Mixed Feelings Chapter 1

Story by SleekDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Mixed Feelings

Well, here it is I guess.

This is the first story I've ever written, and it's been quite an experience. I admit that I have a new found respect for authors that take the time to perfect their work and upload it on semi-regular basis. This took A LOT of hours out of my day, enjoyable though they were, to write and edit over the course of three days, and as busy as I am, I'm sure there are others out there who have it worse than me.

I drew a lot of inspiration from the amazing writer comidacomida, (I would strongly suggest you check him out here: https://comidacomida.sofurry.com/) and his series "More Than Friends" finally convinced me to try writing for myself.

That being said, the story below depicts the interesting life of Will the husky, and serves as an introduction to a series I hope to continue if there is enough positive feedback.

Please enjoy and leave comments below, whether they be praise or constructive criticism, as my only goal here is to improve with each chapter :)

Standing on the porch outside, he watched as gentle white flakes clouded the sky. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the crisp winter air, feeling the snow tickle his fur as it fell, like hundreds of soft farewell kisses before continuing its journey downward and landing with a faint patter on the ground below.

"God," Will thought to himself, "I love winter".

This opinion was most likely a genetic bias as he was, in fact, a husky. The thick coat covering his body thinned only slightly during the summer, and oftentimes swimming was his only salvation if he hoped to remain cool. That being said, he didn't dislike summer, but found the colder months were always more comfortable. Besides, his coat wasn't all that colorful, and playing manhunt with his friends, or grownup hide-and-seek as his parents had so aptly named it, was much easier when your white fur matched the surrounding snow.

Now a senior in high school, Will Cotter had noticed around freshman year while standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror, his own hazel eyes staring back at him, that his looks weren't all that bad. White fur covered most of his body. It wasn't a dazzling pure white, and could probably be considered an extremely light grey, but it allowed enough contrast for the wide, darker grey streak along his spine, which gradually thinned from the small of his back to the top of his head, to stand out prominently. Black fur also encircled his neck and trailed down his shoulders like a loose scarf he could never take off. Other than that, there wasn't anything too special about his appearance. A love of soccer and track had kept him strong and lean, but not prominently muscular.

A straight-a student, an athlete, and a musician (he enjoyed playing the trumpet for the school band), Will's biggest desire was not something the school could provide; he wanted a relationship.

Still standing outside, Will sighed and turned towards the back door, the snow crunching with his heart underfoot as he sorted through his emotions. It's not as if he couldn't get a girlfriend, but rather that he didn't want to. He was entirely, undeniably, and without a doubt, gay. And the key to his closet was still firmly tucked away, hidden behind his stereotypically-straight, masculine appearance.

He felt guilty, in a way, because he knew his life was good, and he knew his parents and friends would accept him for who he was without a complaint. Being both well-liked and six foot three was deterrent enough for any possible bullies, and his town was overall very liberal, so why was this so hard for him to admit? So many others had come out despite knowing there would be consequences, despite not knowing how their parents would react, or despite the possibility of losing their closest friends.

Groaning loudly and closing the door behind him, keeping one paw on the door and the other over his eyes, he cringed to hear his parents, both huskies similar to him, call out and ask if he was all right. He'd thought they went to bed already.

"I'm fine!" he responded, "Just don't feel like going back to school tomorrow!" As it was the last night of February vacation his was a plausible excuse; his parents bought it.

"Okay honey, just don't stay up too late!", his mom shouted down the stairs before heading back into her room.

After browsing through the fridge one last time, for no other purpose than to give him something to do, Will finally caved to his parents desires and headed upstairs to brush his teeth.

The gentle creaking of wooden steps followed him as he made his way towards the bathroom at the top of the stairs. Glancing around the stairwell he saw pictures from his parents' wedding spaced evenly along the walls, followed by that one spot where twelve years ago Will had scribbled on the painted surface with a pencil and no one had bothered to erase it. His parents had been planning to repaint the walls for about ten years now, but something else always managed to garner their attention before it could be addressed.

The rug at the top of the stairs softened his footsteps, and as Will climbed up the 15th and final step he released a soft sigh of sadness. He knew his parents had always wanted grandchildren, and they were probably getting worried that their only son hadn't yet had a girlfriend in his life; he was almost eighteen.

"And they don't know the half of it", he whispered to himself, before mumbling a disgruntled "Whatever..." and determining to put such depressing thoughts out of his head.

Leaning against the door to his bedroom with his eyes closed, the task of brushing his teeth currently forgotten, Will tried to think some happier thoughts. After sifting through his memories of the family skiing trip just a week prior, his mind finally settled on school and his latest memory of, whom he considered, the cutest guy in his grade.

It was a simple, genuine, and wholehearted wave-and-a-smile between Will and one of his best friends before they parted ways for the vacation, but its power was such that it still made his heart ache in his memories, even though he knew the feeling was not mutual between them.

Ethan Miller was without a doubt what Will considered "his type". Standing at around 5' 11", Ethan did not have to try very hard to attract the attention of most girls and, apparently, some guys too. In fact, he didn't try at all. Ethan was not a naturally outgoing person, and his shyness, coupled with his puppy-ish looks had always attracted Will. "Cute", not handsome, was definitely the most fitting description. To Will, Ethan's fur was one of the most interesting parts of his body. Well, at the very least it was the most interesting thing above the belt. Ethan was a red husky; not entirely uncommon, but definitely not an everyday sight for a small Massachusetts town. Between a pair of unbelievably bright blue eyes, the white of his muzzle dissolved into the reddish-brown color that embraced most of his head and back before it eventually faded again into white around his stomach, paws, and whatever lay beneath his pants. From what Will gathered after a couple trips to the beach with him, Ethan, despite not having any defined abs, had a flat stomach that complemented his figure nicely.

Only two things stood in Will's way when it came to a possible relationship. (1) Will was almost entirely confident that Ethan was in fact straight, and (2) perhaps the most debilitating factor, Ethan had a girlfriend.

Both Ethan and Mikayla, the black lab Ethan was in a relationship with, were close friends of his. In fact, Will had known Mikayla for close to five years longer than Ethan had, but he never bothered pursuing any relationship past "friends" for obvious reasons. Because of this, hatching a plan to break them up was out of the question, as Will valued their happiness and friendship far more than any fleeting chance at a relationship with Ethan. Besides, even if it worked, there was no guarantee that Ethan would be interested, or that Will would even gather up enough courage to ask him.

That being said, only Will's conscience could stop him from dreaming. In his mind he pictured him. Will's fantasy boyfriend stood in front of him, eyes half closed and a seductive grin on his face as the red husky began to slowly work the shirt up his own torso, exposing the soft white fur of his belly, before turning his back to Will and hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his pants, preparing to lower them to the floor.

"Fuck," Will groaned, massaging his crotch through the restrictive material of his jeans before opening his eyes and barging into his room. He normally would feel guilty masturbating to someone already in a relationship, but spending a week with your family in a two-room cottage on a ski trip can build up some serious sexual tension.

Leaving his reservations behind in a pile with his clothes, Will crawled onto his bed and immediately began exploring his body. As Will's paws ran through the fur on his chest and slid down the sides of his body, past the red tip of his arousal, his breaths deepened in the face of such imminent pleasure. The white and grey husky groped at the insides of his thighs before lightly grasping the soft, full, sack that hung between his legs. Massaging the orbs that hung there only served to accelerate his cock's escape from his sheath and quicken his breathing. All the while Will pictured the face of a certain red husky and imagined the curve of his hips; the softness of his fur; the scent of his sex.

Allowing his hands to creep ever so slightly upward, Will coaxed the remainder of his flesh from its hideout and stared, admiring his own length. A full, but still thickening eight inches stood at attention, bobbing to the beat his heart tapped out against his ribcage. Already slick with the fluids of his excitement, his pointed member pulsed, and Will gasped as he wrapped his left paw around the base of his sensitive cock and began a rhythmic up and down motion.

With one paw busy bumping against his swollen, baseball-sized knot, the other was free to explore and found its way to the base of his tail. He inserted first one digit, and then a second into his virgin tailhole. The warmth enveloping these extremities only heightened his arousal as he began pumping his fingers in and out to the rhythm of his strokes, gasping whenever they brushed against his prostate.

"My God", he thought to himself, "I don't think I've felt anything like this before!"

His strokes became increasingly sporadic as, in Will's mind, his own paw was replaced by Ethan's red and white muzzle, beautiful blue eyes staring up at Will as he bobbed his snout up and down on his cock.

Now thrusting with his hips more than pumping with his arms, Will growled with a fierceness that surprised himself.

Resisting the primal urge to spend his seed, Will broke contact with his engorged flesh to lick the pre from his fingers, greedily robbing every digit of its salty-sweet coating. He'd never been a big fan of its taste, but a little bit of lust goes a long way to change one's mind.

Returning his attention to the rod pulsing above his groin, Will's breathing immediately deteriorated into irregular gasps for breath and shuddering exhalations as the pleasure began to build and his balls tightened against his body.

A profoundly pleasurable sensation buried deep within him rose from the base of his member to the tapered red rip as he desperately thrust his cock in and out of his hand, the fingers of his right paw still buried deep inside of himself; the promise of release building up an unstoppable pressure against the dam of his self-control.

With one final thrust Will barely repressed a howl as he grasped his knot tightly, squeezing it as wave after blessed wave of pleasure rolled through him, clamping the tight muscles of his anus around his fingers and milking the seed from his precious orbs, sending it spurting onto his chest. The cum continued to pool on top of the white fur of his pecs as his throbbing cock emptied a week's worth of sexual frustration over the teenage body of its owner.

As the last tingles of sexual bliss finally dissipated, they were replaced by an overwhelming sense of content and fatigue.

Will sighed as he sank into his pillow, leaving the semen to dry in his fur, something he knew he would later regret, and letting the mattress of his bed envelope his athletic form in a warm, comforting embrace.

His eyes shot open a moment a moment later. He had forgotten to brush his teeth!

"Ah, fuck it. That can wait until morning", Will decided, and he closed his heavy eyelids one last time before the welcoming tide of exhaustion finally fell over his body, dragging him into a deep and untroubled sleep.

Will awoke to the pitch black of his room and the incessant nagging of an alarm clock he didn't remember setting. Thank God he had though, because there was no way he would have woken up in a timely manner after the events of the night before.

Still staring at the ceiling, Will blindly reached out an arm, paws fumbling their way along his nightstand before finally finding the button to turn off the clock that relentlessly scolded him for his laziness.

Throwing back the covers of his bed and allowing the cold air to shock him to his senses, he sat up, the mattress groaning in protest at his sudden movement.

Will stretched. With his arms in the air, mouth open wide and teeth bared in a yawn, he cracked his back before finally swinging his legs to the side of the bed and standing up.

His eyes still slightly crossed with sleep, the husky checked his watch, blinking a few times before the blurry watch face finally came into focus.

Will frowned, "6:00 AM is way too early for someone to wake up and still be expected to learn", he muttered to no one in particular before stumbling into the bathroom and turning on the water for his shower.

Finally remembering to brush his teeth, Will picked up the tube, squirted out a healthy amount onto his brush, and set to work.

When he caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror his scowl deepened. His chest was a mess. Splotches of his white and black fur, cum-stained and matted together, created a mess that rivaled the floor of his room after a month of neglect. Nothing a shower couldn't fix, though. Spitting out his toothpaste, Will stepped under the hot spray and allowed the steaming water to trickle down his body, washing away the mess and taking his worries with it.

Will spent much more time in the shower than he had originally meant to, so after a quick change into some clothes he gulped down a small breakfast, gathered his school supplies, and rushed down the sidewalk towards Eastview High School.

It was a weird name for a school, and it didn't seem to have any relevance to a specific place or event in his town. He'd always wondered where the name came from, especially considering there was only one classroom in the entire building with windows facing east, but he wasn't prepared to lose any sleep over it.

At the sight of one of his friends on the sidewalk Will's ears perked up and he picked up his pace, turning the rhythmic crunch of his footsteps on the ice below into a fast staccato beat.

Will grinned wildly to himself, his tail picking up speed as it swung behind him, "Hey Aaron! Wait up!"

Aaron was a shorter-than-average wolf with green eyes so bright that Will felt he might go blind if he stared at them for too long. He was also strangely fluffy for a wolf and his fur was an odd mix of a grey and rusty red, so maybe he had some fox thrown in there too, but Will had never bothered to ask. Not to mention his height (or lack thereof) was uncharacteristic of a wolf. Nevertheless, what Aaron lacked in height he more than made up for in the size of his personality. A charismatic individual, he never failed to fill up the room with his presence and questionable sense of humor.

Glancing over his shoulder, Aaron's puffy red tail beat back and forth at his friend's approach. "What's up, Will! You're late this morning, you must've been dog tired".

Will groaned loudly, filling the air with the frost of his breath. Aaron was right, though. He lived about half a mile farther away from the school than Will did, so usually it was him that was catching up to Will, and not the other way around.

"Nah," Will fired back, "I just had a ruff morning". Will and his friends usually refrained from encouraging Aaron, but he decided the opportunity was too good to pass up.

Aaron stared down at his feet, a mischievous smirk showing on his grey muzzle. "Oh", he snorted, "I thought you might have just been up late working on your lab repor-"



"That's enough."


Will glanced over at the wolf and found it hard not to giggle at the look of genuine disappointment shown on his face after being unable to finish the pun. Aaron noticed his reaction.

"What are you laughing at, fuzzbutt?"

Will snickered loudly one last time before allowing his smile to drop a fraction of an inch. "Fuzzbutt" was an unfortunate nickname Aaron had given him one night about a year earlier. After someone had spilled a drink on Will during a party at his house, thoroughly soaking through his jeans and the boxers below, he'd gone upstairs and into his room to change his underwear and pants but had forgotten to lock the door. Unaware of why Will had separated from the party, Aaron followed a minute later to ask him a question. He definitely got more than he'd been about to ask for. Luckily, Will had been facing away from the entrance to his room at the time, and Aaron was quick to do a 180 back out into the hallway, closing the door behind him; however, the image of a fluffy husky butt, and damn fine one at that, if Will could say so himself, isn't something that's easy to forget. Nevertheless, even though Will found the name endearing, he wasn't very happy when Aaron used it in public.

"Forget about it", Will chuckled, "We're almost at the school."

Climbing up the steps to the main entrance, Will bent down and tossed a carefully formed snowball at the unsuspecting canine.

"Come on man!", said Aaron, letting out an exaggerated moan. He smiled while frantically brushing the chunks of snow and ice out of his rusty fur. "We've got to make it inside before the bell rings."

Glancing at his watch, Will saw they still had a good five minutes before then, so he knew his friend was only joking, but once inside they split up anyways. Their lockers were on opposite sides of the school. And besides, none of the guys hung out at their lockers anyways.

Will continued through the crowded halls and bad lighting, gently prying his way through the various cliques and odd packs of girls roaming the building before coming to a halt ten feet away from his locker.

His forehead now scrunched in confusion, Will glanced at the dog standing a short distance away at his locker; no one usually waited for him there. Taking a cautious step forward, Will approached him.

"Hey, what's up?", Will ventured, all the while puzzling over what a certain red husky could want.

"Will," Ethan whispered, a look of apprehension in his eyes, "do you have a minute to talk?"