Failure, Poison, US of A

Story by Wolf_Ghost on SoFurry

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#3 of War Heroes

I probably need a break... thanks to those who have read it... I need more details... chapter 4 will be gore filled... hope you enjoy!

1916, No Man's Land, Suicides March

The war had taken a turn. Our government is creating a new war invention. They just said it was a mobile pillbox, a tank. Like that meant anything to-

"Jerry is hitting us hard! Everyone, fight them! Kill them! Shoot-"

As we charged, our officer was hit, but the adrenaline hit us hard. Our officer was hit... Jerry will pay for that. "Kill the Jerries boys! Kill them all!"

Jerry had charged out of their trenches and began to fire upon us, killing my best mate and three others. Well, bayonets at the ready, we charged into them. I heard them scream as our blades pierced into their bodies.

Perhaps I was unlucky, perhaps not, but one of the Jerries used his rifle to bat my rifle away before kicking me onto the ground. As I lay there, I thought he would kill me, but instead, he leans down and says, "Run Tommy."

So I stood up and ran, taking my chance of survival. And that's when I heard the machine guns... my comrades... my trench brothers... they were gone... all of them, gone.

So returning to my trench, I stepped in before falling to my arse. All of them, gone... all gone... and then the lieutenant came over to me. I looked at him in surprise as I ask, "How? You were hit..."

"Aye, but my metal cap will have a nice hole through the top, a good survival story."

I simply laugh as he hands me a fag, to which I light it up and put it in my mouth, taking a slow but relaxing drag. The lieutenant simply laughs and says, "For a cat, you sure can't land on your feet."

"For a fox, you aren't very sneaky."


So we sat in silence, mourning our dead. The battle lasted three minutes... and we lost. Bloody Jerry. They butchered us and we ran head first into the slaughter. Hopefully we fare better tomorrow.

Russian/German border, Eastern Front 1916

"Get into cover, get into cover! The barbarians have artillery! Get into cover!"

We ran into different areas, trying to escape the exploding ground. I could hear the screams of those who failed to run fast enough. Some continued to cry, but the explosions drowned out their cries. This was payback for constantly hitting them with artillery strikes...

So we ran, the explosions blasting trees and the ground apart, plus those who got caught in the blast. God forgive us... God, please forgive us for what we will do...

Three hours later, the artillery stopped... and I heard the screaming. Seven of our comrades lay on the ground, limbs blown off or severely burned... or both. Our lieutenant ordered us to gather the wounded and put them on a truck. They were getting sent home.

As I walked next to him, he says, "Sergeant, twenty of us are dead and seven wounded. What do you suppose we do?"

"We can hit them back," I suggest, looking towards the lieutenant. Maybe it was a good idea to punch them back.

"I guess... but we need something to prevent them from hitting back. Something that puts them down for good."

"What about some type of-" and he cut me off.

"Poison will work... poison will work indeed."

So here we are now, loading poison gas canisters into our artillery gun. I took my helmet off, scratching my ears as I looked away. I didn't want to know what was about to happen.

"Fire," orders the lieutenant, to which the two artillery guns open fire. I could feel the vibration in my ribs and teeth, but I just closed my eyes and hoped God will forgive us for what we would be doing. But then... everyone was doing it... so... it was still wrong, but I just followed orders.

I just hope this wasn't a huge mistake...

"Europe needed our help, the German Empire was going to conquer them and, soon, they would land on our soil. As a patriot, we could not let this happen. The world needed the God blessed US of A to go and kick some ass."

  • Ryan, US Military, Army 1916, deployed 1917

Hey there, my name is Ryan Smith and I'm a true to the blue American. I joined in 1915 after we found out the huns were sinking tourist ships with good American people on them. They needed to be hit so, as a true American, I vowed that I would be the one hitting them.

I trained hard for the day we got to storm Europe to help our allies in need. After all, they have been fighting since 1911. It was time America stepped in to kick some ass. And when we rushed the Germans, I'm sure they'll just shit themselves.