a chance encounter in the woods

Story by Ramses on SoFurry

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The rain had not been forecast. I wasn't prepared. I was hiking through the woods, wearing my old hiking boots and a pair of cut-off jean shorts. It was a warm day, so I'd stashed my tee in my bag - a bag, by the way, which contained (aside from my tee) a first-aid kit, some sandwiches, a book, and a bottle of water. I hadn't brought an umbrella because the freakin' weather forecaster had called for a warm, rain-free day.

And so, when the rain started, I took shelter underneath a very tall tree. The branches stretched out, way out, providing cover from the spattering drops. The branches were quite high up on the trunk, so I was almost able to stand up underneath them.

Just when I started getting comfortable, sitting on the ground in my little shelter, I spotted a feral dog approaching the tree. Was it looking for a place to piss? I wondered. The dog stopped just in front of the tree, paused, sniffed at the air a bit . . . then poked his head into the space beneath the branches. Was this dog a stray, or a pet?

"Um, hello," the dog said, hesitantly. "Cool if I join you? I just really want to get out of this rain."

Aha. It was not a stray, and it was most certainly not a pet. Instead, the dog was one of those rare intelligent ferals who could talk.

"Sure," I said, scooting over a bit. The rain was getting heavier, and I wasn't about to force any creature to muck through it.

"Thanks," the dog said, and I could hear the relief in his voice.

The tree was so big, there was plenty of room for both of us - and that was a good thing, too, because the dog was pretty big. By that I mean, he was both tall and wide. He ducked into my - our - makeshift shelter, and squatted down on his haunches. As he did so, I caught a glimpse of his sheath - so, yep, this feral dog was a male. He was also quite handsome, I noticed.

As for me, I am an anthro dog - a German Shepherd. I'm not really handsome, but I'm not ugly, either. I'm just sort of average. I stand 5 feet and 10 inches tall, which is also kind of average. I have the typical Shepherd fur, but the parts that are brown are a really light shade of brown, almost like a pale tan color or something.

For a moment, neither of us spoke, except for some mumbled small talk about the rain. We did look at each other, though, both of us realizing at some point that we were checking each other out. The feral dog was a Mastiff - or so I thought. Later, I would find out he was actually something called a "Boerboel." When I got home, I ran to Wiki, to find out just what the heck a Boerboel is, as well as how the heck you spell it.

Well, the Boerboel is also called the South African Mastiff, so, yeah - he's a Mastiff, sort of. He sure _looked _like one - though, to be sure, I'd met a lot of anthro Mastiffs but I hadn't really met any feral ones. This particular feral, talking dog had a thick, barrel-shaped chest, and a thick neck. His fur was short, bristly, and it was a light brown color. He was a big, tall dog - probably he weighed around 150 pounds. His face was very Mastiff-like, with loose jowls and triangular ears. His muzzle, ears, and nose were all black, and his eyes were dark brown. Overall, he looked very muscular, very powerful.

And there we were, under the tree, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the leaves. Him, a feral Mastiff - sorry, Boerboel - and me, an anthro German Shepherd. We made eye contact, and it was pretty obvious we were both having the same kind of thoughts - and desires.

"What's your name," he asked.

"Harold," I answered. "You?"


"That's a cool name. Kind of unusual."

"Yeah," the dog said. "Well, my parents - it's a long story. They named me something else. Chance is what I named myself."

"Cool," I said, again. I slowly reached out my hand . . . towards his thick chest. He didn't stop me, or flinch, so I kept going. I began stroking his chest, rubbing his beautiful fur. I shifted a bit, to get closer, and I started running both my hands over his shoulders, down his back, then to his chest again, then up to his neck, massaging him, enjoying the feel of him. I enjoyed the feel of his well-developed muscles, and I enjoyed the way his fur felt under my hands. My ex boyfriend was an anthro Husky, so I'd gotten used to someone with thick, fluffy fur. It was kind of a thrilling shock to caress and stroke Chance's short fur.

Chance murmured something, some words of encouragement, and he began licking the fur on my arms. His tail wagged. I slid my hands - slowly - down his sides, towards his thighs.

"Hang on, just a sec . . ." Chance said. "I need to stand up." He pulled himself up, got himself standing on all fours, and suddenly I could see all of his sheath. It was so long. I didn't know it was possible for a feral's sheath to be that long. And if the sheath was that long . . . I thought to myself . . . then what's waiting inside of it? Gazing at his sheath, my throat went dry and my stomach fluttered. An electric current of lust shot through me.

I sat back and studied him -- all of him -- for a moment. He was indeed quite beautiful, and I could feel his body heat running off of him in gentle waves. I looked into his eyes and saw a lust that matched my own.

My gaze traveled down to his stomach (I like stomachs), then to his feral doggy genitals. I, too, stood up - almost all the way. I couldn't fully stand under the tree, but I got up on both my feet, stretched my frame, collected myself. Then I knelt down on the ground, got on my knees in front of this big dog named Chance. He started licking my chest and my stomach, and I went back to running my hands over his sides. Keeping one hand on his side, I placed my other hand on his stomach . . . and I slowly started moving it towards his long sheath. His fur was warm, and it smelled like - oh - I don't know - wild flowers, the outdoors, rain, nature. I'm getting poetic, I know. He didn't smell like soap or shampoo, but he did smell clean - and good. His fur, his body, all of him smelled wonderful. It was a heady - and wild - aroma. His body, as well, was warm, generating warmth and musk, as it started thrumming in pleasure.

As Chance's long, thick tongue explored my stomach, coating it in saliva and sweet dog breath, I got my hand on his sheath. I stroked it, squeezed it, held it. The weight and thickness thrilled me, turned me on even more than I already was. Soon, I was cupping his big, furry balls in my hand, as he moaned in pleasure. When I went back to his sheath, squeezed it some more, the head of his cock slid out, slowly - it was red, and thick, and glistening, and it was a hint of what was still to come.

"You smell so good, soap and sweat, and your natural smells," Chance said, snuffling around my stomach. He went back to licking the fur on my chest, then my nipples. He took a long sniff at both my armpits. "Hope it's cool," he said, "I like smells. I like how males smell." He briefly licked both my armpits.

I sat back again, sat my butt on the ground, kicked off my shoes and socks. Lust blazing in his eyes, licking his muzzle, Chance watched. Slowly, teasing him a bit, I unbuttoned my shorts, and then . . . slooooowly slid down the zipper. I pulled off my shorts, gripped my cock through my underwear. Chance got in as close as he could, and he began sniffing me, sniffing my crotch, my underwear. His nose and muzzle pressed into me, nose tickling my belly. I reached back and freed my tail from the "tail flap" in my underwear, then I slid down the back of my unders. Slowly, I lowered the front, and my cock slipped out. Chance darted in for a good, long sniff of my penis. I then completely took off my underwear. Now, I was naked before the big dog. Wasting no time, he sniffed me some more, this time smelling the fur on my crotch, now that it was no longer covered by clothing. Briefly, his nose was up against my asshole as he took in a long sniff . . . and then his tongue was on my balls, and god that felt amazing. He licked, deep and rough, and made his way to my cock (which was rapidly getting hard).

Up and down my cock his tongue went, sliding up and down a few times, firmly pressing the meaty flesh of my penis. He licked my cockhead, coated the slit of my dick with his warm saliva. Soon, he opened his mouth and took me inside. Deep inside that wet warmth, my cock was fully explored by his long tongue.

"oh, god," I said, or I think I said - maybe I just moaned. ". . . yeah . . . that's so hot."

After a minute -- or an hour? -- who knew? -- he pulled back, released my quivering dick from his muzzle.

"Your fur is so hot," he said, softly.

His tongue trailed up my stomach, to my chest, to my neck.

I leaned back 'til I was laying flat on the ground, flat on my back. As he ran his tongue up my body, Chance moved himself up, two legs on one side of me, two on the other. Soon, his tongue was on my chin . . . his chest hovered just above my chest . . . his tongue met my lips, licked them, I opened my mouth . . . our tongues wrapped up in each other, and I could taste his spit mingled with his sweet breath (and mingled, too, with the taste of my own cock and just a dash of my precum). We kissed, feral dog and anthro dog, and I licked his muzzle, his jowls.

"Okay, my turn," I said, desire making both my voice and my body vibrate.

Chance stepped aside, and I sat up. Soon, I was squatting near his thighs, my face near his maleness. About half of his cock was out of the sheath. I started with that -- I ran my tongue (which still had the taste of his saliva on it) along the thick shaft, then I tongued his sheath, then his balls. Aroused, I got distracted by those big, furry balls -- I held them in my mouth, sucked them, licked them. They were just as full and tight as mine, since we were both so turned on. I could sense (rather than see) the rest of the dog's dick slowly sliding out of that long, warm sheath. Chance's penis was maybe eight inches long -- and thick. It was red, meaty, quivering, and beautiful. I realized the knot hadn't come out yet, so it was eight inches plus whatever sweet goodness was still held inside that long, sexy sheath.

I licked his canine penis again, then began running my lips and my tongue up and down the warm shaft . . . precum started oozing out, thick, delicious. I got the head of Chance's cock in my mouth, and his pre started going down my throat. I got a few more inches inside. By that point, the smell of him had fully permeated the air, it was the only thing going into my lungs, my nose. I could no longer smell the tree, the grass. Now, it was only Chance's wonderful and sexy aroma I could smell.

I went down on him. I got as much feral dog cock as I could in my mouth, with my saliva coating his meat and his pre running down my throat, and I made my way up and down his thick shaft. As I blew him, Chance moaned in pleasure. I put one hand on his furry balls, and they were so full, so warm. My jaws stretched open. His warm dick tasted amazing, and it was thrilling to have so much of it sliding in and out of my mouth. Yet more precum slipped out of him, and it covered my tongue, went casually down into my insides.

"okay, okay," Chance said, eventually, and I assumed he was right there on the edge.

I pulled back, freed his cock from my lips, and I sat down on the ground. I gazed into his beautiful, intelligent, brown eyes.

For a moment, we just looked at each other, panting, shaking a bit from lust.

Chance smiled, as much as a feral dog can smile. He placed a paw on my leg, and began rubbing it. "Do you want to fuck me? I don't usually -- I mean, I prefer giving, but I can -- you know . . . ." His paw slid up to my thigh. He moved in closer, so he could sniff me some more. He licked my chest again.

"Um," I said, deeply enjoying the sensation of his tongue on my nipples. ". . . no, it's cool, I really want you to fuck me."

I wasn't at all sure I could handle his massive dog dick, but I at least wanted to try.

His eyes widened in pleasure, and yet another drop of precum spattered out of him (it landed on my foot). How much pre did one dog need? I wondered. Not that I minded -- I thought it was hot. I also wondered how much seed he was going to shoot out. The thought of it -- the mental image of it -- was pretty damn sexy.

Chance moved in even closer, and his tongue wandered down to my crotch. I leaned back, again, nearly to the ground, and I propped myself up on my elbows. The dog's tongue skipped my cock this time, and only briefly licked my balls -- instead, it zeroed in on my asshole, which it started probing.

"I, um, sweat a lot, down there," I said, not sure if I should explain or apologize.

"It's good, it's good," Chance said. "Every single thing about you smells amazing, sweat included." He went back to licking my hole, and soon his tongue was deep inside me.. As I _murrrrrrrr_ed in pleasure, he saturated my hole with his saliva, lubricating it well. He pulled back, surveyed my sopping-wet ass with pleasure in his eyes.

That's when I noticed his knot had slid free of the sheath. It was huge, thick and swollen and throbbing. I was pretty sure _that _wasn't going to fit inside me, but, god, it looked hot -- seeing all of his canine cock out there, head, thick shaft, knot, all of it sexy and beautiful, I felt this intense desire just roar through me.

Quickly, so quickly, he had a front paw on each side of my stomach. We looked into each other's eyes, saw the heat and the lust, and he opened his mouth to pant. His tongue darted out, licking my fur again, and he got himself nearly into position. I was nervous, and very turned on. Quickly, so quickly, his throbbing cock was near my hole, and so I lifted my ass up a bit, and he lowered his hindquarters a bit, both of us moving fast. I felt his penis touching the fur on my ass . . . my body started shaking, but not from lust. No, it was the strain of my position, trying to hold up my ass while laying there nearly on my back.

It wasn't going to work. Neither of us was comfortable. We made eye contact, and we both realized the truth of it at the same time. It could've been an awkward moment, or an uncomfortable one -- or, we could've gone into denial, tried to force things to happen. Instead, we both found it funny, and we started laughing. In that instant, we became something like friends.

"So, yeah, face to face isn't going to work," Chance sat back on his haunches.

"Nope, unless we had a bed, or something," I said. I stroked the fur on his sides, and he licked my neck.

"So . . ."

" . . . yeah," I nodded.

We both knew what the other option was.

I positioned myself on my hands and knees. I tried to get as comfortable as possible, making sure the ground beneath my knees wasn't too hard. I stretched out my torso, partly for comfort and partly to, well, give Chance a lot of space for his front paws. I flicked my tail to one side. Taking his time, Chance went around to my backside, which he began sniffing. He'd already lubed me up with his saliva, but I guess he felt more was needed -- or maybe he just wanted another taste. Either way, his tongue slid gently into my hole, going as deep as it could. His muzzle brushed my fur, and his nose poked into me, and my dick got even harder (which I didn't think was possible). I spread my legs a bit, as his tongue swirled around and around.

Before I could warn him I was close - so close - to my orgasm, he stopped licking me. Drops of his spit dribbled out. And then -- he mounted me, quickly and easily. He placed his front paws on my lower back, brought his hips in towards my ass, said something I didn't catch. Soon, I felt his penis touching the fur on my ass, bumping into it. After a few probing thrusts, the tip of his canine dick was right there on the edge of my hole . . . . and then it slid in, slowly. Chance got the head of his meaty, feral cock inside me, then he took a moment to move his front paws up, further up my back.

"Good?" Chance asked, voice hoarse from lust and excitement. He lowered his head, and I could feel his breath on my fur.

The weight of him, on top of me, was so amazingly erotic. For a moment, he stood still, having just barely penetrated me. His front legs were fully extended, as he hadn't yet lowered his body down towards mine. I could feel the head of his cock stretching me open, and I was ready for more.

"_So _good," I said.

Chance slid his warm penis further in, just a bit, then he pulled it back out, nearly all the way. Taking his time, going slow and easy, he went back in, back out, back in, back out, building up a rhythm . . . . slow and easy, he started fucking me. As more, and then more, of his cock entered my sweaty and lubed-up hole, I started squeezing it, milking it. I clenched up when that red beast of a penis slid in, relaxed when it slid out. Chance started panting heavier, and I started moaning.

It was so hot, getting fucked by this big feral dog, this large Mastiff/Boerboel dog, with his warm body, his hot breath on my fur, his short and bristly fur, his front paws pressing into my back . . . the weight of him on top of me . . . that thick dick pushing me open as it slid in and out.

As the beautiful dog fucked me, slowly but surely he got all of his dick inside, except for the swollen knot, and eventually I was panting just like he was.

The pain picked up a bit, as the length and thickness of the cock stretched open, expanded, my tight hole more and more. However, the increasing flood tide of pleasure far outweighed the pain. The way his cock felt, inside, was so charged, so hot, so erotic, and all the nerve endings in my ass were soon surging with pleasure. Of course, I was also incredibly turned on by Chance himself, the way he looked, the way he felt, the sensations of having him on top of me . . . .

He moved his front paws up to my shoulders, and he started lowering his body down, getting it closer to mine. Eventually, his stomach was rubbing on my back, his fur rubbing my fur, and man that felt hot. All the while, his strong hips kept thrusting, his cock kept humping my ass. His panting got louder. He licked and kissed my neck, and drops of saliva soaked into my fur.

Then he started fucking me faster. He got his thighs in closer, he gripped my shoulders tighter, his thrusts got quicker. With nearly all of his penis inside me, he started making short, quick thrusts -- as he sped up, quicker and quicker, fucking my ass faster and faster.

We shifted into overdrive, so to speak. His front paws dug into me, as he began . . . . just . . . . hammering my ass, fucking it as fast as he could. I tilted my head back towards him, as he placed his muzzle firmly on my neck. My intense moans of intense pleasure were drowned out by the squelching sounds of his thick cock ramming into my wet hole. His knot kept slamming into my ass, but he didn't try to get it inside. My dick throbbed so much it almost hurt, and I couldn't believe I hadn't come yet. I wanted to, and yet I also wanted to make this last.

And then . . . . Chance slowed down, went down to a slow and steady pace . . . . he pulled himself up, just a bit, and his front paws moved to my hips, which they gripped fiercely. He pulled his penis nearly all the way out, then he slowly slid it in again -- much like he'd done when we'd started. For a while, he kept this going -- in, out -- his penis sliding with an easy grace out, then back in again -- and when he slid it in, it went all the way, up to the thick knot. I could feel that knot bumping into me, gently, and then I'd feel his cock slide out . . . . then back in again.

" . . . .still good?" Chanced asked.

"oh, man, yeah," I half-said, half-laughed.

He slow-fucked me for a while, pulling nearly out then pushing all the way in.

"I'm so close," he murmured.

" . . . .me too," I was barely able to say, so overwhelmed was I with how good it felt, getting fucked by him.

He sped up. Soon, his front paws were on my stomach, and he held me in a tight hug. His chest and stomach were firmly pressed into my back, and I loved the feel of his warm, short fur pressed into my sweaty Shepherd fur. Honestly, we couldn't get any closer together, we were so tightly entwined.

He sped up even faster, and now his knot was slamming into my ass, his thick cock was once again ramming into my hole . . . . now, he was full-on, thoroughly, fucking me, at top speed, both of us filled with an animal desire.

"I'm going to . . . .going to . . . ." I gasped, so close to my orgasm.

Chance's paws were still on my stomach. He put one of them on my cock, and he began stroking and pressing the shaft. I lasted maybe a minute, I think.

I came, and my warm spunk shot out like hail and spattered into the grass. My entire body clenched up, and I know I yelled something. My hands dug down, into the grass, into the dirt.

The big dog was still fucking me, of course, and he was gripping me with a desperate need. I didn't know if he wanted - or needed - to get his knot inside me, but I wanted it. High, so high, from my intense orgasm, I wanted more -- more of him, more of his cock.

"you can knot me," I whispered, still barely able to talk.

"You sure?"

"No," I laughed, still feeling waves of pleasure rolling through me. "But I want you to. Do you want to?"

"Yeah," he said. "Yeah, I do."

He gave one more thrust, a slow one this time, and his knot touched my ass . . . . it pressed against my hole, paused there a moment, then slowly slid inside. The pain was intense, electrifying. My body clenched up again, this time from pain . . . it overwhelmed me, for a moment, and I shut my eyes (as if that would help). Then, I forced myself to relax, as Chance got his canine penis all the way inside me, as he got ready to come.

As I started getting past the pain, making my way through it, I became aware of . . . . pleasure.

I realized that Chance still had his front legs at my sides, and his front paws were still pressing into my stomach. The dog still held me in a tight hug, and his body was still firmly gripping my body. His body heat was pouring into me. His balls were firmly up against my balls, and I could feel his thighs pushing into me. All of those things were incredibly erotic, and they helped me navigate past the pain of the knot pushing my ass open, stretching it further than it'd ever been stretched.

His swollen and throbbing knot was in me, actually in me, and once I got (mostly) past the pain of that penetration, I found pleasure in it.

And Chance was coming, too, coming hard. His throbbing cock was pumping out his spunk, and it shot into me, it went deep into my insides. He kept coming, too, spurting out wave after wave of warm doggy seed. There seemed no end to it, but I didn't mind, it felt so good. As he came, the full weight of him sank into me. He didn't relax, not yet, he kept gripping me in that tight hug, he kept our bodies tight together. His orgasm lasted a long time. He gripped my neck in his muzzle, pressed his warm body into me as much as he could. I could feel his cock inside, still pulsating, still shooting out his spunk.

When, eventually, his orgasm ended, when all of his seed was inside me, we remained knotted together for a long time. It was a blissful union, warm and erotic.

Finally, his knot slipped out, followed by the rest of his gorgeous canine dick. A big load of his sperm gushed out of me, ran down my legs. My hole felt bruised, ravaged from the sheer thickness of the knot. I was going to be sore for a while, I knew. But I thought about how great, how _hot _it felt, getting fucked by Chance. I was pretty sure that I could get used to the knot, eventually, if we did this again (and again, and again?).

We both stepped out from under the tree branches, to take a piss. The rain had stopped. Watching Chance lift a leg to relieve himself, I realized, wow, even watching him piss is a turn on.

We hurried back under the tree, into our makeshift shelter. Both of us were exhausted from fucking, but we also felt giddy, excited. We felt good. We curled up on the ground, holding each other, both of us wanting to speak - but not yet. For the moment, it was enough to just lay there, coming down off the high of the intense and incredible thing we'd just done together.