Otter's Daily Life- Camping Part 1

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#49 of Otter's Daily Life

Caution: Watersports. Part one of a short story arc. The otter family is going on their annual camping trip!

Kyle sat in the back seat of his parent's car, across from Jean. The car was packed with camping gear, but Kyle could make out his sister's motions through the gear. He couldn't believe she was doing something so risky as to masturbate in a car with their parents. Worst of all, he was certain they could smell both her musk and his, because the sight was really turning him on. Jean quivered as she quietly came.

"You kids doing alright back there?" Asked Mom. Her Lynx nose was sharper than the otter nose of the father they took after. She must have smelled their lust.

"Yes, Mom." They replied in unison.

"Okay. We'll be there soon." Said Mom.

The otter family arrived at their campsite minutes later. Dad gave out tasks to everyone. First set up the tents. Kyle walked awkwardly, he was trying to conceal the erection that still hadn't gone away from Jean's car ride fun.

"Something wrong, bro?" Asked Jean, grinning at her brother.

"Just left over arousal from your stunt earlier." Grimaced Kyle.

Kyle looked over to his parents, they were setting up their tent while Kyle and Jean set up theirs. Tonight he would take care of his little issue. He knew his sister would be eager for a load that kept him this hard for this long. After the tents were set up Dad set up a fire and the family sat around it, roasting hot dogs.

"Nicer weather than last year, huh dear?" Commented Dad.

"Yeah, there's a lovely breeze. I can smell the next camp over cooking their dinner too." Smiled Mom.

Kyle and Jean looked around. The next camp wasn't even visible in the forest. Their mom's advanced hearing and sense of smell never failed to amaze her children. They ate in silence, then sat around the fire until it got dark. Dad pointed out constellations like every year and mom used her night vision to try to point out wildlife to her family. They never saw anything, but the always pretended like they could to make her happy. Before long it was time for bed.

Mom and Dad retreated to their tent and Kyle and Jean went back to theirs. Kyle heard their Dad spank their Mom's rump as she bent to get in the tent. "I guess we don't have to worry too much about being quiet, they'll be too busy to listen." Thought the boyott.

As soon as the siblings were in their tent they got to work. Straight from kissing to undressing, Kyle felt his sister's panties. They were wet. She must have been fingering herself as they watched the stars but the fire covered the smell. Jean got on all fours. Kyle pulled them off and slid them over his head, the crotch over his nose so he could smell Jean's wetness.

Kyle felt around for his sister's pussy and placed his cock at her entrance. He slid in without worrying about resistance, judging by how wet she was there was no need. Kyle fucked his sister without restraint, his balls slapping against her slit. She was wet enough that her juices squelched as he thrusted. It was only a few minutes before Jean sprayed his balls and legs with some girlcum and he shot off into her. By the time he was done cumming, spoo was leaking out of Jean's slit. Kyle collapsed on Jean and the two quickly fell asleep.

An hour later Kyle woke up with a pressure in his bladder. Quickly exiting the tent, Kyle walked to a place dad called the "Privacy Spot." and pulled down his boxers and pajamas. He quickly started peeing and the sound of his stream hitting the leaves filled the air. The boyott was startled when someone walked up next to him and squatted down. All he could smell after being with his sister was Jean's scent.

"Jean?" Asked Kyle. A second trickling joined the first.

"No, Kyle. It's Mom. But we should talk about your sister." Replied Mom. Kyle was suddenly very aware that she could see much better in the dark than he could.

"I think she's starting her heat. You should give her space. You must not be able to smell it but her musk is all over the place. You reek of it." Cautioned Mom.

"Okay, I'll try to keep my distance." Said Kyle, unable to stop his stream despite how embarrassed he was. He was suddenly very away of his mother's eyes on him.

"You're growing up to be a very handsome young man. A lot like your father." Said mom finishing up and pulling up her panties and pajama shorts. "Good night, son."

"Goodnight, Mom." Replied Kyle, He saw a glint in his mom's eyes when she was looking at him, her eyes were aimed at his dick.

Kyle finished up and pulled up his boxers and pajamas, rushing back to his and Jean's tent. He needed Jean to be awake right now. His feet made a pitter patter noise across the campground and a girlish moan came from his parent's tent. When he got back to his tent he was happy to see Jean awake.

"Something really weird just happened, Jean." Said Kyle.

"What happened? You were gone so long I thought you dug a hole to piss in and fell in." Replied Jean.

"First off, Mom thinks you are in heat since they missed your real heat last summer. Second, I think she was hitting on me." Nervously chittered Kyle.

"Why would Mom hit on you?" Asked Jean.

"First off, she didn't wait for me to be done peeing to go, she walked up right next to me and went. Second, she used her crazy lynx night vision to eye my goods while they were out. Third, she complimented me on growing up to be handsome, then said I was like dad." Ranted Kyle.

"So, think you'll do mom?" Asked Jean, jokingly.

"I don't know, Jean. It never occurred to me to do so. I mean, we do it, would it be that much of a stretch to have sex with Mom?" Wondered Kyle out loud.

"Just go to sleep, bro. We've got two more days out in the wilderness. Who knows what will happen?" Said Jean, rolling over.

Kyle looked at his sister, then also laid down. He quickly fell back asleep, but dreamed of his Mom. He was vigorously thrusting into Jean, then he blinked and she was a lynx. It didn't stop him and he came really hard. When he woke up he had filled his boxers with another load of otter cum. Groaning, he changed and got ready for the day.