Ray's Day at the Beach

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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A shorty story of mine containing two new characters, I don't often do stories about micros so this is kind of a first for me. I do hope if you take the time to read it that you'll enjoy it.

Ray's day at the Beach

The sun was shining; a warm breeze swept over the beach, Ray had been excited for his day off for a while now. He carried his stuff out into the warm sands setting up his umbrella, chair and cooler. The roo blushed and shifted his swimming trunks a bit before wading out and into the water, he got about waist deep before easing himself down and in enjoying the refreshing dip into the water, he made a few rounds inside of the boundary set on the water before returning to the beach, he smiled as he settled into his seat slipping his tail out the back of it to relax.

Max shivered as he crossed the vast sandy beach, he yelped and dove for cover at every passing fur or human that'd kick up a wave of sand. He got excited when he found the roo laid back where he was, his tail wagged slightly as he approached the giant. "Hello!" He shouted up to the roo now starting to shift where he stood a little fearful how it might go.

Ray let out a sigh of relief as he was relaxed back in his chair only to perk up his ears at the sound of a rather quiet voice; he peeked about a bit expecting to see a child before blinking a bit when he felt something grab his tail tip. "The hell..." he slowly stood up before pulling his tail around to inspect the tip only to jump slightly when he saw a little white furred wolf clutching his tail tip. "Um hello?"

"Hello, please don't hurt me I've been wandering the beach for a while now." Max gripped the tail tip rather tight wrapping his legs around what he could of it.

Ray blinked a bit at first thinking it was some sort of joke before he reached up to gently pry the nearly candy bar sized wolf off his tail, he cupped his paw to hold the little canine. "Okay, let's start with the basics... Who are you and why are you so... small?" Ray asked as he quirked a brow at the little fellow.

"My name is Max, I was down here to relax just like you are, I was in a changing tent out on the beach here, I started to work a bit of sunscreen into my fur figured it'd help... next thing I know I've been shrunk down." He shuddered "I tried to get the attention of folks on my way here but they were all too distracted." He hugged tight to the roo's thumb to keep a better grip.

He nodded and gently curled his fingers around the wolf to hold him as he started to walk with the wolf in paw. "Well maybe it'll wear off in a couple days?" Ray suggested as he wandered off towards the changing tents, when they came into view he shuddered a bit the crowds of folks at the other side of the beach was one of the reasons he had set up where he did. "Which one was yours?" He asked lifting the wolf up.

"That one, the one in the middle." Max said a bit excited glad to have run into a more helpful sort. He smiled lightly when the door was opened; hi stuff was still laid out on the ground.

"Guess you were telling the truth." He said as he started to gather up the wolf's things he picked up the wad of the wolf's clothes and settled the little fellow on top. "I hope you have a good grip on there, don't want you to fall."

Max nodded and chuckled "After a morning like this I'd really rather not fall to my death thanks..." he said with a slight huff as he laid down and gripped his sandy clothes and beach gear.

The roo was on his way back to his side of the beach when he was nearly rolled onto his back by a group of furs all rushing around the beach, he held the clothes to his lean midsection out of reaction only to blush lightly when he felt the wolf squirming and pressing against him. "Um sorry man." He said slowly pulling the bundle back only to yelp lightly when the wolf started to fall.

Max flailed and grabbed for what he could only to end up gripping the lip of the roo's shorts and come crashing against Ray's groin. He froze on the spot partly from fear and worry of falling the other being about having face planted onto the roo's crotch.

Ray quickly slipped a paw down to cover the wolf and his groin only to bite his lower lip as he felt the little fellow's form pressed to his length, he tossed the wolf's stuff down when he found his seat before prying the little guy off of him with a nervous smile on his face. "You okay?"

"I uh... yeah I'm fine." Max said with a blush of his own as he gripped the roo's paw he let out a soft sigh of relief when the roo sat back down and set him on his lap, he slowly laid back to rest on the roo's thigh.

"So, I haven't seen you around here before... are you new to the area?" He asked as he looked over the wolf's naked form.

"Yeah, I'm on a cruise, or was on one hopefully whatever did this wears off before they take off without me." He sighed, and then smiled softly when he felt the roo's pulse from under where he was laying down.

"Oh a tourist, I got ya." Ray smirked and slowly reached down to start rubbing over the wolf's belly seeing if the little guy minded, only to chuckle when he saw the wolf's tail wagging.

"hehe hey quit that." Max said with a chuckle before hugging tight to the roo's paw and panting a bit as he laughed. He stayed held to that paw a short while before taking a seat on the roo's thigh again. "So, now what are you going to do big fella? Going to go swim or some such?"

Ray shook his head and chuckled "I don't think so, got a little guy to take care of." He said with a smile before reaching to rub the back of his head "So about before... did you mind that?" He with a slight grin on his muzzle.

"Oh what do you mean by..." he face pawed lightly when he noticed the roo's tented shorts before chuckling softly "Well no, but I typically get to talk to a fellow a long while before we get to a bit of playfulness." He said while lightly rubbing the tip of the bulge only to yelp when the roo shifted position because of it.

"Mmm easy there." He said with a nervous chuckle as he felt his length begin to throb while a bit of pre dribbled from the tip making a small wet spot appear on his swimming trunks.

"I won't even have to lift a finger at this rate." Max said in a playful tone only to yip as the roo shifted the chair and him to have his back to the crowds. He pulled away when the roo started to take deep breaths to relax. "Sorry bout that." He chuckled.

Ray shifted in his seat a bit as he felt the urge slowly subside "hehe not a problem." He lightly poked at the little wolf's belly "So, have you washed off at all since your shrank to try and get that stuff off of you?"

Max wiggled a bit at the poke before resting again. "No I haven't, didn't exactly feel like trying to get into the ocean water to be swallowed up by a fish, it was hard enough to find someone that wasn't running about or sound asleep." He said with a huff.

Ray nodded before looking about "Would you like me to try that here or maybe save the water adventures for when we get back to my place?"

The wolf looked to the waves slowly rolling in wetting the sand and then back to the giant roo. "Well sure, if you can keep a hold of me." He nervously looked between the water and the roo again wondering if he should risk it or not.

The roo slowly stood up lifting the wolf up into his paws as he waded out and into the water a little ways. "I'm not going to take my hands off you alright?" He slowly dipped his paws into the water cupping his fingers together and brings it against his chest making a tiny pool out of the space between his hands and chest fur.

Max shuddered as the water filled the space before he began to wash his fur getting the 'sunscreen' out of his fur. It wasn't long after that he was standing in a slightly white tinted pool of water. "That should be the last of it... I hope it doesn't affect your paws."

Ray separated his fingers a bit to let the water be cycled out "I think we are good, if we weren't I'd probably be about your size." He chuckled before carrying the little fella back to his chair "though I was hoping that you'd have changed back to normal."

Max nodded and looked down at himself while rubbing his paws together in a bit of nervousness. "I was kind of hoping for that too." He blinked a bit when he felt the roo's paws gently scoop him up to hold him gently.

"I'll keep you safe til it wears off I promise." He said with a smile before lifting the little fellow up to hug the wolf to his chest he watched as the worry slowly melted away from Max's expression. "Now, I should probably be heading home and seeing where we are going to get you set up to stay."

Max blushed lightly before relaxing in the roo's paws as they moved about only to let out a soft meep as he was slid into one of the kangaroo's pockets only to blush a deeper red as noticed the mesh inside of the swimming trunks didn't obscure the big fellow's groin very well. "Um...?"

"Hehe don't worry I won't forget you are in there." Ray said as he started to pack up his things making a few trips back to the car to get it all packed away. "Where would you like to be while I drive?"

"Um I suppose I can stay right here, it'd probably be safer surrounded by cloth than to be whipped around as your car moved. Max slowly wiggled back into the pocket getting comfy as he could as the roo moved to take a seat in the vehicle and left snug against the roo's thigh as the car started and took off.

Ray did his best to keep relaxed during the odd situation only to blush lightly at any shift from the little wolf. He'd reach down every so often to gently rub over the small bulge of his companion. He had lost track of how long they had been on the road before he was pulling into his place. "Here we are, it's not a big place but it should suffice for the both of us." He said with a soft chuckle as he began to unpack.

Max chuckled softly before peeking out at the roo's house getting a good look at the place as they made trips in and out before Ray plopped down onto the couch in the living room. "So... what are we going to do now?" He asked as he slid himself free from the roo's shorts pocket.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to go wash off in a moment here." He reached to pat over the wolf gently "Have you had anything to eat yet today?" He asked while moving over and into the kitchen.

"No I haven't." Max yelled out to make sure the roo heard him only to chuckle softly when Ray returned with a small open snack pack which was placed down next to him. He smiled and grabbed up a few peanuts and raisins to munch on. "Thank you." He said between mouthfuls of food.

Ray nodded "Eat what you can and I'll package it bag it back up for you later." He smiled and headed off towards the bathroom closing the door just enough to undress behind it. He kicked them off to the side before getting into the tub and turning on the shower to start washing himself off.

Max waited a moment as he heard the roo's clothes being tugged off before creeping to the edge of the couch and slowly climbing down, the moment his feet hit the hardwood floor he bolted for the bathroom, when he finally made it to the big door. "Hehe thanks for leaving it open." He muttered to himself as he leaned in seeing if the roo was going to get done any time soon.

Ray had just finished with his upper body before easing down into the tub part to work the soap into his legs and tail fur. He rumbled lightly when his paw worked over his groin, he smiled softly and set the soap aside to start rubbing over his length.

Max had clawed his way up the shower curtain and onto the ledge of the tub just in time to see the roo starting to rub one off, a deep red blush spread across his muzzle, he really hoped he wasn't spotted but couldn't help but enjoy the view of the roo his sheath slowly stiffening up.

Ray kept to his pace and was throbbing hard in a matter of moments before a soft moan and splats of roo cum could be heard even above the rush of water. "Hehe that's better." He slowly laid back onto the wall of the tub before looking about as he was rinsed off only to yelp when he spotted the wolf peeking at him from behind the secondary curtain.

"I'm sorry!" He yelped and attempted to dash away only to be scooped up by the roo and brought in under the water with him. "I um... I just wanted to peek... I mean you got to see me like this the whole day." He said trying to justify his actions.

Ray smirked as he pulled the wolf in under the water with him doing his best to keep a stern look on his face before laying back and gently setting Max onto his chest. "I don't mind, would have liked to have done that in private but stuff happens." He shrugs and relaxes as the water washes over the both of them the wolf looking on in disbelief at him.

"So you didn't mind me peeking?" He laid on his back as he felt the steady stream of water splash over him as he was soon soaked for the second time that day.

"Not at all, though I'd prefer being notified that I'm being watched." He rolled his eyes a bit before rubbing a few fingers over the wolf's front and side. "Besides you do kinda have a point." He chuckled softly before easing up and onto his feet with wolf in paw.

"Got any plans for the day now?" Max asked as he was set down to watch the roo dry himself off, his tail wagging slowly.

"Nope well besides tend to my house guest." Ray smiled as he finished up and used a hand towel to dry off Max before proceeding to the living room. He sat down and got comfy in his seat before turning on the TV.

Max smiled softly as he was taken care of settled on the roo's thigh to watch movies with the giant. He got cozy against the roo's abdomen. Max closed his eyes as the hours passed by before nodding off completely the events of the day had taken their toll.

Ray smiled and finished the movie that was in before slowly standing up to walk to the bedroom with Max in paw. He settled the little fellow down before taking a seat on the bed. "Hehe hope things have gotten at least a little brighter for you." He said with a soft rumble only to blush when he felt two small paws rubbing over his rump lightly.

"Mmm it's gotten a lot better." Max mumbled before slowly rolling away from the roo's tush.

"hehe I ought to stuff you between those after sneaking a feel." He said with a smirk before getting up and checking things around the house locking the door and shutting off the lights before making his way over to lay down with his guest, the sun had barely started to go down but he figured he'd stay close to Max just in case, he gave the wolf a few gentle pets before nodding off for a nap with the snoozing canine.

Max was out for a long while, though the next thing he remembered after falling asleep on the roo's bed was waking to feel arms wrapped gently around him and Ray's head resting against his own as he was spooned with. "Mmm." He kept quiet not wanting to wake his sleeping savior, he gently shifted position to work a pillow under his head before closing his eyes again in the warm embrace. It felt like only a few moments passed before he felt a small kiss to his cheek.

"Guess whatever changed you has worn off." Ray said as he gave the wolf a tight hug.

"Yeah I guess so." Max chuckled lightly and turned his head to nuzzle at the roo's muzzle "So are you going to kick me out now that I'm back to full size?"

"Mmm I could, though there really isn't any point to just shove you out the door right after you find out you are back to normal." Ray slowly sat up the sun hadn't even started to pop up from the horizon yet. "Besides I think breakfast is just about in order."

Max didn't argue with that and simply got up with the roo and set about looking to see what the two could cook up for breakfast, it took a few clumsy bumps, a pan, lots of eggs and some cheese before the two would sit down to half a large portion of omelet for each of them.

"And they say guys can't cook hm?" He chuckled lightly as he started to down his meal as he sat beside Max.

"hehe well you most defiantly seemed to know your way around the whole cooking thing better than I did." He smirked lightly between bites "I'd have guessed a few of those accidental bumps were on purpose."

"Nah if I wanted to bump or grind against you in some way, you'd know it." Ray said with a soft smile as he began to chow down in silence.

Max followed suit as he started to think over how he could ever repay the roo for all the kindness he had been shown only to let out a soft yelp. During his moments of thought Ray had stood up and then moved to sit on his lap. "Is this what you meant by I'd know it?"

Ray chuckled "maybe." He shrugged and wiggled a bit making the wooden chair they were now both seated in start to creak.

"Oh seems like your furniture is against it." Max said in a playful manner as he finished up his meal in time to wrap his arms around the roo. "Thank you... Without your help I don't..."

Ray turned and poked the wolf's nose "No worries about it, wasn't going to leave someone in such a bad way." He smiled and wrapped an arm around Max to hug him tight back. "Now it would probably be best to get you dressed and back out towards where your tour group was going."

Max nodded slowly and let the roo break away from him before moving towards the roo's bathroom grabbing up his bundle of clothes he had brought to the beach. "I'll go get changed."

Ray nodded and quickly did up the few dishes before going to slip on a pair of shorts and simple shirt just in time for the Max to step out from the bathroom. "it's been one heck of a trip so far hm?" He said with a chuckle as they slowly gathered up their things to leave.

"It'll most defiantly be a trip to remember." He said with a smile as he was lead out and let in to the roo's car with Ray soon slipping into the driver's seat to take off.

"Think you'll make any plans to stop by, by yourself?" Ray asked as a soft blush spread over his muzzle as they made their way to the beach area.

"After an incident like this? I'd have to have a pretty good reason to." Max kept his eyes to the road as Ray drove he began to shift in his seat when he saw the hotel building coming into view that the tour had them staying at. "That's the place."

Ray nodded and pulled into the places parking lot and turned off his car. He sat there in silence with his guest, he heard a bit of shuffling of what sounded like paper before looking to see Max holding out a few dollars.

"I hope it'll cover the gas it took to get here... I don't really have a lot of cash on hand most of it is-" He was cut off when Ray leaned over to kiss his lips, he blushed his muzzle nearly matching the roo's hue before he leaned into it hugging Ray gently in the brief kiss.

"How bout you keep the cash and just try to keep up with me over the net or something." Ray muttered before reaching for his glove box to write out his email and number to send with the wolf.

"I think I would like that and maybe you could come see me. Though if you shrink while you are with me, I'll do my best to keep from being naughty with you." He said in a playful manner before kissing the roo one more time on the lips and then stepping from the car. "See you later." Max said in a quiet tone as he shuffled towards the hotel doors looking back every so often to the roo. Soon Ray was hidden by the corner of the building. Max looked around the building's main floor as he heard the car starting up and taking off, his mind already planning out a reason for a return trip.