The Long Patrol: Behind the Bushes, Part 1

Story by ShamanSquirrel on SoFurry

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#26 of Redwall: Behind the Bushes

This is based on "The Long Patrol" by Brian Jacques. All characters are (c) the author except Scraffera.

Cregga Rose Eyes, the Badger Lady of Salamandastron, held a meeting with her hares shortly after winning a battle with the Rapscallions. "Unknown to many of you," she said, "we captured one of the Rapscallions. A female weasel named Scraffera. Unlike most weasels, she is a rather pretty one. While I only allow high ranking members of the Long Patrol to please me, any of you may do with Scraffera as you wish. Any questions?"

"Why only one bally prisoner, wot?" asked Rockjaw Grang, one of the high-ranking hares.

"Because more than one would be too risky and we only have time to deal with the one," said Cregga. "You may all follow me to the dungeons to meet our prisoner. Single file line, please."

The hares were all conversing with themselves about their eagerness to have their way with the weasel as they were following Cregga into the dungeons below Salamandastron.

When they arrived at Scraffera's cell, they noticed she was as pretty as described. She also had a sinister yet shy expression on her face. "I guess you're all here to have fun wit' me," she said.

"Absoballylutely!" said one drooling hare. Most of the hares started clambering towards the cell door.

"At ease, you horny lot," said Cregga. "Three at a time." Cregga chose three of her best behaved hares, and put them into the cell with Scraffera. They were Rockjaw, Perigord, and Algador.

Scraffera had already removed her raggy clothing to get ready for the inevitable. "Get it over wit,'" said Scraffera. "Ya don't hafta be gentle, us weasels like it rough."

The three hares with her all had erections. Rockjaw was the first to penetrate her vaginally. Perigord adopted a position above Rockjaw so he could get into her anus. And Algador inserted himself into Scraffera's mouth. The three hares were thrusting in and out of the weasel with great vigor, all moaning with pleasure. Scraffera was enjoying it too, letting oohs and aahs of orgasmic sounds. Finally, the three hares pumped copious amounts of hare spooge into the weasel's three orifices.

"That was so good, wot!" said Rockjaw.

Another three hares went into the cell to make their rounds with Scraffera. Then another three, and another three. A few hours later, all the male hares had their way with Scraffera. There were some female hares that liked lesbian action who were involved as well.

The weasel Scraffera was in her cell panting and trying to move around without slipping on spilled hare spooge. Her whole body was covered in hare bodily fluids, which she didn't hesitate to lick up until her tongue got exhausted.