new pup and the big fight part 2

Story by aleuandtaku38 on SoFurry

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im so sorry it took so long my phone broke and it just got fix and my computer got fixed to yeah hoped you enjoyed stay cool bye :3

when aleu and the evil wolf pack leader she was abouts to attack then she heard a howl she looks then saw balto with steele rose jenna and aniu soul. aleu looks and says'' what are you guys doing here'' jenna said'' aniu told us that something really bad was gonna happen then we knew it had to be you''. then sunclaw the evil wolf leader growled and attack aleu and grab her by the neck then he and her roll and fall of a cliff. balto looks and says''ALEU PAPAS COMING TO HELP!!!''. rose looks at her mate steele and then sees her dad taku laying there bleeding. rose yells DAD then she runs over to him. taku then lifts his head then he says''rose ur here'' rose said'' im here papa''. taku said looks at you 3 yrs old and ur still pretty''. rose said'' dad are u ok what hurts on you''. taku said'' i just hurt my paw and got a big cut on my side but im fine''. while balto and steele jump to help aleu steele said'' so balto whats the plan'' balto looks at him and said'' i will fight off the wolf you take aleu and bring her up to her mom dont what for me ok''. steele nodes and says'' ok ''. balto and steele jumpt off the cliff then balto attacks sunclaw sttele grabs aleu and brings her to jenna. jenna licks aleu steele says in his mind i have faith in you balto be safe. aleu then says'' taku '' she then kissed her mate and says'' im fine are u ok''. taku says'' im fine aleu'' aleu smiles then does not see her dad balto. meanwhile balto jumped on sunclaw then sunclaw grabs balto neck then her pulls his neck hard then rips it . balto sees the world spin then falls in to the river steam dead. jenna sees sunclaw comes up and says '' what did you do with balto'' he said '' lets says he is in dog heaven''. jenna tears up and runs to aleu and said '' aleu he killed your father'' jenna starts crying . aleu looks down and says theres alot off them wolfs and only a little off us''. taku then knew what aleu was gonna say then taku said'' ur gonna surrender?''. aleu says yes ''.'. sunclaw then says '' hehe so fight or surrender''. aleu says'' fine the land is ur we leave''. aleu howls for lilac nova and tatsumo to come out the cave then aleu howls for her pack to come then sundown sees lilac and says'' oh lala what a sexy wolf over here'' lilac looks in discaused then she says'' sorry im not intrested''.rose stands infront of her sis lilac and says if u touch her ur dead u little bitch''.. sundown growls the he says'' aleu i demand to have ur kid lilac now''. aleu turns around and says'' no u cant have my child''. aleu then picks up her pup nova then rose says'' who is this little up mom?''. aleu looks at her and says'' guys meet ur new brother nova well i mean only rose'' rose smiles then they all even the wolf pack leaves. meanwhile in the water balto paw comes out the the a voice says'' aleu where are u and jenna?.

to be contued in a new story

aleu and taku:new pup and the big fight

The sun was shining and the birds chirp and the wolf pack run free. Aleu was giving birth to one new pup. Taku was outside the cave and lilac and tatsumo was scared. Tatsumo said" dad when will mom be done?" Taku said" I don't know son I'm scared...

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aleu and taku: rose and steele

In the brezzy summer morning aleu and taku was with there grown pups lilac,rose,and tatsumo there was about to go to Nome to see balto and Jenna and kodi. Ale said " ready to go guys" taku said " I am come on guys". They leave and when it got dark they...

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Aleu family: one family's soul

In a warm summer night the beautiful moon shines on a cave. Aleu the alpha with her omega mate name taku he is there to help his mate give birth. Taku looks at his mate and says" I will help you my sweet heart " aleu smiles the she pushes reallyhard...

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