The Ballad of Lance Berkley - The Lesson

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#103 of Ridgewood Elementary Tales

This is another lovely big chapter done by myself and @Keeran I'm really proud of this one it was loads of fun to do. The timeline in this is a little tricky but it goes as so: followed by this chapter, then at the very end is a little prologue to these two: //

This chapter is mostly based in anal play and has both m/f scenes and m/m scenes. There's also an enema scene but it is quite brief so hopefully it does not offend. Enjoy you guys :)

Peyton, Apollo and family belong to Keeran

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


February 28 2014

"You're going to be late for the bus!" Joan, Lance's mother, yelled from downstairs as the fully dressed bear cub brushed his teeth.

"MUFF UM MINI" he muttered loudly to his mother while the water in the faucet kept running.

"You don't have a minute to spare! Your dad has to go to work today, you know."

Lance rinsed his toothbrush, and cupped his hands full of the faucet water after he put his toothbrush away. He gargled and spit out the foam, and rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Not gonna get breakfast?" Joan asked her son as he scurried to get his backpack from her and ran out towards the living room.

"Sorry mom, no can do!" Lance said, hurriedly running towards the bus stop. After a good sprint, he barely made it to the stop just as the bus was arriving around the corner. He could see his cousin, Chelsea and Suzie there, laughing as is case of bedhead turned into a 'Grease'-esque pomp.

"You sure do look like a greaser," Chelsea said as she stepped closer to the bus. The exhaust from the old clunker belched black smoke into the air in sync with the noisy hydraulics that opened the bus door.

The three went in with Lance going in last. It was crowded with most of the seats filled, given two. Lance was about to sit on the seat closest to a large boy when Suzie called his name and waved at him. He gazed at her in the very back, leaning against the emergency exit in the back. Lance walked up to Suzie and sat next to her, the pup as high strung than ever as she wagged her tail and gazed at the bear.

"Um yeah, you don't want to sit next to him" she said. "He farts a lot, and you can smell it pretty bad whenever the bus makes a pretty big bump."

"Gassy... Got it." Lance glared at the overweight cub three seats in front of him.

"Yep, we don't call him 'Gaz' for nothing," she chuckled. A little grumble came from the bear's stomach, and the pup's ears perked. "Did you skip breakfast?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm just-" Lance's stomach grumbled again, reminding him of his rushed mistake. "I did, and I forgot to bring my lunch too." he moaned.

"Tell you what, I'll get us some breakfast and lunch. My treat." she offered.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Lance said with a smirk, "Last time I checked, the man was supposed to treat the lady out."

"You're right." Suzie snickered. "I dunno, you wore some pretty nice panties the other day. You sure you aren't the lady here? Ooh, burn!" she said, sucking in some air and waving her paws around at the bear. Lance blushed, and looked at her with a low brow.

"Shush." he grumbled. The bus finally made its stop to Ridgewood Elementary, and the plethora of young students flooded out of their busses as they all assembled to the school's entrances. Lance and Suzie both stepped out together after Chelsea, and proceeded into the building.


A long exaggerated sigh escaped Suzie as she fidgeted in her seat, class seeming longer than ever as she wrestled with the growing heat in her body. She nibbled on her eraser as she watched the agonizing pace of the clock hands, its cruel tick tock leaving her burning with impatience. "Are we keeping you awake Suzie?" Derick said as he caught his student letting out a long yawn.

The pup quickly straightened up as she blushed nervously in the caracal's direction, "S-sorry Mr. Hacker, just a little tired, I'm paying attention."

"Are you now?" the teacher said with a chuckle, "Will you then please give me the answer to the question I just asked?"

Suzie sweat bullets as she was caught red handed, frantically trying to come up with an excuse as quickly as possible. "S-see..."

"Correct," the caracal replied, and for a moment Suzie looked more confused than ever, "C is the right answer, now moving on..." Suzie struggled not to burst into laughter, fate seemingly the only thing that could have intervened in such a way. She went back to her daydreaming, but made sure to keep an ear tuned to her teacher, she wouldn't get that lucky a second time.


"Uuugh!" Diana "Peyton" Hyneman, a fawn of Tufted and Chital breed slouched and yawned in her own classroom. After an exhausting night of Volleyball against Jackson Elementary and a couple of morning exams, Diana's last struggle was to wrestle with the sandman until she could at least reach lunch hour to gain more energy. But a sudden opening of the door made Peyton's ears perk and she poked her head out towards the door, looking at a familiar grizzly bear boy who seemed to be rather nervous.

It was Lance stood at the front of the class, about to be fully introduced to the room by his new teacher. Jillian pat his back as she waited for her students to settle, as usual her Monday morning starting a little later than the other homerooms, "Don't be shy kiddo, my class is full of good students. They are...- Stop throwing that!" she said, before the rowdy students interrupted her. She took a sigh before continuing. "They are _usually_well behaved and I know you'll make some new friends before you know it."

The young grizzly shrugged as he still felt his nerves tensing up, nodding to the kangaroo as he replied in a whispered, "Y-Yeah, sure..."

Jillian gave him another calming smile as she clapped her paws together, the room hushing down, "Alright hooligans, calm down," she paused for a second to rub her temple, groaning under her breath as her party induced headache returned, "I'd like you all to please welcome a new student, his name is Lance." The room shared a soft mutter amongst themselves as they eyed up their new classroom, their teacher giving the newcomer a little poke, "Why don't you tell everyone a little bit about yourself."

"Yeeeeeeeeeeah," Lance said, awkwardly as he kicked the ground with his feet, trying to come up with something to say. "Uhm, hi guys. I'm Lance Berkley, and I'm an alcoholic." The crowd snickered. "No, but really, I'm actually from Michigan, and kinda new to being here in the ole Canadian soil... So... uh, you guys have to... show me around some good places and stuff, eh?" he said, feigning a Canadian accent in the last gesture before grinning like an idiot. The class looked at him awkwardly at his attempt at some humor. One from the crowd, Sierra, a gray furred rat with golden hair and blue eyes, mumbled "Lame" loud enough for the young bear to notice and laid her head down in tiredness.

"Yeah, that was stupid." he exhaled and shrugged his shoulders with a slight goof to his expression, with everyone laughing with the bear as he looked towards the teacher.

"You don't have to try so hard," the kangaroo whispered as she pat his back again, "Ok you wild critters, we all know how shy one can be when entering a new school, so let's all show Lance some true Ridgewood kindness and make him feel at home." Jillian held her arm out to show the grizzly to his desk, Lance finding his way to the seat with a blush still on his cheeks.

"Hey," a voice said suddenly beside him, the grizzly turning to see a deer of mixed breed smiling back, "Don't sweat it, I'm not good at introducing myself either." She reached her paw out to the bear, still giving him a warm, welcoming expression, "Remember me?"

"Dee!" Lance said loudly, before getting a punch on the shoulder. "Oww," He said rubbing his arm.

"I told ya, call me Peyton in public!" The deer snorted, bearing her canines in annoyance at the mention of her real name. "Anyway, I thought you were staying back in Michigan?"

"My mom and dad moved over here since they said it was safer for me and stuff." he looked down. "Honestly, I didn't really want to come all the way over here but I met some friends of my cousin's. And my uncle's the Principal."

"You don't say, I could've sworn they looked familiar. Besides, I'm glad you're here. Michigan was a cesspool. Especially with what happened with that bitch over there."

Lance nodded and gave a dejected sigh. He didn't want to really bring up the embarrassment that one girl from his hometown gave him, nor the memories of what followed afterward. He tried to change the subject...

"Anyway, how's your brother doing, Pey?" the bear asked inquisitively.

Peyton sighed, and gnawed on the butt of her No.2 pencil. "Just great, he won't shut up about his robotics. Seriously, why do I like that nerd?"

Lance chuckled at the doe. He knew she had the biggest crush on her brother for the longest time, and though it should have grossed him out, he knew they weren't related by blood. Peyton was adopted by a puma/bobcat couple who loved the rustics more than anything. He couldn't help but chuckle at the fact her fangs made her seem fitting for a family of carnivores.

"Anyway, what do you have planned after school," The fawn poked Lance while he was in deep thought. His ears perked and turned back towards her. "Daydreaming again? What's your plans so far?"

"Well, I was going to see my kid cousin again," Lance replied, not admitting he really wanted to see his new girlfriend. Just then, his pants started to vibrate and he pulled out his phone to view a text. "You had any plans in particular?"

Peyton looked at him with his quite nonchalant reply. "Well, look at you, Mr. Busy man," she cooed. "Well, I was thinking you should come over to our place. My brother'd really be happy to see you again. My mom's planning on making her world-famous Jalapeno-Guacamole Venison burgers with sweet potato fry-poutine."

"God, not you too with this poutine stuff!" Lance snorted. "You converted to Canadianism real quick, didn't ya?"

"What? Poutine's like sex in your mouth." she said. "You're just a nay-sayer."

Lance looked at her and chuckled. "Tried it before. It's a'ight." he said.

"You haven't answered my question. What about tonight? You in or you out?"

"I'll think about it. I gotta get settled in."

"All righty."


"A-ah, Suzie!" Lance groaned and whimpered a bit as the pup pushed the bear cub against the locked stall and licked his sheath. The pink probe slowly rose upwards, with blood pumping to his extra sensitive member. Lance writhed a bit, trying to urge his girlfriend to stop.

Suzie looked at Lance, and slowly stroked his cock. "Geez, why are you so scared of me giving you a blowjob?" she whispered. "'Fraid I'll bite it off?"

Lance was hesitant, but nodded in embarrassment.

"Oh my god, that's so cute!" she squealed, giving the bear a hug and rubbing her nethers along his arousal.

"Shh Suzie!" the bear whispered. "Not too loud! There might be people walking by!"

"Whoops!" Suzie giggled. "But nobody really uses these old bathrooms, so we should be fine. Kids are really snooty with all the renovations going on here. Now turn around..." she said, lowering the bear's blue panties he got from the store.

"Wait what are you- ooh." he panted and moaned as the pup stroked him from behind and licked his pucker. To his surprise, he was quite shocked he liked the feeling of his ass being played with. He was equally surprised his girlfriend would be willing to do that for him. Suzie panted, taking a breather, leaving a trail of drool along the bear's round, femmy cheeks. His erection stuck out more and touched the cold stall, coating it with pre the size of a quarter. He started to extend his length out to the pup, as if he begged to be rimmed some more.

"You're such a horny little slut aren'tcha?" Suzie's more dominant demeanor started to come out. "If I were a guy, I'd love to plow that fine ass of yours, boy." Lance whimpered a bit, loving every moment of the puppy's dominance over him. "But I think we should continue this later on... How about your place?" she said, as she slid her way upwards, grabbing his throbbing probe and aiming it downwards towards the toilet bowl. Lance buckled his legs as he felt Suzie grind on his ass, and a good spurt of his seed shot bulls-eye into the water. It sounded as if someone was practicing Kegels while doing their business from outside of the stalls. Suzie let out a little giggle as he moaned while he came. The last shot of sperm didn't travel as far as the rest, and matted Suzie's paw with a coat of cream.

"You came a lot for such a thin dick like that." she said, leaning on the stalls, licking her fingers and giving a satisfying moan. "Delicious." she said, licking her lips. "It's kind of a shame you won't let me give you head as much."

Lance panted, and sat down on the seat, reaching for a tissue to clean it off, but Suzie quickly grabbed his hand. "Here, let me clean it off for you." she said. With her tongue, she lapped up the seedy cock and with her thumb, she squeezed the rest of his trapped seed out like a pack of Go-Gurt and cleaned the rest up. Lance never really overcame his fear of getting his cock sucked off, but he enjoyed the feeling of her long, wet tongue on his probe.

"S-Suzie" he panted, "I'm still kinda conscious about you blowing me, but that licking feels nice."

"Okay, I don't mind licking it only, if that's okay with you." Suzie replied.

"Yeah, sure." he said, shuddering in bliss.

"Now the big question..." Suzie said, "...How am I going to get out of here without getting in trouble?"

"I have an idea." Lance said as he flushed the toilet of his seed and pried open the stall. He took a gander at the halls and noticed it was clear. There were no security cameras in this hall either, so he was relieved Suzie picked a good spot for them to have their conjugal visit. He gave Suzie the signal and like bats out of Hell, the two darted their way to the lunchroom, with Suzie making a quick detour to the girls' restroom to clean off the stickiness from her paws.


Lance's cheeks were a deep shade of amber as he sat at his desk, trying his hardest to pay attention to the lesson at hand. His mind reeled from the naughty act he had just sneaked into his routine, his mind unable to leave the subject of Suzie's beauty, and the devious activities she seemed to enjoy. His tight pucker was still wet with her saliva, causing his member to remain stiff in his pants as he thought about that wonderful tongue working him over. "Daydreamin' Lance?" Peyton asked her new friend, giggling at the look of a daze that he had.

"Wh-what?" the bear replied absently, shaking his head as he blushed even more, "N-no, yes, I mean I'm just tired, long night."

Peyton nodded, only half convinced as she chuckled under her breath, "Longing on those crazy American nights?"

Lance smiled gently in return but looked a tad disheartened, "Not really... I don't miss it there at all."

Peyton looked at him funny as he seemed to get a little quiet over the subject, "Me neither really, my life back in the US was sorta dull, guess yours was too?"

Lance shrugged, "No, not dull, just not good... in all honesty I was the main reason my parents decided to jump on the move here."

"That sounds rough," the deer was unsure what else to say at first, not wanting to pry although her curiosity was peaked quite high, "Hey, I can see it's a touchy subject, but maybe it'd be bet-"

"I don't mind..." Lance said. "It's probably better to vent than to keep it bottled up." he said, until he felt a sudden vibration in his phone, that read, 'Hey, Lance. It's Suzie. I know we had something planned tonight, but Allie invited me to sleep over so we're all at her house for the cookie sale tomorrow. Rain check?'

"Girlfriend again?" Peyton leaned over.

"Yep." Lance replied. "It looks like my schedule's free today, so how about we push that thing on the weekend tonight?" he gives a sheepish grin.

"Sounds like a deal." Peyton said, bumping her fist with his.


The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, both Lance and Peyton looking forward to sometime outside of school where their conversation could flow freely. The young grizzly rapped at the door with gentle taps, a moment's wait passing before the door swung open. A large, fit bobcat gazed around, and noticed the bear cub at the door.

"Oh Lance! I didn't know you moved here!" he said, "I thought you and your family were back in Michigan!"

"Yeah, we had to move here quite recently." Lance replied, scratching the back of his head. "Dad found work here and we kinda have family here as well. So I'm going to Ridgewood with Diana and Apollo."

"I take it you're here to see them, Skipper?" he said patting the bear's head, who then nuzzled against the bobcat's soft palm, "Always like when I do that, don'tcha?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah, my mom and dad do that to me all the time. Guess it's kind of a thing I've taken a liking to." he said. "Is it okay to come in?"

"You're_always_ welcome here, son!" the bobcat gave a hearty laugh as he pulled the bear inside. "Liyah and I are going on a little date, so the place is yours and the other cubs' to roam. Just no parties or booze, okay?"

Lance laughed at the ridiculous rule, "All right, Mr. Hyneman."

"Attaboy," David Hyneman said as his paw petted and ruffled the bear's head once again.

Lance grinned ear to ear as he was pet once again, grinning to David as he walked off. The grizzly stepped through the hallways of the nice home, giving a pause to several pictures as he went, various memories captured as stills on the family's walls. "San Jose" a voice said quite suddenly, Lance turning to see Peyton.

"Sorry?" Lance replied a bit confused.

"That one you're looking at with the fish," the deer grinned playfully, "San Jose, three years ago... well that pic was taken closer to San Francisco, the bays all sort of mix together if you don't know the area, dad had a business trip there and had saved up enough air miles for the family, so we went with him. San Jose is kinda boring but it's a short trip over to San Fran, so that made it all worth it."

Lance smiled, "I've never been, but it looks nice."

Peyton giggled, "It's alright, everything closes at 7 at San Fran if you're not an adult and the whole place stinks a little. Folks couldn't smell it but it bothered Apollo and I a few times."

Lance shrugged, "Maybe all the fish?"

"Could be. So... you wanna see my room?"

Lance wore a cute grin as he nodded, "Yeah, lead the way!" It was a short trip up the stairs and an immediate left that brought the pair to Peyton's room, wide eyes filling Lance's eyes as he looked upon it. There were various trophies from sports teams Peyton had been a part of, even a few gold medals for cross-country and track. Replica titles, trophies, belts, posters and various equipment line the walls, well that was all but one side. One side had a beautiful hunting rifle in a glass display case, smaller weapons that may or may not have been fully functional hung up on the walls, and an old school poster from an arcade advertising a hunter's pro machine. Lance stared at the feral deer that had a red target over its face, the humour of the irony not lost in him. "Umm Peyton... you sure this isn't your brother's room?"

The deer put her paws on her hips and huffed at him, trying to hide the grin as she prepared a reply, "Why? Because I'm a fragile little girl?"

"N-no, I didn't mean that, it's just, umm, I-"

"Don't sweat it!" Peyton laughed, "I'm just messing around, I know this isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think femininity." She looked over to her rifle fondly, making a mental note to plan a trip with Carys soon, "I felt out of place at times growing up you know? The competitive nature of sports sorta gave me confidence, and hunting is a family tradition so, no frilly dresses or dolls for this chick!"

"Well that's..." Lance had to pause to think of the right words, "Actually kind of charming." His words spoke truth to the endearment he felt, his own deep seeded feminine side shining truth to the way they paralleled each other.

"Well I'm glad you think so," Peyton chuckled, dropping to the bed and patting it invitingly, "Alright Lance, let's talk!"

"About what?" Lance said, taking a seat on the bed at Peyton's feet.

"About the whole thing back at Michigan. I tried to ask Mom and Dad what happened, and they were pretty hasty to keep things hush-hush." Lance looked down and took a deep breath, He wanted to tell her everything, but felt too embarrassed and traumatized by the situation, his right hand shook a bit. He grabbed it by the wrist with his left and took more deep breaths. Peyton sat up, a look of worry shadowed her face at the sight of the stressed bear. "H-Hey, We don't have to talk about it if you're not up to it." she said.

Lance shook his head. "No, I want to talk about it, It's been haunting me for a while and I just want it to be over so I can be normal again!" he tried to swallow hard and hold his tears back, but the deer turned his head towards her bosom as he wept silently. Right when the waterworks started to subside, Lance pulled away, sniffling a bit before looking at Peyton again. "Thanks, Dee. I really needed that." he said as he gave a smile afterwards.

The doe-fawn rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. "I guess you really needed time to cry it out, huh?" she said as her worried look turned into a small grin.

Lance nodded, taking another deep breath before he could start, "You know that time I had those nasty pictures of me leaked all over the internet?"

Peyton's ears lowered, the deer nodding as she replied sympathetically, "Yeah, yeah I remember that."

"Do you also remember Anise Eldergleem?" Lance added.

"Ugh, unfortunately," Peyton rolled her eyes at the sound of her name, "She was such a bitch, remember that one year she invited us all to her slumber party, as if to make up for all the times she-" Her eyes widened as she looked closer at Lance, "No!"

"Yes," Lance admitted somewhat ashamed, "That's when it happened. She had invited me into the kitchen to apologize for treating me like shit, God, I should have known better!"

"What happened?" Peyton got closer to the bear, grasping his paw tightly.

"Her older brother was waiting for me," Lance sniffled a tad, trying to hold back further waterworks, "Put his arm around me as if to bro-hug me or something, that's when he did that special little pinch of his... and I was out." The deer was silent as she listened to Lance's tale, genuinely feeling shitty about the events her childhood friend had gone through. "When I came to..." Lance continued, taking a deep breath, "I was tied up with ropes, and I could feel something lacy and tight around my crotch." Lance hesitated, doing his best to keep his composure, "That's when I could smell it... that faint, feminine scent, not good feminine mind you, but female nonetheless... that awful embarrassing smell of her used panties." His lips trembled as he almost broke down, Peyton clutching him in a hug. He eventually broke her embrace and held his arms out, letting out long, deep breaths. "What was worse was that I could catch her scent, like she already had hit puberty and was in heat or something, and... that was the first time I was receptive of scents like that."

"Well, to be fair," the doe-fawn said. "She did get held back two years."

Lance nodded. "I know," he said. "After that, she and her little posse came in, started mocking me, calling me horrible names, like a pervert, faggot, sexual deviant, child molester, whatever insult you could think of, those were the kind of words they gave. Everyone got their phones out and started taking pictures of me, then walked off, leaving me to fend for myself and chew off the ropes for hours, even some time after the party was over. My clothes, Dee!"

Peyton calmly grasped Lance's arms and rubbed his back again as he wept bitterly, "Take your time, Lance, you don't have to share anything you don't want to."

"They left me out there in the fucking cold," he roared. "And my winter coat hadn't even grown in yet! When I got back home on foot, they were wondering why I had been gone for so long and why I was wearing girl's underwear. I told them what happened, but when I went online, all my pictures blew up all over the internet! I went to school the next day, and everyone that knew of me, treated me like I was some sort of pervert." his sobs started to subside, and he took deeper breaths. "I got into a couple of fights and even got suspended after Anise lied to the bullies that fought me that I stole her underwear at the party. That was around the time you and Apollo left. I'm not gonna lie, when you left and when Yiran ended up in the hospital, I was really close..."

"Close to what?" Peyton inquired with a concerned look.

"You know, ending it all," Lance chuckled, "And I was just about to do it until Coach Sutter caught me trying to hang myself off the back of the gym seats with that really sturdy jumping rope. The way he approached, it was like... he understood me, you know?"

"Wait," Peyton looked towards the bear, "Coach Sutter, as in the guy who raped you? That sicko."

"Yeah, him," he confirmed, "It felt nice to find someone who understood. He seemed nice and took me places, even after I joined the football team, I'd help him late at night and he'd take me out to eat and stuff. I guess you could say I kinda did like him a bit." Lance chuckled and rubbed his paws.

"Could you tell me what happened the night you got raped?" Peyton asked delicately, though not without a tinge of guilt.

"Yeah," Lance answered, "So it was after practice. I was cleaning up a bit and Coach wanted me to come with him to his place for a family dinner..."

"Hold up," Peyton said, "And you took the bait?"

"Like a fish." Lance responded with a tinge of regret in his voice. "It did turn out his family was having a dinner, and his wife and daughter were there. We had a couple of eats, and when it got really late, Coach said I could spend the night. I slept in his daughter's game room. Next thing I know, I woke up to him behind me and my pants were down. All I could see was his huge, barbed cock and his sabretooth-y grin, and from the rest... it hurt when he went in, hurt worse when he pulled out."

Peyton felt disgust hearing what happened, and her mind picturing the gut-wrenching scenario only made her more nauseous, but she wanted him to continue, "I'm sorry, I hope this hasn't made you relive that horrible-"

"It's okay, Peyton." Lance gave a weak grin. "Like I said, I wanted to talk about it and you're probably one of the only friends I know that I could share this with. Yiran kinda knows, but she was in the hospital at the time. But yeah. I was really scared. 'Coach, it hurts,' I told him, and he only responded with an 'Oh, bear with it, son.' and kept at it. I really didn't know what was going on, and I even started to really like it, but the thing that really scared me was that the next day, I bled a lot, and when I got sick and went to the infirmary, the nurse checked on me and found... ya know."

"Damn," Peyton said, "What did your parents say?"

"I was really pissed off at my parents," Lance replied, "When I explained to them about why I had been getting into fights at school, they told me to stand up to my bullies. I did do that, but none of them took it seriously. I got so tired of it, it led me to that whole situation and... I dunno. I was really upset that they didn't understand. Kinda felt a bit like my rape and what would happen afterwards would be payback for them not taking the time to understand me. Now, I feel really confused."

"What are you confused about?" Peyton asked.

"It doesn't matter now," Lance responded. "I'm alright... I'm here now, this city is a fresh start for me."

"No it's not alright!" Peyton squealed, "You were raped, and it left you unsure of yourself. Nothing is wrong with you, no matter what people have said about you, no matter what's happened to you, what's a lie and what's the truth. You're _you_and that's all that matters!"

"But what about me liking Coach?" Lance said. "What about that? I'm so confused..."

Peyton shook her head. "That's up to you to find out about yourself. Who knows, you might be gay, bi, or whatever. But it all depends on what you like. You can't really change that about yourself, and there's nothing wrong with what your preference is."

"I guess you're right." Lance looked down and said. "I don't know, I do like girls, but I ended up enjoying what happened to me that night, and it was painful the next day."

"Well, for one," Peyton said as she nudged Lance's shoulder. "From personal experience, if you feel pain when you're taking it up the ass, they're doing it wrong. I'd know because Apollo's got a barbed cock and we do it all the time!"

"Wait, you do it too?" Lance said, giving a confused look to the doe-fawn. "With your brother more or less? Isn't incest bad?"

"First off, he's my foster brother. We're not related, and even if it was, I'd treat incest like I treat being gay." she said and giggled. "None of ya bidness!"

Lance chuckled. "You got a point."

"Well, I could teach you all about the whole anal business." Peyton offered very nonchalant, smirking as she caught the look on Lance's face, "It's not that hard, and even though I could only ever see you as a friend, I've always found you and your femininity kinda cute... So maybe I could give you a visual demonstration."

Surprisingly enough, despite Peyton being Lance's best friend for years, and the whole idea seeming very inappropriate, Lance found it rather arousing in a taboo way. He nodded his head shyly and whispered, "Umm, s-sure I guess, so long as you don't think it'd be too weird or anything."

Peyton smiled as she rested her paw on Lance's, "Trust me, it will be fine hon, and worse case, if it gets weird we'll stop ok." Lance nodded and Peyton quickly stripped down from her striped sweatpants, crawling over him to pull out a twelve-inch, thick, black, double-ended dildo from her sock drawer. The deer lay back on her bed and spread her legs wide, revealing her tight, black nether star to the bear. He gazed at her depths and curiously poked at the pucker, watching as it made a twitch in response.

"Sorry!" The bear replied in surprise from the movement the pucker had made.

"Naw, it's all good, you can see- mmh," she gave a quiet moan as the bear's finger prodded it, "The tailhole itself's got a lot of nerve endings, and mine is just as sensitive as my clit, so stuff like licking or fingering it can make me cum pretty easily. It normally makes a small amount of 'lube,' but it's not like a pussy where it gets soaked when you're turned on." Peyton closed her legs and leaned forward to grab the double-ended dildo. "Anyway, you had lunch today, right?" Lance nodded. "Well, we'll have to get you prepared before you do this stuff, so come with me to the bathroom." Lance nodded again and followed Peyton through the door to her private bathroom.

"You have your own bathroom?" Lance asked in surprise, noting just how extravagant the deer's house seemed.

"Heh, yeah," Peyton chuckled, "It looks crazy I know, but mom and dad have a good paying job and they actually got a really good deal on this place." The grizzly nodded, standing there silently as he awaited further instruction. "Alright, well first, clothing has far become a needless thing now." She chuckled as the bear blushed, taking his shirt off first before slowly, anxiously peeling his pants and underwear slowly down his legs. He stood all scrunched up in a very awkward posture as he was left bare on display, his childhood friend letting out a hearty laugh in response. "C'mon Lance, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Remember when we were younger and you, me, Apollo, and Yiran used to take a bath together?"

"Yeah, those were the times," Lance replied, moving his paws away as he felt a bit more comfortable, "We had a lot of fun, you'd think they'd make a cartoon out of us or something with all the crazy adventures we had."

"Man, I wish Yiran was here," Peyton said, starting to feel a tinge of melancholy, "Canada's so much better than that shithole, Lansing."

"I guess I have some amazing news for you then Dee," the grizzly wore a rather large grin, "I heard my mom over the phone talking to Yiran's mom and they said they were coming over here next week. Our families bought homes here around the same time."

"Really? No freakin' way!" Peyton's eyes beamed and she started to squeal a bit.

"Yes really!" Lance nodded, his friend's excitement rather infectious.

Peyton shook her head as she regained her focus, "We definitely need to talk more about this when we're done, but right now we've got some prep work to focus on."

Lance nodded with a little more confidence now, "Alright, what do you need me to do?"

He watched as his friend grabbed a rather strange looking device from under the sink, filling it up with what looked to be lukewarm water. "I'm gonna need you to lay back in the tub Lance," she instructed him as she finished filling the weird, red ball, the bear noticing a tube that hung out of it.

"Umm, ok," he mumbled as he carefully situated himself in the bathtub, raising his rear as he assumed he was meant to do, "What the heck is that thing Dee?"

"It's an enema silly," the doe chuckled as she stepped over to the tub, kneeling down onto her knees, "Hold still, this may feel a little weird."

"Umm, ok..." Lance mumbled as he waited for what was to come, his eyes squinting a little as he felt the tickling pinch of the device's nozzle prod into his rear.

"I know it's weird," Peyton said as she rubbed his hair with her palm, slowly wiggling it in a circle until it fit in, "Alright, this next part will feel even weirder."

"Weirder?" Lance growled in defensive confusion, nipping his bottom lip as he felt a strange trickling inside him.

"Don't be a baby Lance, it's not that bad."

The grizzly's breath increased in pace as he felt quite weirded out, "I'll be the judge of that!" It was a strange feeling, his rear filling with a comfortable warmth, the shots of water making his backside feel all squishy each time the doe would push on the red ball. After a few more pumps, the device was empty and Peyton gently pulled the nozzle back out. The last few drops dripped down the drain of the tub and Lance was left feeling rather bloated.

"Here," Peyton offered a paw, pulling her friend up and out of the tub, "That should only take a minute or so."

"Until what?" Lance asked curiously, holding his stomach as he began to feel a bit queasy. His belly gurgled uncomfortably and the bear whimpered as he felt as though he was about to have the runs.

The deer laughed as she opened the lid to the toilet, "When you're done, just use the shower nozzle, it's detachable and I have it sent on a gentle rinse... I'll be waiting outside for ya." Lance was about to mutter a complaint, but had no time, his butt hitting the toilet seat the moment the door had closed. He squinted uncomfortably as everything inside him quickly left, squishy, watery pushes ejecting from his rear as he was left panting. It was only painful for a second, and soon became soothing, the warmth of the lukewarm water once again swishing about.


It took a while, but Lance eventually came out of the bathroom with a towel in his paw, blushing a bit as he whispered, "Umm, y-you didn't hear that did you?"

Peyton laughed, "Not really, but if I did, it wouldn't have bothered me so don't sweat it!" The deer grabbed her bottle of lube and set it on the table, looking to her friend with excitement in her eyes, "Now to business!" She invited the grizzly onto the bed before hopping atop him, mounting her hips over his lap. Lance spread his legs and shifted his hips forward, letting his taint catch air before they got started. "One of the funnest parts of anal, is getting you relaxed beforehand. It can be hard when you're all stiff and anal-retentive though. God, that was a pretty bad one!" The deer laughed.

As the two prepared for the act at hand a little robotic object snuck around with its miniature camera, shifting its movement to catch a better glimpse of the two. Unbeknownst to the pair, this little spy had been present since the start of their earlier conversation, the eavesdropper in the employ of Peyton's older brother Apollo, who was getting quite a kick out of their little romp.

"Erm, Dee," Lance hesitated, a bit worried, "I don't know if I should now that I'm kinda with Suzie."

Peyton shrugged. "Pfft, Suzie and I are pretty cool friends. I really don't think she'd mind, but if you don't want to do this, I want push you to, though it would be good practice with your girlfriend too, since I also recruited Suzie to the A-team... Yeah, that was dumb."

Lance was too conflicted to notice such a horrible pun. He admittedly had been hot and bothered ever since the special treatment Suzie gave him in the abandoned stall, and he figured learning more about his butt would not only be beneficial for himself, but for her as well. "I at least want to give it a try..." he said as he finally gave in, the doe grinding on his sheath as his probe slowly emerged, trapping itself in between her buns.

Peyton hopped off Lance's thighs as soon as he was aroused enough, but she didn't stop there. She grabbed his baculum, and slowly stroked at it. She gestured the bear to follow suit by placing his hand on her pussy with her free hand. Peyton moaned as the bear seemed to know what he was doing, sliding his finger around her black nub as if it was a tiny joystick. It didn't take long for her to get wet right away, staining her bed with slick. Her pace got a bit faster as she moaned more for the bear to slide his finger inside. Lance thrusted his hips as he felt the area around his taint get dry. He started sliding his fingers inside, but noticed Peyton took an abrupt halt, grabbing the lube and the big black cock-shaped dildo from her bed.

"All right," Peyton said with a shudder, her depths leaking out her cervine nectar and her pheromones filling the air and Lance's nose, making the bear go into a slight, heady sense of rut. "Go ahead and turn over for me. Bend over and spread your cheeks a bit. And don't forget to relax, almost like you do when you use the bathroom."

Lance nodded and followed her instruction, anticipating what was going to happen as his pink pucker relaxed. The spread of his butt revealed a black space inside the pink star, a sign his anus could take in the sex toy with ease. Peyton grabbed the container of water-based lube, and coated the sex toy with it. She took her lubricated finger and slid it over his pucker, coating it with enough slick to put her finger in. Peyton could tell he was enjoying every moment of it, because each time, he'd give a cute moan and sigh with a wiggle of his hips. His cock bobbed upwards as he begged, "Please, put it in!" The doe shook her head and continued fingering and prodding, until she decided to stick a finger in and stir his insides.

"Oh god!" Lance trembled at the unusual probing. It felt smoother than Coach Sutter's barbs, but it was enough to make the bear buckle against Peyton's finger. He let go of his ass and his arms sprawled out across the bed as the doe stirred him more.

"You moan much louder than me when I get turned on." Peyton said with a chuckle before sticking her middle finger inside. The bear gave the most satisfying moan as her second finger entered in. "Attaboy," she said proudly as she slide the finger in deep enough to massage his prostate, "Now let's see how far you can stretch for me." Peyton spoke with a bit of a sadistic tone, making a 'V' with her fingers and slowly pulling out of him. Seeing tailhole spread wide in response filled her with pride and excitement, eager to finally try the toy out with a partner. She pulled out and saw the bear's ass remained gaping, a grin filling her face, "Ok, you're so ready for the next thing."

Peyton took the lube and poured it on Lance's ass, right down his hole. Next she took the toy, and with the lubricated end she slowly pushed her way inside him. The feeling was all too intense for the bear and he grasped the footboard of the bed. He anticipated pain, but it felt weirder to him than painful. Once she got the toy deep enough, she started pushing in and out, waving her hips in the same motion. For once, Lance enjoyed the fullness and started to move his hips on his own. Peyton followed suit afterward, lubricating her end and placing her slightly damp rear against the tip, pushing her way in until both butts met at the raised ring. The two moved their hips as their flesh collided making the trademarked 'booty clap' while they anally masturbated. "This feels, ahh!" Lance moaned out as he rubbed his cock a little, "Intense!"

"Doesn't it though?" Peyton sighed, pushing down harder so her half of the toy could really hit her deep, "Good though huh?"

Precum flowed from the tip of the bear's cock as his prostate was continually rubbed with the head of the toy, the width of the faux-shaft that filled his rear leaving him raw and tingly, "So good, oh god!" He would still have to rub his member occasionally adding some extra needed pleasure to the other sensations, "How do you do this without touching yourself?"

The deer chuckled as she looked away, blushing just a small bit, "Well, I'm an odd case, don't try and match your butt to mine," she slid the toy out, showing off the lovely gape before slamming it back in hard enough to make Lance wince, "She's a well practice girl." She watched as Lance would shiver, each time she bounced her butt against his, his shaft would throb harder, letting more little trickles drip out the tip, "Looks like you really do like this whole anal thing huh?"

Lance nodded, nipples hard as he stopped using his paws, instead raising up so both of them could work the toy with easier expertise, "I can only imagine what a real cock would feel li-"

Peyton giggled as the bear stopped, "What's wrong Lance?"

"Umm, nothing, it's just I don't know," he blushed, but kept sliding his hole over the rubber dick, "I've never spoken openly about something like that before, and now with Suzie are those thoughts bad, and-"

"Easy Lance," Peyton chuckled, "I'm sure Suzie ain't miss goodie two shoes either, and from what you've told me, I'd bet she'd enjoy watching you do something like that."

"Maybe," the grizzly blushed, feeling his balls ache from their incessant need to burst, "Oh fuck Peyton, I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Wait..." the deer said as she suddenly came to a halt, "I don't want you to stain my bed!" She quickly pulled the dildo out of her end. She turned around and pulled the other end out of the already edging bear while he panted and his cock throbbed.

"I really need to cum" the bear whined, a bit upset that he was forced to halt his release. He turned towards Peyton, as she quickly pulled the towel from underneath his knees. The sudden burning feeling made him wince a bit, but the moment the deer spread the towel out, she turned around, grabbed her cheeks and gave the bear a wink.

"You can finish up in here!" Peyton giggled, wagging her raised tail as most excited deer would. Lance took the hint right away, lubing his cock, and going straight in the deer's hungry, gaping hole. Peyton squirmed a bit as she felt his probe snake through her tunnel, but moaned and clenched her rear end as soon as she could feel Lance's hilt kiss her black ring. The unusual feeling of something so thin rubbing along the walls of her colon turned the deer on as her own slick started to leak out again. She grabbed her headboard and let Lance take the wheel as he grabbed her ass and pumped away, using a lot of effort to pull his baculum out, while Peyton's bowels sucked him right in.

"I know I can't lie and say I'm filling you up," Lance said, knowing his how thin his cock was, the benefit of his shaft all in its length, "But you're really sucking me in!" The bear's pace picked up as he felt his climax slowly closing in. His hips and her ass collided together, making lewd noises of their meat pounding together.

"Mmh, fuck me really hard!" the deer moaned as she felt her orgasm getting close, the curve of Lance's length putting pressure on her erogenous spot in her ass. Lance's pace went faster as his cock started to throb and leak more pre in her end, the bear quickly working back up to climax.

"Dee!" the bear roared and leaned over towards Peyton's back, "I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Fill me up Lance!" she replied, grinding her ass against Lance's hips as his cock pushed all along the walls of her Sigmoid colon. His cock throbbed and spurt out thick ropes of seed in her bowels, the bear still rutting away as he was given a momentary second wind of energy from the mesmerizing finale. Peyton would follow suit, as her own climax caused her honey to squirt out and onto her towel with her feminine ejaculations. As the last ropes of cum painted her bowels, Lance pulled out of her, grabbed the baby wipes, and cleaned his probe thoroughly before it went back inside his sheath.

Peyton gave a satisfying sigh. "You sure do make a lot of baby batter there." she chuckled as she tried to reach for the wipes. Lance handed the container to her, and she laid out some wipes beneath her, forcing his globules of seed out of her bowels. Lance gulped and felt his flaccid member go semi-hard, a bit of pink starting to poke from his sheath. "Hehe, you really liked that, didn't you? Gotta say, you'll definitely make Suzie very happy."

Lance nodded, feeling really guilty that he given in to his lust like that, "Shit... I shouldn't have done that, I feel terrible, what if Su-Suzie-"

Peyton shook her head, "Like I said, Suzie'd likely be okay with it, especially since I taught her this stuff before I taught you."

"You seem really sure of yourself." Lance moped.

"I'll give you a wager," Peyton proposed, taking her cum-stained wipes in hand, "If she's cool with it, you owe me another butt-pounding like you did earlier, and Suzie gets to watch."

Lance was reluctant to answer, but he agreed with a nod of his head. Peyton took the wipes, and walked to the bathroom, tossing the mess in the toilet, and flushing it away. Lance couldn't help but feel guilty, not only for the act he committed, but for wanting to receive the same treatment he gave to Peyton, who mumbled annoyingly as she happened to find one of Apollo's robots on her desk. It appeared that the bobcat-puma had been spying on the two while they were having their session. Suddenly, Peyton had an idea.

"Hey Lance." she said as she rubbed her chin.

"Hmm?" the bear replied, looking at the deer's ass as she bent over and wagged her tail, likely plotting something devious.

"You know when you paused after you mentioned you wanted to know what a real cock would feel like?" she replied.


Apollo bit his lip as he stroked himself to the deer and bear, looking on as they fed into their carnal desires. The live feed was laggy for Apollo, so the video he watched was minutes behind the actual recording. He didn't know or care; as long as it was good fap material of his best friend and sister going at it, he was cool. But a sudden opening of the door interrupted him, and he fidgeted his iPaw clumsily as it played the live feed voluminously. He knew he was in for it when he noticed he tossed his pants and underwear across the room, seeing his sister's snout prod through the crack of the door.

"Heya bro..." the deer said as she slowly cracked the door open before kicking it wide, still bare and wet from her one-on-one with Lance.

"Shit!" Apollo recoiled, his exposed, barbed prick followed suit, releasing a small bead of precum out as it throbbed, "Can you knock at least? Kinda invading my privacy here."

Peyton and Lance stepped inside, with Peyton closing and locking the door. "You mean like the privacy you gave us? I'd be happy to oblige!" she said, waving his spy drone around before placing the little robot on his desk, facing the feline. The red light was on, signalling that the mini-camera was still recording. Apollo gulped, he knew he was gonna get it, but what would be his punishment? "Hey Lance," Peyton smirked as she looked over towards the bear. "You said you wanted to know what a cock felt like when anal's done right? Here's your chance."

Lance looked unsure, but slowly stepped closer towards the bobcat/puma boy, and grasped his cock, taking it in his mouth. This would be the first time Apollo tried anything with someone of the same sex, but he didn't mind, and let lance suck away. He was already close from pawing off to the bear and deer's anal session, which was already playing its "live feed," showing the bear climaxing in his sister's rear. Apollo gave a grunt as his cock throbbed in the bear's maw, spurting watery torrents of cum down Lance's throat. Apollo grinned and pushed his hips forward, leaning his body over the bear's head as he kept cumming.

Peyton couldn't help but rub her clit to the boys having a good time, wanted to give another go on Lance. Apollo pulled out however, letting his cock rest on the bear's snout as he released his last bits of seed on his face. "Damn, where'd you learn how to give head like that?" Apollo asked, still shuddering from the electrifying orgasm.

"I kinda learned that from my girlfriend." he answered, wiping his face and licking the seed from it. He bent over, revealing his wet butt. "But you think you have enough to help me with this?"

"Dude, this is so gay." Apollo chuckled. "But I already let you suck me off so why not?" He reached for the lube, lathered it on his cock, and pushed his way inside. "Geez, how are you this tight too?"

Lance gave a pleasing moan as he felt the kitty's barbs enter him, pricking along his tight walls. He pushed his thick ass backwards until it slapped against the bobcat's hips; Peyton grinning as she noticed the bear took some pointers from their earlier session. Apollo groaned and moaned as he stood up and grabbed the bear's hips, mating him in the traditional style with which most feral felines breed. Lance bit along the pillow as he felt his prick grow hard again. It didn't take much for Apollo to regain his vigour as the bear clenched his rear tightly. He took Lance's length in hand in the meanwhile and started to stroke it since he couldn't pull his way out without pricking the bear's tight rear. Lance did most of the work grinding along Apollo's sheath as he started to leak out a good amount of pre to coat the inside.

Peyton let out a long anxious sigh as she watched her brother slowly grind into her friend, the slow pulses of his thrusts causing his long tail to lift high in the air. She leaned in as a couple digits kept sliding over her sensitive clit, her lips pressing to the warm black ring of flesh. Apollo let out a surprised whimper from the sudden sensation of the deer's snout, a second later feeling her tongue press down into his backside, softly stretching his pucker out. "Dammit Dee." Apollo looked behind himself, locking eyes with his sister, "Ya caught me by surprise there."

Peyton pulled her tongue out, making a smack with her lips, sliding a couple fingers into his rear, teasingly rather than the intention to push him any further, "Ya know, if you wanted in on the action, you could've just knocked." She gave a chuckle before she pushed her tongue back in, sliding it around in smooth circles.

"Well you know-oh fuck!" Apollo strained to speak as he slid all the way into Lance, the warmth of the bear's backside squeezing his shaft just as his sister's tongue plunged deeper, "M-my tactic seems to have worked anyways."

Peyton rolled her eyes as she fought the urge to nudge him with her fist, instead resuming the work of her tongue. She found a way to tease close to his prostate, squeezing his taint with her paw as she bobbed her head up and down. She stopped for only a second as she heard him moan louder than usual, blowing a teasing breath of air over his damp rear, "You're just lucky you have a nice ass... and that mom told me to stop picking on you!"

"Ugh, don't bring her up right now," Apollo laughed, still thudding his cock into the moaning bear, "You like that Lance?"

The grizzly let out a long, exasperated moan as he gripped the sheets of the bed, sweating and shaking as the thick feline cock filled him up, spines digging in each time he would pull back. "This is incredible!" he panted out, wriggling about over the sheets as his cock covered them in precum, "Please don't stop!"

"Didn't plan on it!" Apollo growled as he started to pound even faster, his paw gripping his sister's head so she kept digging her tongue deeper, "Oh fuck yes!"

Peyton struggled for a breath as she kept running her tongue along his backside, letting it slide in and out each time his butt would shake back. With the aid of her skillful muzzle and the wonderful, shapely butt of Lance's, Apollo soon found his body tightening; a hissing breath wheezing out as his spines dug into Lance's sensitive flesh. Lance let out a whiney whimper as he cried out "A-Apollo!", his paw clutching his thin shaft as it shot out a heavy volley of thick white seed.

"God that ass!" Apollo moaned as he leaned back, hooked into the bear's ass and filling him with cum as his own asshole tightened over his sister's tongue. Peyton let out a long moan as she felt the ring close around her tongue, letting it glide in and out a few more times before giving it a rest. She lay back in a gentle huff, letting her brother rest on the bear in a slump, the two clearly enjoying a bit of an afterglow. "I must say," Apollo panted a little awkwardly, "For my first guy, you were a pretty great lay!"

Lance blushed fiercely from the compliment, muttering out a gentle "Th-thanks, you were r-really good too." He looked at the mess he left all over the sheets from his cumshot, realizing just how much he had enjoyed getting taken in the ass. He had loved every minute of it, but he soon felt guilt pounding away at his psyche. "I-I should probably tell Suzie about this."

He had spoken to Peyton with those words and she nodded back to him, "Yeah, you should, but I don't think she'll be too upset. Keep in mind, she's been Allison's friend for years, and I'm sure she's seen her own fair share of action."

"I guess that's true," Lance replied, though he still wasn't quite convinced, "I-I'll bring it up with her first thing tomorrow."

"Just don't sweat it," Apollo added as he grasped and massaged the grizzly's shoulders, "Remember when Peyton told ya she taught her a few things? I may have helped, but look on the bright side, you two have shared partners now!"

"Why am I not surprised?" Lance said with a bit of a sarcastic tone, "No wonder you're good at it."

"What can I say, I'm good at what I do." Apollo said confidently as he smacked Lance's ass, the bear giving a moaning yelp as his rump jiggled on impact. "Damn, If I wasn't so spent, I'd have gone for round two with a fine ass like that!"

"There's always next time" Lance said before he had even realized it, both Apollo and Peyton laughing.

"Wow, someone liked his lesson today!" Peyton jeered.

"Y-yeah," Lance blushed, getting a little quiet again, but winking nonetheless, "Maybe a little."


Suzie wore a rather excited grin as she set her bag of supplies for the next day on the table in Allison's basement, helping her three friends as they set out the long array of sheets on the floor. Allison figured on top of sleeping bags, the group could set up a big fort of blankets to rest on, Chelsea, Suzie and Gabi all agreeing that it would be fun. "Well I think everything is just about set up now," Suzie said to Allison as she looked over their work, "We should be snug as a bug here."

The sheep nodded enthusiastically, "Definitely, so are you girls all ready for tomorrow?"

"I know I am!" Chelsea said excitedly, before looking over to Gabi, the young bat looking a little nervous.

"Uh, I-I think so..." the bat had seemed on edge all evening, but the other three had no idea why.

"I'm sure you'll do great Gabz!" Suzie said cheerfully, "Besides, we'll be with you, so you don't have to do any of the work by yourself." The bat nodded to the canine in a way that attempted to be convincing, heaving a sigh as she watched the time linger. She was scared of falling asleep, worried about what might happen. "We gotta win that camping trip so I can sneak Lance with me." Suzie added.

"A romantic weekend with my cousin looking over my shoulder?" Chelsea laughed, "No thanks."

Allison giggled, "So things are still going strong?"

Suzie nodded as she grinned ear to ear, "Everything is perfect, he's such a sweetheart."

"Are you sure he's not too goody-goody for you?" Allison asked jokingly.

The pup shook her head as she gave the sheep a playful wink, "Nah, trust me... I can almost guarantee you he's got a naughtier side hidden somewhere. I just need to find it!"