Remember summer? (part 1)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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Keven is a husky, German Shepherd mix... He has the typical German Shepherd pattern and coloration and the body shape of a husky and the cutest fluffy tail. Me?

I'm a Samoyed named Greyson... I am mostly white, but I have a grey

stripe going down my back and about half way down my tail."So, what did the doctor say?" I asked my boyfriend, Keven as we walked to the car.He shrugged and said "I cant pronounce it..." we got in the car and he said "the doctor said its pretty rare and the drug store probably wont have anything for it""Is it contagious?" I asked as I jokingly reached to open the door."don't worry" he said as he started the car "its hereditary" and we started our drive to the nearest drug store.As the doctor said, they didn't have what Keven needed. The clerk was a cougar, she said "we could order it and have the truck bring it straight to your house"Keven had to sign a few places and I had to sign twice, just in-case Keven wasn't home when the truck came. The cougar signed one more time and said "It will be there in a week"A light snow started to fall when we where about half way home. I remembered the date, February 8th, meaning we have been together six months today. I asked "remember the day we got together?""how could I not!" he said with a grin "It's the same day I got accepted into the police academy"I asked "when are you starting that anyways?" "they said I couldn't start this year, so this September... when it comes" he said as we rounded a turn.It was during August, I jumped into the brook to take a swim, I was the only one there at the time. Keven ran along the trail leading to the brook as fast as he could and jumped when he hit the shore line. I swear he made it half way across the brook and almost on me, He shouted "Oh my god, Greyson! I got in the police academy!"I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just said "congrats!""I am as surprised as you are!" he said as he started to swim to shore "who's ever heard of a gay police dog? for that case, who has heard of a police dog that isn't full German Shepherd?""you got a point" I said as I swam along with him.  At this point, virtually everyone knew he was gay, but no-one knew I was gay.I'm not sure what I said past that, but I convinced him to stay at my place for the night... None the less, when he was asleep, I was lying next to him, wide awake. I glanced at him, he looked like he belonged in a coffin, he even had his arms crossed.I didn't know how to tell him and I didn't want to risk rejection, but I had some serous feelings for him. I sat-up, only to lean-over him and gently kiss the side of his muzzle, that caused a empty feeling right in my heart. I was about to lie down and try to sleep again, but I felt Keven's arms rap around me and pull me close and he kissed me back.We where just getting into town when Keven snapped me from that memory, he said "I still don't know why you had feelings for me"I didn't know how to respond and I didn't want to... I used

pulling into our driveway as an excuse to not respond.