Out to Stud

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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A little gift story for Trystram, who has bought my fox sonna a jockstrap that does a bit more than I was expecting...

I don't know if this is canon yet (as in I actually have a horse sonna now), that will be up to Trystram. Still, it was fun.

On a personal note, this was the fastest I've ever done a story from idea to upload- just under three days, counting work and sleep.

"What is this?"

Jasen Devlin wasn't really expecting an answer to his question, especially since he was alone in his office, but he asked it any way. His bushy fox tail swished back and forth in mock agitation as he waited for that nonexistent reply. The "it" was actually fairly easy to explain: it was a small box wrapped in blue paper with a silver bow sitting in the middle of his desk at work. The fox frowned as he contemplated the box. It wasn't his birthday, or close to any gift giving holiday that he was aware of. He finally sighed and picked it up.

It was a clothing box, he knew from experience- but it fit easily into his paw, which limited the possibilities of just what kind of clothing it could be- which also limited the possible gift givers. Jasen's nose twitched in concentration as considered that. One name rose to the top of the list.

Walking out of his office at the Foxhole, Jasen looked around the still closed club and prepared to glare at the offender. Sure enough, seated about halfway down the bar, trying desperately to not look at the scarlet furred fox was the culprit.

Even by Clydesdale standards, he was big: with muscles that bulged obviously in a black Horde t-shirt that Jasen sometimes used as a robe. His hide was black as well, save for the almost white silver stockings around his hooves and paws. His mane was a similar shade of almost white. The silver tribal design that started on his right cheek and (Jasen knew) ran down his entire right side to his hoof was clearly visible as he desperately tried to avoid eye contact with the fox. But Trystram couldn't hide the excited swish of his tail against the bar stool. Jasen sighed again, padded over to the stallion, and dropped the box on the bar next to his boyfriend.

"What is this?" he asked again, as he smacked Tryst's leg with his bushy tail. The horse looked over, his violet eyes meeting Jasen's blue ones.

"It's called a 'present.' I'm told they are often exchanged between people that have affections or friendship for each other."

"Alright, let me rephrase that. _Why_is this?"

"Well, I thought we should make the next two days special..."

"Sweetheart. It's two days off, it's not like you haven't seen me in months or something."

"It's still rare," Tryst said with a whinny. "Why can't we make it special?"

Jasen's nose twitched in the traditional sign of deep thought in foxes. "It's underwear isn't it?"

"Well, yeah," the horse said with a sly grin. "Will you put it on?"

"Yes," the fox said in mock defeat and a slump of his shoulders. "As soon as we get home, ok?"

"Nooo," Tryst whined as he put his arms around Jasen and slid his paws under the fox's navy shirt to rub his cream colored belly. "Now please."

"Now?" Jasen repeated. "Why?"

"Because I'm your boyfriend and you love me?"

Jasen thought about that for a long moment. On the one paw, he was asking Jasen to get naked and change at work. On the other paw, that was hardly an uncommon occurrence here at the Foxhole- after all, he was an employee at a strip club. It was a tiny bit odd for Jasen to get naked off hours though, but it wasn't unheard of either. The twinkle in Tryst's eyes suggested that he was remembering some of those times. With a sigh, Jasen sat down on the stool next to his boyfriend and got to work opening the small box.

It was indeed underwear- a jockstrap to be exact. Jasen pulled the folded fabric from the box and examined it. It was a fashion jock he determined from the relatively thin waistband, all black with a small notch in that waistband for the wearer's tail. As with most jocks, it had two thin leg straps, also in black. The hems were done in silver thread. The only decoration on it was a silver design on the middle of the pouch- but whether it was a glyph or a tribal design like Tryst's tattoos the fox couldn't tell. He held it up with a smile for Tryst to see. Tom, the day security supervisor who was sipping his coffee at the end of the bar by the front door politely pretended not to notice. A jockstrap was hardly the wildest thing the big Dane had seen between consenting employees (and their significant others) at the Foxhole.

"Are you sure you didn't accidentally give me yours dear?" Jasen asked after a moment of study. "It looks a bit big for me."

"Nope," Tryst replied with a swish of his tail. "It's yours."

Jasen was half tempted to ask him how he could be sure. But knowing his boyfriend the way he did, it was probably because the big Clydesdale was already wearing the one he had bought for himself. The fox ran a finger along one of the pouch's hems. The material did feel rather stretchy, maybe it was one of those that conformed to the wearer when they put it on. Jasen looked up to see a half pleading smile on Tryst's muzzle.

"Alright," he said in defeat, his ears flattening a little. "I'll at least try it on. But then we go home, ok?"

Tryst nodded and swished enthusiastically, so Jasen headed back to his office and closed but didn't lock the door. He knew his boyfriend, and knew Tryst would follow in a few minutes to see him in the new attire. Tom was the only other person in the building, and the Great Dane would give them their privacy. Jasen set the jockstrap on his desk and removed his t-shirt, jeans, and finally his boxers.

Out of his clothes, the scarlet furred fox stretched his lithe body and gave himself a quick once over. Manager of the Foxhole he may have been, but he still performed enough to make sure he looked good, even for just a private performance for his horse. He reached down and picked a thread out of the black fur of the sock markings on his foot paws and gave his tail a puff to make sure the cream colored tip looked good. He gave his stomach and chest a rub as well, making sure the divide between his scarlet fur and cream belly fur was good as well. That done, he finally reached down a fluffed his sheath and balls, pushing them as up and out as he could. If the jockstrap was indeed too big for him, there were still things he could do to make it look good for Tryst- just one of the many things he had learned in his time at the Foxhole.

He gave his sac another fluff, and reached over to his desk and pulled the jockstrap out of the box. For a moment, he hesitated- though he wasn't entirely sure why. Then with a shrug and a flick of his tail, he stepped into the jockstrap. Another quick motion, and he had the garment in place. He hesitated for a moment, then sighed to himself before he took a step to examine himself in the small full length mirror in his office. His initial assessment had been correct- the jock was indeed about two sizes too large for him. While the waistband stayed snug in back, held up by his tail, in front it drooped noticeably: the top of his sheath was just visible above the top of the pouch. Despite his efforts, the rest of equipment couldn't be seen at all- the pouch was just too loose. Jasen sighed. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Tryst seemed to have bought a horse sized jock. And he really should have known better- it wasn't as if he hadn't bought Jasen fox sized...

The fox frowned, his nose twitching. His ears flicked back and forth. Something had changed. He looked around and saw nothing. Tryst wasn't even standing in the doorway. The fox swished his tail and tried to figure out what was bothering him. Nothing seemed to be out of place, so Jasen turned and prepared to call for Tryst to come defend his questionable purchase when he happened to glance in the mirror and froze.

The jockstrap was hugging his sac, his balls pressing against the black fabric. But that wasn't possible... his balls, while nicely sized for a fox, where nowhere near large enough to be seen through the overly large pouch... he'd just seen that. But now he could clearly see the outline of his sac, and was suddenly aware of a tingling coming from his crotch. Tentatively, he reached a paw down and pulled the jock away from his crotch and his eyes went wide, his tail stood out stiff, and his ears folded back.

His balls had grown huge- almost to the size of baseballs, and still seemingly growing in the jockstrap. His sheath had also begun to swell and was already looking too large on his lithe frame. Jasen had no idea what was happening or why, but his inner size queen had to admit that having such large equipment was very exciting. His nicely sized knotted cock began to slip from his sheath.

Except it wasn't "nicely sized" anymore. Jasen gasped as his cock came up to just under his nipples. Then his eyes went even wider as it began to change. The first sign was the cream colored splotches that began to form on his normally ebon shaft. As the fox stared at his cock, the pointed tip began to flatten out into a broad circular shape. His jaw dropped open as his knot vanished, leaving him with a cream and black mottled cock at full mast over softball sized balls that now held the black jockstrap away from his body. Then, Jasen realized what it was he was looking at- he had a horse cock! He was a fox with a horse cock!

Even as the situation (and the fantasy) dawned on him, he reached out a paw to touch his new shaft to assure himself it was real. But as he reached, he jerked his paw away in shock. His fur had changed colors, growing browner then it normally was- it also seemed to be getting shorter. He gasped, then gasped again as his cock began to get smaller. For a moment, he was sad he wouldn't get to enjoy having a huge cock; but then he realized it wasn't getting smaller- he was getting bigger! He looked down at the floor and realized it was indeed getting farther away. Then he realized that his hind paws had become shiny and had become hooves. Jasen groaned as he kept growing. It didn't hurt- it just felt like he was stretching. His abs went from flat to a clearly defined six pack, his rear firmed, his chest bulged out, his thighs swelled, and his biceps bulged. His cream belly fur all but vanished, becoming a triangle of color under his newly enlarged pectorals and becoming a narrow strip of cream running down to his sheath. His hide was now chestnut, aside from the black socks above his new hooves.

Jasen let out a startled yip that changed to a neigh as he felt his tail seem to explode. He looked down and saw that his tail had split into the many hairs of a typical horse. A tingling at the back of his head and neck alerted him to the fact that he now had a mane as well. He could also feel his twitching ears take on a more equine shape. He looked down at his muzzle just in time to see it begin to flatten out and become more round. The markings of his mask vanished, leaving and his nostrils flared out to an equine shape. Jasen whinnied to himself as the transformation seemed to run its course. When the tingling and stretching feeling finally left, he looked in the mirror.

Standing in the mirror was a muscular draft horse- a Belgian Draft if Jasen remembered his horse breeds correctly. He had a shiny chestnut coat, with a small strip of cream down the middle of his torso, and black socks above his shiny black hooves. He had a long flowing blond mane and tail. His cock stood proudly erect, mottled with black and off white, and reaching just past his navel. His balls were concealed by the black jockstrap he was still wearing, but from the bulge they were creating they had to be very large. Jasen whinnied again and flexed his new muscles- he had gone from a very nice (if lean) fox to a total stud of a stallion.

"I see it worked," a voice interrupted his inspection. Jasen turned to see Tryst closing the door with a broad smile on his muzzle. The new stallion didn't get a chance to make a comment, as the Clydesdale dropped the bag he was holding and took two quick strides to stand behind him. Tryst wrapped Jasen in a hug, pinning the chestnut horse's arms to his sides and holding him so tight that Jasen could feel the barbells in Tryst's nipples pressing against his back through the other's shirt.

"You knew about this?" Jasen asked with a snort.

"Mmmmhmm," Tryst replied as he happily nuzzled Jasen's new mane and longer neck. "Shall we try it out?"

Jasen felt Tryst's right arm leave him, and then he heard a zipper being undone. Then, with a barely heard smack he felt a familiar weight settle against his rear. Tryst nickered into Jasen's ear as he worked his hips to rub his rapidly hardening member against Jasen's newly enlarged rear. The former fox groaned, his cock hardening even more as he instinctively flicked his tail up and out of Tryst's way. The big black stallion nickered even more as his shaft reached full arousal and slid in between his boyfriend's muscular cheeks.

"Mmmm. I could do this all day," Tryst muttered with a kiss to Jasen's ear. For a few moments, he continued to hot dog the new draft horse.

Tryst had to admit his gift had worked out even better than he had anticipated. While he loved Jasen as a fox, he had to admit that as a big, muscular draft horse Jasen fulfilled all his desires in a mate. The big Clydesdale grunted as he rubbed the now leaking tip of his shaft against the tight ring of Jasen's tail hole. Jasen whinnied at the attention. Tryst smiled as he remembered the times that Jasen had tried to imitate the horse utterance as a fox.

"But I think it's time to move on," Tryst whispered as he released Jasen from the hug. "To the main event."

Jasen felt Tryst's familiar weight leave him. The new stallion guessed what was on the bigger male's mind and moved to set his paws on the edge of the desk. He heard a zipper, and then the pop and click of a pop top opening and closing, then Tryst's weight return to his shoulders. The new stallion moaned and neighed as he felt a cool pressure on his tail hole, followed by the pleasurable feeling of first one, then a second lubed finger enter him.

"Heh," Tryst commented as he worked his fingers back and forth to properly lubricate his lover's insides. "Those went in easier."

"I... think... ohhh... I... might... be... bigger back there," Jasen moaned.

"Maybe," Tryst giggled as he pulled his fingers out. Then he lubricated his tip and shaft. "Shall we test the theory?"

He didn't give Jasen a chance to respond, but set his tip against the chestnut stallion's tail hole while the other was still nodding. Then he thrust his shaft inside the new horse.

Jasen whinnied as Tryst began to mate him. While most as mind was consumed with the act of being rutted by his lover, a small portion of it managed to analyze what was different now that he was a stallion. It wasn't much different than when he'd been a fox. Tryst was still one of the biggest horses that Jasen had ever known- even with his own increased size, Jasen was still feeling very full of the massive stallion cock plowing him. Jasen rocked with the motions and moaned with pleasure. There was one major difference though- even with flare beginning to form inside him, Jasen noted that while he felt full, he didn't feel like he was in imminent danger of exploding from horse cock. Maybe there were certain advantages to being a big stallion himself. He gasped as Tryst's paw reached around his waist and took hold of Jasen's own shaft and began stroking his lover in time with his thrusts.

"Mmmm," Tryst groaned into Jasen's ear. "I think I like this. Such a stud now. Maybe... humph... I'll even let you use on me."

Jasen moaned. Tryst rarely ever offered to bottom, but he had no time to come up with a reply as the big Clydesdale picked up his pace. Between the pounding his rear was taking and the big paw working his shaft, he could already feel the pressure of an orgasm building in his groin. He felt a swelling in his shaft- as with everything else in the last few minutes, a familiar sensation in a new place. He was used to feeling the base of his shaft swell as his knot formed- but he no longer had a knot. Instead, the swelling was coming from the tip of his shaft. He looked down to see that the previously round head of his shaft had swollen- no, not swollen- flared to an oval shape. Jasen began panting as his head flared fully and the pressure built even further. Tryst, leaning over Jasen's shoulder saw his boyfriend's shaft.

"Beautiful," Tryst panted. "Mmmm... let's see if you come like... ahhh... proper stud."

With that last word, Tryst hilted Jasen. The draft horse let out a neigh that became a moan as he was pushed over the edge and orgasmed. If "a proper stud" came like a damn fire house, barely missing the underside of their own chin and left a thick trail of seed all the way across their desk and even splashed the wall, then Jasen had to admit that maybe he was one. His eyes closed and he moaned again as he let out another pulse of cum onto his desk. Tryst whinnied in admiration, then released Jasen's shaft to grasp his hips and finish his own task. Jasen moaned again as he felt the bigger horse release inside him, but again there was no sense of being swollen to his limits like when he'd been a fox.

Spent, Tryst partially collapsed on his boyfriend's back and for a long moment, they just stood leaning on Jasen's cum splattered desk until the big Clydesdale got soft enough that he slid from the draft horse's rear. Tryst gave Jasen a kiss on the cheek.

"So," the chestnut stallion panted. "How long do I stay like this?"

"They said twenty-four hours after you take it off," Tryst replied as he pulled the jockstrap up over his stud's new sheath. "But I dunno. I kind of like this look for you."

Jasen sighed. "Compromise. We'll keep the jock. Now I hope you bought clothes so we can go home without violating every public indecency ordinance on the books."

Tryst nickered, zipped up, and went to retrieve the bag.

An hour later, Tom passed by on his rounds. The door was still closed, and hanging on the knob was a card that read "Out to Stud." The Dane chuckled to himself. It was a few more hours until the cleaning crew came- if the lovers hadn't already left, they could have their fun until then.