Kindred Shepherd Spirits

Story by Jamesgshep75 on SoFurry

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Shawn and Heather Williams were once a happily married German shepherd couple who had a young male pup named Corey. The father and husband was a very hard working dog who worked as a personal assistant in an office building located downtown. Heather was asked to stay at home and help take care of their son. Eventually, she got bored of her role and started dating a famous athlete.

He was a wolf named Terrance Connor and they secretly had an affair that went on for 4 years. One day, Corey and his dad were out spending time together while Heather was having sex with the wolf in their bedroom. Shawn caught them both in the act and he went ballistic...



The father grabbed Terrance's shoulder hard. "You sneaky, little BITCH! GET YOUR ROTTEN DICK OUT OF MY WIFE!"

The wolf pulled his slimy hard member out of Heather's vagina and smirked at Shawn. "Heh, you couldn't stop me from making my special delivery, office boy!" Terrance quickly put his gym shorts back on and stood over Shawn's wife.

Shawn punched the home-wrecking wolf hard in the face then grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE SO FUCKING COCKY WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, SCUMBAG!!"

Terrance howled and grunted loudly in pain, quite fearful of the tall, angry German Shepherd. "UGH! LET ME GO!"

A rather evil grin spread across Shawn's muzzle as he watched the wolf's scared expression. "See what I mean, you disgusting little asswipe?!" Shawn punched Terrance in the muzzle, causing his nose to bleed heavily.

"SHAWN, PLEASE STOP!! I NEVER WANTED FOR YOU TO FIND OUT THIS WAY! I WAS LONELY AND NEEDED SOMEONE BY MY SIDE!" Heather screamed at her husband as she tried to protect the lecherous wolf.

"Don't even talk to me, Heather. You weren't lonely. You just needed someone to fuck. I've been working my ass off so you started sleeping around with this bastard. You've thrown away our marriage and ruined our family. Get the fuck out of my house." Shawn said calmly, pushing the woman aside without a single glance and still held Terrance by the neck.

The frightened lady began to cry and took off her wedding ring, placing it on the bedroom dresser. Heather was deeply hurt by her husband's cold words and started to pack her bags, knowing that she had made the ultimate mistake of her life. Luckily, Corey was in his bedroom and distracted by the loud television. He didn't even hear the commotion coming from his parent's room.

Shawn had a blank expression on his face as he looked towards Terrance, snarling through his clenched teeth. "Go with Heather and fuck her senseless. I honestly don't care anymore. But if I ever see your smug face ever again, you won't have a penis to fuck her with." Shawn said angrily and almost threw his body across the room towards his so called wife. The husband completely ignored his wife as she was still gathering up her clothes.

At this point, the wolf was terrified of Shawn's aggressive behavior. His tail was tucked directly between his legs and stumbled out of the married couple's bedroom. He quickly left the house and sat in the car, waiting for Heather to join him. Shawn made her clear out all of her clothes from his closet. "You're a filthy excuse for a mother. Corey will be raised by a strong parent and that's me."

Heather made a sudden rush to her husband and tried to hug him. "I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I'VE DONE, SHAWN! I NEED YOU AND COREY! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO!!"

Shawn pushed her away and punched her in the jaw. "It's far too late for you to ever change, Heather. I want a divorce right now and full custody of Corey. We don't need you around us anymore so take your bags and get out!"

Heather is now hysterical. Her eyes were wide open with fear. She grabbed her bags and rushed to the front door. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE COREY AWAY FROM ME!! HE'S MY BABY!! I'M TAKING HIM WITH ME AND TERRANCE!!"

"If you so much as try to take Corey out of this house, I will kill you and your filthy little wolf! Let's see Terrance try to advance his basketball career with those injuries. All you ever did was fuck him for his money, anyway!" Shawn threatened with a menacing growl.

With fear taking over and hanging her head down in shame, Heather sobbed loudly. "Can I at least say goodbye to him? You can't deny me of that, Shawn..."

"No. It's time for you to make your grand exit out of our lives. Go ahead and live the famous lifestyle. He doesn't love you at all. You're just a trophy to him." Shawn said in a blunt, direct tone.

Apparently, those cruel words about her new fiancée cut her deeply and her fear turned into pure anger. She dropped her bags, charged towards Shawn and screamed in his face. "YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR! TERRANCE LOVES ME MORE THAN YOU EVER DID, YOU LOWLIFE PIECE OF SHIT! IT'S ME COREY WANTS AND NEEDS IN HIS LIFE! HE DOES NOT NEED A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A FATHER LIKE YOU!!"

Shawn remained silent while his ex-wife was venting, pushed her out of his house, threw her bags out on the ground then slams the door in her face.

After the violent encounter with his ex-wife and her slimy new fiancee, Shawn went back into his house to check on Corey for a moment. Once he saw that his son was okay, he went back into his room, reorganized all of his stuff then sat on the bed. Shawn couldn't believe that his wife would be so selfish and destroy his marriage in such a vile way, which made him shed many tears. After the breakdown, he took off his wedding ring and decided to pawn them for extra cash.

It was 5pm in the evening time and Shawn was busy trying to pull himself together. He had to be a strong parent for Corey. He went into his son's bedroom and asked him to put on some fresh clothes. They were going back into town. The father and son got into their car and drove down to the jewelry store. He talked to the clerk and had the matching wedding rings appraised. The process took about 20 minutes and Shawn had already taken a seat. The lovable Corey was mesmerized by all of the shiny rings on display, which made his dad grow a genuine smile. At that time, the clerk returned with good news for the father shepherd.

"Looks like these rings are in mint condition and they are worth $20,000. I'll print you out a check. Hmmm...are you absolutely sure you want to sell these wedding bands? They seem to be very important to you." The slim bearded fox said.

You could hear a low growl rumbling in Shawn's throat but he chose not to lose his temper in a business establishment. "Yes, I wish to sell them off. No regrets on my end, sir."

Corey pulled at his father's shirt excitedly. "$20,000 dollars?! Wow!! That's a lot of money, Dad! Can I have some?" The pup grinned and wagged his tail as it thumped against his pants.

Shawn was delighted to see his son so happy. He chuckled and said. "Yes, I will give you a special allowance this month, son. First, Dad has to pay a few bills, buy more groceries for the house then we can go shopping together!"

Corey gasped with exhilaration and hugged his dad's leg tight. "Hooray! I love you, Dad!"

"I love you too, Corey!" The father gently rubbed his son's soft pointy ears.

The pup pushed his head against Shawn's paw, a wide smile on his face from the petting. The clerk chuckles softly. "There's one cute kid."

"Thanks for all of your help, sir. I also appreciate the compliment. Have a great day." Shawn said as he took his son out to the car and drove straight to the bank.

5 long years have passed since Shawn filed for a divorce from his ex-wife Heather. He went to court and got full custody of Corey, leaving his former wife with nothing and had to start all over with her beau Terrance. The wretched couple ended up having 3 pups together and got married.

For a long time, Shawn was heartbroken and devastated to hear the news. He made sure that Corey was never allowed to see his mom. Terrance continued to shower Heather with the rich perks while Shawn was still struggling to make ends meet at work. He took on a second job at the office but this time, he was paid under the table.

Shawn became a sexual outlet for the horny businessmen in his office. They paid him large amounts of cash to receive blowjobs and fuck their tail holes during the work hours. The poor father was so vulnerable that he became gay in order to support his son.

Fortunately, Corey's uncle agreed to watch him while Shawn was working late nights. In the bedroom, Shawn was quite dominant and made his gentleman squeal in delight. His cock was bigger than most of the co-workers, a thick 9.5 penis complete with a large knot and big balls hanging underneath.

This was a very good way for Shawn to relieve his sexual urges away from the house. But the only man on his mind was Corey. He gave him the strength to move past the awful divorce and start a brand new life. His pup was in junior high school, making good grades and he couldn't have been more proud.

He also noticed that Corey had his bedroom door closed a lot, which meant he needed some "privacy" after school. Shawn remembered the first time Corey had an orgasm. He helped him through the process and made a big mess all over the coffee table. The manly group gave him 2 weeks off to recover and spend some quality time with his son at home. Corey missed his dad a lot but at the same time, he knew that Shawn was busy making a living for them.

The young shepherd had been working so hard in school that he deserved a week off as well. Shawn called in the school and told them that his son was on sick leave, doctor's orders. The father went insane on a sexual level, letting his true dominance come out towards his teenage pup. One day, Shawn woke up and stepped out of bed nude and didn't care if Corey saw.

Shawn heard his son coming down the stairs and smiled instinctively at him. "Good morning, son! Did you enjoy sleeping in?"

"Good morning, Dad. Yes I did. I had so much homework to do last night. I really needed the extra hours of rest." Corey said as he walked over to give his father a hug. "Oh dad, you're nude right now..."

The father quickly stroked the top of his son's head playfully and chuckled. "C'mon, you must've seen your old man naked before! Why are you blushing?"

The teen pup saw that his dad was hard as a rock and throbbing. To Corey, it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen in his whole life. "No, this is my first time really. I'm blushing because you look so...handsome."

Shawn chuckled again, grabbing the base of his length with his large paw. "Sounds like you're giving my penis the compliment instead, boy. So you really think I'm an attractive guy?"

"Every part of you is beautiful, Dad. Yes, I love the size of your penis. It's big and thick."

A wide, toothy grin spread across Shawn's muzzle as he went over to his son and kissed him on the forehead. "Thanks son. Oh, you like my dick? How much do you like it?"

"You're welcome, Dad. I love your dick very much. Please let me touch it." Corey said as he wagged his tail happily, staring up at his tall, muscular father.

Shawn met Corey's gaze with a smile and grabbed him by the paw. "Of course, son. Let's do it upstairs, though, shall we?"

"All right, Shawn." Corey said as he giggled with a cute blush on his face.

The father shepherd laughed as he playfully rubbed his son's head again whilst leading him upstairs to his bedroom. "Heh, calling me Shawn now, are we? ...You're such a good kid, Corey."

"Yeah, I want to sound more like an adult now. Thanks dad. I always try my best." Corey said as he rubbed Shawn's strong shoulders.

"I know you do, son. And this'll definitely show how adult you are..." Shawn winked at his son as he opened his bedroom door and sat on the edge of the bed, taking hold of his cock once again. "Go ahead, Corey."

Corey was encouraged by his father's kind and lustful words to pleasure him in a way that he never thought could ever be possible. The pup leaned his head down and slowly licked across Shawn's thick member, which earned him a gentle ear rub from his Dad above him.

"Good boy... do you like how it tastes?" The old Shepherd slowly stroked the base of his large cock as his son continued to lick it.

"Yes dad, it tastes pretty good." The pup replied back to his father. He could tell that Shawn was enjoying this treatment just as much as he was.

"I'm glad, son..." Shawn removed his paw from his member and ran it across his muscular chest, still stroking the top of Corey's head.

The special moment between father and son was getting rather intense. Shawn's strong musk started to fill up the entire bedroom along with his young pup's nose. It was quite clear that Corey made all of his dad's wildest fantasies come true.

Shawn leaned forward and kissed Corey on the top of his head. "You're doing so well, son..." The shepherd pawed his balls as Corey continued to lick his throbbing member.

Upon hearing his father's praise, Corey began to wag his tail excitedly and stared at Shawn's massive orbs that hung below his large knot in a hefty sac. He curiously sniffed his dad's balls, realizing that he was conceived from those impressive looking pup makers.

Shawn let go of his ball sac and went back to wanking. He smiled down at his son. "Why don't you feel them now?"

"All right, Dad." The pup said and obeyed his father's wishes. He reached a paw down to gently rub Shawn's sac and he heard a loud murr coming out of the older shepherd's muzzle.

"Ahh... that's it, son, give them a good tug... fuck, that feels good..." Shawn continued to moan as his sac received a thorough massage from his son, who he was still petting.

Corey took his paw and gently grabbed on his father's balls with the urgent need of bonding with his attractive old man. "Wow dad. You sure have some good equipment to work with. I bet you drove Mom crazy with your sausage, huh?"

At any other moment, Shawn would have crumbled at the thought of his cheating wife. Now, however, he was too happy with the special bonding he and his son were engaging in. He chuckled. "You really enjoy pleasuring my cock, don't you, Corey?"

"Yes I do, Shawn. Please let me suck it off for you." The pup said, staring at his dad with hopeful eyes.

The old shepherd grinned at his young pup's bold request. Then he once again placed his paw on Corey's head. "Of course, son."

Finally after getting his father's permission to put his oral skills to the test, Corey wrapped his entire muzzle around Shawn's thick penis and began suckling immediately. The pup loved his father and would anything to please him.

Shawn threw his head back in pleasure as his son began to suckle on his man meat. "Mmm that's it... see how much you can get down... don't hurt yourself, though!"

Corey managed to get 6 inches into his muzzle and used his long tongue to tease his father's tip. Meanwhile, his paw continued to fondle Shawn's balls while the other gripped the base of his knot.

Shawn threw his head back in pleasure, amazed by Corey's incredible oral skills despite his young age. "Ahhh... you know what you're doing, son..."

The pup had a wide smile across his face and engulfed Shawn's throbbing member. He started to spurt a few jets of pre-cum, which enlightened Corey's taste buds. He was then encouraged to increase his pace and go a bit harder.

"Shit, son, you're sucking me like a pro! I'm gonna have to give you a reward soon..." Shawn began to gently thrust into his son's muzzle as Corey continued to quicken his sucking speed.

Corey's tail was wagging wildly at his father's lustful praises. Shawn was trapped in a world full of manly bliss and he was quite impressed by his younger son's abilities. Suddenly with the help of his older lover's thrusts, Corey was able to gulp down all 9 inches with his head moving back and forth to the rhythm.

"F-Fuck..." Shawn began to pant heavily as he felt his knot swell up, and his paw met the top of his son's head once more. "Show me how much you want that reward, Corey..."

Miraculously, the pup was determined to taste the true essence of his father's seed so he began to deep throat Shawn's penis in a fast pace. He closed his eyes in full concentration as the older shepherd grunted loudly.

"Good boy...gah, I'm about to cum..." Several moans left the father's muzzle until he couldn't hold it back any longer. Shawn murred loudly as the first spurt of cum left his dick and entered Corey's muzzle.

The pup's eyes opened back up widely after he tasted his dad's first copious amount of cum. It was hot, thick, and sweet to the taste. He noisily gulped down the first wave and craved more.

The young pup wasn't disappointed as several more ropes of cream fired into his mouth. Shawn was breathing heavily from the pleasure of his son drinking his large load. As his long orgasm ended, he gave his Corey's ears a rub. He smiled down at him. "How was that, son?"

His wish came true as more potent bursts of Shawn's thick cum rushed into his muzzle again. Corey savored as much as he could before swallowing it all down his throat. He finally pulled out his father's shaft with a loud wet slurp. "It was really good, Dad. I hope you can feed me again like that sometime soon."

"I'd be happy to, son, no worries about that." He grinned with pride at his son, who had just given him a better muzzle-job than any of his colleagues at work. "In fact, I want to show you my favorite way of making love next time, boy."

Paying Debts

The time read 5pm on a bright and sunny Thursday evening. A popular coffeehouse located downtown was where most of the hard working dogs went to straight after work. There was a very tall, professional looking business dog having his usual snack named...

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Eternal Love, Chapter 4: The Dark Hidden Secret

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Eternal Love, Chapter 3: The Special Assignment

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