A little confused

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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Cody sat on his bed. He wasn't happy, why wasn't he happy, well April hadn't been home in almost three days. And right before she left she told him. "No jerking off, no sucking yourself off, no cumming of any kind." And now he sat on his bed, slowly humping the air, trying to make himself feel good. It was killing him, at least to his mind.

Alright, he thought, I have to get my mind on something else. He stood up and tried to find something to do in his closet. He had comic books, regular books, video games, his skateboard, that's it his skateboard. I haven't had enough time, during his relationship with Rachel he hadn't been able to use it as much, and after they broke up he just kind of forgot about it.

Outside he started to ride around. It all came back in a rush, like riding a bike, to use an old saying. He rode down the street of his quiet subdivision, to a main artery of his town. Riding parallel to the traffic he found himself in front of the school. Being summer he was surprised to see a friend of his. A deer by the name of Brandon, he was as tall as Cody, around six foot, but didn't have the natural muscle of Cody. Brandon instead had the lithe body of a runner. He had dark red fur with a white stripe from in-between his eyes down the center of his head to his back, Cody didn't know how far it went down. Cody had seen Brandon with his shirt off but the white line disappeared into the deer's pants.

Cody skidded to a stop in front of Brandon, "Hey bud," he said.

"Hey, Cody, how's it going?"

"Good, what are you doing here? It's summer, you know."

"Yeah, well, when you want to keep in good shape and have no money, a free gym is all you can ask for."

"I didn't know the gym was open all summer." And then mostly to himself, but still out loud, Cody said, "I'll have to remember that while April is gone."

Brandon gave him a sideways glance. "Is April your new girlfriend?"

"What? Oh, no we are just friends."

"Okay, I'm heading inside if you wanted to come with."

"Yeah, I don't have any gym clothes but sure."

Brandon led Cody inside. Walking through the halls, most of them were gated off, to the locker room. Brandon started changing. "You can borrow some gym clothes, they might not fit you, and they stink because I used them yesterday, but you can borrow them if you want."

"Couldn't I just use the new ones while you use the old ones?"

"I guess," he said, with a smile. He unzipped his gym bag and threw the clothes at Cody. "Here."

"Thanks, bud," Cody said. The two changed while facing opposite directions. Walking from the locker room, they took the stairs up to the weight room. Weight machines lined the back wall, along with free weights, while the wall toward the gym was lined with cardio. Cody sat on one of the weight benches. "So, what do you normally do?"

"What do you think? I usually run. Got to keep my body in shape for track. Also, I'm a deer so I'd look odd if I was as muscular as you."

All Cody had was the muscle his body naturally came with, he never worked out. "Thanks, but I'm not really all that strong."

"Stronger than I am."

Cody looked back at the bar, there was forty five ponds on either side, not that much for him. He lay under the bar and put his hands on it. Lifting it up he started to do reps. He did ten before sitting up. Brandon was running on the treadmill. And by running he wasn't going for a jog like most people did on the treadmill, or even a run like Cody would around the neighborhood, it looked like Brandon was sprinting. And still looked like he wasn't breaking a sweat. Getting a good look at Brandon Cody noticed the little nubs on Brandon's head. And then Brandon's face, and then he noticed that Brandon is kind of, kind of, cute.

Oh great.

Cody realized from the time he saw his brother and his then boyfriend going at it like animals. That he was into both girls and guys. And that really didn't bother him. When he found a girl like Rachel and April who would play around with his butt he thought he hit the jackpot. He had figured that he wouldn't have to explore his feelings about liking guys. But those feelings were now jogging in front of him. Why would he though? He had a girl who would do everything like a guy would, didn't he? Or was it something else? Sure April played with his butt and even used a strap-on to fuck him, but was it the same as a guy. It should be right?

"Dude, you okay?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"No, I'm, I'm, just thinking about stuff."

"Okay. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'm only going to run today so I won't need a spotter or anything."

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go." Cody got up and waved to Brandon.

Skateboarding home Cody tried to think about anything but himself, or his sexuality. So he meandered back and forth trying to jump random things or kick flip any and everywhere. But it didn't work, he kept thinking about Brandon, and the little nubs on his head, or where that stripe went to. Or if he was white anywhere else.

When Cody got home he went to April's house and peeked into her garage window. Nothing, her car was still gone. She was supposed to be home in two days, but he wished he could've talked to someone about this. There was always his brother. Chase must've gone through the same things as he was right about now.

Cody walked in and saw his mom was sleeping on the couch. "Hey, is Chase home?"

"I think so, he was downstairs last time I knew," she said, without opening her eyes. Cody was pretty sure it was a mom thing, to talk without waking up.

Cody tried his best to walk downstairs without making any noise, but hooves aren't the easiest to do without making noise. Downstairs was a big room, the boys used for a game room. Even though there rooms upstairs each had a television, the one down stairs was almost seventy inches and HD, while the ones in their rooms were still old tube TV's. Chase was playing some game Cody didn't recognize.

"Umm, Chase, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, buddy."

"This is kind of serious."

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He hit pause on the game and patted a spot next to him on the couch. Cody sat down. "What's up?"

"I'm having some problems with, my, umm," Cody scratched the back of his head. "My sexuality."


"Yeah. Like I had sex with Rachel, but now it seems like I'm attracted to a friend of mine. A male friend."

"Okay, well, let me just say, I understand you are probably very confused right now."

"That's why I'm coming to you."

Chase looked at Cody, never breaking the line of sight. "Cody, what you are feeling, what you are going through, is hard, but you have to follow your heart. If you are gay, don't fight it."

"But I'm not, I loved Rachel."

"Maybe you're bi then."


"You like both, basically. You could be with a guy or a girl, kind of like me."

"Yeah, yeah," Cody said, getting excited. "That could be it." He did love having sex with Rachel and April, but the feeling of being attracted toward Brandon was there too.

"Yeah, but don't push yourself. Don't hide yourself. Be true to yourself."

"Okay. Thanks Chase." Cody wrapped his arms around his brother's neck.

"You're welcome, buddy." He hugged his brother back giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Umm, you never have done that before."

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's fine."

Cody ran upstairs to his room and that's when he finally noticed that he still was wearing Brandon's gym clothes. "Damn, I guess I'll try and run into him tomorrow and return them." Even though they were friends they hadn't ever been to each other's homes. He then heard his mom yell. "Cody, someone is here for you."

Cody ran back downstairs seeing Brandon at the door. "Hey, I got your clothes," he said holding his gym bag up.

"Yeah, I just noticed. Come on."

Cody led Brandon up to his room. He pulled the blinds open letting natural light stream in. "Umm, can I ask you a question?" Cody said.

"I think you just did."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Never mind. Umm, are you umm, this is really hard to say."

"Am I gay?"

"Yeah, wait how'd you know what I was going to ask?"

"You didn't ask because of the rumor people were saying at school?"

"No, I hadn't heard that. I was asking because, well. I think you are pretty cute, and I just got some uplifting speech from someone who said I should follow my heart."

"Are you gay?"

"No, I guess I'm bi."

"Oh, but why are you asking?" Brandon looked really confused. "You really aren't making any sense."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Well, calm down. Talk to me." Brandon grabbed Cody's hand and had him sit down on the bed. "What's up?"

Cody took a deep breath. "Okay. When we were working out, I started looking at you. And you are very attractive. And I never really felt like that about a guy."

"Thanks, I guess. Why did you have to tell me?"

"I don't know, probably just to get it off my mind."

"What did you think you were going to tell me and suddenly you were going to feel all better? I don't think that's how life works."

"Yeah, but just so someone knows, I think I should feel better."


"Oh, your clothes." Cody takes off the gym clothes standing in front of Brandon in nothing but his boxer shorts.

"Cody, I know you like me but just because of that doesn't mean I'm going to fool around with you. Or more."

"That's not, I just, well."

"I'm kidding. I know. You are way too flustered right now to think of anything." Brandon collected the clothes. Standing next to Cody, who started to search for a clean pair of shorts, he got a good look at his clothed cover butt. His cock started to swell as he looked at Cody's butt. He quickly slapped Cody, to try and get his mind off of it.

Cody stood up straight. "Woah."

Brandon laughed.

"What was that for?"

But when Cody looked at Brandon that feeling was back. Cody was cute. He had big brown eyes and his face was still a mix between human and horse like but slowly turning more horse, Brandon grabbed the back of Cody's head and mashed their lips together. Brandon forced his tongue into Cody's mouth, licking across Cody's own tongue. The deer's hands went behind Cody's back and pulled the horse so their stomach's touched. Cody pulled away from Brandon. "Dude, umm, that was very nice."

"Yeah," Brandon said. "You taste good."

That was an odd thing to say, Cody thought, but said instead, "Thanks."

"Yeah," Brandon grabbed that bag he had dropped, "I got to go." He left.


Cody waited hoping that Brandon would come back. But when he heard the door shut he closed his door and looked out his window to see Brandon walking away. He opened the door. "Brandon!"

The deer turned around.

"I need your number."

The deer kind of looked odd, looking back and forth. "Okay." He shouted his number up to Cody. Who texted him. Brandon took his phone out and yelled, "Got it." Cody smiled.

Cody sat on his bed hoping that Brandon would call, or text him. But by seven o'clock he had gotten nothing. Should he call him? He didn't know. This was weird. Did he feel like this with Rachel, yeah, yeah, he did.

The phone did ring but it was April. Which was still exciting to him. "Hi," he said as he answered.

"How's it going?"


"You didn't, you know, did you?"

"No, not yet."

"Good. But I won't be home for another week, so I guess if you want to once, you can."

"Oh, good." Maybe if he did, he wouldn't feel so confused. Yeah, that was it.

As soon as he hung up with April, Cody pulled his pants, boxers, and shirt off and ran into the bathroom he shared with Chase. Sitting on the edge of the tub, Cody started to play with his sheathe. It didn't take long before the head of his black and pink dick started to show itself. As he played with his balls the entire length of his cock sticks out in front of Cody's face. He opened his mouth and took the flare in. He started to suck and bob his head on his dick, loving the smell and flavor of his own meat. Pre immediately started to squirt from his piss slit which he gladly swallowed it down. He took the dick from his mouth and suckled on two of his fingers and gently tickled his opening until his hold gladly accepted the digits and then stuck his dick back into his mouth. Pushing against his prostate made more pre shoot into his mouth. He was bobbing his head down his cock until the flare hit his throat. Within a couple minutes Cody hit his climax and started squirting his cum down his throat. He pulled out so he could get some of his cum on his tongue. Not to be too full of himself, but he always thought his cum tasted great, but Brandon's mouth tasted good too. Cody licked the last little blobs that were developing on the head of his dick.

"Of course, I'd think of him right now." Cody licked the last little blob of cum off the end of his dick. Cody started the shower and got in. His cock was soft but still hanging out of his sheathe. He played with his softening dick, would Brandon like his cock. Why was he thinking about that? He started to softly bang his head against the wall. Why? Why? Why?

I should not be thinking about him, he thought, I like April, and I liked Rachel. What is wrong with me?

He got out of the shower wiping his fur dry. This sucks, he thought. Wrapping his towel around his waist Cody walked from the bathroom and almost into Chase. "Oh, sorry," he said, before sneaking into his room.

Chase didn't say anything but walked to his room. He knew that look. His brother was in love and it was with a person who he didn't ever think he'd be in love with.

Cody lay on his bed. He picked up his phone and saw he had a text, from Brandon.

"Sorry I kissed you, I shouldn't have."

Cody quickly typed back. "No it was good, I liked it."

A couple of moments later Brandon sent another text. "Good. I did too."

Cody wanted to text back something else. Along the lines of if you want to come back or we can do it again. But decided against it.

However a minute or two later Brandon sent another text. "Want to come over?"

What else was he going to say but, "Of course."

Cody was off, after getting the address, and got to Brandon's house a little after eight. He knocked on the door and the deer answered. He was wearing his gym shorts that Cody had been wearing earlier in the day. When Cody looked down and back up Brandon had a giant smile on his face. "They smell like you, and boy, were you aroused."


"Dude, I could smell it if I didn't have a nose."

A blush spread across Cody's face. But an idea rose to the surface of Cody's mind. "You must like how I smell though. I mean you're wearing those."

"Never said I didn't." Brandon had a large smile on his face. He reached out and grabbed Cody's hand, pulling him inside. He walked him past the living room, Cody took a quick look inside, both Brandon's parents were there, but weren't paying any attention as the two ran by.

Brandon's room was around the size of Cody's but he had less stuff in it making it look bigger. Once inside Brandon swung the horse around making him land on his back on the bed, with Brandon on top. The deer mashed his lips against Cody's, sneaking his tongue in. Placing his hand behind Brandon's head he made sure that he couldn't get away. He wanted this kiss to last as long as possible. Brandon started to grind his crotch into Cody's, while his hands explored the horse. He started raising his shirt up toward his head, running his hands over the stomach up to his nipples. Bending down he took the horse nipple into his mouth.

Cody grunted a little. "Brandon, that feels good."

Brandon kept suckling on Cody, flicking the nipple with his tongue, running his hands up and down the horse's sides. He couldn't get enough of this horse, but he had to pull away, before he lost his mind forever. He gave the horse a big smile. Breathing heavily, "Umm, sorry, I had to stop."

Cody was also breathing hard. "No, it's fine." Cody reaches for the band of Brandon's shorts.

But Brandon slapped them away. "No, wait."


"Dude, just cause I wanted to make out, and play around a bit, doesn't mean we are going right for the gusto."

This was new for Cody, when he was with Rachel and with April they both went to sex almost immediately. "Okay."

"Don't worry. It's just, I don't want to make it seem like it is just," Brandon took a second to search for the word.

"Like it isn't special," Cody said.

"Yeah. I don't want you to think we will just do it and be done. You know I've heard the rumors about you."

"Wait, what rumors?" Cody asked.

"You know, you and Rachel, in the school,"

"Oh, I didn't know people knew about that."

"Yeah, I thought you would know."

Cody didn't even think about it. It isn't like he could deny it. It had happened.

While Brandon looked on, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."

"No, it's okay. Don't worry." Cody put his hand on Brandon's hip, pushing him off of his body. The deer did and lied next to the horse.

"So, it did happen."

"Yeah, it did."

Brandon had known for a while about the rumor so while he laid next to this guy and laid his hand on his stomach. "I have a question then. Why do you want to be with me then? Or did you just want something easy."

"No, I don't know what's going on as of yet."

"As of yet?"

"Yeah, I'm really confused." Cody sat up and pulled his shirt down. "I should go."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Brandon sat up and let the horse walk away. "I want you to know, that if you want this to mean something, more, I do."

"In that case, if you promise not to bring up Rachel any more tonight, I will stay for a bit."

"I promise." Brandon crossed his heart with his index finger.

Cody laid down next to Brandon again, gave him a kiss, and they talked for a while.