Chapter 2: A New Year

Story by hyenapurple on SoFurry

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#2 of Zebrouse Chronicles

This is a follow up to my previous trade for Tidal_husky. If you haven't read chapter 1 it's highly suggested Chapter 1: Christmas Lovers.

I was shaken from my thoughts as someone pushed on me roughly. I sat up throwing the covers off and snapped at the intruder, "What?!"

Marcy stepped back shocked by my sudden outburst. She was one of Becky's party crew. Which meant she was another one of the trust fund crowd. But unlike Becky who actually held down a job, Marcy was a free agent and would never work a day in her life and never had, nor would she ever given how much her parent's doted on her. Their only expectation was that she would settle down with some nice mouse boy and pop out an heir or two. They needed heirs to propagate their pure blood mouse line. Which meant they looked down on me like I was dirt with my obvious mixed parentage. Joke was on them since Marcy was about as gay as they came.

I rubbed at my eyes once I recognized who I was looking at and lay back down. I threw the covers over my head again and surrendered to the darkness. "Leave me alone Marcy."

"But you're missing the party," Marcy whined.

"What do you care?" I said as I pressed my face into my pillow.

That was it. Marcy had had enough 'no', she pulled at my covers till she pulled them off me. She was one strong mouse. "Up now."

I looked up at her but refused to get out of the bed despite losing my comforting blanket. She was taller than me by a good three inches making her very tall for the mouse species. Despite her natural height and daily visits to the gym she didn't do much else to improve her image instead choosing to let the pudge accumulate along with the muscle. So while way stronger than me, she was still fairly well rounded. This was evident by her full breasts and slightly hanging stomach which at the moment she had on full display. I turned over facing the wall and giving her my back, "Put on some clothing."

"It's a party not a press release, everyone's naked."

"Then go party and leave me alone." I pulled my sheet over my head blocking out some of the light of the room.

"No, you have to come too. It's no fun being the only prey." Now I see why she wanted me around. Most of the gang was full of big predators and as a member of a much smaller species things could get rough should someone forget their own strength. Helped to have a few tiny people around to keep everyone gentle.

"Just leave me alone."

Marcy humphed and I heard her walk to the door. The small mouse shouted so everyone could hear, "Becky, Chris won't get up, what's wrong with him!"

Becky's voice barreled in response telling everyone about my issues. "Some bastard kicked him out shortly after tricking him into loving him."

I covered my ears to block Becky's words out. Jay had been so nice and so caring. We had cuddled for hours just talking as he traced my body over and over again. We had fallen asleep together in each other's arms and everything had seemed perfect but come morning it was a different story. I had been awoken by him shaking me and while I was still half asleep he rushed me out the back door telling me to go. I was so stunned I had wandered for a few hours till Becky got worried enough and followed my tag to pick me up sitting in some café. It had been days since then and I'd gotten no explanation or reason. Actually I hadn't heard from Jay in all that time and last night had been New Year's Eve.

I peeked out from under the covers at the clock to see that it was about three in the afternoon January 1st. So it has been a whole week. I curled up back under the sheets feeling numb to it all. My tears has been spent days ago and there was nothing left just an emptiness. Becky's muffled voice stopped. I guess now all her friends knew I had been dumped like last week's leftover takeout.

Suddenly there was a warm body crawling under my sheet with me. The form slithered past my feet and up toward my chest forcing me to straighten in bed. Our fur crackled as it rubbed together and soon a head popped up before mine.

"You shouldn't sulk," Marcy said to me as she cuddled close. Her large breasts pressed against my chest and her hefty form molded around mine as she held me close. She smiled warmly at me as she hugged me tight. "You need to get back out there. It's the only way to get over a bad break. Lots and lots of rebound sex."

"Not for me," I said flatly.

"Are you sure?" Suddenly I felt Marcy's fingers exploring the inside of my plain aqua panties as she tried to excite me. It was working a bit as the tip of my manhood came out of its sheath.

"Stop teasing," I breathed. "You're into girls."

"True." Marcy continued to play finding my balls and massaging them. "But do you think my parents would be more or less upset by a hybrid grandchild as they are by their lesbian daughter?"

I was already out of the bed and backing away from Marcy. "No! No, no, no."

Marcy lifted herself on all fours swinging her ass back and forth and flicking her tail. Marcy licked her lips as she looked me up and down like a predator sizing up her prey. "Are you sure? It could be fun."

I backed up and nearly fell onto Becky's unkempt bed. I put my hands back and supported myself. "I'm sure. Definitely not. Now can you get out and leave me be?"

Becky shifted to sit on the edge of my bed. "Nope. You're up now, you're going to join the party."

"Why are you having a party anyways? New Year's eve was yesterday."

"True." Marcy stood up but kept herself between me and my bed. "But today is the first of the New Year so we're celebrating that."

"With lots of booze and sex no doubt." I added. I tried to step around the taller mouse but she kept stepping in front of me. "No thank you."

"You're not going to have a choice." Marcy grinned at me. Her grin wasn't as intimidating or calculating as Becky's. Instead she just looked like she was about to tell a joke she found hilarious. The stronger mouse moved and quickly hugged me trapping my arms to my sides as she tackled me onto Becky's bed.


"Becky! He's up! I need some help."

I didn't have time to grapple my way out of Marcy's hold before I heard a few pairs of foot falls enter the room. I looked up to see Becky and a few of her friends just inside the door. The others held back as Becky walked over and plucked me out of Marcy's grasp. She lifted me up with her hands under each of my arms. "Good morning cutie. Glad to see you up."

I blushed as Becky held me up in only my pair of aqua panties for all her friends to see. "Um ... can you put me down?"

"Nope." Becky threw me over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked from our room. I looked back to see Marcy and the gang following us. There were six of them in total. Two lioness twins who die their fur with a stripe of blue or green down their back. Dot and Dame they called themselves and I could never tell them apart but that didn't matter since they never went anywhere without each other. They were both dating the same guy at the same time too but anything beyond that was outside my knowledge. Kamala was a leopardess and the smallest besides Marcy. She was also Becky's first girlfriend and they were still good friends despite a slightly nasty breakup. Henrietta was a horse of quite some size and had to duck under even the extra high doorways. She and I where familiar since she was a regular fuck buddy of Becky's and had stayed over quite a few times. Finally was Marcy and the hyena she was currently dating. Bridgett was a professional boxer and it showed in her muscular physique that put even Becky to shame.

The six females followed behind. All naked and a few dripping with fun juices. Becky walked into the bathroom and turned around to face the door. I could only see the entourage only in the reflection of the mirror while they had a great view of my backside. Becky bowed and I was jerked around unceremoniously as she did so. Then she spoke to the others as if she was the ring master of a circus, "I think you would also agree with me that this boy here has been sulking too much and it's time he cleaned up and rejoined the party."

A few of the females nodded. Most stated their agreement and one, Kamala, licked her lips.

"Hear that Chris. Time to get up and do something. But first, time to clean up."

I couldn't say a word as Becky pulled my panties down showing everyone my stripped butt and hanging balls. I was literally shocked speechless.

Becky turned around and I closed my eyes so I didn't have to look at the snickering naked ladies. I heard Becky turn on the shower and then she set me down in the raining water. My cock now hung down freed from my sheath fully. Becky slapped my backside. "Clean up and come down stairs."

I almost would have guessed Becky had been worried but she quickly covered that emotion if it was even there. Instead when I looked up at her, she grinned at me and turned the water up making my fur stick to my skin.

"So who wants to watch him so he doesn't try and run back to bed?" Becky looked over at her friends. They all seemed to be volunteering and I turned around and faced the tiled wall my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

In the end it was decided that Kamala was going to stay behind but the others accepted it grudgingly. Surprisingly Henrietta took a bit more convincing and only agreed to leave when Becky allowed her to go back to my room to pick out what I would be wearing for the evening.

I blushed even redder as I saw myself as their little doll to play with. But honestly I liked the attention and I would have been smiling if not for the nagging thought of Jay in the back of my mind.

I jumped when the shower door slid closed and I turned to find Kamala in the extra-large shower with me. Everyone else was gone. "Um ... you don't have to be in here too. You can wait outside."

Kamala's spots were a stark contrast to my stripes. She ran her hands over her medium sized breasts and when she spoke she had an exotic accent. "What's the fun in that? I prefer to play with my prey before getting down to the real business."

I stood there and when I realized I was staring at her form I covered my cock and turned into the water to attempt to hide it. No luck since it was a full sized zebra dick but since it had yet to get fully hard I could hide some of it.

"Your roommate said you were bi but when I saw you in those girly undies I didn't believe her." Kamala stepped up behind me and reached around. She ran a single claw under my balls then half way up my dick. The leopardess whispered in my ear, "Now I think I do."

I stood under the water. "Not interested."

"Oh come on." Kamala grabbed my balls and started playing with them. Her other paw began to run between my ass cheeks. "You need rebound sex and believe me I can give you the best sex of your short little life. Rebound or not."

I hang my head. When Jay and I had made love it had been the best I'd ever had. Not that I'd had sex much. I could feel my tears begin to join the falling water running over my face and I sobbed.

The rough playing stopped and instead two arms wrapped themselves around me and held me tight. "It's ok. Let it out. Everything's going to be fine. It's just going to take some time."

The sudden attitude shift had me off balance but Kamala's kindness and soft touch soon has me crying into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. I sobbed again, "He said he loved me."

"Shh, it's ok. He was probably a jerk anyways." The leopardess held me up as I cried for who knows how long. The sizable water tank we had was barely able to push out lukewarm water when I finally started to calm down, and run out of tears. The leopardess started to wash me as I stood there. "Don't worry about anything. Just lose yourself in the now and push away thinking about the past till tomorrow."

I turned off the water after Kamala rinsed out my fur. I grabbed my dark purple towel and handed it to her to dry off with first. "Thank you."

The leopardess smiled down at me warmly before starting to rub me dry starting with my head and working down towards my legs.

"I can do that!" I said startled. "Dry yourself first."

The leopardess didn't stop as she worked her way down my body. She carefully dried my fur which thankfully didn't look too messed up. She knelt down on the floor when she got to my stomach and now mostly hidden manhood. When she finished at my feet she got up still wet and began to dry herself off with the same damp towel.

I stumbled for one of the cabinets. "Here let me get you a fresh towel."

Kamala chuckled as she kept drying herself. "No need to make something else dirty."

I turned back to her as she dried herself. When she saw me watching she started moving slower and with more exaggerated movements. It was her ever so slight grin that held me captive as she put on a show that I could feel my body reacting too.

When she finished she tossed the towel in the laundry basket and walked past me without even looking at me. Not exactly true. She did bump my swinging shaft aside to get past. She leaned out the door, "Henrietta, where are those clothes!"

The clop of hooves could be heard and Kamala leaned back into the bathroom slamming the door in Henrietta's face before turning to me with the package. It was not very large about the size of a fist all folded up and all neon pink. I gulped.

Kamala walked over and held up the outfit. Well maybe it was more of half an outfit. Solid pink thigh highs, fingerless long gloves and a thong that would cover nothing was all there was to it. "So do you want help getting dressed?"

I grabbed the revealing outfit from her and turn around. "I'm good."


I started to pull on the fingerless gloves up to just below my shoulders. Then I leaned over and I could see Kamala looking down at me and I blush but I continue pulling up the thigh highs to find they were tight, solid legwarmers and my foot paws stuck out the bottom. Finally the thong went on but was only able to hold my balls. My cock still stuck out over the pink triangle and dangled in front of me. The thin string running under me didn't do anything as it ran between my cheeks. I was practically no better than being naked. "I think I need something else."

Kamala wrapped an arm over my shoulder and started leading me towards the door. "I don't think you do. You look very sexy."

My face warmed as she led me out into the hall and down to the main room where the other girls were lounging around, on or near the couch. There were bottles of beer all over the room and the coffee table was moved off to the side to create a large space in the center of the room. Becky sat on the couch while she made out with both of the lioness twins. Henrietta was just settling in besides them examining one of the twin's backsides. Marcy and Bridgett were laying on the other smaller couch and whispering in each other's ears. That left only the lounge chair open which Kamala lead me too and sat me down on.

Becky came up for air from between two sets of breasts. "You're looking better. Now the real party can start."

All seven women looked at me. I felt both overdressed next to their nakedness and underdressed with my semi-hard shaft hanging out. "I guess."

The room became a flurry of activity as everyone seemed to go about doing something. I couldn't keep up till everything settled down. The TV was now softly playing music and the girls sat around with bowls of food everywhere. Everyone had a beer or glass of wine in their hand as they sat around less clustered but still just as naked. Becky stood up in the center of the lounge area. "Welcome to the New Year's first game night. Any ideas what we should start with?"

Immediately Bridgett shouted, "Strip poker!"

"We're already all naked sweetie." Marcy said as she kissed the larger hyena's cheek.

Kamala was the next to speak. She looked at me as she made her suggestion. "We could play some silly multi-player console game but I suggest something more ... physically involved. Something like charades."

I thought it was a good idea till I actually thought about how I would be bouncing around acting out one thing or another while my junk danced for the audience. I squeaked out my opinion before anyone could second Kamala's idea, "Um, maybe we could just play cards without the strip part."

Bridgett jumped up and did a fist pump. "Yeah. See the boy even likes my idea."

Marcy looked up at her girlfriend and was about to say something when the doorbell rang. I jumped at the sudden chime and Becky looked a bit irritated as she stomped naked to the door. Becky looked back giving everyone a warning before she opened the door slightly and looked though the gap out onto the landing.

I couldn't see who was at the door but I bet they were going to get shouted at and go skittering away from the intimidating naked croc. Thus it was a surprise when Becky just stood there her head out the door. After a minute she pulled her head back in and slammed the door. She looked utterly enraged as she turned to us.

This time a knock echoed from the door and through it we could hear a muffled voice, "Becka, I really need to talk."

I stood up from my spot with a hop and took a step towards Becky and the door. I knew that voice. I'm sure I would ever forget it. I took another step and was stopped by Kamala who tugged at my arm. I looked back at her unable to form any words.

Becky growled and opened the door. She reached out and grabbed the person out there and flung them into the apartment. She slammed the door closed as the blur of black leather and blue fur flew through the room and slammed into the opposite wall and slumped like a rag doll to the floor.

I started to run towards the groaning and slumped form only to have Kamala hold me back. Becky walked over to the prone figure flipped him over onto his back and pressed firmly on his chest with her foot. The air was squeezed out of him and he was stuck looking up at Becky a dazed look in his eyes.

The other girls looked almost as shocked as I was. Tears were at my eyes when finally something escaped my lips in a whisper, "Jay?"

Apparently that whisper was enough as everyone looked at me and back at Jay getting the air crushed out of him. The pack of women suddenly got a ferocious aura about it. Even Bridgett got angry but it took her a second longer than the others. I looked over at Jay whose dazed eyes now focused on me.

Jay opened his mouth to speak only to have Becky crush the air out of him. "You will not speak till spoken to bastard!"

I hated to see Jay in so much pain. There was a cut just above one of his eyes and I tried to go to him only to have Kamala pull me back again. I turned to her, "Let me got."

"Don't!" Becky shouted freezing me in my place. She stepped harder on Jay and growled, "You are not welcome here you son of a bitch."

Jay tried to speak but all he could do was wheeze and cough. Hot streams started to burn down my face as I just stood there. Finally Becky let up a bit on the mauled husky so he could speak. "I came to apologize for not calling."

That was the wrong answer. Becky stepped off Jay and she reached down and picked him up the collar of his leather jacket till he was no longer touching the ground. The fear in his eyes was genuine as he looked down at the massive predator.

"I know is should have called but ... but I was on a trip with the guys and didn't know your number." Jay was looking at me. There was a mix of sorrow and hurt in with the fear. He couldn't bring himself to look down at Becky who I thought was inches away from snapping the husky's neck.

Becky shook Jay grabbing his attention, "You know mine!"

"Ah ... Yeah ... I ... Uh ... Forgot. I should have called."

Becky growled again. "Called or not called doesn't make a difference you piece of shit. You fucked my roomie then kick him out like he's trash with nowhere to go and you think apologizing for not calling is going to get you laid again."

I stood there and when Jay looked at me I dropped my gaze to look at the ground.

"He didn't have his phone or even wallet on him," Becky continued. "You left him alone in the cold with no idea where he was. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you to shreds right now."

I didn't have to look to know that Jay was now beyond terrified. The room smelled of his fear as he pissed his jeans.

"Fuck!" Becky shouted and I heard the thump as she dropped Jay. I looked at Becky who had taken a step back from the knelling Jay and a step back from her anger at the pitiable sight of the blue canine.

Jay looked up at me, he was crying but it didn't look like it was from physical pain. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I got a text that the guys were coming and I panicked."

I took a step forward and Kamala held me back from taking another towards the pathetic looking husky. Becky also stepped between me and Jay and looked down at me. "Don't do this. Remember what he did to you."

I couldn't say anything and I only looked up at her with pleading eyes. I wanted to go give Jay a hug. The desire tugging at my heart. I still loved him and just seeing Jay like this had wiped away all the pain of the past week. But I still couldn't bring myself to step around Becky. She was right, he hurt me and would probably do it again. I silently asked her to help me.

Becky put a hand on my bare shoulder and sighed. "Kamala."

Kamala's grip holding me back relaxed and after a bit let go. The leopardess walking away giving a growl to Jay as she went from participant to audience.

Becky turned back to Jay and stepped to stand over him. "You are a piece of shit but Chris likes you for some stupid reason so I'm going to give you one last chance. You hurt him in any way again and I'll rip you to shreds just after I destroy everything in your life. Got it?"

Jay nodded but could only look at me with tears and sadness in his eyes. He had no idea what he had put me through till now. I took a step forward only to be stopped by Becky's hand on my chest.

Becky had more to say, "And you're going to make up for what you have already did and make it so it never happens again."

Jay lifted his head and nodded. There was fear in his expression but not for long as Becky released me and I dropped to the floor and wrapped my arms most of the way around the husky. Warm tears ran down my face as I released the pent up sadness and overturned my thoughts of abandonment.

"I love you," Jay whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I wasn't thinking straight and ... I don't know, just couldn't let my gang find you and me together."

"It's ok," I whispered back. "I forgive you."

"Well I don't," Kamala said snapping us out of our moment. She defiantly stood there one hand on her exposed hip the other behind her back. "Becky said you would make things right. You're telling your, so called buddies that you're dating a guy."

Jay gulped, "But ... But ..."

"No buts! It was your immature, stupidity with trying to keep it under wraps that made you hurt Chris. Can you say it wouldn't happen again?"

Jay's head dropped onto my shoulder as he gave up. He had no good rebuttal and knew it. "Ok. I'll tell them."

"Good." Kamala grinned and looked at Becky and together they both grinned like they were plotting world domination. Kamala grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled our embrace apart. She presented her other hand to Jay. In it was a massive spiked green feline dildo. I instantly recognized it as one Becky kept stashed in the couch for when she got bored. "Now you may have gotten Chris here to forgive you but still need to make it up to us so I think it's only fair you put on a good show for us and maybe we'll let you off the hook."

Jay looked at the massive thing in all its 14 inches of glory and didn't move till Kamala dropped it onto his lap. Only then did he pick it up and stare at it transfixed.

Kamala hauled me back to the chair I had been sitting in. She threw me against the upholstery and squeezed in beside me. She wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me close. She held up her other hand and in it she had a cell phone and I had no idea where it came from. She looked at Jay who was still transfixed to the dildo in the center of the ring of women. When she spoke it got the canine's attention, "Think of it as insurance. You don't tell your buddies you're a fag and we send a video of you riding a dong to everyone we know ... or we could just film Becky beating you up till we're satisfied."

When Becky cracked her knuckles I squeaked.

"I'm sure Chris would like to see you fucking yourself too." Kamala ran a claw over my limp cock causing it jump and start to grow. Kamala's claws tore the straps of the tong and she threw the useless piece of fabric away. I squirmed when she took my member in her grip as best as she could and began to paw me. "See he's already getting hard from the thought."

I was getting super excited and the idea of watching Jay ride a dildo was definitely turning me on just as much as having him watch me get jerked off by the leopardess. I looked into Jay's eyes and saw a mixture of shame and lust in them. The fear, sadness and confusion were mostly gone.

Jay stood up slowly with visible pain. He fumbled with his pants and it took him a few tries till he was slipping them off. Then he put down the dildo on the floor and when Marcy tossed him a bottle of lube he caught it and began to liberally apply the liquid.

The click of the phone starting its recording echoed and Jay visibly blushed as he worked at the dildo with his hands. I looked around and everyone except for Becky, Marcy and Kamala had started to play with themselves. Becky stood sternly behind the couch a blank expression on her face. Marcy was helping Bridgett play with her own asshole using another massive dildo. Kamala of course was playing with me.

My cock reached its maximum size just as Jay tossed away the bottle of lube and knelt over the dildo readying himself. He looked at me and gave a slight smile as he presented himself. His own cock was escaping out of its sheath and push up in front of his shirt. Suddenly Jay broke eye contact with me and stared at my member. He licked his lips and began to lower himself. The husky didn't get very far before he stopped at his limit just as the head began to enter his butt.

"You're going to have to get the whole thing in there," Kamala threatened. She began to pump my cock harder.

Jay answered by lowering himself a bit more. The head of the dildo audibly popped into his hole and he grimaced in pain.

"Kamala, he's had enough. He doesn't ..."

"Yes I do," Jay said cutting me off. Jay looked directly at Kamala and the camera. "I'm a fag! And I love cock so much. I can't live without it. I've been lying to everyone and I'm going to show them how much of a cock whore I am."

As if to prove his point Jay lifted himself a bit on the dildo then sat down. To my amazement he slowly lowered himself to the floor. His jaw was tight with pain but soon he sat on the ground the full 14 inches embedded in him. He breathed heavy and took off his shirt so it was plainly obvious by the slight bulge in his stomach that he'd taken the whole thing.

Jay looked back at me and then bounced up and the lowered himself back down. When he hit the ground again his cock shook. His knot engorged itself and he shot his seed all over the floor. When he finally stopped he smiled up at us, the ropes of cum fanning out from him. "I love cock in my slutty boy pussy."

"Good." Kamala clicked at her phone saving the recording before she put it down. She let go of my cock which was ram rod straight at its full 19 inches. The head of my zebra cock flared in time with my heart beat. I stood a bit too quickly and was dizzy for a second but regained my composure.

I knelt down between Jay's legs and wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did sexy," Jay said.

My cock bumped against his chest and we both looked down at it. Then at each other.

Jay broke the silence. "I love you but I need you now."

Before I could react Jay slipped out of my arms and started licking at the head of my cock. I stat up and groaned my cock moment's away from giving out. Jay shifted to all fours his tail up in the air and he pulled my cock away from my body. I looked down at him and he looked up at me as he licked at the flared head. He seemed to be under a spell. "I'm close."

That seemed to be all that Jay needed. He opened his mouth and lined up my cock with his lips then proceeded to take me into him one inch at a time. Unlike our previous time he didn't stop after a few inches and continued till he was gaging on all 19 inches and his wet nose was pressing against my tummy.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

Jay rolled over and I could see my girth through his neck. My flared tip was almost to the bulge of the dildo making a second mound at his stomach area. Jay coughed and when I tried to pull out and let him breath he pulled back and held me in him.

His legs were open wide giving a good show of his re-hardening cock for our audience. I blushed as I saw Becky give me the thumbs up and then start to play with her own wet slit. Kamala on the other hand was not touching herself like all the others despite the wet spot forming between her legs.

I lost my thought as suddenly all I could do was breath heavy and moan as I felt my body give in. I started shooting directly into the warm belly of the blue husky. Soon he was full of zebrouse spunk and still I gave him more till it was spilling out of his nose and around my cock out of his mouth. I fell forward as I let out my last shot only to have a second round of husky seed hit me in the cheek.

I lay on Jay as he still sucked me. When I felt myself start to get ready for round to I forced myself up and pulled myself out.

Jay whined for my cock but breathed deeply sputtering cum with each out breath. We both breathed heavy for a long while and I smiled a big smile for the first time in a while. Jay looked like he was pregnant with his stomach stretched with my seed. I slowly got up. Jay turned over and started to stand only to find he was unable too.

"Hold it you still have that thing in you." I rushed around the husky to find the base of the dildo shoved between his cheeks. I grabbed ahold of it and started to pull only to have Jay swat my hands away.

"Leave it in. It's my punishment. I'm so sorry."

"Stop saying that!" I shouted a bit surprised by myself. "Stop saying you're sorry I get it now let's move on."

"Yes sexy." Jay stood slowly his legs stayed apart to make room for the added mass in him. "Will you still me my girlfriend?"

Before I could answer Marcy stepped in. "He will you idiot. Now just go into the bedroom and don't come out till both your assholes and mouths are so full of love juice they don't close."

Jay seemed excited despite his rough appearance as he scooped me up and began heading towards the bedrooms. I pointed him to my bed and he plopped me down and kissed me so deeply that I didn't mind the few sips of my own seed I got. Our cocks rubbed together and grew hot and hard again.

"I love you Chris."

"I love you too Jay." I said. "Now fuck me."

Jay grinned. "How can I say no?"