Round the Block

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A little pet play within the confines of your home can be fun, but what happens when your master asks you to take those intimate games out into the public eye?

This commission was written for Kio-Redsen, featuring characters belonging to himself and Jezzabelle. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults and pet play. :3

Round the Block

A palpable feeling of relief flowed through Jezz as she slipped her key into the door and pushed it open. At last, she was home. She was free. Free after a long day dealing with the various stresses and strains of her working life. From her boss's demands and her co-workers complaints, their near constant interference and bickering making it almost impossible for anyone to get any work done; turning even the simplest of tasks into feats of bravery which required the utmost endurance to achieve with a modicum of sanity left intact.

Stepping into the hallway, Jezz wasted little time in kicking off her shoes and tossing her bag down beside them. She closed the front door behind her, leaned back against the cool painted surface of the hallway wall, and closed her eyes. The peace, the silent stillness of her home surrounded the cat. She felt her heart-rate slowing. Her body and mind calming themselves from all the fuss they had been put through that day, relaxing as they realised that for the time being the pressure was off. Jezz sighed happily. Contentedly. Her eyes were still closed as she heard footsteps approaching. Felt a pair of strong arms pulling her away from the wall, and encircling her from behind. Lips pressing against her neck, and warm, tender breaths sending shivers down her spine as the owner of the large and powerful form now holding onto her spoke.

"Tough day?"

The cat nodded, purring at the very sound of the lightly accented voice, never mind the warm embrace and soft, affectionate kisses being lavished upon her. She melted into the arms of her housemate, only tensing up slightly when she felt one of his large hands cupping her crotch. Gently, tenderly caressing and rubbing at her through the layers of fabric, not enough to drive her wild, but certainly enough to make clear his intent. Jezz addressed Xyme fondly, wriggling back into his strong, gentle body as she did so.

"Anything planned for tonight? Friends coming over, or somewhere we're supposed to be going?"

For a short while the gentle giant embracing Jezz said nothing. If it wasn't for his arms around her and the continuing string of kisses lavished upon her neck and the upper reaches of her shoulders, the feline female might have wondered if Xyme was actually paying attention to her. It was only when she craned her neck around, looking up at the horned face of the sheep-gazelle hybrid and meeting the latest of his kisses with her own lips, that Xyme graced her with an answer.

Shaking his head, the ram said nothing. He did however, much to Jezz's dismay, pull gently away from their embrace and retreat briefly into the living room. Soon enough he returned, standing in the doorframe with his horns and the tips of his ears practically brushing the woodwork, smiling as he held his hands behind his back, hidden from view.

"No plans. Just a quiet evening in with my favourite kitten. Maybe a little walk together once it gets dark and cools down a bit."

Looking Xyme up and down, unable to help herself given his distinct lack of clothing beyond a pair of deep blue shorts, Jezz beamed gratefully at the golden coated male. She stepped towards him, every footfall making the male's height compared to her all the more obvious as the feline was forced to tilt her head back in order to maintain eye contact. His body was as broad and muscular as hers was small and compact, and when Jezz placed the open palms of her hands against his white furred chest and felt the slow, rhythmic thumping of his heart, she felt the last of her work-day tensions melt away in the face of his presence. She stepped closer still, reaching up to try and wrap her arms around his shoulders, and laid her head against his chest with a deep, rumbling purr.

The soft but unmistakable tinkling of light metal made the cat's ears twitch as Xyme wrapped his arms around her in turn. Jezz immediately felt her cheeks darken by a shade or two of red, and under her breath, bashful and hopeful all at once, she questioned the male in whose embrace she was now so tightly wrapped up.

"Just a quiet evening?"

She echoed Xyme's words humorously, and sure enough the ram chuckled as he squeezed Jezz tenderly before withdrawing from their hug once more. In doing so, leaving his arms at rest by his sides, he revealed the source of the metallic noise; a portion of it held in each of his hands. In one, a collar with a metal buckle which was inscribed with a single initial. In the other, a leash, half linked metal and half sturdy synthetic fabric.

Try as she may have not to react, Jezz could feel her demeanour changing as she set her eyes upon those items. The feline's face flushed darker still beneath her soft fur, and her eyes took on a smoky, glazed quality. Her slow-relaxed heart-rate began to quicken once more, and her smile... oh, her smile. It lit up the room, equal parts bashful and intensely excited. What was coming, what Xyme doubtlessly had planned for her, was far from new for Jezz. But no matter how many times she had seen the ram reveal such tools to her, no matter how many times they'd shared this kind of fun; no matter how often she took on the role of carefree but obedient pet to this loving, gentle giant of a man, it never grew old. Never ceased to thrill her.

Besides, Xyme always had something up his sleeve. Some way of making each occasion such as this special in its own right, and uniquely memorable.

Drawing back from the living room door and Jezz's beautiful, blushing form, Xyme moved towards the window which looked out over the front garden and the street beyond. He didn't draw the curtains as Jezz had expected however, but simply stood with his body blocking most, but not all of the view as he gestured towards the cat. It was fairly obvious what he was asking of her even though he didn't say a word. The expectation was clear not only from Xyme, but from the feline female herself. She wanted to do exactly what was being asked of her, and yet couldn't help but remain fixated on the slivers of light and narrow glimpses of the outside world visible either side of the ram's bulky form.

It was still bright outside, and it was the height of the rush hour. Even as she watched, Jezz saw a car passing by on the street beyond. Then another, and a third soon after, this one not simply passing by but actually stopping and pulling into the driveway of the home across the street. The cat looked up at Xyme, shaking her head nervously.

"I'm n-not collared yet. I don't have to do it. N-not where people can see me."

Xyme had already been smiling, but now he began to grin broadly.

"Of course you don't, Jezz. You never have to do anything you aren't comfortable with, collared or not. You know that. All the collar means is that you're trusting me to make choices for you; that you're letting me decide how we have our fun together. And if you choose not to follow those choices, I get to... well, I get to encourage your trust, and reward you when you're a good girl and let me prove that I only ever want to make us both feel good."

Shivering where she stood, Jezz cursed inwardly. She hated it when Xyme did this to her. When he pushed her to obey him even when she didn't have to according to their own rules. She hated it, because having him take control even before he was in control made it feel all the more real. It made his authority mean so much more to her than if this was all just some light-hearted game they played as a pretence to fucking. It made it all so much more meaningful, and so very much more erotic as a result.

Face flushed brightly by now and body trembling from the tips of her ears to the base of her tail, Jezz nodded and started to remove her clothes. She could feel Xyme watching her, but not like some lonely guy in a strip club might watch one of the performers. He observed her baring her flesh with reverent admiration; dumbstruck by her beauty even before any extra bare skin and fur had been revealed. The ram watched Jezz in the very same way that Jezz watched him as he placed the collar and leash upon the window sill behind him, reaching down to his waist and beginning to slide his shorts towards the floor. With deep, intimate, and passionate longing.

Soon both furs found themselves standing in only their underwear. Xyme made no move to lower his boxer-briefs, but with Jezz's eyes already fixed upon his crotch began to fondle himself through the fabric of his underwear. He could see the feline's eyes widening as his arousal began to swell and tent his underwear, and removed his hands from himself briefly, allowing Jezz to see him twitching and straining through the taut fabric while she rather breathlessly unhooked her bra. Soon her ample breasts were free, and visible to the prying eyes of anyone who might have chosen to glance through their living room window at that particular moment. It didn't really look like the cat cared any more though. Indeed, the only person to whom her increasing nudity mattered was inside this room; standing right in front of her and openly showing off just how aroused merely looking at her could make him.

Before either one of them could remove the last vestiges of their clothing, Xyme left the window. He plucked the collar off the ledge as he moved towards Jezz, the feline whimpering but not seeking to cover herself as she found herself wholly visible to the outside world, bathed in afternoon sunlight. In mere seconds, the ram was pressing up against the feline's smaller body. His swollen but contained cock was pushing against the base of her stomach, making her shudder as it twitched and throbbed in her immediate presence. Neither of them acted upon their intimate proximity however, at least not in the extreme manner they both wished to.

"My kitten."

Xyme murmured softly under his breath as he slipped the collar around Jezz's neck and began to fasten it, turning the material so that the silver embossed X was facing forward. A marking not to identify the wearer of the collar, but the individual to whom the pet wearing it belonged.

"My kitten."

Emphasising his control as he repeated himself, Xyme felt Jezz fling herself against his body. Wrapping her arms tightly around him and burying her face in his strong chest once more. He embraced her in return, and slowly, carefully led her over to the closest armchair in the room. There the buff sheep-gazelle hybrid took a seat, and half eased, half lifted Jezz onto his lap where she could cuddle up against him and he could admire and caress her beautiful form with equal ease.

For almost an hour they sat there in almost complete silence, save for Xyme occasionally murmuring his delight in Jezz's good behaviour and some bursts of soft moaning as the ram's fond stroking of the cat's body periodically found its way inside the fabric of her panties and amongst the soft, moist flesh which could be found there. They embraced, they kissed. They revelled in the comfort of one another's presence, whether as kind master or much adored, sweet-natured pet. Yes, there was an undercurrent of excitement, of desire and lustful hunger beneath the surface of all their actions. But it was just that for the time being. An undercurrent, enhancing but not overwhelming what they felt for one another.

By the time Xyme considered rising from his and Jezz's shared seat, the afternoon was over and evening was wearing on. It was dusk outside, and the street lamps had just begun to turn on; illuminating the feline female's panties as they dropped to the floor at long last, and capturing the strained, joyous look on her face as she felt two of Xyme's fingertips grazing her clitoris. Before even a single meaningful moan could escape the feline however, those fingers abandoned her and she found Xyme encouraging her to leave the comfort of his embrace and to stand upright upon her shaking legs.

The cat followed her master, holding tight onto one of his strong hands as he led her across the room and back to the window through which she had been on display since their encounter began. She stood there obediently, her blushing face framed and illuminated along with the rest of her body by the streetlights beyond as Xyme hooked the leash to her collar.

"I know you're my kitten, my beautiful, good little kitten, not some dirty, naughty puppy dog. But you still like walkies, right? You can still be a good pet, and go for a little walk around the block with master?"

The tone of Xyme's voice alone was enough to make Jezz melt, never mind the actual content of his words. She nodded immediately, not even thinking about her answer as she dropped to her hands and knees, rubbing her cheeks against the male's strong lower legs jast as any affectionate pet might do.

Before long Xyme and Jezz had done a complete circuit of the lower floor of the house, and with the ram leading his pet he even took her upstairs; praising and cheering at her as she stayed close to heel and avoided jumping up on any of the furniture. She even resisted the urge to jump up onto the bed with Xyme as the male sat down there, her cheeks flushing and her heart racing with anticipation as she awaited the inevitable removal of the last of her lover's clothing. Why else, after all, would they be here in the bedroom, if not to conclude this walk with a treat of epic proportions.

With that in mind, Jezz was rather stunned as she saw Xyme not taking off the last of his clothes, but putting more on. Donning a shirt and a pair of jeans, fighting to corrall his ever-present erection into the tight, faded blue fabric. She remained wide eyed and confused as the ram began to lead her out of the bedroom once more, but followed obediently as ever while Xyme guided her back down the stairs and through the front hallway of their home.

"Good girl. Such a clever, well behaved girl. You know, I think you're ready for a bit of a longer walk. Somewhere less enclosed. Somewhere a beautiful, au natural pet such as yourself should be right at home. After all, where's more natural than the great outdoors?"

By the time Xyme's comments had registered with Jezz's brain, it was too late. Already the ram had opened up the front door, a cool breeze of evening air rushing in and around the feline's bare body. Already he was walking forward, and upon feeling the slight tugging of his hand upon her leash as it grew taut, Jezz instinctively followed. She found herself passing her shoes and her bag. Passing the open door. Scrambling down on all fours over the doorstep, and out onto the garden path. Before she could say a word, the door was closed behind them and she was outside. Outside bound to her lover by a collar and leash, and not wearing a stitch more.

Under her breath, as quietly but as urgently as possible, Jezz finally found her voice and registered her anxiety.

"X-Xyme... I don't think we s-should. I mean, I don't... I don't know if I can. What if someone sees us. Sees me?"

With a warm smile, the ram shook his head, seeming to brush aside Jezz's concerns without much thought at all.

"Don't worry, kitten. It's just gonna be a short walk. Just around the block and maybe along the woodland path a little way."

Before Jezz could say anything else in response, Xyme was walking again and the leash was moving along with him. The feline felt her face burning crimson as the cool evening air bathed her naked body, the breeze particularly noticeable upon her slightly damp hindquarters, her lips still flushed and swollen with arousal and her clit still standing to attention after her master's brief but oh so memorable bout of teasing. Sticking close to Xyme's heels, she darted between shadows and spent as much time as possible huddled in the most inconspicuous corners. Her heart was thundering against her chest, and her whole body was in a constant state of fevered tension. They passed by house after house with lights blazing from the inside and people within going about their daily lives. All it would take was one of them, just one to glance through their window, and they wouldn't see a man walking his pet in the shadows.

They'd see a man walking a woman. Leading a grown, anthro lady around upon a leash, her body bare, her nipples rigid and her pussy wet. Rationally, Jezz knew that if such a thing were to happen both she and Xyme would be in equal amounts of trouble. Irrationally though, the cat was convinced that somehow she would be held solely responsible for her state of public and exhibitionistic nudity.

Somehow, they made it off their street without being seen. Despite still being outside and very much in public, Jezz felt less stressed as they cut onto the grassy path which led into the woodland that bordered this end of the city's suburbs. The lack of any light but that of the moon which had recently poked its way over the roofs of the local houses made her feel much less conspicuous, and while the female still didn't think she could claim to be enjoying this particular choice of activity... she was beginning to appreciate just what Xyme was doing for them both by making them share this walk.

When Jezz and Xyme got home from this walk, they wouldn't just be alone together. They would be alone together. In private after having been so painfully and potentially dangerously exposed. It would make their time together so much more intimate. So much more wonderfully private and special to them and them alone.

Shivering with excitement, Jezz couldn't help but utter a soft moan of desire as she considered how good it would feel to bound up the stairs on all fours with Xyme running close behind her. To have him lift her up and fling her down upon the bed. To have him tear off his clothes and throw himself upon her. And to scream... to scream and mewl in joyous ecstasy as finally they were able to express themselves together.

From close by, Xyme murmured happily, having heard his lover's moan.

"You're starting to get it now, aren't you? My brave girl. I'm so proud of you. My good, beautiful girl."

Xyme was right, but before he could say anything more and certainly before Jezz could confirm what the ram was saying, they heard a voice. Another voice, calling out in recognition of Xyme's own words.

"Hey... hey Xyme, is that you over there, man?"

Jezz froze as she saw a form moving in the darkness. There may have been a garden fence and some thick bushes between that figure and the two of them, but if she could see the speaker, then they could probably see not only Xyme, but her too.

Calling out in reply, Xyme did his very best to mask any shock or fear on his part for Jezz's sake as much as his own peace of mind. He didn't need to glance downward to see how she was reacting. He could feel the leash shaking as she crept around behind his legs.

"Aye, it's me. You frightened the life out of me calling out of the dark like that."

The speaker, one of the many friendly house-owners in the neighbourhood and a casual acquaintance of both Xyme and Jezz, laughed softly.

"Sorry about that. I heard your voice and, well... thought I'd say hi. Who was it you were speaking to, anyway? Oh wow, did you get a dog?"

Jezz's eyes bulged. He could see her. Or at least, her shape. Thankfully, Xyme remained cool, or at least much cooler under the circumstances than his pet. He offered a brief but believable reply.

"Nah, just looking after her for a friend for a day or two."

The figure in the garden nearby said nothing for a few moments, and both Xyme and Jezz tensed, ready for their cover to be blown. Then...

"Cool. Well, see-ya around man. Have a good evening."

For a few seconds Xyme and Jezz continued to stand perfectly still as they listened to the retreating footfalls of their neighbour. It was only when they heard his back door open, then close again, that either one of them reacted.

The ram chuckled, wiping his free hand across his brow playfully.

"That was... close."

Jezz however, glaring up at Xyme with a mixture of fury and fear, didn't find it nearly as funny.

"Close?! I told you this was a bad idea. I told you I didn't want to. I can't do this. I can't."

Seeing the serious concern in his lover's eyes, the ram's smile soon faded. He tried to reach down and cup her face with his free hand, attempting to reassure her, but she jerked out of the way.

"Hey, it's okay kitten. I'll take you home. We'll go straight home now, okay?"

With more and more panic creeping into her mind with each passing moment though, Jezz was in no state to accept Xyme's suggestion. She shook her head wildly, and in a flurry of activity reached up and unclipped her collar from the leash.

"No. I c-can't walk back home like this. I won't."

Before Xyme could say anything and before he could react, the cat was gone. Streaking off into the woodland, off the beaten grassy path and away from all potential prying eyes into the darkness.

Cursing under his breath as she vanished from view, only the metallic rattling of her collar's buckle giving any indication as to the direction in which she was travelling, Xyme gave chase.


It was almost forty five minutes later that Xyme finally found Jezz. She wasn't even that far away from where they'd started out on the path, but the male had been searching the ground for the majority of his time trawling the forest floor... when all along, the cat had of course hidden herself away up a tree.


The collared feline mewled softly. She had calmed down quite some time ago, and recognised that however valid the reasoning behind her initial anger, she hadn't handled the situation very well. Indeed hiding up a tree was probably the least logical solution to most of life's problems, and this was no exception. Yet still, there she lay. Arms and legs wrapped around a thick branch about eight metres up, too scared, or perhaps just too embarrassed to move.

"Come down Jezz, please. Let me take you home."

It took another few minutes of soft voiced coaxing before the feline finally scooted her way down the trunk of the tree, claws digging into the bark to hold herself steady. When finally she found herself upon solid ground once more, she flung herself into Xyme's strong arms and buried her face in his chest. He embraced her tightly, whispering to her.

"I was so worried about you. Silly kitten... running off like that. Slipping your leash deliberately. I thought you trusted me. I thought we trusted each other."

Jezz whimpered, turning her gaze up to meet Xyme's eyes.

"I do trust you. A-always. I just... I got so scared. I thought he was going to catch us. Catch me. Please. Please Xyme. L-let's go home. Let's just go home a-and forget all about this."

The ram looked down at the feline, feeling her shaking within his arms and seeing the lingering worry upon her face. He knew he should just have nodded. He knew he should have simply agreed and let that be that. But... as much as his gaze was drawn to her eyes and her beautiful face overall, he was also drawn to the collar around her neck. The collar. His collar. Still affixed to her body, marking her as his pet.

"We can go home, Jezz. If you take off the collar, and then ask me. As your friend. As someone who loves and cares for you deeply, of course I'll take you home and keep you safe. But... right now I'm your master. And you're just the naughty kitten who ran away from me when I was trying to walk you."

Eyes widening, both Jezz's hands instinctively flew to her neck and the collar around it In her haste and fear she'd forgotten all about the collar. For a split-second she was angry at Xyme for mentioning it. For bringing it up as though it was important. But then, she realised that he was right. That it was important. After all, he hadn't talked her into this arrangement of theirs. He hadn't forced or coerced her into taking on the role of pet whenever that collar was clipped around her neck. She had accepted it. Begged for it. Insisted that whenever that collar was on, he treat every last interaction they shared as he would between himself and any pet.

Yes, she could take off the collar and trust Xyme to take her home and look after her. Pamper her and pleasure her and make her feel all safe and secure in the comfort of their home.

But... if she trusted Xyme enough to do that, then why did she need to take the collar off at all? That was what the collar meant, after all. Implicit, whole-hearted trust.

Swallowing thickly, the feline shook her head, and released her paws from the collar.

"I... I don't want to take it off. M-master."

The ram frowned, releasing Jezz from his arms and taking a step back so they could look at one another properly.

"Even if it means being punished for being a naughty kitten and running away from your master?"

Jezz nodded.

"I... I trust you, Master. You'll be fair."

Despite the recent situation, Xyme couldn't help but smile at Jezz's desire to re-affirm her trust in him. He nodded back at her graciously, and without even having to think about it came to an internal conclusion regarding how he was to proceed from that point.

"I'm glad you think so, kitten."

The male's hands dropped between his legs, fumbling first with the belt, then the button and zipper of his jeans. In a matter of moments, he was shoving both his trousers and underwear down to his knees, revealing his cock; thick and still amply sized, but undeniably soft compared to how it had been before Jezz's panic and escape.

"It seems to me that if you want to go home, your punishment should delay that. So... we can go home after."

Jezz whimpered softly, part in concern, part in desire as her eyes lingered upon the male's waiting shaft.

"A-after, Master? After y-you've cum, you mean? After I make you cum?"

Xyme grinned, shaking his head.

"Oh no. That would be far too easy. You're much too good at knowing how to please me... and let's face it, you enjoy it far too much for that to be much of a punishment, even if I make you do it here."

The male's voice rose a level or two as he continued to speak, no longer whispering; his words ringing out around the immediate area of the woodland.

"We'll go home after you cum, my pet."

With the stakes set and Jezz now aware of the supposed punishment which separated her from the safety and security of her home's four walls, the feline female dropped rapidly to her knees. With a desperate whimper she shuffled forward through the leafy ground, and began to tenderly nuzzle and kiss at her master's crotch. She nosed and teased at his hefty balls, and murmured softly as her tongue ran along the underside of his shaft, the length growing thicker, longer and harder with each moment she spent in contact with it.

After two or three minutes with her lips and tongue tenderly attending to Xyme's cock, he was ready for action once more. After five minutes, Jezz continuing to lap and tease at her lover as she too got more and more into what was happening, Xyme was desperate. He reached down with a deep grunt of passion and dragged Jezz to her feet, only to lift her off the ground entirely. She squealed softly, in delight rather than fear or concern, and let slip a giddy mewl as he pressed her up against the bark of the very same tree in which she had been hiding until recently.


Xyme huffed and trembled in delight, feeling all of Jezz's limbs wrapping themselves around him, holding them together as he pinned her between his powerful body and the sturdy tree.


She gasped breathlessly back at him. Eyes wide, toes curled, the tip of her tail twitching madly in anticipation. Just a quarter of an hour ago Jezz's body had been paralysed by fear. Now, she was consumed only by her desire and love for the horned and horny male whose cock was now rubbing itself up against her own crotch, knocking at the door and begging to be allowed to enter. Indeed within seconds the door was open, and both master and pet were rendered briefly silent as they shook and clung to one another, driving their bodies closer and closer, entwining around and within one another until there was no further, no deeper that they could possibly go.

Swiftly, groaning and gasping with each stroke of his hips, Xyme began to make love to his beloved pet. He started slow, but picked up his pace as quickly as he believed that Jezz could handle. Her squirming, then her own giddy gasps, and finally her cries of pleasure seemed to confirm this.

"O-ohhh, master. P-please... slow down. I... I c-caa_ahhhh_!"

The cat tried to tell Xyme why he had to pace himself. She tried with all her willpower to rationally and clearly explain to him that if she was going to cum, she had to do so quietly. That her master had to get her to orgasm in a way that wouldn't end up getting them caught again before she could get that far, thanks to her own uncontrollable screams born of his thick and talented member. She tried... and she failed miserably. It felt too good. It was too good. Jezz couldn't ask Xyme to hold back in his efforts to please her because she didn't want her master to hold back. She wanted him to make her kick and squeal and writhe in ecstasy. To cum so hard and scream so loud as she did so that every woman in the city would know that her master was the only man worth having... and she was his chosen pet. His chosen woman.

Jezz did speak to Xyme again before pleasure wholly claimed her senses though. Between grunts and whimpers of ecstasy, she managed to plead with her master for just one final thing. One request that he might consider, even if this was punishment for her prior disobedience.

"M-Master... please, w-when I... when I cum..."

The cat shuddered violently, her inner muscles contracting and a short, sharp burst of fluids gushing out from around the thick, straining shaft of Xyme's erection. She gasped for air in the wake of that almighty surge of pleasure, and fought to continue speaking.

"...when I cum, don't stop. I want to satisfy you, m-my master. I w-want... ohhh, I want you to cum too."

Xyme gritted his teeth, grinning through his efforts to continue pumping and ploughing Jezz harder and faster with each passing moment. He kissed the small feline figure, pressing his lips to her delicate features as his torso cast her body into almost total blackness. He felt her tight pussy quivering and straining to contain his erection, and listened to her cries as even now she fought to hold back her peak.

"And what if I'm not satisfied after I cum?"

Jezz let slip a feverishly excited, needy wail. Her eyes rolled in her sockets, and she stared at Xyme with a glassy, pleasure-stricken desperation.

"F-fuck me again. A-and again. Oh g-god, Xyme..."

The ram's cheeks flushed. He knew it was getting serious, he knew Jezz was coming close to her peak, when she stopped calling him master and reverted to calling him by name.

"Even here, sweet kitten? Out in the open where anyone c-could find us? Catch us in the act?"

Tossing her head back with such force that Xyme was momentarily concerned Jezz might knock herself out against the tree, the female feline let loose a yowling cry of euphoria that echoed around the woodland freely. She hadn't cum, not quite yet, but she was close. God, she was so close.

"Here. Anywhere. I... I trust you, Xyme. M-master. I need you. Just please, p-please don't stop touching me. Don't stop fucking me. D-don't..."

Her eyes widened. Her whole body went rigid. One last, pleading whimper escaped her lips before sanity abandoned her, and she abandoned it all too willingly.

"Please, master."

Jezz's shrieks and mewls of rapture as she came were like nothing Xyme had ever heard before. They were the most uninhibited, primal and beautiful sounds that the male had ever had the pleasure to witness, never mind cause. She screamed louder than she ever had within their home, safe in the privacy of their bedroom, and though Jezz was incapable of answering both at the time and for some duration after the fact, Xyme was fairly sure the actual pleasure she was feeling outweighed any vocalisation she could ascribe to it by quite some margin.

There would come a time later that night when the master would try to describe what he had seen to his pet, and when she would try and describe how it had felt to him. A time after Xyme had carried Jezz home cradled in his arms, whispering what a good girl she was and how proud of his pet he was all the while, and grinning as even in her slumber the naked, satisfied feline squirmed and smiled with contentment.

But that time was not yet upon them, for even in the wake of her climax, Jezz's stunned, almost shell-shocked expression broke for just long enough for her to ask something of her master. Or rather, to re-iterate a desire she had already named.

With her pussy still dripping and twitching around the male's thick cock, and the cool night air of the woodland in which they stood exposed still spread out all around them, Jezz breathlessly pleaded with her master for more.

"N-now you, Xyme."

Drunkenly, clumsily and without the slightest co-ordination, the feline pressed her muzzle against whatever portion of the male's body was directly in front of her. She kissed the furred flesh of Xyme's neck sloppily, and begged.

"Here... n-now, master. Cum for your kitten."

By Jeeves