Carnal Combat - Chap 4

Story by Rexamillion on SoFurry

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#5 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Chapter 4

Calm before the Storm

Once the battle between the snake and the coon had been decided, the crowds watching began to head away to retire for the night. However, there were a few that did not return to their quarters, each with their own purpose.

Moments after the final scream came from the reptile's lips; Rex could not help but wonder if he would stand a chance at all during his match. He knew his odds were poor, he was new to this form of combat, the youngest combatant of them all, and what's worse; he had no special ability to call his own.

Rex knew if he was to stand any chance at all he would have to train hard from now on, and he had to find his ability, his spark. He did not know how he would gain such abilities on his own, but he would have to try. These thoughts of desperation swam through his mind as the young fox made his way to a training dojo and immediately began to drill himself through his father's old lessons and maneuvers, concentrating on keeping swift and strong, the fear of total defeat driving him to train all though the night.

The sounds of exerted grunts and battle cries could be heard from the dojo area, any nearby would be able to tell that the fox was not the same since he had arrived. However, only two images stopped to watch for longer than a moment, the ninja fox Vex stopped by knowing the boys trouble's and the pressure that was on his shoulder's , he also knew that it would be Rex and not he that would have to win this tournament.

As Vex moved on from watching the young fox, a silhouette would shift out from the shadows silently. The massive black figure quickly, yet quietly would move up to behind the driven todd, however at the last second the todd would spin around and rams a hard kick towards the shadows side scoring a direct hit bringing a grin to his lips, however it died away as quick as it appeared. As he looked up into the bright red eyes of Nightmare standing unharmed by the blow.

"So, you are brother of Blaze." The massive equine said as he shrugged off the hard kick to his side, and began to circle about the boy. "It seems the stories of your eagerness are true, however your potential has yet to be tested child."

"What do you want?" The young fox would spin about quickly trying to keep his back away from the shadow stallion.

"I came to see for myself the worthy fighter from the house of Fire, and I'm disappointed to say there is none here."His movements stopped, arms crossing over his chest, and Nightmare's red eyes bearing down on the fox.

Before Rex could make a response the black stallion had turned his back to the young fox and began to walk away, speaking as he began to disappear into darkness. "If you do manage to win your first match boy, you can be certain we shall make you wish you hadn't. So train till your heart explodes and your muscles scream, maybe then you just might stand a chance."

As the echo of Nightmares words died out around the fox, he would clench his fists tightly and fire began to burn in his eyes as he lets out a loud scream of hate flow out and as he attacks a dummy, splinters and straw flying about as the fire of hate burned inside the boy.

That morning Rex would awaken, his body ached all over and he could not remember how he had gotten to bed. Last thing he remembered was training before things went black, perhaps he must have just over worked himself. Either way, he had to get up the sun was nearly clear of the horizon and he would have to run in order to make it to that morning's next match.

Immediately changing into a fresh tunic, he dashed from his dorm as he seemed to be the only one not at the arena yet as he makes it to the dungeons arena appearing in the stands now as he forced his way through the audience to the combatant box, a platform jutting out from the wall looking down upon a large circle ringed with several cages with the arms of many vial convicts reaching out towards the two fighters before them. There was also one cage left wide open, this one being empty with a lever outside the door connected to a mechanism of some sort.

The two fighters, the black feline Yin and the brown equine Linnel, faced off with one another. The convicts caged around them taunting at them, all eager to get their hands on either gender to quench the loneliness.

Then a loud sound began to bellow throughout the chambers. "Yin vs Linnel, FIGHT!!!"

Linnel immediately charged at the black cat, who grinned in waiting as a black mist began to form around her wrists and hands.

As the horse's heavy legs pushed him forward he would slug out a powerful fist towards the feline's cheek, however it was easily dodged as the feline spun off to the side.

The experienced warrior, however, expected as much and quickly launched a kick towards the twirling feline connecting hard and forcing her back several feet, stopping just out of reach of the grimy hands of the convicts.

Hissing from the pain in her side she would cross her arms over her chest as from the spaces between her knuckles 6 long tendrils snapped out, solidifying into leathery whips that moved at their mistress's command.

Seeing the dark energy whips formed by the black feline, Linnel knew it was time to pull out his new trick as he claps his hands together and began to chanting softly to himself. However whatever the equine was doing, Yin wasn't about to let him finish as she rushes forward and swings and arm towards the equine as the long whips arch towards him each wrapping tightly around his neck, an arm, and a leg.

Grinning wide the feline knew that she had won, but suddenly she gasped out loudly feeling a surge of sexual energy flooding her body as her arms clasp over her chest groping at her bust, her whips that wrapped around the light horse had began to glow brightly in a golden aura, as did the stallion that began to move towards the now kneeling black cat.

Yin looked up helplessly at the large stallion as he drew closer to her, one of her hands leaving her bust and dove into her pants, her fingers playing over her slit and forcing a loud gasp from her lips as she couldn't stop herself.

"A little trick I learned from my mistress, using your own powers against you, I hope you enjoy it now, I know they will." Grinning wide as he grabbed the feline by the hips he brought her up to her feet and slowly began to guide her squirming body towards the empty open cage.

Suddenly the feline stopped pleasuring herself and was grinning wide and sadistic as the whips around the equine turned solid black once more, and tighten around his body, he suddenly felt himself locked in place as the feline began walking away from him as he stood inside the empty cell on his own as the feline went over to the lever.

"Wh..what is this."

"Foolish hehe, you got so cocky you forgot to keep flowing out your own energy, and now you shall pay dearly. Enjoy." With a sadistic grin on her face she yanks hard on the lever and the cell door slams shut and two doors on either side opened wide and the convicts, yipping and hollering poured into the cell.

As the whips vanished from the equine limbs he leapt towards the gate trying to escape, failing as they slammed down. Before he could turn around however, he felt strong hands grabbing him tightly by his wait, shoulders, and tail.

The convicts lapped their chops at their new toy as he was tossed down onto the floor, the hands of the criminals stripping away at his tunic and pants until his hard member was exposed to the gang of unruly fiends.

Surprised by the sudden rush, he was too disoriented to get up before he felt a weight upon his chest as a quite femme snake male sat upon him and kissed him deeply grinding his length against the equine as a large bull placed his powerful hands on the equines shoulders pinning him down fully, a large member poking down at the equine face.

Linnel tried to kick his legs out at his attackers but suddenly found strong hands grabbing his ankles and lifting them up high finding his rear leaving the cold stone floor as gray wolf puts his legs over the wolves shoulders his rear lifted up enough revealing his tight hole which the wolf began prodding his large head against slowly spreading open the fighter's hole.

Feeling the wolf's cock pressing against his rosebud, Linnel's mouth parted in a pained grunt, the lizard leaning back as the bull forced his large cock into his mouth and forcing to suck upon it. Grunting more in pain as the wolf thrust inch after inch of his large cock inside his tight hole making him gasping and groan upon the bulls cock.

The sadistic feline watched, rubbing her hand between her thighs, as the light house member was raped by his cell mates and waited for them to finish the fight for her.

The reptile quickly then spun around on the fighter's pinned chest and leaned down to his throbbing member, his hands working slowly over his shaft and his lips kissing and licking all over coating it in a thick shine of saliva.

Groaning underneath the men, Linnel couldn't fight for much longer as he sucked on the cock in his mouth more, the wolf slowly moving his cock back and forth in his tight hole.

The reptile slid his lips over the downed fighter's shaft, his tongue swirling around the pulsing hard mass, it wouldn't take much more before he would get the creamy reward.

The wolf started to thrust his cock back and forth harder into Linnel's tight hole, grunting loudly as he grabbed his hips tightly and filling the cell with the sound of his hips smacking into his ass.

The bull would groan loudly as he pumped his hard cock back and forth in Linnel's sucking maw, his meat throbbing inside the warm wet mouth as he grunted more in pleasure.

The men all would moan and groan, thrusting and sucking. Linnel's heart raced heavily and his ass bucking against the wolves cock as he sucked and moaned over the cock in his mouth. All three shafts throbbed and ached in pleasure nearing their peaks.

In just a few more moments the cell was filled with loud grunts as the wolf and bull both trust as deep as they could and spurts of cum could be seen leaking out from the equine maw and ass as he was filled with their seed, his own cock spurt deep into the lizard maw who swallowed every drop before the men began to leave the equine alone.

However it wasn't the end for him, as more men began to replace the tired fuckers. A loud voice boomed through the prison chamber. "Victory Yin"

Grinning wide the wet feline would leave the arena, and leaving the equine to the capable hands and cocks of the prisoners all night long.