When babues woe wangs copter 2

Story by Aloeln on SoFurry

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#1 of The baybay WanGS CRANICOlS

Another 10/10 wold Rat aigan Story...The best sequel evar

Ok so mr.babay flew away into the sunset making the illuminati who was casing him fly away on


Future Stuff from the future

_ like their super mahgikel scooters with wangas and suuch _

Kay so mr bay bay was fling away from the illuminati

and his family into the sun to meet dartvader to fight the Jedi who

Want to kill

Mr baebae

So they can poison and kill the illuminati which will ultimately wnd

Up destroying the new death tar which wold beh badd .

When Mr.BaeBae got to the sun to meet up with darth badger

The legendary darth badger was playing Bannana,Peanut,and jelly Sandwich 2

"I see you are here Yong illumanaartie figter" said Darth Bader vader guy


Will Mr.Baebae the winged baby ever get less confusing?

No......Not really...Well I Can't make a kliff Hanger so

Basically mr.baebae is fighting the illuminati so they can't get him

Although what would happen if he was caught by them...

Maybe I could make it so...Yeah

Okay so if the illuminati gets baebae the universe gets eaten by a super Bannana broom OuterSpace which will simultaneously

Never mind...Ill continue dis later

When baby's gro Wangs bruh

A long Tim ago dere was a baby And it was a very fat baby The baby was so fat tat da baby pooped a lot Den 1 day da baby grew wangs also known as super wings So da baby plea of into da sunset Until the world grew arms and rubbed itself killing...
