Pendant of the Wolf

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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Whoo! I've been neglecting SoFurry way too much. Most of my stuff is uploaded over on my FurAffinity account of the same name. Here's a story I wrote a while back for Dolphinsanity on Furaffinity!

Eager eyes and hands snatched the pendant from the hooded figure. The pendant glowed softly as it made contact with Alon's fur. Even that simple touch was enough for the wolf to feel a shudder as the magic tingled and began to spread through his body - at least until the hooded figure snatched it back with a scowl.

"The enchantment is limited, you dolt," the sorceress scolded, carefully wrapping the pendant in fibers that seemed to contain the magic swirling within. "I swear, you nobles... Don't touch it unless you want to be the one banging your lover into the wall."

"Ah... of course." Alon shuffled his feet a little sheepishly, an awkward chuckle escaping from his lips. Right, he probably should have remembered not to touch it himself... Still, he at least knew that the pendant would do exactly what he wanted to - that feeling of power that had spread through him at the touch...

He shivered, imagining Romin under its influence. The other wolf - his lover - always took the dominant position in bed, but even his best efforts at being rough had always had an undertone of affection and gentleness. His version of dirty talk consisted of describing the events of the bed in a rather clinical manner, for crying out loud!

He tried his best, of course, but Alon simply wanted something a little more harsh and demanding - a moment of carnal passion, without societal norms and worry and concern getting in the way. He could imagine it now, the look of bestial passion on Romin's face as he pounded into him.

Dark hands abruptly clapped in front of his face, snapping the wolf out of his thoughts. "Stop fantasizing and take the damned thing already."

"Yes ma'am! I mean, ah, yes. Yes, of course, thank you, I'll just... I'll just be going now." Alon snatched the bag out of the sorceress' hands, holding it a little awkwardly just in front of his pants. Trust him to decide his undergarments weren't needed on today of all days... He heard a scoff behind him and decided not to deign that with a response.

Instead, he hurried home, a wolfish grin slowly taking over his features. Oh, the things about their sex life that this would change...

"You... commissioned a magical pendant to make me more dominant?" Romin raised a dark brow over at his lover, crossing silver-furred arms across a pale-white chest. As usual, the wolf wore a simple vest that exposed most of his arms and chest.

Alon had picked out most of his clothing, of course - had determined Romin's entire wardrobe, pretty much. Even now, the wolf's eyes were roaming openly over his lover's body, admiring the bulge of firm biceps and the faint contours in Romin's fur that hinted at a powerful body underneath. "Yeah, pretty much."

"I can't quite tell if I should be offended." Romin sighed, the motion exaggerated as he gently closed the book in his hands and placed it on the table. If not for the faint quirk of a smile in the corner of his muzzle, Alon might have been worried. "I suppose I could give it a shot."

"You know I don't mean it that way." Alon rolled his eyes, giving Romin a playful punch in the shoulder. He sat himself down in the wolf's lap immediately afterwards, nuzzling into his neck. "Besides... you'd like it too, wouldn't you?"

"We shall see," Romin returned with a short laugh. "Now, where is this pendant?"

Alon opened up the bag in his hands, this time careful not to touch the chain with his hands. "Here. You just need to put it around your neck."

"I know how to wear a pendant, Alon," Romin returned wryly. His breath caught as he looked at the pendant - it was beautiful, a finely carved twist of gold and silver, an intricate weave that was both order and chaos all at once. Beneath the metal shimmered the faint glow of magic - even now, simply holding on to the chains, he felt a faint tingle spreading into his body. "...Alon, how much did this cost?"

"Not as much as you think," Alon said smugly, folding his arms and sticking his tongue out at Romin. The wolf didn't even seem to notice, so entranced was he by the beauty of the jewellery he held. "So what, do you like it?"

"It is beautiful..." Romin seemed to have trouble tearing his eyes away from it, but tear them away indeed, his gaze settling on his lover's slender form instead as he slipped the amulet around his neck. Alon's fur was a pitch black to Romin's silver; his body was lithe, structured for speed rather than power. It was something Romin had always liked, but now...

Now there was a certain hunger in his lover's eyes. Alon shivered. He'd seen that look before, and what usually followed was some of the best sex he'd ever had. Of course, even then Romin had tried to be considerate, to take care of him. It was part of why Alon loved him so much, but just once, he wanted to see what it would be like without that as a barrier.

"Why don't we head to the bed, hm?" Romin's voice was a lower, huskier sort of growl, one that sent chills down Alon's spine and triggered an instinct deep within him. It was a call for him to submit to a creature that was his superior.

Alon groaned softly, fingers tightening around Romin's hand. The wolf in question chuckled, leaning in so that his breath ghosted past his more submissive counterpart's ears. "Don't get too excited just yet, love. The magic's yet to really take effect."

"How do you know?" Alon's retort was more to be stubborn than anything else, and Romin's grin told him that he knew that. The wolf muttered softly under his breath as he allowed himself to be pulled into their shared bedroom. "Had the thing for one minute and you're already a pain in the ass..."

"Not yet, I'm not," Romin said with a grin, and Alon groaned, pushing at his lover halfheartedly.

"I've lost the mood. I don't wanna do it anymore," Alon whined, ignoring the fact that his feet were following Romin quite willingly towards the bed. "You've killed it for me."

"Have I?" Romin chuckled. The pendant's power pulsed through him. Gently, he nudged his lover back into the bed, crawling atop the slender male with a faintly perverse grin. He pressed a deep, strong kiss to his lover's muzzle, tongue slipping in to explore his mouth.

As usual, kisses were the way to Alon's heart. The wolf melted almost immediately, moaning softly and arching against the sheets. He squirmed against Romin's hold, but he had little chance with the way the silver wolf had him pinned down - he could only grind needily against his lover.

"Doesn't look like it," Romin concluded with a smirk. Alon let out a pitiful whine in response, nuzzling against his lover's neck.

"Are you going to tease me again?" Alon was practically pouting.

"Well, we want to give this pendant you got time to take effect, don't we?" Romin smiled down at his lover. "Just so we can get the full experience, as it were."

Despite his words, however, Romin was already feeling the effects of the pendant. He was growing a little bolder in his actions, and his thoughts had taken a distinctly dominant turn they didn't usually have - thoughts of simply taking his lover and pinning him down, using him for all the pleasure he wanted and needed...

"Best prepare yourself, love," he warned slowly. The hunger in his eyes had grown, Alon saw, and it made his mouth a little dry at the sight. "I may not be able to control myself when the enchantment is fully in place."

"Good," Alon responded, his heart pumping faster. "Fuck me already."

Romin growled at that, pushing Alon into the bed, strong arms holding the wolf down against the sheets. "Perhaps," he said, and there was a hint of a threat in his voice that went straight to Alon's cock. Romin had already been hard, an aching need pressing against his lover's fur - but now his knot began to emerge, and Alon shivered at the feel of it. "You should refrain from telling me what to do..."

"Maybe that's exactly what you need," Alon retorted, playfully struggling against his lover's grip.

Romin snarled softly at that, the amulet around his neck growing a little brighter; the magic seemed to sink into his fur, and his eyes grew a little darker with their influence. "Or maybe you need to be taught a lesson, pup."

Alon would have tried to reply, but the words caught in his throat as Romin abruptly pushed up against him. He felt a warm, leaking shaft press up against his own arousal; his lover's knot slid along his length, making the poor wolf gasp out and squirm. "A-ah..."

"What, is that all it takes?" Romin's laugh was a low one, different from his usual charm. There was a low husk of lust in his tone, almost primal in its nature, and for a fleeting moment Alon felt worried -

Yet the worry was almost immediately lost as Romin thrust up against him, their two cocks rubbing up against each other, the precum wetting their fur and making their lengths feel beautifully slick. He felt the warmth on both his shaft and his fur, felt Romin reach down between them to wrap a hand around their shafts and press down against their knots, grinding them together...

The next few moments were a daze; Alon perceived the shift of fur against fur, the glow of an amulet and a hard cock pressing and thrusting harshly against his own. The bed rocked and creaked underneath them with the force of Romin's thrusts; the wolf did as he damn well pleased, taking as much pleasure as he could and grunting from the effort.

"Not enough..." The words were harsh, almost growled out, and Alon's ears perked up at the sound. He wasn't sure what Romin meant at first - at least not until Romin dragged him up and shoved his face against his throbbing length. Warm precum dripped down onto his muzzle, and Alon gasped at the suddenness of it all.

Romin didn't seem to care. He was hard beyond measure, far hornier than he ever remembered being; he needed release, and Alon was the closest available source of pleasure. "Lick, pup." It was a command, and Alon had little choice but to obey.

It smelled good, at least - a mixture of his lover's essence and his musk, all the better to the sensitive nose of a wolf - but he didn't have time to enjoy the scent, not with the powerful animal before him pressing his cock against his lips. Alon opened his muzzle, intending to give his dominant counterpart a tentative lick to test the waters.

Alas, he didn't quite get that opportunity. Romin shoved his length into the warm cavern of Alon's mouth. His eyes glowed with the energy of the pendant, and an unusually lewd smirk was plastered on his lips.

The canine's knot couldn't quite fit into his lover's maw for obvious reasons, but it wasn't necessary. Alon didn't need any prompting to bring his hands up to Romin's shaft and start rubbing and massaging at the sensitive flesh, making the wolf let out a pleased growl. He bobbed his head back and forth, his tongue running eagerly along the length.

It was obvious, however, that this wasn't quite enough. Romin's pleased rumble turned into a frustrated growl; the wolf pushed his partner back into the bed, thrusting furiously into his mouth - caring for nothing but his own pleasure, his the feeling of the warm, wet tongue pressing against his cock. He needed release, needed to mark the wolf with his seed, to show him that he was his -

With a howl of pleasure, Romin came. Alon's own muffled moan was nothing in comparison to the sound that the wolf released as he thrust into his lover's mouth one final time, his seed spilling into Alon's maw and out of the sides, pooling onto the bed. The magic in the pendant shone brightly with his orgasm, sending a final wave of magic through his body.

Only that wave of magic didn't stop. It poured through Romin's body, the wolf letting out a confused snarl as it concentrated on his cock; it almost seemed to reinvigorate him, make him ready for another session. What started as the beginnings of an afterglow turned abruptly into primal lust and desire, and Alon's eyes widened as he was promptly lifted and spread.

His tail lifted almost automatically for the dominant male, a reaction more instinct than anything else - a good thing, too, as Romin barely even waited. He shoved his thrust in with barely a hint of a warning, enough so that the stretch was actually a little painful. Alon bit back a groan, his tail waving lazily back and forth; if he hadn't prepared himself just before visiting the sorceress, he might have been in a bit more trouble...

...As it was, however, it just felt really fucking good. The slight pain aside, the stretch was a fire in his passage, sparking both his lust and arousal to greater heights. Romin had never fucked him quite so roughly, never shoved in without a hint of preparation - and now he was exhibiting all the behaviours that made him want to thoroughly submit and turn into a proper toy for Romin's pleasure.

Of course, Alon being Alon, he couldn't make it quite that easy.

"H-heh..." He managed a small laugh, holding back the moan that threatened to escape as Romin pulled back and barely managed to make it halfway before he slammed his cock back in. "C'mon, is that all you go-"

His eyes widened as Romin abruptly snarled, lifting his smaller lover up entirely. Alon let out a small yelp as he was pulled into the air, Romin's cock still buried halfway inside of him. Then he was slammed back down, and the knot abruptly _popped_into his passage with the force of the thrust; the wolf let out a keening moan at that. He'd never felt Romin quite so deep, never felt the wolf grind so violently into him.

The reason became obvious as Romin let out another howl of pleasure. Warm seed spilled into Alon's ass, incredible pleasure filling the wolf as he jerked against his lover. Alon's moan was comparatively more subdued, but his orgasm was a far greater mess than usual. His seed spilled onto the headboards, coated the sheets; by the time he'd finished, he was panting, exhausted.

And so was Romin.

They collapsed back onto the bed, the amulet now dark. Gone was the shimmer of magic, and without it, Romin seemed to have lost that intense sexual appetite. Instead, he chuckled breathlessly, a little dazed - he'd never felt anything quite so... intense. Shaking his head, he pressed a kiss to the back of Alon's neck.

"I have to admit, I was a little skeptical," he said, chuckling.

"But it was worth it?" Alon grinned, pushing his ass back against his lover and drawing a soft moan. Romin rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Yes. We'll have to try it again sometime, I think. Never felt quite so good before."

"Let's do it now!" Alon seemed excited, squirming a little in the bed. Romin watched in amusement as the wolf struggled for a moment, then abruptly slumped, realising that his lover was still stuck inside of him.

"Well, I mean, if you want to do it this way..." Romin teased. Alon blushed heavily, kicking back into Romin's shin.

"Since when did you make suggestions like that?! ...I mean... no, but I don't think she'd recharge the pendant if we went like this..."

Romin nuzzled into Alon's neck with a laugh. "Trust you to actually consider it, love."

The Swamp

Jeram did not like the swamp. Travelling around in heavy armor was bad enough; while he'd grown used to the physical labour over time, he would never enjoy the feeling of sweat pouring down his back. It didn't help that the weather had been hot...

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