Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (4)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#5 of Mayday !!! Mayday !!! Mayday !!!

Sorry to my readers and followers. It took some time to correct this one. I had to go through some hard times here. My work is steeling most of my time on a day because many of my comrades are sick and my Home steals the rest because i´m redecorating it.

And there are also bad memories connected with the rest of the series so I don´t know when I´m writing and correcting it on. Yet still. Have fun reading.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

*Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (4) *

The next Morning

Martin woke up first.

In his dazed state he began to look around and once he saw Samantha in his Arms, he remembered of what had happened the night before. Seeing her now laying in his Arms brought a new feeling up inside his Body. Proudness.

He was so proud of himself that he had finally had his first time with a nice Girl, that he began to smile.

He just kept on looking at her for a few Minutes before he whispered lovely into her Ear.

" Time to wake up, Lovely. Breakfast is waiting. "

She began to move a bit and said to him with a low Voice.

" Not now Mommy. Just give me.... 5 more minutes. "

Hearing that, he smiled even more before he said back.

" Get uuuuuppppp...... Or you might miss something. "

Once said, he moved his right paw down between her legs and began to squeeze her softly.

In return she began to growl in delight and she finally opened her Eyes. Once open, she turned herself slowly around to face him. When she finally faced him, she gave him a kiss and said afterwards.

" Good Morning, My Sex God. "

" Good Morning, My Goddess of Beauty or was it tightness. " He answered with a smirk.

" THEHE.... In that case.... Good Morning, My God of Bigness. "

They both began to laugh for a few moments and once they stopped he said to her.

" I think that we should go and eat something before it´s too late. "

" Yeah.... But.... Can I.... Well.... Please Martin... Do me again before we go.... I´m feeling so needy down there. "

" Believe me, my dear. I would lovely do you again right now but.... Thanks to last night, he is still out of Seed and I really need to go to.... well.... To the toilet right now. "

" OK.... But afterwards he is mine !!!"

" We´ll see... "

He then slowly moved out of the Bed and nearly crouched over to the toilet because his whole Body was screaming in pain.

After 10 minutes he finally returned and wanted to fulfill her wish but once he was out of the toilet, she got in and once she was out again, she said to him with a sad Voice.

" I think that.... We should wait till.... later...HEHE... "

" Yeah. Maybe this would be better. He hurts me also. "

" HEHE....Yeah... Before we go down.... I have to tell you that.... Well.... I liked the way we did it last night but.... Why did you deny me my Orgasm so many times?"

" I do not know it. Really. After the moment I took your Virginity .... I was like.... I couldn´t control myself anymore. It was like someone different from deep inside of me had pushed me aside and had taken over. I hope that... You still.... Like me or want me. "

She gave him another kiss on his Nose and hugged him close while she told him.

" Silly. I already told you that I liked it. I just wanted to know. "

Hearing that, he began to kiss her and she kissed him back.

After a few moments of nonstop kissing, they separated to gain some Air and once they had some, he said to her.

" Come on now. Let us get some Breakfast before it´s too late. "

They both then took on their bath robe and left his room.

On their way to the dining hall, they both passed the reception and when they did, the Receptionist said to them.

" Good Morning Sir, Ma´am. I´ve got some News for you. "

" Yes?" Said Martin while the two stopped.

" Someone from the NTSB brought your bags from your Plane and he told me that he would come back later to drive you all to their Headquarters for some Questioning. "

" OK.... Did he say a time?"

" No Sir. He ordered me to call him when you are ready. "

" That´s good. I will talk to my crew for a time. Will you please.... Bring our bags to our Rooms please. "

" Of Course Sir.... Oh.... And this is from our Management to apologize from the trouble you had yesterday. "

The receptionist handled him a piece of paper and once Martin had read the notes on it he said to the receptionist.

" Thanks. I Accept it with pleasure and I will surely make use of it. "

" Anytime sir. "

Hand in Hand, Samantha and Martin entered the dining hall shortly afterwards and there they were greeted by their entire Crew.

" Hi there you Two." Said Jeffrey.

" Oh look. Our Hero is finally here. " Came from Melany shortly followed by some more commands from the rest.

Once they had finished and the who had sat themselves to them, Martin said into the round.

" Good Morning everyone. I hope that you all have slept well because today will be a long day for some of you. "

Everyone around him stayed silent.

" I have been informed that the NTSB wants to see us as soon as possible so.... When do you want to travel to them?" Martin finally threw into the round.

A moment of silence, then Jeffrey said.

" How about... 30 minutes after we had finished our breakfast?"

" Sounds good to me. " Came from Melany " And once we are back, we go and have some fun on the pool. "

" Great Idea. " Said Samantha to Martins surprise.

One after one agreed to the idea and so they settled it.

Shortly afterwards they began to have their breakfast and it became quickly clear, who was together with who and when it became clear that Martin had something with Samantha, everyone began to smile. Especially when they both began to feet and play with each other. The only one who was eating alone was Jeffrey and it was clearly to be seen that he was whishing that his mate and his daughter would now at his side.

Around 40 Minutes later, each one left the Dining hall and went back to their room.

Martin gave the receptionist the info that he could say that the NTSB worker could pick them up in around 30 Minutes and then he also went to his room, with Samantha at his side. While they walked, Samantha asked.

" Now that we have some time. What is standing on that paper that the receptionist gave you?"

" Here. Read for yourself. " Said Martin and gave the paper to her.

It was a coupon over 1000 Dollar which was legal in each market on the market street. A street with many shops on it. "

" OH you lucky Guy. I wish that I had gotten something like that. " She said while she gave it back.

" Why that?" He asked.

" Well... I´m having a little.... Problem with my.... Clothing. "

" HHHMMM??? Tell me please."

" You see... I was supposed to travel back to Paris today so.... I only took one change pair of clothes with me but now.... It looks like that we stay longer. "

" Where is the problem with that? Can´t you buy some new Clothes here?"

" Well.... For my sake no. I left my pocket and Cards back home also. " She said with a sad look on her face.

" Really? In that case.... Here. Take it. " He said and gave her the coupon back.

" But.... It´s yours. I cannot.... " He cut her.

" I can. I don´t need that money this much. I´m having enough closes with me and my Credit card is in my back. Besides... "

They had reached their rooms.

" .... I want to see my beautiful Lady in a sexy Swimsuit when we are on the Pool. "

" HAHA. OK. I take it but.... Isn´t there something that I can give you in return?"

"HHHMMM.... Nope. Not now. " He said with a sly smile and she got the message behind it quickly.

She moved close to him and gave him the biggest kiss that she was able to give. Then they both entered their rooms.

Once she had closed her door, she jumped with a happy scream on her Bed and began to move wildly in it.

He on the other side, moved directly to the balcony door to open it because the room was still smelling heavily after their Love making. Once he had opened the door, he looked back at the bed and thought to himself while he slipped out of the bath robe.

Damn!!! I´m such a lucky Dog to have such a female like her... Maybe she can be what I was searching for so long.... I only hope that.... She can come clear with my past.

_ _


Everyone had gathered in the entrance hall and shortly afterwards, they were all driven to the NTSB branch. There they were brought into different rooms and the asking began. Martin had told his Crew that he would take all the response and that they should say all, even if it would show him in a bad light.

Martin was brought to a single room which was laying a bit away from the other rooms and inside were three Morphs waiting. An Espeon Morph. An Gardevoir Morph and a Grovyle Morph.

" Good Morning Sir. Please take a seat. " Said the Grovyle Morph to great him.

" Thanks. " Said Martin and set himself down, directly in front of the three.

" First of all. Congratulation to this awesome landing Maneuver. " Said the Espeon. " It was surely not an easy thing for you. "

" Of course not. I´m only happy that no one had been hurt badly or even died. "

" Thanks to you I guess. "

" I hate it to interrupt but we have a job to do." Said the Gardevoir harshly. " Tell us everything you know. "

" Sure. What do you need to know?"

" Let us start from the point when you registered that something was wrong. "

Martin began to tell them all he knew. Why he did this and that. Why he chooses to do the things he did and more. The three were listen sharply and threw some questions in to become clear of some things. Then, after 5 Hours of intense talking...

" Thank You Sir. This helps us a lot. Especially the Video from the Fighter. " Said the Gardevoir Morph." But one last Private Question. Why did you let the Jet made one? It´s not usual. "

" To answer this I have to ask you back. Do you maybe know the TV Series Mayday, Panic in Cockpit?" Asked Martin.

" Yes I do. Why?"

" Well... I wanted to make your work easier if something had gone wrong. I know that your Job is always hard. Plus.... I wanted to shorten the time for the relations if that case had happened. "

" I see... Well thanks again Sir. "

" Your Welcome. Is there a restaurant nearby? I´m starving right now."

" Just go one floor higher. Our Cafeteria is already waiting for you. " Said the Espeon Morph. " Oh... And don´t worry for the paparazzi. We told them that you don´t make a declaration. So your way back to the hotel should be a lot more silent. "

" I hope so. Hopefully see you all not again here. " Martin said with a smile.

" We too. Bye. "

Martin then went to the Cafeteria and ate something. After 30 Minutes he took himself a Yellow Cab and drove back to the Hotel. Once there he immediately moved to his room but once he entered the room and had closed the door, something happened.

A very familiar scent flew into his nose and shortly after he had closed the door he heard some quick steps nearing. Once the steps were close, he felt a warm Body on his back and two arms were wrapped around his waist.

" If been waiting for you. " He heard the Person say from behind him once the grip was sealed.

" HHHAAA... Sorry. I´ve kept you waiting my dear. They wanted to know so many things from me. " Martin answered and slowly turned around inside the grip to face the Person.

It was Samantha who was standing behind him and once he had turned he saw that she was completely naked but that he didn´t cared right now because once he faced her, he began to kiss her. In between the kisses he said to her.

" I .... really missed you.... But how did you.... Entered here without.... A Key?"

" I.....Missed you too.... I couldn't.... wait any longer.... For you.... So I .... Jumped over.... The balcony. "

His Clothes began to fall or were more dragged away from him while they talked and once his upper Body was free, she began to bath in is scent with her face.

" Are you really so needy that you take such a risk? You could just have asked the receptionist for the Key. I told him that you are allowed to enter my room. "

" I´m really sorry. I couldn´t think clear.... I cannot think.... Clear right now also.... Your scent is.... is.... OH Please Martin...... Fuck me again!!! I cannot stand it any longer !!!"

Once said, his Jeans and his panties said goodbye within a minute.

She was now looking at her desired target but once she wanted to kneel down and suck him hard, he moved a step backwards and said to her in a commanding Voice.

" No, no, no. Bad Doggy!!! Go under the shower!!! Your smelling to strong !!!"

First she wanted to respeak but then she followed him because she saw something in his Eyes. Something like pleading and that she wasn´t even slightly able to deny.

She moved into the bathroom and he followed her and once she was in the shower, he moved behind her and pushed her against the wall. There he activated the shower and once the water was warm flowing, his hands began to do their work. His left hand began to squeeze her breasts while his right hand was on her pussy, stroking and squeezing it intensively.

She squealed and panted heavily on his actions. She had already masturbated a few times on the Bed but now she was in heaven. The way he treated her was nothing compared to her stroking's and she soon wanted him badly inside. Yet she felt his tool on her back or between her legs but he didn´t showed it in until she wanted to ask for it.

As if he had read her Mind, he grabbed her back and pushed her a bit away from the wall only to press her front back against it with his Body. Afterwards he positioned himself on her slit but then he began to play with her.

He moved his Tip up and down on her slit but never pushed it in. Being so close to what she needed, she began to squeal again and wanted to push him in but he didn´t allowed her to move. Instead he lends in close to her Ear and said into it.

" Tell me how much you need me inside. "

Even his Voice brought her to shudder in need. So she played along.

" I need you.... NNNHHHH....... Really badly inside!!!! MMMMMMMHHHHH.... "

He pushed a bit of his tip inside but then he let it slide out and began his teasing again and again she wanted to deeply protest but before she said something, he spoke into her Ear again.

" Beg for it."

" P... Please.... Go in..... NNNNNHHHHH.... " Another tea.

" I said beg for it. "

" OOHHH Fuck !!!.... NNNHHH.... Please Martin!!!! Please fuck me as.... NNNNHHHH.... As the dirty Bitch I am.... MMMMMMHHHHH.... Fill my Belly with your Kits!!!! NNNNNNNAAAAHHHHHH.... AHAAAAA!!!!! "

He had finally done it.

He had pushed into her all of his length in one Blow and once he had pushed all in, he began to Rut her like crazy. In and out was his Penis going. Some Humps were fast and very Hard, closely followed by some Gentle Humps but he always pushed his entire Length into her.

She was in deep heaven again. First she had been in pain again but after some Gentle Humps, she began to become clear with his size and from that point on, she was a loud moan screamer. The only thing that was louder than her was he. His breathing was first fast but low tuned until he had reached his final size and length. From that point on, he was only grunting and Panting like a Locomotive. Luckily, they were alone on the floor so no one was irritated by their Lovemaking.

It had only been a few minutes since he had pushed into her and had started his rutting but for them it was an eternity. An Eternity which was slowly beginning to end because his Knot was nearly fully swollen and he knew that he was close to Orgasm just as she was.

She wanted to push his Knot into her to fulfil her need but once she thought that he would push it in, he stopped and pulled out. At that moment she thought that he would do the same thing that he did last night but that she was categorical against now. She wanted to be filled and that she wanted right now. So she turned her Head to bark at him but again he was faster than her. He grabbed her Back, pulled her away from the Wall, tossed her around, pushed her back against the wall again, lifted her both legs up from the ground and around his waist, positioned himself again and pushed back into glory. All of this happened so fast that she screamed very loud when he entered her again and came.

Yet he didn´t came.

He began to Hump her while she was still going through her Orgasm. Yet her Orgasm had an unwanted effect. Her Lips became so slippy and wet that he only needed to pushed against her three times to bring his knot past them but that still didn´t brought him to Cum.

He desperately began to Hump her short and hard but something seemed to be not right because he didn´t reached his peak but then something new happened.

She bit him. She bit him into his left shoulder.

That bite triggered some effects in his Body. First, the pain of that Bite brought him finally over the edge and secondly, he bit her back, which triggered a second Orgasm inside her Body while she still was going through the afterglow of her first Orgasm.

Much later, they both found out that this bite had a simple meaning. It was an old instinct of their breed and it meant that they both were mated to each other until the end of their Lifes.

After a while of just still stand and enjoying their Afterglow, he finally managed to say.

" Thank You Sam. I really needed this. "

" There is.... No need to thank me. Instead I have to thank you for killing.... This burning fire inside my Body. " She answered, still exhausted from their mating.

" Always again my dear. I hope that ... Well.... We can go on again today. "

" You can take poison on that!!! I want definitely more of your Kit maker but for now.... I just want to lay down on the Bed and take some rest. "

" Well... That could be a problem right now. "

" Why?"

" We are both connected for some time now. That´s why. "

" And? That´s no problem for me. I´m feeling so light right now in your arms so you can carry me there. "

" You are crazy. Do you know that?"

* Sticking Tongue out in a smile * " I know. "

He smiled back after that been said and began to take his little fate to carry her.

He shut down the shower with one Hand and shortly afterwards he cleaned them both with a family towel. Once clean and dry, he carried her out of the Bathroom and towards the bed. Once there he moved on it and carefully dropped her there in missionary position.

The display she gave him let him smile again and again a feeling of proudness and joy moved up inside of him. What they both didn´t knew, at that moment, their Love for each other became solid as stone and it would last until their Lifes end.

To be continue??????