How I became a furry
Another real-life story about me... Nitro_wolf
I guess this could help anyone that wants to know more about me!
I should make a folder for my real-life stories
How did I become a furry?Thats a darn good question... And to answer that, I'll have to go back to my early childhood.How early?Early enough that I cant remember it, so I'm going off what my parents told me. Whenever we went shopping when I was a youngster (or rather a pup) my parents had to put a harness and a leash on me... I would than go about my business and bark at people.Yes... I barked at people (still do, from time-to-time)When I was but a kid, most kids hung-out with each other and played games like tag... Me? Oh, I just hung with the dogs and tried to chase rabbits.I still chase rabbits... not much success, a snare works better!I was 14-15 years old when I was given the nickname "Moose" because of my height and ability to move trough even the descent of woods... Just like a moose.When I say "because of my height" I mean I as six feet tall at 15 years old!Nothing of huge significance happened between than and when I moved-out. Soon after moving into my new house I saw the most amazing looking fox, it was too far away to tell the gender and I never saw it again... It looked like someone took a block of silver, carved a fox out of it and brought it to life!For some reason, that memory sticks with me. :pAfter that, I would try to get as I safely could to wild animals... I hate to say it, but a few times I have had coyotes come just a little to close and lets say if the coyote was to walk away unharmed than I don't think I would!(in total) I've had to kill five coyotes that wanted to kill me!In more resent years: I have met my BFF (best furry friend) he is in good shape, likes me, is loyal and he's black! so he's silver... He's a fox, quite literately. I named him Little foxy.I am best friends with a wild
fox!For the longest time, I would catch myself looking at furry art and even yiff! (gasp) I never considered being a furry until one night when I was looking for some new furry art... I found a site that had more than art, it had stories, pictures and journals. The site was called SoFurry.I joined this site on the 13th of September and have (including this) 62 submissions!Lots of love, many stories to come!~Nitro