Parent-Teacher Meeting

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#14 of Commissions & Gifts

Second goat commission folks! This time for Kokuhane, also known as the king of perfectly round things. A little daddy romping, nothing out of the ordinary by now really XD

This was fun to do, got me real pumped to push words out. Koku is definitely the best when it comes to making characters, I just love working with them. I can't wait until the next time I can! This was really fun to do and I already said that! 8D

This was done as one of my goat commissions, $10 commissions done in a day or two. Short stories for a fraction of their regular price people, for limited time so get them while you can

Lucy, Gavin and Koku (c) Kokuhane

A finely crafted ebony door opened and steam came from it, dissipating after covering only a part of the opulent room that greeted it. And from within the steam came a large and wide male figure stretching the laze away from his vermillion scales. He gave a look to his chambers, the black silk curtains carefully draped over his elegant bed and the beautifully patterned crimson wallpapers, and the shiver that the grand luxury caused in his back made him stretch again, puffing out his massive chest. He wore no towel to hide his muscular frame or his endowed loins, not because there was no one around to see but because if there had been someone to see he would have indulged in their surprise and used it as a chance to guide them into joining him in bed.

And yet Lucy sighed in frustration at his loneliness and flopped on his bed, hugging one of his pillows to try and desperately emulate the feeling of another person's touch. The boredom was excruciatingly tedious, and he whined and sobbed at how much he desired to be joined in this vast room, whether it was a partner with which engage in the carnal act of sex or just his son to engage in the beautiful act of cuddling. How he longed to be near his one precious child, hold him tightly in his arms and against his chest and sniff on his purple head to try and take in as much of that exquisite baby scent he had fallen in love with so many years ago.

"Dad, stop. Seriously, this is embarrassing. Oh my God, why are you smelling me!? Stop, you perv! Freak! Stop crying! Lily, stop taking pictures! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

Yes, something like that would probably be his son's answer and he rolled around in bed, both suffering from the ghost's constant denial of his affection and relishing on the angelic cuteness that was his blushing face. And the more he pictured it, the tighter he hugged his pillow with the feeling in the back of his mind that his son would feel his love through it.

He couldn't help it anymore. That image of his beloved kid was far too endearing and it warmed his demonic heart too much for him to let it go once it managed to etch itself into his brain. Forget any love partners; what he needed now was to relentlessly shower his child with care. But if he knew him, and he prided himself in saying he did, then he was probably extremely busy at the moment, creating more of his marvelous art- How did Lucy loved his art!

But alas, with no other actual options he flicked his wrist and in a wisp of black smoke a purple book appeared in his hand. Written in bright gold letters the cover read 'Precious times with Koku', and something as simple as reading his name filled Lucy with giddiness. The moment he opened the album his room, normally filled with lustful moans and pained grunts from his more hardcore companions, brimmed with the squealing typical of all parents when they looked at baby pictures of their children. Things like his first steps, his first meal, his first day of school- all things Lucy had missed from being unable to be with him due to his position and that he struggled to try and compensate during his teenage kids, when he had given up the physical body of a cat to become the gorgeous undead man he was today, something Lucy strongly believed was thanks to his own genes.

He finally reached those teenage years when Koku's complexion had taken a darker, more regal hue, and saw with him in the pictures many of the friends that joined him at the time, some of which stayed with him to this day. On one of those pictures he saw Razul Al Ruborum, the closest friend that to this day was still his roommate, and his mind drifted towards how, even back on his seventeen years of age, the red dragon was exquisitely built and prime for grabs and gropes, something that he had managed to keep up to his adulthood as Lucy fondly remembered from their many late night meetings, particularly the ones from the past month. The man possessed an insatiable thirst and at the same time was perfect to quench one's own, both qualities a demon of self-indulgence found extremely attractive.

As his mind slowly came out of the daze induced by his own fatherly feelings he started admiring more and more of Koku's friends, all of them rather large and attractive young men at the time, and as he knew remained to be to this day. It was evident that his son had a type, most likely also inherited from him. A chuckle escaped him at that mental remark and he kept going through the pictures that stirred so many memories and more explicit feelings in him.

One particular picture jumped at him however. A picture of Koku's graduation where he received his diploma from an older man, a goat with a tight and sharp suit clinging to his muscles, leaving little to imagination, and a stern expression that made his proud smile have all the more impact. Lucy didn't need any imagination to know how he looked underneath those clothes; he remembered this particular teacher very well from the single time the two had met on a private parent-teacher meeting all those years ago.

"Can you please not make a big fuss about anything dad? Please?" a young Koku said to his father as they walked the emptying hallways of the school. Lucy was listening to him, but they both knew it was inevitable for the demon to contain his feelings for his son, especially when it came to a chance to brag about his prowess. "Seriously! This is my favorite teacher. Don't ruin him for me"

"It's ok, my dear son," Lucy reassured him, his confidence noticeable in the way he walked behind him, with his chest out displaying the cartoonish grinning face on the blue and pink sweater he had chosen for the occasion, much to Koku's aversion. "I'm sure he's calling me here just to shower praise on my darling Koku-chan!"

"Don't call me that, you weeaboo! And for crying out loud, take that thing off!" Koku reached under the hideous sweater to try and pull it off his father's body but when his hands met with the warmth of his scales instead of the familiar sensation of fabric he gave the grinning demon a reprobating look. "Dad, why aren't you wearing anything under this sweater?"

"Are you kidding? This was a gift from you! A shirt would just keep all the love in this sweater from touching my skin! Plus, it's so tight it makes my arms look bigger," he flexed with the same grin to prove his point and Koku rubbed his temples in irritation.

"Why can't you be a normal dad?"

"But Koku, I am a normal, embarrassing dad," Lucy grinned and Koku gave him a slight smile. He couldn't deny the truth in those words. "Look kid, it's Friday and this might take a while so why don't you head home, get all your homework done and we go watch a movie or two tomorrow. Just the two of us, how's that?"

"That sounds nice," Koku admitted and his father hugged him, not like the usual hugs when he would squeeze the ghost against his pecs and smother him with love, but with a soft, fatherly touch.

"See? I can be a nice parent from time to time," he finished with a little kiss on his son's forehead and opened the door to the classroom. "Go! I'll be fine," he waved his son away and Koku decided to do as he was told, trusting his father enough to take care of this on his own.

The classroom was practically empty. There was nothing to greet Lucy's entrance except the neatly ordered desks and the lingering smell of chalk in the air. The silence was particularly heavy and for the shortest of seconds he wondered if he had the right room, but when he glanced towards the front where the blackboard was located he saw a man hunched over the teacher's desk. The pair of horns above his forehead made him think he was a bull at first, but on closer inspection he realized he was a goat. Lucy made to say something to get his attention but at that moment the man looked up with a stressed frown that seemed to recede when he saw the demon.

"Hi," Lucy started, somewhat taken aback by the looks of the goat. He couldn't be much older than his mid-thirties but his face, especially his eyes denoted a great deal of wisdom and experience, as expected of a teacher, Lucy thought. "Are you Mr. Stone"

"Yes," he said with a deep voice, rich with manliness that made Lucy shiver just enough. "I assume you're Lucretius Adya then?" he smiled and nodded at his son's surname, the one he had decided to use in public settings so he could proudly announce whose father he was. The look on the teacher's face told him exactly what he was about to say as well and he couldn't help an inner giggle. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I wasn't expecting a cat to have a bull for a father"

"To be honest, there are weirder things these days don't you think?" Lucy said with a charming laugh, but his mirth was more due to the innocent ignorance his son's teacher was in. A demon and a ghost wouldn't be the most inconspicuous members of society, so false species records as well as a few illusion charms thrown here and there kept their real identities safe. Lucy himself was legally a bull, with a couple of those spells hiding the glaring eyes on his horns, but other than that he tended to remain unchanged to viewers.

"I'm not going to deny that," the teacher said with his own grin and gestured to a chair in front of his own desk. "Please Mr. Adya, have a seat"

"Just Lucy is fine. Anything else makes me feel old," he said as he sat in front of the goat. The irony of a 1500 year old demon stating something made him feel old to a mortal didn't escape him, but in his own kind's terms he was essentially in his early thirties so he had a right to wanting to keep his youth.

"In that case feel free to just call me Gavin," the goat said with another slight grin and Lucy understood why he was his son's favorite. He was quickly becoming his favorite as well. "Anyway, I called you here because I wanted to talk to you about Koku. He's an exceptional young man"

"Isn't he?" Lucy commented with a wide smile and a suddenly excited tone, as he always did when his son was brought up to a conversation. "He's a really smart and intuitive boy, let me tell you. A very quick learner too," he added in reference to their many sessions of magic training in which Koku had mastered every spell he had taught him in a matter of hours. As big and unrealistic as his praise of his son seemed at times, Lucy was truly certain that he would achieve great things at least in that field.

"Well, to tell you the truth that's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about. Koku is a smart kid, yeah, but his grades don't seem to reflect it in most areas," the goat handed some of the papers on his desk to Lucy and proceeded to talk while the demon had them for corroboration. "He's not doing badly, but he's not that much above average. See, I've come to notice he's really interested in art and if you allow me to say it, he's very talented as well. I don't know if you have had a chance to talk about it, but most parents tend to worry when their children show such interest to a creative-inclined career instead of something more... let's say traditional. Like I said he's a smart kid and I want what's best for him so I figured I would talk to you about it first and then we could work on the matter from an early stage"

"As a matter of fact we have talked about it before," Lucy admitted in an uncharacteristically serious tone that took Gavin by surprise. "He's determined to study graphic design and is considering working freelance. I am... a bit worried, if I can be honest. Worried about how much he'll make and if he'll be ok... But I figure that the best thing I can do as a parent is support his decision, be happy when it succeeds and catch him if it fails, right?"

"I think that's a very good attitude to take," Gavin flashed him a smile and Lucy felt a warmth spreading inside him. There was something nice about having your parenting approved by someone who literally made a living from dealing with kids, as well as getting a smile from a handsome man. "Well, that was my only concern, but everything seems to be fine. I apologize for making you come all the way here"

"Actually," Lucy grabbed Gavin by the wrist just as the teacher was getting up and the action seemed to take him by surprise so much that he stared bewildered at the demon before sitting back down. "I hope I'm not crossing any lines by saying this but you seem to be under a lot of stress. Since I'm already here you could let some things out. Consider it a gesture of gratitude for worrying over my son"

"Well..." Gavin sighed and looked away. Lucy had lived a long life and had met enough mortals to be able to tell what they were feeling from the smallest signs; the frown on Gavin's forehead showed his tiredness and the way he kept rubbing his finger showed the cause, but Lucy had learned it was better to let them bring things out by themselves. "I... I got divorced recently," Lucy nodded for him to continue. "It was a tiring process to say the least, and I can only see my daughter on the weekends so... I guess that's got me bitter"

"I'm sorry to hear that," and Lucy was really sorry. He knew better than anyone how disheartening the inability to see one's child growing up really was, and he wished he could've hugged the goat as much as he wished someone would hug him when he couldn't hold his baby in his own arms. "What happened? Why did you split?" he asked in an attempt to lift his own gloom.

"We decided it was for the best when I realized I preferred the other gender's company," all of Lucy's eyes, including the ones cloaked on his horns widened in surprise and it got a deep and hearty laugh from the goat, loosening his shoulders and falling back on his chair. "Yeah, it's not something you tell the parents since not all of them can handle a gay man teaching their kids, but I don't think that'll be a problem with you since you're Koku's dad"

"You know he's...?" Lucy choked for a moment, trying to keep his composure at the sudden drought in his throat. Like most teenagers in his situation did Koku had decided to keep his sexuality a secret until he was in a less judging environment. As far as Lucy knew the only ones that were aware were Lucy himself, his caretakers Dee and Vill and a few select friends such as Raz. Had he also confided with this favorite teacher of his? Lucy swallowed and breathed in once the initial panic subsided. It wasn't a bad occurrence if one thought about it; an extra set of ears for his son to vent was good news. What really bothered him was the possibility that Koku had kept this from him. "Did he tell you?"

"No, of course not," Gavin reassured him and it became clear to Lucy that he was also easy to read for the goat when his son was the principal subject. One more bonus for him as a teacher, he supposed. "I know for a fact that coming out to friends and family is extremely hard. I can't even begin to imagine how awkward it would be to even discuss it with a teacher. No, I just noticed, you know? I guess it's a bit of what they call 'gaydar', but really, it's a bit obvious when you see he mostly hangs around big, buff guys and stares at them when they're not looking. I mean, he's not just gay, he has a type"

"You can't really blame him," Lucy stated and Gavin cocked his head in curiosity towards the hidden meaning of his words. "What I mean is that big man just have... I don't know, something alluring to them. Maybe the size, the mass, the hard muscles tempting you to touch and squeeze"

"I see Koku inherited more than just your good looks," Gavin commented with a sleazy glint in his eyes and Lucy raised an eyebrow with a dirty grin of his own when he heard those words. As if just realizing he had said those things out loud the teacher straightened in his seat and looked away for a moment. "Sorry. You're a parent and I'm a teacher, that wasn't appropriate"

But what Gavin didn't know was that it no longer mattered. Lucretius was a demon of class and finesse; he wouldn't just throw himself at any attractive man or woman that happened to walk in front of him, but if one showed even the slightest interest in him he wouldn't stop until he could satiate that interest. And his son's teacher right now had essentially flirted with him, and in a very suave manner, might he add, that he found particularly charming of him. From the moment he had entered the classroom he had found himself drawn to the powerful aura around the goat, as well as the thick physique hiding underneath his clothes; there was no way he would throw away this chance that he had provided him.

"Please, don't worry. Who doesn't enjoy a compliment from time to time?" Lucy's words seemed to have his desired effect as Gavin looked back at him again. His expression seemed uncomfortable, but there was no regret regarding his words and the demon took it as a green light. "You look very good as well, you know? It won't take you any time to find someone else"

"Well thanks, but I'm not really looking for anything like that right now," Gavin leaned back again and he visibly started easing to Lucy's direct strategies. The way he unfolded around the demon was particularly natural, something he had seen very few times in his long time but that every time had brought him immense pleasure once the formalities of flirtation ended. It only made him more eager to spend some quality time with this teacher. "I just came out recently and all I want right now is to experiment and relax to get my mind off my failed marriage"

"You want to have fun. Completely understandable," Lucy got up from his own seat and slowly started walking around the desk with a gentle sway of his hips that made his intentions very clear to Gavin, who did nothing to stop him. "It's all about finding the right partner, don't you think?"

Lucy stood in front of the goat and leaned forward just enough for their lips to meet for a second. One second was usually all it took, he thought as he broke apart from him and looked him in the eye with a seductive smile. Gavin blinked once and his muscular neck tensed for just a moment of hesitation, but he jumped back onto those nearly hypnotic lips and pushed against the passionately hot kiss that Lucy started in response. Their hands became just as restless and lustful and started exploring each other's body, slipping under fabric to rub and squeeze the thick muscles and the soft layer of fur that covered them.

"This is very inappropriate," Gavin commented once their lips were apart again but he was aware that the demon he thought was a bull didn't really care for his words; he was too preoccupied unbuttoning his shirt and kissing down his neck, his collarbone, his thick chest and rock hard abs, all the way down to the throbbing tent on his pants that he so teasingly nibbled. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were a troublemaker"

There was no malice on Gavin's words. On the contrary, all Lucy could detect on his tone was the eager playfulness that came with a new experience. His hand on the demon's head further beckoned him to proceed and his teeth started pulling down the zipper on his pants. The rest of the work was done by Gavin's body as his dripping erection jumped out of the underwear that could barely contain it and stood proudly in front of the demon's eyes. Lucy worked a very particular brand of magic onto his tongue and licked a single drop of precious pre rolling down the underside of the outstanding length, and the teacher curled his toes as his body could barely process the new and powerful sensations surging all over.

"Ah, not bad..." Gavin moaned with what shaky voice the demon's spell left him. "Blessed whoever taught you how to do that"

"I've had my own fair share of teachers. None of them as enticing as you, I assure you," he flirted with the goat and got up, giving is back to Gavin for just a second to take off his sweater. "If you don't mind, this was a present from my son and I'd rather not get any stains on it," it was true, but it was also a trick. He was sure Gavin didn't mind the minor setback as long as he gave his eyes the feast that was his muscular back undressing, and as he turned around, stretching his arms upwards to flex them and show off the build on his chest, he knew he had the poor mortal on his hands.

At that moment Lucy threw away all pretenses of self-control and took in all of Gavin's moist length in a single gulp, his tongue already rolling around the engorged head, sucking it dry from even the faintest drop of pre that could come out. Gavin let out successive moans from the skill displayed on his flesh and as he bobbed his head up and down the goat's shaft Lucy couldn't contain a giggle from how much it sounded like bleating. None of that was the work of any sort of magic; it was his sheer skill, attained after centuries of sexual partners. He reached the base, his nostrils up close against the hairy crotch and his chins slapping against his balls and as he deep-throated the teacher more grunting and moaning reached his ears. It was pleasing to know that such excited sounds were thanks to him, and wanting to hear more out of him he went back to focus on the pink tip of his cock, sucking and pushing against his slit.

"Get up," a wooden object pushed his chin upwards and the thick flesh left his mouth. His head was lifted just enough to see Gavin above him, leaning back on his chair panting in a way that made his heavy chest rise through his open shirt. It was an exhilaratingly dominant look and when Lucy noticed the object below his jaw was a wooden ruler the teacher was holding a lot of implications teasingly popped on his head. Gavin looked at him with a wicked smile as he started to talk. "You're incredibly skilled, I'll give you that, but as a teacher I can't ignore your blatant lack of discipline. You just lash out at an unsuspecting educator and start ravishing his body hoping to get away with it just by making him cum a few times. That's wrong though, and you need to be taught a lesson on proper manners. Now, bend over the desk"

Lucy bit his lower lip as he was so roughly ordered and that dominant air on the goat grew. There was an alluring darkness in his words, like a true desire mark the demon's skin as his that made him obey his commands and lean over the wooden desk and expose his still covered rump to him. Not to mention that the teacher and student play, as clichéd as it may seem to some, was a big turn on to the centuries old demon. As a powerful figure in the underworld he tended to be respected and feared by many, so to find a man with enough power not just to dominate him but to make him want to be dominated was a rare and exquisite occurrence that he loved taking advantage of.

A creaking sound came from the chair as Gavin got up and Lucy looked over his shoulder just as the goat disposed of his shirt and flexed his own thick arms. It was obvious that such a build wasn't just the result of simple work out sessions; there was a particular density to them that along with his fierce disposition reminded the old demon of knights and warriors, whom he knew, by experience, were outstanding partners. Aggressively, almost angrily Gavin reached for the hem of Lucy's pants and pulled them down, revealing the perfectly round buttocks and rubbing and groping them to bring out the demon's own grunts. He trailed the muscles on Lucy's back with his tongue, all the way to his neck and the demon's eyes rolled inside his skull from the sheer delight of the shiver that shot up his spine at the teacher's actions.

The tip of the wooden ruler followed the circular line of Lucy's butt and Gavin took a step forward for his wet boner to grind against the hungry hole. Lucy's fingers twitched and his breathing accelerated, and he pushed back to try and at least get the throbbing head inside of him. He knew the goat could feel his enthusiasm and was prepared to ride his length for all of his ass' worth, and enjoy every single second of it, but instead what he felt was a sting on his cheek and the familiar slap of wood hitting against skin, along with the gasp that left his throat and slowly transformed into a moan. He looked back and was greeted by Gavin's toothy villain-like grin and his erection popping veins from how much harder it got, and he gave him a droopy smile in return.

The classroom was almost immediately filled with the rhythmical banging of the ruler spanking Lucy's flesh, further reddening the hard scaled and always followed by a deep, long moan of pleasured pain from his throat. He bit his knuckle to keep the noise at bay, but that only made him resort to deep, rough groaning instead. Behind him he could hear Gavin panting from the intense arousal and pushed against the disciplining hits from his weapon to rub his sensitive flesh against the stiff rod, unable to control the heat inside him that made him desperately yearn for it to be inside him, to fill him and make him Gavin's.

The spanking stopped and Gavin dropped the ruler on the desk. The clanking sound it made echoed across the room and made Lucy turn around in curiosity just as Gavin grabbed the desk to keep from falling on top of the demon.

"Turn around," simple and curt, coupled with the raspy roughness inherent to Gavin's voice; it made him sound powerful, terrifyingly so, and Lucy's body shook in excitement to see what kind of treatment he would give his body to finish their short time together. So he turned around and his pants were removed from his legs with such speed that his own hard cock shot droplets of pre up to his chest. One more thing about the man to go crazy for, he thought.

Gavin grabbed him from the shoulders and looked at him in the eye for just a second before plowing his hardened length all the way up Lucy's ass. He didn't care for any subtleties nor did he want to keep things slow anymore; he could only think of ramming his dick up the tight insides and make the demon under him scream for more, humping up to his prostate and clawing his wide chest until he left red gashes on his skin. And under such crushing lust Lucy could only scream and beg him for more until the sheer euphoria he felt at the treatment his body was receiving would make him cover himself in satisfied seed.

It was perhaps the diabolical tightness around Lucy's hole, the titanic arousal a good spanking session had left on Gavin, or most likely both at the same time, but the point was that he could no longer hold back. With a last violent thrust he pressed his crotch against the demon's buttocks and his balls churned as they emptied their thick, hot load deep inside him, coating his insides white to the brim until it started slipping through the cracks and sticking to the goat's navel. Lucy's own length twitched furiously, and without as much as a single touch from wither one of them it shot its own massive reserves of warm demon cum all over his chest and abs, his skin so sensitive that he could feel its warmth entering his entire body. Their screams joined together in a cacophony of lust and unbound pleasure that refused to die out until their heavy sacs were finished delivering their seed, and when they finally did the two fell silent to bask on the afterglow of their divinely shared orgasm.

Gavin almost landed face first on Lucy's chest, with only his elbows on the desk to hold him upright, breathing deep and slow. When he looked up with his tired expression he saw Lucy with a smile that could only be called pure bliss and a nearly vacant look that indicated he was still affected by the daze. He kissed the demon, who reacted almost instinctively and kissed back until his euphoric trance resided and he was conscious enough to break from the kiss.

"Did you learn anything?" Gavin asked when he saw the thought process back on his eyes. That thought process led the demon to give him a mocking smile however.


"Heh," Gavin smiled and stepped back, his length popping out of Lucy's hole, still hard and covered in his own semen but refusing to go down. He dropped back on his chair and with some difficulty managed to slip his raging erection back inside his pants and for a second just enjoyed the view of his seed running down Lucy's ass. "Then, starting tomorrow, you'll be on detention here every day after school hours. At least until I can properly drill some manners in you. You're free to leave"

"Good luck with that, teach," Lucy joked as he sat up on the desk and struggled to slip his large legs and his own non-quitting boner back in. Gavin looked at him with a playful cocky smile that looked far more charming on his face than his usual frown and Lucy struggled to hold back a dreamy sigh at his looks. He truly was a beautiful man, with great energy, a powerful sexual aura and a personality to boot. He would make someone very happy someday, but until then Lucy would enjoy playing with him on occasion, without his son finding out of course.

Thinking of his son reminded him of the sweater left forgotten on the table next to them. He was thankful that not a single drop of cum had fallen on it during their wild thrashing, but he wouldn't be able to say the same with his chest as splattered in jizz as it was now. Thus the answer was rather obvious, and he simply grabbed the gift in one hand and headed to the door.

"You're just gonna leave shirtless like that?" Gavin asked in a strange tone and Lucy turned around to flash him one last grin.

"I told you, this was a gift from my son. I can't get any stains on it," he said and left the goat alone in the room. Gavin, on his own part, just laughed at the demon's antics and leaned back on his seat, closing his eyes to fight off the exhaustion and mindlessly rubbing the unrelenting tent on his pants.

Lucy toyed with his rock hard cock as it dripped pre on his body. He cleaned what little there was of it on his index finger, relishing on the soft, tingling flavor. The album he had summoned to quench the need to admire his son laid forgotten next to him on his bed, and instead his mind was full with the memory of what was the first of many encounters with one of the most talented men he had the chance of meeting. He and Gavin had stopped their little escapades shortly before Koku's graduation and had ended things on very good terms, but they had failed in keeping contact. Perhaps it was time to correct that.

Another flicker of his wrist and Lucy summoned his phone on his hand. It was a long shot, but if the goddess of luck was on his side then he would've kept the same number. A few taps later and he was hearing the dial tone, until...


The familiar deep voice filled Lucy with a kind of excitement he hadn't felt in years. He didn't need to ask who it was; all he had to do was talk and hopefully he would remember.

"Mr. Stone! I'm not sure if you remember me-

"Lucretius Adya..."

"You remember...?" once again Lucy was filled with an euphoria that was reflected on his length jumping in anticipation at the possibility of being used and abused by that skilled pair of hands one more time.

"Of course I remember! Your son was one of my favorite students," Gavin said from the other side of the line and then his voice became lower, sultrier. "And so were you"