Fights and Apologies

Story by Chase_UC on SoFurry

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#4 of Sweet Nothing

And here's the 4th and last chapter! This one is the shortest and the most rushed chapter. At this point I lost the motivation to continue working on this story. Yes, I know that it's really dumb of me to just end this story here but it is what it is. Now that this story is done, I'm working on a dragon story that I wanna write to perfection and I'm gonna fully commit to it. So yeah, thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it at least somewhat. :D

P.S. - My future stories are definitely gonna be better than this, I'm 100% sure.

Still in shock due to Panther's behavior, she kept follwing him towards the exit of the building. They were in Cornerian's News Network headquarters, where the interview took place. The couple was invited to an interview by the networks boss himself, but nobody expected it to go like this. Several meters from the exit, she grabbed his paw to get his attention.

„What the hell is wrong with you?!", she yelled at him. The anger could be seen in her eyes. „Why do you keep acting like this?! Every time someone mentions Fox, you have a mental breakdown!", she kept yelling at him anything that she could think of, even if some of it was exaggerated. „Can't you fucking act civilized?!"

The way she kept talking to him made him even more angry. He jerked his arm in order to pull free from her grip. „You think it's easy for me to stay calm whenever someone mentions that fucking name?! It's in every fucking interview and you know how much I hate him!", he kelt yelling even louder at her, making her back off slowly. „I'm also sick of this fucking travel from one planet to another, what's the god damn point?! To exhaust us until we die?" Noticing how she was slowly backing off, he stopped yelling and let out a sigh. He looked around to see if there was anyone who would have noticed them arguing. Thankfully, they were in a hallway, there was nobody else close to them, but the yelling would attract attention from the workers in the building sooner or later. „Let's just...", he trailed off, turning around and looking at the world outside. „Let's just get to the car, okay? We'll talk about it later", he said in a much calmer voice this time and opened the buildings door, making his way outside, not turning around to see if Krystal was following him.

Still in shock, she stood there, not knowing if she should follow him. His behavior was a huge, unpleasant surprise for her. She never saw him act like this before. Knowing that staying in the building would just attract more attention from the journalists, she went outside, looking around for Panther. He was already close to their black limousine on the parking lot. She started walking towards the limo as fast as she could, worrying that he might leave her alone for whatever reason, but she couldn't really run towards the car because of her long, green dress.

What in the world is wrong with him?!

Panther already got inside of the vehicle, sitting on the back seat, while their private driver turned on the car. Few seconds later, she got to the car as well, placing her paw on the doors handle, as if she was going to open them, but she didn't. She just stood there next to the door, contemplating whatever or not she should enter the car, worried that he might be aggressive to her. Her train of thought was interrupted by the grim look on Panther's face, it looked like he was urging her to get in. She had no choice, she couldn't stay outside. Biting her lower lip, she decided to enter the car. She pulled the handle and got inside of the car, avoiding eye contact with Panther. Noticing that parts of her dress were hanging outside of the limo, she grabbed it and pulled it inside before closing the door. Still in fear that he would hurt her, she didn't look at him. Instead, she kept looking at a bottle of champagne in front of her.

„Where to, sir?" the awkward silence was broken by the voice of the limo driver.

„To our home, where else?", Panther replied in a harsh voice.

„Okay sir", the limo driver said and started driving towards the exit of the parking lot. It became silent again, making Krystal nervous. She didn't know what to do and what to expect. She was expecting Panther to say something first. An apology, for example. After all, it was him who freaked out, not Krystal. She felt something warm on her left paw. She slowly looked down, only to see Panther's paw.

„Krystal... please forgive me for what I did back there...", Panther said while firmly grabbing Krystal's left paw. „I didn't meant to upset you, I'm sorry." She got the apology that she wanted, but she knew that it wasn't a honest apology. Still, it was better than nothing.

„I forgive you...", Krystal replied quietly. „But please... work on your temper, okay?" She finally looked at him, seeing a confused look on his face. She turned her head down, looking at Panther's paw.

„Okay, I will... don't see why, but still... okay", he replied in a confused voice, looking around the limo, like he was searching for something. „As long as people don't mention that idiots name, I'll be fine". He let go of Krystal's paw and picked up two champagne glasses. „Mind giving me that champagne over there?", he asked and pointed his finger at the bottle. She looked up and grabbed it, handing it over to Panther. The bottle was already opened and about half drank. „Thanks", Panther replied before pouring the champagne into the glasses. „Come on, cheer up" he said and gave one glass of champagne to her with a smile on his face.

„Thanks. I guess..." she said before taking a sip of the drink. „By the way, why do you always get frustrated when someone mentions Fox?" she asked him curiously, but regretted the decision several seconds later, worried that it might make him angry again.

„Why I get angry? Pfft, would you get angry if someone kept mentioning a name that you hate from the bottom of your heart?", he asked in a louder voice before drinking the whole champagne from the glass in one take. „That son of a bitch deserves to die...", he said while placing the champagne glass on a small table left of him.

„Why... why do you hate him so much?", Krystal asked again, noticing that he didn't get too angry at the previous question, so she hoped that he wouldn't get angry at this one either. „He never did anything to you, did he?"

„No, he didn't, but he did do something to you - he kicked you off the freaking team, for gods sake!", Panther replied in a slightly upset voice. „If someone hurts you, they hurt me as well" he explained. „I ain't gonna let nobody hurt or upset you."

Then why did you upset me earlier, Panther? she kept wondering.

„Sir, we're here!", the driver said, stopping the car next to a huge villa.

It was an enormous villa on a private property with sand colored walls and two floors. It had three big balconies and a huge drive way in front which was closed off by a big metal gate that automatically opens once a car approaches it. Of course, the gate was programmed so that only cars that were on the property could drive in and out, cars that weren't on the property had to wait for permission from the property owner - Panther, in this case. Around the gate and the villa were big patches of green grass with lots of different colored flowers and beautiful bushes that were cut out into different shapes. One bush was cut out into a heart and another one into a statue and so on. The villa also had a huge in-doors swimming pool as well as a beautiful view of the city below, since the whole property was located on a small hill several miles out of the town. It was quite an expensive house that Panther bought for him and Krystal after Fox kicked her out of the team. It had everything that they needed and more, although it was too big for a small couple like them.

The driver got out of the car and started walking towards Panther's door. He opened it and stood like a statue next to the door, allowing Panther to get out of the vehicle.

„Thank you John", he said in a happy voice with a big smile on his face. „Getting back to the good old gentleman roots, eh?". The driver closed the door and turned around to face Panther. He gave him a slight nod with his head before getting back to the drivers seat. Krystal was watching all of it from inside of the limo. She was expecting Panther to open her door so that she can get out. Instead, Panther started walking towards the entrance of the villa. Seeing that made Krystal's face change expressions. She was now angry, since she expected Panther to be a true gentleman and open the door for her. She opened the door herself and got out.

„Thanks for being such a gentleman, sweety!", she yelled at Panther in a sarcastic voice. Panther looked behind his shoulder and gave her a small smile.


Krystal closed the door and walked over to the front end of the car before turning around and giving a hand signal to the driver, indicating that he can drive off now. The driver waved to Krystal before driving to a nearby garage. After that, Krystal made her way to the villa, noticing that Panther already got inside since the doors were left open, like usual. He'd always forget to close the doors after entering the house. She got used to it over time though. The villa had huge brown oak doors with gold plated door knobs. They didn't exactly have any other use than being fancy on the door. She got inside of the house and closed the door.

The villa seemed even bigger inside than the outside, it was huge and had an open plan. Left of her was the kitchen with a small bar and a huge fridge. The counter tops were made out of grey granite with big silver sinks and utensils everywhere. Right of her was the living room with five leather couches and a big plasma TV. The first floor had red carpets everywhere except for the kitchen, giving the impression that the owners were inside of a king's castle. Several meters in front of her were the stairs that led to the second floor. The guardrail was made out of wood with beautiful carvings on them that went well with the red carpet. The walls were sand colored, just like the facade outside with big windows which were often separated by huge framed pictures of Panther and Krystal.

The first thing she noticed when she got inside was Panther who was in the kitchen.

„Panther, what are you doing?", she asked curiously and started to approach him. „Oh, hi Krys, didn't notice you. Did ou close the doors on your way in?" he asked before leaning over and looking at the door with a smile on his face.

„Yes, I did..." she replied with an annoyed look on her face. „Anyway, what are you doing?"

„I'm preparing some martiny, you want some?", he asked while grabbing some ice from the fridge.

„No thanks, the champagne was good enough. I didn't even drink it completely, I left it in the car" she said before walking to the stairs.

„Alright then", he replied in a cheerful voice, like he forgot how he acted half an hour ago. „By the way, where are you going?"

„I'm gonna go to my bedroom and take a nap, I'm tired." she said while walking up the stairs and holding the guardrail with her left paw and her green dress with the right one.

„Okay, sweet dreams my dear".

Who could have sweet dreams after the shit you've done today?

When she got to the second floor, she turned left and started walking towards their master bedroom. She opened it and got inside the bed room which had a huge bed with a window above it and a bathroom right next to the entrance door. Without taking off her dress, she went straight for the bed and lyed there, letting out a sigh.

„I don't want to imagine what will happen when we get to Tontassia... I just know that Fox will be there...", she kept talking to herself in a tired voice. „If Panther sees Fox, there will be blood everywhere...", a thought that made her shiver. „Ah, why does everything have to be so complicated?