Confronting Your Dad's Ghost

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#24 of Royalty

Author's Note: Thanks to my boyfriend, friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are awesome! This story is from Lucius' POV.

Confronting Your Dad's Ghost

After our wild honeymoon, Max and I went to his place. I wanted us to live together, so I decided to have someone else run things in Densville. Now that we were married our empires were merged together making us co-emperors of one huge empire. As of now, both Densville and Fox Hollow are the capitals of this new empire, but that may change.

We ate dinner when we arrived at Max's and afterwards Max placed his ghost phone on the desk in his office. When I saw it, I got an idea.

"Mind if I use the ghost phone?", I asked Max.

"Sure. Who are you going to call?", Max asked.

"My dad", I said.

Max frowned and looked a little nervous.

"I want to give him a piece of my mind", I said.

"Be careful Lucius", Max said, with a worried expression on his face. I placed my palm on the orb and in a few minutes the Dial-A-Ghost rang. I picked it up immediately..

"Hello", my dad said.

"Hey dad, guess what?", I said.

"What", he said.

"I married Max", I said proudly.

"What?! Why?!", my dad shouted.

"Because I love him", I said.

"This is wrong!", my dad shouted.

"Save me the speech old man. I already heard it from mom, who went batshit crazy and started beating up Max", I said.

"She would never do something like that?!", he shouted.

"Well she did", I fired back.

"Well...I would never do something like that", he said.

"That's good. I would never forgive you if you did", I said.

"I still think your union is wrong, but I would never assault somebody like that", he said.

"Why can't you just accept us", I pleaded.

"Because it goes against my values", he said.

"Fuck your values! There is no real reason why a wolf can't marry a fox.", I said.

"Aren't we all supposed to marry people from our own species?", he said.

"Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it has to be followed. Sometimes you gotta break with tradition and that's just what I did", I said.

"But we are nothing without tradition", he said.

"Give me one reason that a wolf shouldn't marry a fox besides tradition or 'it's wrong'", I said.

He didn't respond.

"Can't think of anything can you?", I said, "and you know why? Because your argument is based on bullshit tradition and prejudice that common people stopped practicing centuries ago", I said.

"I never thought I would say this, but...I'm disgusted with you. Don't talk to me ever again", he said before hanging up with me. I was so full of anger. How could he be so idiotic! He's willing to shut me out of his life...well afterlife...simply because I married outside of my species?!

"That asshole!", I shouted, shaking with rage.

"Calm down honey. It's okay. We don't need his approval remember?", Max said.

"I know, but I want him to be happy for me, for us. Instead he hates me now", I said. That's when my anger turned to sadness and then I started to cry. Max gave me a hug and I buried my face in his chest, crying into his fur.

"It's going to be okay", Max said, petting my head. He then held me as I continued to cry. When I finally stopped I looked up at him and hugged him back. I kissed him on the muzzle and he kissed me back. He then led me to his...I mean our...bedroom and we cuddled on the bed together for the rest of the night.