The Next day

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#2 of The date that never was

Disclaimer: This story contains sex between consensual furs. If you do not like that or sex then leave . If you are underage you know better .

I like to thank devilmaycry who help me a lot with this chapter. I am sorry for the delay with this chapter.

Felix is trying to wake up as he feel something holding him. Was it Shelly? No that isn't right. She was with the fucking wolf last night. Getting screwed by that wolf.


That is what she is, a bitch. He had loved her for years when he first came to college. She had dated many furs and they all seem to use her for sex. She seem to relish it all. Yet when it came to him, she was just a friend. She didn't give Felix the time of day. She would be friendly towards him, but no real love. Felix saw his chance when she was dumped by her most recent lover.

He was there to make it through the rough patch. After a month of hanging out, he asked her why don't they take it to the next level? He wanted to be more than friends. He wanted to be lovers.

She was taken aback by this as she fell silent when asked about being lovers. She told him she needed time to process this.

It was three days later when he got a hug and a light kiss on his cheek. He was happy. Yet deep inside, he wanted her to kiss him like he had seen so many of her other lovers.

It was ok at first. She went with him everywhere. They enjoyed each others company. Yet she was always weary to show him any kind of love more than hug or a light kiss on the cheek. He was happy with her, but deep down he was feeling empty. Then, he figured he really impress her with the club by getting her in. All the favors he called in, people to cover his job as a night guard, and to get in at the club calling in his loans. He had given to many.

It was all for naught. She was with someone else. Fucking bitch. He was upset to say the least. Yet something happened that night. It was a dream he keeps telling himself. A dream he created at the loss of the one he loves...well not really loss as he realizes he was not even in the running. As he was referred to as a friend. A FRIEND!!!!

Gods, he hope the wolf dumps her ass. This time he will not be there to be a shoulder to cry on, to hear why it happen. He would tell her that's nice. I have to go. I have things to do instead of listening to your sorry life.

Yet the dream keeps coming up of the sexy dragoness he met at the club and he took her to her home where they made out.

He smiles as he sleeps. He knows it didn't happen, as if things like that happen. He thinks he just fell asleep in the parking garage and it was all a dream. No female would ever do that with him.

Yeah, he is in his car sleeping with a stiff neck. His back is going to be sore. His legs would cramp. Yet something was holding him close whispering to him, 'sexy kitten'.

What a weird dream he was having. And then there was a lick across his furred face. What the hell?!? He opens his eyes and realizes he is not in his car nor his home. Neither of them look this good or clean. He happened to look over and sees the dragoness of his dreams real. It did happen. He mated with a dragoness. Man, talk about dreams coming true.

Still, he never expect this to happen as she holds onto him gently. He hears his phone vibrate. He sees it on the table next to the bed. How did it get there? It was in his pants last night. Then again, that's as much as he remembers. The phone stops. He reaches over for it and looks at it. Five missed calls, ten texts, and three voice mails. What the hell?

Then his mood changed to see who most were from.... Shelly. He wasn't going to talk to her. The text were from his roommates, wanting to know if he got lucky as he didn't come home.

Felix just smiles and text back fast saying he would be home alive later.

As soon as he sends it, he is about to lay it back down when the text alert goes off. He hurries and looks at it. Mike replies with the simple word DETAILS!!!!

Felix sighs as he replies later.

He tries his best to pull away from the dragoness who seems to be dead tired. He like to think he is the reason she is asleep. Yet he knows better. He has heard the rumors of the dragon's sex drive. He knew full well he had little to do with her being tired. Still, he had to puff his ego up as he was tempted to kiss her. Yet he felt that it would prove to be nothing. As she would see him as a one night stand.

He sighed. He was able to untangle himself from her and gave her a pillow to sleep with instead of him.

Felix feels a bit bad about this, yet he knows this was a one night stand. He can't see any future with her. Sexy as she is, he knows better with his track record. She would most likely say that it was fun but it would be a one night stand.

Felix slowly gets up as quietly as he can and gathers his stuff. As he leaves the room he feels guilty but knows it is for the best not to have any illusions.

He dresses, closes the door and headed for the stairs. He makes a quick check, wallet, cell, keys all present and accounted for. He makes it down the stairs and passes the kitchen. She wouldn't mind if he had a drink. He prayed she had some juice.

Much to his surprise the fridge was fully stocked. Now he felt bad for leaving without even a word. He sees a full kitchen. More than what he has in his apartment.

He thinks back to Shelly as he made her breakfast at his house with what little in the fridge he had. Here, he had full stock. He figured he could be creative with this meal.

He gets some eggs out and grabs some bread and milk. French Toast. Still always calling it that as he was in America. Still always good with some cinnamon in the eggs to give it flavor. He hated powder sugar as it seems at times to make it to sweet.

He cooked a full breakfast with sausage links. He set up the table for two and washed the dishes just so she wouldn't be to mad for cooking like this. Despite what many think, some get mad for doing things like this. Why, he could never figure out a cougar he dated once was like this. Yes, the food was good but she threw a fit over the dishes that were left in the sink, calling him a slob.

Due to how he and his roommates lived a true bachelor pad. All paper plates and mostly plastic utensils. He was going to wash them but damn fuck her. That relationship didn't last.

As he finish he look around and found a vase with a rose on it and set it on the table. The house was filling with the smell of food and she would most likely wake soon. Then it happened his cell went off.

Gods who could it be.

The text was 911.

He saw who it came from. From his roommate. What the hell does he need?

'Busy will come when I can' Felix replies. He is about to pocket the cell when it goes off again.


Felix just sighs as he puts his vest on that was on the chair. He looks at the food. It would've really impressed her. He begins to leave as he grabs an extra sausage link. What a way to fuck up a morning. Not only did she fuck u his night with her, now his chance to impress the dragoness.

"You leave me alone at the club and now this? God woman, you already dump me what else do you need to do to mess up my day?" Felix sighs bitterly.

He leaves the apartment, gets in the car, and leaves. It was such a nice place though he knows he will never her again. As he arrives at the rear gate, he presses the button and the gate opens for him as he leaves.

A red dragoness pulls up into the garage. It was a wild night she had, hitting the three clubs last night. Her dress is a bit uneven from the looks of it as it seems to be put on and off. She parks a bit off. Ok, she was into the other parking space. As she stops and get out of the car unsteadily trying to make the world stop spinning. She was so happy that the cop was so understanding by letting her off with a stern warning and a good fuck. She can say this, that doberman was good. He was a bit small for his kind, but she didn't care. She got off without a ticket and he got off on her and in her. She looks at her dress seeing the cum drying on it from so many males last night. She was suppose to do something yet it keeps slipping from her mind.

She looked sexy despite how she looked like a two dollar whore. She walked proudly, with her dress showing many of the times she had mated last night and this morning. Her horns came out the top of her head and on the side as they extended from her hair. Her long red hair matched the red of her scales. Her chest color was off white with a hint of red as her body seem to have two tones of red, one light and the other dark. Her breast were between a C and D cup as her hips were slim. She carried herself well as her long tail would sing back and forth behind her.

She still had a goofy grin as she made her way to the elevator to her apartment. Unlike the other apartments, her elevator to the first floor of her apartment was made into a private elevator. She grinned as she passed a car that looked familiar to her. It was Azuel's.

"Oh shit. I forgot to pick her up." She pulled out her cell and saw the ten texts from Azuel. None of them got better by the time she got to the end. One describe shoving a horse sized dildo up her ass. No lube.

The red dragoness shuddered thinking Azuel would do that while she slept. The dragoness had to make sure she sucked up to her. With Azuel's mean streak, she wouldn't hesitate to do it which meant a lot of ass kissing. Though that doesn't sound too bad as Azuel had a nice ass.

She would be doing a lot of kissing up to her for the next few days. God she wish she hadn't gotten hammered after the second club she went to.

She remembers it was called Club Astro. She thought she met up with Azuel there but didn't see her. So she figured she hooked up with someone already and got a ride home. She must have got home cause the last text said 'home but no thanks to your loser ass.'

The red dragoness knew doomsday was coming as she swiped her card for the elevator. A ding is heard as the door opens. She gets in and rides it to the first floor of the apartment. It was extravagant, but it was easier than climbing the stairs and walking through the front door. Especially with this hangover that was creeping up. It was held back from her quickie she had with the cop. Now the pain in her head was coming back fast. She hope she had some advil and a bottle of water ready in the kitchen. As the elevator stops and opens up to her living room, the smell of food filled her nose.

That is when her stomach rumbled. She was hungry. Yet Azuel never cooked, she did. Who cooked?

Maybe she got lucky and a new boy toy did. Though it did surprise her, not many of the males they hooked up with could do that. Cook that is.

As she approached the kitchen she saw Azuel looking sad at the rose on the table that the meal was served. She was looking at a note, something that made the dragoness look like she was going to cry.

Then Azuel sees her. That sadness left fast as she grew a scowl.

"Look what dragged herself here. It looks like someone I know. You know I think her name was Rosa. No wait. My friend said all you have to do is call and I will give you a ride home so don't worry about taking your car." the scowl deepens.

Rosa just smiles weakly. "Look Azuel I'm really sorry and.... is that french toast?" she runs to the table and just sits down and begins to serve herself.

Azuel just glares at her roommate as she stuffs her mouth.

"I never said you could eat fool."

"What, your boy toy in the bathroom? I'm sure he won't mind letting a pretty dragoness eat what he cooked. So what is he? I know not a dragon as you stayed away from Skyward club. You're in heat and you needed a good fuck with little chance of getting knocked up. A wolf? A tiger? No maybe a panther they are a bit savage in bed." Rosa says with a big smile on her maw showing off her sharp teeth.

Azuel looks away as to confirm Rosa's words as she get a big grin on her muzzle.

"I knew it, it was a panther."

"No you fucking twit. He's a feline." Azuel huffs.

Rosa looked a bit surprised by this. Neither of them ever really went out with a cat in a sense, and calling them feline was being nice about it. Yet Azuel was a bit taken with said feline. Then again, the food she was eating and how the spread of breakfast was set up was nice. He really must have been good in bed. Then again, her dad always said when you really want to impress a female, always have a trick. His was he could make a rose out of piece of paper or when he ate out he leave a waitress a rose out of a five dollar bill. They always swoon over that.

"So where is this special feline?" Rose look around.

Azuel sighs, "He had to go. He had an emergency. I wanted to have some more fun today with him." She waives a note that she was reading.

Rosa thought that was strange as many males would be ready to go in the morning or they had to kick their sorry asses out of their home. Yet this feline seems to be a catch. He cooked and left a note saying sorry.

"Can I have him Azuel if you're not going to keep him?"

"Hell no, he's mine. He is cute...." She smiles.

Cute? Azuel never said nothing about cute or about any of the other males she had. They were a good fuck but little else. Yet with this feline, she was actually thinking about another go around with him.

"Ohh I have to meet him now. Wait, does he have your number?" Rosa asked quizzically.

She just smiles. "I got ahold of his phone. Trust me. When I call, he will know it's me calling," she licks her lips with her long tongue.


Felix arrived at his apartment. Tired as hell and sore, as he rub his bruised ass. Damn she was murder. Azuel wanted to go for about ten or eleven rounds. He thinks he was shooting blanks by the sixth or seventh. Yet it was a good pain.

You know what, it didn't matter with Shelly. Screw her. She was getting banged like a cheap slut. Why should he care that she is mad at him? He had a great time last night. A time he would always remember. Just not with her.

So why was he here? Because deep down, he would go back to her if she told him she loved him. God he was weak like Mike told him once. If he was an alpha male, he would have stood up for her and make her notice him but.... no, reality is a bit cruel that way.

He had Azuel, though he had no way to contact her.

He didn't get her number. He sighs thinking it would have been cool to see her again. What ever, he has his memories for now. He can't cry over spilled milk. Anyway, she was just being nice last night. She would not be seen with a feline like him. It was a one night stand so he had to live with that. He parks as he dreads heading towards his apartment. Why the hell was she here?

He makes his way up the stairs and sees the door open. He can hear Shelly sounding hysterical. Why was she being a drama queen? Not like she didn't score last night.

Mike was trying his best to calm her down. The otter seem flustered.

"Look Shelly, I'm sure Felix has a perfect explanation why he didn't take you home last night."

'I got laid!' Felix was about to say as he enter hearing that. But he held back.

"What's wrong Shelly? You seem upset." Felix almost sounds a bit sad at this. Almost.

"Felix!? Why did you leave me there last night at the club? I thought we were friends!?"

"Did you just say friends? Well wow. Here I thought I was more than that by now. I guess that's all I am to you is a friend?" Felix says bitterly.

Shelly looks mad at those words. "Yes you are a friend. What illusions have you been having Felix? I know you told me you love me but you should know by now all you are is my friend. Also, I have a new friend who needed a ride home. I knew you weren't doing anything. Yes I saw you when you walk up on me and Karlos. Now he was a very good lover last night. If you had stayed, you would seen what a real male does. After we got kicked out, I promised you'd take us home."

She sounded like it was suppose to be like that. What would they do, screw in the back of his car while he drove them home? FUCK THAT!!!!

"What a real male is? Really? You expect me just to bow to you?" Felix is flabbergast by this. Was she for real telling him this? What did she think he was, a whipped puppy? And here he was a cat.

"Look Shelly I am sorry I let you down....well not really. I had a great night last night. I met up with someone special and we had a great time last night. Like I had wanted to have with you. Yet I guess friends can't do that. Well I assume you took a cab home and let him fuck your brains out. I hope you felt good getting bang like a two dollar whore." Felix just walks past her. He just can't care anymore. He wasted so much for her and she just came to bitch to him like this, treating him like he was servant.

"Hey look, I'm your only female friend. What do you really have? Two males who can't get laid either."

Felix looks at Mike whom he knows is bi and always has someone on speed dial. He won't say anything as he likes to keep it on the downlow about his flamboyant lifestyle. Craig has a girlfriend who is also a gamer. Who is a better gamer than he is. Hell to think she is still with him because she kicks his ass all the time and then comes crying like a little bitch when he loses. No he is the one with no one.

MIke looks upset by this and is about to say something. Felix stops the otter who is confused by this.

"You know what Shelly, you are right I don't have anyone. Yet I am happy with that. Better to be alone than be with someone who will never see me more than a driving service. I am not living for something I will never attain anymore. You know my friends told me you were like this but I gave you a chance. Yet now I see it never was going to happen. I am ending this now this farce you have been leading me on." Felix sighs as his tail droops. Thinking it would be easy to just say. 'I got laid last night by this sexy dragoness', but she would just laugh and say he was a liar.

No best to just let her go.

"Just lose my number and don't come here anymore. You are not welcome here. I have had enough of this. I have let this lie I have been living go on for too long. Goodbye Shelly, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. Though I assume many males have split you there many of times."

Her expression is priceless as she is about to say something. Her mouth opens and Felix decides to do something she would never allow him to do to her. He kisses her full on. Her eyes open wide. Felix knows this is goodbye. He breaks the kiss and she has a expression of lust for a second and then realizes who just kiss her as he shoves her out the door.

Then slams it on her before she can say anything. Mike is shocked as Felix walks past him and tosses off his leather vest and throws it at Craig as he just shakes his head.

Nothing is heard as they assume she left shocked.

"I never expected you to do that Felix" The wolf just laughs. Felix looks around for the charger as his cell was about to die.

"Look you both were right. I was blind thinking I ever had a chance with her." He sighs as he sits down and picks up a controller and looks at the screen. He wants to play but feels empty.

Mike sits down next to him as he sits there. "So?" WIth a big grin as he waits for Felix .

"So?" He looks at Mike.

"So who did you hook up with? I know you didn't sleep in the car because you have a look.....the look. The look I have many times. You got laid. So who was it a lone mouse or a little doggy? Or did you finally switch hitters? Because I told you I let you have me sexy" He give Felix the biggest grin as Craig just rolls his eyes.

"The real reason I haven't thrown your sorry ass out Mike is because you pay rent . "

Mike stands up and strikes a pose "I am sexy and you know it." He begins to laugh.

Craig is about to say something then Felix phone goes off, a tune he has never heard before. He pick it up as Felix seem to be lost in thought.

He looks at the cell and sees something he didn't expect to see. He just looks at it with wide eyes and looks at Felix. Then back to the cell.

"I think it's for you Felix." He passses the cell to Felix who looks at him with a question on his face. He takes his cell and his eyes open wide and see who is on the cell.

Azuel is there on laying on her back in all her glory. He answers it.

"Hello? Uh I'm sorry about the food. I didn't want to leave like that but... "

"Don't worry dear. Look a friend wants to meet you. She keeps giving me a look. (some sounds can be heard) Back off. You keep doing that and I'm ramming your toy up your ass. (more noise and some laughing) Look, are you free tonight? I know we just meet but It would be nice to see you again."

Felix heart flutters hearing this. He had to calm down as Craig is whispering to Mike about the image that was shown when the call was made. Mike's eyes widen as he looks at Felix with envy

"So when do you want to go to dinner?"

There is a pause and once again he hears another female saying 'Just tell him to come over and we can rape him.' He hears Azuel say' You touch him I will rip that tail off your ass now shut up!!!'

"Just come over. We will have take out that my roommate will get. Don't worry about anything kitten. Also, thank you for the breakfast. It was wonderful. I hope you like my caller picture I left you? Look, I will pick you up so where do you live dear?"

Felix for a brief second blanks out and has no idea where he lives. Then it all comes to him. "I live on Baker street in the Greydon apartments. I will be outside waiting for you."

"That is great. I will be by at seven ok?" Her voice is so beautiful.

"Later dear I will see you at six I mean seven." As she hangs up he looks at the time. Seven hours til she comes to get him. Felix heart is racing as if he just did a marathon. She was coming for him here and he... needed a shower. He began to strip as Mike tells him to take it all off for him.

Felix ignore his foolish roommate. He lets the cold water clean his fur from the last night events and some of the scent from her.

He dreams what will happen when he goes over. Then it hits him. Nothing will happen as he still feels inferior to her. Despite everything that has happen, he still has doubts that this dream he is having will come true.

He still feels it will all come crashing down. He wants to stay positive but it feels after Shelly, nothing will really happen.

He stands in the shower thinking what to do and how to dress. Unlike last night where he tried to impress Shelly, this will before someone else. Someone better.

"Hey stop drowning in there. We need the hot water and get out here we need to talk fool." Mike yells through the door.

Felix finishes up as he puts some boxers on and heads to the living room as he continues to dry off.

He stops and heads to his room wanting to get some more clothing on, but Mike grabs him and pulls him to the living room.

"Hey I need to dress!"

"It's not like I haven't seen a cock and Craig could care less unless you have a pussy."

"HEY!!" Craig growls at Mike who ignores the wolf.

"You have yet to tell us about last night. So spill."

Felix sighs as he has no way out of this.

Over the next few minutes he tells them everything from what happen at the club to when he picked up Azuel and what happen after.

"You idiot. You should have ignore us, stayed, and got laid. She made you a broken feline." Craig growls at him.

"I just wanted to make sure it was true as much as I didn't want to believe it and knowing the truth. Until you hear it, it is not the same. I needed to know Craig. I know you two had to deal with my sorry love life but it's always like this. I needed to hear the truth."

Mike is smiling at Felix. "Still to snag a dragoness. They are ones who love to have sex. Oh just a second." Mike leaves.

"Still, I would have told her to get lost if you asked me to dude. She has been using you this whole time. I guess in the end like you said you needed to hear that." Craig looks at him sadly

It is silent as they wait for Mike to return.

"What would you have done if she had said she was wrong. That she loved you."

Felix is silent. That answers Craig's question .

"Get her to fuck you to death or until you can no longer move. Let her go felix. I know from experience with those I dated before. Anytime you hear them say they are sorry and to take them back you will do just that. Look, best to move forward before she does that. Even if she just wants to be friends do that. Maybe with this one, it will be more than that. Before you compare it to Shelly know this. You slept with the dragoness, you had nothing but light kisses from Shelly. At least you know you have a chance with the dragoness. With Shelly you had none."

Craig sighs as he lays back on the couch. This was the most he has ever hear the wolf say without cussing a storm up about some hacker or cheater on his games.

Mike comes in and passes some drinks to Felix. They are some energy drinks and protein drinks.

"You need something in you. The protein drinks is to keep you going till the date happens best to have this. Know you are going to eat but you haven't ate nothing since yesterday. You need substance if you are going to have fun tonight. Also I know you are going to need all the help you can get. Also the engery drink so you can get that extra boost."

Felix downs the protein drink as he is hungry. "Wait where's the food I got..... you guys already ate it didn't you? Assholes."

These gluttonous assholes are always doing this.

"Look, I'm going to be fine ok. And why are you looking at my cell for Mike?" Felix gets up and see what he is looking at as he is scrolling through the many pictures Azuel has seem to take of herself.

"Give me that you fool!" Snatches the cell form the otter as he looks surprised by this.

Felix looks at the photos that Mike was looking at. Each one is more lewder than the last. One has her actually with his cock next to her face. Felix is a deep red. How tried was he for her to use him like that. Small wonder why Mike had given him some energy to last longer. It was true he had little food before the club last night. He was suppose to eat with her this morning.

Another thing Shelly fucked up with his life. Fucking bitch.

"I am hungry and this drink didn't help any. Now I really want some food but two pigs ate everything. Fools. You assholes always do this."

Mike laughs and hugs Felix "And I still love you kitty."

Felix tries his best to pry Mike off as Craig snatches the cell and scrolls through the pictures of Azuel.

~Hours later~

Felix is outside wearing a new set of clothes and a wind breaker. He decided to dress down less trouble best for her to see him as a regular fur and not something he isn't.

He sees her pull up in her BMW 6 Series. God, she is not even trying to make him feel small as she pulls up behind his car. He looks at his car and then hers. His Ford Focus is a nice car. Yet next to hers it looks like a clunker. Yeah he has such issues right now.

She rolls down the window on the passenger side. "You getting in kitty?" She says with such lust in her voice.

He bushes badly at her calling him that in public. He is so happy he told both his friends not to come down here and wait with him. They would never let him hear the end of this.

He gets in as fast as he can knowing those fools will be running down the stairs to see her.

As they pull off he looks in the rearview mirror and sees his friends come out of the apartment building. Predictable.

They arrive at gate this time as they are waived in with a smile unlike last night. As they drove to the underground garage. It is then he notices a delivery fur. It was a cougar, a bit slim for one but he seems a bit off as he stumbles down the stairs and a red dragoness with a big smile waving him off.

"Uh did your roommate have someone over?" Felix ask nervously.

"No. The dumb bitch of a roommate I have decided to give him a tip and most likely only paid half for the food." Azuel sighs bitterly.

Felix does not want to know what she did to do that. He just sits quietly, thinking to himself. As they park, he gets out looking at the high end cars in the underground garage and sees quite a few that he assumes the price tag is over hundred grand. He looks for a stairway when Azuel walks over to an elevator. He sees her swipe a card and then hears a ding.

What the hell? They had a private elevator and he had to walk up stairs to his loft.

She beckoned him with a smile. He enters after her as the door shut, a slight hum, and a second later the doors open and he see the familiar room. As he notices a red dragoness is looking through a bag.

"Hey Azuel I was able to get the food at a discount and a calendar." She smiles at Azuel who looks ready to strangle someone.

"Please tell me you didn't just ... you know what never mind I don't want to know. Is all the food there? I like my salad and fettuccine alfredo."

"Yes yes miss picky. Gods you always are so picky about your food. Would have been easier with a pizza. Uh, Felix right? Do you mind if I got you lasgena? I figure it be best to get you something nice."

Azuel scoffs at her. "You just want his cock later. You have an endless appetite. Felix let me introduce you to my roommate..."

"And sexual lover in bed" The red dragoness states proudly. Making Azuel blush badly.

"Would just shut up!"

Felix is unable to say anything as he is the guest not wanting to be rude.

The red dragoness walks over and hugs him tightly as if he was an old friend. "Hello Felix name is Rosa. Oh, you are nice and furry. Not to say she hasn't been with bigger."

With those words it sorta hurts Felix. Something you don't want to hear. He looks away a bit sad.

Rose just assumes it means he was shy. "Don't worry kitty I won't bite much." She snaps at him playfully .

Azuel sees him looking a bit down .

"Rosa please stop you're upsetting him." Azuel is upset by this.

"Come on Azule I'm just having fun. So Felix. Did you get her wasted and then come back here and screw her brains out?"

"Uh no she had no ride home and I gave her one."

"Oh is that all." Rosa looks a bit miffed as if expecting something else. "You sure he is something special Azuel? I mean he is just a cat."

Felix is getting mad with her attitude. It's not like he is here to be judge. He just told one female that he didn't want to see her ever again. Now this dragoness was being a bitch.

"You know what Azuel I think I will walk home." He starts to walk off mad now that he even bother to come here.

"Damn it Rosa, just because you're a whore and never look beyond the next fuck some of us do. Felix wait. " She runs after him.

He is out the door already. Mad he ever thought this was going to mean anything. Once again he realizes some furs do not get the girl. He just wants to cry.

He starts to look around to see where the exit is when he is grabbed by his arm and Azuel is there looking bit tired. "Felix I'm sorry. I didn't think she'd be like this. She's always talking trash about those I see and she gets mad over things like this."

"Like what? Making sure your guest feel like shit!" He is visibly upset by Rosa's words

"She is right about one thing, we are lovers of sort." Azuel looks away for a second

"Rosa and I are bi. We tend to share everything, each other, lovers. Yet as of late she has been becoming more distant. When I do get some one I want to be closer to, she does this. She is possessive of me. I tolerate her vices but ....Felix you ....are different. You didn't seem that you want this to be a one night stand but you wanted something more. I do to." Her face shows the sadness and longing for something he sees in himself when he looked into the mirror.


"Look Azuel I ... I just... I don't want to be hurt again. I just been through too many times of being told I am not what someone wants. Or that..." Felix stops as he is hurting now. He truly thinks she is going to let him go before anything truly starts.

She hugs him he can feel her arms holding him tight. "Just ignore her. She loves to make those I pick feel small. Just tolerate it. Please."

Felix sighs knowing as soon as she hugged him he would say yes to anything she asked.

"I will do my best, but I won't tolerate her being like she is." Felix has a sour look on his face as his whiskers twitch.

"Don't worry I have an idea. Just allow me to have fun. You just sit back and enjoy it."

Felix sighs as he has a bad feeling about this.


They come back inside as Rosa is eating with a big smile on her face. As she had done nothing wrong.

"Did I hurt the poor kitty's feelings?" She says with an evil grin.

Azuel looks at Rosa then without warning she pulls down Felix pants down and begins to fondle his cock through his boxers.

Felix is blushing badly as he feels the dragoness feel him up as Rosa's jaw dropped along with her fork that she was using.

Azuel looks back at Rosa with a grin as she pulls Felix boxers down and begins to nuzzle his long cock, slowly bringing it to life. "You smell so nice Felix. Shame someone won't get to play with it like I will."

With that Azule takes his cock in whole, all nine inches. It amazes him still she takes him all the way her forked tongue wrapping around his cock as she sucks him off. Rosa is just watching the scene unfold.

Azuel is taking off the clothing she is wearing as she moves off Felix's cock. She takes her shirt off, making her breasts jiggle a bit as they are free from their cotton prison. She gets up off her knees and takes Felix to the couch all the time looking at Rosa from the corner of her eye.

"Hey wait you're going to fuck him now?" Rosa asked surprised.

Azuel smiles at her. "Of course. He is mine after all. You don't' get to have a say in anything. You forgot to pick me up. You just came in and ate his food without asking. You also gave a blowjob to the delivery guy. Don't give me that look you know what I mean." Azuel has pulled Felix to the couch then shoves him on it and gets in a sixty nine position. Her tail is raised and he can see how aroused she is by looking at her wet pussy as it drips above him. She shoves it in his face and growls at him "Lick now!"

And he does what any sane male would do in that situation when asked so nicely.

As he eats her out she takes his cock once more into her maw and begins to suck him off as she begins to fondle his furry balls. He shivers in pleasure. Yet, he is blissfully unaware of Rosa as she has makes her way over to the couple making out in front of her. She begins to strp also. Azuel stops as she growls at Rosa.

"No, you don't get to play. You watch and see what you could of had. Instead you will be a good bitch and know what you won't have tonight. You will get something, but not the kitty bitch." Azuel growls at Rosa.

Rosa finishes undressing as she kneels and watches Felix and Azule sixty-nine each other. Azue,l while sucking off Felix, watches Rosa as she tries her best not to play with herself.

Rosa begins to whimper as she watches the lovers make out on the couch. Rose slowly becomes wet between her legs as her arousal begins to drip on to the carpet as she feels the liquid run down her scaly legs.

Azuel continues to suck of Felix as he does his best to eat her out licking all in her wet snatch as he begins to play with her tail hole. His tongue rolls all over her wet walls as he presses two fingers in her ass. Pumping them slowly.

Azuel does her best to stifle a moan feeling him trying to bring her to a orgasm first. Azuel legs begin to shake as she is losing this battle. Felix pulls his tongue out just long enough to lick her clit and that brings her over the edge as she pulls off his cock and throws her head back and roars in pleasure as her whole body shakes in pleasure.

Azuel is breathing hard as Felix face is covered with her fem juices. He licks it off of his face as best he can with a purr. Azuel looks at Rosa "Get over here and clean me as I clean my kitten's face. "

Rosa nods eagerly as she crawls over in a rush as she begins to eagerly to clean out Azuel as she hisses knowing how deep Rosa's long tongue can go. She loved the job Felix did but it is still short compared to Rosa's long forked tongue .

Azuel licks up all her juices off of Felix's face as she moans feeling Rosa eat her out. Finish cleaning Felix's face she pushes Rose off of her. Making Rosa whimper like a puppy.

Azuel sits on Fleix lap feeling his stiff cock rub agaist her as as she rubs it between her ass cheeks.

"Rosa get the toy. You are getting fucked tonight but not by Felix. You need to know your place. Always leaving me behind. Always thinking of yourself ...Oh gods yes!" she continues to feel Felix stiff cock rub against her wet pussy.

Rosa look depressed as she heads to a closet. Felix is confused as to what she could be talking about about. A vibrator or maybe anal beads? He has heard about the beads and that must hurt. Also what looks like a ...strap-on. What the hell? Was Azuel going to fuck her?

Azuel just smiles as she motions Rosa to sit near them and makes her turn around. Rosa does so without any words as she raises her tail. Azuel gets the anal beads and begins to push them into Rosa's ass. Rosa moans as Azuel does this. Felix can only watch this happen. He has heard the stories from Mike about doing this. Yet to see it is different.

Felix always assumed that it was done as punishment, but Rosa seems to be enjoying. Azuel is done as she stands up and puts the strap on around her waist. Felix shrinks a bit thinking she was going to use it on him. After that tail she used on him last night.

Azuel sees Felix looking scared as she leans over to him and caressed his face. " Don't worry dear, you will be having me. I will be taking this bitch tonight no lube."

Rosa hearing that snapping a bit out of her lustful haze. "Now wait a second ... I .. I don't want that."

"You have been rude this whole night to Felix, not caring about his feelings like you do with any male I bring home. Time you learn that I am alpha here, not you. You have for too long been scaring all the males by your insults or screwing them so I could not love them anymore. No, you will be punished while knowing I am getting fucked as I fuck you. Felix off the couch! Rosa lay on it and spread those legs now!" Azuel growls loudly with her order.

Rosa looks meek, so different as the little string from the anal beads hang from her ass. Rosa lays on her back and whimpers as Azuel moves between her legs with that large strap on. Azuel moves the large toy against Rosa's wet pussy as she is still whimpering. Then Azuel plunges in making Rosa roar in pain and pleasure as she thrashes a bit. Azuel hilts inside Rosa. Both dragoness breathing hard as Felix watches being highly aroused by this.

"Come on kitty, come take me as I take this bitch who can't be nice others or keep her promises."

Felix sees Azuel raise her tail showing off her wet pussy. He needs no other words as he places her tail on his shoulder and slowly pushes into her. She clenches his cock tightly with her vaginal muscles. Damn she was good.

"Felix as much as I love you right now. I want you to fuck me like a beast. Like a wild, feral beast with the intent to breed me. Fuck me hard enough when our hips meet you are pushing me into this slut before me. Pushing me deeper with each thrust." Azuel says lustfully

Felix pulls back to thrust into Azuel as she begins to push into Rosa. They take a bit to get the timing right but soon the lewd sounds of sex fill the room. Rosa is trashing on the couch, being filled with the strap on as Azuel is being fuckced by Felix with out abandon. They all moan and grunt in pleasure as the musky scent they all give off fills the room.

Azule tugs at the anla beads as she leans over at Rosa growling. "You better not cum until I do bitch other wise I will pull these out hard. Then stick this strap on up your abused ass."

Rosa just nods feeling the beads being tugged roughly.

Felix on the other had is trying his best to fuck Azuel as he wants her to cum first. Then it hits him and he prays she won't get mad nor break his teeth on her skin.

Without telling her or any words of warning, he bites down hard on her shoulder. As he tries to pound her ass so hard. He feels the dragoness tense up as she arches her back gasping loudly as her thrusts into Rosa become erratic. Finally with one final thrust as he bites harder into her shoulder feeling his so called sharp teeth pierce her scaly skin.

Azuel throws her head back and roars in pleasure as she cums hard, her pussy grips Felix's cock tightly. Felix cums hard also, reaching his peak and Rosa joins them as they reach the peak together.

Felix weakly tires to keep going pushing as much of his seed into Azuel's warm folds. Felix is exhausted. Two days in a row with a sexy dragoness who seems to like to dom her roommate. Everyone is breathing hard.

Rosa looks up Azuel and then at Felix licking Azuel shoulder. "That is so cute. Kitty loves to play rough. Not many do that to you sexy. Always saying they don't want to hurt you or that you belong to them. You are happy.... I am sorry Azuel and Felix. I... I felt left out seeing you love him so much Azuel. You always loved me and to share you with him... I can deal with that. But I want my turn with him even if is just to snuggle."

Azule just smiles weakly as she pulls out the the anal beads making Rosa cum again and yelp in pain.

"Ow you fucking bitch. I said I'm sorry already. I'm sorry I made your kitten cry. I didn't know he was already attached to you."

Rose shivers a bit from the pain but is still smiling. "Felix I only have one thing to say to you. Please don't hurt her. To many want her for sex only but I see you want more than that. You playing along with this proves that."

Felix hugs Azule from behind and nuzzles her. She lays forward on top of Rosa who hugs her also. A bit awkward as they are on the couch not with much room but all seem happy.

~three months later~

Outside Club Astro, Shelly waits in line with a few friends. She was dump by her former lover. He upgraded, in his words, to something better. The large wolf was now dating a jaguar. Shelly felt so empty after seeing the female jaguar. Was this what the males she dump felt like?

Shelly felt so heartbroken. She had wanted to talk to Felix about it but he was not taking her calls. It really upset her he was not talking to her. She never knew how much she depended on him till then.

Well, she can't cry over spilled milk. Yet he did confess his feelings for her and for her ignoring them she is here. Depressed and lonely. Maybe she would try to talk to him again. He was lonely. If she used her charms on him, he would be her's once more .

Damn it was cold out here. She had been waiting for so long to get inside.

Then she sees someone whom she didn't expect to see. Felix looking happy. How was that possible? She thought he'd be a mess. Yet here he was, smiling and a dragoness on his arm and a few minutes later another one. Both seem to be with him.

They all head to the front and the bouncer let them in ahead of all the others. It was then she realized what she gave up to have that great fuck. Someone who had loved her then she dumped him. Now it was her turn to feel empty. The loss of not having someone to be with. Now she was lonely. Feeling dejected and at a loss for words. She missed her chance to have a loyal friend for a cheap thrill. He was in there and she out here. All because she wanted to feel alive. Now he was getting in while she outside looking in.

The greatest relationships are the one you never expected to be in.

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