Equine Subservience

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#6 of Transformation

Here I decided to write about something I've been itching to do for a while, a stud tf. In this story we come across a human with troubles on his mind. Matt's anger at the bar does not go unnoticed and he garners the wrong sort of attention, a horseman eager to replace his lost job...

Mat was furious! He needed a drink and damn if anyone was going to stop him! The muscle chub human stormed into the bar and glared at anyone who gave him stares. He made his way to an unoccupied stool to a bartender, the bartender's emotion hidden under an impassive face. He raised one eyebrow and waited to hear the man's order.

"Get me a whiskey and leave the bottle." He grunted. The bartender poured him a shot and placed it on a coaster, leaving him to his troubles. Mat muttered a thanks and downed the shot, warmth flooded his body and his anger was soothed under the shot. He sighed. It's been a rough patch lately in his life and the loss of his job only made matters worse. Worse still, he was out of money, he hoped he could get this bottle on a tab for his last payday. The door creaked open again, a pair of boots loudly clapped on the wooden floorboard and a figure plopped on the stool next to him. Matt looked away from the new customer.

"Hey, saw you storm in here, what's got you so angry you charge in here like a bull?" A deep and confident voice spoke. Matt ignored it, hoping the person would do the same. He didn't.

"Something's got you upset, not going to do you good leaving it bottled up."

Matt turned his head to see a gigantic beast of a man! An indigo purple horse, easily 8 feet tall and covered in muscles that strained his t-shirt! Matt jumped out of his stool and nearly knocked his bottle. He was causing a scene, people in the bar were staring at him with concern. The horse chuckled at him.

"You're the only one who sees me in my true form. Everyone else just sees me as an ordinary man trying to calm down an angry customer. Now why don't you come sit down so we can talk like civilized people? I might pay for your bottle if you do, I know you didn't bring enough money for it..."

Matt was indignant, how did this damn horse know that?! He stared at the horse-man until he finally gave in. The man picked up his stool and sat down. The horse filled Mat's shot-glass again. "Good, good. Why don't we do introductions? " The horse spoke in a relaxed tone. It was as if he were conducting a business meeting.

Matt took his shot and drank it again, maybe the hallucination will go away with a few shots. "I'm Matt"

"I am Barlen, Barlen Silver-hoof."

"Barlen? Heh, what a strange fucking name." Matt muttered quietly. Barlen was unfazed. The horse asked "So why don't you tell me what has you riled up?"

"What's it to you? Ah hell, some jackass wanted their friend to take my job, so he stole some of my boss' stuff and hid it on me. The boss fell for it and fired me. Can't believe he was willing to fire me, I was his best damn salesman!"

"That indeed sounds pretty rough. Tell you what though, what if I told you I got a job you can do at an old club of mine? I think you'd make an excellent bartender."

Matt looked at the horse. "Why are you offering it to a stranger? What's in it for you?"

Oh I just like to help a fellow man when he's down. One catch though. You want the job, you just have to beat me in an arm wrestling contest."

Matt looked over the horse's body. "You're a little above my weight class."

Barlen smirked. "I'll go easy. Besides, you want me to tell the bartender you weren't paying for that bottle? You humourme on this and I'll pay for the bottle, plus a special prize even if you lose. Deal?" He raised one arm up, his white furred hand open for Matt to challenge him. Matt took on that challenge. "Deal"

"On my mark, one... two... three!"

Matt had a trick up his sleeve. The human was far stronger then he let on and he had a great many wins before Barlen. He braced himself and pulled off the tricks he could for a quick win. But Barlen was an iron wall that even the strong human couldn't break! Matt grunted with the strain of even budging Barlen's hand and the horse showed no real strain.

"Come on Matt, I'm going easy on you like I said. I'm barely putting any effort in!"

The sting fueled Matt, he grunted and threw his full strength at the unmoving hand! Barlen's hand moved down slowly towards submission....

"Oooh a real fight! That's what I want to see! Now it's my turn to up the ante."

With a fast move, Barlen struck back! Any progress Matt made was gone in an instant, his hand slammed down against the bar's counter! He lost. The now red-faced human grunted in pain.

"Ow, No fair!"

"Oh cheer up Matt. You still get something for losing! Think of it as a consolation prize" Barlen pulled out some money and slipped it under the bottle. Despite the noise, no one was looking at the two as if they didn't exist. Suddenly, Barlen grabbed Matt's hand! Before the human could react, he felt a pulling sensation and then darkness coated in his vision. He tried to yell out for help but his body refused to respond to his commands! In the darkness he stayed until vision came back! Barlen and Matt were now in a completely different room, the sound of deep techno music was muffled far away.

"What the?! What the hell happened?"

"I simply took you to my own club Matt, hope you enjoy your time here. You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together... and now it's time for your prize." Barlen waved one hand and a bright purple glow enveloped it. Matt watched in horrid fascination before something heavy snapped around his neck! Matt gasped and quickly reached upwards to pull the thing off, but whatever it was held firm! Barlen laughed a deep chuckle.

"Like your gift? It's my collar, a nice studded bit of leather only I can get off. You get the honour of being my pet ~"

Matt looked at Barlen in alarm! HE had to be joking, right? "F,fuck you, get this off me!"

"Oh no Matt, that's no way to talk to your master. Besides, there's no refunds on this present"

Matt backed away from the horse. He needed to run, but where could he go?! There was a window to the club but it was double paned and a fall Matt didn't want to take. The door as well didn't have any handles. The collar around his neck grew warm and a tingling sensation flushed through the human's body.

"Good, The collar is starting to do its magic."

"Wh,what are you talking about?"

"Well you don't honestly think I want a human as a pet do you? The collar's turning you into a much more fitting body for my tastes"

Matt's protest died in his mouth as the sensation grew unbearable throughout his body! The human fell to his knees and struggled to pry off the collar as it grew uncomfortably hot. An intense itch erupted from the collar's contact point and Matt was alarmed to feel thin silky furs growing from the collar! The fur spread like wildfire over his body! The transforming human's body cracked as it changed, where the fur touched his body contorted. His fat vanished and the small muscles he had before grew bulkier and bulkier! His shoulders grew taut with muscles, his torso strengthened into pecs and abs Matt groaned as he felt the changes course over his body, it felt wrong! The bulk strained his shirt, rips exposed his powerful body underneath! The changes coursed over his arms, changing them to that of a powerful stallion. His hands hardened, his pinky disappeared into his ring finger as hard hoof tips dotted the points of his four fingered hand. The human looked at his changed hands in alarm, he felt the changes creep up his head. Even as he stared at his hands, his face throbbed in pain as it grew out into a huge equine muzzle. He snorted in alarm, his teeth flattened and his tongue grew larger and thicker!

Barlen laughed as he watched Matt change before him and Matt looked up at him. Barlen was rock hard, his cock was out on display for the human to see. "Like what you see my pet? I hope so, I can't wait to feel your new muzzle on my cock." Barlen's cock leaked pre as he spoke, leaving Matt horrified. This can't be happening!

His ears moved to the top of his head, his hair grew longer and hung like a horse mane! The changes reached to his cock, the human was given a full view of it through his ripped pants. It looked tiny and pathetic between his massive equine thighs but that was about to change. Pleasure coursed through Matt's body, he couldn't help but moan out as his cock springed to full erection and throbbed, each throb grew it inch by inch! He couldn't look away, couldn't stop staring as his cock turned alien, a huge flared black shaft that looked very much in place on his transformed body! The new endowment begged for attention but Matt didn't want to give in to this foreign body!

The last of the changes rocked through his body. His feet grew numb and hardened. They changed into hooves big enough to contain the huge new stallion! Where a human once was, a huge brown furred stallion laid in his place! Barlen watched with amusement.

"Isn't this form so much better? You look far sexier now to me at least ".

"Eurgh, this feels wrong! Change me back now!"

"Now why would I want to do that?"

Matt looked up at him in anger and stood up. Even in his new height, Barlen was taller then him. "Change me back you freak!" His hand curled into a fist and he threw a right hook at Barlen! Suddenly, a strange compulsion rung through his body and Matt stopped his attack just short of Barlen's smug face.

"I offer you a new way of life and you want to hurt me? For shame, too bad the collar stops you from actively hurting me. Fight as much as you like, it only gets me off more."

Barlen lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Matt's waist! The new stallion was pulled into a deep kiss, Barlen lustfully forced his tongue into the alarmed pet's mouth. He explored all corners of Matt's mouth and firmly held him in place, even as Matt tried to push himself away. The stud was disgusted, his mind was alight with horror as he was forced into a kiss with another man! Barlen pulled away and stared at Matt's eyes.

"How does it feel to have all this strength and power, but still can't stop a guy from kissing you? I can tell you're not gay, but gay sex is all you will ever do now."

Matt was horrified, He tried to push the horse off by pushing on his chest but that only added more fuel to Barlen's teases.

"D'aww, I see you like my abs, well why don't I give you a closer look?"

Barlen's hand grabbed the back of Matt's head and shoved the horse up against his torso. The ex-human cried out in revulsion! The intense natural musk of male pride surged through his equine nostrils while Barlen rubbed his cheek up and down his powerful abs. The dominate horse's cock was stiff and close to Matt's mouth

"Now... why don't you be a good little colt and suck me off? Or would you rather just linger in my scent until you're ready to be good?"

Matt made a muffled scream and threw a punch, trying desperately to get himself out of this headlock! All impact was lost before it hit Barlen, his struggles were wasted and his frustration only growing. And Barlen was deeply enjoying the pet's struggles, his cock leaked with pre that the horse rubbed up against Matt's muzzle. The new horse groaned in disgust but he was pinned properly into place.

"Open wide"

Matt looked down at the massive cock. Barlen pulled back and slammed his cock into Matt's mouth, slipping through his teeth and mouth! The new horse was full of cock, his eyes made sure he knew full well what was in him. Barlen sighed in pleasure, the horse pulled in and out of Matt's mouth at a steady pace. The new horse could only struggle in Barlen's grip, a new hole for the stud to cum himself in. It was a nightmare that had come true! Matt was truly helpless in Barlen's grasp.

Barlen nickered to himself and sped up his pace, his cock slid in and out of Matt's mouth, coating it in a layer of pre. Matt groaned at the taste of male that only grew stronger by the moment The cock slipped deeper and deeper into his mouth, until he felt it prod the back of his throat! Barlen didn't stop, he continued to hammer into the horse's hot and tight mouth until his cock pushed into the trapped equine's throat! His windpipe stuffed full of horse cock, Matt screamed into it to no avail.

"Mmm, yeah, keep resisting my sexy stud pet. It only pleasures me more"

Pre lubricated his throat, Matt was forced to watch as the cock pistoned back and forth into his throat. He was giving a blow job to a male! The thought caused revulsion in the still straight minded male! Soon, Barlen's huge testes were bumping against his chin, the huge grapefruit sized balls made an audible squishy noise. It was degrading, it was humiliating! His body though begged to differ, his own cock was throbbing and fully erect.

"Errf eager to fuck a needy male on your own? Don't worry, you'll soon get your chance."

Matt burned with embarrassment, his body alight with lust. He was so tempted to reach down and give himself a stroke... but it'd only set in for the pet that the nightmare was real. He was stuck inside a cock hungry and strong stud horse body. The cock inside his throat throbbed, Barlen was ready to give him the payload his body wanted! A few more thrusts in and Barlen whinnied. He slammed that cock to the hilt inside Matt and shot loads and loads of horse jizz into Matt's stomach! Matt groaned into the cock as it kept pouring and pouring until he felt full and Barlen spent. Barlen let out a long content sigh before he pulled out of Matt's cum coated mouth. He flopped his musky cock on top of the new horse's muzzle.

"Mmm, damn that was good. I'm going to enjoy keeping you around."

Barlen let Matt go and the new horse fell to the ground, his face a cummy mess. Barlen grabbed a nearby towel and threw it on Matt's face. "Get yourself cleaned up, don't want you to dirty up my equipment."

'Equipment? What is he talking about?' Matt thought to himself. He eagerly used the towel to clean himself up, a task he busied himself with. He heard Barlen step away from him pick something out of a drawer. He lowered the towel and was greeted with two things, A harness and a black loincloth! Barlen threw the loincloth onto Matt's stomach. "These two things are your work equipment. You'll be working as a server downstairs."

"What?! Like hell I will!"

"Uh huh, yeah you will. You're my pet now and no one's going to help you here. I can't just leave you here and so you'll help entertain the guests while I'm busy with other matters. Besides, you cause me trouble and you can always join the dancers downstage."

Matt got up and looked down at the first floor. The dancers in question were fem-boys, dressed in incredibly flamboyant outfits! A panda and a curvy tiger were acting out some sort of play to the delight of the crowd. Barlen crept up behind him and whispered into his ear.

"Any masculinity you think you have would be gone, you'd just become a curvy horny fem-boy for the delight of me and my audience. I like my pets studly like you but I could always find more humans to transform." He reached down to cup Matt's huge pair of balls. "Or... I can think of some other punishments for you but none of them pleasant"

Matt grunted, he got it. The new stallion was still full of anger, full of frustration at how his life had turned out. Well... he had a job now at least and strict terms on how he was going to do his job. Good at least for that, he did flourish well under pressure and harsh circumstances. It's how he got as far as he did in his older jobs. Maybe this one wouldn't be so bad? Time will tell. Matt caved in and slipped the loincloth on, it fit snugly against his huge cock and left very little to the imagination. Barlen grinned behind him and slipped on the bridle, the new horse grunted at the horse equipment. Several studs were embedded in the ring around Matt's neck but there was no metal bar that slipped between his teeth. He heard a click as the harness was secured into his collar and Barlen patted his shoulder.

"Right, Looks like you're set to go. Go downstairs and look for a red dragon. His name is Faero, tell him you're a new recruit of your master. Good, off with you"

Barlen gave Matt a slap on his bigger rear, leaving Matt to whiny. He gave a stare back at Barlen in annoyance before he made his way unsteadily down the hoof accommodating stairs.

Matt found himself in a surreal club, full of many men and decorated to feel barn like and cozy. It was unsettling to see animals acting and talking like humans! Even worse, He was keenly aware that his

body was out on display and many of the patrons took appreciative looks on his near nude body. The two dancers were doing some form of play, Matt couldn't recognize what it was from. He took a glance over

and regretted it as one of the fem-boys on stage 'accidentally' gave an up-skirt shot to the delight of the watching audience. He shook the image of the bunny's gorgeous plump rear out of his mind and looked

for the dragon in question. Indeed, a red dragon stood near the backstage door watched the play with enjoyment. Matt made his way over to him. "Hey, are you Faero?" The dragon turned his gaze away from the show and looked at Matt. He saw the collar adorned on his neck.

"Ahh, you must be a new slave of the boss. Yeah I'm Faero."

"Fine then, I'm Ma-"

"Forget about your old name. It won't do for you to have the same name" The dragon's tongue flicked out in annoyance. Matt looked at him in stunned silence and curled his hand in anger. " Your name shall be

from now on... Hoss Jackson." The dragon smirked at the horse. "That'll suit a big horse like you just fine. If I hear that you try to use your old name, well I'm sure your master will be more then happy to

eek out a fair punishment."

Matt bit his tongue and kept his anger in check but it didn't go unnoticed. Faero hissed in amusement. "Oh a feisty one eh? Boss always liked them rebellious I suppose. Now, you're going to be a server for

the VIP section" The dragon nodded his head over to a portion of the club surrounded by a small red painted fence with a sign hung on it. The seats were noticeably fancier and, much to Hoss' dismay, The

servers were being groped and fondled by some of the people there.

"They don't pay to end in that section. Usually they're good friends of the boss or partners he'd like to have in good relations. You keep that in mind and don't hassle them, no matter what you may

currently feel about the head horse."

Hoss huffed at that, he didn't need to be told that.

"Now, go see the bartender, he'll give the tray for the lounge." Hoss looked over at the bartender in question, a ewe dressed in black outfit with an ample view of her bust. The horse flicked his tail and

made his way over, keenly aware of his huge balls swaying under the loincloth. The female saw him coming and gave him a warm smile.

"Hey there, are you here for good people over in our special area?" Hoss assumed she meant the VIP section and nodded. "Good."

The ewe bent down and picked up a huge wooden tray and gave it to Hoss. Hoss picked it up with ease. "The Bottles and food have a number for the table, just drop off the food and the customers will sort it


Hoss made his way through the dimly lit crowd to the place in question. The play was still on as he passed, it was some sort of night time show he guessed. It didn't take long for him to reach it, several

crowds sorted around tables eagerly watching the play. Moans came from his right, Hoss looked before he could catch himself! A fem-boy wolf was making out with a panther! The two deep in lust didn't notice

or care about those watching nor did anyone pay special mind to it! Hoss quickly looked away but was disturbed at the stirring in his loins. The transformation dug deeper then he thought, the horse shook

his mind clean of the dirty acts and went forward to table one. There a tiger looked at Hoss with a keen interest, his eyes especially stayed at that large bulge contained in his loincloth. A wolf beside

him watched the play with a relaxed attitude. Hoss cleared his throat and dropped the food and drink at the table for them. The tiger purred.

"Say, haven't seen you before. What's your name?" The cat flicked his tail lazily hanging to his side. Hoss' customer experience kicked in before he knew and he spoke in a friendly and clear manner.

"I'm ma- erm, Hoss I mean."

"Hoss?" The feline raised one stubby and paw-like finger to his muzzle. "Tis a nice name for a horse servant. I'm sure Barlen's guests will enjoy your presence."

Hoss gave a weak smile and made his way to another table, keenly aware that the tiger was probably getting a good look of his backside. The horse used to crave for attention but not this type! Oh why did

Barlen have to give him a wet dream body? He remained quiet, hoping to remove attention as he gave out orders to every table that needed food and drink. The comments and compliments kept pouring onto the poor new horse and he felt

many hands feel up his crotch and chest. The horse had to maintain his composure not to whinny and slap the hands away! Thankfully though, his wooden tray was now empty. The horse sighed in relief, it was

time for him to leave the lounge! He made his way to the exit. As he left to go see Faero once more, his thoughts turned to his predicament. Was he always going to be like this?! A stallion stud servant to give drinks and food out to Barlen's customers? Was there a way for him to turn back or become human once more? The stud gulped and looked down at his incredible body. 'Well, I'll have to think about whether or not I want to turn back human. Such power and strength, it's almost intoxicating... there has to be a way I can free myself from Barlen's dominance at least....' It was such a perfect body, there was no way Hoss could give it up. He'll keep his form at least.

Guess it wasn't all bad