The Plentyn Cael Farm Christmas Fayre: Chapter 5:

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Christmas 2015

Welcome back to the farmyard Christmas Fayre!

Today it seems like Quix has snuck into the fayre without paying the door fee and is up to all sorts of unsavoury practices! Let's see if he gets his comeuppance.

Taking a large bite from a toffee apple he'd snagged Quix mingled through the crowds leaving the wurlitzer tent. Crunching on the sickly sweet treat the otter smiled and wove through the crowd, nodding, munching on his toffee apple, using the stick as a distraction to draw the eyes of everyone he got near. It was all a sideshow however, his free hand was moving, sliding out of his baggy hoodie to dip deftly into pockets, handbags and shopping bags. Each swift movement retrieved a piece of his property, well it was his now, small, valuable and clearly meant to be with him.

Turning a corner as he left the far side of the crowd the red haired otter disposed of his apple and quickly redistributed his loot to the big baggy pockets of his navy blue cargo pants. With everything tucked away he turned back and sauntered back through the crowd with a friendly smile on his muzzle, letting his thick rudder tail dance and skip from side to side, just an ott having a good time. He watched with interest however as people started to notice their valuables weere missing, they all reacted differently but everyone of them looked for people moving away from the crowd. Hiding the grin that wanted to plaster itself over his muzzle at their simplistic minds Quix angled the direction of his wandering toward the carnival rides set up in a paddock. There would be some easy marks there and Quix wanted to make today count, it wouldn't do to stop thieving after just one success.

Tugging idly on the heavy gold chain hanging around his neck the otter walked with confidence, he had every right to be here. Amateurs sidled and slipped down alleyways and lurked, a real professional stayed out in the open and blended in. The otter was just another face in the crowd and as he reached the paddock with the Ferris wheel and other rides, he paused to rub his chin as if considering what to try. His webbed fingers played with the tuft of red fur he'd carefully cultivated on his chin, the beard was an affectation but he liked it, it made him look older than he really was. It also helped with his various disguises, he could slick it down and comb his hair and be young professional business ott in the city or like today he could be scruffy teenage otter and blend into the crowd. It was all a matter of blending in, making sure you didn't stand out as a suspect in the mind of anyone looking, he was quite proud, he'd never been caught or even suspected.

The otter purchased a small hot dog from a stand and stepped back to the edge of the ground. Some thieves would lurk at the edge without reason, but a guy sheltering from the wind having a bit to eat or a smoke was dismissed. Smiling around a bite of quite tasty sausage Quix watched the crowd, working out the slow spots, the spaces where people milled around in a crowd. He took it all at a glance, studying the crowd between bites until he had a plan in mind and the hotdog was gone. The otter made to move toward a small group milling about outside the haunted house but paused and looked sharply at the crowd again. Something was out of place, something had changed but he couldn't put his finger on it, which is how he was taken by surprise by the sudden attack from behind.

The loops of rope dropped over his body swiftly, tightened about his ankles and chest then jerked Quix off his feet. He fell with a startled ottery bark, hands thrust out to catch himself in the slushy mix of mud and snow that filled the alley between the hotdog stand and the dougnut stall. His cry of alarm was muffled by both stall attendants hawking their wares loudly and a third person stepping forward to fill or block the entrance to the alley. Quix shouted again but the hawkers drowned him out whilst the ram in overalls kept him nicely out of sight as his body was hauled through the cold mud into the alley behind the stalls. It was all over so quickly, one minute he was planning more thievery and the next he was being kidnapped! Quix was paralysed with indecision for seconds, his body slithering through the mud before his survival instincts kicked in and he started to struggle against his bonds! Twisting around onto his back seemed to be the best he could manage, which mean he just covered his arse and back and tail in slushy muck. Looking up at his captor he gaped, they were freaking huge!

Nearly seven feet of broad shouldered brown furred bull had the ropes holding him prisoner draped over one shoulder and braced against his forearm as he clomped along through the mud. His hooves had to be the size of dinner plates, squishing through the muck with ease, the light denim dungarees he had on strained against his muscles and his Quix was lost for a moment watching the way his shoulders flexed and heaved as he was dragged along. Spitting out a mouthful of muck, Quix opened his mouth to scream but the bull seemed to sense it. His head turned, sharp horns glinting under the electric lights as the snow began to fall, dark eyes fixed on the otter and his scream died in his throat.

Quix didn't know what to do, for a second he was frozen and then his chance to scream was lost. The bull kicked open the door to a large stone shed, dragged the wriggling otter across the threshold and kicked the heavy door shut! A single, naked light bulb flickered on and Quix squeaked in fear as the bull casually slung the ropes over a rafter and hoisted him up to dangle in mid air! The bull's footsteps rang hollowly on the stone floor as he secured the door with a large bolt and turned back to stare down at the otter, he didn't say anything just watched for a long minute and the red haired otter squirmed feebly against his bonds.

"Well..." the bull rumbled suddenly, "Little thief, it's time you and I had a talk."

"I'm not a thief!" Quix denied, maybe a bit too suddenly but he'd started now so plunged on, "Who the fuck do you think you are kidnapping me like this?!"

Beef just stepped forward, gripped the otter's hoodie and tore it, those hoof-nailed capped hands gripped the side seam and just tore it apart as if it was tissue. Quix gaped as the heavy winter thick garment fell to the floor, spilling coins and trinkets and stolen watches.

"Wrong answer, every time you lie I take a piece of clothing off you," he leant down, his wide snout inches from the otter's face, "You are a thief, first you stole from the farm, do you know how you stole from me and my boss?"

"Look you clomping pile of burgers, I didn't steal anything from your fucking farm! I don't steal livestock!" Quix's eyes widened as the bull reached out, gripped his chain and snapped it, the links cascading to the floor in a clatter, spluttering and struggling against his bonds as he protested at this treatment. The cow just gripped his muzzle, forcing it closed and the otter's eyes widened at the strength in that hand.

"Everyone who comes to the farm today goes through the front gate, it's ten quid to get in and every single guest gets a wrist band with bells on it. No one gets in without one and is told to keep it on. Let's my staff know they aren't a free loader, like you," he smirked widely, showing off his thick, blunt teeth, "You, little otter, were seen coming out of the woods, climbing the fences near the loos and then sauntering into the crowd like you owned the place."

Quix stared at the bull, eyes wide, unbelieving, no one could possibly have seen him sneak in, he'd been extra careful, "Do you spy on all your guests?... rrrffff, stop that," he growled as the bull squeezed his muzzle shut.

"No questions, you're here to answer mine, so how many people have you stolen from and do you have all the loot on you or did you stash any of it anywhere?"

"I already told you," Quix grated out between clenched teeth, "I didn't steal anything so let me hey no this is one of a..." his protest went unheard, the bull released him and ripped his t-shirt off in one swift movement, discarding the fabric on the floor nonchalantly, he then hooked his hoofed fingers around Quix's belt.

"Well?" the threat was very real and the otter squirmed, really worried for his safety now, eyes darting around the empty shed, he squeaked as the bull snapped his belt and pulled off the pieces, "I also will take some clothes if you make me wait, answer and try not to lie."

"Ok, ok you got me man! I stole some shit off the crowd, nothing big, coins, a couple of watches, a purse, nothing big, no need to get violent dude, you caught me, now let me down and throw me out. No need to call the police for this, right, you must have loads of guys casing your crowd."

"Not really, most people have more sense," the bull rumbled and leant forwards, "And don't worry, I'm not going to call the cops but you little thief are in trouble, it's my job to keep the farm safe and secure and you owe me a debt little bitch."

"Hey I am not a bi...rrrffff," Quix's didn't get any further, he found his muzzle smushed up against the bulls crotch, his nose buried against what felt and smelt like a pair of very musky balls as his captor ripped both trouser legs down the seam, the fabric folded and flopped against Quix's stomach and back and then fell away as the bull tore his jeans apart. For a second the otter's own balls and sheath were squished, mashed by the tight fabric and then released as his jeans were discarded. "What do you think... no...." Quix tried to speak but thick, blunt fingernails were massaging his sheath and his traitorous cock was sliding out, growing thicker, sliding past the tight waistband of his underpants as he found his nose being ground up and down against those denim trapped bull balls.

"Now then little otter, shall we make a deal? I've got quite a nice offer for you, two choices simple and sweet, ready to hear them?"

Panting lightly at the thick, musky scent and trying to pull his head away Quix nodded and mumbled a yes as he felt his cock brush against the underside of his slightly curved, plump otter belly. There wasn't really much he could do and those damn teasing fingers had him on edge, rock hard and displaying for this kinky bull who had him not so much over a barrel as strung up and trapped in his dungeon.

"Good boy," a paw wrapped around Quix's cock and started to fluff him with long, slow strokes, the other hand released the massive length of bull shaft from it's prison and tapped it firmly against the otter's nose. Biting or fighting back didn't even cross Quix's mind, he yawned his jaws wide and closed his eyes and his un-named captor slipped the tip of his shaft in without delay. With five to six inches of incredibly thick, beef stock plugging his maw the otter couldn't really answer back, just lick and suck and hope this was his only punishment for getting caught. He had to admit a part of him really was digging it, he could feel pre-cum dripping out of his cock, splattering his beard, his chest as the bull kept his hips still and kept his hand sliding up and down to encourage the otter do his part. For a few minutes there was silence in the shed except for the muffled groans of the otter and the heavy panting of the bull and the wet slurp of his hand sliding over the otter's dick. Those minutes dragged past and Quix started to get light headed, he was still hanging upside down and a mixture of blood rushing to his head and thick, meaty beef musk was having an effect on him. His captor didn't draw it out too long though, he started to pump his hand up and down faster and faster and stirred his hips to drag his along Quix's tongue until just the tip was in before humping back in. Otter moaned, the bull lowed and with a deep, satisfying groan the pair of them went off, he got a thick mouthful of potent bull seed whilst at the same time covered his stomach and chest in ropey strands of pearlescent otter cream. It felt good and he was almost sad when the pull pulled back and wiped his hand clean on Quix's tail.

"So... rrrfff, was that... payment? We square now right?"

"Nope," the bull rumbled, "That was my fee for having to haul your arse in here." he slapped the otter's rump for emphasis then crouched down, "You still owe the farm, it's quite simple really, you agree to work for me for the rest of the weekend and I don't call the cops or I go call the cops now and they haul your arse off through the crowd and the reporters get your face all over the local news, choice is yours."

Keeping his expression calm Quix looked into the bull's eyes then nodded, "Ok, I'm in I'll work for you, I don't need that kind of exposure."

Nodding, his captor tugged on the ropes and Quix fell, landing with a thump and a tangle of limbs on the cold stone floor. He started to scramble upright but froze as something very heavy was clipped around his throat with a dull clonk. Hands coming up in surprise the otter felt thick, heavy leather against his throat and pawed uselessly at the massive iron cow-bell now hanging around his neck.

"There, now you have a bell like all my guests and staff, My name is Tarw, you can call me boss however, so ready to get to work?"

Frowning Quix clambered to his feet, conscious of the fact he was still mostly naked, his new "boss" was clearly fucking bent as anything, he had to play along with this then bolt at the first opportunity. "Sure thing boss I am aaarrrhhhh," he collapsed into pain, clawing at his legs and and screaming as the muscles cramped, his feet cracked, his toes were doing something weird and then it was gone, the pain subsiding. Quix panted heavily and yelped as Tarw pulled him effortlessly up and set him down again. The otter froze and slowly turned his head down to stare at his hooves as they clacked against the floor, he started to tremble and would have fallen over again if the bull hadn't been propping him up.

"Don't lie to me Quix, every time you lie you'll change a little bit more into an oxen," he grinned then, a malicious smirk covering his face as he tapped the otter on the chest, "If you leave the boundaries of the farm it'll change you entirely and won't stop until you're on all fours and going moo."

Tugging at his collar Quix stumbled back, pulling himself free of the bull's grip, his hooves slipped, he stumbled backwards and landed on his arse, "You... you can't be serious!"

"Oh I am," Tarw laughed, "You can see the evidence right there and don't worry, you won't be working in public," he reached down and hauled the otter effortlessly back up onto his hooves, "So ready to work hard and earn your freedom? Or want to try lying to me and see what changes next time?"

Not daring to speak the otter shook his head which made the bell locked around his neck clank loudly. Tarw laughed and tipped the otter's head back, "Good boy, now come along," head headed toward a door in the back of the shed and Quix followed then froze.

"Ah... clothes what about..."

"You don't need them, now follow me," the otter hung his head and scampered along in the bull's wake, it seemed that thieving at Christmas really didn't pay off. He had a horrible suspicion that by the end of the weekend he'd have a lot more ox and less otter... it was going to be hard to work hard and not lie... lying came naturally to him. He was curious to see what this kinky bull had in mind however so followed him out, peering around him to see what he had in store for him. What he saw made him gasp, jaw hanging open in shock as Tarw gripped his arm and pulled him along, no way, no fucking way he couldn't be serious... well... it was going to be... an interesting job at least!
