Stiff as a Board (Hypno School Short 01)

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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A short addition to the much-neglected Hypno School series. I'm still working on that stuff, I promise. Slowly. ;w;

Kaji manages to get himself trapped by Yuriko's magic, and some devious, ticklish teasing ensues. Will he escape? Find out... right now!

Characters and story (c) AnubusKiren

Floating... Swirling... Drifting...

The stillness of the dorm hallway was broken only by the slow, shuffling steps of an entranced Kaji. Lazy strides just barely carried his lithe frame across the hall, and his unblinking stare remained trained upon the whirling pink flower petals guiding him closer and closer to his destination. The soft glow of the petals shone faintly on his splotchy blue and white fur, providing a stark contrast to the darkness around him. No one stirred from their restful slumber; no one to snap him out of this helpless trance, and no one to save him from the devious trap into which he was about to stumble. Kaji paused, and a door to his left opened. Wordlessly, the mesmerized boy moved inside.

Snap! In an instant, the fog cleared, and the sleepy bunnyfox's senses returned to him. He blinked away the pink haze in his vision, staring blankly ahead as he played catch-up with his fragmented memories. "Where the hell am I?"

"Don't worry, boy." A warm body snuggled up against his back, and nine familiar fluffy tails bounced into view, right before coiling themselves around his limbs and waist. "You're in good hands."

"Hello Yuriko..." Kaji's immediate reaction was to shut his eyes. Already, he could feel the echoes of her words tugging at his mind, coaxing him into relaxation. "Why am I here?"

The smooth-voiced vixen purred into her captive's ear, her tails slithering all over his scantily-clad body. Soft fur brushed over his bare chest and tummy, tugged teasingly at his loose pajama pants, and traced delicately up and down along his back. The full-bodied tail grope was enough to have him squirming already. "I got bored." Yuriko's casual reply didn't shock him. "And I thought of how much of a good boy you were for me last time..."

"Funny, I don't remember you asking last time either."

"Oh, I asked." A tail tickled under Kaji's chin, tugging an involuntary giggle from his lips. "I just tend to ask very... suggestively."

"Uh huh." he tried to shift and squirm out of the tangled web of tails holding him in place, but the fluffy coils held firmly to his body. All he managed to earn was another tickling, this time across his back. "C-Come on, this isn't fair."

Yuri's tails drew the bashful boy back against her chest. He could feel her bare breasts against his shoulders. "I thought we'd made up, Kaji?"

"We did! We did, but I can't--I mean, this..." he froze in place, unwilling to let it on how much those tails tickled him with the slightest motion. Of all his weaknesses, he wasn't about to let that one slip to her.

"Mmm? the vixen's tone turned inquisitive. "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing's--Eeeeeeeeee...!" Kaji's entire body went rigid as Yuri's tails began to wind and slither over his bare fur. He bit down hard on his lower lip and squeezed his eyes shut, snerking and whining as laughter welled up in his chest. "Nnnnoooo..."

Yuri quietly observed for a long moment, her tails brushing over every bit of exposed fur they could find. A smirk carried into her tone, and she once again breathed a seductive purr into his ear. "I see what the problem is."

"No you don't--I mean, there is no problehehehehem..!" the boy tried desperately to play it cool, but his girlish shriek and the following howling laughter destroyed any chance of that. Yuri's fingers danced over his sensitive tummy, swirling around his navel and flicking teasingly along his abs. "No! STOP!"

"I'm not sure why I never considered testing you for ticklishness before." the vixen said with an evil little chuckle. "Look at you go!"

"Shut uhuhuhuhup!" Try as he might, Kaji couldn't free his arms from the surprisingly strong grip of Yuri's tails. "I'll k-kick your ass!"

Yuriko mocked that threat with an exaggerated gasp. "That's no way to talk to a lady, little plaything. That deserves a real punishment."

A stinging pinch to Kaji's right butt cheek caused his eyes to shoot open just in time for the whirling flower petals to overtake his vision once more. He tried so hard to look away, to close his eyes again... but it was just so pretty, so easy to stare into the glimmering lights and let the hypnotic magic flicker before his eyes and drown out all his thoughts. At least the tickling had stopped.

"Good boy." Yuri crooned as she slowly guided him over to her bed. She had him lay on his back, the swirling pink lights forming into a spiral and hovering just at arm's length above him. "Time to slip down into that familiar, comfy place called deep, deep trance..."

"N-No, I..." Kaji's protest was drowned out by a sleepy yawn. The enticing spiral swallowed up his thoughts and drove him deeper and deeper into that comfortable, hypnotic slumber. "I can't... slip down into... trance. A deep... deep..."

"Of course you can." the hypnotic vixen cooed. "Silly boy. You already have."

Kaji's susceptible mind eagerly soaked up that suggestion; he felt the last of his will melt away, his final resisting thoughts swallowed up by the spiral. His vision swam in a pink haze as his irises took on the glow of those petals, their mesmerizing magic taking dominace over his mind. His muscles loosened, posture slumped slightly against the bed, lips parted for words forgotten as he stared helplessly into the swirling petals.

"There you go." Yuriko lay beside him on the bed, her naked fur pressing against his warm body. "Nice and relaxed. Deeply sleeping, yet so very awake. Doesn't that feel so much better?"


"Of course it does." the crafty vixen smiled and tapped him gently on the nose. "Light as a feather, stiff as a board!" She waited a moment, watching as Kaji's body went rigid, arms at his sides, legs out straight. "Good boy! Only I can move you now. Understood?"

"Yes Miss."

A devious chuckle slipped past Yuri's lips. Her fingers descended upon Kaji's tummy, tugging sleepy little giggles from the ticklish boy. She hushed him gently, pressing a finger to his lips. "Shhh. No laughing. You have to hold it all in until I say otherwise."

"Nnhhh..!" That was all Kaji managed to whimper out before her command rooted itself within his head, silencing his reactions to her tickling. Lightly-toned abs tensed under that ticklish touch, muscles scrunching as her fingers played across his sensitive tummy. He could feel a bashful heat rise into his cheeks, and while his sleeping conscious mind felt nothing of this devious punishment, the deepest parts of his subconscious were howling with laughter. All the thrashing, yelping, kicking, and screaming he'd normally do to suppress even a tiny amount of the frantic, panicked pleasure that tickling brought... He could do none of it. He was a prisoner in his own body; a prisoner to relentless tickling!

The torment only worsened as Yuriko brought her tails into the mix. The nine fluffy appendages snaked around his body, spreading his arms and legs to expose other potential targets. Dexterous tails zeroed in on his ribs, his neck, his back, his armpits... They coiled around his thighs and brushed briskly over his sensitive feet. The swirling petals that still held his mind captive changed shape, shifting into... feathers! Whirling feathers to tickle the mind, the one place he figured he might be spared from such delicious torment!

"You can feel them all over you now." the crafty vixen purred as her fingers left Kaji's tummy, leaving illusory feathers to continue their work. "Brushing, teasing, flicking along soft fur, coaxing giddy giggles and lovely laughter from the depths of your soul, all trapped beneath your hypnotically-sealed lips."

Even the howls of pleasured giggles remained muffled beneath the heavy fog surrounding Kaji's mind. Phantom feathers caressed every inch that her tails could not cover, while the ones whirling above him dove into his mind and tickled emerging thoughts into submission. It never seemed to end; the relentless stimulation drowned out his perception of time. He could have been there for several long hours or just a few frantic moments, fingers, fur, and feathers fluttering flirtateously over his slender, fidgeting frame! He could only lay there, trapped in his own body, enduring the mind-numbing torture of a devious vixen's evil fingers.

Hours (or perhaps just moments) later, he felt it: a break in the endless tickling. A firm, yet delicate squeeze, and a tremor of pleasure rippling out from his crotch and engulfing his overstimulated body. It came once, then twice, then tugged up and down, up and down, pulling his hips with it in a simple, yet powerful motion. A different sound welled up within him; a loud cry, a helpless whimper, a ragged moan of ecstasy.

"Good boy, Kaji." Yuri crooned as her fingers slid along the length of his hard, throbbing shaft. "I can see it in your eyes... You're so filled with pleasure, you're about to burst."

"Yeh...sssss..." Kaji felt a tiny river of wetness dribble past the corner of his lip, down his cheek and onto the pillow beneath his head. All his self-control, all his inhibitions... gone. The only thing keeping him at bay was now beginning to wither and erode; the hypnotic spell keeping his giggles and moans subdued, unraveling as Yuri whispered sweet, sweet honey into his ear.

"It's coming, Kaji. Can you feel it?" her thumb swept over the tip of his shaft, and he shook the entire bed with a powerful arch of his back. "Oooh, you can feel it, alright. And now, as the dam begins to leak, you will listen to my words. Listen and obey. Obey."

"Oooh... ooohhhbey..." he couldn't help but moan now. Even the feathers sweeping over his tummy and the tails teasing his toes were orgasmic at this point. The drooling boy began to pant and whimper, glazed eyes glowing brightly with the same pink light as the hypnotic feathers holding his mind captive.

"My spell is welling up within you, just like that sweet, hot seed is just begging to escape your needy little cock." Yuri slowed her strokes, earning her the wanton groaning of a desperate boytoy. "And as it does, you feel it taking all those tickles, all your giggles... All the helpless laughter and torturous pleasure I've inflicted upon you. My spell is tugging it down, down, down from your tummy, and up, up, up from your soles. I'm wrapping it all around your cock, wreathing your little manhood in all that pent-up pleasure."

The effect was most telling; Kaji's toes curled hard, fingers squeezed into fists, and abs tensed again and again as he felt every unreleased giggle, every suppressed laugh, and every stifled scream of ticklish bliss leave the depths of his mind and slither around his shaft. All that forced pleasure settled into his cock and jolted to life once more! Kaji's lips parted in a silent scream, glowing pink eyes staring wide at the magical feathers spiraling above him. "Please...!" His mind barely managed to dredge up one tiny iota of willpower to beg for release.

"Have you learned your lesson, little toy?"


"I don't know." Yuri's fingers traced a slow circle around his navel. The simple touch almost brought the sensitive boy to climax right then and there. "Have you?"


The vixen giggled and adjusted her position on the bed. Now straddling his legs, she took hold of his shaft and pointed it up toward his chest as her fingers stroked him again, her deep green eyes watching his face twist into a visage of pure hypnotic pleasure. "Mmm... you've learned. Cum."

The world around him vanished. Even the spiral that had brought him so incredibly deep sank into the realm of white noise. A rush of tingling pleasure erupted from his shaft and spread all throughout his body. He felt a hot, sticky wetness land on his tummy and chest, and several more followed in their wake. His throat stung, and he was sure he was screaming in pleasure by this point, but all he could hear was an intense ringing as the ecstasy of his climax overtook him. Once more, his perception of time blurred, and his ecstatic release seemed to drag over hours and hours. He wasn't sure when, but at some point he blacked out, awakening some time later with his head cradled against Yuri's soft, inviting breasts.

"Finally awake, I see." the vixen said with a smug little smirk. "I must have done a number on you."

"You know exactly what you did, y... you..." Kaji tried to slip away, but his arms and legs were like jelly. "Oooh fuck..."

Yuri giggled and hugged him back to her chest. "Stay and relax. Get your strength back."

The boy huffed, but nuzzled into those soft breasts all the same. He rubbed his forehead as the memories came flooding back; intense tickles, swirling pink feathers... It was enough to get his head spinning again. Yet through all of that, only one question managed to come to mind: "What lesson was I supposed to learn, exactly?"

"Hmm? Why, not to make threats of violence against a lady, of course."

"If you're gonna do this every time I say I'll kick your ass, I'm just gonna keep saying it."

"That's the idea, sweetie." The pair shared a laugh, and Yuriko engulfed the weakened boy in her tails. "Go back to sleep. I promise not to do anything else. This time."

Kaji wasn't sure if he believed that, but those tails were so warm... so comfortable. And despite her devious nature, Yuriko was a sweet little vixen when she wanted to be. He shut his eyes and began to drift off again, a little giggle slipping past his lips as her fingers traced around his navel.