal's stomach, she started to pump the bottle out into him, squeezing it so that spurts of the gloppy, slimy mixture hit the back of his throat in explosions. Then, her hand kneaded along his throat and stomach in alternating bursts to work the food down through his system, getting it into him.

"Nick, just to make sure he gets quite enough, think you can make up a lard mixture quickly?" Mona asked, glancing over to the boy who nodded once before setting out an injection-like squeeze bottle and spooning in thick, white lard with heavy, nasty splats. Once it was half filled, he shifted down to the little fridge and selected out a dish of chopped butter, which he set onto a hot plate. As the butter melted into the dish, Nick spooned a fresh powder into the waiting lard, measuring out a few dashes of different supplements and vitamins.

"If we suspect an animal of dodging food, this handy mixture is a great way to inject some of the best ingredients right into their mouths! No way to get out of it! The lard base just gives a good filling, then the powders Nick's adding there all have all the nourishments he needs for good bones, thick fur, shine... everything! To finish it, you pour over hot butter to melt it into a nice liquid that can just spurt!"

Just as Mona finished explaining, Nick poured the butter over, which melted the lard just as described and allowed Nick to mix the liquidized mixture within the squat tube. "Why don't you give him a good fillin', Nick?" Mona invited, momentarily tugging out the feeding tube as Nick game over, rubbing the tip of the squirt bottle against his brother's lips. "Open up, naughty boy! I've got a little treat for you! A nice, white gooey filling for a naughty boy!" He lowered his voice slightly, skewing the words from their mother's ears, "I bet you wish it was a bit different of a white filling, but don't worry I snuck in some salt so hopefully it gives you a nice sample of the taste!"

With a sharp laugh, Nick pushed the tube in so that the tip nudged to Jake's throat, then with a purposeful release of the squirting mechanism, a burst of thick, goo shot into the back of the raccoon dog's throat, feeling suspiciously exactly like what Nick had elluded to: gooey, globey jizz.

The substance oozed down the boy's throat, the lard already starting to thicken as it cooled so that it became harder to swallow and forced Jake to really try, gulping around the paste. He tasted the salty bite of his brother's addition, making his nose wrinkle at the mixed, gritty texture of the salt and the powders within the creamed lard and butter combination. His entire mouth felt slimy, but messied with these strange textures.

But that didn't mean he got time to recover. With a quick shift, the feeding bottle was back in giving him the last bites of the original mixture to force the lard down with the bulk of slimy fish piece until Mona found that, with a squeeze, Jake's stomach didn't budge.

Mona beamed at the discovery while Nick smirked madly down at the raccoon dog at the sound, "Filled to the brim then!"

"There! We can't have you disappoint the misses now!" Mona jested as, with a squeeze, Trilia emptied the last of the rancid bottle into Jake's gut with a low sputter. Then, with a final glance, Trilia and Mona stepped away as Mona began to draw up the bill, discussing delivery details in soft voices while Nick sidled over to Jake's side.

His fingertip jabbed into his brother's swollen stomach, a little giggle popping out from his lips. "Look at you!" he mumbled, lowering his voice so Mona and Trilia wouldn't hear anything. "So plump and helpless! Can you even move?" He teased.

Jake scowled, wanting to leap off the table and prove him wrong, but when he tried to inch forward, his entire body sat entirely still. His toes curled, shoving the very tips into the table, but he couldn't lift his foot even an inch.

"Well! I better help you then!" Nick chirped, giggling fiendishly as he bent, scooping his hands slowly beneath the raccoon dog's stomach and squeezing him up towards his chest. "Oof! I don't know if I even can lift you!" he teased.

He bounced the 'coon dog in his arms, making Jake's stomach jostle and jiggle as little hiccups left his lips before, finally, the boy started to just carry him back up to the house. At the sight of the familiar hallway to their rooms though, Jake felt just as isolated and trapped as he did beneath any of his brother's taunting.

"Here we are!" Nick chirped as the dropped the raccoon dog onto the bed with a bounce. Jake's eyes flicked from side to side, taking in the sight of where he'd ended up: locked behind Nick's bedroom door.

Nick snickered from above, looking down at Jake's back. His hands were tucked behind his back while a smug expression spread over his face. Jake stared up at him, uncertainty starting to blossom in his stomach.

Then, with a flourish, he revealed the thick tome of spells out from behind his back. "Ta-dah!" he cried out, his entire face lighting up at the reveal of his control on the situation.

Jake looked up at his brother with wide eyes. His entire mind exploded with confusion, uncertainty. "What's he going to do? Is he going to turn me back? No.. he wouldn't..." But, even as he tried to rationalize, the hopeful voice in his mind couldn't help but think he brother really would change him back! They'd done enough already, hadn't they?

Nick, realizing at the sight of the raccoon' dog's wide, unwavering stare, what his brother was thinking, barked out a sharp guffaw. "You really thought I'd change you back? Ha! Haha! Hahahaha!" His voice broke with the overwhelming swell of laughter that too him over until he finished with a soft pant, "No way, silly!"

"After all, you really are a beautiful fur animal! The fur so silky... so supple..." He sighed, wistfully staring at how the light caught the fur. "Oh look how the light glimmers atop your coat! So shiny!" Nick chuckled softly before he stroked a hand down Jake's back, instantly making the fur prickle with his discomfort. "I still think you'd be a perfect, sexy boxer short. That fur, so luxurious, would be perfect for my piece. I deserve to be bathed in your fluffy embrace." He tweaked up the corner of his mouth, smirking as one hand started to idly grope out the shape of his cock beneath the barrier of his pants for a second as though the boxer was already on him. "The dark fur would look perfect as a backdrop for me... a good accent for my pale complexion..." Nick gave another short pause, letting the image resurface in his brother's mind of his life around Nick's junk, soaking up his messes, bathing his shaft in warmth, and attracting young woman.

"You know..." he continued, "Mom and Dad's business has been really going well for over decades now! Can you even imagine that amount of stability and progress!" He whistled, impressed. "So good it's been... that they might consider the fact that they can afford more free time now." Nick paused, tipping his gaze towards the computer where the cam screens showed, dimmed in a half state. Then, he winked. "Or... so a little birdie told me so."

Jake's forehead wrinkled, confusion showing through even in his changed state. "What does he even mean?" Jake thought impatiently, wishing his brother's monoloque would end.

"Didn't you ever wonder why they are so interested in your little girlfriend?" Nick asked dramatically, pausing after as though he expected Jake to respond, but Jake remained utterly motionless.

"Hasn't it crossed your mind why they find intrigue in your lass?" He asked again, eyebrow lifting slightly, expectantly. When Jake again didn't react, his finger tip jabbed into the raccoon dog's belly, trying to incite more passion from the beast, "They are looking to see if you have a nice, dependable girl that could help you in the long term-" He cut off, waiting again for that respond. His hands rolled in the air, gesturing desperately, then feebly, then they quit.

"Do I have to spell everything out for you!? They want to retire!" Nick shrugged, letting out a long sigh at the anti-climax of his grand reveal before his voice lowered, settling into a regular level of excitement. "And they wanted to hand everything over to you despite your-" He paused, hesitating as he considered the right choice of words, "severely lacking motivation, of course, we know that's not going to happen."

"Dad thinks it's best that I take over, but he doesn't dare oppose Mom." Nick settled down one foot up onto the corner of the bed, balancing the book on his thigh as he lifted it open. "Really interesting spell in here you know..." Nick sighed, flipping through the pages leisurely, mumbling to himself while Jake strained to even glimpse what was within the walls of the tome.

"The basics of potion-making..."

"Carefully shaved flesh from the cat's heel..."

"Mix with exactly three drops of salted blood"

The image of a feline, tied at all ends of its body and stretched over some sort of container flipped past, too fast to catch the details.

"Slimy business practices deserve a slimey fate..."

"Careful, octopi are intelligent."

Briefly, Jake glimpse a tie spilled out onto the ground, but nothing else had time to focus before the page flipped past again.

"Cheating boyfriends? No problem! Cheat them out of-"

"Carefully read these lines, hectibi-"

"After three days, the results are irreversible."

Jake squinted, trying to catch more of the book, but as Nick grew bored, he turned the pages a bit faster and a bit faster, letting Jake only see snippets of what the contents were as they fluttered past: "sharp... foolish... regret... prey... helpless... begging... shame... power... revenge..." He gulped at the mere thought of how those all fit together.

"I wouldn't have to kill you to get rid of you, look!" Nick mumbled, opening the book wide suddenly to show Jake the pages he'd settled onto. The illustration showed a man, sketched out with a dull expression, then the next page showed a pudgy, stuffed owl. "I could turn you into a plush instead!"

"That'd be so nice... You'd be all squishy and helpless!" He bent suddenly, scooping Jake into his arms with a tight squeeze. His fingers kneaded and pressed into the soft tissue of the raccoon dog's stomach, imagining it filled with cotton filling instead of muscle and structure. "Oh I can just see what it'd be like to squeeze you all filled with fluff! Imagine it, Jakey! Imagine being all filled up with cotton fluff until your sides curved all fat and stuffed!"

"I could sleep on with every, single night! If my feet got cold, I'd just press them down into your fluff and fur! Squish my toes into you to warm them up!" His fingers and palm straightened out into the shape of a foot, pushing into his shoulder, fingers rubbing his knuckle down into the flesh like their were toes searching for warmth. Jake just imagined what'd it be like, smothered under the blanket at night, blind in the dark with Nick's feet kicking out for him, finding him with a jab into his soft side before he squashed his sweaty feet right down into Jake's body or his face, not caring where as long as the fur surrounded and warmed up his freezing icicle feet. Even just in his imagination, Jake could practically already smell the earthy, salty bite of his brother's sweat and taste it in the back of his throat with a gag."

"Or, or! Use you as a cushion under my arse when I game! Just imagine what it'd feel like to have my ass pressing down against you, especially after a long, long day! I might be a bit sweaty and stinky! But you wouldn't mind! Or maybe you would! Says here I can make you a 'living plush' so you'd be aware of the world around you with nothing in your body but fluff! A mind without substance to act on your thoughts! How delightful! You'd just have to sit there, breathing in the scent of my toosh, feeling it wiggle on top of you- maybe even right on your face, but you couldn't do anything about it!"

"A footrest when I read! My feet sinking into the soft, squishy fluff! You'd feel it, pushing down into you, but you wouldn't be able to move! Just be stuck there for hours! Mind-numbing and boring hours for you while I relaxed, reclining and enjoying myself. Just think about it! The best thing is you could sleep with me every night though! Oh yeah... that'd just be the best!"

"Though, if I ever got sick of you I could just give you away! Maybe to an orphanage where all the kids would fight over who got the little raccoon dog plushy! They'd all grab onto a limb-" Nick plopped the raccoon dog on the bed before holding onto one leg and his tail, miming the tugging motions, "They'd all tug and pull, shouting at one another that you were there's. All the while, you'd feel your seams tugging and stretching. You'd feel stuffing shifting around as they pulled on your poor, wittle body! Then, whoever was triumphant would be overjoyed. They'd take you with them everywhere. They'd drag you by a tail into the bathroom, leaving you on the dingy, grimy floor. They'd take you out onto the playground. You'd go puddle jumping!"

Nick leaned in closer, voice oozing out in a crooning whisper, "Just think of how it'd feel to have your fabric all soaking wet, absorbing all the dirt and grime in the water and sucking it deep into your stuffing so that you felt the icky wetness inside of you, but you wouldn't be able to do anything. It'd be just like an unscratchable itch, but it'd be inside you."

Suddenly the boy started to laugh. "And just picture when the caretakers got ahold of you! They'd throw you in a washing machine so fast! Can you imagine being waterlogged with soap. Spinning and spinning around and around until you're so dizzy your head hurts. First they'd spin you in water, sloshing your belly around. Then, you'd go into the drawer to clank around in the spinning cycle with hot air toasting you."

"Or, instead of the orphanage, I could give you away to Ms. Winters. I heard her telling mom she thinks her dog needs a 'stress reliever' because he's always trying to hump her slippers. That life would be even better for you, being a dog's fuck toy! He'd come slinking over to you whenever his balls felt heavy. How'd it feel to get fucked by a dog? Ground into the carpet especially when people walked in, and you know there's always one person at the party who finds it hilarious and films it, you could end up an internet sensation! The humped dog! When he was done, you'd be all sticky and splattered with dog jizz, but it'd soak down into the fur where no one would see it! But you'd feel it. You'd feel it harden and dry down on the shorter hairs against your skin."

"And all the while, you'd feel everything, but be more helpless than ever. Oh yes, I like this a lot!"

Nick grinned, his smile beaming out. "One fat, plush 'coon coming up!" His eyes tilted down, skimming the page for a second before his lips pursed, starting to mutter the first words of the chant.

Jake's eyes bugged out, suddenly terrified at this idea. "What! No! I don't want to be a plush! I'd have even less control! No! No!" He tried to make some noise, faint chirps of complaint escaping before Nick paused, looking down at him with one eyebrow slightly raised.

Nick smirked, halting his chanting and planting his foot in the center of Jake's chest. He felt it, pressing down into the soft flesh of his gut. His toes curled, pressing tighter into Jake's fur, wriggling up against his chin. "I thought that you might say that..." Nick murmured, his lips curling up once again into a spreading grin. "I might find some other uses for you then." He paused, voice trailing off as he flipped through the book, idly as though he'd forgotten that Jake was even there, though his foot continued to push down into his stomach. "Hmm... says here I need some things..." He murmured, barely even addressing Jake now before he suddenly stared right down at him and plucked up his phone. "Hey, do you remember Clara?"

Jake's eyes widened at the mere mention of Clara. "God..." he thought, his mind instantly taking a jolting trip back into his past, when he'd dated Clara... He gulped. He saw flashes of her face, contorted and angry at the end of the relationship, she heard her nagging voice in the back of his head again, and felt the sharp point of her fake nails jabbing his shoulder, her constant go-to for getting his attention.

"Oh yes.. Clara..." Nick sighed, chuckling once before he stepped back, watching as Jake's stomach jostled back into place without his foot. "You'd better sleep off that food coma, then we'll talk about your favorite ex-girlfriend..."

"Jesus! Jacob! Where are you!? We are already ten minutes late? What are ya jacking off in there?"

Jake looked himself over in the mirror, gripping the sides of the sink so hard his knuckles began to match the porcelain creamy white hue. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and deep bags circled beneath his eyes. "Baby, come to this wedding with me. Come on. It's my aunt's. It'll be fun! We'll have the hotel room to ourselves the night before! It'll be so *fun*!" He mimicked using a sharp, high-pitched squeak for a voice. "God, why are you so stupid! You don't agree to go to a wedding with a girl right after a fight about how things were getting too serious! The hell!" He slapped at his cheeks, trying to energize himself, but he couldn't find the urge to leave the bathroom, even as she continued to nag from outside the door. "Jesus! I know you're tired, but we have to leave!"

"Yeah! I'm tired because you were crazy last night!" Jake spat, though quietly out of fear of further angering her. Last night had gone like a trap.

"Baby... come on. We finally have all the privacy we want! We can do the things we haven't been able to do...." She crooned all the way there, flashing him the deep v of her t-shirt, pressing her hips into him, but when they got to the hotel and she'd slipped into something more comfortable, it'd been thigh high latex stockings, matching gloves, and a leather harness strapped around her hips attached to a jutting black cock! "Ready for a ride, big guy!?"

"W-what? What is this? No!"

"What do you mean? This is my fantasy..."

"Well, it's not mine!"

"But, I did yours, remember. You owe me, Jacob."

"I don't *owe* you anything!"

"Oh yes you do! Now you'd better obey mistress Clara or you're going to be extra sore tomorrow-"

With a sudden jolt, Jake felt his nose bursting with the breath of someone surfacing after a near-drowning. His eyes popped open, drinking in the spill of light in the room.

"Did you sleep well, little beauty?" Nick murmured, looking over at Jake from his desk chair, a smirk plastered over his lips. "You sure seemed to have some interesting dreams, squealing flailing... It must be all the excitement at our plans! That's it, isn't it?"

Jake's eyes blinked, slowly trying to wake up and clear the confusion he felt, "Plans? What plans?"

"Oh yes! We're going to go for a walkie! Get some exercise! Some fresh air! Oh it shall be lovely!" Nick clapped his hands together before he plucked up a collar and a leash. "Better get you all ready and suited up first though! Can't have you running off!" He laughed, waving a hand, "Like you ever would!"

Nick stepped up, sliding the collar down over Jake's head with a sharp tug before he clipped the leash to it and gave a testing yank. "Ready to go?" He chirped before starting to head to the door, forcing Jake to leap off the bed, sending his stomach jostling beneath him before he hurried to keep pace with Nick's quick steps down and out the door.

"Come along now, Jakey." Nick urged, tugging the leash almost constantly so that Jake had to hurry, shuffling his short legs to keep up as they headed to the most popular park, situated in the center of their neighborhood. As they rounded the corner and the park spilled out in front of them, a sudden fear struck deep inside the raccoon dog. "What if we see people I know? That's his plan isn't it! Dammit! No!" Jake tried to tug the leash to walk back towards their house, but Nick just laughed and yanked him back into place, forcing his feet to scuttle beneath him to keep standing. "Oof! Trying to sneak back already! What a lazy, plump boy! You can't quit yet! We just got here! Hopefully we see some friendly faces!"

Jake stiffened, trying for another second to tense his body so that Nick couldn't keep dragging him forward, but Nick persisted with a little tug on the leash once again. In addition, he started to walk again, dragging the chubby raccoon dog behind until Jake started to pick up his feet, choosing to trot himself into the popular park where they were bound to run into someone. Where they were bound to see a familiar face, maybe a friend of their mother's who coo down to Nick, ask him how the business was going: "Where's your brother now? He being good? Has he picked up the business yet?" Or worse, they'd see-

Jake froze, suddenly feeling a stiffness that locked his knees in place as they rounded into the park. He stared forward at the familiar sight of their closest neighbors, at least in his age range, all clustered around a park bench while their dogs raced in circles around them. "No! Nope! Nope, nope, nope!" Jake thought to himself, He tugged hard on the leash this time, determined to spin them around. His body got halfway turned before Nick yanked him back around. "Oh no! Don't you even try!" Nick scolded, waving a hand.

"Hey there! You guys look familiar!" Nick called out, welcoming over the trio of Marcus, Ryan, and Godfrey, Jake's 'friends' who loved bonding over digs and rude jokes. "Nicky! The little brother!' They cried in greeting, swarming over with their furred friends in short pursuit.

"Oh look at all these friends! Look at them all!" Nick squealed with excitement. The dogs rushed over; a tiny schnauzer, a hulking doberman, and an energetic golden retriever. The schnauzer dove beneath him, nose trailing down the length of his stomach as it zeroed in on his crotch with cold, prodding sniffs right into Jack's sheath. Then, came the doberman, towering over him and practically turning the little creature over with his forceful nose, sucking in the scent of Jake's butt. Lastly, the retriever bounded over, practically stepping onto Jack's legs as he leapt back and forth over the raccoon dog's body, poking and jabbing his nose in.

"Oh! The boys are all getting acquainted!" Marcus said, clapping both his hands together excitedly, scooping down to watch as the noses all swarmed in around this new scent, Jake. Nick laughed right back, sneaking out the blinking red eye of his camcorder while Jake tried to shift away from all the bodies, crashing into him over and over and trying to get to his butt.

"Oh yes! It is so exciting! What are their names? I want my little baby to know all their names and scents!" Nick asked, leaning into the group with a beaming smile while Jake cowered below, willing himself to somehow escape this tornado of activity happening to him that was broken only by the glimpse of his friends looking down at him, humiliating him, reminding him where he was, where he wasn't.

"Well, this here is Tank." Marcus introduced, rubbing the doberman's ears between his fingers before Nick dragged Jake closer. "Get a whiff of Tank! Look at that big tough guy! Look at him! He's so much bigger than you! So strong! Mighty! Majestic even! Come on! Get his smell! Remember your friend!" Nick urged, yanking Jake until he had no choice but to graze his nose into the cloud of thick musk that wafted off from the tall dog. Jake's nose wrinkled up, trying to scoot back from the thick, powerful scent, but with Nick hovering above him- with the camera rolling no less, he was forced to sit and breath several breaths of Tank's smell before he was ushered back.

"And who is this?" Nick prodded, giving the bouncing retriever a pat before it bounced towards its owner, tail flying. "That's Racer!"

"Woah! He must be so fast!" Nick gave a tug on Jake's leash, but hurried to the dog, forcing Jake to scuttle behind him, though considerably slower with his short legs and bulging full tummy. "You're so slow compared to him! Poor little guy!" Nick teased, chuckling as Racer rubbed his nose right into Jake's rump, breathing in deeply. "Now return the favor!" Nick urged, zooming the camera right in on Jake's nose bumping into the dog's furred sheath where he could actually reach to sniff. Jake felt the camera behind him, tapping everything.

"What's he going to use that for?" Jake thought, nagging in the back of his mind. "His own saving? Just for latter? Is he going to show this to Anna?" A new level of humiliation settled over him, filling his stomach with a fluttering of anxious butterflies.

"And last, but certainly not least! Who's this?" Nick asked, leaning down to nose at the little Schnauzer who leapt up and bit at his nose just as his owner interjected, "That's Killer."

"Oh! Let's go meet the big, gutsy Killer! He's small, but he doesn't let that stop him! No Sir! Not like you, little chubster! You're little and squat and fat and... slow!" Nick chuckled, brushing it off as a joke as the dog's cold nose poked in to smell at Jake, his own nose quickly nudged into the same place with his brother's insisting tugs. A tangy, pungent scent of musk washed off the small dog, a shocking strength for so little of a stature. Jake shrunk back, suddenly more ashamed when stacked against these dogs than even before. His entire world, to make things better, smelled like musk and sweat. Even as he looked out over the park, with the soft breeze blowing the fresh fall air past, the leaves rustling, and a pretzel stand wafted with their wares doughy scent he couldn't smell any of it. He smelled musk. He smelled dog.

"Well! We best be on our way! Wouldn't want him getting too tired to make it back! Haha!" Nick said, stepping off and starting to wave, but Ryan cut him short. "Wait, man, what's his name?"

"Oh? Him? He's Captain Von Fluff Nutter Butt."


"Wait a second, this isn't the way home... Where are we going?" Jake thought, suddenly eyeing around him. The route looked familiar, but not a roundabout way to home... he'd have recognized that as their way back. His eyes swung from side to side, trying to place the brightly colored door of the house to their right and the expansive, shaped hedges on the left. "Why is it all so familiar? Where are we?"

Then, it hit him. He saw the pink flamingo stabbed into the front yard, the hokey, tacky mark on this house he'd always hated just a little. "No. Why are we going to Clara's?!" Nick started to turn up her walkway, giving a little yank on the leash to bring Jake up behind him much to his protests. "No! No!" He squeaked, the only sound truly escaping him little yips until Nick stopped and glared sharply. "Do we need to re-evaluate some things?" He asked sternly, instantly reminding Jake of the book... The book filled with Nick's other options, including turning his brother in a helpless, squishy plush toy to sleep curled against every night.

Jake, begrudgingly, unlocked his legs and strode forward behind his brother, silently fretting with every step of the way. "What is his plan? What is happening?" Before his mind could conduct the possibilities though, the front door swung open. Clara stepped forward, her fiery red hair loose down over her shoulders like she'd caught fire. Her eyes swept right down to Jake's, looking him over with a fierce, unwavering gaze before slowly her lips curled up into a vicious, toothy grin. "I got your video-" She paused, winking at Jake as if to say, "Oh yeah, I've seen what he's put you through." Before she added with a smirk, "And your message."

Her voice lowered once Nick reached the porch, a conspiratorial noise between the two. "Are you sure he's obedient?" A broad, devilish smile spread over Nick's face before he looked down at the coon. "Well, it's either behave or inanimate it is." He chuckled once, sharply. "More importantly, do you have what I want?"

Clara nodded sternly, slowly lifting something out from her pocket. It swung side to side for a second before it steadied, focusing into the heart shaped pendant. "Jake gave this to me on our first date... he promised he would love me forever.." For a second, her eyes seemed misty and distant, as though truly saddened by this memory, but then, with a glance down at the coon they steeled into sharp glares.

Jake bristled at her look, tucking his nose down. She had been his first love. There was no lie from his perspective, but everyone makes mistake about that right? For a second, Jake fretted with the same struggle of the past, whether he had some responsibility to her for having loved her, but then he saw the leash pass from Nick's hand to Clara's!

"Excellent! Just wonderful!" Nick chirped, taking the necklace into his palm and staring down at the pendant. Jake looked up at him, with huge, confused eyes. "What is happening? What is this? Where is he going?"

Nick just smiled softly, "I'll be back in awhile! Be a good boy, won't you?" Nick chuckled once, shrugging casually as though he was merely dropping off a pet for sitting. Jake's stomach started to churn at the idea of being left alone with this girl. This girl who'd proven herself to be crazy. This girl who thought he wronged her. This girl who knew who he really was.

As Jake headed down the walkway, Jake felt his stomach swirling faster and faster. The butterflies in his gut all took to flight at the same time, flying so quickly, this way and that until a tornado began to tear through his innards, throwing things about. The anxiety manifested upwards, clenching his chest tight and his jaw locked while he felt the presence behind him rising up, a looming and dark shadow hulking up behind him. With every step Jake took, further away, the shadow behind grew, higher, taller, stronger. The power seemed to transfer bit by bit until Jake rounded the corner out of sight, leaving Jake entirely alone with her, Clara.


"Well, well, well... To think, the big, haughty Jake tricked into being a little pet slave!" Clara laughed, a harsh sound from deep in her belly somewhere that came out like a croak before she yanked once, hard on the leash to haul Jake up the steps onto the porch entirely. "Did you realize you were being tricked right away? Or did it take awhile for you to catch on? You always did seem a little... slow."

Jake blinked, finding himself actually listening to her suddenly. "What does she mean? This wasn't a trick... not at first, now Nick is tricking Anna, making her think-"

"Oh dear!" Clara was staring right at him, a smug smirk curled on her pouty lips. "You hadn't even realized it yet, had you? Did I just spoil their fun!? Oh, how I hope not! Shucks!" She shrugged, chuckling to herself. "Oh yes. You always were slow on the catch-up. Maybe that's why Nick was able to convince Anna so easily. Maybe she'd just had her IQ permanently lowered from being around you." Her eyes nearly rolled as she spoke, sarcasm thick and heavy on every word.

"Really though? How stupid are you? Oh! I'm Clara! I'm just going to make you a fat, helpless breeding animal for a minute for a picture! Because of Facebook!" Her voice was high-pitched, squeaky, imitating Jake's girlfriend. "Get smart, Jake. Jesus. How stupid are you? How stupid do you think women are? Is that your deal? You just think yourself so smart that you believe the stupidest, fucking shit any girl says to you?"

"What is she saying? That's not true, is it? No! Anna isn't in this for some trick... right?" He found himself tripping, unsure what to believe. He felt so disconnected from even Anna, his naive ally in all this without any way to communicate to her that, suddenly, it didn't seem impossible that all of this was somehow a ploy. "For what, though? What's the point? Why? Why do this? Why me!? WHY!?" Jake's stomach was churning fast enough to make butter while Clara watched, reading the stress in the twitches of his tail and the pert stance of his fur. She relished in it, slowly drinking in the sight with a quiet murmur, mostly to herself, "Oh yes, let it build. I have all afternoon for my plans..."

"Wait, what? Plans? What?" Jake froze, tipping an ear to Clara with a sudden chill racing down his spine.

She stared back at him, slowly opening the door up behind her. "Shall we get inside?" Clara asked, voice soft and gentle. Jake froze. "Is she really offering a choice?"

"We can stay out here as long as you'd like!" Clara assured, grinning at him sweetly, triggering further doubt in his mind.

Jake felt some part of his relax just slightly. "I'm sure it's just a ploy, to get me to think she'll be nice, but I know she's planning something... but more time outside means less time with her, right? I mean, that's better than going in the-" Jake felt his thought fizzle out at the sight of who was walking down the sidewalk. The youngest professor at their school, who coincidentally did live on this street, Miss Walker. She taught the digital studies and happened to be fresh out of university with long, dusty blonde hair and a passion for video games. She was practically the marathon of every single one of Jake's wet dreams for the past two years of his life.

"Oh God. I don't want her to see me like this!" His eyes darted from the door, with Clara waiting beside it smugly, and Miss Walker, who's coat flapped open to show a short, simple dress beneath riding high to show a pair of tall black stockings just at its hem. Jake swallowed, clenching his eyes shut before he threw himself through the open door.


"Fuck!" Jake cried out, a yelp escaping his mouth before he realized his nose throbbed like a bitch. "She closed the door!" He realized, seeing the heavy oak door slammed shut right in front of him, providing the surface his face had slammed into. Clara, the demon, muffled a giggle behind a hand as she hunched into the door knob for support. "Oh my gosh! You thought you actually had a choice! You're just a helpless little- haha! Oh man! You though- I can't believe-" Her voice broke into soft giggling before she sobered up, rising to her full height with a wave, projecting her voice out: "Hey, Miss Walker!"

"Oh hey, Clara!" The young woman rounded the corner at the end of the walk, spotting the plump raccoon dog. "Oh my! Who is this?"

Clara smirked, "This is Princess Cordelia Sparkles! We thought he was a girl at first, because his... well, his thingy was so small no one even noticed it was there! Haha! Now, the name has just stuck!"

Miss Walker giggled, a little snort escaping before she bent down over to take a closer look at the animal. Her breasts spilled forward, giving Nick a deep look down at her cleavage, at first, he savored the sight. "Gosh! This worked out better than I thought!"

That thought backfired.

"I see what you were saying! It's not much of anything now even!" She laughed once, sliding her hand down over Jake's head. "Sorry little guy! I don't mean to hurt your ego!" She chuckled again, smothering the sound with her other hand as she gave a slow rub to his head.

"His fur is so soft! I can't imagine what it'd feel like to have this snuggled up to you!" Miss Walker said, giving his scruff a little squeeze.

"Go ahead! Pick him up! Give him a hug! It's so cozy!" Clara urged, grinning as Jake was hefted up from beneath his arm pit- "Oof! He's heavy! Got some pounds packed on there!"

Then, Miss Walker squeezed Jake into her text, forcing him face right against the squish of her upper breast, hard enough that he smelled the sweat percolating on her skin and the scent of lotion from earlier, a thick floral scent that stuffed his nose. A mixture of discomfort and arousal began to fill him as she stroked down his back, holding him flush to her broad, bouncy chest as she did so. "Oooh, he is so warm. And he's very.. squishy! Like a little bean bag chair or something! Or a hot water bottle! Keep you warm at night!"

Jake felt an odd twang at all her words, the mixture of the rush of shame at the insults built into the commentary: "Oof! He's heavy... squishy!" and the ideas she surfaced, like what it'd be like to spend a night at the lovely blondes side. "Though! I always roll over anything I try to keep in bed with me! Would probably squash him to death!" She giggled once more, Clara joining in.

"Oh, he'd just bounce back! He's got an armor suit of fluff and jello there!" Clara giggled too, so that their voices, their laughing overlap together.

Jake stiffened, sucking in a pungent, chemically-thick scent from the woman's breast while his mind rang with their laughter. "They're laughing at you. Listen to them laugh. Laughing at how fat you at. How you're just a pet. Not even, just an accessory for the bed. Just a tool. Listen. Listen. Listen." The voice in his mind ran on a loop with their laughter until Jake felt the shreds of his self-esteem wither away.

"Oh, Clara! Well, he does seem sweet at least. I'll leave you to him!" Miss Walker chuckled once more before trying to lower him carefully to the ground, though he still ended up landing with a slight thunk! "Oof! You're gonna get some muscles lifting that one!" She laughed once more, bidding the girl a good afternoon before she headed back down the walk.

Jake's head felt cloudy with the perfume thick in his nose. Every breath still seemed pungent with the chemical scent of manufactured floral. Their words, their laughter still ran through his head, only adding another layer of shame as Clara waved a hand at the door as it opened again, "Want to get inside for real this time? I hope so!" Without waiting for him to move, she tugged the leash and yanked him right into the house before the door closed with an ominous clud behind them.

"Now, now... what should we do?" Clara asked, smirking down at the raccoon dog with a smug look of satisfaction spread over her lips. "There's so much to choose from! So much you never said yes to ! So much I bartered for!" She stamped her foot once, annoyed. "Do you remember that, Jake?" She spat out his name, like she was saying "Chlamydia."

"Do you remember saying, "Oh baby. We can try that, but let's try this first! I've always wanted!" She glared down at him, her hands curling into balls at her sides. "Do you remember what would happen after? How you never followed through? Remember how you always lost your sex drive after a fucking blowjob? Remember when you let slip that my pussy tasted like, what was it? Fish?"

"I hope you like fish, you little shit." She chuckled, strutting into the living room and hauling the leash behind her so he was forced to follow. She took long steps, not pausing for him so his short legs struggled to keep pace, pumping hard beneath his squat body. When Clara glanced back, noticing his struggle, she mimed a little pout. "Oh no! Am I going too fast for you? Why didn't you say something?" She laughed, starting again towards the couch. Jake was forced to scurry behind her, stomach hitting the ground when his steps were too quick and unstable. His pride stung from her insults, her constant reminders of what he couldn't do.

Clara sunk back into the lounge piece of the couch, sighing up into the air happily before she looked down at Jake. "Want up?" She asked, smirking at him again, another moment where Jake felt her question had two answers but they both ended badly and with him suffering.

"Too bad!" she chirped, suddenly grabbing him by his armpits and hauling him up onto the couch. Her grip on the leash tightened, shortening it so that he found himself drug up between her knees which her spread up so that he stared into the crotch of her pants. The scent of her already reached his nose, pungent and thick in the air. She bucked up, starting to rub her fingers over the shape of her clothed mound only sending more of her smell into the air. "How many times did I ask you for oral? Beg you? Plead with you? Trade with you? Only to have it never return..." She clucked her tongue, shaking her head. "Good thing I don't have to ask anymore-" She held his leash with her foot, peeling her pants and panties down in one quick tug with her fingers before kicking them off.

Then, she sat bare in front of him. She hadn't shaved, so the dark curls of hair framed around the spreading of her pussy lips, hot and pink folds in between. "I didn't even clean up for you! Why would I!? It doesn't matter anymore because you have to do anything I want." She yanked the leash, forcing him to stumble up closer. His nose sat inches from her sex. He could see the droplets of excitement already trickling down overtop of the slick surface. One hand, not holding the leash, moved to the collar and hooked a finger beneath the leather. "Come on in. Get to work. I want one orgasm for everyone you ever failed to give me... Better get going, there's a lot."

Jake felt the whip of her words on his ego, installing instilling sudden doubt. Did she mean orgasms from oral? Did she mean orgasms in general? When had he not delivered there? He felt the nagging sensation of self-doubt deep inside of him, pondering and fretting over things that didn't matter.

"Come on!" She tugged the leash once, pulling him forward until his nose bumped into her sex. Her juices smeared over his face, rubbing into the fur and rubbing her scent over him. He sucked in a breath, only smelling her pungent scent all around him. His eyes blinked, seeing only the frame of her thighs on either side of her lower lips. The hand on his leash, growing impatient, gave another tug so that his muzzle actually pushed right in between her lower lips. On either side of his nose, her folds pressed against the short furs. Now, he could taste her purely from the strength of the flavor.

"Get to work, Jakey! Or should I say, Princess?" She laughed, triggering the memory to Miss Walker minutes before.

"Minutes ago I was outside, out in the fresh air..." Jake thought longingly, sucking in a breath only to hear her juices sputtering to suck into his nostrils. He yanked his head back as far as her grip allowed. "Get that fucking tongue in there or I'm just going to fuck myself with your muzzle." Clara growled, tugging his leash hard so that his muzzle rubbed into her folds again, demonstrating her threat.

Jake, begrudging but scared, parted his jaws. Out came the flat, thick expanse of his pink tongue. With the first lap, Clara gave the faint sigh of enjoyment. "Maybe this won't be so bad." Jake thought to himself, trying to soothe the situation. "Sure, I never liked doing this. Ever. But, this compared to what Nick's done? Nothing! This is fine! Maybe she'll even be nice!"

"Get to work, Jake. You've got some fucking time to make up for, you poor excuse of a man." Jake flinched, finding that his moment of hope dissolved at the sound of the woman's voice, vanishing his thoughts, his hopes for a short period of time to regain any shreds of pride. "Keep going!"

His tongue continued to lap up the length of her slit, bobbing his head up and down to lick entirely from one end to the other like he was eating ice cream, like he'd always read. He took care to flick the little nub of her clit each time, keep himself steady. In the back of his mind, he was surprising everything, trying to lose himself into the task at hand, but Clara wouldn't let him. She wouldn't stop talking, getting right into his head.

"Oh good. Keep it up, Princess. This is so much better. I wish we'd have changed you way back when! You're tongue is so much better used when you can't talk!" She stopped to laugh, grinding herself roughly into his muzzle as he struggled to keep his tongue working on her. "How does it feel to not be able to communicate? To have been striped of everything right down to your voice? Do you think about how nice it'd be to just say one word, "help"? Can you imagine? Just one word and someone might actually come in and do something, but... without your voice you can't say anything! No one would ever know this raccoon dog is even you!"

Jake's head was spinning. His tongue had already started to ache, but if he even slowed then she tugged hard on his collar. He just kept it going, shortening his licks to flicking motions over top of her clit. "Just zone her out. Don't listen. Just zone it out. She's talking nonsense. None of it matters..." He chanted in his head, trying to keep her from getting to him, but he found it impossible to block her out.

Suddenly, Jake realized her voice had softened. For once, Clara seemed like she'd lost her train of thought, but then it hit him as juices splattered over his face. The only reason she wasn't talking just then as he'd done it! He'd gotten her to orgasm! He hips shook and writhed up against his face. His muzzle mashed into her sex, nose even poking into her in her excitement. He didn't even care! "I did it! I got her to orgasm! Now it's over! I did it!"

Clara let out a long breath, a shiver racing down her spine. Jake sat back, a smug expression on his muzzle, at least until Clara fixed her gaze on him. "What are you doing? Did I say to stop!? You owe me a lot more orgasms than one!"

And back his tongue went, aching, to lap over her sex. Clara had a hand gripping tightly on his collar, tugging it with every lick of her clit, a constant remind that Jake was collared, Jake was trapped.

"You know, Nick told me about you becoming a pair of slippers and gloves... that seems like a fitting life for you, just a pair of clothing to keep some old cunt's feet warm. Just something to be walked all over, but I have a counter idea..."

"Imagine a life with me. Doing this. Every morning when I woke up. Every night before bed. You'd lick me to orgasm. Use that tongue for what it should be used for, what it was made for. How would you like that, Princess? Being a living sex toy? Just there for me to use, to get me off. Isn't that how you treated your girlfriends anyways? Just for the sex? You invest time for the sex? Well, it's your turn to make up for it now!"

Jake's tongue was aching, ever lick took conscious effort to flick it up, but he felt his pace slowing slightly. He struggled to keep the quick, pulsing flicks of his tongue that she seemed to like best on her clitoris. But, Clara wouldn't allow it at all. She suddenly pushed up from her sitting position so she squatted over him. He could see her thighs, muscles thigh beneath the smooth appearance. She pushed herself down over his tongue, shoving him down into her cunt, the tip of his muzzle even poking to her entrance. Then, she started to hump hard over him, grinding and wiggling herself on his tongue. Her sex dripped down from over his face, leaking her juices onto his fur. He felt a droplet hit his ear, oozing down the side through the thin fur. More spattered over his face, hitting his closed eyelids, smearing over his muzzle. He breathed in nothing but her pussy. His entire face had been marked with her scent, smeared into him, exactly like a sex toy looked without a cleaning.

"How would you like that, Princess? Being a living sex toy?" Her words suddenly rang out in his head again. Clara had stopped talking for once, but it offered no relief now! Not with this idea ringing in his mind. No one talked to a mere sex toy! If that's what he'd become, that's why she stopped! She didn't need to talk! She just needed to use him, got to use him no matter how much his jaw ached. No matter how much he wanted to clear his nose of her pungent flavor. He was just a toy, for pleasure, for use.

"Oh! Oh!" Clara's voice rang out, echoing loud in the air. Her legs shook. Her movements became frantic and rough against his face. His eyes clenched, terrified of somehow being hurt for a brief moment before she squealed into the air and collapsed on him. Her thighs squeezed onto either side of his head, as though she forgot he wasn't just a pillow. Her breath was rough, harsh directly following her orgasm, but it slowed to a long inhale, exhale pattern as it faded into the warm afterglow.

Once it reached a minute since she'd been spasming over his head, Jake expected her to move, tease him and move on, but instead, nothing happened. He wiggled his head, finding both his ears totally squished in the prison of her thighs. His feet scrabbled on the chair, getting no traction enough to pull his head out. He writhed harder, whimpering into her flesh. "Jesus! What is happening?! Did she fall asleep!?" He thrashed his small body, but there was no strength in his legs, not enough even to rescue himself.

Finally, Clara sucked in a long breath and seemed to come back to life, spreading her legs wide and smirking down at him. "Wow! That would have been impressive if you hadn't just been a fuck toy" she remarked, chuckling once.

"That's okay though! You can redeem yourself with the next one!"

"The next one..." Jake blanched, a rush of fatigue running through his body. "I don't think I can keep doing this..." He thought, though fear shivered through him at what the punishment for failure would be.

"But first, I have a surprise for you!" Clara chirped, jumping off the chair and fishing a small, white box down from a shelf. "Since you never, ever let me try cross dressing with you, you know, back in the day... I decided I'd get you a little surprise now!" She lifted the box, but Jake couldn't decipher what was inside, all he saw were ruffles and pink and ribbons springing out from this way and that way.

"Oh hell no! That's not happening! No!" Jake cried, but he couldn't speak. He couldn't say no. He had no control. None.

"Let's see here... first there's this!" Clara beamed, holding up a ruffled dog gown. It was a fuschia pink with a skirt design layered down the bottom half and big puffs of white on the sleeves. "Your gown! Perfect for my Princess!" She giggled, snatching Jake up and laying the fabric against his back. He tried to wriggle, but she squeezed her legs on either side of him while she wrapped the straps of the piece around his belly, then, she lifted one leg at a time to feet his foot through the small leg hole of the puffy, embellished sleeve. The material sat stiff on his shoulders, lifting his legs at a funny angle and forcing him to hobble when he walked.

"Oh you look so pretty! Oh my goodness! Let's take a picture quick! Even though there's so much more! I got the deluxe Princess Package!" She whipped out her cell phone, snacking a picture before Jake could move his stiff body away. "Oh I always knew you were made for dresses! You are such a pretty, pretty princess!"

Then, she hauled out a bundle of pink ribbons. "Oh there's a little note! Tie to tail and ears as desired. Ooh! Pretty!" She clutched Jake back in her grip, though between his weight, his weakness, and the dress he didn't think he could have moved without any trap. One by one, the bows were tied at the base of the right ear, left ear, and his tail.

"Picture two!" Against, the flash of the camera blinded Jake in a flash of humiliation. Though, it was shortly followed by the next items, a ruffled neck piece, satin pink boots, and the topper piece a princess's conical hat complete with some blonde curls. After each piece came another snap of the camera, catching his transformation into a princess.

"Now I'm just going to make it into a vine!" she squealed, giggling to herself at the sight of Jake. The pink gown was too tight for his stomach, so the clasps were straining, squeezing around his gut hard while the sleeves forced his arms to stand stiff out to his sides goofily. Then, the bows just added splashes of pink all over, adding to the frighteningly feminine get-up. The neck piece, made of stacked lace and ruffled scratched at his throat, keeping his chin lifted since he could bent his chin or it forced against the accessory. To make it all better, the booties had no traction, so if he moved even slightly he slipped and stumbled on the surface of the chair from the silky surface of the booties. Then, his princess hat looked suspiciously like a dunce cap.

"Woah! I got 50 Likes on your transformation video in a minute!" Clara squealed, turning the phone so he could see the the likes and views rising by the second as more and more people, people all over, people from everywhere found the video and watched him turn into a princess. His face grew hot, shame burning over his skin in a rash of a blush.

"Now, since you're such a pretty, pretty princess! I'm going to give you the royal treatment!" She hefted up a strange wand... Jake squinted. "What is that for? A remote? He eyed the pink surface, something either glass or perhaps a rubber. "Wait- no."

"Genuine latex! Don't worry!" Clara said, smirking as she hefting up the Master Size Queen's Hot Pink Dong (Ball Included, Veins Extra) with the extra veins so that they stretched out over the surface so it looked like a straining, needy dick, from a giant. "It's for queens, but you're a princess and that's honestly close enough!"

"What? What? What is happening!?" Jake thought, watching with twitching, nervous eyes as Clara circled around behind him. He felt the skirt ruffled from her touch. "What's happening?"

"Remember when you asked me for anal? Remember how I said, I'd try it if you would let me peg you? Remember how you agree and then backpedalled? Remember how I said it hurt a lot, but I still did it for you?" Her voice had lowered into something deeper than mockery, they'd bypassed mere mockery. Her voice rippled with pure revenge, ebbing through with spite and power. "Well, now I'm taking what you owe me but with interest. Let's see how you take it!" She spit into her hand, smearing the glob onto his butt hole without ceremony. Jake flashed to the size of the pill Nick had pushed into him, side by side with his memory of the ginormous pink shlong that Clara held. In short, if held side by side, the pill would have been invisible.

Jake gulped. Her fingertip pushed into him in a sudden thrust, starting to stretch and pull at his walls. She shoved another finger in, from the other hand, using them to actually pull apart the sides of his clenching, distressed bum. He squeaked, suddenly no longer ashamed of the sounds his animal voice made, but simply aching to try anything to stop her from using that beast from being used on him.

"Oh make all the noise you want, in fact, raise your voice. I'm taking a video for Nick! Hi Nick! Thanks!" She called out to her phone, propped on the arm of the couch. "I'm going to give it to him for Christmas though, better to save it." She giggled sharply, hefting up the toy and just pressing it to his opening. It was nearly double the size of his hole when she'd been stretching it.

"Fast and hard!" Clara murmured once, pushing the toy forward in a sudden, slamming motion. The massive head sat against his hole, pushing at the straining muscles which held for a minute, staying clamped shut before the walls started to pull apart. Bit by bit, the circle of muscles began to lose control as the head tried to work it's way in. Jake scrabbled against the chair, struggling to push away, but Clara had the leash, she held him in place. "How does it feel to be helpless? You can't even run, can you? No! You can't even run! You can't yell out! You don't have a voice! Who would care anyways? You're just a fur animal, just for gloves and slippers. Or a sex toy, in which case, you're doing your job!"

The head had gotten his hole wide enough to sit against him, but nothing truly passed the gates until with a sudden schlunk, his ass gave in to the intruder and clamped down around the first centimeter of the massive schlong. Jake felt his chest heaving with hard pants. His entire body felt intruded. He felt wrong. He felt helpless. Clara's word rang in his head, telling him he was helpless. He couldn't save himself. He couldn't do anything!

Suddenly though, with the next inch the dildo hit, Jake felt something struck deep inside of him. His entire body stiffened once, his cock going mad beneath his stomach. "W-what's happening?!" He cried, disbelief filling him at the idea that he could be aroused now, but with the next inch that the toy took, he found himself shuddering already on the edge.

"Oh? Does someone like that more than they thought they would? I always knew you'd like it up your ass! You're just a little size queen after all!" Clara mocked him, just as he exploded under his stomach, shooting cum up to his chin and smear it over his entire stomach, the neck ruffle, and the little, useless booties which smeared the cum down the length of the chair only to rub into his fur somewhere else down his body.

"Well, and I always said you'd like it..." Clara muttered, laughing before she yanked the toy back. For a second, Jake felt air on the inside of his gaping rump. Then, with a slap over his ass cheek, Clara skipped off. "I can't wait to show Nick all of this amazing footage later!" She chirped, giggling to herself as she began to call him: Yeah, we're all done here!

Jake dropped his chin onto the chair, panting. His butt ached, but it was nothing compared to how his pride felt. He couldn't live any of this down. He couldn't ever come back from having cum stuffed with a hot pink dong dressed as a princess... "God, what am I going to do..."


"Wow! She must have been really rough on you, hah?" Nick asked, giving the faintest tug on the exhausted raccoon dog's leash. A laughed followed his words, popping out into the cool air. The sight of him had surprised even the young mastermind, pink booties on three feet, cum stains partially rubbed off, some sort of gunk stuck all over his face, and general exhaustion weighing down his entire body. Each step he took seemed to be the grandest challenge he'd ever faced. Curious for how tired he really was, Nick varied the speeds of his steps for a block, watching him with delight as he struggled to keep up at even a moderate speed. The sight of it sent a shiver of delight down the young boy's spine actually, his mind dreaming up what had happened. Then, he whipped out his phone and took a few shots, just to remember the moment. Each burst of the flash made Jake wince, shying away from the recording device.

Jake dropped his ears down, shame flushing them red. "I don't ever want to think... or speak... or anything with what happened there." He thought, bitterly hiding his gaze by looking at the sidewalk, bathed in the gray light of the fading afternoon. Though with Nick snapping pictures of him, he had a feeling the boy wouldn't let him ever forget what had happened. Just the vague consideration of what had happened had him quivering with shame and embarrassment. Despite her rough cleaning, he suspected that it'd take a lot more than that to clean his face of so many soaking of her pungent scent.

It was getting dark already as they made they're way back to the house, though Jake had no idea how much time had truly passed in Clara's lair. It had seemed endless. It could have been only an hour, but it felt like he'd been prisoner for days, surviving through numerous trials and tests.

"Well! As a special treat! You can sleep in my bed tonight! I'll let you just because you had a hard day!" Nick chirped, grinning broadly.

"Oh hell no." Jake thought sternly, pivoting and starting to head towards the outside goop as a lump bobbed in his throat at the mere thought of spending the night with Nick.

"I mean, only if you want to... ever have a glint of hope of even experiencing a semi-normal existence ever again!" Nick added in his same, cheerful and chirping voice.

Jake let out a faint exhale, but his feet changed course back to the main house and right up the stairs. Nick sighed suddenly, letting out a groan. "Mmm... I had such a rough day! I think I deserve a nice, warm shower. I don't want to go to bed feeling grimey!"

Jake glared up at the boy, "You gotta be fuckin' kidding me..." The mere idea that Nick had suffered anything, anything compared to what Jack had, he couldn't even dignify the thought.

"Come, come!" Nick urged, ushering the pair into the small bathroom before he tied the leash to the handle of the vanity. "Now just wait here!" he chirped, before hopping in and tossing his clothing pieces back out in a flurry. Steam began to fill the room within seconds, thick cloud-like head spilling over the basin of the shower/tub duo. Jake listened to the rush of the hot water, envisioning how good a hot shower would feel on his tired body. While Nick washed away whatever meager grime he could have gathered while walking outside and then sitting in his room playing video games, Jake sat trapped on the floor, tethered like an animal.

"Oh my heavens! This is the stuff! The hot water on my aching muscles... Oh, yes! This is heaven!" Nick cried out from the shower, moaning a little. "Oh, how it just relaxes away all the struggles of the day.

"That little twerp is trying to rub it in!" Jake steamed. He thought of his most achy body part... His butt clenched just thinking of it. Nothing had returned to normal. He felt dirty, used. He felt betrayed by his body, this strong, alien body. Everything hurt. From the walk. From the dogs tackling him in the park. From being ridden and tugged on and fucked. His body ached for the relief of hot water pounding into him, instead he suffered from someone having pounded into him.

"I can't imagine what it'd be like not to have the luxury of a hot shower! Such a treat, yet such a right it is to have hygeine?" Then, the squirt of soap filled the air for a second before Nick continued, "Oooh... it's like a head massage, getting all the grime out of my fur- oops, I mean, hair!" Jake bristled, knowing Nick was taking a dig at the stains that splotched over his face and fur. Cum clung to him in spotted patterns on his face and stomach.

Jake leaned into the cabinet, scowling down at the tiles while Nick continued to preach about the delight of the shower, wasting away time enjoying what Jake couldn't have, relishing in the pleasure of being clean, hot, and comforted. Then, with a click, the shower shut off.

"Finally!" Jake thought, scowling at the thought of his brother's extensive brag of a shower.

As Nick stepped out of the shower, Jake found his eyes popping wide open. "Holy Fuck! That little shit is... hung!" Indeed, Nick, though shorter than Jake, had a massive package to offer. Nick stood, dripping wet while he ran a towel through his hair, leaving his entire body naked and on display so that Jake had long enough to take in the sheer size of his brother. "God," Jake thought with disgust, "He's bigger than I am!" Though, within moments, he'd shoved that thought to the back of his mind never to surface again.

Then, a dried nude Nick led the way back to his room, boldly ignoring the possibility that anyone could see him. Plodding behind, Jake had to look up to see Nick's entire frame. "Wow... He's really grown up." Jake thought for a moment, marveling at how puberty had taken flight, though, then it dawned on him. "Or rather, I just shrunk down into this..." He looked down once at his short, stubby legs that pumped at double time to keep pace with the taller boy.

Glancing back, Nick grinned, noticing where Jake's eyes had fallen. "How does it feel to have a real man you can finally look up to?" He asked, smirking until he hefted open the door and ushered Jake in before shutting it behind. Jake bristled at this comment. To think that his little brother, the kid he'd been beating up and forcing to do his chores since they were in elementary school thought he was the man in the relationship. Jake puffed out his chest, disbelief obviously showing clear on his face as Nick smirked. "Well, one of us is standing tall and proud today and it's not you. Plus, I think we know who has a more befitting manhood for the title of the man..." Nick glanced down at his cock, aware of how impressive it was. He looked smug, chuckling once. "And I also know that someone is equally as lacking as I am not."

Jack reeled, his pride stung by the knowledge that his brother knew of the different in their size. Jake had never thought himself small, not until now when everyone had suddenly started discussing him, calling him such. "Is it true?" He couldn't help but honestly wonder.

Then, he used his foot to flip Jake over, knocking his distracted worries out of mind. The 'coon dog's legs flailed above him in the helpless position until Nick's foot planted down into the center of his stomach, keeping him flat and steady. Jake whimpered, confused at what was happening.

Jake's eyes went wide, moons staring up at his younger brother who now towered over top of him, foot on top of him like he'd slayed him in a battle. "I don't know if you should ever be turned back..." Nick mused, starting to wriggle his toes and press his heel down into the soft, squishy flesh of Jake's stomach. The tired animal flailed, writhing and kicking.

Jake felt a jolt of fright at the words. The realization that if Nick controlled the book, Anna would never find it again if he didn't want her too. Nick did have the power to trap him in this body. Nick had the power to have him become slippers for Ms. Winters. Jake's eyes went wider, fear starting a tremor in his nose that made it twitch and jiggle fretingly.

"I think you being a plush or a pair of slippers would be the safest for me..." He grinded his foot down harder, relishing this position on top, in charge, the champion. Jake mewled out a complaint, tail lashing again as he protested his brother's painful squashing. He had never felt to small, so physically helpless against his younger brother. Here he was, the boy that Jake had beat up, had bossed around, had always bested. Here he was overpowering Jake with just a single foot, putting his weight on him and trapping him. The tables had turned.

"I mean," Nick continued, "Even if I change you back, or your girlfriend did, who is to say you won't get back at me? Kill me right away even!" His foot shoved down harder, indenting into the soft flesh of the 'coon dog's stomach. His toes beat down to the beat of an imagined song, each plunking down into the sensitive gut with each passing second. Jake could smell the sweat on his feet. Even right after a shower, the lingering scent of feet quickly returned so that Jake breathed in a musty, earthy smell of sweat, faintly salted and very thick, pungent as his brother rubbed and ground his foot into the tender center of his gut. "It's quite easy to just kill me in my sleep, you know. I couldn't ever get a night's rest! Ever again!" His foot gave a final, hard, shove down and Jake yelped aloud. His eyes rounded out wider, staring up with pleading.

Jake hesitated a second, chewing at his lip as though he was thinking. One hand lifted, scratching at his chin while his weight bore down on jake. Jake whined, begging for his brother to give him a break. "If only...." Nick sighed, staring up at the ceiling like he searched for some sign. "If only a little bitch would realize he could never disobey his superior relative." A sharp tone entered the younger boy's voice, a glint of confidence that Jake had never heard before. Jake flinched at the term, instantly one part of him rebelled against being called such a thing, a bitch. He was no bitch. But the other side of him recognized that Nick had the upper hand. Nick was in charge. He was the bitch.

He hefted the tome from his desk, leafing through the pages and staring down at their text. "If only I had some little sign that the bitch was submissive... Maybe then... maybe I could consider it sincere enough to change my mind."

For a second, Jake waited for the rest, but when he heard nothing he looked up to see his brother's legs shift apart, revealing his cock centered in Jake's vision, half-mast and throbbing from it's thick base up through the entire length. It was a good eight, maybe nine inches in length already. It was hard enough to stand, jutting up towards the boy's stomach before it gave a slight curve upwards. Thick, powerful veins ran up its sides up to a flared, fleshy head. Then, beneath, hung a heavy balls, swinging slightly with the boy's motions. Jake whimpered, a submissive whine underlying the sound. "I don't wanna be slippers... or a plush... I don't..."

He knew what his brother was suggesting. It was obvious, yet he couldn't believe it at all. His brother, his related sibling wanted him to... lick him off? Jake crinkled his nose, but his eyes peeked up towards Nick's.

"Oh my!? You have an idea?" Nick lifted his foot up, he plopped down onto the end of the bed, legs still wide spread so that his cock jutted out freely between his thighs. Jake sucked in a breath, silently trying to psyche himself up. "This isn't that bad. This is nothing compared to Clara-- no, no, don't think about that. Push forward. Do this, you live. This is to live. It's this or slippers. This or gloves. This or plush. Do this and you're home free." His mind was chanting his message over and over, but it still did nothing to erase the fact that Jake was considering sucking off his brother!

"Okay. Let's just do this." He mumbled, clambering up close and opening his jaws to start the first lick, but Nick interjected, "Wait! No, No, No! I want you to look pretty for this special moment!" He reached over, scooping up the necklace once given to Clara. Jake squinted at the pendant, spotting a strange glow radiating off the metal, but Nick had already clasped it around Jake's neck. Jake felt a sudden tang of the same sensation he'd felt when Clara had dressed him as a Princess. That deep burning sensation of humiliation. Nick was turning him into a little bitch, a little bitch with a pretty little necklace. He flinched at the idea, but some crumbling part of him was accepting it. "At least it's not a full gown and slipper set again..." He thought with defeat, the side of him that raged against being dominated starting to fade into the background, which when he realized it only made his shame burn harder.

"Now, start at the bottom-" Jake aimed his mother at the base of Nick's cock, but the boy waved him away. "No! The bottom-bottom, starts at the balls and take your time! I want to enjoy this..." Jake looked at the heavy balls. They hung below Nick's thick cock, the sac of loosened skin dotted with curly, sparse hairs that grew thicker near the more wrinkled base.

Jake winced. For a second, he just paused, but then Nick gave a short impatient cough and Jake dipped his head down out of fear for what would happen if he didn't get to work right then. His nose grazed into his brother's thigh before he maneuver back to dip down to his balls. That first touch already had him breathing in the scent of his brother's skin. He could smell his musk. He could smell the manly scent of him. Somewhere in his mind, he knew that he didn't have musk this strong.

Then, with long, slow licks he lapped his tongue over the length of the boy's sack. He felt the way the skin was smooth, yet faintly loose and wrinkled beneath his tongue. He had to keep flicking his tongue back into his mouth, wetting it and introducing his brother's flavor into the depths of his mouth. He could taste the musk on his tongue now, filling his mouth with the salty, spunky scent that his nose caught. With the first touch of his tongue to his younger brother's flesh, the boy let out a faint moan. "Oh, fuck. Yes. Nice and slow. I want this to last."

Jake forced himself to slow down, easing his tongue up the length of Nick's balls. His nose was twitching, breathing in the thick pungent musk of his brother. He couldn't smell anything else now, just his brother's stink. The raccoon dog's tongue rolled up the curves of the ballsack, working around to try and stretch his tongue towards the back, coating them in saliva. "Oh yes, get into every nook. I wanna feel you in every nook and cranny. Get in there."

Jake crinkled his nose up in disgust, forcing his tongue back into the deeper folds and wrinkles of his brother's balls. The short, tangled hairs caught on his lips and tongue, ripping out into his teeth and staying stuck there as his mouth stretched open, trying to suck around the side of the sack. He could feel them, sticking to his tongue, but he had to way to get them off. No fingers to pluck them up with. Instead, he had to ignore them to eventually swallow down the little bits of what his brother left in his mouth. The strange, loose skin pulled into his mouth, filling his tongue with the flavor of his brother's musk and sweat fresh on the skin after his shower. Faintly, he could taste his brother's soap in the back of his mouth.

His mouth yanked back, stifling a disgusted groan before he caught Nick looking at him. "Well, come on now! Keep going! Let your fur touch me, it feel so silky soft..." Jake grimaced at his brother's request, but scooted up so that his furry cheeks rubbed into the boy's thighs and balls as his tongue started to lap at the very base where his balls drooped beneath the boy's massive cock. From where he sat, Jake looked up, looking to where Nick's shaft curved faintly and arched towards his stomach before flaring with a big, pink cock head. "Damn..." he thought to himself, feeling small next to the boy's junk. His tongue was dwarfed against the massive length, forcing him to push his paws slightly against Nick's thighs for leverage to get his tongue higher up. "Oh! Hold onto me with those itty bitty things!" Nick encouraged, watching as jake curled his small paws gently around his brother's balls, quivering at the texture of them beneath his paws. Jake looked like a little miniature pet, he felt, next to his brother's junk. His small fingers tried to form around his brother's balls to hold them, eventually, the claws slipped out to gingerly hold onto the skin. They clutched around him, starting to massage into the skin with little pulsating motions of the claw tips, but Nick bucked into the motion more.

"You can work harder than that!" Nick urged, watching with delight as Jake tried to jiggle his paw in a jerking motion, but instead he ended up wiggling the balls only slightly. So, his paws splayed further before starting to find the right rhythm in their massage as he pressed his weight into them, working his claw tips over the surface and then relaxing them again and easing away the pressure. The motion wasn't natural and required intense focus, forcing Jake to keep his mind consciously working to massage his paw pads over his brother's heavy balls.

"Oooh...That's the stuff." Nick moaned out, looking utterly pleased for a minute as Jake's little fingers worked him over. The sound of his brother enjoying himself so only made Jake feel worse. To be doing this just for Jake's humiliation, while terrible, could almost have been flattering like Jake played an arch nemesis somehow, but just being used as a sex toy, being forced to jack Nick off instead of the boy doing it himself, that was purely shameful. His mouth had to stretch wide enough to hurt his jaw to make any progress up the boy's length. So, both ends of him hurt from his mouth down to his little hand, working over Nick's length and balls tirelessly.

Heat burned in his face, making every lick like another jab to his pride. Every inch of him felt hot with shame and humiliation. It flamed across his face and down his chest. His stomach rolled over slightly, working itself into knots. His brother had started to leak precum now, adding a mess to Jake's face on top of the drying stains his ex-girlfriend had left there with layers of the dribbling, mostly clear droplets that rained down from his tip as the raccoon dog worked up from the base, tongue working double time to cover the thick girth. His tongue traced up the veins that travelled beneath the skin, working to keep him throbbing beneath the raccoon dog's broad tongue. Every swipe brought another pulse.

Nick shifted, rolling his hips forward a bit, "Give the tip a little lick, Jackey-Poo." He encouraged, watching with a steady stare as his older brother bent his head and swirled his tongue over the top of his smooth cockhead. Then, Jake tried to pull back and keep going, but Nick curled a hand before his neck at the collar. "Nuh uh. Keep that up." He encouraged, dropping his hands back leisurely to his side. His eyes were the only thing that moved, tracking all of Jake's movement, watching his tongue flick and dance over the surface of Nick's sensitive skin. Jake's paws cradled around his brother's balls and base while his tongue worked at the tip, lapping at it like a kitten working milk from a bowl.

He felt his brother's stare on him, unwavering. He couldn't clear his mind of the embarrassment, the shame of what he was doing. He'd offered to do this willingly, "Not really! He gave me no choice!" One part of him thought, complained, but the other voice would counter, "You could have fought. Could have ran. Could have trusted in Anna to save you, but no, you volunteered to suck off your brother."

Jake's face burned with the blush beneath his fur. His tongue, still weak from earlier, had started to ache now with the constant motion. He slowed, deepening his pattern to swirl beneath the head and then move back to the tip. He couldn't figure out where to put his eyes, looking Nick in the face only made his gut want to flip over, seeing his brother's joyful, delighted expression plastered over at the sight of what was happening, but looking down all he saw was the length of his brother's cock. Neither boosted his shriveled self concept. Instead, he simply had to look at his brother and watch as his shame brought him so much pleasure. He had to watch as he was used for a tool to get someone off for a second time that day, though this time he had to labor for it, he had to work for his brother's acceptance of his performance. The mere thought of that sent a rock into his stomach. "What really has become of me?"

"O-Oh fuck." Nick muttered, Jake looking up in sudden, frightful shock, but before he could move a giant spurt of cum splattered into his face, hitting him square between the eyes and dribbling down onto the chain and pendant of the necklace. The spunk oozed down his features. The biggest drop on his muzzle smeared onto his tooth, forcing him to lap it off, swallowing the salty flavor of his brother's cum, welcoming it into his system. As soon as the first drop hit the metal of the item, it began to glow a painful bright hue before it transmogrified into a heavy, golden chain.

Nick was panting, lingering onto his orgasm, but he started to laugh breathlessly at Jake's bewildered expression. "Oh you fool, you poor, poor fool!" he cried, laughing and clutching onto his stomach. "Now, you're bound to me. To serve my every whim and desire!" He bent, hefting up the tome and flipping to the page before he quoted it, "All I needed more was physical pledge of your first love and some of my 'essence.'" Nick continued to chuckle, slapping his knee.

"W-wait what? What does this mean? No! Goddamit! This can't be happening. I didn't fall for this. No. No. Oh God no..." Dread filled his stomach, regret quickly following as he watched Nick sobering up after his laughter.

"Now then! Let's see how it worked!" Nick coughed once, clearing his throat. "Sit!"

Instantly, Jake found his ass dropping before Nick's word had even fully registered in his mind. Some part of his crumbled at the thought that... it didn't even take his thoughts to have him obey, he just did.

"Holy cow! That's amazing. Okay... Hmm... Lay?"

Again, Jake stretched right out into a lying position, without pause, hesitation, or consideration. His body just acted. The perfect pet.


Jake popped one paw into the air, dropping it into Nick's waiting fingers. "Well, well..." Nick whistled once. "I'm impressed. Who knew my tough, big brother would become such an obedient little slave!" Jake winced at the word, ducking his head down. "Nuh uh uh. Look at me."

The sight of Nick's eyes, twinkling with delight and just boasting, Jake felt shame burning through his entire body, yet he couldn't look away. "Good... Good.. How about... play dead!" Jake jumped up, flopping over to the ground with a dramatic howl.

Nick clapped once, laughing. "Oh man! This is so fun!"

"Great! Now I'm just a toy! I'm a mindless toy!" he cried out, feeling a new level of frustration ripping through him.

"Hmm... how about something classic? Like- chase your tail!" Nick shouted out, calling the command out like the answer on a gameshow. "I wanna see you look like a dumb, internet sensation of a pet! Catch your tail!"

"I'm not doing that. That's just stupi-" Then, Jake's body jumped into motion. Without him trying, his head jerked back only to see the puff of his tail flick of up a mere second. "I gotta get it!" His mind shouted, a sudden urgent need bolting through his entire body before he started toward the little puff of fur. He glimpsed it, just past his hind legs. "I'll spin! I'll grab it!" He turned sharply, catching it just before it escaped him again.

Again and again the racoon dog spun in a circle, his entire mind focused in on hunting the elusive thing. "I gotta have it! I'm gonna get it! I'll catch that tail!" He chanted to himself, passion running fast while Nick dissolved into laughter. "Oh man! It's like you're really trying! This is so funny!" Nick's voice, somehow, shattered some of the intensity, letting Jake see his own actions briefly with a burst of embarrassment. "No!" He thought, hearing the background of his mind still chanting, begging for him to keep after the tail, "We'll never catch it if we slack off! Go! Go! Go!"

"Gee whiz! I should go to a dog show! I'd win best prize!" Nick commented, laughing as he got an idea. "I wonder what else show dogs have to do..." Out came his phone, perusing for a list. "52 Tricks! Oh boy! Let's see how many hoops I can get you to jump through!" Nick said cheerfully, still snickering under his breath while Jake steamed at his brother.

"Ooh! High five!" Nick shouted out, holding up a hand and watching as Jake's paw darted up. "Hmm... That seems too easy for an ex-human. What else is there...?"

Jake bristled, feeling an icy sensation at the term, 'ex-human.' as though Nick never really saw him returning to his original body.

"How about dance? Dance!" Nick barked, watching with delight as Jake hauled his body up onto hind legs, the knees wobbling slightly at his girthy stomach being held now on half the supports, but then he started to bounce and spin in a clumsy, unattractive dance.

"Oh! I found the perfect command!' Nick suddenly interjected, allowing the dancing raccoon dog to drop back to all four feet, wobbling a bit as he settled back. "Wanna hear? How to Teach Your dog to Collect Trash! Go on! Why don't you clean up my room! Clothes in the laundry basket and trash in the bin!"

Jake's eyes swung out over his brother's room, the carpet was littered with items ranging from dirty socks to bunched clusters of paper. Cringing internally, he made his way to the first crumpled piece of striped, notebook paper. His mouth stretched open, feeling it crunch inside his jaws while his tongue brushed to the dry material with the taste of bitter ink across it's surface.

"Chop! Chop! Get those socks!" Nick pointed to the twins splayed out inches from the laundry basket, Jake grimaced tightly, already smelling the sweat soaked down into the surface before he even reached them and had to scoop them into his jaws. The taste clung so thickly around them, the dog gagged and had to tighten his teeth on them to avoid spatting them right back onto the carpet.

"At least it's not far-" Jake looked up to see Nick had jumped in, moving the laundry basket from right in front of him to across the room, forcing him to carry the socks over the expanse of carpet quadruple the distance with the sweat rubbing into his tongue and pressing to the room of his mouth with the scuffed, stained, dirty fabric.

"And for the finale... Why don't you..." Nick looked around, noticing a tear in the boxers he'd been wearing. He scooped them up, tugging off a square of the fabric before tossing it to Jake. "Eat that." Then, he followed by tossing the entire pair forward, "Heck, they are ripped. Eat it all."

"Eat it!" Jake's mind shouted in shock and rejection, but his body lunged forward to the fabric. His mouth spread wide, scooping it up without a pause. His jaws really had to work to fit all the way around the thick bunch of the boxers. His tongue helped, jamming the ball of material into the back of his mouth, briefly gagging himself before he could start squishing the bundle into submission. Initially, the fabric soaked up all the moisture in his mouth. His tongue flailed feeling strange and dry before he could start to suckle around the boxers in an attempt to get them wet enough to even try and eat. He sucked and sucked, pulling out all of his brother's flavor from the fabric as it started to soak through the thick bunching in his mouth. He kept having to generate more spit, letting the fabric dry out his mouth and nearly have him coughing the boxers out until he got them dribbling with his saliva.

Then, is teeth started to work, soaking the musky piece of cloth saliva further as his mouth churned around them like a clothing washing machine. his tongue spun the boxers around while his teeth gnawed at their edges, starting to weaken the seams and connections along the entirety of the garment. His mouth filled with his brother's flavor, a rich aroma escaping from the tore piece of fabric. "That's it! That's a good boy, eat it up!" Nick urged him on, relishing the sight of his brother's bulging cheeks, sucking more of the fabric in with the thicker waistband jutting out from between his lips.

His teeth tugged at the fabric, managing to tear off shreds that'd he soak in saliva and begin to chew into a thready pulp. Then he'd inch the next hem of fabric over, trying to repeat this shredding process with his tongue carefully organizing the motions, meaning he had to truly taste the sweaty surface of the underwear even more. Every bite down, the boxers would squish and squelch inside his mouth while his saliva worked out all the debris that had been caught inside the fabric. Dust from being tossed onto the floor snagged on the tops of Jake's teeth. Sweat from being hot inside of Jake's pants all day seeped out in every wet suckle of spittle around the garment. Little, curled sprigs of pubic hair snuck their way between the cracks of Jake's teeth, snagging there and then refusing to be dislodged. The faint leaking of precum and excitement through the day seeped over his tongue as he neared the middle, soaking out Nick's musky smell.

His cock, much to his surprise and dismay, began to harden at the sensation of the cloth in his mouth, forcing him to chew and chew over the musky flavor. His jaw continued to work even while his body to other things and his mind flustered to respond to them, his jaw was working constantly.

"What? Stop!" He thought, distressed at his erection sprouting against his stomach. He didn't want his brother to get any indication that his body was submitting that wasn't already blatant in the slobbery attempt his mouth made a chewing up the stiff task. Even as spittle leaked from his mouth he didn't pause, just chewed and chewed and chewed. His cock was hard, throbbing and leaking precum into his stomach. His leg shifted up, trying to cover it up. "Anything to keep that squirt I used to be able to beat into submission from seeing this or he'll have a heyday!" Jake thought, bending funny to keep his bouncing cock hidden out of sight.

The flavor of sweat and musk seemed to stain in his mouth, as though permanently there now. Jake hesitated nervously for what would come next before he wanted nothing to reveal his arousal from the rich taste and scent of the worn boxers cloth. His skin burned with heat at the mere thought of it. Nick smirked down at him, watching his jaw working like a machine on the little tuft of fabric. "That's a good boy! Work for it! Chew! Chew! Chew!"

"Well, let me just tell you how things will go from now on... Very soon, I will change you back into a human, yay! Then, you will be offered to take the company, most likely, oh who am I kidding! It'll will be very soon indeed!" He pointed to the desktop with a shrug. "Nuh uh. Don't stop chewing. Keep pace." He interjected, before continuing, "You will do anything and everything I say and leave all the important decision to me. Basically, you'll just be a useless head to the company, leaving the decisions to someone who could actually run a business." Nick chuckled, looking up as he thought for what else he needed to share while Jake ducked down, willing his cock to die down!

"In addition, you will be responsible for always cleaning and folding my clothes and provide my meals on queue and really anything else I come up with! Like a little, live in maid, who never gets paid!" He clapped, laughing. "It's not like you have any choice with that new shiny chain on anyways!"

His brother suddenly grinned a bit sheepishly, lowering is boisterous, bragging voice just a notch. "You'll also be showing your signs of submission often, really often..." He coughed once. "You can count on it..." But it's just to make sure the spell still works! No other reasons!" He chuckled once more, sighing as he stretched up in the air and rolled back his shoulder so they'd relax.

"Boy, oh boy! Will I have a good night's sleep tonight!" Nick cried, just as Jake finally managed to gulp down the balled up, chewed piece of cloth, the final shred of the boxers. Nick clapped his hands together, scooping up the raccoon dog with a cheer. His fingers pressed down through the thick layer of soft, fluffy fur surrounding Jake's body to find the actual curve of his faintly bulging stomach. he rubbed over it, pressing and feeling for the shape of the thick fabric bundle that he'd managed to eat. He could feel the outline of the boxers clumped in side. His fingers pushed harder, making Jake's stomach bubble and gurgle with the strange massage. The cloth even shifted with all the prodding, sending strange sensation up the raccoon dog's body as his stomach clenched and tried to stop it's contents from shifting about. "Mmm... I can feel it, what a nice big bulge! Do you feel all full now? All fed up on my boxers?"

Nick nuzzled into Jake's ear with a sinister giggle, "You know what, Jakey Poo?" His voice lowered into a sickly whisper, crooning. "Now you have a piece of me inside of you..."

A jolt raced down Jake's spine at the words. A cringe showing on his short muzzle before internally he couldn't help but groan at the idea. It reminded him of... even worse ideas of how his brother could have used that statement.

"Oh!? What is this!?" Nick's eyes had managed to spot the little tip of Jake's cock peeking out from its sheath, still lingering in a state of arousal from his strange reaction to his brother's flavor. Nick's finger poked into it, watching a twitch ripple down the length at the touch. "Someone got a little excited! I like this idea...." He chuckled, "Oh yes... the fun of using some good ole fashion conditioning on my 'big' bro! Hah! He sure looks tiny to me! Oof! Such fun!"

"How about... anytime you can smell or taste something from me, you'll be incredibly erect and horny, much much more than this right now. You'll be on the verge of desperate."

The collar still tightened around Jake's neck suddenly began to glow and twinkle brightly as his mind re-shuffled to include this new command. Jake could feel a rush of thoughts, the feeling arousal from now, growing and amplifying into an overarching situational requirement. His entire brain seemed to ache as he was mentally re-written to fit his brother's editing.

"If he can just say that and everything changes, who even am I?" Jake thought with a pulse of panic. "It's like I have no identity!" He thought bitterly, a sudden, aching sensation throbbing through his being at this impending existential crisis mixing into his current emotions.

"Hmmm... what is this?" Jake bent down to the laundry basket, plucking up the socks Jak had managed to escape earlier and waving them out in front of Jake's nose. The little nub twitched, catching the scent of his brother's sweat and body wafting out from the fabric, the closer it got, the more his little cock started to twitch. With every inch, faster pulsed shot through the length of his penis, making it bounce and bob against his stomach. Then, his mouth started to water. Saliva built up over his tongue, building up as the sock inched closer and the smell intensified as if someone had lifted fresh cookies out of the oven, but in fact it was his younger brother's stained, nasty socks that'd been soaking in his sweat for days on the floor, fermenting in his brother's filth.

Nick chuckled, easing the sock back away and seeing Jake's body slowly start to calm again until his cock had sunk back into the hideaway of his sheath and Jake's mouth had dried to normal once again. Then, he waved the sock back up, seeing that Jake's cock instantly slipped out from its furry hold and began to throb and pulse with hot excitement. Jake's entire body seemed to hum with heat and excitement at the arrival of his brother's rank stench. His eyes even tracked the garment, waiting for it to get closer before a tremor ran down his spine of lustful anticipation. "God, this is sick." Jake thought to himself, even as his body pulled out all the stops at this sign of his brother's scent, but his mind knew better to some extent. yet, even his mind had started to spin with need and lust, envisioning flashes of skin, want burbling on his mind's back burner.

The sock would pull back, giving Jake's body a reprieve, but then it'd return with a cloud of sweat wafting back over and sending Jake into a storm of lust. Nick giggled the entire time, thrilled and amused beyond explanation at his brother's easy manipulation now. He was like a giant toy, just waiting to be played with, jerked around on a string. Finally, Nick tossed the sock so that it landed streaking up Jake's face, but rather than brush it off with disgust, his body shook with excitement before his jaws wrenched open. His tongue slithered out and curled around the bundle of fabric, sucking it down into his mouth to suck around the sweat soaked clump. He nursed for the flavor, tasting the mix of sweat and dirt and flesh that the sock had collected, plus the faint puffs of dust from the carpeting.

Not satisfied with just the taste, Jake started to gnaw and chew at it, tugging out the tendrils of fabric to get for the deeply hidden flavors and smells from within the garment. As he went his body seemed to stir with arousal. His cock jutted entirely out from its sheath, glistening with moist excitement while it throbbed red hot with want. The tip dribbled and drooled with precum already budding out of anxious desire. The little appendage twitched madly, bobbing like a hula girl on a truck driver's dash with every second that the sock was worked within his machine-like jaws, constantly gnawing and working down through the study fabric. His jaw actually ached from all the chewing, but that bodily ache was covered entirely underneath the urges of lust and obedience to his new commanding master. His mind computed nothing from himself first above the commands fueled by the collar's controlling magic.

Chewing and chewing and chewing, Jake couldn't think about anything above the cloud of arousal that was building. With the combination of smell and taste so strongly enveloping, his command to be horny for it was overwhelming any other thoughts he had. His jaws were just chomping away while his body shivered and trembled on the edge of absolute peak. Just like the boxers before, his saliva soaking in and his teeth working through the fabric meant that everything that the material had collected came out into the raccoon dog's mouth, but socks held even more than boxers did. The same dusty particles from the carpet came out, but they brought with the strange, chemical taste from the kitchen tiles and the streaks of mud from the entryway where his shoes had come off. Thinking of shoes, some soft of foam material from an insert in a shoe was stuck in Jake's teeth, forcing him to chew even harder to break through these hitchhiking bits.

Until, finally, just as Jake managed to gobble down the shredded sock down his gullet. He felt some it triggered inside him, the sudden burst of heat and the clenching of all the tension in his groin. "Oh hell no!" he cried out, his mind rejecting this idea, the mere possibility that'd he cum from this, this humiliation! "No! Stop! Stop controlling me!" He wanted to scream, but he couldn't make any noise, not even an animal noise, no because his mouth was stuffed from sock just starting to make the turn towards being swallowed.

He felt his throat trying to constrict and pull the sock down, trying to massaging it with the clenching of his mouth down into the descent down. His mind railed against the command, trying to stop his body from doing this, but the harder he tried to think of how he told his body to do things, he couldn't form the thoughts, they did nothing. "How!? How is he doing this? How can this even exist? I don't know how to make my body listen!? I have nothing! Stop! I don't want this! Don't swallow the thing!" He felt a though his body was a separate entity that he was horribly tied up with in a crime gone wrong, since it seemed so detached from the command-giving functions of his mind.

Frustration rang so quickly through his veins that his neck tensed and his fur prickled, though that was the only physical reaction he could get with all his commanding. Further, his body teetered on orgasm. Orgasm without any touch. Without anything he could possibly explain it away with. If he came now it'd be because of his brother's nasty under garment in his mouth. If he came now, it'd be because of this humiliation his brother imposed, and he'd never live it down.

He summoned images of his grandmother baking. He pictured caged puppies. He pictured his dad's hairy back, nothing, nothing would stop his cock from twitching like mad and spitting out precum like a badly working hose. "WHY?" He cried, feeling so out of connection with his entire being. He hovered there at the edge of orgasm, with his throat just starting to form the sock into the place to be gulped down, and his mind on the verge of exploding with frustration at not being able to understanding it, not being able to stop it.

Then, he just lost it all. Much to his dismay, his cock went mad and began to spurt one strong stream of cum before it just drooled out cum all over itself without having been touched at all. At the very same time, his throat hugged on the suck and forced it straight down the hatch into his stomach. Jake's mind shrieked, crying out with confusion at how all of this could even work without him willing it. He didn't know where Nick's control began and where his mind allowed it. He couldn't wrap his thoughts around how this was possible if he didn't want it. "Did I like that?" He asked himself, feeling on the wobbling verge of sobbing with the mere possibility that some part of him gave into Nick's suggestions, wanted them.

"Mmm! Wow! Look at you!" Nick laughed, pointing for a second right at Jake's face. "You make an amazing garbage disposal for unwanted clothing! Wow! Never will I have to haul stuff to the trash bins outside ever again!" Jake tensed, shamefully blushing at the comparison to a trash bin. His stomach burbled in response, gurgling around its filling of fabric and sweat. Even when Jake felt growing nausea from working the dirty laundry down, Nick was giggling to himself with growing amusement at his brother's situation. Something just struck him as so deviously enjoyable in the sight of his brother's stomach bulging with his discarded under garments, digesting them like a composting machine for the wasted, sweaty bits of clothing. Even as his gag reflexes stood inches from triggering at the entire situation, being used as a trash dump and trying to digest this strange material, Jake couldn't stop. No part of him even hesitated, only his mind screamed for something to give, but nothing listening. He wasn't in control. He was just the disposal.

The taste and smell fading, Jake returned to his senses with a bright glow of red humiliation burning beneath his fur over his entire body. He couldn't even try to voice an explanation or something to disregard the situation, even to himself. he only felt a deep rooted sense of shame towards himself at what he'd done. The after taste of his brother's sock and boxers sat in the back of his throat, musky and sweaty and rank there so that with every exhale he got the faintest taste and his cock twitched with a reminder that: "You came all over yourself just at his smell..."

Nick looked down at his brother, transformed into a lowly raccoon dog, known for its furs and its appearance as a blubbering pile of fluff. Now, he had cum streaked over his own fur and drooling down the sides of his sheath while shame practically glowed off from beneath his fur. He smiled, the angle giving the little brother the imposing upper hand for the first glorious time. He puffed up his chest with pride before he glared right down at his brother, showing nothing but satisfaction at his results. For a second, he looked like he'd say something, some final command that would cement Jake's humiliation, but then he realized they'd already reached that point and he only smiled, content with his brainwashing.

Jake, looking down and feeling dreadful about his new lot, plodded towards a corner. He settled down, laying in a tight, shamed ball before he suddenly heard Nick's voice. "Oh no! you're my bro! I'd never let you sleep on the floor! Besides if you're not going to become boxers you might as well be the next best thing!"

Jake felt a zip of energy on the chain around his neck before he leapt onto the bed and ducked down beneath the cover, nestling in between his younger brother's leg, feeling the girth of his cock coddled deep in his fluffy coat. He covered the boy's crotch perfectly, making sure to press close so that no part of the sensitive region might be touch by the cold. His mind tried to complain, "But he didn't say anything! Why am I doing this?! WHY!?" But, his body worked on it's own, obeying. He wriggled and pressed himself in, working his into the nooks of Nick's body like he was modeling clay meant to be a cast around the boy's genitals.

He could smell the musk again, enveloping him in its cloud while he pressed into the shape of his brother's girthy cock. Jake felt his entire body flush with humiliation, hot red shame coloring his chin and neck at the realization of what Nick had silently commanded.

He took special care to press himself totally flush into his brother's cock and balls. He molded his plump belly so it pressed right around the sensitive shaft like a perfect mold, then wrapped his tail up around his brother's balls to pull them closer like a constant hug. His nose even gently poked and moved him, lifting the cock into the folds of his own body so it was totally covered in fur without a shred of skin even slightly exposed to air. Down the length of Jake's body, he could feel his brother's like a second skin pressed perfectly against him. The veins of his brother's skin, that pressed out around the length of his dick, were right up against Jake's own flesh so that he could clearly feel them running down against him. The musky was tangy around his face and nose especially. He could smell it and all it's notes. His own cock perked up at the scent, only adding to the body heat he could offer as arousal had his body heating up to that of an oven as a flesh worked all over him with a blush.

Then, Jake gently lowered his chin and head to rest right atop Nick's cock head. he felt the flare of it fitting into the curvature beneath his jaw, fitting atop like a lid or cover just meant to clip on over top and protect what truly mattered. The smell of his brother had never been stronger than when his face rested right atop where his brother leaked with precum in lazy drips that just soaked into the fur.

Nick gave him a little pat on the head, pressing him a bit harder into place cradled around his junk before the boy sighed and snuggled into his pillow. Jake lay still, considering this moment. Even after he avoided becoming gloves or slippers to cradle old Ms. Winters feet, he hadn't escaped his fate. He hadn't been for feet or hands. he hadn't become boxers either. Yet, he still became a mere article of clothing, a luxury utility. He had become a cock warmer.

Yet, despite what his mind seemed to tell him about this role, the shame and the regret at having made stupid choices as they came, Jake couldn't shake a sudden heavy sensation of contentedness there nestled over Nick's cock and balls like an accessory, and as the light clicked off he fell right asleep.


"Guh... huh... w-wah?" Jake woke up in a wave of confusion. His eyes squinted into the sunlight streaming in from the window. "Why is the window on the wrong side of the room- Oh.." The day before came rushing back as the raccoon dog looked over to see Nick already up and dressed just as the door suddenly burst open to reveal Annabel, hair frizzing out around her head and both eyes wide open. "Oh my god! There you are! I was so worried!" She lunged forward, scooping Jake up into a tight squeeze and cuddling him suffocatingly tight to her bosom. "You are just so kind you took him inside, into a warm bed, instead of that cold coop! You are such a good brother! Just! Awwww!" Annabel gushed, making Jake's entire face droop.

Nick just grinned in response. "Oh yes, but not only that!" He bent to pick up the heavy book that had caused so many problems so far. "I searched high and low for it!"

Annabel squealed, jumping over towards Nick. "You're amazing! You found the book!" She bent over, dropping a kiss onto Nick's cheek, much to Jake's disgust- especially when Nick winked at him. "You're so lucky, Jakey! My siblings wouldn't have lifted a finger to help me! Not one! No way!"

She gave Jake one last tight squeeze before plopping him back onto the bed. Then, she scooped up the tome, carefully performing the reversal, and then, easy as that Jake found himself human once again, but with the golden chain still nestled around his neck.

After the transformation, Jake stumbled on his feet. He looked down at himself, seeing an expanse of skin, normal peachy, fleshy skin! A burst of excitement and elation shot through him. He wiggled all his fingers, counting them up to ten. He looked at his feet, happy to not see claws! His entire body felt strange, almost as alien as the raccoon dog form had felt, but he brushed it off, welcoming instead the excitement.

Annabel beamed at him. "Your brother really helped me out a lot these days! I got so much data!" She explained, gushing and grabbing Jake's hands between hers. Jake thought of Nick's cameras, capturing everything they did, tracking everyone. "Yeah, I bet you did."

For a second Jake looked to the beautiful young woman, inspecting her laughing, bright features before he gave a little glance to the opposite side. He just glared over to his younger brother, but he knew he couldn't do anything to counter him, not now when the kid had managed to wrangle so much control. He knew he'd been bested. "I think it's time to accept the losses, just be happy to not be..." He shuddered to even think, "A pair of slippers for Ms. Winters.... Or somehow stuck with Clara still..."

So, Jake sucked it up and put on a cheerful face, "Yes, he's such a sweetheart... we are all so lucky to have him."

Nick beamed, slapping him squarely on the back. "Everything for my Bro!"

Jake bent, scooping on some clothes quickly before anyone spotted his nudity. Looking up to Anna, he searched her face. "So did you get the material you needed?" He asked, finding it suddenly strange to hear his voice allowed, and his inner voice quickly became just as, if not, more verbal than his external one: "Please tell me yes. Just this one victory. Make it worth something! Please!"

"Oh yes!" Anna pumped a fist into the air, cheering. Jake felt his heart lift, fluttering with excitement and relief that some part of this was worth something. "But it will be used for a different kind of campaign, though there is some great news you might want to hear from someone else!"

Jake sighed, "I give up. Like I could ever get a win!" he thought to himself, shaking his head once before agreeing and then heading down together with Nick and Anna leading the way. Every step felt strange. The world look smaller in comparison to yesterday's perspective. Every step seemed so powerful compared to his short stubby legs. He found himself ignoring their idle chatting as they headed down the hall, too busy relishing in all that he had back now, fingers, height, a voice...

When they hit the entryway, suitcases spilled out over the welcome matt while Mona chattered with their father. She looked up, catching sight of Jake. "Ahh! There's my little Jake!" She jumped over a bag, running to him and enveloping him in a tight squeeze. "Did you sleep well at Anna's place? Don't worry, I won't ask anything embarrassing! Your dad and I were young too once-" She broke off, chuckling. "Anyways, look at me prattling on!" She reached up, brushing a fleck of dirt from his cheek, "Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?!"

Jake blinked, glancing from Mona to Nick, who had predicted this just the day before. When he met Mona's eyes again, she smiled broadly, "We are going on a long overdue world cruise and we are leaving things, everything in your hands! We knew you aren't any good with design, but since you have this girl!" She rubbed her hand over Anna's shoulder, who was buzzing with excitement and pride, "It should be alright! I worked her in and, unlike you, she is talented!" She paused, glancing to Anna with a pride smile. "I'm really amazed actually! She came up with a whole new ad campaign!"

Mona stepped over, pulling up an image on her phone before turning it towards Jake so he could see himself in short clips, from during the check up to the dog walking in the park, then a voice over announced: "Top quality medical treatment... Extensive outdoor lounges... Personal attention and care..." The clip ended with a clip of Jake asleep in Nick's lap while Nick beamed at the camera, the perfect little brother. Jake suppressed a groan. Then, the clip stated, proudly. "There are the values we stand behind!"

Jake rolled his eyes back, trying to control his commentary before Anna gushed, "Isn't it great?! Now that we have taken over we can be absolutely sure all animals get the best treatment!" Jake looked at her jaw stiff before he muttered, "So what we did was more or less pointless..."

Anna smiled, point at him. "Don't be so grim! I saw you getting cuddled and spoiled by Nick lots! It wasn't that bad!" She giggled, "I'll make you a cake, so cheer up!"

A sudden honking blared from outside, the taxi waiting to take them out. Their dad spoke up, heaving up some bags. "We got to go." Mona squealed like a teenager and grabbed her husband, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Then, when she pulled back with a disgusting, parental moan she pointed at the children, "Now don't do anything stupid while we are gone!"

Their dad chuckled, pulling Jake closed with a rough pet through his hair, "Now, now! Don't be too harsh, everyone is allowed one mistake." Then his voice deepened, darker, "One."

The parents filed out, taking their chaos with them into the taxi. Jake watched after them, watching them wave through the back window with disbelief. He honestly considered if he was dreaming or not in this whirlwind of event.

When the taxi had finally disappeared from sight, Anna tugged on Jake's belt loop, "So, how about I make you that cake now?" She murmured before snickering and smirking at him, "Don't tell me you'd rather have a cream pie?"

She kissed him softly on the cheek before heading into the kitchen, leaving him watching the shape of her sashaying hip. "Now... what does that wording mean, was that real? Is this happening? Oh yes..." He muttered to himself, finding himself over thinking the wording like mad before a sudden smack on his ass brought him back to reality with a hot sting spreading out over the ass cheek. Nick is standing just behind him with a sly smile, "Have fun with your girlfriend, but remember who your real boss is..."