Ryuzaki's Predicament Chapter 5 Surreal Nights and Star lit Nights

Story by Zarthus on SoFurry

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A night out

Ryuzaki woke calmly the next morning the light shining through the sliding door that lead outside to the patio. He'd turn to see Light still asleep making soft snoring noises which would raise a chuckle in his throat as he'd scratch his eye to look at the clock; it was just past 8am. He would sigh once again plopping his face into his pillow trying to figure out a way to get closer to Light without sounding like he was snooping. His suspicions that Light was Kira had yet to die down and it was becoming more and more difficult to evaluate any true expression out of him due to the environment he was set in. I may have to stretch the limits; he thought to himself, I wonder if going out for a run on the town would be called for.

He wasn't sure if it would rise suspicion but he knew that he would still be with Light at all times regardless so even if he was Kira he wouldn't dare do a killing right in front of him. After he thought about it for awhile it seemed to make sense and considering how long they'd come to know each other he'd figure he'd need to show how much trust he had instated in Light. He would reach under the bed and pull out a case with a combination lock that held the key to their cuffs and carefully unlock his side first and then his partners. A thin line where the wear from the handcuffs showed as he would stand up to make his way into the bathroom. He'd step in to turn on the shower and step inside. The warm water feeling a nice relief after not having had one in over a week a soft sigh leaving his lips as all his muscles would unclench at once.

Light would open his eyes slowly the sound of running water a surprise to him as he'd stare at the long cuffs that lay on the bed and the missing cold feeling of them on his wrist. He'd stare at the now closed bathroom door," Ryuzaki," he'd mutter in question to himself as he stood up stretching his limbs letting out a loud yawn. The door would unlatch and he'd see Ryuzaki standing there in only his towel water still dripping from his matted down hair.

"Oh Light-kun you're awake," he'd say in surprise as he'd walk towards a dresser pulling out a change of clothes.

"Yeah..." he'd say softly scratching the back of his head, "Ryuzaki why did you unlatch our binds if I may ask?"

"Hmm?" Ryuzaki would be putting on a white long sleeved sweater as his voice was slightly muffled, "Well I figured sense we've been working on the case for so long I figured we could attempt to take a break and possibly spend the day on the town." His words would sound stupid to him as he spoke them not knowing why he was even following the advice from some silly book.

A day on the town? A break? What sort of idea's where running through Ryuzaki's head? Light would think to himself. Did he really trust him to be outside with all his suspicions of being Kira? As he thought about it with the removal of the handcuffs he was still skeptical of the idea as it was said as he'd look at him with curious eyes.

Ryuzaki would laugh and shake his head," Sorry it was a stupid idea I just figured we all needed a break after all this time and I figured everyone else wanted to see their families after so long and already told everyone they could do what they please today." A slight flush would run over his cheeks as he felt even more foolish with the prospect of taking a break from a murder case, but even now he felt worn down and the idea of a rest on his brain was appealing

Light would tilt his head never having seen Ryuzaki act like this it spread confusion to his mind, does he really want to take a break on the town or does he just want to take me out in public as an experiment to see if I could be Kira? He felt conflicted at an answer but something from the way Ryuzaki spoke made him feel that his intentions were pure.

"Well if everyone has already left then we might as well make the day of it right?"

Ryuzaki's ears would perk up at Light's answer and his hairs on the back of his neck would stand up as he felt a swelling feeling in his chest," So where would you want to go first then?"

Light would laugh and walk towards the bathroom discarding his shirt on the floor, "The first place I want to go is the shower I haven't had one in over a week and I reek."

A greater flush would cross his face as the door closed and he proceeded to put on his underwear and pants as he would hear the sound of running water. He'd breathe out softly as he'd curl up with his knees to his chest on one of the comfy chairs leaning his head back in a sign of deep thought. He must've dozed off because when he opened his eyes he saw Light staring over him with a smirk on his face, "Looks like someone could use some coffee."

"Coffee...Yeah that sounds good," he'd yawn softly and stretch," Do you know of any good places I'm not used to being out and about all too often." He felt embarrassed at his lack of knowledge yet he was counting on Light's knowledge of hot spots so he wouldn't feel lost himself.

"Why don't we just go to that spot we went to last time it's really close to here?"

A jolt would strike his mind as he had completely forgotten about one of their first meetings in the coffee shop and felt even more foolish he hadn't remembered it, I'm slipping, he'd think angrily to himself as he'd make his way towards the door. I'm starting to think this whole partner thing is just an unnecessary distraction yet I can't help but be drawn towards him. Before he could reach the door handle Light would open the door and gesture for him to walk through, "After you," Light would grin as Ryuzaki would exit and he'd follow.

They'd walk into the familiar coffee shop only this time instead of a sort of worry under both their belts. Now instead of worry there was a friendship and mutual understanding yet the tension was almost palpable on Ryuzaki's side. So many questions and worries were running through his head at the unfamiliarity of the situation and for what? For friendship, is friendship really worth all this effort? But unlike anyone else he's ever met in his life he felt like this relationship was worth pursuing. Why did it have to be him, he'd mutter to himself.

"Yo Ryuzaki you there," Light would ask snapping his fingers in front of his face, "You having trouble making up your mind?"

He'd blink realizing he'd gotten lost in thought again," Yeah sorry I'm used to having whatever Watari brings me, do you have any suggestions?"

"Well I usually order my coffee black but I think you might like one of their iced mocha blends they're really sweet."

He'd ponder his decisions biting at his thumb tentatively as a picture flashed up on the screen of a blended mocha covered in whipped cream.

"OH! That one looks good, "he'd say excitedly pointing at the menu screen at the register."

The cashier would laugh and grin, " that's our newest mixture a mocha hazel nut blend with cinnamon.

They would eventually make their orders and sit in one of the booths a moment of awkward silence would be interrupted by the sound of Light's cell going off. Upon answering the call he'd pull the phone away from his ear and a high pitched voice could be heard over the ear piece.

"LIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHTTT!" It was Misa, "Where did you go!? I heard from Ryuzaki that everyone had the day off from the case and wanted to spend the entire day with you!"

"Misa calm down, Ryuzaki invited me to have an early morning coffee with him and I didn't want to be rude."

"But he's always hogging you to himself and for the first time you're off that chain and you're out having coffee with him? He still thinks you're Kira how can you still want to be friends with him?"

He'd tense slightly listening to the conversation trying not to feel like he was eavesdropping yet it was hard not to hear what was being said and he felt kind of guilty for his intentions for this day off. He felt a sick feeling in his stomach as he'd nibble at his thumb closing his eyes hiding his feelings with a slight grin.

"There is a chance that I could be Kira though Misa, if I don't take into consideration all the evidence against me I wouldn't be a good detective. If you want I can try to convince Ryuzaki to do this again so we can spend the day together?"

He would hear Misa sigh over the phone, " Fine...just be careful alright? I don't want you to end up hurt."

"I'm sure we'll be fine Misa we have these special belts that we can call anybody to our aid if we feel the need, I'll catch ya later."

"Byeeeee Light! Love you"

Light would hang up his phone letting out a soft sigh seeing Ryuzaki nibbling at the straw of his drink having not noticed that their drinks had arrived. He'd sip his coffee slowly noticing the smirk on Ryuzaki's face, "Troubles in paradise?"

"Oh Misa is just mad because I up and left without her on our day off but personally I don't even remember much about how we even met let alone becoming boyfriend and girlfriend," Light said scratching the back of his head as he yawned. "Besides I figured you'd want someone to hang out with on this rare day off and didn't want to leave you rotting away alone at headquarters."

How does he do it? He would think to himself, despite the fact that I'm here analyzing him he's able to express such kindness and joy. Maybe I'm wrong and just taking this whole thing too seriously.

"Yeah well I'm usually left to my own devices anyway so it's kind of nice change of pace to just be out in public and relax with a friend." He'd use the word friend lightly in expectant that Light would feel mutual in the matter.

They'd leave the coffee shop and find themselves walking through the park that was in the center of town. With spring coming quickly the cherry blossoms had already come into bloom in the brightly sun lit park. The breeze sent the petals everywhere and they swooped between their feet as they walked side by side through the park making small talk as they made their way to the other side of town.

By this time the sun was making its way to the horizon shining its orange light lit across the city and the night lights started to slowly turn on as the sky slowly darkened to a star riddled body. Ryuzaki smiled as he saw the flickering lights of the different shops, restaurants, and arcades.

Light smiled as he stared up at the sky enjoying the freedom without the feeling of the handcuff around his wrist, "So Ryuzaki what do you want to do now?"

He would get no answer as he would notice a ringing sound reverberating in the air and he would feel a tight tug on his wrist as Ryuzaki would be pulling him towards a brightly lit candy themed arcade that doubled as a candy store.

Excitement would run through Ryuzaki's mind as he'd pull Light towards the attractive store and all the candies on display made his eyes twinkle with delight.

"We should go in," he would say without trying to sound too excited yet what really caught his eye was the cooked banana with melted chocolate and marshmallows in the middle known as a banana boat.

Light would smile as he walked into the store that from when the door was opened a vast variety of smells would barrage his senses from the smell of chocolate to cotton candy. He had remembered coming to this store a long time ago when he was younger and while Ryuzaki was at the counter buying his food a pinging machine caught his eye. He'd stare at it as it was a claw machine that had been there ever sense he had remembered and he felt inclined to win a prize for Ryuzaki as he up till this point had been paying for everything they had been eating.

He'd walk up to the machine and notice a panda wearing a top hat holding a little cane and from the moment he saw it he knew that was the one he was going for. He'd insert his quarter and to his luck the claw would make firm contact with the stuffed toy and hoist it to the air and make its way to drop it down the chute. A sense of excitement would run through his head which he didn't quite understand as he had just one a cheap novelty toy. The child like sense of excitement felt good for once instead of having a sense of worry all the time. He'd pick up the panda with the happy grinning face which would make a smirk run across his face and he'd look around and see Ryuzaki hailing to him from a table.

Light would walk to the table and notice that aside from the banana boats that were on either side of the table Ryuzaki was also enjoying a shake and taking the first spoonful of whipped cream with a cherry on it and taking a bite grinning happily at the taste.

"I got one for you too," he'd said with a muffled voice while clenching the spoon in his mouth with a grin on his face. Light would chuckle and sit down across from Ryuzaki try the shake sipping it through the straw where they would spend much time talking till they finished their treats.

Before they left something would catch Ryuzaki's eye and he'd see the panda sitting next to Light on the booth seat.

"Is that panda-chan?" He'd ask in a curious voice as apparently the toy he had won was from some sort of popular cartoon show of some sort. Light would turn to look at the toy and nod," Oh yeah well I figured sense you had been paying for the stuff on this...outing I figured I'd get you something special." It sounded stupid to him now that he said it aloud but from the look on Ryuzaki's face he didn't seem to find it stupid at all.

Ryuzaki would feel surprise and unusual warmth in his chest at the kind gesture as he held the panda close. He'd look out the window at the brightly lit city and the star cast sky and he'd chuckle.

"We should probably be getting back."

Light would nod and they'd make their way back to the headquarters the walk back quiet and awkward. For some reason Ryuzaki would feel a lifting feeling of overwhelming happiness having never had such an enjoyable day in his life. He'd look at Light as they were walking and he'd be staring off into space as if lost in deep thought. He'd chuckle and look forward again happy that he had made such a good friend out of light tightly clenching onto his gift which would make a funny noise when you squeezed it. He'd giggle as Light would jump slightly at the noise and he'd eye Ryuzaki laughing himself.

"Jeez ya surprised me I didn't know it squeaked."

Ryuzaki would chuckle holding the panda in front of his face squeezing it again and it would make the same noise again as Light would push the panda in his face in a playful manner feeling a crooked grin run across his face. The day had gone better than he had expected and to be honest he didn't think it would be such a relaxing day. Maybe Ryuzaki really does want to make friends, he'd think to himself feeling slightly bad about his thoughts against him at the beginning of the day.

They would reach the hotel and board the elevator. Ryuzaki would key in the special key phrase that would allow them to go up to the secret room where HQ was a brightly lit grin still lit up on his face as he'd look to Light again a slight shudder running down his spine looking at his smiling face. He didn't know why he felt a chill as the room was quiet warm when they got off the elevator, but despite that he would feel goose bumps as they'd come back into their room.

Light would stretch out his arms and yawn in exasperation as Ryuzaki would place his prize on his bed side table making it pose in a dancing pose and he'd chuckle despite himself. I wonder how he got to be such an introvert, he'd think to himself feeling kind of bad that most of his life he spent socializing yet Ryuzaki had spent in an orphanage.

Ryuzaki would plop down on his bed feeling completely drained feeling his eyes begin to drift off into a slumber feeling as if all his strength had left him at once. He'd try to keep his eyes open as he'd see Light out on the balcony staring out over the city a smile once again going across his face.

"Light-kun," He'd whisper to himself. Maybe you're really not Kira, he'd think as his mind would drift off into a sleep. Ryuzaki would rise quickly feeling a slight sweat down his brow and he'd look round not seeing Light in his bed. His eyes would immediately look towards the balcony and to his surprise Light would still be standing there leaning on the railing. He'd look at the panda bear and grin as he'd stand and walk out towards the balcony looking out over busy night time city and then he'd look up at the stars.

"Thanks for today I had a really good time," Light would speak out smiling eyes on the stars.

"Huh? Oh yeah well I figured people were getting stir crazy and thought we could use a break from the case." He still felt a sense of guilt wave over him despite his impure intentions at the beginning of the day he ended up having one of the best days he had ever had. He would sidle closer to Light leaning against the railing a flutter running through his chest and heart his mind in a slight fog. It was a feeling he couldn't place a name for maybe it was because he had made such a good friend out of Light yet he felt himself more drawn to him than any other person he had been in contact with. Nobody he had ever known had made him feel this way...this special it was a feeling he didn't want to lose and he felt himself slightly lean against Light's shoulder.

"You okay?" Light would ask in curiosity as he felt Ryuzaki's head on his shoulder not sure if he lost his balance putting his hands against him to brace him from falling Ryuzaki's face slipping into Light's chest. Ryuzaki would feel a slight flush in his cheeks not expecting Light to catch him. At his discretion he'd look up at Light who's face would be back lit by the bright moon light his chest fluttering heavily. He could feel as if his heart would burst out of his chest cavity the word "love" would flash through his mind in rememberance of the chapter he had read and he felt himself bring Light into a hug a tighter hug than he had ever given anyone before his body slightly trembling. Light would hug back and chuckle patting his back slightly jostling him, "Hey Ryuzaki you sure you're okay?"

He would look up at Light again and just his stare and smile brought a smile to his own face, "Light-kun....," He'd whisper softly sliding his hand to the back of Lights head softly caressing his hair and pushing his head towards his embracing in a soft kiss. His mind would become a fog as he'd feel Light's hands wrap around his waist pulling him into a tighter hug his fingers gripping into his lower back.

He would open his eyes and to his surprise he'd be in his bed staring at Light's back hearing his soft snores and he'd lay on his back with his hands crossed behind his head reaching one over his chest. He'd feel his heart beating profusely and a slight bead of sweat would run across his brow. His mind would still be in a foggy blur as he'd lie on his side once more looking at the panda toy posed on his bed side table. He'd chuckle to himself with a crooked smile closing his eyes the image of their imaginary embrace still stuck in his head, "Light-kun," He'd whisper softly as he'd drift off to sleep.