Spider Empire 02: Feeding and Catching

Story by waadaah on SoFurry

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Jack went for hunting, his new kind of hunting...

The sun shone quite hard in this morning, he has just learnt he is not a creature of the day as the sunlight started to shine just meters away from the entrance, so he moved quickly and went into his hive, deep into the cave... All in fours, with no difficult on the spider web, it seemed so normal, and so great. He would have to wait for the night.

His eyes had a red vision for all the completely darkness inside the hive, and his spiders shone in a darker red... He was surprised, he could feel each one, but he would have never imagined the massive numbers of spiders in the hive. The symbiote has been here for so long, that he had nothing else to do than procreating.

He could also sense his very own spiders inside his shoulder nests; his first batch was going to be ready any time. As his penises were stroking him harder coming out 4 inches and then going the foot length inside, over and over again, he could feel the day was going to be over any time soon, time for his very first hunt was going to begin. <<FEED US, JACK>> the penises yelled...

"Ahhhhh..." Jack moaned.

Precum was leaking from the penetrator one as the eater tentacle was drooling and drooling, opening his lips with its three tentacles practising and getting ready to suck. The precum looked like honey yellowish and the saliva had a pale green colour... He felt everything...

"Oh, my penises cannot hold it! They can sense the day is not over"

His tongue was stroking his throat harder, ready to wrap, and definitely to lick! Emperor's body was aroused, he was starving.

He quickly moved, till the cave entrance, and started to look for smells and looking down the mountain for food... He was desperate for food. His sight was very accurate, just like eagle eyes... His senses were the most accurate.

"Aw, I don't see them!" Jack claimed

"Oh, dear, you don't see them because you need to feel your penises strokes inside you, rather than your vision or smell; your penises are the ones that sense the food"

He then focused on his penises, each ready to launch from their inners anus shells inside him, they were moving and stroking in harmony to the left. The symbiote was right; they moved more into the left. This would be the first time also to be outside the spider web network, and touch the ground.

"Don't be scared, you're very agile, just shot a spider web from your tongue and start crawling"

Jack was looking around down the hill, slowly open his mouth, his fangs were very visible. The tongue retracted from Jack's mouth, and the tongue inner mouth shot the first string of spider web, and he swung from the edge of the cave to some trees below... He landed on his back blades first, and then slowly sat on eight (his blades, then on his arms and legs). The blades left four black spots on the three as the sharp ends had acidic poison...

He was looking around with his red eyes, trying to understand these new senses... But he didn't have time to explore, his penises didn't let him. They stroke harder!

"Jack, you always thought they were stroking hard, you have no idea!" They went 20 revolutions per second, as they were getting thicker and thicker.

He felt them, they were crazy. "Ahh", Jack moaned. The direction changed, they are now stroking to the top of his two anuses (their shells inside him)... Jack started jumping straight forward.

"Jack, the victim is very close; you may be able to see him now"

There was a tent close to him... He saw the human; he only saw the blood circulation in humans as white, and their penises as bright yellow. "That must be place," he thought. Jack quickly jumped two more trees and with his blades, he landed on a branch. He shot the spider web to a higher branch, and slowly went down, his head down and his feet up... He was hanging a few feet from the ground. Jack then felt how his two penises, or two tentacles, decided to emerge fully, he felt every inch; they were so wet... fluid was leaking onto the soil as they were emerging.

The difference was notorious, the eater had a smoothly black colour just as his exoskeleton, you could see the millions of small tentacles inside his mouth with the three long tentacles ready to wrap and suck. The penetrator had similar colour as the eater tentacle, but its body was full of small tentacles around its body.

They were pointing directly to the tent, and went to Jack's face, saying <<MOVE!>>

"AHH! Calm down, we are almost there" Jack moaned as he felt the cool air on both penises...

"Yes, Jack, you'll feel what it means to eat so soon!"

"I see a girl too..." He saw her with circulation but not the characteristic bright yellow.

"Neutralize her!"

He then automatically, open his nests, they bloomed like flowers... and 100 spiders came out from each, each one had the size of a normal human hand, he could see through their eyes, and he guide them to the tent. They went down the tree, pierced the tent, and half of them bit the girl - she just died instantly due to the venom, then all the spiders ate her flesh slowly until after 4 minutes there was nothing left, only bones... "Aww", they were hungry...

Jack felt happy, his sons had their meal.

Jack jumped and landed on the ground on four first onto the blades from his back and then on eight (legs, arms and blades), he moved towards the tent...


The penises moved below his head, pointing the victim. Jack took advantaged and licked them, they had their own mind somewhat, but they were like his kids, no other member of the hive had two penises. He moved towards the man, and launched towards him to kiss him. His saliva was an aphrodiasic and acted as a relaxing agent...

With his blades he cut his clothes, and as soon as the first sight of penis came, the tentacle eater when directly to it. Like a spider, the tentacle rubbed its body with the victim, then slowly the tentacles were teasing his penis, until it swallowed the penis completely... "Ahhh, so this is how it feels", he felt as if he was licking the penis himself in so many directions. Jack felt how the million small tentacles started teasing and sucking the penis inside.


The other tentacle started penetrating the victim. They all started stroking and sucking... The rhythm was the same as his own rapist tentacle going to the Emperor's ass.

"This is the harmony of the hive, Jack!"

He penetrated the man, he could feel the movements, and the energy being withdrew into him.

"You are just feeling pure pleasure, Jack!"

"I want more!" His penises stroke him harder, so hard the victim body moved a little higher than the ground.

"Oh, here it comes" The cum started to fill! He could savour it from his loin! Salty taste! He sucked the penis more and more, until the whole cum was released. Then, he sensed the penetrating tentacle releasing the emperor's semen, very acidic.

Now that he was dried, he felt how his eater tentacle switched, how the teeth were emerging from inside, sharp, he then felt he was going to eat it, and tear it off... Suddenly, the fully teeth came out from the inner walls, and the tentacle ate the penis... Jack could flavour it.

"Ahh! This is just insane!!" Jack moaned.

He then heard a noise... "What's happened here?"

"Jack, you need to stop and kill that distraction..."

His penis retracted the victim (from the victim's loin, and ass). He also stopped kissing the victim. Then, his two tentacles went to Jack's mouth, Jack licked them clean and then they went to his loin. He felt them going inch by inch through him again... Then, they went back to their regular stroking, 5 revolutions per second.

"Ahhh, now let's take care of this"

"What is that?"

The human took out a gun and started shooting.

Jack, duck each one, spontaneously.

"How am I this fast?"

"It's our spider sense; nothing can be so fast for us! Attack!"

He ran and jumped towards the target, launched with his blades, pierced into him, and they both fell on the floor. The Emperor on top!

"Jack, quickly, corrupt him, assimilate him! He will be a good addition!"

Jack, by instinct, opened his mouth, his tongue was changing and morphing, the four fangs were stretching until they merged into a sharp end. Ready to strike to the eyes, and as soon as he was going to launch it, the man pushed him apart...

Jack growled, "arggh!" So strong it echoed in the forest.

"Jack... We only need to pierce one eye, and that's it!"

"All right!"

Jack revealed his mouth full of fangs, and he spoke... First time he spoke loudly since he was reborn.

"You'll join me very soon, human!"

Quickly he moved side by side, the man couldn't catch him, and he bit him from behind...

He felt his venom going through the flesh, as his spiders came out from their nest and went through the man mouth... The man fell to the floor... The venom took effect pretty quickly.

Finally, his mouth opened once again, and the tongue pierced through the man's eye, he felt the tentacle drool the symbiote inside the human's brain.

"Oh, symbiote, I can see his memories!"

"Yes, Jack, remember all his memories, understand him so you can corrupt him"

(Few minutes then...)

"Jack, we are done, we need to wrap him into a cocoon!" He then released his tongued from the man's eye... He tasted the blood, "this is the blood of a fighter," Jack claimed as he tasted the blood. His mouth shifted back to its regular shape.

Jack opens his mouth again, and his blades lifted Jack's body a little higher to gain more control to wrap him up. Then, with his hands, he started to wrap him up just as his tongue was shooting spider web. After a few minutes, the victim was in a complete cocoon. He lifted the body and threw it to his back; his exoskeleton morphed and grabbed the cocoon secured.

With the cocoon on his back, he went back to the tent to find the dried victim.

"You didn't have enough, eh!"

He opened his mouth, slowly, his mouth's fangs were ready to pierce. He bit him and ate all his body parts. His fangs were designed to eat flesh. Once he ate the corpse, no evidence was left behind, and he jumped towards the closest tree, and started swinging until he came back to the hive... and in one spot inside deep the cave, he placed the cocoon...

"Jack, this will be the first warrior, his body will be more agile, and his fangs and blades sharper. He, however, will need to be fed, that will be your duty. Once he's ready, you'll need to hunt for more warriors and collectors..."

"What are the collectors?"

"The collectors are designed to drain humans' semen so they can feed you meanwhile you're busy doing something else. They are very special, they live a human life, but their will is the hive"

Jack felt how his spiders were emerging from their nests, moving towards the cocoon, suddenly they melted into it... Jack then moved towards the cocoon and laid on it, his two penises were penetrating the cocoon, and then the victim... Jack was hugging the cocoon, watching and controlling his warrior transformation.

"Awww... Let's start my warrior, let's start your transformation..." Jack moaned as he was sucking and penetrating the human inside... Jack kissed the cocoon, and his tongue pierced and penetrated the man's eye.

Spider Empire 01: The Rise

Inside a big and dark forest located a few miles from a fishing town, there was a hunter, a man in his mid-20's, quietly lying behind a bush as he was aiming a deer far in the distant. Suddenly a big bang went through the air as he fired his gun. He...

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