A Pleasant Present (part 1)

Story by Pinkling on SoFurry

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#1 of Feral Islands

My characters, not my art.

Original: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18605924/

Artist: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/akuva/

This was going to be a one shot story but it kept progressing. Rated adult for stuff that might happen later.

12:00 am. Well, its Christmas. It's so weird whenever a holiday like this comes around. Friends and family come together, enjoying each other's company. Sharing food, stories, and whatever else these occasions call for. It's really not something I've particularly enjoyed. Even when I was a pup, I always found excuses to hide away and stay clear of the main party scene. Maybe it's the over-the-top grandeur of it all, or that drawn out, hyped anticipation of celebrating something I still don't fully understand. I don't know, it always feels fake. Forced. Like it has become more of an expectation than a genuine feeling.

Even my online friends behave the same way. I never like to appear on a holiday, I really don't like being the downer. But I do wish I could understand it more.

This year, I'm spending the holiday patrolling the islands, it's actually quite pleasant. Then again what could there be to complain about when you have the peace and quiet of being offshore, and the luxury of government supplied wifi, along with the serene beauty of island society off in the distance? Maybe I've always been destined to be a hermit, except for the fact that one person has made me feel better than okay when I talk to him...

The gust of salty air felt nice on my face, and even better when the ocean spray hits unexpectedly. Another thing I enjoy is the pulsing sounds of splashing along the boat as it pierces through the still waters of the ocean. No wind on this early morning. All these sensations helped put me at ease on the growing, uneasy and uncomfortable excitement of what to expect and what I don't know. At least it's a feeling, right?

I've dated online before, something i'll always prefer over real life dating. The distance never bothered me, not as much as the first impression of realizing that the person you think you know is a literal figment of your imagination. I try not to get past experiences in the way of new ones, but it's hard to forget.

Instead of meeting at a bar or diner this time, I proposed a private engagement. Where? The only thing that's missing from where I'm at, is him. I closed my eyes and smiled, picturing his face. How they would look In every situation imaginable. The only problem is, I've never seen his face, and he hasn't seen mine either. All we know is what we share, and that has brought us closer than anyone else I've ever met. Family included.

I shivered, focusing on his touch, his breath, his smile. Then my eyes shot open. The proximity alarm blared, i lost track of my heading. I scrambled from the bow and returned to the navigation console. I reduced the speed and routed north, the alarm blared again... damn reefs.

I couldn't believe it, my simple daze had caused the boat to breach it's hull! Of course, it was only a matter of time before something happened. Stop day dreaming and driving. This isn't even the first time this has happened. Dammit. If I was honest about one of my worst qualities, it would be "easy to distract." No time to dwell on it now, I've got a boat to save, or pay for it... Yeesh.

I radio'd to the firehouse closest to my position requesting a may day. My heart skipped when I heard a response, everything was going to be okay, just can't keep him waiting long.

There was no immediate danger, only the outer hull was cracked. It also helps being marooned on a reef bank to stay afloat. Hope there wasn't too much damage done, to the reef I mean. Fireboats are a dime a dozen. All manufactured items are, but you didn't get that from me...

I returned to the bow, the vessel arched upward from the collission, enough to walk safely up there. A felt my cargo pocket for my cigarettes, one of my other flaws. Even "He" doesn't know, but I only smoke in times of stress. I actually hate the smell, the taste, i salivate so much from how foul it is, but it does help me. If anything it forces me to take deep breaths. I was about half way done before I grimaced from how bad it was and snuffed it. I returned to the navigation console and pondered the following hours to come, it's almost 4am.

The response brigade had estimated their arrival to be at 5 to 5:30, might as well take a nap. Can't worry about nothing I have control over, just a few more hours.

I woke in a bed, snow had fallen and piled along the balcony window outside. The sunlight shown softly through the thin curtains, i blinked in confusion, I was in the firehouse. I stretched and yawned, blinking my eyes. The bedroom door handle clicked, then turned. I watched cautiously, and just like that there he was. I smiled as wide as I could, he did the same as he stepped inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. His smile remained as he opened his mouth to speak.

The intense volume of the fog horn had woken me, the bright beams had shown through the cabin windows. By the time I rubbed eyes and stretched, I felt the thud of being docked.

I got up and stepped onto the outer deck. I was greeted by an unfamiliar figure. Female, soft, sweet. I barely heard her voice. "...A.J.?..."

I stepped back, blinked into the darkness toward the stern, still groggy. "Yeah?" I responded.

The next thing that happened, I was tackled back into the cabin. I braced myself, and wrapped my arms around the female. I looked up at her, a unicorn? She smiled wide, eyes as bright and full of joy as I had ever seen. "It's me!!" She chirped, I blinked, confused, unable to move as I stared back at her. "Your boyfriend?" She whispered, before licking my cheek.

"...Tripp?" I spoke hesitantly, not fully taking in the situation. Immediately after I asked, she squeaked with excitement and hugged me as tight as she could. "You're a girl??" I asked, completely lost, and almost out of breath. She sure had a grip to remember.

She slowly got up and stood over me, hanging her head in shadow, in what appeared to be disappointment. "...are you mad?.." she spoke, even softer than the first time. I blinked, and shook my head.

"Just confused." I replied, honestly I had no idea what else to say, or think.

She smiled and helped me up, and licked my cheek again. "Call me Leif, Tripp is my online name." In an instant she produced a folded red sweater and handed it to me. "Come, we are all set up to tow you back, would you like to ride here or with the other crew?" She smiled, I noticed she was wearing a red sweater as well. I really didn't know, i shrugged after putting on the sweater and sat at the mess table in the cabin.

"Here, please." I said. Kicking out the chair opposite of the table. She sat, and placed two mugs on the table from what seemed out of nowhere, eh I'm just tired. She tilted her head back and whistled, loud. After that I felt the boat move, we were really being towed. "Who are you, really?" I asked, nothing making sense, everything causing more confusion. She grinned, and held up her mug. I picked up the other mug and lightly tapped hers.

"I'm your boss." She smiled. "Merry Christmas!"

to be continued...