The Rules of Truth or Dare

Story by Madam Poodle on SoFurry

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Truth or Dare is a game where players must spin a bottle and ask a question (Truthing) or challengingly task (dare) the player the bottle lands on. It is a true social game that can push the limits of all the players involved. As such, a ruleset must be followed to maintain parity and structure among its players, as such below.

  1. Maximum player capacity for a game is 8 players. Minimum player capacity required to start and host a game is 4 players.
  2. Upon starting, the host shall always start off the game with the first bottle spin. Thereafter, the turn order goes alphabetically from A-Z or in descending order of the current userlist. The host may decide if they spins again or not on the first round after the first spin
  3. Upon the bottle pointing to oneself or another player twice or more in a row, the spinning player must respin the bottle (or roll a die) until another player is called or selected. In the option of the event of a dice roll, the die is sided depending on the number of current players (/dice 1d4 - 1d8) and the rolled number corresponds to the position of a user on the user list, 1 being the uppermost player.
  4. Spun players cannot cannot rescind their choice of truth or dare after they answer. Upon a truth, the asking player must ask a question that may not request something other than information or an opinion from the subjected player. Upon a dare, daring players must state the terms of the dare before it is carried out by the spun player, and may not change the conditions of the dare thereafter. Dares may not be posed in question form, and must stay in the private holding location of the game among its players. Dares may not include life-threatening situations, extreme obscenity or any suspension of play for more than three turns and only one player can be suspended from play at a time as result of a proper dare.
  5. Players may choose to default or forfeit their truths or dares, but at a separate sacrifice preset by either the host, or the objectant player. Exceptions are granted if the dare violates the subjected player on his/her/their/its moral or personal accord, or if they must excuse from the game. In the event of the player departing of excusing for a time of length, the spinning player may spin again to land on another valid player.
  6. If a player is absent from play when his/her/their/its turn comes due, they will be skipped. If the absent player returns before the de facto player spins the bottle, they may optionally choose to take their turn back at their own discretion. Players should be allowed at least 5 minutes of reply time before moving onto the next player, and those listed as "Away (Idle)" should be notified and given specified time before proceeding to skip.

    1. If a player is enthralled in a dare which inhibits them from spinning the bottle, answering truths or taking dares, they must be set to away.
  7. All sexual intercourse activity is prohibited during gameplay. This includes asides that take place in the game area during gameplay, dares that directly dare someone to perform or take reception of any process or byproduct of sexual intercourse or overstimulation of sex organs, and any other sexual acts that involve direct contact with sex organs or other body parts or objects in a sexual manner in likeness of fashion and outcome of sexual intercourse. Suspension of Play will we enforced if this rule is not followed and game termination will result if enough patrons deviate from the order of this rule.

    1. Dares that directly demand someone to perform or take reception of any process or byproduct of sexual intercourse or overstimulation of sex organs are allowed on condition; Public displays are to be kept brief in duration or to a private environment without limit based on public consensus. On such dares, permission by the dared and subjected third party should one be specified must grant their permission to engage in such dare. Failure to acquire permission shall result in an alternative dare or alteration that fits the dared player's or third party's standards. Third-party intervention in public display sexual dares is prohibited unless above parameters are met. Any other acts that otherwise involve direct contact with sex organs or other body parts or objects in a sexual manner should be kept brief, or if not intended to overstimulate sex organs, should be kept closely to task. All public sexual intercourse activity on the aside is prohibited during gameplay. Escalation of certain sexually-natured dares in public will result penalties if resistance is met to verbal warning.
  8. Any dare that takes longer than a certain number of posts or amount of time warrants the next user to continue the game with the next bottle spin whilst the dare is still being done.

Rules and alterations will be actively made to this ruleset over time~

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