Suit Sentence

Story by Chams on SoFurry

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#4 of Adult/Fetish Stories

A short one based on something like Endium's slave suits (it looks like this It's tending towards the extreme side of bondage, I guess, and the story isn't as sweet and nice as the other ones I've done... so keep that in mind. It won't be to everyone's taste. I really love the idea of them, though, and was inspired to do a story on that theme. There will almost certainly be a follow up to this in a couple of weeks. Hope some people enjoy it at least.

The Tender was immaculately dressed in an old fashioned suit, his vulpine features groomed to the point where the Mistress wasn't sure if he was real at all. He looked like he was straight out of an advertisement. For the business they traded in, Altha Corp was incredibly hung up on appearances.

" Good to see you again, Mistress. The new subject is ID-S-2043, male, twenty seven, feline in appearance - a cheetah to be exact - and standing at five foot nine. A sentence of two years, for the charge of assault, was handed out by the municipal court. An additonal thirty eight days has been added for disobedience. The fee for his service will be twenty two thousand, four hundred and nine credits."

" Already paid."

" Of course, yes. Would you like to observe the imprisonment process?"

The Mistress, wolf that she was, showed a predatory grin. " Please."

Keris was stripped of his clothing and shoved into the cell by one of the guards. The small room was completely bare, steel all around him save for a vent in the ceiling and a solid looking window looking out to a small theater, where a few rows of seats were placed. Nobody was seated at them. He paced across the small room. She had deserved it. Keris was convinced of that. So he had bloodied her nose after an argument, maybe broke it. It was easily fixed, these days. The only problem had been the fact that it had all been recorded. So here he was, standing naked in a cell and awaiting the implementation of his sentence. Leaning his back against the window, he breathed out in a huff. If it weren't for the threat of a longer sentence, he would have tried bashing down the glass that his back was resting against.

" Turn around." A female voice came from behind him.

Keris ignored her.

" I signed your contract. You'll turn around."

He shook his head, folded his arms and turned to look out the window. A black wolf was there, wearing a deep grey dress and business-like top. Very official. Keris guessed that he must've been bought by a company, rather than an individual. Or maybe she liked to dress that way.

" I own you for the next seven hundred and sixty eight days. That can be much longer, if I need to put up with disobedience. You'll do as I say and will refer to me as Mistress if you feel the need to ask a question or make a request of me. I'll be taking you to the White Cat for orientation. Are you familiar with the establishment." She said, sounding as if she had done this before.

The White Cat... " Are you fucking kidding me?"

" No."

" I'm not going to be some toy to be fucking played around with. Go on, piss off. Go find someone else." He hissed, droplets of spit hitting the glass.

" You have no choice in the matter." She said, patiently, yellow eyes staring into his. " I have a - "

" No!"

She looked at him, perfectly calm. Sitting her hands behind her back, she leaned up close to the window and spoke in a quiet, sweet voice. " You'll shut that mouth of yours now."

" Fuck off."

" Once again. You'll keep it shut unless I ask you to speak, slave, or I'll have you in the basement for the entire sentence and I can promise you that you won't be saying a word until I'm finished with you."

He stared and flexed his jaw, then clenched it up, his hand pressing hard against the glass with his claws extended.

" You're not manageable without a suit. Wait a moment."

" I -"

" Yes? Do you remember what I said a few seconds ago? Does the cheetah have a very short memory?"

" Nggh..." He growled.

" That's better. I'm glad you seem to be capable of learning. Now stay quiet."

He paced again, tail flicking wildly as she vanished through the small door on the left side of the viewing room. The steel door to his cell lit up in blue light, making a soft buzz before it slid upwards, revealing a burly looking tiger - the same one that had gotten rid of Keris' clothes and shoved him in here. The guard was in a plain grey uniform, a stun baton flickering in his right hand while his left held a black ball.

" Middle of the room." The guard stated.

As pissed off as he was, he knew better than to fight the guard. Keris had learned his lesson the first time he had tried that. The bruise on his shoulder still ached.

The ball was sent rolling into the middle of the room, up close to Keris' feline feet. Afterwards, the door was closed again, leaving him trapped with it. The wolf returned to the viewing room and looked Keris over. He hated being stuck here where she could stare at him. If only he could grab her and shake that stupid, smug look off her face.

" Pick it up."

There were a hundred things he wanted to say in response. Instead, he folded his arms and shook his head. If she wanted a slave, she had better fucking work for it.

" The stun baton doesn't leave any permanent marks, does it? I'm well within my rights to have it used on you. In fact, I could have that big tiger hold you down and press it right between your legs. Repeatedly."

" ... Fine."

She shook her head, then smiled as he crouched down to pick up the shiny thing. It was deceptively heavy, although easy enough to hold with one hand, slightly sticky to the touch.

" Feel free to say what you like. You have several minutes."

" Several minutes for what?"

Her tail started to sway slowly. " Until you're wearing a new outfit."

The ball on his hand felt warm and fluid, the latex-like material sliding down over his knuckles and fingertips, but never dripping off. In a panic, Keris tried to shake it off. It stayed stuck. Using his other hand, he tried to pull the ball away and with enough effort he finally managed to do so. It stuck to his left hand this time, his right covered in the material as the ball faded away and worked along his wrists. The latex became stickier and more stiff, pulling his fingers in until his hands were hidden completely, stuck in what looked like a pair of shiny mitts.

" The hell is this?" Keris demanded, striding over to the glass and striking it hard. It barely rattled. He could feel the mitts hit it, almost like it was his own skin.

" Think of it as a mobile prison. The better you act for me, the more mobile it gets. You have to earn those priveliges, though." She explained, as if it were completely normal.

The material crawled up his arms, momentarily feeling warm whenever it spread to a new patch of fur, soon reaching Keris' shoulders. He stalked towards the door, almost tripping over his tail as it curled up between his legs. Forcing himself to flick his tail back out, Keris hit the door hard, shoving his shoulder against it as the latex reached down his chest and towards his stomach. The guard never answered. The shiny coating reached his crotch and covered it completely, pressing in around Keris' sheath more and more, crawling over his balls. It pressed in firmly and, despite his desperately tugging hands, turned his crotch to little more than a bulge between his legs, the latex sinking inside his sheath. The whole time, the wolf in the window smiled, looking as if she were victorious.

" Turn this off." He growled right at her, pressing his nose against the glass.

" You don't get to give orders to me, my cute kitten slave."

" ... turn it off." He said a second time, the growl mixed with an embarrassed grunt as it snuck over his behind, slipping inside of him.

" No. There are people who would like this. You ought to be thankful."

It slid inside of him, his head turning away from the glass and trying to avoid the look of that bitch behind it, as his passage was coated and made completely smooth. He tried as hard as he could to stretch his fingers out, to get his claws into the latex that covered him from his neck to his ankles, but his hands remained mitted and slid off the smooth material without any noticeable effect at all. The claws on Keris' toes were covered, leaving his feet harmless. It started to crawl up his neck now, working its way close to his mouth.

" Nggh, fuck. Okay, okay. I'll play along." He glanced at her, pressing his hands under his chin in an attempt to stop it from covering him completely.

" You will, yes."

A few words of abuse came from his mouth, the material sneaking inside of it and coating Keris' tongue. It became sticky, harder and harder for him to open his jaw as the suit surrounded his muzzle. In a last attempt to resist it, he opened his jaw as wide as he could. Then, almost as if to argue back, the material clamped his jaw shut and covered his mouth completely, filling his maw with a very phallic feeling shape. As hard as he tried to open his mouth, it wouldn't budge at all.

" Now that I can speak without interruption - "

" Mmggghh!" He shoved his shoulder into the glass again, giving her a venomous look.

" - I'll be happy to tell you that you'll be living inside that suit for the entire period."

It slid up over his ears, covering the tips with a brush of warmth, leaving Keris completely covered. Pawing desperately at his mouth, he tried to get it open again. While he did so, the suit pulled at his legs, trying to bring him down to his knees. At first, he managed to resist it. The second pull almost got him down and the third brought his kneecaps right onto the floor, the material joining from his shins to under his knees, not letting Keris back up on his feet again. For a moment, he stared at the wolf, trying to make it clear that she would be paying for this. Another pressure built at his arms and chest, bending the cheetah over and sealing his wrists close to his elbows.

" So much less intimidating from down there, aren't you?" She mused.

" Nngh!" Keris screamed back, stuck on all fours with the bitch leering above him.

His tail curled up close to his neck, the tip sealing on his nape, leaving his smooth backside completely exposed. Then, it all went dark. The material covered his eyes in complete darkness, the last thing he saw being the smug look on her face. He struggled, crawled to the glass, pushed his hand against it.

"... yes, we're all done here. I'll have you pick him up. No, no name yet - kitten is fine."

" Mmmff!"

" I'll have the suit stimulate him once we get back. It'll take a few weeks to get him ready for a client. Perhaps a little longer. We'll see what he says once he's spent a couple of days with the ears plugged and the eyes sealed, stimulated of course. They're usually much more open to negotiation by then."

Keris rolled onto his back and tried desperately to break out of the suit, writhing over the steel floor with his hands near his chin.

" Already? One of the clients must have had an eye on him before the contract was signed. We can't send him out until he's been properly trained, though. He really does have a filthy mouth."

The struggling stopped and he breathed hard through his nose, rolling onto his side and trying to ignore the words coming out of the wolf's mouth.

" Thank you. As always, a pleasure."

For a moment he lay there, making a growl every now and then. The door opened and Keris heard some footsteps approaching him.

" It'll be a long couple of days for you, slave." Came a voice, deep and masculine.

" Mmm...." He shook his head.

" Well, let's drag you out of here."


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Clean Break

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