The Last Act of True Loyalty

Story by EmperorDeusMaster on SoFurry


One evening Silva took Emily up into the clouds for some flight training. "Hey Squirt pay attention to this trick", Silva called out to Emily. "You got it Silva", Emily Replied. Emily sat on the end of a cloud watching Silva with excitement. Silva started with a simple loop trick, and got more complicated as she went along.

"That is awesome Silva!" Emily yelled. Silva looked into the direction of Emily as she was flying. Unaware of the dark cloud several feet in front of her. "You think that was awesome squirt watch this", said Silva as she geared up. Silva increased her speed before looking forward.

She clipped her wing on the dark cloud hard enough to break it. Sending Silva Spinning without any means to recover. From the height that she was teaching Emily she knew this was it for her. As she blinked with tears in her eyes she saw Emily dive off the cloud she was on after her. "Silva"!! Emily cried out tears streaming as she had seen it all.

Emily had not the strength to save Silva. "Emily!!" what are you thinking Squirt you can barely fly five feet." "I don't care I have to try to save you some how." Silva's eyes filled with even more tears as her adopted little sister was headed for the same fate now. Silva looked at the fast coming ground.

Under her breath, "If it is the last thing I do" Silva uses her one good wing, and moves close to Emily, and wraps her in a tight hug. "You hold on to me Emily. I could never have asked for a better little sister, I love you." Emily held on to Silva and tried as hard as she could with her wings to try to slow them down, or hope to fly them to safety. Silva spread her wings using her hoof to throw open her broken wing with a loud snap from the bones. She holds it open, and hangs on to Emily.

Her act however was too late. Only slowing them down enough to save Emily. With the gut wrenching sound of breaking bones as Silva does what she can if any to absorb all the impact for Emily. Emily hears the sound, and her eyes fill with fear, and sadness. Tears start to make their way out of along her face. "S-Silva"? Emily sat on her stomach looking down at Silva. The fall had done more than break her bones. It ruptured her organs. Leaving her with only a hoof full of seconds to live.

Before hitting the ground Silva in a last attempt to save Emily who was trying to save her. Grabs Emily, and spreads her wings to hopefully slow them down so Emily will be safe. Silva strikes the ground breaking bones, and rupturing organs. Silva opens her eyes to see that Emily is safe, but crying.

"It's okay squirt, you still caught me..." The damage taking its toll. Silva coughed up blood. Her eyes slowly closing as she looked at Emily happy that she could save her younger sister. Silva passes away with tears from Emily becoming her own. Rolling down her lifeless face. "NOOOOOooooooooooo!" Emily cries out with tears pouring from her eyes. "Please, don't go! Silva. You are my big sister you can't go!" Emily shakes Silva to try and wake her while calling her out her name, "Silva!, Silva, Silva, Silva..." Tears streaming down her face as she desperately tries to get Silva to open her eyes again. Frantically Emily recalls being shown CPR by Silva.

Her small frame barely able to compress Silva's chest. A slight snap and crack from her ribs is heard. "Please, I need you Big Sister... don't go." As Emily worked and blew air into Silva's mouth as she removed her mouth blood squirted out of Silva's mouth, and lightly speckled Emily's fur. She mistook this as a cough and her ears perked up only to see blood lightly stream from the corner of Silva's mouth. Emily's eyes reflect her breaking, and broken heart. Emily wipes the blood away, and closes Silva's mouth.

Emily hugs Silva Burying her face into Silva's chest. "Please, come back... Please..." Tears run down her face, her breathing ragged. As her heart can't bear anymore. Wishing, praying, and hoping that her big sister would wake up. "Silva you are my big sister. You saved me. When I was trying to save you." Emily raises her head tears running down each cheek. She looks into Silva's face Hoping she will respond to her. Emily waits with each passing moment tearing her heart apart. More, and more tears fall. "Silva!" Emily lays hugging her sister with tears running down her face saying Silva's name again, and again as the sun sets on the horizon, and night shrouds them.

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