Plentyn Cael Farm: Chapter 2: Private Tour

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#2 of Christmas 2015

Today Flinty gets a tour of the farm with Tarw, it turns into an interesting day out for the lucky fox


The precariously balanced pyramid of old white milk bottles crashed to the ground in a clatter of glass as the ball knocked out the bottom two perfectly. Flinty whooped and bounced from side to side excitedly as the rat running the stall nodded his head.

"Well done young sir, very well done indeed, that is seven in a row," the grey rat moved over and started to stack the bottles back up again, "If you can knock one more down with one ball you will win our grand prize."

"Well then," Flinty picked up another baseball and bounced it up and down a few times, "I won't fail ya Mr Rat...." he took aim and hurled the ball as hard as he could.


Again the milk bottles cascaded down with a rattle of glass leaving the blue fox smiling widely as he brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes and grinned at the rat. The rodent smiled and clapped his paws together and raised his hands to the small crowd watching.

"Ladies and Gentlefolks! We have a winner! Well done kid, you've won the grand prize," the crowd applauded politely and a couple of children cheered. The rat then unhooked a silver object from where it was hanging and draped it over the fox's head, letting the cord go so the solid silver sheep bell clanged gently. Flinty gaped and lifted the bell up to examine it, peering at the hallmark stamped into the metal.

"You have to be kidding me! This can't be the actual grand prize! Just for knocking down some milk bottles?"

The rat laughed and shook his head, "Not at all, that's just your gift, you get to keep that bit of the prize! Tha real prize is a personal tour of some of the parts of the farm that are off limits to usual guests! With the owner of the farm Tarw cig Eidion it's a real honour to get ta see some of the work we do here."

Flinty shook the bell making it clang, it was like a cow bell in shape but smaller and the precious metal it was made from gave it a sweet, clear tone, "What kind of bell is this ... I mean besides being made from silver!"

"It is a goat bell, we use them on our livestock so we can find them in foggy weather or snow." the rat pointed, "Now why don't you make your way over ta the barn and I'll have Mr Eidion join you there."

"Thanks," in a bit of a daze still Flinty waved at the crowd and set off toward the barn that he had been pointed to. He had to weave his way through the crowd gathering in the food court as he went and then jump back as a sledge being pulled by a team of huskies skimmed down the packed snow of the street. He watched them and grinned as they raced past, he would have to see about getting a ride on the sledge later. For now though he had a tour to claim so he hurried on through the crowd, the goat-bell around his neck ringing softly as he had to dart in and out of the people having fun until at last he reached the barn.

Shivering slightly in the cold wind blowing over the farm Flinty watched as the sun was eclipsed by heavy clouds slowly rolling in over the valley. It was going to get dark with those clouds up there, if he was lucky it might start to snow! He was so distracted he didn't hear the figure walking up behind him so that when they placed a large hand of hoof-tipped fingers upon his shoulder. He yelped and ducked, half turning to stare up at the big bull now looming over him, too scared to run away though he relaxed a bit as the large chap smiled warmly at him.

"Yo, little fox, sorry ta scare yer, I see you're wearing tha prize bell. That means yer Flinty?"

"Yes... sorry you startled me I didn't hear you approaching," he swallowed heavily and tried to recover some of his poise, holding out a hand in greeting whilst looking over the bull. He was huge, nearly seven feet tall if you included his ears and curved horns. His fur was a deep dark brown and his eyes were like liquid caramel, he was strong too, muscled in all the right ways yet gentle in his movements as he shook the fox's hand.

"Nice to meet ya, sorry ah startled ye, so yer here for me personal tour?" Flinty nodded an affirmative, not trusting himself to speak and the bull grinned, "Well then, let us get going, nah point in standing around out here in the cold."

He swept Flinty along, skirting the edge of the barn and heading toward a row of small out buildings that lined a large stone yard, "Plentyn Cael is a great farm an' a lovely place ta work, do ya know wot we are famous for though?"

Flinty followed, the bell around his neck chiming as he followed the bull into a large room, the thrum of electricity making his blonde hair stand on end for a moment as a wall of static washed over them both, "I can't say that I do, besides your famous Christmas Fayre of course."

"Well," the bull clopped to a stop before a large glass fronted cabinet and gestured at the canisters held within, "This is wot we are famous fer, we are tha country's largest source of prime breeding material."

Flinty blushed deeply as he realised what the bull was implying was contained in the vials, his ears flicked back against his skull and he squirmed shyly as he looked along the row of freezers. "Oh jeez, you do... I mean... yer a breeding farm?"

Laughing Tarw slipped one arm around the fox's arm and led him toward another door, "We sure are little fox, but it is good work we do," he flicked the goat bell with one finger making it chime loudly, "Wot we do 'ere is ensure tha the farmers of the world ave tha strongest, 'ealthiest beasts in their herds."

Guiding Flinty through the door into the next room he showed the fox the various machines they used for testing and cataloguing the samples they took from their animals. Flinty leant forward with interest, his bell chiming in counterpoint to the big bull's words. It sounded really interesting as he hurried over to the next device he stumbled a bit but the big bull's hands where there steadying him.

"Careful little one, wouldn't want ya to fall," Tarw rumbled with a broad grin, "Now then why don'tcha demonstrate ya knowledge to me about this next device."

Flinty shifted his hooves, leaving his trainers behind as the split nails clicked against the tiled floor and leant forward to examine the device. The bell around his neck chimed softly and he ran his fingers over the screen, reading the text and ignoring how his claws were becoming blunt, hoof tips much like Tarw's. It was only natural after all and as he read the screen he straightened and smiled at the bull.

"Oh this is easy sir, this is the genetic display system, it allows us to scan DNA in the semen samples and check that the correct recessive and dominant genes are in place for our target offspring."

"Very good," Tarw said with a grin, watching the fox's ears stretch and flop down into a pair of goat ears. Tiny nubby horns were starting to stretching up out of the top of his had and the bull grinned and reached over to flick his bell again, watching as the sound made Flinty's eyes grow distant and clouded. Seizing this opportunity as those horns grew straight and long the bull guided the transforming fox out of the lab and across the yard toward the employee break room. It was empty at this time of the day, most of the staff were busy with the fayre and various other tours and demonstrations.

By the time he had the door locked there was very little of the fox remaining, his blonde hair had darkened to a deep chestnut brown and curled into a fleecy mop of wool. The colour was spreading and his clothes where stretching, creaking at the seams, threatening to burst as he bulked up, growing mass and muscle to match his new goat shape.

"Nah then, yer wages are set according ta ya contract, thirty five hours a week and clothes n laundry are provided along with room n board."

Twirling his hoofy fingers around his tufted goatee Flinty grinned and shrugged out of his coat before it split. His t-shirt wasn't so lucky, popping along the seams to reveal the chestnut brown had spread across his chest, chasing away the blue.

"Any other benefits I should know about boss?" he grinned, eyes trailing down the bulls body, focussing on his groin, "I heard... this isa pretty informal place."

Chuckling softly as Flinty sank deeper into the changes being whispered into his ears by the enchanted bell the bull moved closer. His big hooves boomed on the floor as he stepped closer and help the former fox to shed the rest of his too small clothing. Once the goat was naked he bleated softly, shivering as Tarw leant down to snuffle over his ears, letting his nose ring catch and slide over soft, velveteen flesh before he nibbled on it with big blunt teeth.

"Ah always like ta welcome tha new help ta the team personal like," he rumbled, encouraging Flinty to kneel and help him out of his overalls. The billy-goat didn't take long to obey, the bell around his neck jangled energetically as he stripped the bull and introduced himself to the low hanging bull balls that were now at nose level to him.

Tarw sighed and closed his eyes, rumbling gently, leaning back against the wall as Flinty started to explore. His tongue was warm and wet and devilishly good, it didn't take long for Tarw to be panting heavily and hanging low, his shaft at attention and leaking pre under the delightful ministrations of his newest farm hand. Bellowing softly he swept Flinty up into his arms and pushed him down into the cushions of the sofa. After that it was a simple matter of thrusting and squirming until he slipped home in the goats rump. This elicited a delighted bleat from Flinty and he squirmed against the bull, pushing back against him to help him get deeper. After that there wasn't much else to do but enjoy it, the pair of farm animals lay tangled in each other's arms, humping, squirming, panting and sweating the clear chime of Flinty's goat-bell a counterpoint to their otherwise animalistic noises.