Slice of Life: After work

Story by OwenCadenas on SoFurry

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· A soulful sigh filled the room was Owen stumbled into his apartment for the night. His brain was fuzzy, his legs ached and his bed was calling out rather loudly - and yet he still had things to do.

"First things first..." he yawned.

The apartment was basically a box, or rather, he called it a box due to it being so small. It had a small kitchenette (the only thing that looked remotely new coffee maker), some bean bags and one love seat for the 'living room space', a surprisingly decent home entertainment system and his bedroom that thankfully had an in suite; mind you, he still ended up showering down at the public pool more often than not due to bad water pressure and leaky pipes.

As the young panda moved further into his home, taking off his vest and loosening his tie on the way, he turned the TV on and put the coffee machine to brew a cup for the night, just so he could stay awake for a little longer.

With his uniform of the day dumped in the laundry basket, the panda waited for his coffee with his tail lazily swaying behind him, toes flexing and pressing against the wooden floor while his head rested on his arms, tired green eyes watching the drip of the coffee into the cylinder.

"Come on..." he grumbled at it, letting out another jaw cracking yawn.

He shuffled his bare legs again and finally filled his mug with the black liquid, adding milk and sugar to his taste before flopping down into the one-seater in his living room. Owen grabbed the Tablet from where he'd left it - next to his chair, on the floor - and turned it on, flicking through the screens while sipping his coffee. Owen found his emails and went through them - junk, junk, will read later, junk, need to reply to this one...- until he found the one he'd seen in the afternoon and could not read. It was an application to a Photography Internship with a local gallery.

"Dear Mr. Cadenas, thank you for your application and while a strong candidate, we regret to - crush your dreams into a smoldering pile of shit, keep taking pictures with your phone you fucking weirdo." He spit out in annoyance and disappointment, staring at the screen while absently deleting the email. He moved on to another one he needed to read and reply to, this one from his Mother.

"Owen! You won't believe it, your sister is..." he spit out the hot coffee then, hacking out coughs as he tossed the Tablet to the floor and manage to hold on to the mug off coffee as he let his lungs out through his mouth.

Pregnant. The crazy girl got pregnant .

He grabbed a tossed shirt from the floor and wiped his bare legs off, trying to get most of the coffee out of his fur before flopping back on the seat while picking the Tablet back up.

"...Wow, pregnant huh..." he mumbled while replying with surprise and well wishes as any good brother would do, as well as the usual questions of health and gossip to his Mom. "Means they'll probably get married, ugh..." Owen frowned, looking around at his apartment and the failed application flashing through his mind. "I'm going to bed."

The thought that his sister got herself together rather quickly had taken him by surprise - she'd only just gotten her current job, only recently (a year) met her boyfriend and everything.

He sighed deeply.

"So unfair...."

The tired panda turned the TV off then, not having paid any attention to it. The coffee cup went into the sink, dumped down the drain and swished with water before leaving this side of the apartment in darkness.

Owen's bed looked as appealing as usual - as in, very - and the panda moved to it, flopping dramatically on it. Blearily he looked up at his novely Buddha Bear alarm clock and glared at the time - he'd be up in less than eight hours if he didn't haul his ass to dream land now.

"Well...I guess I at least have a wedding to look forward to...without a date..." he told himself, crawling towards the head of the bed and flopping on his back. "Won't be so bad I suppose, haven't seen them in a while." He yawned. "Gotta...check with the folks...see the grand...parents..." he mumbled then, turning away from the bedside table to burrow into the pillow and sheets.

However, despite the deep sleep he suddenly found himself in...poor Owen forgot to set his alarm.
