Grimtotem's Gluttony
#2 of Tauren Vore Stories
It was another normal day for Sak'ya Darkcloud, one of the Grimtotem tauren. She was a young huntress living in Feralas, relaxing a little while away from the Grimtotem Compound. She was a well-muscled woman, with her youth aparent in her slender, curvy form. She was lying near one of the rivers, her bow and quiver just an armslength away from her, easily in reach for if she was to be ambushed by some idiotic fool. She sighed heavily as she lay naked under the shade of one of the many humugous trees of the dense jungle region, simply waiting for something to happen.
She paused though, suddenly hearing a strange sound, followed by silence. A twig snapped under somebodies foot. Yet it was no hoof - the twig would have been utterly crushed - and so Sak'ya grabbed for her bow. Her arrows dripped with a translucent, paralytic venom, and she quickly reddied one of the toxin-coated arrows in her slender longbow. She could't fire with much force, but her ammunition would soar far into whatever was coming her way. She spotted a furred form with no tail, and a canine face. It was a worgen. No dobut, she was of the Alliance. She was an enemy...
Sak'ya's stomach suddenly rummbled, and a cruel idea formed in her mind. The worgen wasn't just her enemy... but her prey. The arrow shot true, landing in the wolf-woman's shoulder, and quickly poisioning her blood with the paralyzing venom coating the arrowhead. The worgen stumbled, taken by surprise by Sak'ya's sudden assault.
The worgen woman tried to draw her blade, a simple, gleaming steel sword, yet found her body becoming slow, sluggish. It took immesnse effort to hold herself up, and not only did the blade fall from her grip, but she collapsed to the ground. She couldn't move anything!
The muscular Grimtotem woman approched, snarling at her victim with hostility. Then she smirked, realising the venomous arrow had done better than she had expected. The Grimtotem began to strip the worgen woman quickly, causing the grey-furred canine to blush and protest, yet there was simply nothing she could do. So Sak'ya picked the poor worgen up, now having stripped her victim completely naked, and swallowed her head whole. The worgen responded to this predicatbly, panicking at the current situation, unable to fathom why a tauren would attempt to devour her. Yet Sak'ya continued to eat her.
Sak'ya tipped the worgen's arms inwards, smirking deviously as the two clawed hands slip into her maw with the worgen's head. She swallowed harshly, sending the stuggling, panicking worgen meal down to her breasts. The tauren then swallowed again, sending the worgen down to her waist. Sak'ya didn't care for the worgen's pleasures, fears, or feelings. She just cared for her belly being filled. And so she swallowed yet again. Now the worgen slipped down until her cunt was at Sak'ya's lips. The tauren glossed her tongue over them, smiling at the shudder it caused the worgen to let out. She gulped hard, now finishing off the worgen - almost - her meal's feet could be seen in her mouth, the rest of the worgen now firmly held in her stomach. So qwith one last strong gulp, the worgen was sent to her grave - Sak'ya's disgestive track.
The worgen bitch struggled in the warm, confining gut, kicking and screaming in utter terror at what was happening to her. She had been eaten alive! Then she felt an odd tingling across her back, which sat in the stomach acids of the Grimtotem lady. She struggled and squirmed, groaning as the tingling became light burning. Then her groans became screams as the light burning became unbareable agony. The worgen soon perished, her struggle ending as her body became a mush within Sak'ya's belly.
And so the tauren returned to relaxing by the river, sighing happily as her meal broke down and became fat in all right places.