Max and Myles: Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Story by King_Zinare on SoFurry

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#1 of Max & Myles

Being a puppy in a dog breeder's household is a short and problem filled life. Their born, feed, weaned, and then the time comes for the puppies to line up along the side of their pen to try to get any humans attention. They would hop, wag their tails, and bark PICK ME, PICK ME, to the humans looking down at them until one of the onlookers selected a puppy to take home with them. First picked gets to go to a new home, but it leaves its mother and littermates shortly after it has been weaned. Last picked isn't any better ether. Sure they get to spend more time with their siblings, but they also get to watch them leave one by one. Then their left all alone wondering, what was so wrong with me that kept the humans from picking me? In the end, most or all the puppies lose their short term family, but hopefully gain a new permanent and loving family. It is a story that has been lived well over a billion times. It starts with life and stars man's best friend.

A black and tan German shepherd pup pushed his way through his sister and two brothers to the child gate that confined them to their room. He had already watched one of his brothers get picked and go to his new home with his new family. The pup did everything in his power to get past that gate, but no matter how hard he chewed or clawed at it, he couldn't break through the impenetrable barrier between him and a group of humans. Even though he was unable to penetrate the gate, he did however catch the attention of a young girl in a pink poodle skirt. She broke away from the adults and approached him. After a few dozen, "oos" and "awws", she leaned over the gate and scooped up the young shepherd pup. Ironically, the child gate that trapped him in the room was breached by a child. Being man handled was a new experience for him, so he went limp just like he would if his mother was carrying him by the scruff of his neck. The kid carried her prisoner back to the circle of adult and held him up like a trophy.

"Is that the one you want?" A middle aged man in a grey leisure suit asked her. She nodded her head hard enough to shake the puppy. A woman in a black pants suit standing beside the man swept into action by gentle taking the puppy from the over excited child, but losing the puppy didn't faze her one bit. She continued to bounce around the room like she had a sugar high from one too many pixy sticks. "I reckon so..."

"At least she didn't take as long to pick you like she did the other puppy." The woman said to the puppy as she rubbed his head with her fingertips. Her human claws felt magical when she scratched them behind his ears. He would be kicking his hind legs if they weren't smashed up against her body.

"I guess we will be taking this poor thing." The middle aged couple and the pup's now previous owners shared a chuckle before the man took something out of his back pocket. He handed the dog breeders several small green rectangles with creepy looking guys on them and the family said their thanks and goodbyes as they left the home. They had to pass a few cars in the drive way before coming to their silver SUV. The woman handed off their new puppy to her husband and he headed to the rear hatch of their ride. He popped it open with his free hand and placed the shepherd pup in a black wire crate. Aside from looking like a prison, it had a comfy pad covering its bottom. "We got you a buddy."

The man slammed the hatch shut and walked around to the driver's seat. In with the shepherd pup was another puppy. He was a grey and white husky whining and freaking out as the SUV began going down the road. They both got tossed around their carrier from every bump and turn in the road. It didn't take the shepherd very long to figure out that he stayed stationary a lot better if he lay down. He did his best to block out his crate buddies noise as they got further into their ride. Shortly after his new position, his head and eyes started to grow heavy enough to pull them all down and put him to sleep within seconds.

Darkness of night engulfed the backwoods country road they were cruising down. The high beams from their SUV were the only things that pierced the dead of night. Dad took another sip of his diet coke in a halfhearted attempt to keep himself awake on their long drive home. Mom was passed out in the passenger's seat, but their daughter was still wide awake. Occasionally he would peak into his rearview mirror and see her in the dashboard lights looking over her seat at the two puppies. The first pup finally calmed down about an hour into the drive, but dad kind of wished it was still up and making a ruckus to help keep him awake. Dad didn't think it would be so much work to get a few dogs. He also didn't plan on traveling out of state to get them, but mom wanted brand spanking new puppies instead of one from the local dog pound. All dad wanted was a dog that looked intimidating enough for a guard dog, but wasn't aggressive. Like a Rottweiler, Doberman, or something like that. But what mom wants mom gets and she wanted a few large dogs that could be their daughters best friend, weren't that aggressive looking, and was young enough to be taught bad habits by them. They had bought every dog training book known to man and had pet beds set up in their living room. Now they just needed on last thing for them.

"Do you have any names picked out for them?" Dad asked her through the rear view mirror. He figured engaging in some conversation would do him a world of good. She hummed to herself as she went into a second graders deep thinking.

"Umm... my teacher has a gold fish named Max." She pointed out. Oh boy, dad thought to himself, here comes the childes great ability of originality. "So we can call the brown one Max, M-A-X."

She loved spelling and even dreamed of being a teacher one day. She didn't get every word right, but she was at the age where if she even spelled something wrong out loud it was cute. If she was any older and continued messing up, people would think there was something wrong with her.

"What about the grey one?" Dad asked her. Her teacher had only one gold fish in her classroom, so she will have to come up with that pup's name on her own. But before she could unleash her powers of creativity, the SUV's dash lite up and beeped. "We got to find a gas station soon. Only got fifty miles left in the tank."

"Miles!" She shouted like a mad scientist yelling EURICA! "We can call him Miles, M-Y-L-E-S."

"I think you..." Dad was going to correct her spelling error, but seeing his daughter in the dim light with a smile from ear to ear stopped him. Besides, the Y instead of an I did kind of sound cool or sleep depredation was kicking in and he was reliving his glory days back when he was a teenager and everything was cool. Like cigarettes, booze, and girls. "You picked some good names."

"What are you guys doing?" Mamma bear mumbled finally waking up from her hibernation.

"Picking names for our new pups." Dad answered.

"The brown one is Max and the grey one is Myles." The kid pointed out. Her mom just smiled back to her before turning over in her seat and passing out again. It must be nice to get to sleep all of the way home, dad though. Even though no one was paying attention to the girl in the back, she just continued repeating the same thing over and over to herself. "Max and Myles, Max and Myles..."

"Max...Maxxxxxxxx..." The shepherd cracked open his eyes to the sound of someone calling his name. Leaning over the half asleep dog that was lying on his back was the once second grader, now a fifth grader. She wore skinny jeans and a colorful tee-shirt with her local schools name across it. Silver Pine Middle School. Silver Pine was a county started by pioneers hundreds of years ago. The land was great for trapping and hunting and before long trading posts popped up along with a community of settlers around it. One of the traders wanted a name for his post that would set him apart from the rest. After a storm in the middle of winter, everything had a layer of ice covering, and when the morning light hit the pine trees around the area, they glowed like priceless silver. With waves of inspiration hitting the man, he carved Silver Pine Trader above the front door of his shop. His business didn't see that much more activity as the other shops around even with the new name. One day when he went out to check some of his traps wearing a coat that was made from some of the critters that he caught with those traps. Unfortunately the coat made the trader look so much like an animal that a local hunter with bad eyesight mistaken him for one and shot him with their musket. It was a sad end for the man, but the community named the small town after his shop and the rest is history.

"It's time to get up." The kid said to her dog. She gave him a gentle scratch on his neck before leaving him in her room. Max rolled onto his belly and took a look around his very familiar surroundings. His pet bed was between the child's fluffy soft bed and her oak wood dresser. A floor mirror sat at the far side of their room surrounded by trunks overflowing with toys. She had some shelves hanging from the paw print walls were completely covered with various types of animals but mainly dogs. A cork board hung up beside their room's door with pictures of the young girl with her friends. There were also pictures of her dressed as a princess with what looked like a dragon at the end of a red leash and another one of her gathering colored eggs as Max followed her around with her basket in his muzzle. But the picture that stood out the most was smack dab in the center. In the photo was the kid sitting on the top step of their front porch with her arms wrapped around Max's neck. It was taken over a year ago, but now he is three years old and just getting more handsome every day.

Everything in her room reflected how much she loved animals... and pink. Everything was pink! Her bed sheets, pillows, carpet, walls (with the exception of the black paw prints), even his pet bed was pink! One of the nice perks of being a dog aside from never having to work a day in their life, and free room and board, was being color blind.

"Come on Max!" Her voice echoed from outside of his room. "It's time to eat!"

Max leaped to all fours. Another great perk of being a dog. Food. He bolted out of his room, through the hallway, down the stairs, past the living room, and into the kitchen. There it was... by the island counter surrounded by humans was his Holy Grail. It was a red bowl with bold white letters that spelled out M-A-X on its side. He went flying towards his humans and came to a sliding stop in the puppy play pose with his bowl in between his front legs. Max's owners blended his food with the perfect combination of wet and dry dog food. Every bit was delicious, even the peas from his country stew can food that popped in his muzzle. In between mouthfuls of his divine breakfast, he could hear his humans talking over him.

"You had better get out there or you'll miss the bus sweat pea." Dad said over the sound of dog food being crunched and his wrinkly newspaper (<- What is that?).

"Ok dad..." His daughter groaned. She walked around the island counter, gathering all of her school supplies. All this movement around Max didn't distract him from his task at paw and seconds later he heard a door close shut from their family room. He cleared out his food bowl until there was nothing more than slobbers in it.

"I'm off to work honey and don't forget Myles has a vet appointment this morning." Mom said to her husband. Max looked up at his owners in time to see them give each other a peck on the lips. No matter how much Animal Planet or Nat Geo Wild, he has never seen any other animals that squish their lips together and make an odd sound when they do it. Humans were unique in that way. The closest Max had ever got to doing that was when he licked some can food off of the side of Myles's muzzle back when they were both puppies.

"I'll see you this evening." Dad said to his wife. She grabbed her handbag from the counter before heading for the same door their daughter used in the family room. Max abandoned his food bowl and raced his owner to the door and positioned himself under its knob. He gave his tail a slight wag for added cuteness.

"You need to go out boy?" Mom asked in her baby talk voice. Max whuffed softly as a response to her question. The quiet bark really didn't mean anything, but the humans always seemed to enjoy it. As expected, she smiled reached over him, and pulled open the door. Mom kept the screen door and storm door held open until Max was out on the front porch. She patted the shepherd on the head before going down the stairs to her black sedan on the other side of a chain link fence. She carefully avoided the silver SUV as backed out of their driveway. She waved at her daughter who was waiting just outside the fence for her bus to reach her stop. When the bus's flashing lights and pop out stops sign caught mom, she rolled her window down and began shouting I LOVE YOU to her child. Her daughter shielded her face with a book as she escaped the embarrassing situation to the safety of her bus. Max would have seen kids lined up along the suburban streets if he would have been let out sooner, but most of them were already on the bus. Both vehicles went their separate ways through the suburbs when the bus's flashing lights stopped.

"How goes your morning mutt?" Someone asked out of the blue. Max followed it to a Black cat lying lazily on the porches railing. She had one of her front legs and tail draped over the side of it.

"Good." Max said to the sleepy feline. "How's the day been treating you Kat?"

"Living the dream..." She purred. Dreaming is all she does with as much as she sleeps in a day. Even now Kat could barely keep her green eyes open.

"I know this is kind of a dumb question, but have you seen the husky this morning?" Max asked. Kat just closed her eyes and began to drift off. She had reached the end of her attention span. He had to pull he back in if he wanted any answers out of her. "He's got a vet appointment this morning and I need to get him rounded up before then, so have you seen him at all?"

"...No..." Max gave a heavy sigh of frustration. He was kind of hoping Kat would cut down on his search time, but she was as helpful as ever. "The kid took some dog food around back this morning, so you could leave me alone and go look over there..."

"Fine." Max growled as he went down the porch's steps to get away from the cranky feline. The early morning sun made the shallow cover of dew sparkle in its light. He didn't mind getting his paws wet since he was so used to them getting wet when his owners gave him baths. Out of the corner of his eye, Max caught a glimpse of another dog passing by the chain link fence as he was heading around back. He quickly stopped his pursuit of Myles to get the familiar dogs attention. "What's going on Fable?"

The young black and white Border collie stopped in his tracks and dropped a single white tulip from his black speckled muzzle. Max approached Fable, but the fence kept them from sniffing one another's butts. "I'm off to meet Lieu at the park."

"Aww... puppy love." Max teased. Fable looked down at his paws when the shepherd started making human kissing noises at him. It wasn't odd for canines around the area to meet up at the local park. It was only a few blocks away from Max's home and when school was in, it was like a ghost town on an old western movie. But instead of tumble weeds it was the occasional jogger or rouge squirrel bouncing around. On weekends and in the afternoon after school was when it was the most active with families. Humans, dogs, and squirrels weren't the only things visiting the park. Some woodland critters would wander out onto park grounds since it was right up against the forest. Members of the community have petitioned city hall to construct a fence around the park. City folk didn't seem to like the idea of wild animals running amuck around their park. "What's the deal with the flower?"

"It's a present for Lieu." Fable answered. "I figured girls liked flowers more than dead animals for gifts."

"True." Max agreed while nodding his head. "But you could have also given her a squeaky toy or dog treat."

"You think my owners would get me any toys?" The Border collie asked. Max just continued nodding his head. He's meet Fable's owners and Neanderthahals isn't a big enough word to describe them. They breed like jackrabbits and own one of the worst eyesores of a home just a block and a half away from the shepherd's home. They weren't the sort of people that had any business owning a dog let alone four children. "I caught the mailman on the way through and he tossed me a biscuit, but it got soggy and fell apart in my mouth. So I grabbed this flower from some old person's lawn. I hope she likes it."

"Girls like that kind of thing." Max pointed out.

"Maybe humans, but I don't know about dogs." Fable said, still clearly unsure.

"She will like it as long as it comes from you." Max said to reassure his friend. Fable started wagging his tail and looking around at the shadows.

"Well... I'm running a little late, so I'll catch you later and let you know how things went." Fable said before gently scooping up his tulip and started for the park again. Max put his front legs on the fence where his head was just over the top of it.

"Go get her stud!" Max barked to the dog disappearing from view. He could get back to his search for Myles now that the Border collie gone. The shepherd padded around back of his home and looked for the missing dog in his usual spots. He wasn't lying underneath his favorite shade tree or chilling out near the shrubs lined up along the back chain link fence. All that was left for Max to check in was Myles's custom made blue dog house. He peaked into the entrance hole on the far left of the front of it. It was empty. Myles's blue food bowl had his name in white bold letter printed on the side was still filled to the brim with kibble. He definitely wasn't home this morning and probably never even came home last night. "Where is that mutt?"

Finding him would be a breeze if the husky couldn't get more than twenty feet away from his dog house. Myles didn't like being tied down, so he kept ripping out the bolt that held his chain to the box. Several splintered holes of failed attempts to hold him lined up the bottom frame of his dog house. If he's not here, then he must be outside the fence, Max thought to himself. He abandoned the empty structure and padded over to the bushes, pressed himself up against the fence, and slide back behind the foliage. Behind all of the leaves was a clear spot wide enough for a single dog to stand. Hidden in this spot was a shallow trench leading underneath the chain link fence that Myles dug out a long time ago so he could get away. Now both canines use it to get out and stretch their legs. Having to drag his undercarriage against the filthy ground never set well with Max. Unfortunately it was the only safe way to leave their yard without getting caught. Their neighbor called the dog catcher a couple of times when Myles scaled the fence his first few times. She didn't mean any harm, but a dog his size would scare anybody, especially an old lady who has nothing better to do then watch her neighbors all day. She knew everyone's business and was the first person to call the police if anything was strange. Her nosiness made her better than what most burglar alarms could do.

Max sucked in his gut as he crawled underneath the chain link fence. He picked up the faint scent of Myles outside of the yard, but since the husky spends most of his time out in the woods, his earthly scent blends in with the forest. That made it a pain for the novice tracker to hunt him down. Max went into the woods and followed his buddies light scent through many mazes of thin trails made by forest critters and the husky himself.

"God I hope my flea and tick repellent is working." Max growled to himself as he tiptoed down the trail. This terrain was hell on his paws. Every acorn or twig that poked his soft pads felt like a needle stabbing them. After traveling nearly a quarter of a mile through the rough woods, Max came to a horrid sight. Lined up before him was a tone of spruce trees... AKA, Mother Nature's porcupines. To top it off, Myles's scent went straight though the wall of pointy death. Max already knew there wasn't any way around them since this wasn't his first time being out here to retrieve his friend. The cursed trees circled a boulder that Myles likes to hang out at. The shepherd had a spot where one of the wizard hat shaped trees branches were slightly higher off of the ground. Again, he lowered himself down and crawled underneath his selected pine tree. Max flattened his ears against his head to help keep the green spikes from poking his brain as he crawled forward. Why Myles would go through this torture was beyond the shepherd's comprehension. He was getting stabbed in the face and back from the ones still hanging and at the same time, his belly was getting the same treatment from the brown blanket of fallen dried needles. When he was about to crawl out from under his tunnel of pain, he paused. About thirty feet or so away was a large grey and white husky curled up with his back against an even larger boulder. Myles had his head down in between his hind legs just going to town on himself.

"What have we got here?" Max whispered to himself as he quietly came out from underneath the pine trees while keeping his eyes on the blue collared canine. "Where is your plus one?"

He scanned the area around Myles's boulder, but the distracted husky and him were the only two there. Maybe she bounced away already? Even if that was the case, Max has never cleaned himself so vigorously after a humping secession as his friend was doing to himself now. Simple licks should be more than enough to mop up his mess, but for some reason, Myles slide most of his fully erect cock into his muzzle. His glistening red knot was the only visible thing left of his genitals. Max was running out of time and need to get Myles back home, but not before he has some fun first. Crouched down like a lion stalking a gazelle, he crept forward. Just a foot away from his distracted friend, the shepherd stood silently... for a second.

"BOO!" Max barked. Myles yelped as he scrambled on all fours with the fur along his back standing up, his blue eyes were wide open, and his erection swinging between his hind legs.

"What the heck are you doing here Max!?" Myles demanded when he realized it was just the mischievous shepherd.

"To remind you for the seventh day in a row, that you have a vet appointment today." Max pointed out to the husky. His friend uncomfortably twisted and turned his body to try and block the shepherd's view. Max countered his attempts by staying at his ten and two o-clock. "We got a human at home waiting to haul you off, but you would rather be out here fooling around with someone instead of-"

"I wasn't fooling around with anybody." Myles growled. That quickly stopped the shepherd's rant. Now that Max was thinking about it, he didn't smell another canine's scent before he confronted Myles. With as many females the shepherd had been with, he would have easily picked up their scent on Myles, especially if they were in heat, but the husky still smelled like dirt.

"Then what were you doing?" Max pried. This whole situation peaked his interest.

"I'm not talking about it house pet." Myles snapped clearly butt hurt over the simple question. "If I am needed at home then lead the way."

"I don't think I'm very comfortable having a horny hound behind me." Max pointed out.

"Move." Myles growled back with his ears pined to the back of his head. All bark and no bite, the shepherd thought to himself. Aggravating Myles had become easier than treeing cats for Max. All he had to do was use big words or jokes, but overall, he just needed to be difficult with the proud husky. Max gave the enormous rock on last glance. It had a pair of claw marks on the side of it made by something with five toes. They weren't there before, but it has been a few months since he had been out here. He shook off the strange claw markings and led his friend through the wall of pines.

"You're lost." Myles pointed out after ten minutes of wandering around the woods. Max had one hell of a time tracking him down and his skills for back tracking weren't any better.

"It would help if you would walk in straight lines." Max barked back to the husky. Myles padded ahead of him after a few more twists and turns.

"Follow me." The husky growled as he led them off of the beaten path. His cock was now safely tucked away in his sheath as they both passed over bushes and saplings. "Are you tagging along on this trip to the vet?"

"I'm up to date on my shots, so as much fun as it would be to see you freak out, I'll just stay home." Max admitted as he tried to match his friends pace and not to look under his lifted sickle shaped tail. It wasn't a very bad looking ass, but Myles probably wouldn't want someone checking him out. Especially with the morning he is going to be having.

"I wish you were." Myles sighed. "It sucks going there alone."

"Aww." The shepherd panted. He sped up his trot to catch up with the lead dog. "Do you need me there to hold your paw when they poke you in the rump with a needle?"

"Not what I meant." He growled back to Max. "A poke in the ass is nothing compared to sitting in the waiting room there. Most of the other pets there are freaking out like they are about to be put down. The rest of them are just... odd. Especially the old human's pets."

"Why do you think Kat is so weird?" Max asked. When her previous owners got too old and senile to care for her, their owners adopted her. Kat didn't have a difficult time adjusting to her new home. She went from sleeping in a recliner to sleeping on patio furniture on the front porch. Max started to get a little anxious after a few more minutes of pushing through the forest. There would be trouble if their owners caught them outside of the fence. "How much further have we got to go?"

"Not much." Myles answered as he kept his brisk pace.

"In the meantime, do you want to talk about what you were doing back-"

"No." He snapped to interrupt Max again. Myles stopped and got inches from the shepherd's muzzle with a not to happy look on his face. "And I would rather you never speak of it again."

"Ok, a new topic then." Max said when his aggravated friend continued to lead them to their home. He padded up beside the uptight husky to keep him from marching to far ahead. "Should we go over the rules about leaving the yard?"

"We've been over that a thousand times." Myles grumbled. Another one of his favorite subjects.

"And clearly we need to go over it a thousand and one times." Max pointed out. They made a pact to help keep Myles from going stir crazy by finding safe ways of him getting out of the yard. Max would keep his ears open when he was around their owners and inform the husky when they were leaving and when they might get back. Their owners would leave at dawn and return in the afternoon for five days in a row. The next few days were wildcards. They never knew if they were going to be home or not, especially on days they called holidays. When the humans were gone, Myles would head out and do what he does in the woods and the shepherd would scout around the neighborhood for potential females in heat. Nothing surprised pet owners more than their dog popping out brown and black puppies. Freedom is great, but all it takes to derail the system is a hard headed husky. "I told you every day for a week that you had this appointment."

"I know..." Myles admitted. "I just got side tracked this morning and forgot."

"I'll say..." Max quietly whispered to himself as their home came into view. Max and Myles quietly waited underneath the shade tree when they got back in their yard. All the shepherd could picture in his head when he glanced over to his friend was the scene at the boulder. Max had a city full of girls that fall for his charm and good looks, so he never needed to use his muzzle to get off. Maybe Myles didn't have any game, but there was a handsome dog underneath that layer of dirt. If he could get out of his shell and not shy away from anything with a pulse, he wouldn't need to use his muzzle as an alternate pooch.

"Do you know what they have planned for me at the vet?" The husky asked, breaking the silence. It was Max's job to bridge the worlds of their owners and them together since he could mostly understand what their saying.

"You're just getting a general checkup and revaccination." Max answered.

"Great..." The husky mumbled.

"Myles!" Their human hollered from the front porch.

"Great..." He mumbled again as he got up. "Time to go and get this crap over with..."

"I'll be here when you get back." Max said to his friend. Myles padded around to the front of the yard and tucked his tail in between his hind legs when their owner reached out and attached a blue leash to his matching collar. He reluctantly followed the human out of the yard and into the back hatch of the silver SUV. With everyone off of the property, Max went up a set of stairs, and into his home through his doggie door that was attached to the laundry room. He dodged a laundry basket full of dirty laundry and ran through the kitchen to get to the family room. In the dead center of the room was his seat of power. A black leather sofa. Many cows lost their lives to give Max a comfortable place to set his ass when he watched television. He took a seat on the far left side of his thrown and poked a number on the remote beside him with his nose to change channels. The large flat screen T.V. mounted above the living room's fireplace, switched channels every time he pressed a button. He hoped up on his hind legs to try and dance with Ellen DeGeneres at one point during his channel surfing. But his mind went to other places when commercials and infomercials came on. Mainly his own crouch. Max hadn't been with a female in several months and his tip would often poke out because of that. Maybe Myles was onto something. It would be a great way to relive himself during his dry spells. Only problem was he had never done it before and he only seen his friend doing it to himself for a minute. Feeling a bit aroused today (probably from all of the dancing), Max decided to try and reenact what Myles was doing at the boulder. A few licks at his sheath and a banging sound stopped him cold.

"I'm home!" Dad yelled as he walked into the living room.

"I wasn't doing anything!" Max barked at the intruder after he quickly withdrew his muzzle. Dad just patted his dog on his head before retrieving his suitcase from the black leather recliner in the corner and left their home. Awkwardness hit the shepherd as the home fell silent once more. Then another thing hit him. "If he just got home, then Myles should be home too."

Max got up from his black leather thrown and exited through his doggie door. It didn't take very long for him to find the large husky lying motionless underneath his shade tree in the back.

"Are you alive?" Max asked the potentially dead husky from the back doors steps.

"Is that you Max!" Myles whined. He then began flopping and flailing around like a freshly caught trout.

"It's me!" Max barked as he ran over to his friend in distress. "What's the matter?"

"They poked me a lot." Myles whined. He settled down a bit when the shepherd got over to him. His tongue hung out of the side of his muzzle and a small puddle of drool already formed under it.

"And with the good stuff from the looks of it." Max pointed out to his doped up friend. "Why would they need to knock you out for a simple checkup?"

"They played with my mouth before they poked me in my butt." Myles panted. Max moved around to the husky's head and took a closer look at his grey muzzle.

"Could you try and snarl for a second?" The shepherd asked. Myles rolled up his chops and let out more of a sluggish whine instead of a growl. Where there was once yellow plaque near his pink gums, now he had pearly white teeth and fresh minty breath. "They cleaned your champers."

"Is that why my mouth feels so funny?" Max just nodded down at him. "Could you stay here until I get to feeling better? I would like someone here in case something happens."

"I'm sure you will be fine." The shepherd pointed out to his friend. Myles let out a quiet whine. As much as he would like to go and watch more T.V., the husky was afraid of being alone. Max didn't want him to start flopping around, so he decided it would be best to hang around. "Cause I'll be here to watch over you."

"Good..." Myles sluggishly said. Max padded around to the doped up hound's back and lied down alongside him. Not wanting to use his paws for pillows, the shepherd laid his head down on the nearest soft thing... Myles's rump. It was surprisingly soft for as toned and hard as it looked. The owner of the rump picked up his head in response to the new pressure on it. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just using your butt as a pillow until the drugs wear off." Max answered. Myles rambled something off, but didn't protest loud enough to keep the shepherd from falling asleep.

Myles woke up underneath his favorite shade tree with a stinging pain in his rear end from all of those fun shots, but there was also a slight pressure there. His head felt like it was weighed down with sand bags as he lifted it up to see what was going on. Passed out and using his butt like a cushion was the annoying German shepherd. Not something he wanted to wake up to after this morning.

"Hey." He growled, but Max didn't even stir one bit. Myles finally got him to open his eyes when he lifted himself up onto his weak front legs. "What are you doing?"

"I'm babysitting." The tired shepherd answered with a yawn. Myles almost lost his balance from his rubbery bones when both canines staggered to all fours. "You were doped up and afraid of being left alone out here. Don't you remember?"

"Very little..." The husky admitted. "Most of the stuff I remember was before they started stabbing me. But... umm... thanks for watching me... I guess."

"No problem." Max simple answered to his awkward gratitude. Then they both just stood there in silence which was difficult for Myles since he was still in a groggy state. He wobbled around like a coffee table with a short leg. Why won't he say anything, the husky thought to himself. Normally Max never shuts up. This wasn't like him at all. Was he on some kind of meds as well?

"Are you all right?" Myles asked him.

"I'm good." Max answered. He was wagging his tail the whole time. "How are you holding up?"

"My ass hurts and I feel like I got hit by a car." Myles pointed out. "Otherwise I'm all right."

"That's good." The shepherd simple said back.

"I think I am going to hit the hay." Myles said before another awkward silence started. It wasn't very late in the evening, but after his embarrassing morning and fun trip to the vet, lying down in his dog house sounded like heaven to him. With a fake yawn, he staggered over to his dog box and collapsed down in it with just his head poking out of the entrance.

"Hey!" Max barked before Myles could even close his eyes and enjoy the silence.

"Crap..." He growled under his breath. So much for peace and quiet, he thought to himself as the shepherd padded over to his box. "Yes?"

"Why don't we hang out more Myles?" Max bluntly asked the sore dog. It was quite an odd question and Myles was fairly certain that was the first time he had ever said his name.

"I don't know..."The husky mumbled. They did just hang out even though he doesn't remember most of it do to his drugged up state. "You live in there and I live out here. I like dirt and you don't. We are complete opposites from one another."

"Kind of like that song." Max said. Myles tilted his head at the strange dog. "You know, I take two steps forward you take two steps back, we come together because opposites attract, you know it ain't fiction, it's a natural fact, we come together because op-posites attract. That's kind of like us."

"Do me a favor." The husky said. Max quickly nodded his head. "Never do whatever that was ever again."

"Oh, come on!" The shepherd whined. "We have plenty of time in between when our owners leave and get home to hang out. Not to mention-"

"Then don't!" Myles barked over him. If he had the strength to lift his paws up to his head, he would cover his ears to shut out the pest. Right as Max was about to open his muzzle again, Myles added. "But we'll try this... thing tomorrow. I'm too tired to put up with you now."

"Ok!" Max barked before he bounded in a circle and then off towards the house's back door. He disappeared through a smaller flap on the door, but only for a second before his head reemerged from it. "Good night!"

"I'm going to regret this..." Myles growled at himself when the shepherd was finally gone.

Myles dreamt that night in his dog box that he was sprinting through the forest hot on the trail of a speedy hare. He darted around trees with all of the speed and agility he could muster up to keep his prey in sight. The thrill of the hunt and feeling of the wind on his face was like a rush for him, but just as he was gaining ground between him and the cotton tail, everything quickly faded to darkness. In this dark world there was only the sound of distant birds and something else... something annoying.

"Myles?" It echoed. The husky didn't even bother opening his eyes to the voice.

"What Max?" He growled at his alarm clock.

"We were going to hang out today." Max answered. Myles cracked open his eyes and took a glance around at everything outside of his dog box. The sky was barley lite up and the stars were still visible from how early it was.

"The sun is hardly even up." Myles pointed out to the shepherd. Max just sat in front of him and taped his tail against the ground. "Can't we do this a little later when the rest of the planet is awake?"

"We could..." Max muttered sounding a little hurt. "But I was already up and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I figured we could start hanging out early."

"Fine..." Myles grumbled as he crawled out of his box. His back and joints in his legs popped and cracked when he stretched himself out. He was three years old, but all his running around since he was a yapper makes him feel more like thirteen then three. "So how do we do this?"

"Do what?" Max asked back.

"Hanging out." Myles answered to the shepherd cocking his head. "I have never done it before."

"Really!?" Max barked as he stepped back in shock. "It's fairly easy. We just pick a spot, stay there, and then talk, play, or do something like that."

"Play?" The husky asked. His alarm clock dropped the front part of his body to the ground and left his hind end up in the air. The classic puppy play pose. The husky never played, even when he was a puppy. Any time they did rustle around, the shepherd started it and lost every time. Myles just shook his head at the odd canine. "No playing."

"Alright." Max growled as he stood back up. "What do you want to do then?"

"I don't know..." He muttered. A lot of questions flew through his head. Why was this so hard? Why did he say that he would do this? Why was Max so eager to do something he had a few years to ask Myles to do with him? All this thinking made his head hurt. He needed some time to wake up and find a way out of this whole hanging out business. "Let's start with talking here until our humans get up and leave."

"Sure!" Max barked. So the shepherd talked on and on and on about the weather, shows on television, gossip around their neighborhood, and all the crap Kat does. Myles mostly stayed quiet and would occasionally chime in, but it was mainly to ask who or what Max was talking about. A human stopped by during their one-way conversation and dumped some dog food onto his bowl that was still full of kibble from yesterday before she trotted back into the house. Max moved the topic over to the husky after their owners left and light started peaking over their neighbor's house.

"So... what do you like to do when you're out here all by yourself?" The shepherd asked. Myles was always a better listener than a talker, but now he was pulled out into the clearing.

"I don't know..." He muttered. The conversation was actually quite pleasant to him up until it was his turn to talk. Recalling everything in his life would never sound as interesting as what goes on in a single day of Max's life. "I sometimes chase tree rats, splash around in creaks, or take naps. Stuff like that."

"AND?" Max added. Myles just tilted his head at him. Everything he did was never planned ahead of time. He just took it a day at a time. "You know, when you're alone."

"When I'm-"Myles started, but stopped when he caught onto what the shepherd was hinting. He jumped up and snapped at the annoying canine. "What did I say to you before they hauled me off to the vet yesterday!?"

"That you would rather I never spoke of it." Max calmly said.

"And what are you doing?"

"I didn't mean to get you all riled up over a simple question." Max whined. He seemed sincere and concerned, but Myles was too busy being butt hurt over the re-opening of his embarrassing wound to notice.

"It happens when you bring up stuff I don't want to talk about." The husky growled. "Did you want to hang out just to tease and make fun of me?"

"No, not at all!" The shepherd whimpered as Myles stepped forward with his new shinny teeth bared. "I was just wondering why."

"Because some of us aren't lucky enough to have humans that would toss a bitch over the fence for us!" Myles snarled as he marched past the shepherd.

"Myles!" Max barked, but he didn't pursue him. "Where are you going?"

"Away." The husky growled back still stomping towards the bushes. "So don't follow me house pet."

"Myles don't go!" The shepherd barked, but Myles slipped underneath his hole in the fence and ran off into the woods.

It has been three days since Myles has ran away and his owners have almost given up the search, but Max hasn't. He has been there every step of the way. Friday morning when they realized he was missing, mom and daughter went on with their usual routine, but dad and Max hopped into The SUV and cruised around town looking for him. The shepherd was barking Myles name out of the window for the whole ride, however after a few hours they found nothing. Dad dropped off hi co-pilot at home before rushing to work. Max checked the woods in his friends' usual hangout spots, but those spots came up with nothing as well.

On Saturday his humans went door to door asking everybody if they had seen any signs of Myles. Max tagged along with them to question their pets, but both sources turned up nothing. Even the old woman next door saw nothing. He did a quick run of the woods again when his owners went to check the local pound. Still no signs of him. Max found a squirrel and tried to question it about the husky's whereabouts. The tree rat just called him some harsh names and then scurried off.

Now it's Sunday morning and the humans were out posting Missing pet signs all around town. Myles's photos were a few years old, but everyone was hoping it would get the ball rolling on finding their lost boy. Max spent the night in Myles's dog house just in case he showed up at any point. It wasn't very uncomfortable, but the husky never showed up and the kibble in his food bowl hasn't even been touched.

"Please come home Myles..." Max whispered to the food bowl. His friend could be in a pound a few counties over, or attacked by rabid dogs, or eaten by a dragon or something like that. Max curled up in a ball out front of Myles's dog house after exhausting all of his options for finding him and literally exhausted himself from lack of sleep and not eating for the past few days. He passed out and dreamt that he was inside lying in the center of his black leather sofa watching T.V. The only good thing on was some cheese romance show. A wet nose poked Max in the ear making him tilt his head back to address his companion. Both cuddling canines took turns licking each other's muzzles. Past its grey and white muzzle were its blue eyes max felt drawn to. Its eyes matched its blue collar which had a tag dangling from it that read-

"Myles!" Max barked as he scrambled to his paws. Franticly he looked around his surroundings for any movement. His owners still weren't home and there wasn't anybody else in the yard other than himself. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, but only for a second before the awkwardness of his dream set in. It raised so many questions. Did he have feelings for Myles like that in reality? Is that why he missed him so much and couldn't eat or sleep over him missing? Did he have a stiffy? Max peaked down between his hind legs and he could see the tip of his cock poking out of his sheath. "Great..."

These past several days have wreaked havoc on his emotions. Five days ago, their longest interaction was when he told Myles he had a vet appointment the next day. Now all he could think about was the husky and it showed. Max didn't get much sleep, but his friend was there when he did. He hadn't been hungry enough to eat the past few days and he couldn't get comfortable when he tried to relax in front of the T.V. Max's life was miserable without Myles.

With an erection and nothing better to do, Max buried his muzzle in between his hind legs. After getting himself worked up several days ago and not getting to finish up made him feel pent up. Anyone from a distance could have mistaken his act for simple cleaning, but more blood pumped into his organ with each pass of his tongue. Max slide his member into his muzzle to unsheathe it all the way before his knot got too swollen. His cock was fully erect and his nose bumped into his knot with each pass after several minutes into his fun time. Each bob of his head felt great, but it didn't feel as good as any females pooch would. It also wasn't the quickest way to get off. However it was a great way to blow away time and get lost in the moment. So lost that the world around him drifted away. Only two things could break him out of his trance. Achieving orgasm or-

"BOO!" Max leaped to his paws with his fur bristled up and cock bouncing. Standing before him was the large grey and white husky with a sly smile. Max was overcome with joy and a twinge of embarrassment with Myles there. "Sucks when it happens to you, doesn't-"

"MYLES!" The shepherd howled as he tackled his friend to the earth. He furiously licked every inch of the pinned down husky's face. Myles threw his head from side to side to try and avoid tongue, but that only gave it another target.

"Please get off of me!" Myles pleaded. Max got a few more good licks in before letting the slobber covered canine up. "Ugh... It's even worse when I think about where your mouth just was."

"I'm so sorry Myles." Max said. "Not for the spit, but for the last time we talked."

"I think that was more me then you..." Myles muttered. It must have been hard for him to admit that he acted like a butt, but Max wasn't going to point that out to him.

"So back to being friends?" The shepherd asked.

"We were friends?" Myles asked back with his head cocked

"Of course!" Max barked. "We even had our first big fight."

"I was the one doing all of the growling and-"

"I'm glad you are back." The shepherd said to interrupt his friend from taking responsibility for their fight. They both locked eyes for a moment. Myles blue eyes sent butterflies fluttering around his stomach. His dog of his dreams was just inches away. Now he was going to dig his claws into the husky and never let go again. "I mean it. Please don't run off like that again."

"I won't." Myles said with a grin. That was the first time Max had ever seen him make a toothy smile. He would like to see that bright shining light from his friend more. Every day if he could.

"Dew claw promise?" Max asked him with an out stretched front leg.

"A little old for this aren't we?" Myles asked, but the shepherd just kept his leg extended. With a sigh, the husky reached out one of his legs and hooked their claws together. The deal was done with a single pump like a human handshake. "Won't matter much... When the humans realize I'm home, they will plug up the hole and strap me to my dog box."

"Oh, that reminds me." Max said when a human light source went on over his head. He padded over to the front gate with his dick securely tucked away in its sheath. He flipped the gates latch up with his nose and bumped it open with his rump before turning to Myles with an over exaggerated gasp. "Someone left the gate open!"

"What?" The confused husky asked.

"It's easy." Max started. "I kicked open the gate before the humans got home the day you left. That made it look like someone left it open and that was how you got out. They blamed dad for you getting out since he was last one to leave and he felt so guilty that he has been the one mainly looking for you."

"So they think I got out this way and now they should think that this was how I got back in?" Myles asked. He seemed a little unsure about the plan, but it was only possible that the humans would accidently forget to latch the gate since they left home so quickly.

"Yep!" Max enthusiastically barked. He hoped it would rub off on his friend. "And now they shouldn't need to replace you."

"They were going to replace me?" Myles asked a little hurt.

"Mom mentioned the horrible idea of getting another cat." The shepherd said. The thought of there being another Kat almost made him throw up in his mouth. "But the kid fought tooth and claw to not give up on the search for you. It was her idea to go house to house asking about you. She even made up the posters that their hanging around town as we speak. She cares about you. I care about you. We all care about you."

"Max..." The husky whispered.

"Mutt is home." Kat meowed as she trotted past them on her way to the front porch.

"Most of us care about you." Max said correcting himself. With Myles still distracted by Kat, the shepherd decided to act on his feelings. If he was going to dream about the husky when he got his very little sleep and not eat because he missed him like crazy, Max was going to see if Myles felt the same way. He leaned forward and gave the husky a lick on his muzzle. The butterflies in his stomach turned into elephants stomping around his chest. Myles slowly turned his head to face the affectionate canine. He didn't seem disgusted... just puzzled.

"Did I have some food on my muzzle?" He asked. Max quickly tried to come up with an excuse for the lick since Myles didn't pick up on what it meant.

"No-no, I-"Before he could get his excuse out, Myles lunged forward with his head tilted sideways and locked his muzzle around Max's muzzle. This wasn't how Max thought it would go, but it was certainly a lot better. He opened his mouth a little bit wider so his tongue could join in the whirlwind of spit the husky was creating. Four days after his teeth were cleaned and he still had a minty taste in his mouth. Max broke away from the heated moment when he nearly turned blue in the face from lack of oxygen because of Myles sneak attack

"Where... did you learn that?" The flustered and breathless shepherd asked.

"I sometimes watch your box with humans on it through the windows." Myles answered after he licked off their joined slobbers from his muzzle. It was surprising to Max that his friend even had a slight interest in anything involving the house or humans. Maybe he knew more than he was leading on?

"You know, I learned a thing or two from Animal Planet." Max pointed out to his very good friend. He stepped forward and buried his face into the husky's thick furred neck. Myles stood like a statue as he got rubbed on all over. Max could see the husky's curled up tail wagging over his back and underneath him in a sea of white fur was a single red point. That kiss got the blood pumping in him and in Max as well. The shepherd then felt hot air blowing in his ear during his rub down. Was Myles going to say something? Maybe like ohh or care to show me. Anything to add to this heated moment.

"...What's Animal Planet?" Myles whispered. Clearly he doesn't watch _THAT_much T.V. Max chomped down on his blue collar and dragged him away from the fence. "Where are we going?"

"To you dog house." Max mumbled with the collar still in his mouth. "So I can show you what I picked up over the years."

Hearing all of that made the husky's fluffy ears perk up and it went from Max leading him to his dog box to the other way around. That hidden sled pulling ability came out in full force and about pulled out some of his teeth. Max released his collar to avoid messing up his pretty smile and the husky bolted into his dog box.

"Eager!?" Max barked at the small scale home. He stepped into the entrance way where he could see Myles lying on his back with his head pointing towards the opening. Not a word came from either canine as Max leaned down and gave his romantic interest a few licks on the cheek before stepping over him. This angle gave him a good view of Myles's sheath, balls, and tail sweeping across the straw bedding. Poking out of its fuzzy cocoon was his most prized possession and all it need was a little coaxing to revile itself.

"How are we going to do this?" Max asked the inverted canine. He still wasn't all too sure about what to do when they were both ready. All he needed to do with bitches was get them slobbered up, climb onto their backs, and go to town. But he wasn't sure what to do with males. Did they go off in each other's muzzles or take turns on each other? Did they tie or keep their knots outside? Animal Planet can only provide so much information...

Instead of responding with words, Myles wrapped his front legs around Max's rear end and pulled him closer to his muzzle. The husky went from the tip of the shepherds cock to his fuzzy balls with one long slide of his tongue. That sent a shiver down the standing canine's spine. His first few tries to get off with his muzzle never gave him a sensation like that. Maybe he wasn't skilled enough with his tongue yet. Or maybe it was because Myles was there. Either way, the ice had been broken and melted by his friend's heated actions over words.

Max still wasn't sure about what to do, but since Myles seemed to know what he was doing, the shepherd figured it would be best to follow his lead... for now. He lowered his head down to the husky's spread legs and began gently licking at his exposed tip. One slap of his tongue after the next made Myles's cock began to swell up and exposing more of itself. Max slide the huskies entire length into his muzzle to keep his knot from getting trapped in his sheath from its rapid growth. Myles gave a quick buck with his hips. Max didn't know if it was to help aid him in unsheathing his friend or if it was because Max was doing that good of a job. But the more experienced canine was already ahead of the game by unsheathing Max and getting his climax building up. Each slide of the husky's muzzle felt like magic to him. On the verge of unloading into his friend, Max moved his rear end out from over Myles, but kept own mouth working on the other canine's cock. Myles lost control over the standing canine's member, so now he could only lay there and enjoy. And enjoy he did.

Myles curled up his front legs like a tree rat and panted and whined as Max tried to mimic his moves on his fully erect member. Slobbery swirls of his tongue and steady bobs with his head. The shepherd could see his friend out of the corner of his eye lying there with his eyes shut and licking at his chops in between pants. Thank goodness for long muzzles otherwise he wouldn't be able to take in most of Myles's doghood. His nose would barely bump into the husky's knot with each pass and his cold nose only seamed to get him worked up. Myles's pants and whines soon turned into grunts and moans as he started bucking his hips more frequently. He was getting close. Very close.

"Oh, Max!" Myles howled as he thrusted even harder into the shepherd's muzzle. Max released his cock since he didn't want their fun to end so soon. Or with whiplash from his powerful thrusts. Like a magician snapping their fingers, Myles's eyes shot open. All the while his hips were still moving. "Why did you stop?"

Max stepped away from the whimpering dog and without a word, he taped the straw bedding in front of him with a paw. Myles caught the hint and rolled on to his belly before standing up. Directly in front of Max under the curved tail was his target. As much as he would love to taste his first male, the shepherd wanted to take things as far as they would go and Myles wasn't complaining. He leaned forward and gave the husky a long lick from the tip of his dangling cock all the way to his pucker. Myles held his ground as he got his anus lubed up, but pushed back when the tongue pierced his tail hole. Max rested his head on his friend's rump when his tail hole was sufficiently slobbered up.

"Are you ready for this?" The horny Shepherd asked the other horny hound.

"Start off slow." Myles requested.

"I'll start off slow." The shepherd agreed. But you're all mine after that, Max thought to himself as he slide up onto the husky's back. Huskies were a tough breed, so he planned on taking full advantage of that. Myles's toned hips that the shepherd locked one of his front legs around was only proof of that. Getting busy in a dog house wasn't an easy thing. Max had to rest his head on his pincushion's flank beside his shoulder blades because of how low the ceiling was. With the help of his free front leg, Max guided his cock to Myles's tail hole and slowly slid himself in. His friend shifted slightly and grunted, but he didn't show any other signs of discomfort. Max continued pushing forward until his knot was resting outside of his friend's tail hole. The heat, clamping muscles, and tightness made the shepherd's head spin. None of the females he had been with never made him feel this way. This was more than different, this was special.

"You good?" Max asked the dog underneath him. Myles gave a quick nod and pushed back against him. Getting the green light, the shepherd pulled himself back until just his tip was the only thing sitting inside of him. Now the slow part was over. Max shoved himself forward into Myles once more, but this time with more speed and force. The husky didn't whine or yelp, so Max pulled back out and sunk himself back in. Max again and again thrusted in and out of him in a steady rhythm. The sensation almost got Max's humping to go as fast as his heart is racing. It felt like he was a puppy breeding his first bitch again. It also seemed to be having a good effect on Myles. He was thrusting his rump back, licking his chops, and panting and moaning clearly showed how much the husky was enjoying himself. From his vantage point, Max looked back and down at the bottom dogs dangling member. Myles cock swung like a pendulum with each rock of his hips. It would even occasionally bounce on its own in between thrusts.

"Harder!" Myles demanded and Max obliged. Both canines got into the rhythm and caught each other's thrusts. The shepherd's humps were strong, but they weren't powerful enough to counter the husky pushing back into him. Max had to place one of his hind legs against the back wall to give him some space after Myles shoved him into it. The new position may have given him better leverage and harder thrusts, but it also made things kind of awkward and slowed him down a bit. Their room was filled with two slobbering dogs caught up in the moment and echoing sounds of whimpering, moaning, and fur rubbing together. It was a lot like Max's first time with a female except the room he was in now is smaller and there isn't humans standing around them talking about the weather. He wished their coupling would never end until he shot forward slightly.

"What was that!?" Myles yelped. Max slowed his thrusts down and the husky tried stepping forward, but only succeeded in dragging the shepherd with him. They weren't going anywhere.

"That was us locking together." He panted to the rookie canine. They were tied, so it wasn't much longer before this wonderfully feeling moment came to its climax. It did answer a question for him. The knot does go in.

"Good god, it feels like you shoved a boulder in me!" Myles howled as Max resumed his humping. The shepherd smiled. It felt nice to get his doghood stroked. Literally and metaphorically. It wasn't hard for Max to see that they were both nearing their climaxes. His own thrusts were very erratic and that pleasant burn of his building orgasm was quickly turning into a wildfire. Myles on the other paw was thrashing around wildly underneath him. It was like he was trying to find any hole he could bury himself into to cum. Max imagined this is what it would feel like to be a cowboy riding a bucking bronco.

"Max! Max!" Myles began howling. His anus began clinching and clamping down all around the shepherds cock. That sensation was too much for him.

"Myles!" Max howled back loud enough for the entire neighborhood dogs to hear him. He got a few more weak thrusts in before a waterfall of his seed splashed into his waiting bitch. All of his humping settled down upon climax, but Myles continued thrashing around. He still hasn't found a hole yet. "D-do you need help to finish up?"

"Nope..." The husky grunted as his humping finally calmed down and his moans and whimpers dissolved into pants. Max looked back at the underbelly of his companion to see how he was doing. With each bounce from his cock, it shot a hot stream of his cum into a pile of seed under both canines. Max didn't want to miss out on the taste of Myles, so he used one of his paws to angle the husky's spent member towards his eager muzzle. The dog underneath him twitched slightly from the well pedicured paw touching his hyper sensitive organ. "What are you doing back there?"

Max stayed quiet as he kept his muzzle open to receive load after load of the husky's cum. It quickly filled him up and globs of it oozed out of the side of his mouth adding to the mess already on the straw bedding. He began swallowing down as much of his mouthful as he could before resting his head back on Myles flank. They stood there for some time, but the husky's legs began to shake from his powerful climax and from the weight of the shepherd on his back. Max griped down on the husky's waist and pulled the two of them over and onto the floor of the dog house. Straw burst up in the air before settling back down on the rest of the bedding and canines.

"That was fun." Max panted as he rested his head on Myles soft side.

"For my first time, I would have to agree." The husky panted back. "But my first time may have been with that female a few years ago if you hadn't gave me a heads when it was happening."

"That was the first time you ran away from home, right?" Max asked. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. They both were nearly a year old and Max overheard the humans talking to someone over the phone who wanted to the husky for stud. Their owners planed on using both dogs for stud since they both had good bloodlines. When Max let Myles in on the good news, the husky didn't seem so excited. That night he ran away and didn't come home for a few days and their owners chained him up when he did return home. They tried it a few more times, but the husky ripped his chain out of his dog box. Now it made since to Max why Myles ran away and never wanted to be home.

"That's right." Myles answer as his neck got nuzzled.

"Because you're into males?" Max asked. The position they were in made that an obvious question.

"That and..." Myles started. He lifted his head to look back at the cuddling canine. "When I had my alone time, you were the one I mostly thought about."

Those little butterflies came back in full force as Max snuggled up closer to his friend and started licking the back of his head. They might have hooked up soon if Myles had expressed his true feeling to the shepherd. But there was always the chance Max could have said no since feelings for the husky had only started brewing up the past several days. Even now it was hard for him to believe what they had just done. Their owners most likely wouldn't agree with it.

"I'm going to need to wash up in the creek after this." Myles said as he gave his rump a slight wiggle. Was he hinting about something? Doing it in the creek didn't sound that fun to Max. All of the sand and gravel clinging to his fur sounded like a mess.

"You don't smell that bad." Max lied with his nose buried in the husky's mane. As much fun as splashing around in dirty creek water sounded, he had to break the bad news to the husky. "Besides, the humans will be on high alert after they figure out you're home, so consider yourself on house arrest for the next few days."

"Fine..." He sighed. "I got all of my running out for a while at least."

"Good." Max said. "Because, we will have the yard all to ourselves most of the morning for the next few days."

"Is that so?" Myles asked with his ears perked up. That certainly got his attention.

"It is." The shepherd answered. "And I always wanted to do something freaky with the swing on the front porch."

With a laugh from both canines, they both continued their quiet pillow talk for what seemed like hours. Max tried pulling himself back a little over a half hour into their conversations and with a sloppy pop, they were free. Cleaning their softened cock up was easy, but Myles couldn't clean up his rump very easily on his own.

"Let me help with that." Max said to his friend having trouble reaching his own butt. Myles sat up and stepped out of his dog house until only the shepherd and his rump were left in there. Max started cleaning up a trail of matted fur from the husky's tail hole down to his fuzzy white orbs. Several other trails ran horizontal from his anus because of how they were laying when it leaked out of him.

"Humans are home!" Myles barked back into his dog box. Just in time too. With the canines privets cleaned and tucked away, the humans would have no reason to suspect what they had just done. "So how are we going to do this?"

"Make sure they see you." Max answered as he squeezed past his friends rear end to get out. The shepherd got out of the confined space and could see the three humans entering the yard through the open gate. In the daughter's hand was a small stack of papers with a role of tape on top of them.

"DAD!" The kid snapped as she pointed out the open gate to her father with her free hand. Setting dad up worked like a charm and it all played off in the end when they saw Myles. The daughter dropped the paper and tape and held out her arms in a dead run towards the husky. Myles panicked and dove into his dog box to escape the rampant child.

"Go on ahead and leave him alone." Dad said to his kid as he looked the open gate over. He probably thought that he was certain he close the gate, but the kid's Jedi mind trick kept him from reading any more into it. "We got to head back into town and take down all of the posters."

"And while you guys are gone, I'll start on dinner." Mom said to them before heading around to the front of their home. Dad and daughter got back in the silver SUV and drove off. Once more the yard was vacant.

"They're all gone so you can come out now." Max said to the dog house's entrance. Myles only poked his head out.

"Did they buy it?" The husky nervously asked.

"Yeah, they bought it." Max answered. "Mom went inside to make some food and the others left to go and take down all of their hard work. So we got the yard all to ourselves again."

"How long do you think they will be gone?" Myles asked the shepherd.

"Long enough." Max answered with a sly smile as he stepped back into the dog house.