Parent-Teacher Meeting Part 2

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#15 of Commissions & Gifts

Hello and hi, yes! This is an early morning post because I was too tired last night, God! Some of you may or may not remember my second goat commission which I did for Kokuhane; for those of you who don't feel free to go back and read it, since it's definitely worth it!

As per goat commissions this also involved his goat character Gavin, and his demon Lucy, quite a good match if you ask me. The not-so-common cold didn't allow me to go 100% on this, but I still think 86% of it is decent material. That's up to you to decide. Feel free to comment!

Also, if you're interested in goat commissions they are only $10 and unless I'm fighting the not-so-common cold they're done in a day or two. More info here if you're interested

Gavin, Lucy and Troy © Kokuhane

The first thing that happened when the door opened was that the little bell on top of it rang. It was such a typically seen thing in movies that it almost felt unreal, so much that the man who entered the café had to stop in his track to take note of it. Of course, being nothing but a regular bell he quickly lost all interest on it and diverted his focus to the far more interesting task of locating the person he had come to meet.

It had only been last night that Lucretius, demon lord of self-indulgence took a walk down memory lane and found himself in front of an almost buried, yet extremely delightful image from his past. Being as gorgeous of a past as it was, the need to reconnect with it was predictable and in fact expected, so of course Lucy had called this remembered person, a friend and more from a previous life, in an attempt to reconnect with him emotionally. And physically, might one add; there was hardly any point in hiding any possible ulterior motive the demon may have had, especially when the other one involved was someone who had come to know so much about him through the act of love.

"Lucy! Over here!" his name being called drew his attention and when he turned around towards the waving hand he saw him. The strongly built goat, brimming with thick muscles and the wrinkles on his forehead that proved he still frowned more often than not; his son's old school teacher and a rather beneficial friend he had during those days, Gavin Stone.

"Gavin! So long," Lucy hugged him tightly as a greeting and the goat returned the gesture with as much affection. When the two separated, Lucy took a better look at his face and noticed that time hadn't left him untouched, but it had done little to harm his attractiveness; quite the opposite, the few extra wrinkles and graying hair seemed to add to his rugged appeal. His sight stirred old emotions in the demon's heart, as well as certain parts of his anatomy that he tried his best to conceal.

"Please, take a seat," he gestured at the table he had been on where a pair of chairs and two smoking mugs awaited. Lucy did as he was offered and took his seat, carefully grabbing the warm mug between his hands. He was surprised to see that instead of the bitter coffee he had expected, the aroma that wafted from the brown fluid in it proved it as hot chocolate. ""I hope you don't mind I ordered for you. I remember your tastes"

"I don't mind at all, thanks," Lucy chuckled and took a sip of the beverage. As soon as the bittersweet flavor touched his tongue a delicious heat spread through his muscles and his shoulders lost all tension. Gavin had remembered everything perfectly, up to the amount of milk he liked and even that little touch of cinnamon in the end. The idea that he had kept such a memory after so many years of not seeing each other and that he had ordered this specific preparation just for him was rather touching.

"I'll admit, I was pretty surprised when I got your call last night," Gavin's words took Lucy out of his chocolate-induced stupor and he saw the goat staring down at his cup of coffee, most likely unsure of how to proceed with the conversation. It was to be expected that their first few words would have some awkwardness to them. "How've you been? How's Koku?"

"I'm fine, not a lot has changed there. Koku's great though!" Lucy eagerly started at the possibility of bragging his son's exploits since his high school graduation. "He graduated from graphic design just like he wanted and is doing pretty well freelancing. His work is amazing and he earns well. He has a boyfriend and all! Pretty nice guy, makes him really happy. He's just doing terrific and I'm glad. And proud, very proud"

"Ok, ok, I get it," Gavin chuckled and Lucy couldn't help a slight blush that was thankfully hidden behind the red color of his own scales. He was aware that the sudden bouts of praise he threw at his son were jarring to some, but there was nothing he could do about it if the little guy was so outstanding in his loving eyes. "You're still the same love nut, I see, but what about you? What have you been doing these past years?"

"Nothing new, really. You know I've always been pretty boring," Lucy lied. As a demon overlord his life was often times a hectic storm of responsibilities. Despite his outgoing demeanor, he had to constantly juggle multiple situations in regards to his domain in the underworld, from small things like property feuds up to the occasional insurrection that rose every once in a while. There was a lot of material for him to yammer about for hours, but in order to do any of that he would have to admit to Gavin he was a supernatural being which could have dire consequences for him and his son, assuming the goat didn't think him crazy to begin with. He had to work with his experiences in the mortal world, which weren't that many beyond his usual hook ups.

"I don't know if I would describe you as boring," Gavin countered and leaned forward for a sip of his own mug and a closer look of the demon in front of him. Lucy's eyes darted towards his chest, exposed through the few open buttons of his shirt and he was glad to see time hadn't managed to reduce those mounds of muscle either. "Especially when a certain snake around this establishment has commented on your quality time with a certain red dragon that may or may not have been my student"

"Is that so?" Lucy raised an eyebrow and glanced towards the bar where Troy, the young and large snake that owned this place tended to his customers and provided chat to the more regular patrons that he was already familiar with. When he noticed the older man looking at him, Troy waved with one of his thick arms and Lucy laughed and waved back. If he could be honest he couldn't stay mad at someone so large and charismatic. "It's not like it's a big secret anyway. Koku and Raz were always very good friends and I think they went at it a few times as well. To this day they still live together so I get to see him often when I visit"

"Is that so? I never fancied you as the younger man type"

"I don't care for that, really. If someone shows any interest in me I'll jump at the opportunity of providing a good time for the two of us, that's all," Lucy chuckled slightly when he remembered that was more or less how he had come to enjoy his long sessions with the goat, and many other before and after him. It was part of his nature as a demon of self-indulgence to revel on it and enable others to do the same. "He showed an interest and started courting me. One thing led to another and before either of us knew Koku was screaming at me for screwing with his friends and kicking me out of their place. But it was worth it! The kid is skilled and very eager to please"

"Oh my God! That does sound like them," Gavin laughed at the memory of his students and took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I'm glad they haven't changed much, they were good kids. Who knows, maybe I'll run on them here and I'll get to check on them"

"That's enough about me though. How about you? What have you been up to all this time? You look a lot happier than the last time we saw each other," Lucy's comment brought a gentle smile to the goat's face and the demon couldn't keep from thinking how much more handsome he looked with that kind of expression. It just seemed to fit him better than his more usual scowl.

"I am," Gavin said. "I got tenured, so that was one less thing to stress over for the past few years. Work stability, good salary, great vacations... So that went pretty great, yeah. I also met someone, this really cute bunny guy named Will. We live together and everything; I actually know Troy because he's dating Will's brother, Flip. Have you met him?"

"I think I've seen him around," Lucy said somewhat absentmindedly as part of his brain seemed to register a tall and chunky bunny guy waiting the tables at some of the shifts. The part of his brain that hadn't focused on that particular memory dwelled on the fact that his old love partner had found someone, which meant that old flame between them wouldn't come back to live. He wasn't sad, angry or envious; the smile on his face was out of genuine joy for his friend, but a little part of him had trouble coping with the disappointment.

"You're thinking something among the lines of 'too bad I won't be able to bone you anymore', aren't you?" the comment surprised Lucy, but it was to be expected of someone he had shared so many nights with to know him so well. "Don't give me that look! I know you well enough to know that you were probably fondling your junk while we were talking last night. I mean, I know I was," he admitted and Lucy failed at stifling a giggle. "If you want the truth you actually have better chances than you think. If Will found out that I refused a chance for steamy sex with a guy as hot as you I would never hear the end of it. Besides, it's not like it's just the two of us, you know?"

"Oh?" with each word that had come out of Gavin's mouth the eyes on Lucy's horns had widened and his shoulders had perked up more until he couldn't keep his excitement under the wraps. It all sounded too juicy to let pass.

"Yeah, there's someone else with us," Gavin admitted with some reluctance, an emotion Lucy had never seen on his face no matter what kind of crazy stunts he offered him in bed. Was he ashamed of being on a polyandrous relationship? Or was it something else? "His name is Felix. He's this really shy, cute cat, an old student of mine actually. He had a long-standing crush on me and actually got buff just so that I would notice him, which actually worked... And before you ask, yes, he's nineteen," there it was.

"With what morals do you scold me over occasionally sleeping with a man the age of my son when you are in an actual relationship with a barely legal college student?" Lucy retorted with a sleazy grin and Gavin looked away blushing, prompting the demon to laugh at his apparent embarrassment. He stared down at his chocolate as his laughter died out and took a large gulp of it for the warmth to wash over the chill the winter afternoon had left on his muscles. "So let's cut to the chase already. What will happen next?"

"That is a good question," Gavin lifted his mug to his lips one last time, letting the bitter brew roll down his throat, visibly bulging from the liquid and gently put the empty cup back on the table. "Troy!" the snake had left the bar to check if any customer needed a refill and slithered his way towards the table the two men shared with a pot on his hand ready to pour some of the beverage so many clients had called 'heavenly' before. He didn't say anything, sure that Gavin hadn't called him over for another cup of coffee, and instead allowed the goat to continue. "Is there any chance you could lend us the office you have on the back?"

"The office?" Troy raised an eyebrow and eyed the demon in front of the goat with a knowing look. The way he flicked his tongue was both adorable and enticing, perhaps over the idea of such an exquisitely large man using his tongue for any other sort of act, and it reminded Lucy of how long he had his eye on the snake. For a second he considered asking him to join them in the office, but he respected a working man's time, not to mention he had come over for Gavin only. "Sure thing, teach"

Gavin was pushed against the wall and his face was attacked by a pair of hungry lips before he had any chance to protest. Not like he had any intention to as those lips assaulted his own and a pair of tongues fought for space inside his mouth. His shirt was ripped open and discarded on the floor and his muffled grunts quickly became deep moans of pleasure as his neck and chest were kissed and nibbled by his expert partner.

"Someone's eager," he said before pulling Lucy back up for another kiss and pushing him against the office's desk. Their lips met again, more softly, more passionately, and Gavin's hands slipped inside the demon's shirt to remember the vast land that was his muscular torso, every crevice and curve of his stone-like abs all the way to his round chest, taking the clothing with him, slowly exposing the tempting flesh. Lucy raised his arms for the shirt to be removed completely but Gavin didn't let go of it. "Put your arms behind your back," the demon obeyed and his son's teacher leaned forward to tightly bind his wrists together with the fabric, taking the chance to gently rub their bodies together and kiss him one more time with a sneaky smile forming on his face.

Lucy's bound body was pinned to the desk and he started giggling when the goat's kisses down his neck started tickling. He was sweating, more out of exhilaration and arousal than any actual heat in the room, and he knew that Gavin enjoyed the taste of his flesh as his tongue rolled up and down his chest with special care on his nipples. Lucy let out small gasps, leaving his breath for when the goat decided to get rougher with his old body, and his eyes drifted towards a small box on the desk filled with bulldog clips. With his arms restrained as they were he remembered an old experience with them and his body shuddered from the sudden recollection.

"Bulldog clips, huh?" Gavin said in that almost cryptic manner that had always made Lucy wonder somewhere in the back of his head if he could read his mind. The goat reached for one of the clips and inspected it carefully before giving the demon a look filled with lust and hunger and brushed his nipples with it to bring another shiver to his body. "Seems like you have some experience with them"

"I do," said Lucy with an uncharacteristically quivering voice as memories of his bound and abused body filled his head. Pain erupting from his chest and his balls as he was cruelly teased and played with until climax, for which he was punished with more pain and longing for release. It was an extreme situation that would've left most traumatized but that he regarded as one of his most erotic experiences. Of course Gavin was probably not ready for something of that magnitude, nor did he want to worry him with old stories, so he limited to stating the obvious. "They hurt like hell"

"Are you asking me to forget about them then? Or are you begging me to see how much you can hold now?" the goat asked teasingly, still caressing the demon's nipple with the office supply and playfully snapping it just out of reach.

"That's up to you," Lucy winked and saw how Gavin's hand hovered above his chest with the clip open around his expecting nipple. For a second the demon doubted that he would do anything, and then it closed and he had to clench his teeth and eyes to keep from giving him the satisfaction of a pained roar that had rose up his throat with the nearly unbearable pressure that had started extending all over his body. The second clipped closed and he could no longer contain the scream of lustful suffering nor the tension that made his back arch in satisfaction. His whole body flared with the forgotten pleasure of that ages long abuse and his yell became a needy moan that pleaded for more of the same treatment.

"You know," Gavin whispered with a long lick from his waist to his neck and a single short kiss to his cheek. "You taste spectacularly when you make that kind of face," he lied down next to the demon and started lovingly kneading on his chest with a look of deep longing. "What is it about you Lucy that wakes up all of these urges in me more than anyone else? Is it because you're such a masochist that you make me so dominant? Or is it something else?"

"I guess it's a mystery for the ages," Lucy chuckled despite being fully aware of how normal it was for mortals to feel enticed by their darkest desires while in the presence of a demon, especially one of his particular affinity and level of power. Either way, all he did was bring those needs to the surface; the urge to dominate had always been within Gavin and thinking about it that was probably one of the first things that had attracted him towards the goat all those years back.

"Turn around," Gavin ordered softly and the demon did as he was told in anticipation of what the goat would do onto him in the new position. The clips pressed comfortably against his chest and he grunted from the pain, far too lingering and exquisite to be called a mere sting. His pants were pulled down and his sculpted rump was gently fondled in a familiar scene. The irony of the image didn't seem to escape Gavin either, who left out a chuckle at the idea of repeating the events of their first time together. But he had grown ever since.

Lucy breathed in, already expecting the engorged head pushing its way through his hole or perhaps the cold snap of a hand or any other tool against his skin in an attempt by the teacher to straighten him up. And yet Gavin managed to surprise him one more time when the tip of a wet, thick appendage lapped the ring of flesh that was his hole and poked against it in such a tantalizing manner that he had to bit his lower lip. Back when he and Gavin had started seeing each other the goat was still shy towards new scenarios and it took him a long while to give the demon head. And yet here he was, pushing his tongue deep within his ass, snaking its way around the inner walls so expertly that it made a lustful demon squirm and grunt for him to go deeper and squeeze his butt cheeks harder. It was clear that he hadn't just sat idly by all those years.

When his tongue came out with a thin thread of drool still linking it to the demon's gaping hole Lucy let out a long-drawn breath of ecstasy. The next sound that reached his ears was the clanking of an unbuckling belt and the thud of a pair of pants dropping to the floor, both sounds he had enjoyed before. He tried to turn his neck around and got a glance of the goat's tight black underwear and the clearly wet bulge that had formed on them, but he was quickly pushed against the desk again and that same tongue that had made him shiver so much licked his ear.

"Peeking is cheating," Gavin whispered in his ear with the same rough edge he probably used on his troublesome students and Lucy let out a defiant giggle. During all their previous encounters he had never managed to break him no matter what kind of torture was inflicted on him, and he had always enjoyed challenging him into trying harder. A gruff snort from him was all the reply he needed to know he had poked a nerve and the rugged sensation of the belt travelling down his back made him sigh in relief before gasping from the pain that shot up his spine from where the leather strap smacked him.

Lucy had prepared for a second and third hit but instead the belt kept lowering, slowly reaching his rear and threateningly brushing his skin. Instead of relieving his frustration on his flesh Gavin teased him with the expectation; he could strike anywhere and at any time with no kind of warning, and that sort of unpredictability was a true form of dominance that exceeded Lucy's control and made the sexual tension palpable on his shoulders. The second hit finally came on his lower back, close to where his wrists were bound, and the suddenness mixed with the intensity actually made him shake and scream. Gavin laughed at his reaction and swung the belt against his arm to make him squirm one more time and continued his descent until reaching his firm buttocks and smacking them as well.

As used as he was to that kind of physical abuse Lucy never got tired of it and simply continued to moan and gasp to entice the goat and goad him into rougher strategies. The leather surface reached further down, brushing against his balls and Lucy froze in a mix of fear and extreme arousal as the idea of having those filled jewels mistreated made them churn in anticipation. But Gavin noticed and simply laughed in admiration of the control he had over the demon's body. He wouldn't harm that gorgeous nutsack and damage its valuable load, or at least not today, but it was certainly enjoyable to see such a large man tensing up at the possibility. He decided to take a more lenient attitude and pressed his hips forward, pushing his wet bulge against the equally wet hole between the demon's cheeks and got another surprised grunt from him; it was a curious and delectable sensation, to surprise such an experienced man.

"You seem bothered," Gavin said as he started to slowly grind his barely covered erection against the expecting hole, progressively picking up in speed. He had expected a snarky or needy return from the parent under him but instead he only got mindless grunting; coupled with the way his pucker seemed to contract in a desperate attempt to swallow more of his length it became clear that the demon was too drowned in lust to think properly. It brought a smile to his lips. "Ok you perv, that's enough for now. Up," he pulled the demon by the bindings on his wrists and then turned him around so that he sat on the desk instead. Lucy's eyes started focusing again and the look he gave him was one of sultry awareness. "Do you know what I'm gonna do now?" Gavin flickered one of the bull clips latched to the demon's nipples and he hissed at the surge of pain in his chest.

"Something slow and painful, I presume," Lucy answered with a tinge of hope in his voice. A masochist to the end, no matter what, Gavin thought.

"Unfortunately, there's no time. Troy probably wants his office back fast, and even if he doesn't it's not polite to just hoard it for own personal fun," Gavin said in a sagely tone as he put his belt down on the table. Lucy stared at it in disappointment but another flick on the clips reminded him that the goat was creative enough to find other ways to make him squirm. "Instead I'll do something I never had the chance to do back when we would have our fun together," he lowered his head and lovingly kissed down his chest and abs, putting extra care on his navel as he kneeled in front of the desk and kept going, licking and nibbling on his thighs until his tongue reached his hefty balls and gave them a greedy slurp that sent the demon in a frenzy.

Gavin had already blown him back in the day, even if he did so reluctantly, but he wasn't about to correct him considering the expertise with which his tongue rolled itself around his base and trailed his veins up to his head, where it ruthlessly pushed against his foreskin. Lucy's shivering was only rivaled by his loud and deep moaning and the moment the fat tip of his dripping cock was engulfed by the goat's mouth he gripped the desk so hard that his nails dug into the wooden surface. And yet, no matter how much more he screamed Gavin didn't rush his pace, devilishly teasing his flesh with the warmth of his mouth, taking his sweet time with every inch and just relishing on the sounds it elicited from the demon until he reached the base and his nostrils filled with the dark musk coming off Lucy's crotch. And then he started his way up the demon's length with the same tantalizingly slow speed, all to feel his body squirm under his skill and listen to the melody that was his grunting.

The heavy moaning was joined by wet slapping and the room filled with the euphoric noises coming off Lucy's body as he was tended by the goat's head bobbing up and down on his dick. When his lips finally let go of the throbbing rod it was glistening with his drool and pre and jumping in sync with the demon's bothered breathes, becoming only heavier as the goat pushed down his underwear and showed him his own dripping erection. But of all the surprises he had gone through during this afternoon, none of them compared to the one he felt when Gavin climbed on the desk and supported on his shoulders to place his own ass above the slick head that just seconds ago had been inside his mouth.

The one thing that Lucy remembered the clearest was that Gavin had never allowed him to take him during their personal sessions. It had never bothered him; it was to be expected, really, that he would rather put off such an action. But a part of him had always wanted that sweet pucker of him to tear apart slowly. Of course, after so many years it was natural that Gavin had finally enjoyed the experience himself, but a part of the demon's brain still refused to believe that the goat would finally give that last part of him away. It wasn't until the tight kiss reached his own engorged head that it truly downed on him.

The dark, tight hole lowered and pressed around his cock, eating inch by inch teasingly just like his mouth had done, each one going in smoothly yet being harshly squeezed by the walls of muscle inside. On some level Lucy was capable of registering just how many times he must had done this to have such compact entry penetrated with so much ease, but most of his thought process focused on the clenched teeth and eyes as the goat tried to take in more of his length. Manly deep grunts joined the moans that became screams as the goat's hands squeezed and pulled his pecs and the clips hanging to his nipples. When his butt finally touched Lucy's navel and churned balls, with his length deeply buried inside him, he started humping on his own to bring out more pleasured yelps from his own throat as well as his partner's.

Lucy couldn't hold back any longer. With as much leverage as his bound arms provided for him he pushed further in and started furiously humping the goat's rump, getting a surprised yelp that quickly turned into a loud moan from him. His dick kept piercing forward and along all other noises joined the slapping of his balls against the firm butt cheeks, slowly pulling back as they prepared for their load to be shot in Gavin's body. The goat's own erection slapped against the demons marked abs, barely fitting in the space between their torsos and throbbing like crazy as its own seed begged to be released at last.

After so much teasing neither of them could last long, and with one final deep thrust from Lucy's hips they let out a joined roar of sheer lustful satisfaction as the demon's hot seed filled the goat's insides perfectly. Not a single drop seeped from any cracks, lodging itself deeply in and making Gavin squirm in pleasure as his own sack pulled upwards and his cum was sent flying all over their chests, painting them white. It was all over in a second that extended for marvelous hours of unadulterated afterglow basking, interrupted only by the sound of their panting.

Gavin was the first one to move, getting up from the length inside him and off the desk to look for his clothes. Not a single drop of the demon's cum dripped out of him.

"That was fun, but we should be leaving already," he said while putting his pants up and reaching for his shirt.

"That's it?" Lucy said with a playful grin on his face as he stared at the goat getting ready to leave, not making any effort to do the same himself. "You get your filling and you leave? What a whore," he joked and reached for one of the clips on his nipples still feeling it press harshly and painfully against his chest, but a thick arm stopped him from removing it.

"And who exactly said we were done?" Gavin said with the same wicked grin he sported whenever a new kinky idea had occurred to him. "On the contrary, I have a bunny and a cat back home that will be very interested in meeting you"