An experiment gone wrong? Part 9

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#9 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Old)

Broderick and Asriel find something interesting at the ruins, but events from the past resurface to cause problems. Broderick also works toward keeping a promise he made to Asriel in the past as well.

When you arrive outside of the area that lead into where you fell years ago, you swear you here whimpering and crying. Letting Asriel down you walk in and see Asgore there with his trident out standing in front of a human child with their Soul in front of them. They're wearing a blue with pink strip sweater and are against the back wall cowering in fear. Something wasn't right, "Why is dad brandishing his weapon to his side and scaring this human child. Shit, is it because of what happened with Chara?"

Your eyes change to your cat eyes. You see a radiant and warm glow coming from their Soul. You run forward and place yourself in front of the child and Asgore. Your claws are out, the fangs of your teeth exposed, and you enter your battle stance and growl. Asgore was taken back by your sudden appearance as you take up position in front of him. "My son, what are..." you cut him off, "Dad why are you scaring this child? This isn't right, if this is about what happened last time, then know that this human is innocent and pure. Put you weapon away please."

Asriel comes in seeing the situation, "What's going on? Dad? Bro?" as he looks on worried and scared. The child behind you is trembling from fear, "My son, this doesn't involve you, and yes it does concern what happen last time. Until I know for certain that this child doesn't pose a threat..." You interrupt him again, "Trust me when I say that they are fine. I can tell that they are in no why like her and they don't deserve this treatment. Also your scaring Azzy. Lets just talk about this and come to a understanding."

Asgore looks back seeing Asriel, "Why are you both here? We told you that the ruins are off-limits. Please just head home and let me deal with this." Asriel shakes his head, "I'm not leaving and this isn't right dad. I'm with Bro and I think we should stop scaring them." Asgore looks back at you and walks forward, "They're to be locked up until we have a chance to come to a decision about what to do with them. If they're innocent I'll have you take them back to the surface and return them home." After hearing that the human whispers.

"I don't want to go back. Please don't send me back to them." You hear this and you move back closer to them, "They don't want to go back and if they came all the way here to get away from a bad experience then I can understand. I'll take responsibility for them and watch over them if that will..." Asgore voice boomed through the cavern, but he still wasn't yelling it was more commanding voice, "Broderick, Asriel, I'm not asking, but I'm telling you both to leave and let me deal with this."

You stood your ground and Asgore sighed. He launched an attack to move you out of the way. You flew a few feet away as your feet slide across the ground and you see Asgore pick up the child. You growl and before Asgore knew what happened he wasn't holding them anymore. He looks back seeing you hand her to Asriel, "Dad, you don't understand the gravity of the situation." You snap your finger and Asgore is forced to a knee as the air around him is distorted and the ground buckle.

Asgore couldn't move even the grip on his weapon he couldn't maintain as the trident hits the floor. "W-what?" He struggles to look up at you, "Sorry dad, I'm holding back this spell a lot and your going to listen to me. Chara was different, her Soul was dark and twisted, and I was able to see that when my eyes are like this." You point a finger at one of your eyes, "I could see an dark aura surrounding her and this child Soul isn't emitting anything like that. I'm going to release the spell now."

You release the spell and Asgore stays as is for the moment. You walk up and wrap your arms around him. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you. Things were getting out of hand. I just wanted to restrain you and make you understand that they aren't a danger to us. Also we need to talk about this whole imprisonment thing, but I think we need to apologize to both them and Azzy." Asgore wrap his arms around you his gaze is downcast.

"I feel horrible to let something like a child worry me so much that it caused us to both lash out at each other. Tori and I talked about how to deal with all further humans or machines that may come down here. We decided that any humans would be locked up until we felt if they were..."

You interrupt, "Dad, they're a scared child that fell down into the underground and your holding a weapon. How is that dealing with the problem correctly? I;m more of a danger then they're when I first fell down here, but you took me in with open arms. Don't let Chara be the deciding factor for every human who falls down here."

Asriel walks over still holding the frighten child, "Um, can we go back to Snowdin Inn and continue talking there. I'm sure Frisk would like something hot to drink and calm down in a cozy place." You turn to Asriel and look up at Asgore smiling at both of them, "That sounds like a good idea Azzy. Dad are you okay with that? I think we had enough excitement for one day." Asgore stands up and puts away his trident from the ground. When Frisk sees Asgore initially grab the trident they grip Asriel tighter, but then once the weapon was put away they relaxed a bit.

You walk over to Frisk your eyes returning to normal, "Hi Frisk, I'm Broderick, you've met Azzy and that's our dad Asgore. Sorry about the unfriendly welcome and family squabble. We've had some... unforeseen troubles come down this way in the past and it's left us a little tense. I hope you'll forgive our dad he really is a big fuzzy pushover once you get to know him." Asgore scratches his cheek with a goofy grin on his face.

You continue "Do you like tea or Hot chocolate? Are you hungry? I'm sure we can get you something at Grillby's if you are." They're still shivering and you feel bad, "Hey you want to see something neat?" They blink and nod a little. You smile and you turn into a cat and start rubbing yourself up against their leg. They giggle at this both Asriel and Frisk bend down as Frisk pets you on the head. You purr and lick their hand and they giggle again.

The tense atmosphere diminishes and Frisk seems to have calmed down. They pick you up and while they hold you they continue petting your head, but they notices the odd purple-silver outfit and point at it. Asriel smile, "That's a special outfit that was made for him. As you can see his clothes are on the ground and this outfit is so he's not wondering around naked if he changes between himself and his cat form." They touch the outfit and it feel as if it's almost not there. It was a weird sensation. If it wasn't for the fact they couldn't feel your fur because of it then it would feel natural.

Asgore picks up your clothes. Things seem to start tensing back up as he moved closer to Frisk. You sighed, "Meow, meow meow meow." Frisk looks down at you in their arms and pets your head again. Asriel wraps an arm around them to comfort them as you finally all start heading out of the ruins. You lay your head down onto your leg and paws as you relax.

The trip to Snowdin was quite, no one really said anything on the way, but things stayed peaceful during the trip. You all made your way to Snowdin Inn. Asgore makes his was over to a bunny innkeeper and talks to them. Asriel and Frisk sit at the table and you leap down out of their arms as you turn back. You then pull out another chair and take a seat as well.

"So Bro, everything was tense back there, but I never seen that spell you cast before. It looked the same as the blade on your sword you made during practice. The air was distorted back in the ruins. So when did you learn it?" You think it over, "I think it was back when the rune stone reformed, but I was still in a lot of pain at the time so I thought I was seeing things. I didn't find out about it until I got my rune stone back. Its still new and I really hope I controlled it alright. I didn't want to hurt dad and knew that I could use it to restrain him if I was careful."

Frisk looks back between both of you confused about what you're talking about, "I'm a little confused about somethings. So first off you both look different yet your family correct?" You blink and then laugh, "Haha, sorry Frisk it's been a while since we have had visitors down here. So to give you a short version. First off Azzy and Asgore are both monster. Our mother is also a monster, but biologically Azzy, Asgore, and Toriel are related. I on the other hand was adopted into the family. There is a long story behind how all that came and how I ending up down here, but I'll tell you about that another time."

You pause to let Frisk take that in so far. Frisk then asks you, "So your able to turn into a cat and how you currently are now. Your appearance is somewhat of a human, but you have features of a cat. So are you a Monster or Human?" You breath in and let out a sigh, "Well again that leads back to how I ending up down here, but in short I'm half human and half monster."

"So can Asriel turn into a goat?" You fall out of you chair laughing at the mental image in your head and Asriel looks annoyed at your sudden out burst of laughter at the question. Frisk looks on in confusion at you and back to Asriel, "N-no I can't turn into a goat, I may resemble what is a goat, but I am just a monster. Bro is a special case and him being able to turn into a cat is something that he is recently able to do. It a long story that... Bro how long are you going to laugh about it?!?" Asriel was getting a bit more angry now.

You do your best to make your way back to you seat wiping tears from your eyes from laughing so hard, "S-sorry Azzy... it was just \ **snort* * hard not to laugh at the mental image of it. So Frisk what are you doing all the way up here on Mt. Ebott? It sounds as though you had a rough time growing up. Hearing how you didn't want to go back earlier." Frisk looks down, "I-I left home... because my parents mistreated me. I thought it was because I never seem to do well enough and they were disappointed in me. Though even when I did well they still didn't seem to care."

Frisk started tearing up both you and Asriel made your way to each side of them. You both embrace Frisk in a hug, "Listen I know what it's like to grow up with a troubled past and parents that mistreat those they should care about. If you really don't want to go back I think once we have a chance to talk it over you could stay with us." As you told them this they smile weakly, but then see Asgore coming over with drinks. They shift uncomfortably in their seat and you sigh again.

It was going to be a long day for all of you, but you manage to finally be seated at the same table as Asgore spoke up, "I'm sorry Frisk, was it? I've been on guard about the ruins over the last couple years. Certain hostilities of humans and machines have come to hurt those we care about. My wife and I both talked it over and thought it would be wise to take precautions of possible threats. A child much like yourself has come to hurt our children here and I blamed myself in not being there to protect them. It lead to a dreadful end result that we all had a hard time with."

It was quite for a while as you all remembered what happened to Chara on that day. None of you wanted to tell Frisk about what exactly happened at least not at this time. "Dad, I know things have been rough, but such an extreme measure is a bit much. I could understand possibly doing so for anyone or thing that looks more hostile, but doing so for children is crossing the line. Again don't let that one incident be the deciding factor like this."

Asgore takes a sip of his tea, "I still need to protect the underground and as the King it is my responsibility to do so, but I will extend a welcoming hand to children and not judge them so harshly based on past events. Though I will still take action to be cautious until trust can be earned. Frisk it will take some time for both of us, but I will extend an apologetic hand and welcome you to the underground. If what my son says is true then I was out of line for doing what I did to you. You don't have to forgive me for what I've done at this moment, but I hope we can make amends with time."

Asriel speaks after this, "Frisk I hope you'll be able to forgive my dad, I know it won't be easy, but as you spend time with us I hope you'll see that he is caring and loving. Dad if it is okay Bro and I would like to let Frisk stay with us. Since Bro doesn't use his bed much anymore Frisk can use it. Well need to talk to mom and explain what has happened today, but I think she'll be happy to have Frisk stay with us. Also Frisk doesn't have anywhere to really go back to."

Asgore nods, "If Frisk is okay with this. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable living with us and being reminded of what transpired here." Everyone looks at Frisk, "I-I'm still a bit nervous and it has been a lot to take in. I don't really have much else to go back to and nowhere to stay. Asriel and Broderick have been kind and knowing something bad from the past lead to all this I understand why you reacted the way you did." Frisk gives a slight smile.

You stand up, "Well now that everything has been cleared up I think it's about time we got back home. Dad are you coming or do you still have some duties to attend to?" Asgore is gathering the empty cups, "I still have to meet a few more monster today. I should be home in time for dinner and if you could talk to Tori about everything in my stead I'd appreciate it." You nod, "Okay, I'll explain thing to mom." You run up and give Asgore a hug, "Also can I get my clothes back I don't want to head back as I am."

Asgore laughs, "Of course, I would have walked out with them had you not said anything. Make sure you all get home safely." You nod and after getting your clothes back leave Snowdin Inn. "Well Frisk, Azzy, are you both ready to head home?" They both nod, "Okay, well so we don't have to freeze our tails off walking the whole length of Snowdin I'll run us home." Asriel looks at you, "Are you going to be able to? I mean before it was just me, but now we also have Frisk with us."

You just shrug, " Shouldn't be to hard since your both really light. So Azzy you just piggy back like before and make sure you hang on tight. I'm going to carry Frisk in my arms so I won't be able to hang onto you." So Asriel climbs onto your back and wraps his legs around your waist somewhat and you scoop up Frisk in your arms. Before everyone knew it your in front of your home. "I think that's my best time yet."

Frisk just blinks, "How did we?" You look at Frisk, "Oh, I guess you don't know about that yet. I can use an ability that I call, "swift-step" and I can get to location quicker with increased speed." Frisk just looks astonished, "Anything else I should know about?" Asriel giggles, "Well he can cast Fire, Lightning, Healing, and Gravity magic which we just saw today. I haven't seen it myself yet, but supposedly he has a more feral looking form then his current state. Oh and his claws are able to change width and length. He can also change into a cat which he showed you. Did I miss anything Bro?"

You put a finger to you chin, "Well I do supposedly have what I'm going to refer to as "Berserk mode", but Jim says not to use that unless I really have to. Though you are right I haven't showed you my "Combat mode" yet have I Azzy." You shift your form, but its more refined now. Your muscle aren't bulky like before, your physical physique is just about the same as before, but you feel the same increase in strength and agility.

"Bro that so cool. You have patches of fur on your face and more fur is covering your arms. So this is what mom freaked about that day. I can see why, but it's still neat." You chuckle which is much deeper, "My voice also is deeper for some reason, but it seems that the work Jim did improved upon it. So what do you think Frisk... Frisk?" You look around and see Frisk behind Asriel peaking around him. "Haha, I guess that was a little much all of a sudden."

You return to normal, "Frisk I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I guess it is a bit intimidating for those who see it for the first time. Apparently Azzy is the exception to this. Anyway I think we need to introduce Frisk to mom. Are you going to be okay with this Frisk? I want to make sure your ready before we head in." Frisk just nods still holding on to Asriel a bit.

You walk in first, but have Azzy and Frisk wait outside until you wave them in, "Hi mom." Toriel turns to greet you, "Welcome home my child. Where's Asriel?" "I told Azzy to wait outside for a moment. I needed to talk to you first before they come in." She gives you a quizzical look, "They? Did you make a new friend while you two were out?" You grin, "Well sort of." You explain everything that has happen up until coming home.

Toriel is silent for a moment, "I feel that me and Gorey should have talked about the situation in a little more detail. I never agreed that we should treat children so harshly and this news about a dark aura troubles me. You said Frisk seem fine, but then why was "her" Soul as it was?" You bit your lip, "I-I want to tell you, but at this moment I-I..." You trail off and Toriel comes over.

She kneels down, "Its okay my child, we can discuss it later, but right now I should meet our guest Frisk. We shouldn't make them wait." She gives you a quick hug in which you return and she stands up hand resting on your back as you walk outside. When Frisk see Toriel for the first time they're nerves and scared. Though Asriel comforts them with an arm around them and hold their hand with his other hand.

They both approach you and Toriel, "Hello my child, I'm sorry to hear about the trouble Asgore has caused you on your arrival down here, but I want to tell you that you are safe. We'll take care of you as long as you need us to." She smiles and bends down to be at Frisk level. You see Frisk look at both you and Asriel as you both give a nod.

"Um... It's nice to meet you. It has been a lot to take in, but Broderick and Asriel have been really nice. Hearing the troubles you have had in the past I understand Asgore reaction, but it will still take me a bit to work past what transpired earlier. Thank you for allowing me to stay I'll try not to get in the way and make things more difficult for everyone."

Toriel slowly shakes her head, "Were more then happy to have you stay here with us. Though you look as though you need a change of clothes and a nice bath. Then I can make you something to eat and I'll answer any questions you may have." Frisk nod, "A bath sounds nice, but I didn't really bring a change of clothes..."

Asriel chimes in, "I can let you wear some of mine. Mom can take and alter them so they'll fit you and then we can match." You and Toriel just chuckle at this, "That so adorable Azzy. Though I think mom will want to work on washing and fixing Frisk's current clothes while they're taking a bath and then she can make them some new clothes." Azzy leads Frisk into the house while you and Toriel sit in the living room.

"My child, from what you told me about Frisk they have had a rough upbringing. I hope that this works out okay. I would love to have another child to care for, but I believe we'll manage though and Frisk will begin to feel more comfortable with time." You nod, "I just wish dad and I settled things a little more level headed. I still feel bad at what I did, but it was the best way at the time for me to handle the situation. If you were there it might have been resolved smoother."

Toriel comes over to the couch and sits next to you wrapping her arms around you. "My child, no one was hurt and it ended with all of you talking in the end. You should just let it be and we'll move forward a day at a time. If you both feel you need to talk about it more after dinner you can do so, but for now lets focus on Frisk." You both hear the bathroom door shut and Asriel come out flustered and blushing.

Both Toriel and you look at him, "What's up Azzy? Is Frisk okay? You look kind of bother by something." He comes over and whisper something to you. You can't help, but to let out a laugh, "Well it was hard to tell I guess. So she undressed while you were getting her some item for the bath and you bolted out once you saw." He blushes more, "Y-yeah I didn't mean to... I expected her to wait til I left the bathroom first."

You hop up off the couch and head to the bathroom, "B-Bro where are you going?" still blushing and noticing you heading towards the bathroom. "Well you kind of left her suddenly and I want to make sure she's okay. Wouldn't be much of a host if we left our guest there naked and confused." Your out of sight and then knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey Frisk, it's Broderick. Is it alright if I come in?" You wait for a minute until you her a reply, "Y-yes." You walk in and see them as they start the bath water, "Sorry about Azzy, I guess you caught him off guard, but really is making a big deal over nothing. You have everything you need? If not I'll get it for you." She turns around, "I'm not sure why Asriel ran out like that? Did I do something wrong?"

You shook your head, "Nah, your sudden removal of clothes while he was busy getting stuff for you along with the fact of finding out your a girl caught him off guard. I guess he panicked and over-reacted a little. Though I think once he settles down and lets it sink in he'll get over it." Frisk just nods turning the water off so not to overfill the tub, "I really don't care about gender to much and physically I am a girl, but I never really identified as either mentally. Is that weird?"

You shrug, "Your asking the half human/half monster that can turn into a cat and can cast magic if something like this is weird." You both laugh, "Well I guess when you put it like that it seems almost normal. Does it hurt when you change your forms?" You shrug again, "There's a slight tingling sensation, but other then that no. Well I should let you take your bath before the water gets cold. You can call for me or..."

Frisk interrupts you, "You don't have to leave if you don't want to. We can continue talking while I'm taking my bath." You smile and nod, "Sure, I don't mind. I can tell you about some of the stuff about the underground." You go over areas of the underground telling Frisk about an dangers or place that are off-limit, but you also tell them about some of the nice places you should all visit together.

"So Asgore said he was a King? Does that mean Toriel is Queen and Asriel is a Prince?" You chuckle, "Yeah, I never really put a lot of thought in to it. I just seen them as my family and when dad is out doing any duties or meetings I think of him just doing more of a job. I do tend forget that he has a entire responsibility to protect everyone in the underground and not just us. Though I haven't always been around a lot myself. I spent half of my time running around up on the surface doing what I could do to protect everyone just like Asgore does."

They look at you head slightly tilted, "That seems like a heavy burden for someone at your age to have. Can I ask what happened?" You explain the attacks, about the barrier that protects and keeps everyone down here. You left for six months worried of the risk to your family and everyone in the underground. They look at you, "It sounds like you all have had a much harder time then I have. That I should count myself lucky that it wasn't..."

You interrupt Frisk, "It doesn't matter who's situation is better or worse. In the end were still a family and no matter what we've dealt with we supported each other. Frisk if you ever want to talk about what happened to you I'll be there for you. I know you probably want to know more about me, but I have such a dark section of my life. All I wanted to do is just find happiness and I have that now despite the difficulties. In time I'll share a little more with you over time, but only if you're ready to hear it. My past is sometimes even a bit much for me at times, but Toriel, Azzy, and Asgore really have helped me. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't meet them."

Frisk is looking down into the water at the bottom of the tub, "They all sound great at how they helped you with a lot of your problems. I hope I can feel the same about them." You nod, "You will, its going to take some time, but we'll help you through it. Are you ready to get out? Your going to shrivel up if you stay in the tub any longer." Frisk nods and gets out. You hold the towel out for them. They wrap the towel around themselves and you both head to the bedroom where hopefully some clothes are ready to go for Frisk.

As you're making your way to the bedroom Asriel sees you both in the hallway exiting the bathroom. "B-Bro, w-were you in the bathroom with Frisk this whole time?" You and Frisk shrug, "Yeah Azzy, we were just were talking." You give a grin, walk over to him and wrap your arm around him, "Do you feel left out Azzy? If that's the case we can all take a bath together next time." Asriel is bright red in the face as you swirl a finger on his cheek with a sly look on your face. Asriel looks at Frisk for a second standing there in a towel in the hallway.

Then his blush gets deeper and turns his gaze downward at the floor. You now had a mischievous smile on your face. You whisper something to him and he get even more flustered and embarrassed as you laugh, "Hey Frisk I'll be in the room in a sec. I think I broke Azzy and he needs help back to the living room." She just looks at both of you with a puzzled look and shrugs, "Okay, I hope Asriel will be okay." you giggle as you and Asriel walk back to the living room.

Toriel wasn't there at the moment and you help him to the couch. "Azzy, really? You chuckle again, "Well I'm not going to tell you no. I think you need to take your mind off current events. Why don't I go work on the barrier and get you some fresh air outside. Though I need to check up on Frisk before I head out..." Asriel gave you a glare, "Well if it bothers you that much you can go help Frisk."

Asriel was back to looking embarrassed and blushing again. You just can't help let out another laugh, "Okay, okay. I'll get mom and have her take over. Are you okay with that?" Asriel just nods slightly. You go get Toriel and ask her if she can help Frisk. You also tell her your going to head outside for a few. "Alright my child. Is Asriel going with you?" You shake your head, "No, I just need some time to myself to take in everything that has happened so far."

She nods, "Okay, I'll call you when I finish lunch for Frisk and a snack for you two." You head out and down to the barrier room. You look over the spell for the barrier trying to figure out how to change it so Asriel could pass through. Reading over the notes it seems you'd have to bring down the barrier and set it back up. Well that would be such a pain to do. You sit and think of a way to work around this problem.

"Well let's see... My Soul is the key and it currently will only recognize me for that reason. So what if I share the key? Would that even work?" You bring forth your Soul and look it over. You then pull out a box from your pocket and open it revealing a heart shape locket. "Well I was going to give this to Azzy today as a surprise, but before I do maybe I can make it even more special."

You take the claw on your index finger and touch it to your Soul you cut a small heart shape from the center. This hurt as you were fighting back the pain you're feeling. It separates as you take the little piece of you Soul and place it inside the locket. You then take a photo of you and Azzy and place it over top of it. You concealed it really well as you close the locket back up. Then taking your Soul and putting it back were it belongs.

"I really hope this works. I should test it out first, but no one going to agree to this are they?"_You sigh, "_Well the barrier is suppose to keep out things... Hmm I think I have an idea. Might be cruel, but not my fault they work for an evil organization." You run to the location where Jim is located and knock out a guard. You pick him up and run back to the barrier. You put the locket around his neck and walk through with him.

When you come though you and the knocked out guard are inside the underground. "Neat, well guess I did my own little test. Turn about is fair play." You run the guard back and drop him back were you found him. You remove the locket and re-pocket it. You left the facility no one being the wiser you were around and return home. "_There is going to be some confused guards if they find him like that."_You just snicker at the thought.

You enter and find everyone at the table. "Hope I'm not late?" Toriel just looks at you, "I called for you and looked around out front. I even tried your phone, but you didn't pick up. Where did you go off to?" You just shrug, "I went to get some fresh air. I went through the barrier to sit at the mountain side for a little while." She just gave you that glare, "I thought when you meant outside you meant out front."

You just scratch the back of your head, "Well that was my original plan and then I just ended up there after a bit. Be kind of a waste not to enjoy it. We need to figure out a way to make cell phones work through the barrier. Maybe Alphys or Jim can rig something that will make it work. That way you won't have to worry if I do walk through the barrier." She just sighs, "That sounds like something to work towards, but it still doesn't change the fact you didn't at least call before walking through."

"Sorry mom, guess I just let my mind wonder and wasn't really paying attention. Well until the sun was hitting me in the eyes. So are the snacks ready?" She just shakes her head at you, "My child you are a handful some days. Today being one of them with everything that has happened so far." You wash up at the sink and then sit down, "Well at least told you about it and didn't keep it a secret. So I keep our promise so far."

She brings you a plate, "That's true, but now lets work on saying something before hand." You just chuckle, "Okay mom, I'll keep working on it." You look over at Frisk, "How are you feeling now Frisk? Are you feeling a little more at ease?" She takes a second to finish chewing here food, "Yeah a little bit. It's nice to have a moment were I don't feel like I'm going to disappoint someone."

You shake your head, "Frisk even if you tried to disappoint us no amount of effort would make us feel that way. Just be yourself and don't follow me or Azzy example. We're bad role models." You just stick out your tongue playfully. Asriel looks at you with a grin, "What's that suppose to mean Bro? I'm not a bad role model..." You interject, "I was kidding Azzy. I'm sure Frisk will be fine and we'll stay out of trouble like we always do."

Toriel looks at you with a glare and a wide grin, "Oh, I seem to recall you causing me trouble just a bit ago." You all just laugh, "Yeah, at least I'm keeping you on your toes and it's never a dole moment around here." You all finish your snacks and meals. You watch Frisk heading to the living room with Asriel and are left in the kitchen with Toriel as she's cleaning up.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" She stop and turns around, "What is it my child?" You gulp as you ask, "Could I take Azzy outside the barrier to show him the sunset and stars today?" So looked dumbfounded, "I... How... Is that even possible? Also why now? It hasn't came up before." You sigh, "Well with being gone, training, and all the other problems the last couple years it was a promise I put on hold."

She just continued to look stunned, "This is just sudden my child. Can it wait a few more days while I think it over? I also like to talk it over with Gorey." You shrug, "I guess that's okay. I did tell him I would work on it today. That we'd watch the sunset til night falls and I still like to make that happen. We wouldn't go far we'll just sit in front of the entrance on Mt. Ebott."

She walks over to you and bends down putting her hands on your shoulders. She looks you in the eyes with a slight smile and sighs, "You probably end up sneaking off anyway to keep your promise to him. Since you told me I'll let you and Asriel do so this once, but after that until we find a way to communicate through the barrier I don't want this to become a continuous thing." You nod and give her a hug, "Thanks mom and I'm fine with that. I can only take Azzy with me at this point, but later I would be like to take you and dad as well."

She returns the hug, "I'd like that, but don't push yourself. I don't know what is involved to do all this, but it seems it took a lot of effort." You look up at her, "Yeah, it did, but I think it'll just be one person at a time for now. Doing anymore then that will be difficult." You go off and tell Azzy about the news. He of course looks excited, but then asks, "Will Frisk be able to join us?" You shake you head, "I was only able to make what I guess is a single "spear key" and it was difficult to do. Until I can find a better solution to allow more then one person through this is the only one."

You pull the locket from your pocket and hand it to Asriel. He opens it and looks inside to see a picture of you and him with the words, "Together forever." He looks back at you, "Is this for me?" You nod, "I wanted to leave a key with you so you can come looking for me if anything happens." He looks back down at it, "Bro, I wouldn't know where to begin to look for you if something happen on the surface. Plus it would take me forever on foot to get anywhere."

You have a grin that turns to a smile, "I thought about that and I think I can at least fix the getting places problem. Azzy have you been hurt at all while I've been gone?" He shakes his head, "No, I mean beside the illness thing I haven't gotten physically hurt. Why?" You give a mischievous smile as you extend out a claw. You take his hand and prick his finger. Asriel pulls back looking a bit shocked, but then looks down as the wound was gone. "What?" he blinks at what just transpired before him and then looks back at you.

You just chuckle, "I was wondering about something when the rune stone bonded with you. I told Jim about it and he thought it was possible that it went to you because we shared a close bond. He wasn't able to say for sure of what that may entitled so all we had was a theory. What he told me was, "Your brother may not be able to use the spells from the rune stone like you, but it may have left an imprint of your abilities with him." As you can see you seem to retained a little of my regenerative ability and possibly able to use my swift-step as well."

Asriel just looks at you still taking in this information, "So I'll be able to use both of these abilities from now on?" You nod, "From what I know yes, but he also said that they may not last. So we'll have to keep an eye on you and see if you'll retain them over time. I'd like to have you practice swift-step, but outside the barrier. I wouldn't want you running it to walls or off a cliff down here. We'll need to get you a nice running space with nothing around, but don't worry I'll be at the ready to help you if things get out of hand."

Asriel gives you a grin, "Does mom know?" You giggle, "Um... not really. It was hard enough getting her to agree to let you walk through the barrier, but telling her at this point you have some of my abilities might be to much right now. I'd like to have you as a practice partner. I've been trying to work on swift-step to be able to us it in a fight. Though it's been a little hard to maintain concentration and to attack at the same time. So if I can get you able to use it effectively I'll have a sparing partner."

Asriel looks at you with worry on his face, "Bro, I wouldn't be able to take a hit..." You intervene, "I'm not going to hit my brother with my full strength. Just light jab like so..." As you gently jab his shoulder, "The whole exercise is to be able to do attacking and swift-step at the same time." Asriel still looked worried, "Yeah, but you might accidentally use a bit more strength then you intended. Then I'll be injured or worse. Mom would of course freak out and never let us do this again."

You just laugh, "Well I'll just have to be careful, but I'm going to practice on practice dummies first. Going to borrow a few from the Royal Guard training room and set them up outside. Then once we're both ready we'll practice together for our first bout. We'll stop if it gets out of hand, but I have a feeling that I'll need to learn this. Dualality is still out there and they know I'm still alive. They want to fix that mistake and we don't know how reliable the barrier is."

Asriel looks unsure about all this and you walk over to give him a hug, "Azzy we'll take little steps. If you don't want to do this then I understand, but I could really use the help. First though we have a date with a sunset. We'll worry about the whole training thing another day okay." He gives you a nod, "Yeah, I want to help you, but it's a little overwhelming right now. It's also exciting knowing it'd be possibly to visit places on the surface with you."

A few hours pass and everyone has dinner before you and Asriel head to the barrier room. He puts on his heart shaped locket and he grabs your hand. You just smile at him as you grip his hand lightly in return. You both walk forward as you both walk through the barrier hand in hand. Your figures slowly fading in the grayness of the barrier. You could feel Asriel's heart beating in excitement knowing he was going to see the world for the first time.

An experiment gone wrong? Part 10

You both emerge from the barrier and the scenery left Asriel wide eye breath taken away. You just let him take it all in. Happy that he finally gets to see this after being behind the barrier for so long. You did feel bad that you had to replace the...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 6

Tears fell down your face, "_I can't do this anymore. I need answers why all this is happening. If what Chara told me was true then I need to put a stop to it today."_You pick up Asriel and place him down on his bed, "_Don't worry Azzy I'm going to...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 5

Morning rolls around and with some final preparation you all head to the barrier room. You give them all one last hug as you proceed through the barrier. Looking over your shoulder one last time see them waving to you. You run forward setting off to...

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