Breaking him

Story by lucifer94 on SoFurry

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sorry, this was one of the things i thought about some time ago and worked on it bit by bit. just some fetish phase i am going though, i think. this is a one shot, i am not making any sequels to this.

so jerk off, then leave a comment at the bottom on what you think.

P.T. both of the characters are feline, so i decided to put barbs on there dicks. have no idea if it is pleasurable or not, so the bards are decoration mostly.

I walked down the hall. My boots echo a warning to all who live down here, I was approaching. All the cells I passed were empty, a reminder of how well I do my job. At most the cells are occupied for a few weeks, and then moved to another building to continue training.

The guard saluted me, "welcome back sir."

"At ease, anything to report."

"No sir, he has been quiet since you left."

I slid open the viewer and peered in. the lynx was still cuffed to the wall, wearing only the underwear I had given him as clothing, "Has he eaten anything yet?"

"Hasn't eaten since your instructions came in the other day sir."

"And hygiene?"

"Cleaned two hours ago." Good, glad the solders can follow simple instructions.

"Unlock the door," the guard pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, "thank you."

When I entered the lynx gave me the usual death glare. Even for about a month of detainment, he still refused to break, "so what do I owe the pleasure this time, jackass."

"Please use my name. I gave it to you so we can be civil about this."

"So chaining me up to the wall and locking me up for a month is 'civil', I thought it would be called that torture?"

"All I did was chain you to the wall, was that so bad? And it is not like you are chained there 24/7." Specifically, he is only chained to the wall when I order him to be. The rest of the time he stays in this room.

"Fuck off, you sadist." He then spit in my face. He is where I separate myself from my collages. They would have smacked the lynx all over the place. However I just wiped the spit off.

"I seem to remember giving you my name. If you have forgotten it then it is Lyber."

"No matter how many times you say it or how long you keep me here, I won't break, you shit."

"See that is where you are wrong," I fished a candle and a match book from my pocket. I lit the candle with one of the matches and placed it close to the lynx on the table.

"How sweet, you already brighten the place up." The smell of the candle started to fill the room with a lovely smell.

"22 days," The lynx looked confused, "the longest time it took to break someone was 22 days. You lasted a month, so you get a treat for your good endurance." I started to strip off my uniform. The heavy coat I wore and the shirt underneath came off first. As an officer, my body is build to grapple with prisoners, so I am what people can consider fit.

"What the-put your cloths back on!"

"Why? Aren't you enjoying the show?" I turned around, and undid my pants. The belt buckle made a small clang noise as it hit the floor.

"Why would I like this shit?" despite his protests, he never turned his head away from my body.

"Well you little friend is sure enjoying It." it was then he notice his own tent in his underwear. He tried to turn his body away to hide the erection he was getting. "You don't need to worry," I leaned close to him, "this is all natural."

"The fuck?" he started to struggle against his restraints, "how the fuck is this natural. This is illegal."

"Correction; It is illegal in your country, not ours. And guess where we are again?"

"What did you do to my body, you fuck?"

"Nothing I swear," I leaned in close, sandwiching his body between me and the wall. "See I get reports. In these reports I have my guards observe your actions to certain...stimulations; if you want to call them that."

He turned his head away, "like what?"

"The hookers for one." His face turned red. Those Hookers are a special tool I use for the more...wild prisoners. They also give me interesting facts on the sexual preferences, "and do you know what they said? They said you weren't interested in it, more focused on the guards doing each other then the girls in front of you."

I placed a hand on his crotch, "h-hey!"

"Don't worry," I licked his face, "this is all natural."

I started to rub his penis in my hand, letting some moans escape his mouth. "P-please stop this."

"A body like your needs a certain type of love, I just thought I should give it what it wants." I kissed and nipped at his neck, enjoying his reaction to it all. In my hand his penis gets harder and harder, "while I enjoying this I think we need to go to the next event," with one swift move, I slipped off his underwear and freed his penis.

"What are you-"

"Giving you what you need." I moved down his body till I was eye level with his penis. It had tiny barbs on it, similar to my own penis. I gave it a few licks along the shaft and base. He squirmed a bit, but didn't do more than that.

After awhile it got boring. Guess it is time to move on. Using my hand I straighten his penis up to my lips. "No-don't please." I ignored his pleas and devoured his dick. It was an odd taste, but nice. The lynx moaned at the blowjob I gave him. I made sure to play with those bards of his with my tongue.

I removed my mouth from his prick, "sounds like someone is enjoying it."

He blushed, "a trick, there has to be a trick."

"It is not really a trick, it just takes practice and the bards are no problem." I put two fingers in my mouth and coated them in saliva.

"N-n-no," he stuttered, "I mean, I never...the candle!"

"Sorry to burst you bubble but that is just a regular candle. Nothing was added or makes it unique from any other." I reached around his legs to around the tail, messing with the stub with my fingers. He winced, "so your prick is not the only thing you wanted mess around."

"Stop it," I released the stub and moved to the real target. When he felt where my hand was, he panicked, "no, don't do that!"

"Why not," before he replied I stuffed my middle finger in him. His moan was a mix of pain and pleasure. He was tight, almost painfully tight. It wouldn't be easy to loosen him up. As I move my finger in him, as much as I am able, I return to suck his dick. This continued till I entered a second finger, "relax," I told him as I rubbed his stomach. I felt him relax under my touch and inserted the third finger.

He was melting in the pleasure. He only spoke in moans and his legs got weaker the longer this went on. Already I could feel him coming close to climax any second, but this would be a bad place to end this. I removed my mouth and fingers from him. He looked surprised, "why did you stop, Lyber?"

"Hey you used my name," he seemed to turn away from me. "Anyway, since we were so close to finishing, I thought I would do the polite thing and give you more freedom." I pulled the key for the lynx's shackles, "when I release you, we would finish this in any way you want or stop here altogether." I removed the shackles on him, "so how does this end?"

I saw multiple scenarios flash in my head: one, he attacks me. Two, he asks me to leave. Three, he tries to rape me. Four, he asks me to fuck him. He can continue this in any way he wants, I will not force him to do anything. He turned away from me, "please fuck me." the voice was what got me. It was so weak and needy; begging for attention, what kind of person wouldn't bend backwards for that voice.

"Okay, since you asked. Bend over the bed," he went over to his bed and bend over it. He kept his head down as to not look at me. I grabbed the lube from my coat pocket, "I will be gentle at first, but if at any point it becomes difficult, say avocado." That was the first thing I thought of as safe word. I open the lube and pour some on my hands. I bent down and put one of my hands at his back entrance and slid some of my fingers in. the lynx was quiet, he didn't respond to my entrance. Or maybe he is trying to ignore it? My other hand went to work on my penis, coating it in lube. I removed my hands and lined up my penis to the entrance," you ready?" he kept his face away from me, trying to hide the shame from me.

I slid it in him. I was amazed how tight it was in there. The lynx screamed into his pillow as I got deeper in him. "I am half way in," I slid more of myself in him, his body trembling underneath me. "There all the way," I managed to get to the base of my cock, now I just wait for him to get use to it. The lynx was making a sobbing noise into his pillow, "something wrong?"

He didn't look at me. He kept his head buried in the pillow and just sobbed. I pulled myself out of him, if it was too much I would just leave now. I put my uniform on and left the cell, with the lynx's sobbing filling the room.

It was late in the day. I still needed some paperwork completed before I turned it in. I heard someone knocking on the door, "Come in."

Nolan entered, "e-e-evening sir." He was a new recruit we got for the medical division. Good doctor, but a nervous wreck when outside his office.

"If it is about the supply orders, run them thought accounting before handing them to me," any form that didn't go thought them before hand usually gets trashed and if I give the stamp of approval to it, I get my head bitten off.

"No sir, it is about the lynx sir, Galon." So his name is Galon, "I ran some tests and found all drugs have been completely flushed out his systems." That was some good news. When I first saw him, Galon was a mess. He didn't respond to most stimuli and was covered in large wounds. Since the drugs are completely out of his systems, he should be able to recover nicely.

"Okay, anything else to report?"

"Yes, while I was down there Galon was crying."

"Yes that was because of me. I tried to help him with loving another man, but it went badly."

"Not from what I heard," I looked at Nolan curiously, "when I talk to him, Galon was asking for you."

What would he be asking me for, "all right, I will head to him immediately." I put my uniform on and headed to the cells. The hallway was silent, which contradicted what I heard minutes ago. The guard was in position where he stood, "How goes everything?"

The guard saluted me, "everything is fine, sir."

"And the prisoner?"

"Fine, I believe." He looked at the door to Galon's cell, "I heard him whine a couple of time but he was quiet most of the time." he handed me the keys to the cell.

I entered the cell and saw Galon on his bed, naked like I left him earlier. When he saw me, he shot up on his feet, "Lyber," the tone of his voice sounded happy. He ran into me as I closed the door, "I'm sorry," he said.

"Why are you apologizing," the fact he called me to apologize threw me in a loop. I then felt our lips connect in that moment. I wrapped my arms around him, preventing him from backing away as I tried to stick my tongue in his mouth. He pushed my head from behind to get me deeper in his mouth. He wanted this. he didn't have any more doubt.

I pulled my head back so he can breathe. "I-I-I really wanted you to fuck me and then you," I connected our lips again silencing him.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was hurting you, so I left." I never use sex as a way to break someone. "When you cried, I thought I did something wrong so I left."

"Please do it," he whispered, "I promise I won't cry so please, fuck me."

"Alright," I undress myself as he got on the bed, spreading that ass of his wide for me. "Keep it spread apart." I got on one knee and rimmed that ass of his. He squealed when my cold tongue connected with his hole but held his ass apart as instructed. With my free hand, I stroke his penis gently. My other hand was stroking my own penis in the same fashion.

"Sir please"

"I know," I aligned my cock with his entrance, "I want you to relax, if I do it too fast, tell me and I will slow down." I slowly pressed inward then pulled out. He was still tight from earlier. He squirmed under me while I probed deeper in him, "I am almost done just hold on a second longer." With one final push, I got all the way inside him. "How are you feeling?"

""I am okay, keep going." I started to move in him. He didn't seem to feel comfortable with me moving at first but grew into it as I continued. I felt something squishy in Galon that caused him to squeal a bit, "what was that?"

"A prostate or we can call it a pleasure button if you want," now that I know where the prostate was located, the real fun begins. I picked up the pace a bit and rammed into Galon with full force. He was enjoying this wild fucking I was giving him. I pulled out, "lay on you back I want to see that face as I fuck you."

He turned around and spread his legs apart for me to re-enter. The face he made while I was fucking him was perfect for me. His eyes were partly open and his mouth wide with the tongue sticking out. I connected our mouths and let our tongues dance to the sound of our fucking. I can feel him tighten up, he was about to cum. He wrapped his legs and arms around me; he wants me to shoot in him.

I can feel him shoot his sperm on my chest while I shot in him. We both panted heavily on top of the bed, his arms still wrapped around me. When his grip loosen I pulled myself away, I admired the work I did with him. As I gathered my cloths I asked, "so what now?"

Galon looked at me with confusion, probity still disoriented from the sex, "what are you talking about?"

"My job," I slip my underwear and pants on, "my job is breaking people of their problematic habits, after doing that they are move to another facility where they get training. As to what you get training for is your choice. After that you go to an auction and get sold."

"So am I just a slut to you? Are you just using me then throw me away?" His anger is understandable. "I- I thought" he didn't finish that statement. Galon looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"If you wish it," I put on my boots and started to tie them, "If you wish to move on to the next stage of the program, then fine. However I can also just purchase you immediately if you want. You would work for me and we can have sex whenever your penis desires it. So what do you want?"

Galon was digesting what I told him, he didn't need to answer now, but I needed an answer at some point. "I...want you." He said, embarrassed at words that came from his mouth.

"Alright then," I draped my jacket over him, "it's going to take awhile, so hold on to it till I am done." With that I placed one last kiss on him before I left the cell. The guard uniform was sloppy, "I don't mind you jerking off at your station, but please make sure your uniform is on correctly afterwards." I then headed towards my office, silently cursing at the amount of paperwork I am about to do when I get there.