Terra Incognita - The Land Of The Unknown

Story by Snuugie on SoFurry

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Chapter 1January, 14, 2058Baghdad, IraqChannel link established: Sgt. Kennedy - Cpl. Johnson[Connection Secure] {How's the situation Cpl.} {Not good sir, something really has them on edge, I've lost 4 men in the past week, and they are really stepping up their game. They have moved two armored divisions south 4 klicks, and are regularly shelling the streets. You can't go anywhere without stepping on a mine.} {Sorry to hear, Cpl. I've got news from the top for a mission in your area of expertise. And might explain why they are on edge.} {What would that be sir?} {You are needed for a night op behind enemy lines. It's the typical reconnaissance mission, you are the only one close enough with the expertise.} {What are the details?} {The details are already on your tablet, suit up for further instructions. Kennedy out}[End Transmission...}"Fuck... can I get a break..." Johnson voices to himself while wiping the sweat of his brow. Picking up his tablet he starts to skim through the files that were sent."Aerial photos, little securit- wait, a lot of security... makes my life a whole lot easier." He studies it for 5 minutes, dropping the tablet on his cot when finished. Walking over to the mess tent while avoiding the frenzy of the base (and the occasional speeding vehicle), he found his squad (what was left of it.). "Hey Johnson pull up a seat and watch how this pussy gets his ass handed to him" says Roland.Roland and Reese were locked in a arm wrestling match both waiting to begin in a hunched position. Reese by the way Is the stereotypical militarized black guy and is the strongest person I know, being able to bench 250LBS without effort. Roland on the other hand is the weapons expert, not as strong as Reese but still very capable and could still kill a man. I'm still not sure what Roland was thinking though."Looks like I arrived at the right time. I'll do the countdown.""Yes sir!" Roland replies with sarcasm."Three... Two...

Three..."They both look at him in annoyed disbelief."Fine, GO!" Smlaming his hand on the table.Just then they began to push each other with all their might. Roland slowly losing ground. After about 5 seconds Roland's hand hits hard on the table in a swarm of awful words."How the fuck did that happen!! Don't you dare laugh Johnson.""That's no way to talk to your superiors." Says Johnson holding the laughter."Fuck you..." Replies Roland rubbing his hand."Wheres Vector? Haven't seen him all day." John starts to scan the mess for signs of his squadmate."He's here in the mess, I think hitting on some chicks over there""Typical Vector... We got a mission""What kind of mission." Replies Roland."The mission is an infiltration, HQ says it's serious, but they're not sure what it is. What they are sure of is that it's possibly Nuclear serious. We are supposed to infiltrate and survey the site and confirm what it is then possibly set charges and bug out.""Sounds easy enough" Reese says with a small grin."But here's the catch,""Always a catch" Roland says waving his arms around."There are over 70 men guarding the Facility and small Vehicles patrolling the perimeter. This is no easy task. HQ is going to start a diversion At 21:35 Hours and that should buy us some time to get in and get what we need done. Mind you these are not your typical Sunday Taliban, these are trained and hardened EX ISIS and other operatives. We have secondary objectives to grab any Intel we can or VIP's and bring them to Extract-Zone Alpha. We miss the deadline, we walk ourselves back. Bring only what you need, we need to get in and get

out.""Yes, Sir!" with a quick salute they departed to get their gear ready.'Now to get Vector..."Walking through hoards of people, Johnson finally stumbled upon Vector hitting on a group of women at the end of a food stand, complaining on how this government can't seem to win the war. Then the subject switched to foot sizes..."-you know i'm free to- Sir! How's it going?" Vector straightens into Parade Rest."Yeah you better straighten up. Go meet with the others in the armory, we have a mission.""Sir, Yes Sir!" Vector rushes out of the Mess, And the women dissipate."Hey John! How are you?" A woman steps out from behind the counter."You know, the occasional

landmine.""No need to get dark john..." Frowning she makes her way to John."I know, it's been hard. I can't really talk right now I got an assignment, I'll catch you later okay?""Alright, You still owe me that drink." She says with a smile."I know, Jessica"Armory2 Hours Before Contact

  "Those Tali's won't even know what hit'em" Roland says while loading his R712 Semi automatic shotgun. Just then John walks in. "What are you doing?" Stopping in mid walk."Getting ready sir, why?""You're not bringing that to a night op, Here take this" Handing him a silenced M4A4 off the rack."What is this? It's small." Says Roland with a sad tone but sarcastic smile."It's a gun Roland, it shoots shit." John replies with a sarcastic tone.Walking over to his locker in the claustrophobic  dimly-lit room, he grabs his gear consisting of Two HE4 Grenades, an XM29 OICW, and light combat armor along with his assault vest with a handful of cartridges. Turning around while fastening his vest in place he catches Vector Assembling his M107B .50Cal Sniper Rifle. "That's a beautiful weapon , wait, I thought you only had marksman training?" "I did marksman training and sniper school at Fort Bennings.""That wasn't in your report, How did I miss that?""Probably because i'm a sniper, You aren't supposed to see me." Vector gives a sly smile."I guess you're right" Replies John with a chuckle.Another Hour and 20 minutes pass with weapons and inventory checks until it was time to depart.

 20:25 {ETA to LZ, 5 minutes.} the chopper pilot relays over the radios. {Roger, ETA 5 Minutes. You heard the pilot, be ready to get your boots dirty}All reply {Roger}The chopper reaches it's destination.{ETA in 10}{Roger, Get ready boys}{Touchdown}John and his squad jump 3 feet to the ground below, and begin securing the area. Within seconds the chopper is already high in the sky speeding away."Alright radio silence, and don't shoot unless you're being shot at.""Roger, Dodger" Replies Roland."Cut the shit, we're on a mission.""Yes sir" Roland replies seriously."Vector, remember where you need to go?""Yes sir. A klick northeast to that tower there, I'll flash you when there." With that he departed."Alright, Roland, Reese, we're moving."Slowly moving through the brush and sprinting through the open areas, they make it to the facility."20 minutes until diversion." Says John"Find cover and wait for the fireworks."Roland and Reese nod in response.Working their way to the perimeter fence they wait in some bushes and revise the plan. "We move in five" John relays to his team.The air became tense, tense with the fight looming over the horizon. John moves some branches out of line of view and spots something out of place."Reese you see that? Bearing 345.""Yeah I see it, looks like a rail turret.""Why didn't that show up on the photos?""I don't recognize that model, could it have stealth?""Not that shape. Hold on."John begins to reach for his binoculars, when an explosion happens near the entrance."Shit, Thats our-" the turret rurs to life and begins tearing apart the facility with a dull THUD every 3 seconds."What the hell is it doing!?" screams John over the fire of the weapons. Alarms begining to blare all over the compund."I don't know, but we better get moving!" Roland shouts from the opposite bush."Let's move! Reese get those bolt cutters!" "Copy that!"Reese rushes out of the bush and charges the fence, bolt cutters drawn. "Cutting!" Yells Reese. "Done, Let's go!"Rushing through the gap in the fence, they make there way to a door and begin to breach it. "Its locked!" Reese yells over the still thudding turret and gufire in the distance. "Did you bring the Grappels?!" "Yeah, where do you want them?" "Up there" John points 3 stories straight up and Reese begins to fires it up, strap his teammates on to the rope, then proceeds to guard them. Half way up John turns down to check on Reese still on point, to realise there is a Hostile sneaking up behind him. John unholsters his weapon in a fraction of a second but before he's able to shoot a loud pop comes from out of nowhere and drops the hostile in a cloud of red mist a large hole through his head, the sight was hard to describe. Reese whips around and looks at John for an answer, but gets Vector on the radio. [You don't think I would leave you alone now did you?] Vector sarcastically responds over the radios. [You sonova'bitch, That was close.] [You're welcome]John and Roland continue to climb, as they approach the top they poke their heads over to scope the inside. Nothing was inside except strewn around

boxes. climbing on to the catwalk, they begin to make their way down a ladder and to the door to unlock it for Reese. Unlocking the door Roland freezes in place and John turns around to meet Roland's' gaze. What John saw was unbelievable, It was a some sort of prototype plane. "How, the ,FUCK, did we miss this" Reese's face was just as dumbfounded as the rest of them. "Roland get pictures and stay very alert" "Yes.. Sir..." Roland replies slightly dazed.John and Reese jog  around to a small room that was most likely the office to the warehouse. Flashes from Roland continue until the Thudding stops and everything goes quiet."We better make this quick." John motions to the door. Opening the door to the office, they see paperwork. Grabbing all of the papperwork and shoving it into the duffle bags they brought, they scan the rest of the warehouse to make sure there are no more surprises. [John the diversion is over, you have multiple contacts closing in on your location. I would advise you bug out.] [We have what we need, let's get out of here]John and his team leave the warehouse through the door and book it to the hole in the fence. "Reese, seal that hole"Reese pulls out a small torch and begins to weld the fence together. Within a minute they begin to run to the extraction point.